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2000-02-25 10:15:17 +00:00
<!doctype tei.2 public '-//TEI//DTD TEI Tools 0.1//EN'>
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GoldED+ Reference Manual
Created in electronic form.
<language id="en">
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<titlePart type=main>
<titlePart type=desc>
Reference Manual
Odinn Sorensen, Dirk A. Mueller, Alexander S. Aganichev and others
<divGen type=toc>
<!-- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
<!-- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
Commandline Reference
Commandline syntax
Invocation: <code>GoldED &lsqb;options&rsqb; &lsqb;keystacking&rsqb;
Depending on used platform <name>GoldED+</name> could be called
<code>geddjg</code>, <code>gedcyg</code>, <code>gedemx</code>, or
<code>gedlnx</code>. Available options are:
<list type=gloss>
Displays a help screen with all available commandline options.
Specifies another configuration file than the default
Disable old configuration keywords. For backward compatibility,
<name>GoldED+</name> still supports a number of old names for
some configuration keywords. I recommend that you use
<code>-D</code> sometimes and rename the keywords that are
reported as unknown.
If specified, <name>GoldED+</name> starts directly in the
specified echo, bypassing the arealist screen. See the
<ref target=AREASTART><kw>AREASTART</kw></ref> configuration
keyword for more info.
Calls the <abbr>SOUP</abbr> packet export feature during the
startup phase. This is the same as starting it from the
areascan <code>SOUP Packet-&gt;Export</code> menu item. The
<abbr>SOUP</abbr> export happens immediately after the regular
startup area scanning (if that is enabled) and after
<abbr>SOUP</abbr> import.
Force recompile of most configuration files, but not all. Does not
recompile the <code>*.CHS</code> files.
Force complete recompile of all configuration files, regardless of
whether they are up-to-date or not. This is equivalent to deleting
all the <code>*.GE?</code> files.
Same as option <code>-?</code>.
Start the quick install procedure. You should give a path to your
other mail software if it cannot be found using environment
variables or in current directory.
Calls the <abbr>SOUP</abbr> packet import feature during the
startup phase. This is the same as starting it from the areascan
<code>SOUP Packet-&gt;Import</code> menu item. The
<abbr>SOUP</abbr> import happens immediately after the regular
startup area scanning (if that is enabled).
Mute. Disables all sounds in <name>GoldED+</name>.
No share. If used, this prevents <name>GoldED+</name> from using
<code>SHARE</code> compatible file-open calls, which are used by
default. Works only until the
<ref target=SHAREMODE><kw>SHAREMODE</kw></ref> keyword is used in
<code>GOLDED.CFG</code>. This keyword is normally not useful, but
may be used to debug your setup or something.
Disable the automatic startup area scanning (if that is enabled).
This is useful for automated <abbr>SOUP</abbr> import/export in a
batch file. For example, <q><code>-noscan -importsoup @x
y</code></q> imports <abbr>SOUP</abbr> then exits.
Since it seems that increasing the thread priority for the
<name>Win32</name> version is a mixed blessing, the default is now
to <hi>not</hi> increase the priority. From other side
<name>OS/2</name> version runned with reduced priority by default.
This option increases the priority (<name>Win32</name> and
<name>OS/2</name> only).
Quiet. Turns off verbose config compile. On by default. This could
be used on the commandline to disable a <code>-V</code> option in
the <code>GEDCMD</code> environment variable.
Sort all areas according to <ident>&lt;sortspec&gt;</ident>. See
the <ref target=AREALISTSORT><kw>AREALISTSORT</kw></ref> config
keyword for details.
Set the timeout value. A value of zero (0) means never timeout.
See the <ref target=TIMEOUT><kw>TIMEOUT</kw></ref> config keyword
for details.
Turns on verbose config compile. When used, <name>GoldED+</name>
will display the full filename of each main config file it
compiles. It also displays the name of the detected multitasker, if
any. This can be useful for debugging your setup, and see if
<name>GoldED+</name> accesses the files (especially the
<ref target=AREACONFIGURATION><kw>AREAFILE</kw></ref>'s) it is
supposed to.
Same as <code>-V</code>, but also displays all the active lines
while compiling. This could be used to find the exact spot if it
crashes or stops while compiling.
If used, <name>GoldED+</name> will create (and overwrite if
existing) the file <code>GOLDAREA.INC</code>, which will then
contain all areas in the <kw>AREADEF</kw> form, sorted by your
<kw>AREALISTSORT</kw> specification. This is very useful for
converting your <kw>AREAFILE</kw>'s to a form you can edit with
your favorite text editor and use in <name>GoldED+</name>. It is
also useful if you have used the new <kw>AREADESC</kw> keyword or
the <code>AREAFILE EchoList</code> reader. The
<code>GOLDAREA.INC</code> file (created in the
<code>GOLDPATH</code>) can be used by adding <q><code>INCLUDE
GOLDAREA.INC</code></q> to your <code>GOLDED.CFG</code> or
<code>GOLDAREA.CFG</code>. When creating the file,
<name>GoldED+</name> will use <q>.</q> if an aka is the same as
the main aka, and leave out the optional origin if it's the same
as the first <kw>ORIGIN</kw> in your <code>GOLDED.CFG</code>.
This makes it easier to share the same <code>GOLDAREA.INC</code>
between different setups.
Reserved for debugging purposes.
Reserved for debugging purposes.
Reserved for debugging purposes.
Commandline keystacking
Any non-option characters on the commandline are stuffed into the
keyboard buffer. See the chapter on keyboard definition and the
<ref target=KEYBSTACK><kw>KEYBSTACK</kw></ref> keyword for more info.
GOLDED @S A</eg>
Makes <name>GoldED+</name> go to the area scanning menu &lt;Alt-S&gt;,
and select scanning of &lt;A&gt; all areas.
See the <ptr target=MACROSANDKEYSTACKING> chapter for more info.
<!-- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
Environment Variables
These are the <name>GoldED+</name> specific environment variables:
<list type=gloss>
Path to the <code>GOLDED.CFG</code> file. It is recommended to set
this variable, but don't forget to change it if you move your
<name>GoldED+</name> setup to a different directory!
Specifies additional commandline options. Use this if you want to
specify options, but need to run <name>GoldED</name> without them
(for example when renaming <code>GOLDED.EXE</code> to
<code>DBEDIT.EXE</code> in older versions of <name>D'Bridge</name>).
You can override the environment options with commandline options.
The path where <name>GoldNODE</name> can find a
<code>GOLDED.CFG</code> to use.
When the using <kw>AREAFILE</kw> feature to read external area
configuration from other programs, the individual <kw>AREAFILE</kw>'s
may use specific environment variables to find the files. Please read
the <ptr target=AREACONFIGURATION> chapter for specific details of each
supported <kw>AREAFILE</kw>.
<!-- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
Batchfile Errorlevels
For operation in batch files, <name>GoldED+</name> has a set of
errorlevel values:
<table rows=5 cols=2>
032 or higher
Error exit (check the logfile for details).
Echomail entered.
Netmail entered.
Local mail entered.
No errors. No mail entered.
Add values together to find the combined error levels. For example, error
level 6 is returned if netmail and echomail (2+4) was entered.
Example of <code>RUNGOLD.BAT</code> or <code>RUNGOLD.CMD</code> file:<eg>
@echo off
rem ged386.exe
rem ged2.exe
if errorlevel 008 goto error
if errorlevel 007 goto e_n_l
if errorlevel 006 goto e_n__
if errorlevel 005 goto e___l
if errorlevel 004 goto e____
if errorlevel 003 goto __n_l
if errorlevel 002 goto __n__
if errorlevel 001 goto ____l
goto nomail
echo GoldED+ error exit!
goto end
echo **** New echo, net and local mail entered.
goto end
echo **** New echo and netmail entered.
goto end
echo **** New echo and local mail entered.
goto end
echo **** New echomail entered.
goto end
echo **** New net and local mail entered.
goto end
echo **** New netmail entered.
goto end
echo **** New local mail entered.
goto end
echo **** No new mail entered.
echo Thank you for using GoldED+! :-)</eg>
<!-- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
Nodelist and Userlist Support
<name>GoldED+</name> supports the <name>FrontDoor</name>,
<name>Version 7(+)</name> nodelist indexes as well as a plain
<code>FIDOUSER.LST</code>. However, if you run software that doesn't use
any of these formats, you may want to use <name>GoldED+</name>'s own
nodelist index. This chapter describes how to do that.
In order to enable nodelist/userlist lookup and browsing,
<name>GoldED+</name> needs to use a set of special nodelist index files,
created by the <name>GoldNODE</name> nodelist compiler.
<name>GoldED+</name> normally uses and displays information from the
nodelist when browsing, but it doesn't really need the nodelist for
anything. The index files contains sufficient information for lookup and
browsing of names or addresses. This means that you can delete or pack
away the nodelists and/or userlists after compiling with
<name>GoldNODE</name>, if you want to save space and you don't need them
for anything else.
GoldNODE commandline syntax
Invocation: <code>GoldNODE &lsqb;-options&rsqb;
Depending on used platform <name>GoldNODE</name> could be called
<code>gndjg</code>, <code>gncyg</code>, <code>gnemx</code>, or
<code>gnlnx</code>. Available options:
<list type=gloss>
Conditional compile.
Remove duplicate nodes from index.
Forced compile.
Quite compiled. No screen output improves speed.
Set the max size of names. Normally not used.
Create sorted <code>FIDOUSER.LST</code> userlist file.
The &lsqb;configfile&rsqb; is the path <hi>and</hi> filename of the
<code>GOLDED.CFG</code> configuration file to read. If no filename is
given, the path specified with the <code>GOLDNODE</code> or
<code>GOLDED</code> environment variables are used.
The nodelist index files are named <code>GOLDNODE.GX?</code> are are
placed in the path pointed to by the <kw>NODEPATH</kw> keyword.
The <name>V7+</name> is automatically used if your <kw>NODEPATHV7</kw>
is set correctly. If <name>GoldED+</name> shows <q><code>xxxx /
NODEX.DTP</code></q> at the bottom of the browser window, the displayed
information is taken from the raw nodelist entry, taken from the
<name>V7+</name> index.
<name>GoldNODE</name> can handle up to 45 nodelists and 10 userlists.
<name>GoldNODE</name> can read the german <name>POINTS24</name>-format
<hi>NOTE</hi>: If you use the <kw>EXCLUDENODES</kw> and
<kw>INCLUDENODES</kw> keywords, please note that the
&lt;addressmask&gt; does <hi>not</hi> accept <q>ALL</q> or <q>WORLD</q>
etc. You must use wildcard <q>*</q> instead.
<!-- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
Routing Diagram Drawing Tool
Routing diagram drawing tool intended to analyse files created by
pressing key defined for <kw>READmakepathreport</kw> action.
<name>RDDT</name> builds routing tree and display it on the screen if
Invocation: <code>RDDT &lt;routefile&gt; &lsqb;-options&rsqb;
&lsqb;address or name&rsqb;</code>
Depending on used platform <name>RDDT</name> could be called
<code>rddtdjg</code>, <code>rddtcyg</code>, <code>rddtemx</code>, or
<code>rddtlnx</code>. Available options:
<list type=gloss>
Reserved for debugging purposes.
Sets indent to <ident>&lt;n&gt;</ident>.
<code>-L&lt;link address&gt;</code>
This option used to specify yours link address. Requires option
Use this option to specify your address.
Decode path.
RDDT path.rpt -n2:5020/604.19 -l2:5020/604 2:5020/604.19 -p</eg>
<!-- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
Configuration Control
The <code>GOLDED.CFG</code> configuration reader can be directed in
several ways with special keywords:
<code>IF &lt;condition&gt;</code><lb>
<code>ELIF &lt;condition&gt;</code><lb>
<code>ELSEIF &lt;condition&gt;</code><lb>
These control keywords can be used to setup sections of configuration
which enable different sets of keywords depending on which version
that is used.
The following conditions can be used:
<table rows=8 cols=2>
<ident>DOS</ident>, <ident>386</ident>
true, if <name>DPMI32</name> version is used
true, if <name>OS/2</name> version is used
true, if <name>Win32</name> version is used
<ident>Linux, UNIX</ident>
true, if <name>Linux</name> version is used
true, if <name>GoldED</name> 3.xx or <name>GoldED+</name> is used
true, if <name>GoldED-asa</name> or <name>GoldED+</name> is used
<ident>Yes</ident>, <ident>True</ident>, <ident>On</ident>
always true
EDITOR c:\qedit\os2\q.exe @file -n@line
EDITSPELLCHECK c:\os2\cmd.exe /c c:\ss\ss.exe @file
EDITOR c:\qedit\dos\q.exe @file -n@line
EDITSPELLCHECK c:\ss\ss.exe @file
This tells the configuration file reader to ignore all subsequent lines
until another <kw>IGNORE</kw> keyword is encountered. Useful for
testing and quickly switching portions of configuration.
However it is probably more useful to use the
<kw>IF</kw>/<kw>ELIF</kw>/<kw>ENDIF</kw> control keywords.
INCLUDE &lt;file&gt;
This tells the configuration file reader to stop reading the current
<code>.CFG</code> file, and start reading the
<ident>&lt;file&gt;</ident> as an extra configuration file, then
resume reading the previous <code>.CFG</code>. The <kw>INCLUDE</kw>
filenames are stored and their timestamps are checked when
<name>GoldED+</name> is started. <kw>INCLUDE</kw> files can be nested
without limit.
Signifies a remark (comment) line. The line is ignored.
Any non-alphabetic non-whitespace character at the beginning of a line
makes the line a comment. Example:<eg>
; This is a comment
% This is a comment
* This is a comment
// This is a comment
/* This is a comment */</eg>
By tradition, the semicolon is the standard comment character. The
semicolon (and only that) can also be used to add a comment at the end
of a configuration line. Example:<eg>
ADDRESS 2:236/77 ; Main address.
AKA 2:236/77.1 ; SysOp point.</eg>
<!-- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
Configuration Keyword Reference
This is an alphabetical list of all the configuration keywords that can
be used in the main <name>GoldED+</name> configuration file
(<code>GOLDED.CFG</code> and any file included from it). It also lists
and documents the keywords that are specific to the Random System groups.
The following special symbols are used in the keyword parameter lists:
<table rows=6 cols=2>
Default value.
Optional parameter.
Required parameter, not optional.
Parameter must be inclosed in quotes.
Separates mutually exclusive values.
Separates possible values for the keyword.
