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namespace App\Models;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes;
use Illuminate\Database\QueryException;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use App\Classes\FTN\{Message,Packet};
use App\Exceptions\InvalidFTNException;
use App\Http\Controllers\DomainController;
use App\Traits\ScopeActive;
class Address extends Model
use ScopeActive,SoftDeletes;
private const LOGKEY = 'MA-';
protected $with = ['zone'];
// http://ftsc.org/docs/frl-1028.002
public const ftn_regex = '(\d+):(\d+)/(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?(?:@([a-zA-Z0-9\-_~]{0,8}))?';
public const NODE_ZC = 1<<0; // Zone
public const NODE_RC = 1<<1; // Region
public const NODE_NC = 1<<2; // Host
public const NODE_HC = 1<<3; // Hub
public const NODE_ACTIVE = 1<<4; // Node
public const NODE_PVT = 1<<5; // Pvt
public const NODE_HOLD = 1<<6; // Hold
public const NODE_DOWN = 1<<7; // Down
public const NODE_POINT = 1<<8; // Point
public const NODE_UNKNOWN = 1<<15; // Unknown
public const NODE_ALL = 0xFFF; // Mask to catch all nodes
public static function boot()
// For indexes when deleting, we need to change active to FALSE
static::softDeleted(function($model) {
Log::debug(sprintf('%s:Deleting [%d], updating active to FALSE',self::LOGKEY,$model->id));
$model->active = FALSE;
protected $visible = ['zone_id','region_id','host_id','node_id','point_id','security'];
/* SCOPES */
public function scopeActiveFTN($query)
return $query->select($this->getTable().'.*')
public function scopeFTNOrder($query)
return $query
public function scopeFTN2DOrder($query)
return $query
public function scopeTrashed($query)
return $query->select($this->getTable().'.*')
* Return a list of addresses and the amount of uncollected echomail
* @param $query
* @return mixed
public function scopeUncollectedEchomail($query)
return $query
->select(['addresses.id','zone_id','host_id','node_id','point_id','system_id',DB::raw('count(*) as uncollected_echomail'),DB::raw('0 as uncollected_netmail'),DB::raw('0 as uncollected_files')])
* Return a list of addresses and the amount of uncollected files
* @param $query
* @return mixed
public function scopeUncollectedFiles($query)
return $query
->select(['addresses.id','zone_id','host_id','node_id','point_id','system_id',DB::raw('0 as uncollected_echomail'),DB::raw('0 as uncollected_netmail'),DB::raw('count(*) as uncollected_files')])
* Return a list of addresses and the amount of uncollected netmail
* @param $query
* @return mixed
public function scopeUncollectedNetmail($query)
return $query
->select(['addresses.id','zone_id','host_id','node_id','point_id','system_id',DB::raw('0 as uncollected_echomail'),DB::raw('count(*) as uncollected_netmail'),DB::raw('0 as uncollected_files')])
->where(function($query) {
return $query->whereRaw(sprintf('(flags & %d) > 0',Message::FLAG_INTRANSIT))
->orWhereRaw(sprintf('(flags & %d) > 0',Message::FLAG_LOCAL));
->whereRaw(sprintf('(flags & %d) = 0',Message::FLAG_SENT))
public function dynamics()
return $this->hasMany(Dynamic::class);
* Echoareas this address is subscribed to
* @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToMany
public function echoareas()
return $this->belongsToMany(Echoarea::class)
* Echomails that this address has seen
* @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToMany
public function echomails()
return $this->belongsToMany(Echomail::class,'echomail_seenby')
public function echomail_from()
return $this->hasMany(Echomail::class,'fftn_id','id');
* Files that this address has seen
* @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToMany
public function files()
return $this->belongsToMany(File::class,'file_seenby')
* Fileareas this address is subscribed to
* @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToMany
public function fileareas()
return $this->belongsToMany(Filearea::class)
public function system()
return $this->belongsTo(System::class);
