FTN Packet inspection

This commit is contained in:
Deon George 2019-03-03 16:29:35 +02:00
parent cad523577e
commit 5753982a8d
6 changed files with 522 additions and 68 deletions

app/Classes/FTN.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
namespace App\Classes;
abstract class FTN
* Determine if a line is a kludge line.
* @param string $kludge
* @param string $string
* @return string
protected function kludge(string $kludge,string $string)
return (preg_match("/^{$kludge}/",$string))
? chop(preg_replace("/^{$kludge}/",'',$string),"\r")
* This function creates our unpack header
* @return string
protected function unpackheader(array $pack)
return join('/',array_values(collect($pack)
->sortBy(function($k,$v) {return $k[0];})
->transform(function($k,$v) {return $k[1].$v;})->toArray()));

app/Classes/FTNMessage.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
namespace App\Classes;
use App\Exceptions\InvalidFidoPacketException;
class FTNMessage extends FTN
private $src = NULL;
private $dst = NULL;
private $flags = NULL;
private $cost = 0;
private $from = NULL; // FTS-0001.016 From Name: upto 36 chars null terminated
private $to = NULL; // FTS-0001.016 To Name: upto 36 chars null terminated
private $subject = NULL; // FTS-0001.016 Subject: upto 72 chars null terminated
private $date = NULL; // FTS-0001.016 Date: upto 20 chars null terminated
private $message = NULL; // The actual message content
private $echoarea = NULL; // FTS-0004.001
private $intl = NULL;
private $msgid = NULL;
private $reply = NULL; // Message thread reply source
private $origin = NULL; // FTS-0004.001
private $kludge = []; // Hold kludge items
private $path = []; // FTS-0004.001
private $seenby = []; // FTS-0004.001
private $via = [];
private $_other = [];
private $unknown = [];
private $fqfa = NULL; // Fully qualified fidonet source where packet originated
private $fqfd = NULL; // Fully qualified fidonet destination address (Netmail)
// Single value kludge items
private $_kludge = [
'chrs' => 'CHRS: ',
'charset' => 'CHARSET: ',
'codepage' => 'CODEPAGE: ',
'pid' => 'PID: ',
'tid' => 'TID: ',
public function __construct(string $header)
// Initialise vars
$this->kludge = collect(); // The message kludge lines
$this->path = collect(); // The message PATH lines
$this->seenby = collect(); // The message SEEN-BY lines
$this->via = collect(); // The path the message has gone using Via lines
$this->_other = collect(); // Temporarily hold attributes we dont process yet.
$this->unknown = collect(); // Temporarily hold attributes we have no logic for.
// FTS-0001.016 Message header 12 bytes
// node, net, flags, cost
$struct = [
$result = unpack($this->unpackheader($struct),$header);
$this->src = sprintf('%s/%s',array_get($result,'onet'),array_get($result,'onode'));
$this->dst = sprintf('%s/%s',array_get($result,'dnet'),array_get($result,'dnode'));
$this->flags = array_get($result,'flags');
$this->cost = array_get($result,'cost');
public function __get($k)
return $this->{$k};
public function __set($k,$v)
switch ($k)
case 'message':
// Remove DOS \n\r
$v = preg_replace("/\n\r/","\r",$v);
case 'origin':
$this->{$k} = $v;
public function parsemessage(string $message)
// Split out the <SOH> lines
$result = collect(explode("\01",$message))->filter();
foreach ($result as $k => $v)
// Search for \r - if that is the end of the line, then its a kludge
$x = strpos($v,"\r");
// If there are more characters, then put the kludge back into the result, so that we process it.
if ($x != strlen($v)-1)
* Anything after the origin line is also kludge data.
if ($y = strpos($v,"\r * Origin: "))
$this->message .= substr($v,$x+1,$y-$x-1);
$matches = [];
if (($this->type() == 'Netmail' AND array_get($matches,1) != $this->fqfa) OR ! array_get($matches,1))
throw new InvalidFidoPacketException(sprintf('Source address mismatch? [%s,%s]',$this->fqfa,array_get($matches,1)));
$this->fqfa = array_get($matches,1);
$v = substr($v,0,$x+1);
foreach ($this->_kludge as $a => $b) {
if ($t = $this->kludge($b, $v)) {
if ($t)
if ($t = $this->kludge('AREA:',$v))
$this->echoarea = $t;
// From point: <SOH>"FMPT <point number><CR>
elseif ($t = $this->kludge('FMPT ',$v))
* The INTL control paragraph shall be used to give information about
* the zone numbers of the original sender and the ultimate addressee
* of a message.
* <SOH>"INTL "<destination address>" "<origin address><CR>
elseif ($t = $this->kludge('INTL ',$v))
$this->intl = $t;
list($this->fqfd,$this->fqfa) = explode(' ',$t);
elseif ($t = $this->kludge('MSGID: ',$v))
$this->msgid = $t;
elseif ($t = $this->kludge('PATH: ',$v))
elseif ($t = $this->kludge('REPLY: ',$v))
$this->reply = $t;
// To Point: <SOH>TOPT <point number><CR>
elseif ($t = $this->kludge('TOPT ',$v))
// Time Zone of the sender.
elseif ($t = $this->kludge('TZUTC: ',$v))
$this->tzutc= $t;
// <SOH>Via <FTN Address> @YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS[.Precise][.Time Zone] <Program Name> <Version> [Serial Number]<CR>
elseif ($t = $this->kludge('Via ',$v))
// We got a kludge line we dont know about
else {
* Process the data after the ORIGIN
* There may be kludge lines after the origin - notably SEEN-BY
* @param string $message
public function parseorigin(string $message)
// Split out each line
$result = collect(explode("\r",$message))->filter();
foreach ($result as $k => $v) {
foreach ($this->_kludge as $a => $b) {
if ($t = $this->kludge($b, $v)) {
$this->kludge->put($a, $t);
if ($t = $this->kludge('SEEN-BY: ', $v))
elseif ($t = $this->kludge('PATH: ', $v))
elseif ($t = $this->kludge(' \* Origin: ',$v))
$this->origin = $t;
// We got unknown Kludge lines in the origin
else {
public function description()
switch ($this->type())
case 'Echomail': return sprintf('Echomail: '.$this->echoarea);
case 'Netmail': return sprintf('Netmail: %s->%s',$this->fqfa,$this->fqfd);
return 'UNKNOWN';
public function type()
if ($this->echoarea)
return 'Echomail';
if ($this->intl)
return 'Netmail';
return 'UNKNOWN';