Here is the complete keyword list:
<div2 id=ADDRESS>
ADDRESS &lt;zone:net/node&lsqb;.point&rsqb;&lsqb;@domain&rsqb;&lsqb;,
Your network address, <name>FidoNet</name>-style. More than one
address can be specified if you are member of more than one network.
The keywords <kw>ADDRESS</kw> and <kw>AKA</kw> can be used
If a pointnet is specified with a point address, <name>GoldED+</name>
will use the so-called <term>3D</term> addressing method in netmail
msgs, otherwise the <term>4D</term> method is used. The
<term>3D</term> method works by putting the address
<ident>zone:pointnet/point.0</ident> in the msg header, instead of the
<term>4D</term> format <ident>zone:net/node.point</ident>. Most modern
mailers and mail processors now supports the <term>4D</term> format,
but if you are a point, you should always consult your boss about
which format to use.
The optional <ident>@domain</ident> part can be used to specify a
<term>fifth</term> dimension to the <term>4D</term> address. It is
normally not necessary to specify a domain. Domains are never shown in
2001-02-21 21:26:28 +00:00
the header. See also <ref target=NETNAME><kw>NETNAME</kw></ref>
2000-02-25 10:15:17 +00:00
ADDRESS 2:236/77 ; Node address
ADDRESS 2:236/77.1 ; Point address (4D)
ADDRESS 2:236/77.1, 16077 ; Point address (3D)
ADDRESS 2:236/77@fidonet ; Node address with domain</eg>
This keyword can be used globally and in a Random System group.
ADDRESSBOOKADD &lt;(yes)/no/always&gt;
Setting this keyword to <ident>always</ident> means that
<name>GoldED+</name> will always add unknown addressees to the
addressbook when writing new or quoted mails automatically. If you set
the value to <ident>yes</ident>, <name>GoldED+</name> will add them
only if it's a netmail/email. <code>ADDRESSBOOKADD NO</code> disables
this feature entirely.
<hi>NOTE</hi> that <name>GoldED+</name> won't add unknown users if their name match
one of the following criteria:
<list type=simple>
it's a <kw>USERNAME</kw>
it's a <kw>ROBOTNAME</kw>
it's the <kw>WHOTO</kw>
it's the mailinglist's sender address
it's already an email address
address/aka is unknown
By default address of sender taken from <gi>Origin</gi> line. If this
keyword set to <ident>MsgID</ident> then <name>GoldED+</name> looks
for correct <abbr>FTN</abbr> address in <gi>MSGID</gi> kludge first.
ADDRESSMACRO &lt;macro&gt;, &lt;name&gt;, &lt;address&gt;
&lsqb;,<q>subject</q>&rsqb; &lsqb;,attribs&rsqb;
Defines a short name for often used addresses. Typical uses are for
<name>AreaFix</name>/<name>AreaMgr</name>, your uplink, boss, points
or others you write to often. To use a defined address macro, you just
type it in the <gi>To:</gi> name field.
If (and <hi>only</hi> if) the subject is enclosed in quotes (<q></q>
or ''), <name>GoldED+</name> will look for message attributes after
the subject. See the <ptr target=MESSAGEATTRS> for a valid attribute.
You cannot have quotes within quotes (not the same type anyway).
The attribues are <hi>added</hi> to the ones already there, they do
<hi>not</hi> replace them.
Examples:<eg><![ CDATA [
ADDRESSMACRO afup,AreaFix,2:236/512,"password -q -l",K/S
ADDRESSMACRO ffup,FileFix,2:236/512,password
ADDRESSMACRO odin,Odinn Sorensen,2:236/77,GoldED - What else? :-)]]></eg>
A special format is supported for <abbr>UUCP</abbr> or
<name>Internet</name> gateways. The special format is indicated with a
<q>@</q> as the first character in the <ident>&lt;name&gt;</ident>:<eg>
ADDRESSMACRO jfu,,2:310/33
ADDRESSMACRO dn,@INTERNET/,2:241/999</eg>
In the first example, <name>GoldED+</name> will put <q>UUCP</q> (the
default gateway name) in the <gi>To:</gi> message header field and
<q>To:</q> on the first line of the message text.
In the second example, <name>GoldED+</name> will put <q>INTERNET</q>
in the <gi>To:</gi> field, and <q>To:</q> in the
message. The forward slash (<q>/</q>) separates the gateway name from
the addressee. Any gateway name may be used.
The address macros can also be specified in an external file, like the
<code>NAMES.FD</code> file supported by the <name>FrontDoor</name>
mailer/editor and <name>Maximus</name> <abbr>BBS</abbr>. See the
keyword <kw>NAMESFILE</kw> for details. However, you should not use
the syntax with the attributes in the <code>NAMES.FD</code> file,
because <name>FrontDoor</name> and <name>Maximus</name> do not know
this syntax.
ADEPTXBBSPATH &lt;path&gt;
The path where you keep your <name>AdeptXBBS</name>.
ADEPTXBBSUSERNO &lt;userno&gt;
By default <name>GoldED+</name> will use the first record in the
userfile and lastreads. If you are not the first user in the userfile,
or are sharing the messagebase with other <name>GoldED+</name> users,
you must either set this keyword to -1, or use a different number for
each user. Each user must be defined in the userbase.
AKA &lt;zone:net/node&lsqb;.point&rsqb;&lsqb;@domain&rsqb;&lsqb;,
<kw>AKA</kw> (Also Known As) is an alias for the <ref target=ADDRESS>
<kw>ADDRESS</kw></ref> keyword.
This keyword can be used globally and in a Random System group.
AKAMATCH &lt;match&gt; &lt;aka&gt;
This is an enhancement of the existing aka matching logic, which in
some circumstances fails to find the correct aka.
Example: Lets say that zone 21, 22 and 23 are part of the same
network, and that you have an aka in zone 22. You would put something
like this in your setup:<eg>
ADDRESS 2:236/77
AKA 22:33/44</eg>
In this case, if a mail comes in from zone 23, the normal aka matching
logic would fail, because it does not try to guess the correct zone.
To the rescue comes this keyword. You can add this to your setup:<eg>
AKAMATCH 21:*/*.* 22:33/44
AKAMATCH 23:*/*.* 22:33/44</eg>
It tells <name>GoldED+</name> that any mail from zone 21 or 23 matches
your zone 22 aka. Note the use of wildcards here. Wildcards are not
strictly necessary, you could also have just written <q>23:</q> or
When an address does not match any <kw>AKAMATCH</kw> definition, the
normal aka matching logic takes over.
AKAMATCHECHO &lt;yes/(no)&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will attempt to match one of your akas to the
address of the person you are replying to in echomail areas.
Normally it is not desirable to enable aka matching in echomail,
because some echoes may be restricted to members of one particular
network, and an accidental wrong aka matching may attract unwanted
attention from the moderator or the compulsive flamers :-)
AKAMATCHING &lt;yes/no&gt;
This keyword is only valid in the Random System groups. When used, it
overrides any global <kw>AKAMATCHNET</kw>, <kw>AKAMATCHECHO</kw> or
<kw>AKAMATCHLOCAL</kw> you may have.
AKAMATCHLOCAL &lt;yes/(no)&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will attempt to match one of your akas
to the address of the person you are replying to in local areas.
It doesn't really make sense to do aka matching in local areas. The
keyword is just there for completeness.
AKAMATCHNET &lt;(yes)/no&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will attempt to match one of your akas
to the address of the person you are replying to in netmail areas. This
is especially useful if you are a member in more than one network, and
therefore have more than one address.
APP &lt;programname&gt; &lsqb;keyword and/or parameters&rsqb;
This is a way for other programs to place configuration data in
<name>GoldED+</name>'s configuration file.
For example, if a program named <name>OtherProg</name> wants to read
its configuration from <code>GOLDED.CFG</code>, here is how it might
APP OtherProg REGKEY xyaxajlsaduoiweqeq
APP OtherProg IRQ 5</eg>
<name>GoldED+</name> itself will ignore APP lines just like
<kw>REM</kw> lines.
AREA &lt;echoid&gt; &lt;<q>desc</q>&gt; &lt;msgbase&gt;&lsqb;type&rsqb;
&lt;location&gt; &lsqb;akano&rsqb; &lsqb;attrs&rsqb;
This keyword defines a mail area in <name>GoldED+</name>. You need to
define at least one mail area to run <name>GoldED+</name>, or use the
<kw>AREAFILE</kw> keyword to read the area setup of your mailer, mail
processor or <abbr>BBS</abbr>.
<table rows=7 cols=2>
Mail area identifier.
Area description in (<q></q>) quotes.
O(<name>Opus</name> <code>*.MSG</code>),
S(<name>FTS-0001</name> <code>*.MSG</code>),
Q(<name>QuickBBS</name>), R(<name>RemoteAccess</name>),
H(<name>Hudson</name>), M(<name>Squish</name>),
J(<name>JAM</name>), E(<name>Ezycom</name>),
G(<name>Goldbase</name>), P(<name>PCBoard</name>),
X(<name>AdeptXBBS</name>), W(<name>WildCat!</name>).
N(Netmail), E(Echomail), L(Local).
Directory path/file or Hudson board number.
AKA number (starting from 0)
R/O(Read-Only), and/or other attributes.
<q>O(<name>Opus</name>)</q> are <code>*.MSG</code> files with binary
date/time stamps. <q>S(<name>FTS-0001</name>)</q> are
<code>*.MSG</code> files, but with zone/point header fields.
<q>Q(<name>QuickBBS</name>)</q>, <q>R(<name>RemoteAccess</name>)</q>
and <q>H(<name>Hudson</name>)</q> are synonyms.
<q>M(<name>Squish</name>)</q> is the <name>Squish</name> format.
<q>E(<name>Ezycom</name>)</q> is the <name>Ezycom</name> format.
<q>J(<name>JAM</name>)</q> is the <name>JAM</name> format.
<q>G(<name>Goldbase</name>)</q> is the <name>Goldbase</name> format.
<q>P(<name>PCBoard</name>)</q> is the <name>PCBoard</name> format.
<q>X(<name>AdeptXBBS</name>)</q> is the <name>AdeptXBBS</name> format.
<q>W(<name>WildCat!</name>)</q> is the <name>WildCat!</name> 4.x
<name>GoldED+</name> can handle enviroment variables correctly in paths
specified in connection with this keyword. For example, if a path is
defined as <code>%MAIL%&bsol;path&bsol;name</code>, and
<code>SET MAIL=C:&bsol;POINT</code> is in <code>AUTOEXEC.BAT</code> (or
whatever), then <name>GoldED+</name> translates the path to
<hi>NOTE</hi> that the translation is done at config compile time, so
if you change the environment variable and haven't changed anything
else that would cause <name>GoldED+</name> to recompile it's config,
you must force it with the <code>-F</code> or <code>-FF</code> command
It is recommended to use the newer <ref target=AREADEF><kw>AREADEF</kw>
</ref> keyword, which allows more detailed mail area setup.
AREAAUTOID &lt;(verbose)/long/short&gt;
Defines how an automatically created echoid should look, when
<kw>AREAFILE</kw> finds an area without an echoid.
When the <ident>verbose</ident> option is used, the echoid is given a
name similar to the function of the area, such as <gi>NETMAIL</gi>,
<gi>NET_SENT</gi>, <gi>ECHO_BAD</gi>, <gi>ECHO_DUPES</gi> and so on.
When the <ident>long</ident> option is used, the echoids are numbered
sequentially like this: <gi>NETMAILxxx</gi>, <gi>ECHOMAILxxx</gi> and
<gi>LOCALxxx</gi>. This is how it worked in older versions of
<name>GoldED</name> (including 2.42.gamma).
When the <ident>short</ident> option is used, the echoids are numbered
sequentially like this: <gi>NETxxx</gi>, <gi>ECHOxxx</gi> and
<gi>LOCALxxx</gi>. This is how it worked in <name>GoldED</name>
2.50.beta until B1016.
AREAAUTONEXT &lt;(yes)/no&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will automatically jump to the first
marked area in the arealist on startup, and the next marked area after
exiting from an area you have been reading.
AREACATCHUPREAD &lt;(yes)/no&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will set all skipped messages to
<q>read</q> when using <kw>AREAcatchup</kw> in the arealist-screen.
This implies that <code>HIGHLIGHTUNREAD YES</code> is used, otherwise
it has no function.
AREACOPYADDID &lt;yes/(no)&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will insert the control line
<q>AREA:&lt;OriginalEchoID&gt;</q> at the top of each message that is
copied or moved. This can be a help when regularly copying messages to
a <gi>THE_SAFE</gi> type area.
This keyword can and should only be used in the Random System groups.
It is useful if you copy echomails to some local archive areas. In this
case <name>GoldED+</name> can add the
<q>AREA:&lt;OriginalEchoID&gt;</q>-kludge to inform you from where you
copied the mail to.
AREACOPYDIRECT &lt;yes/(no)&gt;
If enabled, the destination area selection list is bypassed, thereby
making possible a <q>seamless</q> copy/move to the default destination
area. The destination area should be set with <kw>AREACOPYTO</kw>.
This keyword can be used globally and in a Random System group.
<hi>NOTE</hi>: It is probably not a good idea to enable this keyword
<div2 id=AREACOPYTO>
AREACOPYTO &lt;echoid&gt;
Sets the default area for the Copy/Move functions. Typically you could
set it to a <q>safe/permanent storage</q> type of area, for example a
<gi>JOKES2KEEP</gi> or <gi>THE_SAFE</gi> area. Note that the Forward
function uses the <kw>AREAREPLYTO</kw> area instead.
This keyword can be used globally and in a Random System Group.
Related keywords: <ref target=AREAFREQTO><kw>AREAFREQTO</kw></ref>,
<ref target=AREAREPLYTO><kw>AREAREPLYTO</kw></ref>.
<div2 id=AREADEF>
AREADEF &lt;setup&gt;
This is newer version of the <kw>AREA</kw> keyword, with more detailed
The full syntax is (must be all on one line):
<code>AREADEF &lt;echoid&gt; &lt;<![ CDATA ["desc"]]>&gt; &lt;group&gt;
&lt;type&gt; &lt;msgbase&gt; &lt;path/board&gt; &lt;aka&gt;
&lt;(attrs)&gt; &lsqb;<![ CDATA ["origin"]]>&rsqb;</code>
<table rows=9 cols=2>
Mail area identifier.
<ident><![ CDATA ["desc"]]></ident>
Area description in quotes.
