<?php /** * Calculate CCITT-CRC16 checksum */ if (! function_exists('crc16')) { function crc16($data) { $crc = 0x0000; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($data); $i++) { $x = (($crc >> 8) ^ ord($data[$i])) & 0xFF; $x ^= $x >> 4; $crc = (($crc << 8) ^ ($x << 12) ^ ($x << 5) ^ $x) & 0xFFFF; } return $crc; } } /** * Dump out data into a hex dump */ if (! function_exists('hex_dump')) { function hex_dump($data,$newline="\n",$width=16) { $result = ''; $pad = '.'; # padding for non-visible characters $to = $from = ''; for ($i=0; $i<=0xFF; $i++) { $from .= chr($i); $to .= ($i >= 0x20 && $i <= 0x7E) ? chr($i) : $pad; } $hex = str_split(bin2hex($data),$width*2); $chars = str_split(strtr($data,$from,$to),$width); $offset = 0; foreach ($hex as $i => $line) { $result .= sprintf('%08X: %-48s [%s]%s', $offset, substr_replace(implode(' ',str_split($line,2)),' ',8*3,0), $chars[$i], $newline); $offset += $width; } return $result; } } /** * Split out an FTN address into its parts * * This function takes a fully qualified FTN address and splits it out into * its components: * Z:N/F.P@D */ if (! function_exists('ftn_address_split')) { function ftn_address_split(string $address,$key=NULL) { if ($key AND ! in_array($key,['z','n','f','p','d'])) { throw new \Exception('Unknown key :'.$key.' for '.$address); } //$data = "10:12/909"; //$data = "10:12/909.5"; //$data = "10:12/909@foo"; //$data = "10:12/909.5@foo"; $z = substr($address,0,strpos($address,':')); if ($key == 'z') return $z; $x = strpos($address,':')+1; $n = substr($address,$x,strpos($address,'/')-$x); if ($key == 'n') return $n; $x = strpos($address,'/')+1; $f = substr($address,$x, (strpos($address,'.') ?: (strpos($address,'@') ?: strlen($address)))-$x); if ($key == 'f') return $f; $x = strpos($address,'.'); $p = $x ? substr($address,$x+1,(strpos($address,'@') ?: strlen($address))-$x-1) : 0; if ($key == 'p') return $p; // @todo We dont handle domain yet. $x = strpos($address,'@'); $d = $x ? substr($address,$x+1) : NULL; if ($key == 'd') return $d; return ['z'=>$z,'n'=>$n,'f'=>$f,'p'=>$p,'d'=>$d]; } }