<?php namespace App\Models; use Carbon\Carbon; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes; use Illuminate\Support\Arr; use Illuminate\Support\Collection; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log; use App\Casts\CompressedString; use App\Classes\FTN\Message; use App\Interfaces\Packet; use App\Traits\{EncodeUTF8,MsgID}; final class Netmail extends Model implements Packet { private const LOGKEY = 'MN-'; use SoftDeletes,EncodeUTF8,MsgID; private Collection $set_path; private Address $set_sender; private Carbon $set_recvtime; private string $set_pkt; private const cast_utf8 = [ 'to', 'from', 'subject', 'msg', 'msg_src', 'origin', 'tearline', 'tagline', ]; protected $casts = [ 'datetime' => 'datetime:Y-m-d H:i:s', 'msg' => CompressedString::class, 'msg_src' => CompressedString::class, 'sent_at' => 'datetime:Y-m-d H:i:s', ]; public function __set($key,$value) { switch ($key) { case 'set_path': case 'set_pkt': case 'set_recvtime': case 'set_sender': $this->{$key} = $value; break; default: parent::__set($key,$value); } } public static function boot() { parent::boot(); static::created(function($model) { $nodes = collect(); // Parse PATH // <FTN Address> @YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS[.Precise][.Time Zone] <Program Name> <Version> [Serial Number] if (isset($model->set_path)) { if ($model->set_path->count()) { foreach ($model->set_path as $line) { $m = []; if (preg_match('/^([0-9]+:[0-9]+\/[0-9]+(\..*)?)\s+@([0-9.a-zA-Z]+)\s+(.*)$/',$line,$m)) { // Address $ao = Address::findFTN($m[1]); // Time $t = []; $datetime = ''; if (! preg_match('/^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)(\.?(.*))?$/',$m[3],$t)) Log::alert(sprintf('%s:! Unable to determine time from [%s]',self::LOGKEY,$m[3])); else $datetime = Carbon::createFromFormat('Ymd.His',$t[1],$t[3] ?? ''); if (! $ao) { Log::alert(sprintf('%s:! Undefined Node [%s] for Netmail.',self::LOGKEY,$m[1])); //$rogue->push(['node'=>$m[1],'datetime'=>$datetime,'program'=>$m[4]]); } else { $nodes->push(['node'=>$ao,'datetime'=>$datetime,'program'=>$m[4]]); } } } // If there are no details (Mystic), we'll create a blank } else { $nodes->push(['node'=>$model->set_sender,'datetime'=>Carbon::now(),'program'=>'Unknown']); } } // Save the Path $ppoid = NULL; foreach ($nodes as $path) { $po = DB::select('INSERT INTO netmail_path (netmail_id,address_id,parent_id,datetime,program) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?) RETURNING id',[ $model->id, $path['node']->id, $ppoid, (string)$path['datetime'], $path['program'], ]); $ppoid = $po[0]->id; } // Our last node in the path is our sender if ($nodes->count() && isset($model->set_pkt) && isset($model->set_sender) && isset($model->set_recvtime)) { DB::update('UPDATE netmail_path set recv_pkt=?,recv_at=?,recv_id=? where address_id=? and netmail_id=?',[ $model->set_pkt, $model->set_recvtime, $model->set_sender->id, Arr::get($nodes->last(),'node')->id, $model->id, ]); } }); } /* RELATIONS */ public function fftn() { return $this ->belongsTo(Address::class) ->withTrashed(); } public function path() { return $this->belongsToMany(Address::class,'netmail_path') ->withPivot(['id','parent_id','datetime','program','recv_pkt','recv_id']); } public function received() { return $this->belongsToMany(Address::class,'netmail_path','netmail_id','recv_id') ->withPivot(['id','parent_id','datetime','program','recv_pkt','recv_id']); } public function tftn() { return $this ->belongsTo(Address::class) ->withTrashed(); } /* METHODS */ /** * Return this model as a packet */ public function packet(Address $ao,string $strippass=NULL): Message { Log::debug(sprintf('%s:+ Bundling [%s]',self::LOGKEY,$this->id)); // @todo Dont bundle mail to nodes that have been disabled, or addresses that have been deleted $o = new Message; try { $o->header = [ 'onode' => $this->fftn->node_id, 'dnode' => $this->tftn->node_id, 'onet' => $this->fftn->host_id, 'dnet' => $this->tftn->host_id, 'opoint' => $this->fftn->point_id, 'dpoint' => $this->tftn->point_id, 'flags' => 0, 'cost' => 0, 'date'=>$this->datetime->format('d M y H:i:s'), ]; $o->tzutc = $this->datetime->utcOffset($this->tzoffset)->getOffsetString(''); $o->user_to = $this->to; $o->user_from = $this->from; $o->subject = (! is_null($strippass)) ? preg_replace('/^'.$strippass.':/','',$this->subject) : $this->subject; // INTL kludge $o->intl = sprintf('%s %s',$this->tftn->ftn3d,$this->fftn->ftn3d); $o->flags = $this->flags; $o->msgid = $this->msgid ? $this->msgid : sprintf('%s %08x',$this->fftn->ftn4d,timew($this->datetime)); if ($this->replyid) $o->replyid = $this->replyid; $o->kludge->put('dbid',$this->id); $o->message = $this->msg; $o->tagline = $this->tagline; $o->tearline = $this->tearline; // VIA kludge $via = $this->via ?: collect(); // Add our address to the VIA line $via->push( sprintf('%s @%s.UTC %s %d.%d/%s %s', our_address($this->fftn->zone->domain,$this->fftn)->ftn3d, Carbon::now()->utc()->format('Ymd.His'), str_replace(' ','_',Setup::PRODUCT_NAME), Setup::PRODUCT_VERSION_MAJ, Setup::PRODUCT_VERSION_MIN, (new Setup)->version, Carbon::now()->format('Y-m-d'), )); $o->via = $via; $o->packed = TRUE; } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::error(sprintf('%s:! Error converting netmail [%s] to a message (%d:%s)',self::LOGKEY,$this->id,$e->getLine(),$e->getMessage())); dump($this); } return $o; } public function pathorder(string $display='ftn2d',int $start=NULL): Collection { $result = collect(); if ($x=$this->path->firstWhere('pivot.parent_id',$start)) { $result->push($x->$display); $result->push($this->pathorder($display,$x->pivot->id)); } return $result->flatten()->filter(); } }