Groupid uppercase letter (A-Z) or 0 if not in a group. Use
&num;groupnumber to specify group numbers in the 1-999 range,
for example: <code>&num;117</code>.
Net, Echo, Local, EMail or News.
<name>Opus</name>, <name>FTS1</name>, <name>Hudson</name>,
<name>Squish</name>, <name>Ezycom</name>, <name>JAM</name>,
<name>Goldbase</name> or <name>PCBoard</name>.
Area path, boardnumber or base filename.
<abbr>AKA</abbr> address for the area, or <q>.</q> for main
Default attributes in brackets.
<ident><![ CDATA ["origin"]]></ident>
Optional default origin in quotes.
This looks a lot like the AREA keyword. Additional parameters are
the <ident>group</ident>, the verbose <ident>type</ident> and
<ident>msgbase</ident>, the fully specified <ident>aka</ident>
address, the brackets for the attributes and the optional
Note the possibility of using <q>.</q> to specify the main
<abbr>AKA</abbr>. This, and the optional default origin, makes it
simpler to create a common <kw>INCLUDE</kw>'able area configuration
for several setups with different addresses, for example two people
sharing the same msgbase.
<name>GoldED+</name> can handle enviroment variables correctly in paths
specified in connection with this keyword. For example, if a path is
defined as <code>%MAIL%&bsol;path&bsol;name</code>, and
<code>SET MAIL=C:&bsol;POINT</code> is in <code>AUTOEXEC.BAT</code> (or
whatever), then <name>GoldED+</name> translates the path to
<hi>NOTE</hi> that the translation is done at config compile time, so
if you change the environment variable and haven't changed anything
else that would cause <name>GoldED+</name> to recompile it's config,
you must force it with the <code>-F</code> or <code>-FF</code> command
AREADESC &lt;echoid&gt; &lt;<q>desc</q>&gt; &lsqb;group&rsqb;
&lsqb;aka&rsqb; &lsqb;(attrs)&rsqb; &lsqb;<q>origin</q>&rsqb;
Adds a description and optionally a group letter, <abbr>AKA</abbr>,
attributes and origin to an <hi>existing</hi> (previously defined)
area. This is useful if you use an <kw>AREAFILE</kw> that does not
contain descriptions, groups, akas, attributes or origins.
<table rows=6 cols=2>
Mail area identifier.
<ident><![ CDATA ["desc"]]></ident>
Area description in quotes.
Optional groupid uppercase letter (A-Z) or 0 if not in a group.
Use &num;groupnumber to specify group numbers in the 1-999 range
or <q>-</q> to keep the existing groupid.
Optional <abbr>AKA</abbr> address for the area, or <q>.</q> for
main <abbr>AKA</abbr>, or <q>-</q> to keep the existing
Optional default attributes in brackets, <q>-</q> to keep the
existing attributes. Note that if they are specified, they are
<hi>added</hi> to the default net/echo/local attributes.
<ident><![ CDATA ["origin"]]></ident>
Optional default origin in quotes.
<hi>NOTE</hi> that you cannot skip any of the optional parts in the
middle, even if you only want to set, say, an origin. Use <q>-</q> to
keep the existing value for the parts you skip.
AREAEXCL &lt;echoid mask&gt;
With this keyword, you can define the echoids of areas which should be
ignored by <name>GoldED+</name> (thereby leaving them out of the
arealist). This is normally used in connection with <kw>AREAFILE</kw>,
to exclude areas you are not interested in reading.
<name>DOS</name>/<name>4DOS</name>-style wildcards (* and ?) can be
used in the echoid mask.
AREAEXCL * ; Excludes all areas.
AREAEXCL *INTER* ; Excludes all areas containing INTER anywhere in the
; echoid.
AREAEXCL INT*.* ; Excludes all areas beginning with INT and
; containing a dot anywhere in the echoid.</eg>
You can use the <kw>AREAINCL</kw> keyword to reinclude areas which have
been excluded with <kw>AREAEXCL</kw>.
<hi>NOTE</hi> that this keyword must be placed before any of
<kw>AREA</kw>, <kw>AREADEF</kw> or <kw>AREAFILE</kw> keywords.
AREAFILE &lt;type&gt; &lsqb;path/file&rsqb; &lsqb;switches&rsqb;
<name>GoldED+</name> can read the area setup of many popular mailers,
mail processors and <abbr>BBS</abbr>'es, thereby making it much easier
and simpler to configure <name>GoldED+</name> for the mail areas you
receive, by eliminating the need to write <kw>AREA</kw> lines for all
or most of your areas.
<table rows=3 cols=2>
Name of the program.
Filename or path to the area setup files.
Msgbase specific switches.
For most programs, <name>GoldED+</name> can automatically find the path
or filename using environment variables. By default,
<name>GoldED+</name> will look for the area setup files in the
There are switches for sorting the areas, and for turning off an
update-check when <name>GoldED+</name> starts up.
<name>GoldED+</name> can handle enviroment variables correctly in paths
specified in connection with this keyword.
This keyword is explained in greater detail in the
<ptr target=AREACONFIGURATION> chapter.
AREAFILEGROUPS &lt;(yes)/no&gt;
In some <kw>AREAFILE</kw> setups, you can groups the areas using single
letters (A-Z) or numbers (&num;1-999). If this keyword is enabled,
<name>GoldED+</name> will use the area groupid instead of the area
echoid when gathering area specific information from the Random System.
See <ptr target=RANDOMSYSTEM> chapter for details.
AREAFREQDIRECT &lt;yes/(no)&gt;
If enabled, the destination area selection list is bypassed, thereby
making possible a <q>seamless</q> file request in the default
destination area. The destination area should be set with
<hi>TIP:</hi> If you (like most) only have one mailer netmail area,
you should enable the <kw>AREAFREQDIRECT</kw> keyword globally for
simpler file requests.
This keyword can be used globally and in a Random System group.
<div2 id=AREAFREQTO>
AREAFREQTO &lt;echoid(first netmail area)&gt;
Sets the default area for the filerequest function. You should set
this to the netmail area where you normally put the filerequest
Note that if <kw>AREAFREQTO</kw> is not specified, it defaults to the
first netmail area found.
This keyword can be used globally and in a Random System group.
Related keywords: <ref target=AREACOPYTO><kw>AREACOPYTO</kw></ref>,
<ref target=AREAREPLYTO><kw>AREAREPLYTO</kw></ref>.
AREAINCL &lt;echoid mask&gt;
With this keyword, you can define the echoids of areas which should be
reincluded by <name>GoldED+</name>, if they have been excluded with the
<kw>AREAEXCL</kw> keyword. <name>DOS</name>/<name>4DOS</name>-style
wildcards (* and ?) can be used in the echoid mask.
AREAINCL * ; Includes all areas.
AREAINCL *INTER* ; Includes all areas containing INTER anywhere in the
; echoid.
AREAINCL INT*.* ; Includes all areas beginning with INT and
; containing a dot anywhere in the echoid.</eg>
You can use the <kw>AREAINCL</kw> keyword to reinclude areas which have
been excluded with <kw>AREAEXCL</kw>.
<hi>NOTE</hi> that this keyword must be placed before any of
<kw>AREA</kw>, <kw>AREADEF</kw> or <kw>AREAFILE</kw> keywords.
AREAISEMAIL &lt;echoid&gt;
Wildcards * and ? are allowed. These keyword is designed to mark areas
which are read from an <kw>AREAFILE</kw> as <name>Internet</name>
e-mail. This may be necessary in some cases to enable the
<name>Internet</name> specific features without having to manually
define all <name>Internet</name> areas.
AREAISEMAIL alt.*, rec.*, sci.*</eg>
AREAISNEWS &lt;echoid&gt;
For <name>Internet</name> news areas. See <ref target=AREAISEMAIL>
<kw>AREAISEMAIL</kw></ref> for details.
AREAKEEPLAST &lt;(yes)/no&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will write the file
<code>GOLDLAST.LST</code> in the <code>GOLDPATH</code> at exit and read
it back when run next time. The contents of the file is a list of
lastread information for each area as it was at last scan.
This feature is helpful when you know that there have not been tossed
new mail and don't want to wait for a full msgbase scan. Now you can
just hit ESC at the startup screen to abort the area scan and
<name>GoldED+</name> will put up the lastread info from the previous
It also makes the <q>new mail since last scan</q> feature even better,
because the new mail marker now shows which areas that have new mail
since last session even when scanning areas at startup.
<name>GoldED+</name> only writes the <code>GOLDLAST.LST</code> file at
exit if it survived the initial startup scan.
AREALISTECHOMAX &lt;size=0&gt;
Allows you to specify a fixed or dynamically sized width of the
<q>EchoID</q> column in the arealist.
If a negative value is specified, the width will be the that of the
widest echoid in the arealist plus the negative value. This might be
useful if some long-name echoes have uninteresting ends, such as
<q>VERYLONGECHOID_R23.PUB</q> (could benefit from a <ident>size</ident>
of -7). There is currently no provision for long echoids with common
The arealist can dynamically resize the <q>EchoID</q> and
<q>Description</q> columns, so that long echoids are not cut off. The
sizing of the <q>EchoID</q> column is done against the
<q>Description</q> column, which thereby looses or gains width.
AREALISTFORMAT &lt;string=<q>AM D CPUN E G </q>&gt;
The arealist column layout is configurable. This keyword allows you to
change the layout to whatever you like.
The default is:<eg><![ CDATA [
This produces the usual layout. Here is another:<eg><![ CDATA [
This one puts the echoid in front and eliminates the area numbers.
The letters stand for the following:
<table rows=10 cols=3>
Default width
Area number
Number of messages
Personal mail mark ('+')
Number of unread/new messages
Changed since last scan mark (<q>*</q>)
Dynamic: 0, 1 or 3
You can also specify widths if you don't like the defaults:
<eg><![ CDATA [
In this example, the <q>Msgs</q> and <q>New</q> columns are put back
to the size they had in <q>old days</q>.
If you leave out a letter, that column will not be shown.
Use only the defined letters. Use spaces to specify required space
between columns. Use only positive numbers for widths. Failure to
obey these rules may cause undocumented behaviour.
AREALISTGROUPID &lt;(yes)/no&gt;
If enabled, the arealist screen will display the groupid letters, if
any, in a column to the right of the <q>EchoID</q> column. If a groupid
is not a letter in the range A-Z (a value in the range
&num;65-&num;90), the groupid is not shown.
AREALISTNOS &lt;yes/(no)&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will display the board numbers of
<name>Hudson</name> areas in the arealist instead of the default
sequential numbers.
AREALISTPAGEBAR &lt;(yes)/no&gt;
Enables or disables a pagebar (scrollbar) in the arealist.
AREALISTSCAN &lt;<q>L menu text</q>&gt;
&lsqb;path&rsqb;&lt;filename&gt; &lsqb;-delete&rsqb;&rsqb;
This keyword allows you to define additional menu items for the
arealist scanning menus (&lt;Alt-S&gt; or &lt;Alt-P&gt;).
The first two characters of the menu text are the <q>hotkey</q> letter
that will be highlighted in the menu text, plus a space.
The filename specifies a plain text file, with the echoids (wildcards
allowed) of the areas you want to scan when the menu item is selected.
There can be several echoids on each line in the file. If no path is
given, the file is loaded from the <code>GOLDPATH</code>.
The <ident>-delete</ident> option will cause <name>GoldED+</name> to
delete the list file after scanning the areas in it. For example, if
your mail processor generates a list of the areas that it tossed new
mail to, you could add the list as a menu item on the scanning menu and
use it to scan only those areas with new mail. Note that some mail
processors automatically delete their list after using it for
replylinking. You may want to do some creative stuff with batchfiles to
grab a copy.
Examples:<eg><![ CDATA [
AREALISTSCAN "L Scan Latest" R:&bsol;GECHO&bsol;IMPORT.ALL -delete]]></eg>
=== Cut, NEWSGRPS.LST ===
REC.*, SOC.*, SCI.*, TALK.*
=== Cut ===</eg>
=== Cut from an import batchfile ===
gecho mgr toss pack -tossbad
if exist import.jam type import.jam &gt;&gt;import.all
if exist import.hmb type import.hmb &gt;&gt;import.all
if exist import.sdm type import.sdm &gt;&gt;import.all
mbutil link -clean
=== Cut ===</eg>
AREALISTSORT &lt;sortspec=<q>FYTUE</q>&gt;
This keyword defines how the area list should be sorted. You can
override the default setting from the commandline with the
<code>-S</code> switch.
The &lt;sortspec&gt; can be composed of the following types:
<table rows=16 cols=2>
Sort by aka.
Sort by board number.
Sort by description.
Sort by echoid.
Sorts all "fuzzy search" matches first.
Sort by group (if any).
Sorts all marked areas first.
Sort by original order.
Sort by personal mail.
Sort by type (in the order net, echo, local).
Sort by unread messages (try it&excl;).
Sort by msgbase type.
Sorts all areas with "new" mail first.
Sort by msgbase path.
Descending sort (largest first).
Ascending sort (smallest first) (default).
In practice <q>M</q> and <q>Y</q> will usually give the same result,
because <name>GoldED+</name> automatically marks scanned areas if they
contain new mail.
This sorts ascending by type, descending by unread (that is, areas with
the most unread messages comes first) and ascending by echoid (in case
two areas have the same number of unread msgs).
By default no sorting is done, and all areas are listed in the order
they were found (unless sorting was specified with an <kw>AREAFILE</kw>
keyword). However, the configuration examples all make use of the
unread sorting type. This is a very useful way of sorting areas,
because it keeps all the areas with mail together.
Personally I now sort my areas like this: <q>AREALISTSORT FYTUE</q>.
This puts all areas with new mail first, then sorts these into type
(net/echo/local), then into number of new msgs and finally into echoid.
The <q>F</q> at the start enables fuzzy match sorting, which is very
handy when looking for an echoid containing a particular word. Let's
say I want a list of all GOLDED echoes. I can now simply type
<q>GOLDED</q> and then the arealist automatically sorts itself so that
all echoes with an echoid containing <q>GOLDED</q> comes first :-)
The <q>X</q> sort type sorts areas according to msgbase type, in the
following order: <name>Hudson</name>, <name>Goldbase</name>,
<name>JAM</name>, <name>Squish</name>, <name>OPUS</name>
<code>*.MSG</code>, <name>FTS-1</name> <code>*.MSG</code>,
<name>Ezycom</name>, <name>PCBoard</name>.
