<?php /** * Import from files */ namespace App\Traits; use Illuminate\Support\Collection; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage; trait Import { protected Collection $_columns; // Columns in the Import File /** * Count the lines in a file */ private function getFileLines(string $file): int { $f = fopen($file,'r'); $c = 0; while (! feof($f)) { fgets($f); $c++; } fclose($f); return $c; } /** * Return the columns from the file that we'll work with * * @param string $line * @return Collection */ private function getColumns(string $line): Collection { $this->_columns = collect(explode(',',strtoupper($line)))->filter(); return $this->_columns->intersect($this->columns); } /** * Get the index for the column in the file * * @param string $key * @return int|null */ private function getColumnKey(string $key): ?int { return ($x=$this->_columns->search(strtoupper($this->columns->get($key)))) !== FALSE ? $x : NULL; } private function getFileFromHost(string $host,string $key,string $file): string { $path = 'import/'.$key; // If we are doing it locally, we dont need to retrieve it via curl if (! $host) { return preg_match('/^data/',$file) ? $file : sprintf('storage/app/public/%s/%s',$path,basename($file)); } // Get the file from the host $srcfile = sprintf('http://%s%s',$host,$file); $dstfile = '/tmp/'.basename($host); Log::debug(sprintf('%s:Retrieving [%s] from [%s]',static::LOGKEY,$host,$file)); $src = fopen($srcfile,'r'); $dst = fopen($dstfile,'w'); stream_copy_to_stream($src,$dst); fclose($src); fclose($dst); // Store the file for later processing Storage::putFileAs($path,$dstfile,basename($file)); return Storage::path($path.'/'.basename($file)); } }