@extends('layouts.app') @section('htmlheader_title') Fileareas @endsection @section('content')

About Fileareas

BBS Systems exchange area able to exchange and distribute files. Files are grouped into fileareas normally around a theme or type.

Each filerea has a unique filetag which helps a receiving BBS to know where to store the file when it is received.

This system is aware of the following fileareas @can('admin',(new \App\Models\Filearea))(you can add more)@endcan:

@if (\App\Models\Filearea::count() === 0) @can('admin',(new \App\Models\Filearea))

There are no fileareas setup, to set up your first.


There are no fileareas - you need to ask an admin to create one for you.

@endcan @else @foreach (\App\Models\Filearea::orderBy('name')->with(['domain'])->get() as $oo) @endforeach
ID Filetag Description Active Domain
{{ $oo->id }} {{ $oo->name }} {{ $oo->description }} {{ $oo->active ? 'YES' : 'NO' }} {{ $oo->domain->name }}
@endsection @section('page-css') @css('datatables') @append @section('page-scripts') @js('datatables') @append