The <q>X</q> and <q>Z</q> sort types were implemented for internal use,
to optimize area scanning speed. When scanning areas,
<name>GoldED+</name> starts by sorting the arealist using the sortspec
defined with the <kw>AREASCANSORT</kw> keyword.
AREALISTTYPE &lt;(new)/last&gt;
Defines the contents of the 4th column (the one after the <q>Total</q>
<table rows=2 cols=2>
Displays the amount of new (unread) msgs.
Displays the number of the last msg read.
AREAPATH &lt;path&gt;
If you use the <kw>AREAFILE</kw> keyword, <name>GoldED+</name> might
need to know where the area setup files are located. This keyword
specifies where they are found, if not current directory.
<hi>NOTE:</hi> Most <kw>AREAFILE</kw> types can find the path using the
environment variable(s) specific for the program(s). Such environment
variables (or a path specified with the <kw>AREAFILE</kw> definition)
always overrides the <kw>AREAPATH</kw>.
AREAPMSCAN &lt;echoid mask&gt;
This keyword defines areas which will be automatically scanned for
personal mail when starting <name>GoldED+</name>.
<name>DOS</name>/<name>4DOS</name>-style wildcards (* and ?) can be
used in the echoid mask.
AREAPMSCAN * ; Scan all areas.
AREAPMSCAN *INTER* ; Scan all areas containing INTER anywhere in the
; echoid
AREAPMSCAN INT*.* ; Scan all areas beginning with INT and
; containing a dot anywhere in the echoid</eg>
It is recommended to have an <q>AREAPMSCAN *</q> to scan all areas at
startup. If you don't want to wait for the scan to complete, you can
abort the scan by pressing &lt;ESC&gt; during startup.
AREAPMSCANEXCL &lt;echoid or wildcards&gt;
With this keyword you can prevent areas from being scanned with
<kw>AREAPMSCAN</kw> on startup. This is good if you use
<q>AREAPMSCAN *</q>, but have some big areas which slows it down.
AREAPMSCANINCL &lt;echoid or wildcards&gt;
Here you can specify areas to be scanned with <kw>AREAPMSCAN</kw> even
if they were excluded with <kw>AREAPMSCANEXCL</kw>. Useful for partial
reversal of wildcard specs in the excludes.
AREAREADONLY &lt;(soft)/hard&gt;
If this keyword is set to <ident>hard</ident>, it is no longer possible
to enter/reply/change messages in areas marked read-only with the R/O
area attribute. The <ident>soft</ident> setting uses a menu to ask
permission as in the previous versions. This option is designed for
those who setup a system for new computer users who might be confused
enough to enter a message in a read-only area despite the warning menu.
AREARENAME &lt;from echoid&gt; &lt;to echoid&gt;
Renames one echoid to another. The feature is meant to be used in
connection with <kw>AREAFILE</kw>, where some types do not store
echoids with the areas (and <name>GoldED+</name> then automatically
gives them unique echoids).
AREAREPLYDIRECT &lt;yes/(no)&gt;
If enabled, the destination area selection list is bypassed, thereby
making possible a <q>seamless</q> reply/forward to the default
destination area. The destination area should be set with
<hi>TIP:</hi> If you run a utility or have a mail processor which
copies personal mail to a separate area and puts an <q>AREA:</q> line
at the top of the messages, you should create a random system group for
the area and enable <kw>AREAREPLYDIRECT</kw> in it:<eg>
AreaReplyDirect yes</eg>
With such a setup, <name>GoldED+</name> replies directly to the area
found in the <q>AREA:</q> line, so that you do not have to explicitly
use the &lt;Alt-N&gt; command to reply in the original area, because
<name>GoldED+</name> automatically stores the reply in the appropiate
area. However, if you use &lt;ALT-N&gt;, you can select a diffrent area
(i.e. Netmail).
This keyword can be used globally and in a Random System group.
<hi>NOTE:</hi> It is probably not a good idea to enable this keyword
AREAREPLYTO &lt;echoid=first netmail area&gt;
Sets the default area for the <kw>READmovequotemsg</kw>,
<kw>READmovecommentmsg</kw> and Forward functions. The default area is
the first netmail area found in your setup. You should check if
<name>GoldED+</name> found the correct one if you have more than one.
If you find yourself often forwarding or quoting from one area to
another, it might be a good idea to setup a Random System group and put
in this keyword.
This keyword can be used globally and in a Random System group.
Related keywords: <kw>AREACOPYTO</kw>, <kw>AREAFREQTO</kw>.
AREASCAN &lt;echoid mask&gt;
This keyword defines areas which will be automatically scanned when
starting <name>GoldED+</name>. <name>DOS</name>/<name>4DOS</name>-style
wildcards (* and ?) can be used in the echoid mask.
AREASCAN * ; Scan all areas.
AREASCAN *INTER* ; Scan all areas containing INTER anywhere in
; the echoid.
AREASCAN INT*.* ; Scan all areas beginning with INT and
; containing a dot anywhere in the echoid.</eg>
It is recommended to have an <q>AREASCAN *</q> to scan all areas at
startup. If you don't want to wait for the scan to complete, you can
abort the scan by pressing &lt;ESC&gt; during startup.
AREASCANEXCL &lt;echoid or wildcards&gt;
With this keyword you can prevent areas from being scanned with
<kw>AREASCAN</kw> on startup. This is good if you use
<q>AREASCAN *</q>, but have some big areas which slows it down.
AREASCANINCL &lt;echoid or wildcards&gt;
Here you can specify areas to be scanned with <kw>AREASCAN</kw> even if
they were excluded with <kw>AREASCANEXCL</kw>. Useful for partial
reversal of wildcard specs in the excludes.
AREASCANSORT &lt;sortspec=XZBE&gt;
When scanning areas, <name>GoldED+</name> can optimize area scanning
speed if it first sorts the arealist in an order so that each msgbase
format is scanned in sequence rather than on semi-random order.
If you don't like this or don't need it, you can define your own sort
See the <kw>AREALISTSORT</kw> keyword for the definition of the
AREASEP &lt;echoid&gt; &lt;"desc"&gt; &lt;group&gt; &lt;type&gt;
You can define area separation lines between groups or areatypes. The
syntax is nearly the same as the <kw>AREADEF</kw> keyword except for
the fields after &lt;type&gt;.
These five are area separation lines that are designed to list before
each type of area. This works well when <kw>AREALISTSORT</kw> has
<ident>T</ident> (for type) as one of the primary sort orders.
<p>Example:<eg><![ CDATA [
AREASEP &excl;NET "Netmail areas" 0 Net
AREASEP &excl;EMAIL "E-mail areas" 0 EMail
AREASEP &excl;ECHO "Echomail areas" 0 Echo
AREASEP &excl;NEWS "Newsgroup areas" 0 News
AREASEP &excl;LOCAL "Local areas" 0 Local]]></eg>
These can be used to separate areas with group letters (it will also
work with group numbers like &num;117). Areas should then be sorted
primarily on the group.
<p>Example:<eg><![ CDATA [
AREASEP &excl;A "Group A" A Local
AREASEP &excl;B "Group B" B Local
AREASEP &excl;C "Group C" C Local]]></eg>
In these examples, I put a <q>&excl;</q> in front of the echoid to make
sure it is sorted ahead of the areas. This may not be necessary in all
cases, depending on the sort order in effect. If you do put
<q>&excl;</q> in front of the echoid, have fuzzy sorting as the primary
sort order, and type <q>&excl;</q> in the fuzzy search, you'll get the
interesting effect that all area separation lines collect themselves at
the top :-)
The area separation lines are implemented like a special kind of area,
and are therefore sorted in the arealist just as if they were actual
areas. This is also the reason why you can place the cursor bar on the
separation lines. Originally I wanted to make the cursor skip the
separation lines, but I think I'll leave it as it is, because it can be
useful sometimes, especially when using the fuzzy feature to quickly go
to an area, for example, type <q>&excl;C</q> to quickly move down to
the group C areas (using the group sorted example).
When configuring area separation lines, be careful to consider the
<kw>AREALISTSORT</kw>, so that the lines are sorted into the positions
you want. If you don't sort areas, you must make sure that the
<kw>AREASEP</kw> definitions are placed correctly in your
<code>GOLDED.CFG</code> or <code>GOLDAREA.CFG</code>, that is,
between/before <kw>AREADEF</kw> lines.
You will note that the separation lines are not fully connected into
the left and right edges. This is both by design and for practical
reasons (easier to implement), not a bug.
Currently the descriptions are hardcoded to the natural location in the
description column.
<div2 id=AREASTART>
AREASTART &lt;echoid&gt;
Normally <name>GoldED+</name> starts by displaying the arealist, to let
you select which area you want to read. If this keyword is defined, the
arealist is bypassed and <name>GoldED+</name> starts directly in the
configured area. You can override <kw>AREASTART</kw> with the
<code>-E</code> commandline switch.
AREATYPEORDER &lt;type1=Net&gt; &lt;type2=EMail&gt; &lt;type3=Echo&gt;
&lt;type4=News&gt; &lt;type5=Local&gt;
This keyword allows you to change the ordering of the
<ident>Net</ident>, <ident>Echo</ident>, <ident>Local</ident>,
<ident>EMail</ident> and <ident>News</ident> types when sorted by
This keyword was added to give greater flexibility to the
<kw>AREASEP</kw> feature.
AREAYOUWROTETO &lt;echoid&gt;
<name>GoldED+</name> automatically copies mails written by yourself to
the given area when saving a new mail. <name>GoldED+</name> will also
add an <gi>AREA</gi> kludge so you can see from which area the mail
originally is copied from.
This keyword can be used globally and in Random System group.
ASKDELORIG &lt;(yes)/no&gt;
If enabled, you will be asked if the message you just replied to should
be deleted. Otherwise it is left untouched.
This keyword is only functional in netmail and local areas.
ATTACHPATH &lt;path&gt;
Defines the default &lt;path&gt; when selecting files for attachement.
ATTRIBSATTACH &lt;attributes&gt;
Defines the attributes that are <hi>added</hi> to the existing
attributes of a message when the file attach attribute is toggled on.
ATTRIBSCC &lt;attributes&gt;
Defines the default attributes of Carbon Copy messages. <abbr>CC</abbr>
attributes are <hi>added</hi> to the existing attributes of the
original message. Usually used to add the <q>Kill/Sent</q> attribute.
ATTRIBSCFM &lt;attributes&gt;
Defines the default attributes of the Confirmation Receipt message.
ATTRIBSECHO &lt;attributes&gt;
Defines the default attributes of messages entered in echomail areas.
ATTRIBSEMAIL &lt;attributes&gt;
Defines the default attributes of messages entered in e-mail areas.
ATTRIBSFRQ &lt;attributes&gt;
Defines the attributes to use for messages generated with the file
request function. Suggested attributes are: <gi>PVT</gi> <gi>K/S</gi>
<gi>CRA</gi>. The <gi>FRQ</gi> and <gi>LOC</gi> attributes are added
ATTRIBSLOCAL &lt;attributes&gt;
Defines the default attributes of messages entered in local areas.
ATTRIBSNET &lt;attributes&gt;
Defines the default attributes of messages entered in netmail areas.
ATTRIBSNEWS &lt;attributes&gt;
Defines the default attributes of messages entered in news groups.
ATTRIBUTES &lt;attributes&gt;
Defines the default attributes for area members of the current Random
System group.
BEEPCOMMENT &lt;(yes)/no&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will make a noise when the cursor in
the internal editor is moved across a word defined with the
<kw>EDITCOMMENT</kw> keyword.
BEEPLOCALMSG &lt;yes/(no)&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will make a noise if it finds a msg
with the <q>Local</q> (<gi>LOC</gi>) attributes set. This can be useful
for the sysop who wants to monitor the msgs entered by users on his/her
A related keyword is <kw>DISPLOCALHIGH</kw>.
BEEPNOISES &lt;(yes)/no&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> makes noises when it wants attention.
<hi>NOTE</hi>: This is the <q>master switch</q> for all noises in
BEEPYOURMAIL &lt;(yes)/no/always&gt;
If set to <ident>Yes</ident>, <name>GoldED+</name> will make a noise if
it finds a non-received message to one of your <kw>USERNAME</kw>'s. If
set to <ident>Always</ident>, <name>GoldED+</name> will make the noise
even if it has already been marked as received.
CARBONCOPYLIST &lt;listspec=Names&gt;
This specifies the format of the Carbon Copy list, as it will look
after processing. You can also change the format in the <abbr>CC</abbr>
menu before processing.
The &lt;listspec&gt; can be one of the following:
Keep Keep the list as entered.
Names Convert list to "CC: Name, Name, Name.." format.
Visible Convert list to "CC: Name Address" format.
Hidden Convert list to "^aCC: Name Address" format.
Remove Remove the list completely.
More details can be found in the Carbon Copy and Crossposting chapter.
COLOR &lt;colorspec&gt;
Using this keyword you can define or redefine all the colors used
in <name>GoldED+</name>. See the Color Configuration chapter for details.
A complete color setup consists of a quite a lot of <kw>COLOR</kw>
keywords, and it is normal practice to put them in a separate .CFG
file and use the <kw>INCLUDE</kw> keyword to let <name>GoldED+</name> read it. The COLORS
archive contains a number of example color/mono setups. Try them
out if you think the default colors stink :-)
COLORSET &lt;Normal/Intense/Mono&gt;
(Normal or Mono)
Three color setups are built-in, and can be selected with this
The Normal set is the default when a color display adapter is
detected. The Normal set has all black background, with bright
neon-like colors for the window frames. Some hate it, some love
it. :-)
The Intense set switches off the "blink" attribute, thereby
enabling the use of intense (bright) colors for the background
("paper") colors as well as the foreground ("ink") colors. This is
used in the Intense set to make a bright white background, sort of
like the standard Windows 3.0 setup.
The Mono set is the default when a monochrome adapter is detected.
CONFIRMFILE &lt;filename&gt;
<name>GoldED+</name> supports the Confirmation Receipt attribute, as used in
FrontDoor 2.xx with the FLAGS CFM kludge. If <name>GoldED+</name> finds an
unreceived message to one of your <kw>USERNAME</kw>'s with the CFM (or the
RRQ Return Receipt Request) attribute set, it generates an
automatic response message from the content of the <kw>CONFIRMFILE</kw>. In
the file you can use many of the template tokens to personalize
the automatic message. You can specify the default attributes for
the message with the <kw>ATTRIBSCFM</kw> keyword.
