@php use App\Models\Setup; @endphp @extends('layouts.app') @section('htmlheader_title') @if($o->exists) Update @else Add @endif System @endsection @section('content')
@if ($o->exists)



@if($o->exists) Update @else Add @endif System

@error('name') {{ $message }} @else A name is required. @enderror
active))checked @endif> active))checked @endif>
ZeroTier ID
@error('sysop') {{ $message }} @else A Sysop's name is required. @enderror
@error('location') {{ $message }} @else System location is required. @enderror

Mailer Details

@error('mailer_address') {{ $message }} @enderror @error('mailer_port') {{ $message }} @enderror

BBS Details

@error('address') {{ $message }} @enderror @error('port') {{ $message }} @enderror
Cancel @can('admin',$o) @endcan
@if ($o->exists)
@endif @if($o->exists)

FidoNet addresses are constructed in the format zone:net/node.point@domain.

FidoNet system are also assigned some roles, and in some cases, those roles have a paritcular address format:

Role Address Format
Zone (optional) ZONE:0/0.0, where the net, node and point values are zero. Zones normally have 1 or more Regions and/or Hosts.

(Systems that do not configure other systems with a zone, assume that that other system is in the same zone as the system being configured.)
Region (optional) zone:REGION/0.0, where the zone indicates which zone the region is in. The node and point values are zero. Regions normally have 1 or more Hosts.

Fidonet software normally doesnt configure the region address per-se. It is used by the mailer to receive packets destined to it by routing, in transition to the final destination. The region number must be unique with a zone.
Host (mandatory) zone:HOST/0.0, where the zone indicates which zone the host is in. The node and point values are zero. The Host system is normally configured with an additional address, where the NET address is the same and the NODE number that is greater than zero. Hosts may may zero or more Hubs and 1 or more Nodes.

The host number must be unique within a zone, which implies that it cannot be the same as a region, if regions are used.
Hub (optional) zone:net/NODE.0, where the zone/net indicates which zone/net the hub is in. The system(s) in the nodelist below a Hub are fed from that hub from a routing perspective.

The node is unique within the net and point is zero.
Node (required) zone:net/NODE.0, where the zone/net indicates which zone/net the node is in.

The node is unique within the net and point is zero.

This system has the following addresses assigned to it:

@foreach ($o->addresses->sortBy(['region_id','host_id']) as $oo) @endforeach
Address Active Role
{{ $oo->ftn }} {{ $oo->active ? 'YES' : 'NO' }} {{ $oo->role }}
@endif @can('admin',$o)

Assign New address

@error('zone_id') {{ $message }} @else Please select the Zone for the node's address. @enderror
@error('region_id') {{ $message }} @else Please make a choice. @enderror
@error('host_id') {{ $message }} @enderror
@error('hub_id') {{ $message }} @enderror
. @error('node_id') {{ $message }} @enderror @error('point_id') {{ $message }} @enderror
/0.0 @error('region_id_new') {{ $message }} @else The region number is required. @enderror
/ .0 @error('host_id_new') {{ $message }} @else The host address is required. @enderror @error('node_id_new') {{ $message }} @else The node address is required. @enderror
hub))checked @endif> hub))checked @endif>
@if($errors->count()) There were errors with the submission. @endif @can('admin',$o)
@else This system does not currently belong to any Fido networks. You'll need to ask an admin to assign addresses. @endcan
@endsection @section('page-scripts') @append