<?php namespace App\Console\Commands; use Illuminate\Console\Command; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage; use App\Classes\File; use App\Classes\FTN\Packet; use App\Models\{Address,Echomail}; class PacketInfo extends Command { /** * The name and signature of the console command. * * @var string */ protected $signature = 'packet:info' .' {file : Packet to process}' .' {ftn? : FTN the packet is from}'; /** * The console command description. * * @var string */ protected $description = 'Packet Information'; /** * Execute the console command. * * @return int * @throws \App\Exceptions\InvalidPacketException */ public function handle():int { $fs = Storage::disk(config('fido.local_disk')); $rel_name = sprintf('%s/%s',config('fido.dir'),$this->argument('file')); $a = NULL; $f = new File($fs->path($rel_name)); $m = NULL; if ($this->argument('ftn')) { $a = Address::findFTN($this->argument('ftn')); } elseif (preg_match(sprintf('/^%s\.(.{3})$/',Packet::regex),$this->argument('file'),$m)) { $a = Address::findOrFail(hexdec($m[1])); } foreach ($f as $packet) { $pkt = Packet::process($packet,$x=$f->itemName(),$f->itemSize(),$a?->system); $this->alert(sprintf('File Name: %s',$x)); $this->info(sprintf('Packet Type : %s (%s)',$pkt->type,get_class($pkt))); $this->info(sprintf('From : %s to %s',$pkt->fftn->ftn,$pkt->tftn ? $pkt->tftn->ftn : $pkt->tftn_t)); $this->info(sprintf('Dated : %s (%s) [%s]',$pkt->date,$pkt->date->timestamp,$pkt->date->tz->toOffsetName())); $this->info(sprintf('Password : %s (%s)',$pkt->password ?: '-',$pkt->password ? 'SET' : 'NOT set')); $this->info(sprintf('Messages : %d',$pkt->count())); $this->info(sprintf('Tosser : %d (%s) version %s (%x)',$pkt->software->code,$pkt->software->name,$pkt->software_ver,$pkt->product)); $this->info(sprintf('Capabilities: %s',$pkt->capability)); $this->info(sprintf('Has Errors : %s',$pkt->errors->count() ? 'YES' : 'No')); $this->info(sprintf('Messages : %d',$pkt->count())); foreach ($pkt as $msg) { echo "\n"; try { $this->warn(sprintf('- TYPE : %s',get_class($msg))); $this->warn(sprintf(' - Date : %s (%s)',$msg->date,$msg->date->tz->toOffsetName())); $this->warn(sprintf(' - Errors : %s',$msg->errors->count() ? 'YES' : 'No')); $this->warn(sprintf(' - Flags : %s',$msg->flags()->keys()->join(', '))); $this->warn(sprintf(' - Cost : %d',$msg->cost)); $this->warn(sprintf(' - From : %s (%s)',$msg->from,$msg->fftn->ftn)); if ($msg instanceof Echomail) $this->warn(sprintf(' - To : %s',$msg->to)); else $this->warn(sprintf(' - To : %s (%s)',$msg->to,$msg->tftn?->ftn ?: $msg->set_tftn)); $this->warn(sprintf(' - Subject: %s',$msg->subject)); if ($msg instanceof Echomail) $this->warn(sprintf(' - Area : %s',$msg->echoarea->name)); if ($msg->errors->count()) { echo "\n"; $this->error("Errors:"); foreach ($msg->errors->all() as $error) $this->error(' - '.$error); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->error('! ERROR: '.$e->getMessage()); $this->info('Message dump:'); echo hex_dump($msg->dump); exit(1); } } foreach ($pkt->errors as $msg) { $this->error(sprintf('- Date: %s',$msg->datetime)); $this->error(sprintf(' - FLAGS: %s',$msg->flags()->filter()->keys()->join(', '))); $this->error(sprintf(' - From: %s (%s)',$msg->from,$msg->fftn)); $this->error(sprintf(' - To: %s (%s)',$msg->to,$msg->tftn)); $this->error(sprintf(' - Subject: %s',$msg->subject)); foreach ($msg->errors->all() as $error) $this->line(' - '.$error); } $this->line("\n"); } return self::SUCCESS; } }