
namespace Tests\Feature;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\DatabaseTransactions;
use Tests\TestCase;

use App\Models\{Address,Domain};

class RoutingTest extends TestCase
	use DatabaseTransactions;

	private function zone(): Collection
		$do = Domain::where('name','domain-a')->singleOrFail();
		$zo = $do->zones->where('zone_id',100)->pop();
		return $zo->addresses;

	 * Test the ZC address.
	 * @return void
	public function test_zc()

		$nodes = $this->zone();

		// Pick ZC without any session info - we have 0 children
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:0/0@domain-a');

		// Add session info, and we have 51 children
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:0/0@domain-a');

		// A node's parent should be the ZC
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:10/0@domain-a');
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:11/2001.0@domain-a');

		// Pick a NC and we have 10 less children
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:10/0@domain-a');
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:10/0@domain-a');
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:0/0@domain-a');

		// A node's parent should be the ZC
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:20/0@domain-a');
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:10/2001.0@domain-a');

		// Pick a Node and we have 1 less child
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:11/2001.0@domain-a');
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:11/2001.0@domain-a');
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:0/0@domain-a');

		// Define address on a HC and we have 3 less children
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:11/1000.0@domain-a');
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:11/1000.0@domain-a');
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:0/0@domain-a');

		// Define address on a NC and we have 10 less children
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:20/0@domain-a');
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:0/0@domain-a');

	 * Test the ZC address.
	 * @return void
	public function test_rc()

		// Pick ZC without any session info - we have 0 children
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:1/0@domain-a');

		// Add session info, and we have 51 children
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:1/0@domain-a');

		// Pick a NC and we have 10 less children
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:10/0@domain-a');
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:10/0@domain-a');
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:1/0@domain-a');

		// Pick a Node and we have 1 less child
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:11/2001.0@domain-a');
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:11/2001.0@domain-a');
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:1/0@domain-a');

		// Define address on a HC and we have 3 less children
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:11/1000.0@domain-a');
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:11/1000.0@domain-a');
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:1/0@domain-a');

	 * Test the NC address.
	 * @return void
	public function test_nc()

		// Pick a HC without any session info - we have 0 children
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:20/0@domain-a');

		// Add session info, we have 10 children
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:20/0@domain-a');

		// Add session info to a hub, we have 3 less children
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:20/2000@domain-a');
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:20/0@domain-a');

		// Add session info to a node, we have 1 less child
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:20/1@domain-a');
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:20/0@domain-a');

	 * Test the HC address.
	 * @return void
	public function test_hc()

		// Pick a HC without any session info - we have 0 children
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:20/2000@domain-a');

		// Add session info, we have 2 children
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:20/2000@domain-a');

		// Add session info to 1 child, we have 1 children
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:20/2001@domain-a');
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:20/2000@domain-a');

	public function test_node()

		// Node with session details still doesnt have any children
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:20/2001@domain-a');
		$ao = Address::findFTN('100:20/2001@domain-a');