<?php namespace App\Console\Commands\Filefix; use Carbon\Carbon; use Illuminate\Console\Command; use App\Models\{Address,Filearea,File}; class Rescan extends Command { /** * The name and signature of the console command. * * @var string */ protected $signature = 'filefix:rescan {ftn} {area} {file?}'; /** * The console command description. * * @var string */ protected $description = 'Resend some files to a node'; /** * Execute the console command. * * @return int * @throws \Exception */ public function handle(): int { $ao = Address::findFtn($this->argument('ftn')); if (! $ao) throw new \Exception('FTN not found: '.$this->argument('ftn')); // Check that the area belongs to the domain for the FTN if (! $this->argument('area')) throw new \Exception('Areaname is required'); $fao = Filearea::where('name',$this->argument('area'))->singleOrFail(); if ($fao->domain_id !== $ao->zone->domain_id) throw new \Exception(sprintf('File area [%s] is not in domain [%s] for FTN [%s]',$fao->name,$ao->zone->domain->name,$ao->ftn)); // Check that the user is subscribed if (! $ao->fileareas->contains($fao->id)) throw new \Exception(sprintf('FTN [%s] is not subscribed to [%s]',$ao->ftn,$fao->name)); // Check that an FTN can read the area if (! $fao->can_read($ao->security)) throw new \Exception(sprintf('FTN [%s] doesnt have permission to receive [%s]',$ao->ftn,$fao->name)); foreach (File::select('id') ->where('filearea_id',$fao->id) ->when($this->argument('file'),function($query) { return $query->where('name','=',$this->argument('days')); }) ->orderBy('datetime') ->cursor() as $fo) { // File hasnt been exported before if (! $fo->seenby->count()) { $fo->seenby()->attach($ao->id,['export_at'=>Carbon::now()]); $this->info(sprintf('Exported [%d] to [%s]',$fo->id,$ao->ftn3d)); } else { $export = $fo->seenby->where('id',$ao->id)->pop(); // File is pending export if ($export && $export->pivot->export_at && is_null($export->pivot->sent_at) && is_null($export->pivot->sent_pkt)) { $this->warn(sprintf('Not exporting [%d] already queued for [%s]',$fo->id,$ao->ftn3d)); // File has been exported } elseif ($export) { $fo->seenby()->updateExistingPivot($ao,['export_at'=>Carbon::now(),'sent_at'=>NULL]); $this->info(sprintf('Re-exported [%d] to [%s]',$fo->id,$ao->ftn3d)); // File has not been exported } else { $fo->seenby()->attach($ao,['export_at'=>Carbon::now(),'sent_at'=>NULL]); $this->info(sprintf('Exported [%d] to [%s]',$fo->id,$ao->ftn3d)); } } } return self::SUCCESS; } }