app/Classes/FTNPacket.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
namespace App\Classes;
use App\Exceptions\InvalidFidoPacketException;
class FTNPacket extends FTN
public $pktsrc = NULL;
public $pktdst = NULL;
private $pktver = NULL;
public $date = NULL;
private $baud = NULL;
private $proddata = NULL;
private $password = NULL;
public $filename = NULL;
public $messages = [];
public function __construct(string $file)
$this->filename = $file;
if ($file)
return $this->OpenFile($file);
* Open a packet file
* @param string $file
* @throws InvalidFidoPacketException
private function OpenFile(string $file)
$f = fopen($file,'r');
// $fstat = fstat($f);
// PKT Header
$header = fread($f,0x3a);
// Could not read header
if (strlen($header) != 0x3a)
throw new InvalidFidoPacketException('Length of Header too short: '.$file);
// Not a type 2 packet
if (array_get(unpack('vv',substr($header,0x12)),'v') != 2)
throw new InvalidFidoPacketException('Not a type 2 packet:'. $file);
$this->messages = collect();
while (! feof($f))
$x = fread($f,2);
// End of Packet?
if (strlen($x) == 2 and $x == "\00\00")
// Messages start with 02H 00H
if (strlen($x) == 2 AND $x != "\02\00")
throw new InvalidFidoPacketException('Not a valid packet: '.$x);
// No message attached
else if (! strlen($x))
$message = new FTNMessage(fread($f,0xc));
$message->date = $this->readnullfield($f);
$message->to = $this->readnullfield($f);
$message->from = $this->readnullfield($f);
$message->subject = $this->readnullfield($f);
$message->message = $this->readnullfield($f);
private function readnullfield($f)
$result = '';
while (($x = fgetc($f) OR strlen($x)) AND $x !== "\00")
$result .= $x;
return $result;
public function setHeader(string $header)
$pack1 = [
$pack2 = [
$result1 = unpack($this->unpackheader($pack1),substr($header,0,0x1a));
$result2 = unpack($this->unpackheader($pack2),substr($header,0x22,0x14));
$this->pktsrc = sprintf('%s:%s/%s.%s',
$this->pktdst = sprintf('%s:%s/%s.%s',
$this->date = sprintf ('%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d',
$this->baud = array_get($result1,'baud');
$this->pktver = array_get($result1,'pktver');
$this->password = array_get(unpack('A*p',substr($header,0x1a,8)),'p');
$this->proddata = array_get(unpack('A*p',substr($header,0x36,4)),'p');

View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
namespace App\Console\Commands;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use App\Classes\FTNPacket;
class FtnPkt extends Command
* The name and signature of the console command.
* @var string
protected $signature = 'ftn:pkt {file : Fidonet Packet File PKT} {--dump : Dump packet}';
* The console command description.
* @var string
protected $description = 'Import Packet into Database';
* Create a new command instance.
* @return void
public function __construct()
* Execute the console command.
* @return mixed
public function handle()
$pkt = new FTNPacket($this->argument('file'));
$this->info(sprintf('Packet: %s has %s messages. Addr: %s->%s (Date: %s)',
foreach ($pkt->messages as $o)
$this->warn(sprintf('-- From: %s(%s)->%s(%s), Type: %s, Size: %d, FQFA: %s',
if ($o->unknown->count())
$this->error(sprintf('?? %s Unknown headers',$o->unknown->count()));
if ($this->option('dump'))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
namespace App\Exceptions;
use Exception;
class InvalidFidoPacketException extends Exception

View File

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
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- [Invoice Ninja](https://www.invoiceninja.com)
- [iMi digital](https://www.imi-digital.de/)
- [Earthlink](https://www.earthlink.ro/)
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