Work with netmail creation
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ use App\Exceptions\InvalidFidoPacketException;
class FTNMessage extends FTN
private $src = NULL;
private $dst = NULL;
private $_src = NULL;
private $_dst = NULL;
private $flags = NULL;
private $cost = 0;
@ -42,7 +43,36 @@ class FTNMessage extends FTN
'tid' => 'TID: ',
public function __construct(string $header)
// Flags for messages
const FLAG_PRIVATE = 0b1;
const FLAG_CRASH = 0b10;
const FLAG_RECD = 0b100;
const FLAG_SENT = 0b1000;
const FLAG_FILEATTACH = 0b10000;
const FLAG_INTRANSIT = 0b100000;
const FLAG_ORPHAN = 0b1000000;
const FLAG_KILLSENT = 0b10000000;
const FLAG_LOCAL = 0b100000000;
const FLAG_HOLD = 0b1000000000;
const FLAG_UNUSED_10 = 0b10000000000;
const FLAG_FREQ = 0b100000000000;
const FLAG_RETRECEIPT = 0b1000000000000;
const FLAG_ISRETRECEIPT = 0b10000000000000;
const FLAG_AUDITREQ = 0b100000000000000;
const FLAG_FILEUPDATEREQ = 0b1000000000000000;
// FTS-0001.016 Message header 12 bytes
// node, net, flags, cost
private $struct = [
public function __construct(string $header=NULL)
// Initialise vars
$this->kludge = collect(); // The message kludge lines
@ -52,39 +82,8 @@ class FTNMessage extends FTN
$this->_other = collect(); // Temporarily hold attributes we dont process yet.
$this->unknown = collect(); // Temporarily hold attributes we have no logic for.
// FTS-0001.016 Message header 12 bytes
// node, net, flags, cost
$struct = [
$result = unpack($this->unpackheader($struct),$header);
// For Echomail this is the packet src.
$this->psn = array_get($result,'onet');
$this->psf = array_get($result,'onode');
$this->src = sprintf('%s/%s',
// For Echomail this is the packet dst.
$this->pdn = array_get($result,'dnet');
$this->pdf = array_get($result,'dnode');
$this->dst = sprintf('%s/%s',
$this->flags = array_get($result,'flags');
$this->cost = array_get($result,'cost');
if ($header)
public function __get($k)
@ -110,44 +109,138 @@ class FTNMessage extends FTN
switch ($k)
case 'message':
// Remove DOS \n\r
$v = preg_replace("/\n\r/","\r",$v);
case 'fqfa':
case 'fqda':
$this->{$k} = $v;
case 'origin':
if ($this->fqfa AND $this->fqda)
$this->intl = sprintf('%s %s',$this->fqda,$this->fqfa);
$this->{$k} = $v;
private function znfp(string $data,string $key)
* Export an FTN message, ready for sending.
* @return string
public function __toString(): string
switch ($key) {
case 'z':
return substr($data,0,strpos($data,':'));
case 'n':
$x = strpos($data,':')+1;
return substr($data,$x,strpos($data,'/')-$x);
case 'f':
$x = strpos($data,'/')+1;
return substr($data,$x,strpos($data,'.') ?: strlen($data)-$x);
case 'p':
$x = strpos($data,'.');
return $x ? substr($data,$x+1) : 0;
$return = '';
abort(500,'Unknown key: '.$key);
$return .= pack(join('',collect($this->struct)->pluck(1)->toArray()),
0 // @todo cost
// @todo use pack for this.
$return .= $this->date->format('d M y H:i:s')."\00";
$return .= $this->to."\00";
$return .= $this->from."\00";
$return .= $this->subject."\00";
$return .= $this->message."\00";
return $return;
public function description()
switch ($this->type())
case 'echomail': return sprintf('Echomail: '.$this->echoarea);
case 'netmail': return sprintf('Netmail: %s->%s',$this->fqfa,$this->fqda);
return 'UNKNOWN';
* Return an array of flag descriptions
* @return array
* AttributeWord bit meaning
--- --------------------
0 + Private
1 + s Crash
2 Recd
3 Sent
4 + FileAttached
5 InTransit
6 Orphan
7 KillSent
8 Local
9 s HoldForPickup
10 + unused
11 s FileRequest
12 + s ReturnReceiptRequest
13 + s IsReturnReceipt
14 + s AuditRequest
15 s FileUpdateReq
s - this bit is supported by SEAdog only
+ - this bit is not zeroed before packeting
public function flags(int $flags): array
return [
private function isFlagSet($value,$flag)
return (($value & $flag) == $flag);
* Parse the head of an FTN message
* @param string $header
public function parseheader(string $header)
$result = unpack($this->unpackheader($this->struct),$header);
// For Echomail this is the packet src.