Template tokens are explained in the Message Template chapter.
CONFIRMRESPONSE &lt;yes/no/ask&gt;
An unreceived message to you with the CFM attribute set tells
<name>GoldED+</name> that the sender has requested a receipt that you have read
the message. With this keyword you tell <name>GoldED+</name> what to do when
such a message is found. Either always automatically generate the
receipt ("yes"), always ignore the requests ("no") or ask you in
each case. Older versions always generated receipts.
COOKIEPATH &lt;path&gt;
(defaults to the GOLDPATH)
Defines the default path for the @random template token.
CROSSPOSTLIST &lt;listspec&gt;
This specifies the format of the Crosspost list, as it will look
after processing.
The &lt;listspec&gt; can be one of the following:
None Crosspost without a list in the msgs.
Verbose Change the list to lines of "* Crossposted in ..."
Yes Also adds "* Crossposted in ...", but expands echolist
in line rather than in column.
Raw Keep the crosspost list as you entered it.
More details can be found in the Carbon Copy and Crossposting
CTRLINFO &lt;Tearline,Origin,yes/no&gt;
Specifies if you want a tearline and/or origin in your messages.
This keyword can ONLY be used in Random System groups.
This may be helpful for QWK users, who can now create a group for
the QWK areas and put "CTRLINFO No" in it.
CTRLINFOECHO &lt;Tearline,Origin,yes/no&gt;
(Tearline Origin)
Specifies if you want a tearline and/or origin in your echomail
messages. They will be added by your echomail processor if you
disable them here.
CTRLINFOECHO Tearline Origin ; Add both tearline and origin.
CTRLINFOECHO Tearline ; Add only a tearline.
CTRLINFOECHO Origin ; Add only an origin.
NOTE: If you use the last example, your mail processor may get
confused. However, most modern mail processors *can* handle msgs
without a tearline.
CTRLINFOEMAIL &lt;Tearline,Origin,yes/no&gt;
Specifies if you want a tearline and/or origin in your Internet
e-mail messages. This is not recommended.
CTRLINFOLOCAL &lt;Tearline,Origin,yes/no&gt;
Specifies if you want tearline and origin in your messages in
local areas. In local areas, the tearline and origin is normally
never required but can be used for cosmetic purposes.
CTRLINFOLOCAL Tearline Origin ; Add both tearline and origin.
CTRLINFOLOCAL Tearline ; Add only a tearline.
CTRLINFOLOCAL Origin ; Add only an origin.
CTRLINFONET &lt;Tearline,Origin,yes/no&gt;
Specifies if you want tearline and origin in your netmail
messages. In netmail areas, the tearline and origin is normally
never required but can be used for cosmetic purposes.
CTRLINFONET Tearline Origin ; Add both tearline and origin.
CTRLINFONET Tearline ; Add only a tearline.
CTRLINFONET Origin ; Add only an origin.
CTRLINFONEWS &lt;Tearline,Origin,yes/no&gt;
Specifies if you want a tearline and/or origin in your Internet
news articles. This is not recommended.
DISPAREANO &lt;yes/no/always&gt;
This keyword specifies if <name>GoldED+</name> should display the area number on
the top line in the reader.
Yes Display it only if non-zero.
No Never display it.
Always Always display the area number.
The area number is the same as that displayed in the leftmost
column in the arealist. This also means that the number displayed
can be either the "real" area number (Hudson/Goldbase/Ezycom
board) or the standard sequential number (toggleable with Alt-B in
the arealist).
The number is displayed in square brackets to the left of the area
description. I am not sure that is the best place for it - things
are getting kinda crowded up there... Suggestions are welcome.
DISPATTACHSIZE &lt;bytes/kbytes/no&gt;
Controls how the size of attached files is displayed in the
header. Either the exact byte size, the rounded kbyte size, or not
displayed at all. If the kbytes setting is chosen, the value is
rounded according to the following formula: kbytes = (bytes + 512)
/ 1024. So a 600 bytes file is rounded up to "1k", but a 500 bytes
file is rounded down to "0k".
DISPAUTONEXT &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will automatically jump to the next message
when entering an area.
DISPHDRDATESET &lt;pos&gt; &lt;len&gt;
(-20 20)
Specifies the position and length of the date field in the header
display. If a negative value is specified, that value is added to
the current display width.
DISPHDRNAMESET &lt;pos&gt; &lt;len&gt;
(8 36)
Specifies the position and length of the from/to name field in the
header display. If a negative value is specified, that value is
added to the current display width.
DISPHDRNODESET &lt;pos&gt; &lt;len&gt;
(44 16)
Specfies the position and length of the from/to node address field
in the header display. If a negative value is specified, that
value is added to the current display width.
NOTE: The attributes display moves along with the <kw>DISPHDRNODESET</kw>
DISPLISTCURSOR &lt;top/neartop/middle/nearbottom/bottom&gt;
Selects the starting position of selection bar in the message list
and nodelist browsers.
Top At the top if possible.
NearTop At top + 1/3 if possible.
Middle At middle of possible.
NearBottom At bottom - 1/3.
Bottom At bottom.
DISPLISTWRAP &lt;yes/no&gt;
Enables/disables wrap-around when the selection bar in the main
list/browser windows reaches the top or bottom.
DISPLOCALHIGH &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will display the FROM name with the highlight
color, if a message has the Local (LOC) attribute set.
A related keyword is <kw>BEEPLOCALMSG</kw>.
DISPMARGIN &lt;width&gt;
This is the right margin (display width) used for message display.
If the value is 0 (zero), <name>GoldED+</name> will default to the current
screen width. If a negative value is specified, that value will be
added to the current screen width (thereby decreasing the display
width relative to the screen width).
If the <kw>DISPPAGEBAR</kw> keyword is enabled, the right margin is
automatically decreased by one char.
DISPMSGSIZE &lt;bytes/kbytes/lines/no&gt;
When enabled, this keyword displays the msgbody size in bytes,
kbytes or lines in the lower left side of the header. The size
displayed is for the message body text only, the header and
nul-terminator (and anything that may lurk beyond it) is excluded
from the calculation.
NOTE: This feature currently only works when _reading_ msgs. While
editing a msg in the internal editor, this feature is disabled -
however, the size will be displayed when you are in the Save msg
menu (if <kw>EDITSAVEMENU</kw> is enabled).
DISPPAGEBAR &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, a "pagebar" (similar to the scrollbar in GUI's) will
appear on the right margin, telling you about the relative size
and position in the message you are reading. It is only displayed
if a message is longer than a screenful.
The pagebar automatically decreases the <kw>DISPMARGIN</kw> by one char.
DISPREALMSGNO &lt;yes/no&gt;
<name>GoldED+</name> can display the message numbers in two ways:
1. As the actual (real) msg numbers.
2. As "relative" numbers, which are always sequential from msg
number 1.
Normally the relative numbers are best, because they reflect the
actual number of msgs in the system.
DISPSOFTCR &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will treat the so-called Soft-CR character
(ASCII 141, HEX 8D) just like any other displayable character,
instead of ignoring it like linefeed chars (LF). Note that by
enabling this feature, you _disable_ the character translation
feature that uses the Soft-CR as an escape character. This feature
was added to help users in countries which use the Soft-CR
character for other purposes like 2-byte characters in Japan.
NOTE: The Ezycom msgbase format requires the Soft-CR to terminate
each line. Therefore this feature is unlikely to be useful to
Ezycom sysops.
DISPSTATUSLINE &lt;yes/no&gt;
If set to NO, the statusline with memory meter, clock etc. will be
disabled. This option has been implemented as a temporary help for
visually impaired users. More extensive help may be implemented in
future versions.
DISPTABSIZE &lt;chars&gt;
The tab size (number of spaces) used when displaying the tab
(ASCII 9) character, and when pressing &lt;Tab&gt; in the internal
If you use an external editor, you should switch it to create
spaces instead of tabs, because tabs are technically not allowed
in FidoNet technology messages.
DOSPROMPT (yes/no)
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will add a message about itself to the DOS
prompt when shelling out.
EDITAUTOATTACH &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, and you use drivespec (C:, D:, etc.) in the subject in
a netmail message, <name>GoldED+</name> will automatically turn on the file
attach attribute. Autoattaching only works if the subject has been
edited, so that subject files will not automatically be
re-attached in replies.
EDITAUTOSAVE &lt;seconds&gt;
If a non-zero value is given, the internal editor will
automatically execute the <kw>EDITsavefile</kw> function with intervals of
&lt;seconds&gt;. Good for keeping automatic backup of the message you
are writing. The saved file can be restored with the <kw>EDITloadfile</kw>
command. The name of the saved file is defined with the <kw>EDITORFILE</kw>
If disaster strikes (crash, lockup, power blackout, etc.) while
you are writing a message in the internal editor, this feature
lets you continue from the last autosaved message, which will
popup automatically when you enter the internal editor again.
NOTE: This feature only works 100% if KEYBMODE is set to "poll".
If <kw>KEYBMODE</kw> is set to "block", autosave won't happen until you
press a key after the interval has passed.
EDITCHANGEDATE &lt;always/yes/no&gt;
If set to "always", <name>GoldED+</name> will always "touch" the message date in
the header, if you change a message after saving it.
If set to "yes", <name>GoldED+</name> will only "touch" the message date in the
header, if you change a message written by yourself. This is
useful in cases such as when you need to edit messages written by
other people (in-transit netmails for example) which may be
mis-addressed or something without messing up the date.
If set to "no", the message date is not changed when changing a
EDITCHARPARA &lsqb;'&rsqb;&lt;char&gt;&lsqb;'&rsqb;
(' ')
This keyword defines the character <name>GoldED+</name> displays at the end of
paragraphs in the internal editor. This is where the CR character
will be placed once the msg is saved.
EDITCHARSPACE &lsqb;'&rsqb;&lt;char&gt;&lsqb;'&rsqb;
(' ')
This keyword defines the character <name>GoldED+</name> displays when it should
display a space character in the internal editor. See also the
description of the <kw>EDITCHARPARA</kw> keyword.
The keywords <kw>EDITCHARPARA</kw> and <kw>EDITCHARSPACE</kw> were added to aid me
while rewriting and debugging the new internal editor. By
redefining them to visible characters instead of spaces, I could
see if strange things were happening while inserting or deleting
characters. This was a great help. Personally I now always use
redefinitions to ASCII 20 (a paragraph sign) and CP437 250 (a
small dot).
EDITCOMMENT &lt;"word"&gt; &lt;"comment"&gt;
This feature is mostly for fun :-)
It allows you to define words which causes <name>GoldED+</name> to display a
comment in the statusline, when you place the cursor on the word
in the internal editor.
EDITCOMMENT ":-(" "Don't worry, be happy&excl;"
EDITCOMMENT ":-)" "Are we having fun yet?"
EDITCOMMENT ";-)" "Wink wink, nudge nugde..."
EDITCOMMENT "&excl;&excl;&excl;" "Flame Warning&excl;"
EDITCOMMENT "GoldED" "Great program, isn't it?"
EDITCOMMENT "Odin" "One more 'n' please."
EDITCOMMENT "Odinn" "That's right :-)"
Have fun with it&excl;
EDITCOMPLETION &lt;"abbreviation"&gt; &lt;"completion"&gt;
This feature allows you to define abbreviations which will be
automatically expanded to full words or sentences when typed in
the internal editor. Examples:
EDITCOMPLETION "/V7" "Version 7"
EDITCOMPLETION "/WfW" "Windows for Workgroups"
NOTE&excl; The abbreviation is case-sensitive. If "XX" is defined as
an abbreviation, completion will NOT be triggered if "xx" is
EDITCRLFTERM &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, all text paragraphs in your messages will be
terminated with a CR/LF combination. If disabled, only a single CR
is used. This option was created to fix a problem with an older
version of the Dutchie mail processor, that apparently needed the
CR/LF termination of kludge lines.
EDITFIELDCLEAR &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, the input-fields will be automatically cleared for new
entry, if a non-edit key is the first key pressed.
EDITHARDLINE &lt;string&gt;
The string is needed if you use an external editor that terminates
all lines with a CR or CR/LF. The hardline string acts as a text
paragraph terminator, and the normal CR's are ignored.
The concept of "hardlines" is explained in the Hardline Feature
EDITHARDLINES &lt;yes/no&gt;
This keyword enables the "hardline" feature. If disabled, the
<kw>EDITHARDLINE</kw> string is never written to the editor message file,
and the editor message file is read back exactly as entered,
including terminating CR's on all lines.
EDITHARDTERM &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will hard-terminate all lines in your messages
at the editor margin. It is recommended to enable this keyword for
Internet e-mail and newsgroups, because some user-unfriendly
Internet software does not wrap long lines properly. But DON'T
enable it in normal FidoNet echomail.
This keyword can be used globally and in Random System groups.
EDITHDRNAMESET &lt;pos&gt; &lt;len&gt;
(8 36)
Specfies the position and length of the from/to name field in the
header edit display. If a negative value is specified, that value
is added to the current display width.
EDITHDRNODESET &lt;pos&gt; &lt;len&gt;
(44 36)
Specfies the position and length of the from/to node address field
in the header edit display. If a negative value is specified, that
value is added to the current display width.
EDITHEADERATTRS &lt;yes/no&gt;
This keyword allows you to turn off the large attributes window
that is shown during header edit. Even if the window is turned
off, the Alt-keys are still active for toggling attributes.
EDITHEADERFIRST &lt;new,changes,replies,forwards,yes/no&gt;
This keyword controls the circumstances that will present you with
the header editor first of all.
New When entering a new message.
Changes When changing a message
Replies When making a reply.
Forwards When forwarding a message.
Yes Always (all of the above).
No Never.
The New, Changes, Replies and Forwards values can be combined. YES
is equivalent to enabling all four of these.
For example, we want to edit the header only when entering a new
message or when changing a message:
If the circumstances match the setup of this keyword, the header
edit will be bypassed and you will start directly in the <kw>EDITMENU</kw>
(if enabled) or in the internal or external editor. A new menu
item has been added in the <kw>EDITSAVEMENU</kw>, "Edit Header", which
allows you to edit the header after you have written your message,
but before it is finally saved.
If you set <kw>EDITHEADERFIRST</kw> to NO, you must either have the
<kw>EDITSAVEMENU</kw> enabled, or use the internal editor, because
otherwise it is not possible to edit the header at all.