public function zone()
return $this->belongsTo(Zone::class);
* Return if this address is active
* @param bool $value
* @return bool
public function getActiveAttribute(bool $value): bool
return $value && $this->getActiveDomainAttribute();
public function getActiveDomainAttribute(): bool
return $this->zone->active && $this->zone->domain->active;
* Render the node name in full 5D
* @return string
public function getFTNAttribute(): string
return sprintf('%s@%s',$this->getFTN4DAttribute(),$this->zone->domain->name);
public function getFTN2DAttribute(): string
return sprintf('%d/%d',$this->host_id ?: $this->region_id,$this->node_id);
public function getFTN3DAttribute(): string
return sprintf('%d:%s',$this->zone->zone_id,$this->getFTN2DAttribute());
public function getFTN4DAttribute(): string
return sprintf('%s.%d',$this->getFTN3DAttribute(),$this->point_id);
public function getRoleNameAttribute(): string
switch ($this->role) {
case self::NODE_ZC:
return 'ZC';
case self::NODE_RC:
return 'RC';
case self::NODE_NC:
return 'NC';
case self::NODE_HC:
return 'HUB';
case self::NODE_ACTIVE:
return 'NODE';
case self::NODE_POINT:
return 'POINT';
return '?';
* Find children dependent on this record
public function children(): Collection
// We have no session data for this address, by definition it has no children
if (! $this->session('sespass') && (! our_address()->pluck('id')->contains($this->id)))
return new Collection;
// If this system is not marked to default route for this address
if (! $this->session('default')) {
switch ($this->role) {
case self::NODE_ZC:
$children = self::select('addresses.*')
case self::NODE_RC:
$children = self::select('addresses.*')
case self::NODE_NC:
$children = self::select('addresses.*')
case self::NODE_HC:
// Identify our children.
$children = self::select('addresses.*')
case self::NODE_ACTIVE:
case self::NODE_PVT:
case self::NODE_HOLD:
case self::NODE_DOWN:
case self::NODE_UNKNOWN:
// Identify our children.
$children = self::select('addresses.*')
case self::NODE_POINT:
// Points dont have children, but must return a relationship instance
return new Collection;
throw new \Exception('Unknown role: '.serialize($this->role));
// We route everything for this domain
} else {
$children = self::select('addresses.*')
// I cant have myself as a child, and have a high role than me
$children = $children->where('addresses.id','<>',$this->id)
// If there are no children
if (! $children->count())
return new Collection;
// Exclude links and their children.
$exclude = collect();
foreach (our_nodes($this->zone->domain)->merge(our_address($this->zone->domain)) as $o) {
// If this address is in our list, remove it and it's children
if ($children->contains($o)) {
$exclude = $exclude->merge($o->children());
return $children->filter(function($item) use ($exclude) { return ! $exclude->pluck('id')->contains($item->id);});
* Create an FTN address associated with a system
* @param string $address
* @param System $so
* @return Address|null
* @throws \Exception
public static function createFTN(string $address,System $so): ?self
$ftn = self::parseFTN($address);
if (! $ftn['d']) {
// See if we have a default domain for this domain
if ($ftn['z']) {
$zo = Zone::where('zone_id',$ftn['z'])->where('default',TRUE)->single();
if ($zo)
$ftn['d'] = $zo->domain->name;
else {
Log::alert(sprintf('%s:! Refusing to create address [%s] no domain available',self::LOGKEY,$address));
return NULL;
Log::debug(sprintf('%s:- Creating AKA [%s] for [%s]',self::LOGKEY,$address,$so->name));
// Check Domain exists
$do = Domain::singleOrNew(['name'=>$ftn['d']]);
if (! $do->exists) {
$do->public = TRUE;
$do->active = TRUE;
$do->notes = 'Auto created';
// If the zone is zero, see if this is a flatten domain, and if so, find an NC
if (($ftn['z'] === 0) && $do->flatten) {
$nc = self::findZone($do,$ftn['n'],0,0);
if ($nc) {
Log::info(sprintf('%s:- Setting zone to [%d]',self::LOGKEY,$nc->zone->zone_id));
$ftn['z'] = $nc->zone->zone_id;
// Create zone