$this->psn = array_get($result,'onet');
$this->psf = array_get($result,'onode');
$this->_src = sprintf('%s/%s',
// For Echomail this is the packet dst.
$this->pdn = array_get($result,'dnet');
$this->pdf = array_get($result,'dnode');
$this->_dst = sprintf('%s/%s',
$this->flags = array_get($result,'flags');
$this->cost = array_get($result,'cost');
public function parsemessage(string $message)
// Remove DOS \n\r
$message = preg_replace("/\n\r/","\r",$message);
// Split out the <SOH> lines
$result = collect(explode("\01",$message))->filter();
@ -165,7 +258,7 @@ class FTNMessage extends FTN
if ($y = strpos($v,"\r * Origin: "))
$this->message .= substr($v,$x+1,$y-$x-1);
$matches = [];
@ -245,7 +338,7 @@ class FTNMessage extends FTN
* @param string $message
public function parseorigin(string $message)
private function parseorigin(string $message)
// Split out each line
$result = collect(explode("\r",$message))->filter();
@ -277,17 +370,6 @@ class FTNMessage extends FTN
public function description()
switch ($this->type())
case 'echomail': return sprintf('Echomail: '.$this->echoarea);
case 'netmail': return sprintf('Netmail: %s->%s',$this->fqfa,$this->fqda);
return 'UNKNOWN';
public function type()
if ($this->echoarea)
@ -298,4 +380,24 @@ class FTNMessage extends FTN
return 'UNKNOWN';
private function znfp(string $data,string $key)
switch ($key) {
case 'z':
return substr($data,0,strpos($data,':'));
case 'n':
$x = strpos($data,':')+1;
return substr($data,$x,strpos($data,'/')-$x);
case 'f':
$x = strpos($data,'/')+1;
return substr($data,$x,strpos($data,'.') ?: strlen($data)-$x);
case 'p':
$x = strpos($data,'.');
return $x ? substr($data,$x+1) : 0;
abort(500,'Unknown key: '.$key);
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
namespace App\Classes;
use App\Exceptions\InvalidFidoPacketException;
use Carbon\Carbon;
class FTNPacket extends FTN
@ -11,19 +12,142 @@ class FTNPacket extends FTN
private $pktver = NULL;
public $date = NULL;
private $baud = NULL;
private $software = [];
private $cap = [];
private $proddata = NULL;
private $password = NULL;
public $filename = NULL;
public $messages = [];
private $sz = NULL;
private $dz = NULL;
private $sn = NULL;
private $dn = NULL;
private $sf = NULL;
private $df = NULL;
private $sp = NULL;
private $dp = NULL;
public function __construct(string $file)
public $filename = NULL;
public $messages = NULL;
// First part of header
private $pack1 = [
// Second part of header
private $pack2 = [
public function __construct(string $file=NULL)
$this->messages = collect();
// @todo - is this appropriate to set here
$this->date = now();
$this->software['prodcode-lo'] = 0;
$this->software['prodcode-hi'] = 1;
$this->software['rev-maj'] = 2;
$this->software['rev-min'] = 3;
$this->cap['valid'] = 0; // @todo this is wrong
$this->cap['word'] = 0; // @todo this is wrong
$this->pktver = 0x02;
if ($file) {
$this->filename = $file;
if ($file)
return $this->OpenFile($file);
public function __toString(): string
$return = $this->createHeader();
foreach ($this->messages as $o)
$return .= "\02\00".(string)$o;
$return .= "\00\00";
return $return;
* Create our message packet header
private function createHeader(): string
try {
$a = pack(join('',collect($this->pack1)->pluck(1)->toArray()),
$this->software['prodcode-lo'], // @todo change to this software
$this->software['rev-maj'] // @todo change to this software
$b = pack(join('',collect($this->pack2)->pluck(1)->toArray()),
0x00, // Baud
$this->cap['valid'], // @todo to check
$this->software['prodcode-hi'], // @todo change to this software
$this->software['rev-min'], // @todo change to this software
$this->cap['word'], // @todo to check
return $a.pack('a8',$this->password).$b."mbse"; // @todo change to this software
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
public function addMessage(FTNMessage $o)
public function dump()
return hex_dump((string)$this);
* Open a packet file
@ -45,10 +169,9 @@ class FTNPacket extends FTN
// Not a type 2 packet
if (array_get(unpack('vv',substr($header,0x12)),'v') != 2)
