<?php namespace App\Notifications\Echomails; use Carbon\Carbon; use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log; use App\Notifications\Echomails; use App\Models\{Address,Echomail}; use App\Traits\PageTemplate; class NodesNew extends Echomails //implements ShouldQueue { use Queueable,PageTemplate; private const LOGKEY = 'NNN'; private Carbon $since; private Collection $list; /** * Create a new notification instance. */ public function __construct(Carbon $since,Collection $list) { parent::__construct(); $this->list = $list; $this->since = $since; } public function toEchomail(object $notifiable): Echomail { $echoarea = $notifiable->routeNotificationFor(static::via); $o = $this->setupEchomail($echoarea); Log::info(sprintf('%s:+ Sending a NEW NODE LIST to echoarea [%s]',self::LOGKEY,$echoarea->name)); $o->subject = sprintf('Here is a list of new nodes on clrghouz since %s',$this->since->format('Y-m-d')); $our = our_address($echoarea->domain)->last(); $o->to = 'All'; $o->subject = 'New nodes to '.$echoarea->domain->name; $o->fftn_id = $our->id; $o->kludges->put('CHRS:','CP437 2'); $o->msg = $this->report(); $o->set_tagline = 'All aboard!'; $o->save(); return $o; } /** * Return the rendered new nodes report. */ public function report(): string { // Message $msg = $this->page(FALSE,'new nodes'); $msg->addText("Hi Everyone,\r\r") ->addText(sprintf("The following new system have been defined on clrghouz since %s.\r\r",$this->since->format('Y-m-d'))); $this->list->loadMissing(['system']); $space = str_repeat(' ',$this->list->pluck('ftn4d')->max(fn($item)=>strlen($item))+2); $c = 0; foreach ($this->list as $oo) { if ($c++) $msg->addText("\r"); $msg->addText(sprintf("* %s - %s (%s) from %s.\r",$oo->ftn4D,$oo->system->sysop,$oo->system->name,$oo->system->location)); $msg->addText(sprintf("%s Address registered: %s\r\r",$space,$oo->created_at->format('Y-m-d'))); if ($oo->system->method) { switch ($oo->system->method) { case 23: $msg->addText(sprintf("%s - BBS is available TELNET [%s:%d]\r",$space,$oo->system->address,$oo->system->port)); break; case 22: $msg->addText(sprintf("%s - BBS is available SSH [%s:%d]\r",$space,$oo->system->address,$oo->system->port)); break; case 519: $msg->addText(sprintf("%s - BBS is available RLOGIN [%s:%d]\r",$space,$oo->system->address,$oo->system->port)); break; default: $msg->addText(sprintf("%s - No Details available for connecting to BBS\r",$space)); } } if ($oo->system->mailers->count()) { $msg->addText("\r"); $msg->addText(sprintf("%s - Mail can be sent using:\r",$space)); foreach ($oo->system->mailers as $mo) { $msg->addText(sprintf("%s * %s [%s:%d]\r",$space,$mo->name,$oo->system->address,$mo->pivot->port)); } } else { $msg->addText(sprintf("%s - No mailer information provided, so will be PRIVATE\r",$space)); } } return $msg->render(); } }