EDITINTERNAL &lt;yes/no&gt;
Specifies if the internal editor should be the default, even if an
external editor is defined. You can always change the setting in
the editor menu (if <kw>EDITMENU</kw> is enabled) before you start writing
your message.
EDITMENU &lt;yes/no&gt;
This keyword enables or disables the "Edit menu" that pops up
right after you have edited the message header. If you disable the
menu, you will go to the internal or external editor immediately
and save a keystroke, but you will of course lose the features
available from the menu, such as selection of template etc.
EDITMIXCASE &lt;yes/no&gt;
If this keyword is enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will automatically format the
name with uppercase the first letter in words and lowercase the
rest, when entering names in the header.
"odinn sorensen" or "ODINN SORENSEN"
These would be re-cased to "Odinn Sorensen".
EDITMSGSIZE &lt;bytes&gt;
(64000 in DOS, 512000 in all others)
This lets you limit the size of loaded msgs. <name>GoldED+</name> currently
cannot handle msgs larger than 64k in the DOS version (all other
platforms do not have this limit). This keyword ensures that the
system will not get confused and possibly crash or exit, if a
message was encountered that was larger than 64k.
EDITOR &lt;commandline&gt; &lsqb;@file&rsqb; &lsqb;@line&rsqb;
With <name>GoldED+</name> it is possible to use your favorite text editor or
even word processor to write messages. With this keyword you
specify the commandline for the editor.
If you use a word processor, be sure to make it export clean ASCII
2001-02-21 21:26:28 +00:00
text files without control codes.
2000-02-25 10:15:17 +00:00
&lt;commandline&gt; Program commandline.
@file Token which is replaced by the editor message
@line Token which is replaced by the @Position
template line number.
EDITORFILE &lt;file&gt;
Defines the name of the temporary editor message file. This file
is written by <name>GoldED+</name> when swapping to the external editor, or when
using the <kw>EDITsavefile</kw> command in the internal editor.
The file is written in the GOLDPATH if there is no explicit path.
EDITQUOTEMARGIN &lt;margin&gt;
Sets the right margin for editing quoted lines in the internal
editor. This should be set to the same or wider than the
EDITREPLYRE &lt;yes/no/numeric&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> inserts the "Re:" string in front of the
subject when you reply to a message. If not enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will
strip any leading "Re:" when you reply to a msg.
The "Re:" string in subjects is an obsolete practice, and today it
only slows down modern replylinking software. Do yourself and
others a favor and let <name>GoldED+</name> strip the Re: in your replies.
The "numeric" option makes <name>GoldED+</name> use numeric Re:'s, of the form
This keyword can be used globally and in Random System groups.
EDITSAVEMENU &lt;yes/no&gt;
This keyword enables or disables the "Save menu" that pops up
after you have edited your message in the internal or external
editor. If you disable the menu, your message will be saved (or
discarded if not edited) immediately and save you a keystroke, but
you will also lose the features available from the menu.
EDITSAVEUTIL &lt;utilno&gt; &lt;"L menu text"&gt;
Defines the external utilities that will be added to the
<kw>EDITSAVEMENU</kw> (if enabled). The menu text is inserted in the menu.
The first two characters of the menu text are the "hotkey" letter
that will be highlighted in the menu text, plus a space. Example:
EDITSAVEUTIL 1 "S PGP Sign the msg"
EDITSAVEUTIL 2 "l PGP Clear-Sign the msg"
EDITSAVEUTIL 3 "E PGP Encrypt the msg"
EDITSAVEUTIL 4 "p PGP Encrypt &amp; Sign the msg"
If you have changed the default language in this menu (in
GOLDLANG.CFG), then make sure the highlight letters don't clash.
With <kw>EDITSAVEUTIL</kw> definitions and <kw>EDITSAVEMENU</kw> enabled, you can
directly call an external utility to do things like encoding or
encrypting msgs before saving them.
If a translation char is defined, <name>GoldED+</name> will translate the
soft-cr character (ASCII 141, HEX 8D) while saving message to base.
The following example translates the soft-cr to an 'H' (for use in Russia):
You also have to enable the <kw>DISPSOFTCR</kw> keyword.
EDITSPELLCHECK &lt;commandline&gt; &lsqb;@file&rsqb;
While in the internal editor, you can use the <kw>EDITspellcheck</kw>
command to save your message to a file and shell to external
spellchecking software. When the check is completed, the corrected
file is read back and you can continue editing your message. The
<kw>EDITspellcheck</kw> command internally uses the <kw>EDITsavefile</kw> and
<kw>EDITloadfile</kw> commands.
&lt;commandline&gt; Spellchecker program commandline.
&lsqb;@file&rsqb; Token which is replaced by the message filename
(defined by the <kw>EDITORFILE</kw> keyword).
EDITUNDELETE &lt;lines&gt;
This keyword defines the number of lines to keep in the undelete
buffer between messages.
EMPTYTEARLINE &lt;yes/no&gt;
With this keyword enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will always strip the tearline
down to just the three dashes, "---", and instead inserts the PID
(Product IDentification) kludge line, which contains the same
information, but in a safer form in a safer place. The PID kludge
is proposed in FidoNet document FSC-0046.
By default headers in e-mails MIME-encoded according to RFC. In
Russia it is general practice not to encode headers, so you
probably want to say No here if you're in Russia ;-) This keyword
supported only in -asa versions.
Ends a Random System <kw>GROUP</kw> definition.
EVENT &lt;eventtype&gt; &lt;eventcommand &lsqb;parameters&rsqb;&gt;
This keyword allows you to specify which soundfile to play when a
specfic event occurs. The following &lt;eventtype&gt;'s are defined:
Arealist When the arealist shows.
AskYesNo Any Yes/No type prompt.
Attention Warnings or information popup messages.
DosShell When entering a DOS or OS/2 shell.
EditComment When an editcomment is found.
EndOfMsgs When there are no more msgs in the area.
ErrorFatal Fatal error exit.
Exit Exit from <name>GoldED+</name>.
JobDone Successful completion of a job.
JobFailed Unsuccessful completion of a job.
MsgDeleting When deleting a msg.
MsgFromYou When a msg from you is found.
MsgIsLocal When a msg marked Local is found.
MsgIsTwit When a msg from a Twit is found.
MsgToYou When a msg to you is found.
SearchFailed Search operation failed.
SearchSuccess Search operation was successful.
Startup When the <name>GoldED+</name> startup screen shows.
There is currently only one &lt;eventcommand&gt; defined:
PLAY &lt;filename.ext/beepnoise&gt;.
The parameter to PLAY can be either a sound file or one of the
following standard beepnoises:
TheEnd A high and a low note.
GotIt Two sets of low-high notes.
TooBad A falling note.
ToYou A rising and falling note.
SayBiBi A single beep.
SOS Morse S O S (...---...).
If a sound file is specified, the sound driver must support the
The DOS and 386 versions need a Goldware Sound API compatible TSR
or program loader which installs an interrupt service function on
the multiplex interrupt 2Dh. See the chapter about the Goldware
Sound API for more details. The GCTVSAPI program loader (released
separately) currently only supports the CT-VOICE.DRV driver for
.VOC files.
The OS/2 version relies on MMPM/2 (using the mciSendString API
call) to play the sound files. On my system with a Sound Blaster
Pro, MMPM/2 plays both .WAV and (to my surprise) .VOC files. It
even plays .MID files :-)
The Win32 version uses the Win32 API to play the sound files. It
should be able to play any multimedia file that Windows knows how
to handle.
Example usages:
You have to select the sounds carefully and probably with a lot of
experimentation, unless you want to turn your mailreader into a
honking, wailing and farting monster and drive your poor family or
yourself nuts with a cacophony of noises...
EXCLUDENODES &lt;addressmask&gt;
You can define up to 50 different addressmasks to be excluded from
the compiled nodelists. Use this if you are short of space, or the
nodelist compile takes very long on your system. This keyword is
used by GoldNODE.
Excluded nodes can be re-included with the <kw>INCLUDENODES</kw> keyword.
EXTERNOPTIONS &lt;-options&gt;
Defines the default options for the <kw>EXTERNUTIL</kw>'s. Valid options:
-Cls * Clear screen.
-Cursor * Cursor in shell.
-KeepCtrl * Keep control lines in the message.
-Pause Pause for keypress before returning to <name>GoldED+</name>.
-PauseOnError * Pause only if utility errorlevel is nonzero.
-Reload * Reload the message file (@file).
-Wipe Wipe editorfile and temporary file after use.
Plus the reverse options with a "No" prefix, for example -NoCls.
The default options are marked with an asterisk (*).
Use -NoKeepCtrl when you want to clearsign a message. This will
strip the control lines (kludges, tearline and origin) from the
message before passing it to the external utility. The tearline
and origin is appended to the message when reloading it. The
default is to keep control lines in the message.
Use -Wipe when you want the temporary unencrypted message files to
be wiped and removed from the disk after they have been read into
memory. <name>GoldED+</name> wipes a file by writing a block of 512 random bytes
over the entire length of the file, then truncating it to zero
bytes and finally deleting it. The default is not to wipe files.
EXTERNUTIL &lt;utilno&gt; &lsqb;-options&rsqb; &lt;commandline&gt;
This new feature can be used to "filter" msgs, for example calling
PGP or other encryption utilities.
The &lt;utilno&gt; must be in the range 1 to 24 for utilities that will
be called with key definitions (see below). Higher numbers can be
used for utilities that are called from the <kw>EDITSAVEMENU</kw> (if
enabled). See the <kw>EDITSAVEUTIL</kw> keyword for details.
The default options are those specified with the <kw>EXTERNOPTIONS</kw>
keyword. With &lsqb;-options&rsqb;, you can change the those options locally
for specific utils. See the <kw>EXTERNOPTIONS</kw> keyword for a list of
valid options.
The &lt;commandline&gt; specfies the DOS or OS/2 commandline you want to
execute. This works in the same way as for the external editor and
spellchecker. See the manual for details about this, especially if
you want to execute batchfiles. In the &lt;commandline&gt; you can use
@tokens to transfer information from the msg to the commandline.
The @tokens are the same as for templates, and in addition you can
use two other @tokens:
@path The GOLDPATH, including a trailing backslash.
@file The full filename of the message file (GOLDED.MSG)
that will be written to disk before the utility is
@tmpfile The full filename of a temporary message file
( that will be written to disk before the
utility is called.
EXTERNUTIL 1 c:&bsol;4dos&bsol; /c c:&bsol;crypt&bsol;encrypt.bat @file
EXTERNUTIL 2 c:&bsol;4dos&bsol; /c c:&bsol;crypt&bsol;decrypt.bat @file
To call a defined external utility, you must assign a key to it.
There are 24 new keyboard commands you can use in GOLDKEYS.CFG for
this purpose:
Where NN is in the range 01 to 24 _with_ leading zero. Examples:
F11 ExternUtil01
F12 ExternUtil02
Then if you press F11, you would call external utility number 1
and so on. The <kw>ExternUtilNN</kw> keywords ONLY work in reader mode, not
in the internal editor or any other place.
1. Just before the external utility is called, <name>GoldED+</name> writes the
current message text to the GOLDED.MSG file in the GOLDPATH.
The file is written as a textfile with each line CR-LF
terminated. The content is exactly as you see it on the
screen, which means that kludges are only included if you have
enabled kludge viewing. If the -NoKeepCtrl option is used,
kludges, tearline and origin are stripped before the file is
written. If the token @tmpfile is used, a temporary file named (where is something unique) is created
with exactly the same content as @file.
2001-02-21 21:26:28 +00:00
2. <name>GoldED+</name> clears the screen and then calls the utility.
2000-02-25 10:15:17 +00:00
3. The utility can now load and process the @file and/or
@tmpfile, or do anything else you want. It doesn't have to
have anything to do with the current msg. You could call a
spreadsheet, a game, whatever. But I think this feature will
mainly be used for utilities that process the @file. If the
utility processes the @file, it could write the changes back
to the @file.
4. After returning from the utility, <name>GoldED+</name> reloads the @file and
displays it just as if it was the current message. For
example, if your utility was a decrypter and the msg was
encrypted, you would now see the decrypted msg. Neat eh? :-)
5. If you want to make the reloaded text permanent (save it in
the msg), you can use the Change Msg function and immediately
choose "Save Message" from the Editing menu (if enabled with
EDITMENU Yes). This is in fact the method you could use if you
wanted to EN-crypt a msg (however, it is easier to use the
method which involves the EDITSAVEUTIL keyword).
The QUOTESPACING feature can interfere with encoded msgs that
include the '&gt;' character at the beginning of lines (often seen in
uuencoded msgs), by automatically inserting blank lines before and
after the lines with '&gt;'. I have therefore changed the
quotespacing default from YES to NO. Be sure to check if you have
a different setting if you are using an older edition of the
advanced configuration files.
If the string "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----" is found as the first
27 characters in a reloaded message, <name>GoldED+</name> will automatically add
the FSC-0073 kludge "^aENC: PGP" to indicate that the message is
encrypted. This kludge may be used by some software to set up
alternative routing for encrypted mail which would otherwise be
bounced if sent through normal channels.
See the "Using PGP as an External Utility" chapter for batchfile
examples and instructions on how to use this new feature with PGP.
&excl;&excl;&excl; IMPORTANT &excl;&excl;&excl; From FidoNet Policy 4.07 (chapter 2.1.4):
"&lsqb;..&rsqb; Therefore, encrypted and/or commercial traffic that is
routed without the express permission of all the links in the
delivery system constitutes annoying behavior."
So be careful with this feature&excl;
TIP: You can use the EXTERNUTIL feature to setup keys to view or
print an attached fax. Use something like this in GOLDED.CFG:
EXTERNUTIL 11 c:&bsol;zfax&bsol; pf @subject ; print fax
EXTERNUTIL 12 c:&bsol;zfax&bsol; vf @subject ; view fax
And this in GOLDKEYS.CFG:
@F11 ExternUtil11 ; Press Alt-F11 to print the fax
@F12 ExternUtil12 ; Press Alt-F12 to view the fax
Or choose your own key assignments and fax view/print utils.
Note that this assumes that the fax file is listed in the subject
line like an attached file.