throw new InvalidFidoPacketException('Not a type 2 packet:'. $file);
throw new InvalidFidoPacketException('Not a type 2 packet in file: '. $file);
$this->messages = collect();
while (! feof($f))
@ -69,11 +192,12 @@ class FTNPacket extends FTN
$message = new FTNMessage(fread($f,0xc));
$message->date = $this->readnullfield($f);
$message->date = Carbon::createFromFormat('d M y H:i:s',$this->readnullfield($f));
$message->to = $this->readnullfield($f);
$message->from = $this->readnullfield($f);
$message->subject = $this->readnullfield($f);
$message->message = $this->readnullfield($f);
@ -91,41 +215,12 @@ class FTNPacket extends FTN
return $result;
public function setHeader(string $header)
private function parseHeader(string $header)
$pack1 = [
$pack2 = [
$result1 = unpack($this->unpackheader($pack1),substr($header,0,0x1a));
$result2 = unpack($this->unpackheader($pack2),substr($header,0x22,0x14));
$result1 = unpack($this->unpackheader($this->pack1),substr($header,0,0x1a));
$this->password = array_get(unpack('a*p',substr($header,0x1a,8)),'p');
$result2 = unpack($this->unpackheader($this->pack2),substr($header,0x22,0x14));
$this->proddata = array_get(unpack('A*p',substr($header,0x36,4)),'p');
$this->sz = array_get($result2,'ozone');
$this->sn = array_get($result1,'onet');
@ -149,7 +244,7 @@ class FTNPacket extends FTN
$this->date = sprintf ('%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d',
$this->date = Carbon::create(
@ -160,8 +255,12 @@ class FTNPacket extends FTN
$this->baud = array_get($result1,'baud');
$this->pktver = array_get($result1,'pktver');
$this->password = array_get(unpack('A*p',substr($header,0x1a,8)),'p');
$this->proddata = array_get(unpack('A*p',substr($header,0x36,4)),'p');
$this->software['prodcode-lo'] = array_get($result1,'prodcode-lo');
$this->software['prodcode-hi'] = array_get($result2,'prodcode-hi');
$this->software['rev-maj'] = array_get($result1,'prodrev-maj');
$this->software['rev-min'] = array_get($result2,'prodrev-min');
$this->cap['valid'] = array_get($result2,'capvalid');
$this->cap['word'] = array_get($result2,'capword');
// @todo filler
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ class FtnPkt extends Command
* @var string
protected $signature = 'ftn:pkt {file : Fidonet Packet File PKT} {--dump : Dump packet}';
protected $signature = 'ftn:pkt {file : Fidonet Packet File PKT} {--dump : Dump packet} {--detail : Dump Detail}';
* The console command description.
@ -51,21 +51,23 @@ class FtnPkt extends Command
foreach ($pkt->messages as $o)
$this->warn(sprintf('-- From: %s(%s)->%s(%s), Type: %s, Size: %d, FQFA: %s',
$this->warn(sprintf('-- From: %s(%s)->%s(%s), Type: %s, Size: %d',
if ($o->unknown->count())
$this->error(sprintf('?? %s Unknown headers',$o->unknown->count()));
if ($this->option('detail'))
if ($this->option('dump'))
echo $pkt->dump();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
* Calculate CCITT-CRC16 checksum
if (! function_exists('crc16')) {
function crc16($data)
$crc = 0x0000;
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($data); $i++)
$x = (($crc >> 8) ^ ord($data[$i])) & 0xFF;
$x ^= $x >> 4;
$crc = (($crc << 8) ^ ($x << 12) ^ ($x << 5) ^ $x) & 0xFFFF;
return $crc;
* Dump out data into a hex dump
if (! function_exists('hex_dump')) {
function hex_dump($data,$newline="\n",$width=16)
$result = '';
$pad = '.'; # padding for non-visible characters
$to = $from = '';
for ($i=0; $i<=0xFF; $i++)
$from .= chr($i);
$to .= ($i >= 0x20 && $i <= 0x7E) ? chr($i) : $pad;
$hex = str_split(bin2hex($data),$width*2);
$chars = str_split(strtr($data,$from,$to),$width);
$offset = 0;
foreach ($hex as $i => $line)
$result .= sprintf('%08X: %-48s [%s]%s',
substr_replace(implode(' ',str_split($line,2)),' ',8*3,0),
$offset += $width;
return $result;
@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
"phpunit/phpunit": "^7.0"
"autoload": {
"files": [
"classmap": [
@ -11,6 +11,6 @@
Route::get('/', function () {
return view('welcome');
#Route::get('/', function () {
# return view('welcome');
Reference in New Issue
Block a user