$zo = Zone::singleOrNew(['domain_id'=>$do->id,'zone_id'=>$ftn['z']]);
if (! $zo->exists) {
$zo->active = TRUE;
$zo->notes = 'Auto created';
$zo->system_id = System::createUnknownSystem()->id;
if (! $zo->active || ! $do->active) {
Log::alert(sprintf('%s:! Refusing to create address [%s] in disabled zone or domain',self::LOGKEY,$address));
return NULL;
// Create Address, assigned to $so
$o = new self;
$o->active = TRUE;
$o->zone_id = $zo->id;
$o->region_id = 0;
$o->host_id = $ftn['n'];
$o->node_id = $ftn['f'];
$o->point_id = $ftn['p'];
$o->role = $ftn['p'] ? self::NODE_POINT : self::NODE_UNKNOWN;
try {
} catch (QueryException $e) {
Log::error(sprintf('%s:! ERROR creating address [%s] (%s)',self::LOGKEY,$o->ftn,get_class($e)));
return NULL;
return $o;
* Find a record in the DB for a node string, eg: 10:1/1.0
* @param string $address
* @param bool $trashed
* @return Address|null
* @throws \Exception
public static function findFTN(string $address,bool $trashed=FALSE): ?self
$ftn = self::parseFTN($address);
$o = NULL;
$query = (new self)
->when($trashed,function($query) {
},function($query) {
->when($ftn['d'],function($query,$domain) {
},function($query) {
$q = $query->clone();
// Are we looking for a region address
if (($ftn['f'] === 0) && ($ftn['p'] === 0))
$o = $query
// Look for a normal address
if (! $o)
$o = $q
->where(function($q) use ($ftn) {
return $q
->where(function($q) use ($ftn) {
return $q
// Check and see if we are a flattened domain, our address might be available with a different zone.
if (! $o && ($ftn['p'] === 0)) {
if ($ftn['d'])
$do = Domain::where(['name'=>$ftn['d']])->single();
else {
$zo = Zone::where('zone_id',$ftn['z'])->where('default',TRUE)->single();
$do = $zo?->domain;
if ($do && $do->flatten && (($ftn['z'] === 0) || $do->zones->pluck('zone_id')->contains($ftn['z'])))
$o = self::findZone($do,$ftn['n'],$ftn['f'],$ftn['p'],$trashed);
return ($o && $o->system->active) ? $o : NULL;
* This is to find an address for a domain (like fidonet), which is technically 2D even though it uses multiple zones.
* This was implemented to identify seenby and path kludges
* @param Domain $do
* @param int $host
* @param int $node
* @param int $point
* @param bool $trashed
* @return self|null
* @throws \Exception
public static function findZone(Domain $do,int $host,int $node,int $point,bool $trashed=FALSE): ?self
if (! $do->flatten)
throw new \Exception(sprintf('Domain is not set with flatten: %d',$do->id));
$zones = $do->zones->pluck('zone_id');
$o = (new self)
->when($trashed,function($query) {
},function($query) {
->where(function($q) use ($host) {
return $q
->where(function($q) use ($host) {
return $q->where('region_id',$host)
return $o;
* Create an activation code for this address
* @param User $uo
* @return string
public function set_activation(User $uo): string
return sprintf('%x:%s',
* Check the user's activation code for this address is correct
* @param User $uo
* @param string $code
* @return bool
public function check_activation(User $uo,string $code): bool
try {
Log::info(sprintf('%s:Checking Activation code [%s] is valid for user [%d]',self::LOGKEY,$code,$uo->id));
return ($code === $this->set_activation($uo));
} catch (\Exception $e) {
Log::error(sprintf('%s:! Activation code [%s] invalid for user [%d]',self::LOGKEY,$code,$uo->id));
return FALSE;
* Files waiting to be sent to this system
* @return Collection
public function dynamicWaiting(): Collection
return $this->dynamics()
* Echomail waiting to be sent to this system
* @return Collection
public function echomailWaiting(): Collection
return $this->echomails()
* Files waiting to be sent to this system
* @return Collection
public function filesWaiting(): Collection
return $this->files()
* Get echomail for this node
* @param bool $update
* @param Collection|null $echomail
* @return Packet|null
* @todo If we export to uplink hubs without our address in the seenby, they should send the message back to
* us with their seenby's.