NOTE: If you're running <name>GoldED+</name>/386 and try to use a Win32 program
as an EXTERNUTIL, you might get the error "This program cannot be
run in DOS mode". You can work around this by calling the Win32
program via the shell. For example if this call fails:
EXTERNUTIL 1 c:&bsol;utl&bsol;mywin32.exe @file
Replace it with:
EXTERNUTIL 1 /c c:&bsol;utl&bsol;mywin32.exe @file
Then it should work. If not, try using full path to
EZYCOMMSGBASE &lt;path&gt;
Defines the base path for the Ezycom msgbase. If not set, AREAFILE
Ezycom will set it.
Defines the base path for the Ezycom userbase. If not set,
AREAFILE Ezycom will set it.
EZYCOMUSERNO &lt;userno&gt;
Defines the lastread set used in the Ezycom message base.
FIDOHWMARKS &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will use the echomail "highwater mark" (1.MSG)
to determine if a message is "sent" or "unsent" in *.MSG areas.
NOTE: Some older echomail processors do not update the highwater
mark in a way that <name>GoldED+</name> can recognize. If all messages appear to
marked "Uns", even after the mail has been scanned out, try
turning off this keyword.
FIDOLASTREAD &lt;file&gt;
Defines the filename of the *.MSG lastread files. DO NOT specify a
This keyword defines the default format of Fido *.MSG files. It is
only used by some AREAFILE's when reading external area
configuration files, where the preferred format is unknown.
The FTS1 (FTS-0001.012 and later) format uses zone/point fields,
where the Opus format uses date/time stamps. When set to Opus
format, <name>GoldED+</name> interprets the date/time stamps as DOS-style
bitmapped date/time.
FIDONULLFIX &lt;yes/no&gt;
If set to YES, <name>GoldED+</name> will replace NUL chars with LF chars in the
msg body when reading a Fido *.MSG file. This is slower of course,
but not noticably on fast machines.
This option was created to enable <name>GoldED+</name> users to read msgs that
were created/handled by brain-dead programs (I don't have names,
sorry) which are not obeying our primary technical standard:
FTS-0001. FTS-1 states that a NUL terminates the msg body. But
sometimes msgs are encountered which have a NUL as the first char
in the msg body or perhaps in other places, thereby causing <name>GoldED+</name>
to show a blank or cut-off msg. In some Pascal-based readers, such
as FM, these msgs can be read anyway, because in Pascal a NUL does
not terminate a string like in C/C++.
NOTE: Even if the new FIDONULLFIX keyword is disabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will
still fix a NUL if it is the _first_ character in the msg body.
This probably fixes most of these buggy msgs without the overhead
of checking the entire msg.
FIDOUSERLIST &lt;file&gt;
Path and filename of a FIDOUSER.LST file.
This file is expected to be sorted in ascending alphabetical order
using plain ASCII case-insensitive sort. Each line in the list is
expected to be 60 characters plus a CR and a LF, or in other words
records of 62 bytes each. If the list is produced by a nodelist
compiler, everything should be okay, but be careful if you have
edited the file manually. Note that a FIDOUSER.LST file only
supports a name lookup (to get the address).
FIDOUSERNO &lt;userno&gt;
This is an index into the FIDOLASTREAD file. Each user occupies 2
bytes in the lastread file.
FILEALIAS &lt;alias&gt; &lt;filename&gt;
Used to define short alias names for filenames. If you regularly
write msgs to different files in different paths, this feature is
very useful, and reduces the risk of typing wrong.
With this file alias, you can simply write "DKB" at the filename
prompt, and the long filename will be used.
FILELISTPAGEBAR &lt;yes/no&gt;
Enables or disables a pagebar (scrollbar) in the file attach list
FORCETEMPLATE &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will popup a template selection menu when you
start writing a new msg or reply. If you have both TEMPLATE(s) and
FORCETEMPLATE in a Random System group, you can tell <name>GoldED+</name> to use
the random template(s) by hitting ESC instead of selecting from
the menu.
This keyword can be used globally and in Random System groups.
Used when saving messages to file. If enabled, it inserts a Form
Feed (12d) character after each message.
FRQEXT &lt;.ext&gt;
With this keyword you can add extra known filename extensions for
the filerequest function. The following extensions are already
known by default, and need not be defined (duplicate definitions
are ignored):
Each extension _must_ have the leading dot.
Example: FRQEXT .XYZ
FRQNODEMAP &lt;to-node&gt; &lt;from-node&gt;
This keyword is used for the file request feature (Ctrl-F). It
allows you to define mappings from a nodenumber used in a file
announcement to another nodenumber. This is useful in the cases
where a multi-line system announces files using their primary
nodenumber, which may be a regular V34 modem number, but they also
have an ISDN number, which you would prefer to use instead.
// change-to: from:
FRQNODEMAP 2:236/99 2:236/100
FRQNODEMAP 2:236/1043 2:236/43
So, if I saw a file announcement from 2:236/100, and requested
some files, the request would automatically be addressed to
FRQOPTIONS &lt;options&gt;
Defines options for the file request function:
Sort Sort the list of files alphabetically.
FromTop Scan the message from the top of the message.
NotFromTop Scan the message from the top of the screen.
NoFiles Don't list the file FILES if no files were found.
NoWazooMsg Don't save the request message.
Fast Bypass the header edit and save the msg immediately.
By default, the "FromTop" option is enabled. If you often request
files from very long announcement messages, you might find it very
useful to set the "NotFromTop" option.
The "NoFiles" option was added because if no filenames are found
in a message, the file request function defaults to listing the
magic name FILES instead of complaining that no files were found.
If the FRQWAZOO keyword is enabled, the default behaviour is to
save the request message with the FRQ attribute stripped. Use the
"NoWazooMsg" option if you don't want the request message.
Use the "Fast" option if you find that you almost never change the
destination of the file request message anyway. If you enable this
option, remember that you can always go over to the netmail area
and change the file request message before it is sent.
The UseFlowFile option enables a feature which was default in
2.50, but which I have been informed is problematic for modern
mailers in some setups. The default is now to ONLY create/update
the .REQ file and NOT also touch/create a .?LO flowfile.
FRQWAZOO &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will create WaZOO .REQ files instead of file
request messages. You must define an OUTBOUNDPATH if you enable
this feature.
GEDHANDSHAKE &lt;yes/no&gt;
If this switch set to yes GoldEd displays handshake char in
statusline. If you annoyed with this feature you could hide this
character by setting this option to no.
GERMANKEYBOARD &lt;yes/no&gt;
This option is meanful for w32 version only. Due to right Alt key
required to enter some native characters in german version of
Windows it could be defined to yes for this.
GOLDBASEPATH &lt;path&gt;
Specifies the directory where <name>GoldED+</name> can find the Goldbase msgbase
Specifies the directory where <name>GoldED+</name> can find the NETMAIL.DAT and
ECHOMAIL.DAT files of the Goldbase msgbase. If not specified, the
GOLDBASEUSERNO &lt;userno&gt;
Specifies the lastread set used in the Goldbase message base.
GOLDPATH &lt;path&gt;
This is the path where <name>GoldED+</name> finds all it's control files. It is
not necessary to define this, unless you have special needs. The
GOLDPATH defaults to directory where the GOLDED.CFG file was
GROUP &lt;groupname&gt;
Starts a Random System group. See the Random System chapter for
HAPPYBIRTHDAY &lt;value&gt;
The only valid value is "friend". Currently do nothing.
HIGHLIGHTUNREAD &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> updates (increases) the "timesread" field in
each message that you read. If set to NO, it doesn't touch the
message. The YES setting causes a slight performance decrease,
because the header of each message has to be read, the timesread
field updated and the header written back to disk. The update
happens immediately after the message is displayed, so you may not
notice it at all. A message is only updated if the timesread field
contains the value 0 (zero).
This keyword only works in the following msgbase formats: Fido
(*.MSG), Hudson, Goldbase, JAM, Squish, Ezycom and AdeptXBBS. In
Squish and Ezycom, there is no timesread field, but I have annexed
a reserved message attribute (in Squish, 0x00080000, now called
MSGSEEN; in Ezycom, extattr 0x80) for the purpose of marking a
message as read at least once. The other formats (PCBoard,
WildCat) have no timesread field, but they have reserved fields or
attributes which *could* be used. Let me know if you want this.
HUDSONPATH &lt;path&gt;
Specifies the directory where <name>GoldED+</name> can find the Hudson msgbase
HUDSONSIZEWARN &lt;size in bytes&gt;
When the Hudson MSGTXT.BBS file exceeds this size, <name>GoldED+</name> starts
to warn that the msgbase is getting dangerously close to the
structural limit (which is 16MB for the MSGTXT.BBS file). With
this keyword you can raise or lower the warning size in case you
think the default is too low or too high.
HUDSONSYSPATH &lt;path&gt;
Specifies the directory where <name>GoldED+</name> can find the NETMAIL.BBS and
ECHOMAIL.BBS files of the Hudson msgbase. If not specified, the
HUDSONUSERNO &lt;userno&gt;
Specifies the lastread set used in the Hudson message base.
IGNORECHARSET &lt;yes/no&gt;
If set to yes then GoldEd ignores CHRS kludges in messages thus
you will be able to switch codepage in messages with inappropriate
IMPORTBEGIN &lt;text&gt;
("=== Cut ===")
This keyword, together with IMPORTEND, defines some text to add in
the beginning and end of an imported text file in the internal
editor. If only IMPORTBEGIN is defined, the text is also used for
the IMPORTEND. The &lt;text&gt; may be enclosed in quotes ("") if
leading or trailing spaces are needed. The quotes are stripped.
The replacement token "@file" can be used in the &lt;text&gt;. It will
be replaced with the import filename as entered.
IMPORTBEGIN === Cut Begin: @file ===
IMPORTEND === Cut End ===
IMPORTEND &lt;text&gt;
INBOUNDPATH &lt;path&gt;
(defaults to GOLDPATH)
The inbound path is currently only used with the file request
feature (the READfilerequest command, &lt;Ctrl-F&gt;). If you use this
feature, <name>GoldED+</name> will put the file descriptions into a FILES.BBS in
the inbound path, ready for when the requested files are moved to
the correct file areas.
INCLUDENODES &lt;addressmask&gt;
You can define up to 50 different addressmasks to be included from
the compiled nodelists. This is only used in conjunction with the
EXCLUDENODES keyword to include otherwise EXcluded nodes. This
keyword is only used by GoldNODE.
INPUTFILE &lt;filename&gt;
Defines the default name in the internal editor file import
<name>GoldED+</name> can automatically uuencode and apply a base64 encoding to
the files during importing them into the internal editor.
NOTE: This is a very simple implementation of encoders. It cannot
split large files over several messages. The file mode number 644
is hard-coded and has nothing to do with the actual file mode.
This keyword can be used globally and in Random System groups.
INTENSECOLORS &lt;yes/no&gt;
<name>GoldED+</name> is capable of switching off the "blink" color, and thereby
enabling the use of bright background (paper) colors. Enable this
keyword, and try out one of the intense color setup examples.
INTERNETADDRESS &lt;internet-address&gt;
Specifies your Internet address. This must be the address only, no
name. The INTERNETADDRESS and USERNAME will be combined to a
standard "From: internetaddresss (username)" headerline when you
write e-mail or articles.
USERNAME Odinn Sorensen
Produces the RFC line:
From: (Odinn Sorensen)
INTERNETDOMAIN &lt;domainname&gt;
Defines the domain-part of outgouing Message-ID's. If you don't
know your full domain, leave it as default, which should work just
INTERNETGATE &lsqb;gatename&lt;,&gt;&rsqb;&lt;address&gt;
Defines the local Internet gate you use when sending netmail to
Internet users. This option is activated when you write an
Internet address in the TO: field in the header display. <name>GoldED+</name>
detects the Internet address by looking for the '@' character. If
detected, <name>GoldED+</name> puts the gate address from INTERNETGATE in the
TO: address field. If you have defined the optional gate name
(typically UUCP), <name>GoldED+</name> also replaces the typed Internet address
with the gate name and puts the Internet address in a TO: line in
the message body. Some gate software accepts the Internet address
directly in the header, while other software may need the special
(UUCP) name and a separate TO: line. Examples:
INTERNETGATE UUCP, 1:105/42 ; Standard, with gate name
INTERNETGATE 2:230/9316 ; My uplink runs GIGO software
This keyword can be used globally in GOLDED.CFG, if you only ever
use one gate, or in GROUP's for specific areas in GOLDRAND.CFG if
you have multiple netmail areas and regularly use more than one
NOTE: If you enable the INTERNETRFCBODY keyword, you should always
use the gatename UUCP, because otherwise the gateway software may
send duplicate copies (carbon copies) of your e-mails.
INTERNETLOOKUP &lt;yes/no&gt;
If set to Yes, <name>GoldED+</name> will check the systemname in the nodelist
when doing a lookup and if the systemname looks like an Internet
address (contains an '@' char), the msg will be addressed to that
Internet address using the INTERNETGATE name/address if defined.
For example, let's say there was something like this in the
And this in my GOLDED.CFG:
Then if I did a lookup of "Some Body" and selected the entry with
the Internet address, <name>GoldED+</name> would make a msg looking like this:
From : 2:236/77
To : somebody@somewhere 2:230/9316
Subj : whatever
Or if my gate was defined as "INTERNETGATE UUCP 2:230/9316":
From : 2:236/77
To : UUCP 2:230/9316
Subj : whatever
To: somebody@somewhere
So what's the use of all this? It allows you to make a
nodelist-style list of users with Internet addresses and use it
with <name>GoldED+</name> so that you can do a lookup of normal names instead of
trying to remember strange Internet addresses. Of course something
similar could be done using the ADDRESSMACRO's, but with the
nodelist approach, you could build a "network" of users which have
offline Internet access via FTN-gate software and distribute the
nodelist for automatic processing.
INTERNETMSGID &lt;yes/no&gt;
Specifies whether the FTN MSGID kludge should contain an RFC1036
compatible Message-ID or the normal FTS-9 format. Note that using
the RFC1036 format in MSGID breaks the FTS-9 (version 001)
specification, so please don't use this feature in FidoNet netmail
or echomail. As a safeguard, <name>GoldED+</name> will only use the RFC1036
format in areas specifically marked as e-mail or newsgroups, using
the SOUPEMAIL and SOUPNEWSRCFILE keywords or using the Email and
News area types with the AREADEF keyword, even when INTERNETMSGID
is set to YES globally.
INTERNETREPLY &lt;yes/no&gt;
When INTERNETREPLY is enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> always uses the FSC-35
REPLYADDR/REPLYTO kludges to gate replies to msgs from Internet
correctly. If disabled, <name>GoldED+</name> only uses the FSC-35 method if the
Internet address is too large to fit in the max-35-character TO:
header field. Some gate software requires that the FSC-35 method
is used, while other software accepts Internet addresses directly
in the header.
