
namespace App\Models;

use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use Rennokki\QueryCache\Traits\QueryCacheable;

use App\Casts\{CollectionOrNull,CompressedString};
use App\Classes\FTN\Message;
use App\Interfaces\Packet;
use App\Traits\{EncodeUTF8,MsgID,ParseAddresses};

final class Echomail extends Model implements Packet
	use SoftDeletes,EncodeUTF8,MsgID,QueryCacheable,ParseAddresses;

	private const LOGKEY = 'ME-';
	private Collection $set_seenby;
	private Collection $set_path;
	private Carbon $set_recvtime;
	private string $set_pkt;
	private string $set_sender;
	private bool $no_export = FALSE;

	protected $casts = [
		'datetime' => 'datetime:Y-m-d H:i:s',
		'kludges' => CollectionOrNull::class,
		'msg' => CompressedString::class,
		'msg_src' => CompressedString::class,
		'rogue_seenby' => CollectionOrNull::class,
		'rogue_path' => CollectionOrNull::class,

	private const cast_utf8 = [

	public function __set($key,$value)
		switch ($key) {
			case 'no_export':
			case 'set_path':
			case 'set_pkt':
			case 'set_sender':
			case 'set_recvtime':
			case 'set_seenby':
				$this->{$key} = $value;


	public static function boot()

		// @todo if the message is updated with new SEEN-BY's from another route, we'll delete the pending export for systems (if there is one)
		static::created(function($model) {
			$rogue = collect();
			$seenby = collect();
			$path = collect();

			// Parse PATH
			if ($model->set_path->count())
				$path = self::parseAddresses('path',$model->set_path,$model->fftn->zone,$rogue);

			// Make sure our sender is first in the path
			if (! $path->contains($model->fftn_id)) {
				Log::alert(sprintf('%s:? Echomail adding sender to start of PATH [%s].',self::LOGKEY,$model->fftn_id));

			// Make sure our pktsrc is last in the path
			if (isset($model->set_sender) && (! $path->contains($model->set_sender))) {
				Log::alert(sprintf('%s:? Echomail adding pktsrc to end of PATH [%s].',self::LOGKEY,$model->set_sender));

			// Save the Path
			$ppoid = NULL;
			foreach ($path as $aoid) {
				$po = DB::select('INSERT INTO echomail_path (echomail_id,address_id,parent_id) VALUES (?,?,?) RETURNING id',[

				$ppoid = $po[0]->id;

			$rogue = collect();

			// @todo move the parseAddress processing into Message::class, and our address to the seenby (and thus no need to add it when we export)
			// Parse SEEN-BY
			if ($model->set_seenby->count())
				$seenby = self::parseAddresses('seenby',$model->set_seenby,$model->fftn->zone,$rogue);

			// Make sure our sender is in the seenby
			if (! $seenby->contains($model->fftn_id)) {
				Log::alert(sprintf('%s:? Echomail adding sender to SEENBY [%s].',self::LOGKEY,$model->fftn_id));

			// Make sure our pktsrc is in the seenby
			if (isset($model->set_sender) && (! $seenby->contains($model->set_sender))) {
				Log::alert(sprintf('%s:? Echomail adding pktsrc to SEENBY [%s].',self::LOGKEY,$model->set_sender));

			if (count($rogue)) {
				$model->rogue_seenby = $rogue;

			if ($seenby)

			// Our last node in the path is our sender
			if (isset($model->set_pkt) && isset($model->set_recvtime)) {
				if ($path->count()) {
					DB::update('UPDATE echomail_path set recv_pkt=?,recv_at=? where address_id=? and echomail_id=?',[

				} else {
					Log::critical(sprintf('%s:! Wasnt able to set packet details for [%d] to [%s] to [%s], no path information',self::LOGKEY,$model->id,$model->set_pkt,$model->set_recvtime));

			// See if we need to export this message.
			if ($model->echoarea->sec_read) {
				$exportto = ($x=$model
					->filter(function($item) use ($model) { return $item->security >= $model->echoarea->sec_read; }))

				if ($exportto->count()) {
					if ($model->no_export) {
						Log::alert(sprintf('%s:- NOT processing exporting of message by configuration [%s] to [%s]',self::LOGKEY,$model->id,$exportto->join(',')));

					Log::info(sprintf('%s:- Exporting message [%s] to [%s]',self::LOGKEY,$model->id,$exportto->join(',')));

					// Save the seenby for the exported systems


	public function echoarea()
		return $this->belongsTo(Echoarea::class);

	public function fftn()
		return $this->belongsTo(Address::class)

	public function seenby()
		return $this->belongsToMany(Address::class,'echomail_seenby')

	public function path()
		return $this->belongsToMany(Address::class,'echomail_path')

	/* METHODS */

	public function init(): void
		$this->set_path = collect();
		$this->set_seenby = collect();

	public function jsonSerialize(): array
		return $this->encode();

	 * Return this model as a packet
	public function packet(Address $ao): Message
		Log::info(sprintf('%s:+ Bundling [%s]',self::LOGKEY,$this->id));

		$sysaddress = our_address($this->fftn->zone->domain,$this->fftn);

		if (! $sysaddress)
			throw new \Exception(sprintf('%s:! We dont have an address in this network? (%s)',self::LOGKEY,$this->fftn->zone->domain->name));

		// @todo Dont bundle mail to nodes that have been disabled, or addresses that have been deleted
		$o = new Message;

		$o->header = [
			'onode' => $sysaddress->node_id,
			'dnode' => $ao->node_id,
			'onet' => $sysaddress->host_id,
			'dnet' => $ao->host_id,
			'flags' => 0,
			'cost' => 0,
			'date'=>$this->datetime->format('d M y  H:i:s'),

		$o->tzutc = $this->datetime->utcOffset($this->tzoffset)->getOffsetString('');
		$o->user_to = $this->to;
		$o->user_from = $this->from;
		$o->subject = $this->subject;
		$o->echoarea = $this->echoarea->name;
		$o->flags = $this->flags;

		if ($this->kludges)
			$o->kludge = collect($this->kludges);


		$o->msgid = $this->msgid;
		if ($this->replyid)
			$o->replyid = $this->replyid;

		$o->message = $this->msg;

		if ($this->tagline)
			$o->tagline = $this->tagline;

		if ($this->tearline)
			$o->tearline = $this->tearline;

		if ($this->origin)
			$o->origin = $this->origin;

		$o->seenby = $this->seenby->push($sysaddress)->unique()->pluck('ftn2d');

		// Add our address to the path and seenby
		$o->path = $this->pathorder()->merge($sysaddress->ftn2d);

		$o->packed = TRUE;

		return $o;

	public function pathorder(string $display='ftn2d',int $start=NULL): Collection
		$result = collect();

		if ($x=$this->path->firstWhere('pivot.parent_id',$start)) {

		return $result->flatten()->filter();