public function getEchomail(bool $update=TRUE,Collection $echomail=NULL): ?Packet
$pkt = NULL;
if ($echomail)
return $this->getPacket($echomail);
$s = Setup::findOrFail(config('app.id'));
if (($x=$this->echomailWaiting())
// Limit to max messages
Log::info(sprintf('%s:= Got [%d] echomails for [%s] for sending',self::LOGKEY,$x->count(),$this->ftn));
if ($x->count() > $s->msgs_pkt) {
$x = $x->take($s->msgs_pkt);
Log::alert(sprintf('%s:= Only sending [%d] echomails for [%s]',self::LOGKEY,$x->count(),$this->ftn));
$pkt = $this->getPacket($x);
if ($pkt && $pkt->count() && $update)
return $pkt;
* Get files for this node (including it's children)
* @param bool $update
* @return Collection
* @deprecated use filesWaiting() directly
public function getFiles(bool $update=TRUE): Collection
return $this->filesWaiting();
* Get netmail for this node (including it's children)
* @param bool $update
* @return Packet|null
public function getNetmail(bool $update=FALSE): ?Packet
$pkt = NULL;
$s = Setup::findOrFail(config('app.id'));
if (($x=$this->netmailAlertWaiting())->count()) {
Log::debug(sprintf('%s:= Packaging [%d] netmail alerts to [%s]',self::LOGKEY,$x->count(),$this->ftn));
$passpos = strpos($x->last()->subject,':');
if ($passpos > 8)
Log::alert(sprintf('%s:! Password would be greater than 8 chars? [%d]',self::LOGKEY,$passpos));
$pkt = $this->getPacket($x,substr($x->last()->subject,0,$passpos));
if ($pkt && $pkt->count() && $update)
return $pkt;
if (($x=$this->netmailWaiting())
Log::debug(sprintf('%s:= Got [%d] netmails for [%s] for sending',self::LOGKEY,$x->count(),$this->ftn));
if ($x->count() > $s->msgs_pkt) {
$x = $x->take($s->msgs_pkt);
Log::alert(sprintf('%s:= Only sending [%d] netmails for [%s]',self::LOGKEY,$x->count(),$this->ftn));
$pkt = $this->getPacket($x);
if ($pkt && $pkt->count() && $update)
return $pkt;
* Return a packet of mail
* @param Collection $msgs of message models (Echomail/Netmail)
* @param string|null $passwd Override password used in packet
* @return Packet|null
public function getPacket(Collection $msgs,string $passwd=NULL): ?Packet
$s = Setup::findOrFail(config('app.id'));
$ao = $s->system->match($this->zone)->first();
// If we dont match on the address, we cannot pack mail for that system
if (! $ao) {
Log::alert(sprintf('%s:! We didnt match an address in zone [%d] for [%s]',self::LOGKEY,$this->zone->zone_id,$this->ftn));
return NULL;
// Get packet type
$type = collect(Packet::PACKET_TYPES)->get($this->system->pkt_type ?: config('fido.packet_default'));
$o = new $type;
// $oo = Netmail/Echomail Model
$c = 0;
foreach ($msgs as $oo) {
// Only bundle up to max messages
if (++$c > $s->msgs_pkt)
return $o;
* Netmail waiting to be sent to this system
* @return Collection
* @throws \Exception
public function netmailWaiting(): Collection
return Netmail::whereIn('tftn_id',(($x=$this->children()) ? $x->pluck('id') : collect())->push($this->id))
->where(function($query) {
return $query->whereRaw(sprintf('(flags & %d) > 0',Message::FLAG_INTRANSIT))
->orWhereRaw(sprintf('(flags & %d) > 0',Message::FLAG_LOCAL));
->whereRaw(sprintf('(flags & %d) = 0',Message::FLAG_SENT))
* Netmail alerts waiting to be sent to this system
* @return Collection
public function netmailAlertWaiting(): Collection
return Netmail::where('tftn_id',$this->id)
->whereRaw(sprintf('(flags & %d) > 0',Message::FLAG_LOCAL))
->whereRaw(sprintf('(flags & %d) > 0',Message::FLAG_PKTPASSWD))
->whereRaw(sprintf('(flags & %d) = 0',Message::FLAG_SENT))
* Who we send this systems mail to.
