<?php namespace App\Classes\File\Send; use Carbon\Carbon; use App\Classes\File\Send; use App\Classes\Node; use App\Models\Address; use App\Models\Dynamic as Model; use App\Classes\Dynamic as Item; /** * Dynamic files that are sent to systems during a mailer session */ final class Dynamic extends Send { private const LOGKEY = 'FSD'; /** @var int Our internal position counter */ private int $readpos = 0; private string $buffer; private Item $item; private Carbon $sent; /** * @throws \Exception */ public function __construct(private Model $do,Address $ao,int $type) { parent::__construct(); $this->ftype = ((($type&0xff)<<8)|self::IS_FILE); $this->item = new $this->do->model($ao,$this->do->arguments); $this->sent = Carbon::now(); } public function __get($key) { switch ($key) { case 'dbids': return collect([$this->do->id]); case 'nameas': return $this->item->getName(); case 'mtime': return $this->sent->timestamp; default: return NULL; } } public function close(bool $successful,Node $node): void { if ($successful) { $this->complete = TRUE; $next_at = $this->do->next_at ->startOfDay() ->addHours($this->do->start_time->hour) ->addMinutes($this->do->start_time->minute); switch ($this->do->frequency) { case 'ONCE': $this->do->active = FALSE; break; case 'DAILY': $this->do->next_at = $next_at ->addDay(); break; case 'WEEKLY': $this->do->next_at = $next_at ->addWeek(); break; case 'MONTHLY': $this->do->next_at = $next_at ->addMonth(); break; default: throw new \Exception(sprintf('%s:! Unknown frequency [%s] for [%d]',self::LOGKEY,$this->do->frequency,$this->do->id)); } $this->do->save(); } } public function feof(): bool { return ($this->readpos === $this->size); } public function open(string $compress=''): bool { $this->buffer = (string)$this->item; $this->size = strlen($this->buffer); return TRUE; } public function read(int $length): string { $result = substr($this->buffer,$this->readpos,$length); $this->readpos += strlen($result); return $result; } public function seek(int $pos): bool { $this->readpos = ($pos < $this->size) ? $pos : $this->size; return TRUE; } }