* @return Address|null
* @throws \Exception
public function parent(): ?Address
// If we have session password, then we are the parent
if ($this->session('sespass'))
return $this;
// If it is our address
if (our_address()->contains($this))
return NULL;
switch ($this->role) {
// ZCs dont have parents, but we may have a default
case self::NODE_ZC:
if (($x=$this->zone->systems->where('pivot.default',TRUE))->count())
return $x->first()->match($this->zone,255)->first();
return NULL;
// RC
case self::NODE_RC:
$parent = self::where('zone_id',$this->zone_id)
// Hosts
case self::NODE_NC:
// See if we have an RC
$parent = self::where('zone_id',$this->zone_id)
if (! $parent) {
// See if we have an ZC
$parent = self::where('zone_id',$this->zone_id)
// Hubs
case self::NODE_HC:
// Normal Nodes
case self::NODE_ACTIVE:
case self::NODE_PVT:
case self::NODE_HOLD:
case self::NODE_DOWN:
case self::NODE_UNKNOWN:
// If we are a child of a hub, then check our hub
$parent = ($this->hub_id
? self::where('id',$this->hub_id)
: self::where('zone_id',$this->zone_id)
case self::NODE_POINT:
$parent = self::where('zone_id',$this->zone_id)
throw new \Exception(sprintf('Unknown role: %s (%d)',serialize($this->role),$this->id));
return $parent?->parent();
* Parse a string and split it out as an FTN array
* @param string $ftn
* @return array
* @throws \Exception
public static function parseFTN(string $ftn): array
if (! preg_match(sprintf('#^%s$#',self::ftn_regex),strtolower($ftn),$matches))
throw new InvalidFTNException(sprintf('Invalid FTN: [%s] - regex failed',serialize($ftn)));
// Check our numbers are correct.
foreach ([1,2,3] as $i)
if ((! is_numeric($matches[$i])) || ($matches[$i] > DomainController::NUMBER_MAX))
throw new InvalidFTNException(sprintf('Invalid FTN: [%s] - zone, host, or node address invalid [%d]',$ftn,$matches[$i]));
if ((! empty($matches[4])) AND ((! is_numeric($matches[$i])) || ($matches[4] > DomainController::NUMBER_MAX)))
throw new InvalidFTNException(sprintf('Invalid FTN: [%s] - point address invalid [%d]',$ftn,$matches[4]));
return [
'p'=>empty($matches[4]) ? 0 : (int)$matches[4],
'd'=>$matches[5] ?? NULL
* Retrieve the address session details/passwords
* @param string $type
* @return string|null
public function session(string $type): ?string
return ($this->exists && ($x=$this->system->sessions->where('id',$this->zone_id)->first())) ? ($x->pivot->{$type} ?: '') : NULL;