INTERNETRFCBODY &lt;yes/no&gt;
Tells <name>GoldED+</name> whether to look for and process RFC headerlines at
the top of the message body, before the first empty line. Also
tells <name>GoldED+</name> to insert its own RFC headerlines at the top of the
message body instead of as kludge lines. This option should only
be used when receiving Internet mail as QWK packets where the RFC
headerlines are usually found at the top of the messages, or when
sending Internet mail via FTN packet to a gateway running GIGO.
GIGO does not recognize RFC header in kludges, but it does
recognize them at the top of the messages, if it is properly
configured (with lines of "Allow_Xxx:" in GIGO's HEADERS.CFG,
where Xxx are the RFC headerlines the gate administrator wants to
INTERNETSERVER &lt;nntp/smpt&gt; &lt;server&gt;
INTERNETSERVER &lt;pop3&gt; &lt;server&gt; &lsqb;&lt;username&gt;&rsqb; &lsqb;&lt;password&gt;&rsqb;
No code currently associated with this keyword.
INVALIDATE &lt;type&gt; &lt;"findstring"&gt; &lt;"replacestring"&gt;
This is used to invalidate (change) certain control strings in
quoted text. Use this in conjunction with old versions of D'Bridge
or other software that chokes on control strings in quoted text.
As an added bonus feature, if the tearline or origin is
invalidated to a null string (""), they will not be quoted at all.
The &lt;type&gt; can be one of the following:
Tearline Invalidate tearline ("---").
Origin Invalidate origin (" * Origin: ").
Seenby Invalidate SEEN-BY's.
By default, the following invalidations are used:
INVALIDATE Tearline "---" "-+-"
INVALIDATE Origin " * Origin: " " + Origin: "
If you want to disable invalidation entirely, use this:
INVALIDATE Tearline "---" "---"
INVALIDATE Origin " * Origin: " " * Origin: "
The defined INVALIDATEs are also used during importing a file when
editing a mail in the internal message editor.
JAMHARDDELETE &lt;yes/no&gt;
The default setting makes <name>GoldED+</name> conform to the JAMAPI specs when
deleting msgs in JAM msgbases. This means that deleted msgs are
only marked as such in the message header, not in the index. As a
result, <name>GoldED+</name> will find and display the deleted msgs until you
run a message pack utility to physically remove the deleted msgs.
If JAMHARDDELETE is set to Yes, <name>GoldED+</name> will zap the reference to
the message in the index when deleting msgs. This way the deleted
msgs will not show up again later. The drawback of this approach
is that it is hard to undelete msgs, and may break other software
which assume 100% to-the-letter conformance to the specs. Note
however, that the hard-delete method is transparent to normal use
of JAM msgbases. Probably the only software that might break are
undelete utilities.
For the techies and programmers, the hard-delete method is simply
setting both UserCRC and HdrOffset in the index to 0xFFFFFFFF
instead of only the UserCRC. According to the JAMAPI specs, a
value of 0xFFFFFFFF in HdrOffset means that "there is no
corresponding message header". Sounds remarkably like a deleted
msg, right? :-)
JAMPATH &lt;path&gt;
(defaults to the HUDSONPATH)
Defines the path where <name>GoldED+</name> can access the NETMAIL/ECHOMAIL.JAM
files, which are used by mail processors to find and scan out mail
written by users.
<name>GoldED+</name> can handle enviroment variables correctly in paths
specified in connection with this keyword. For example, if a path
is defined as %MAIL%&bsol;path&bsol;name, and SET MAIL=C:&bsol;POINT is in
AUTOEXEC.BAT (or whatever), then <name>GoldED+</name> translates the path to
NOTE: The translation is done at config compile time, so if you
change the environment variable and haven't changed anything else
that would cause <name>GoldED+</name> to recompile it's config, you must force
it with the -F or -FF command parameter.
KEYBCLEAR &lt;yes/no&gt;
Tells <name>GoldED+</name> whether or not to clear the keyboard buffer on
startup. This also clears KEYBSTACK or commandline key stuffing.
In older versions of <name>GoldED+</name>, it was necessary to enable this
keyword if you had renamed GOLDED.EXE to DBEDIT.EXE. This version
detects the .EXE renaming and automatically enables KEYBCLEAR,
regardless of the configuration setting.
KEYBDEFAULTS &lt;yes/no&gt;
<name>GoldED+</name> defines a default keyboard configuration setup internally.
The keys can be reconfigured in the GOLDKEYS.CFG file. By default,
the internal keyboard setup is active always, redefinable with the
definitions in GOLDKEYS.CFG. But in some cases it can be
preferrable that the internal keyboard setup is turned off, so
that only the keys in GOLDKEYS.CFG are active. If you want this,
KEYBEXT &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will use extended bios calls to read the
keyboard. With the extended keyboard, you can use keys like
&lt;Alt-Left&gt;, &lt;Alt-Home&gt; and other extended keys. If you don't have
an extended keyboard, don't despair - using a few neat tricks, I
have made it possible to use some of the extended keys even with a
non-extended keyboard.
KEYBMODE &lt;poll/block&gt;
If this option is set to Poll, <name>GoldED+</name> switches its keyboard
handling code from "blocking" to "polling" mode. This enables
<name>GoldED+</name> to provide a continuously running statusline clock,
automatic internal editor autosave, timeout exit and screensaver.
If set to Block, the timeout exit and screensaver are disabled,
and the clock and autosave are dependent on key presses.
In order to minimize waste of CPU resources in keyboard polling
mode, <name>GoldED+</name> automatically detects DESQview, Windows and OS/2 and
releases timeslices during the keyboard poll.
<div2 id=KEYBSTACK><head>KEYBSTACK &lt;keystring&gt;</head>
With this keyword, you can "stack" keys in the keyboard buffer.
The KEYBSTACK can be overridden by commandline keystacking, which
uses the same syntax.
The &lt;keystring&gt; can be a mixture of the following:
^Char Ctrl-key (^Letter).
~Char Ctrl-key (~Letter). (Use this with 4DOS&excl;).
@Key Alt-key (@Number or @Letter).
Char Literal character.
"String" String, enclosed in double quotes.
'String' String, enclosed in single quotes.
Number Keyboard scan code (decimal).
&excl; Clear keyboard buffer.
Whitespace (space and tab) is ignored, except in quoted strings.
See the <ptr target=MACROSANDKEYSTACKING> chapter for more info.
KLUDGE &lt;kludge-definition&gt;
The definition may optionally be enclosed in quotes. A definition
must be enclosed in quotes if it contains leading or trailing
spaces. The KLUDGE tells <name>GoldED+</name> which kludges it should consider
as "known" in addition to the built-in known kludges.
Here are a bunch of examples, most of which are kludges generated
by the GIGO Internet gateway software:
KLUDGE " " ; For wrapped kludges
KLUDGE "Content-Type:"
KLUDGE "Date:"
KLUDGE "From:"
KLUDGE "In-Reply-To:"
KLUDGE "Message-Id:"
KLUDGE "Mime-Version:"
KLUDGE "Organization:"
KLUDGE "Newsgroups:"
KLUDGE "Received:"
KLUDGE "Reply-To:"
KLUDGE "Sender:"
KLUDGE "Subject:"
KLUDGE "Errors-To:"
The kludges defined with KLUDGE are not case-sensitive, but when
<name>GoldED+</name> looks for the kludges, it matches to the exact length. This
means that for example "RFC-" will match all kludges beginning
with that string.
The ASCII 1 kludge char should not be included in the definition
string, but <name>GoldED+</name> can handle it if you do.
KLUDGECHRS &lt;yes/no&gt;
If set to YES, <name>GoldED+</name> uses the "^aCHRS" kludge instead of the
"^aCHARSET" kludge when appropriate.
LOADLANGUAGE &lt;file&gt;
If defined, this keyword will load a language definition file.
This feature can be used to load a small set of national language
definitions in national areas, an english set in international
areas, etc. Typically this would be used to load the definitions
of the date/time strings for use in the template and the
Msg/From/To/Subj strings in the header display.
In the ADVANCED archive, a set of GEDLNG*.CFG files are provided,
which are designed for use with LOADLANGUAGE. Please note that
there is also a @loadlanguage template token. This way you can
choose to load a language file from the template, or by using the
Random System. The template token takes precedence over the
LOADLANGUAGE in the Random System, but if both are defined, both
will be loaded.
This keyword can be used globally and in Random System groups, but
it is probably not very useful when used globally.
LOGFILE &lt;file&gt;
Defines the name of the <name>GoldED+</name> logfile. You should not change the
LOGFORMAT &lt;fd,max,bink,qbbs,db&gt;
Defines the log format <name>GoldED+</name> should use when writing to the
LOOKUPECHO &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will use nodelist lookup when entering the TO:
name in msgs in echomail areas.
<name>GoldED+</name> *won't* lookup the name if it exactly matches the current
WHOTO - text. This is a feature, because a lookup of "All" is not
very useful. :-)
LOOKUPLOCAL &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will use nodelist lookup when entering the TO:
name in msgs in local areas.
<name>GoldED+</name> *won't* lookup the name if it exactly matches the current
WHOTO - text. This is a feature, because a lookup of "All" is not
very useful. :-)
LOOKUPNET &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will use nodelist lookup when entering the TO:
name in msgs in netmail areas.
LOOKUPUSERBASE &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will attempt to find a matching username in the
user database if a to-name with wildcards is entered in echo or
local areas.
The userbase lookup feature is not new, but a need arose for an
option to turn off the lookup. I decided to let the default be to
disable the lookup. Previously the lookup was always enabled.
MAILINGLIST &lt;echoid&gt; &lt;senderaddress&gt; &lsqb;contribution address&rsqb;
Defines one or more mailing lists. When importing e-mail from a
SOUP packet, <name>GoldED+</name> will look at the Internet address in the
"Sender" header and if it matches one of the MAILINGLIST's, the
e-mail will be tossed to the defined area. Note that <name>GoldED+</name>
supports only participation in, not hosting of mailing lists. The
contribution address is the destination Internet address for mail
you write to the mailing list - the address is typically given to
you when you subscribe to a list. If the contribution address is
not specified, the senderaddress is assumed.
MAILTOSS &lt;echoid&gt; &lt;contribution-address&gt; &lt;pattern&gt;
This is acutally the same as MAILINGLIST in disguise with the
parameters recorded and it also enables the full set of pattern
matching. The &lt;pattern&gt; can be written exactly as if in the prompt
for the advanced search feature.
Any number of MAILTOSS lines can be given for a particular list,
if there is for some reason no single way to identify the list.
When determining the contribution address, the first MAILTOSS
(or MAILINGLIST) that matches the echoid is chosen.
MAILTOSS and MAILINGLIST can both be used at the same time and for
the same lists. MAILINGLIST is always the faster, because it looks
only at specific headerlines. MAILTOSS uses much more complex
pattern matching and can even match based on message body content.
MAPPATH &lt;server filespec&gt; &lt;local filespec&gt;
This keyword is used to map paths, for example if you have
different drive letters on a server machine and a workstation. You
might have your FidoNet mailer and mail processor setup to run
with the server drive letter (C:), but run <name>GoldED+</name> from a
workstation where that drive is mapped to a different letter (J:).
If you use AREAFILE's to get the area configuration for <name>GoldED+</name>,
you need to use MAPPATH to map the server drive letter to the
workstation equivalent.
Another case might be that you have a setup with DOS-style paths
and want to run the Linux version with the same <name>GoldED+</name> setup. You
can then use MAPPATH to map the DOS drive-based paths to Unix
style paths.
MAPPATH C:&bsol; /mnt/dos/c/
NOTE: You don't have to worry about backslash/forwardslash in this
case - they are always mapped automatically to the correct type
for the operating system.
MEMBER &lt;echoid&gt;
Defines Random System group members. See the Random System chapter
for details.
MENUDROPMSG &lt;yes/no&gt;
Defines the default selection in the "Drop This Msg?" menu.
MENUMARKED &lt;marked/current/previous/default&gt;
Specifies the position of the selection bar in the Marked/Current
Marked Set selector to Marked.
Current Set selector to Current.
Previous Set selector to previously selection.
Default Set selector to Marked if there are marked msgs.
Note that older versions (before 2.50) used the equivalent of the
"previous" setting.
MOUSE &lt;yes/no&gt;
The mouse support in <name>GoldED+</name> is currently not functional, so this
keyword is ignored.
MSGLISTDATE &lt;written/arrived/received/no&gt;
Can be used globally and in groups. This keyword specifies the
default date shown in the right column in the message list. If
"no" is specified, the date column is removed and the space used
to widen the other columns. Personally I prefer to see the
"arrived" date, which is why I implemented this feature.
The key command LISTtoggledate (Ctrl-D) toggles between them.
Note that the "arrived" date doubles as the "processed" date for
messages that are written locally and scanned out from your
Not all messagebase formats supports all three dates. The table
below shows which messagebase supports which dates:
Written Arrived Received
Squish X X
Ezycom X X
Hudson X
Goldbase X
PCBoard X
If a date is not supported, "n/a" (for "not available") is shown
MSGLISTFAST &lt;yes/no&gt;
The message lister can operate in two ways, fast or slow. In the
fast mode, only the message headers are loaded for the list
information. Depending on the msgbase format and message type,
some information may not be quite the same when presented in the
lister because information which is gathered from kludges or other
control information in the message text will be missing. Most of
the time this may not be a problem, so if you want speed, chose
the fast mode (default).
The slow mode loads and fully interprets the content of each
message before the message list is presented. The slowness is most
noticable when entering the lister and when paging up and down.
You may want to use the slow mode for areas with Internet
newsgroups and e-mail, where <name>GoldED+</name> uses the "From" kludge to get
the real name of the message writer.
This keyword can be used globally and in Random System groups.
MSGLISTFIRST &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> automatically starts the message lister when
entering an area.
This keyword can be used globally and in Random System groups.
MSGLISTHEADER &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> shows the header of the current message when
you scroll the bar up and down. This is how it worked in previous
versions. If disabled, <name>GoldED+</name> does not show the header and instead
uses the screen space to show more messages. By eliminating the
header display, it is also much faster at scrolling the list.
This keyword can be used globally and in Random System groups.
MSGLISTPAGEBAR &lt;yes/no&gt;
Enables or disables a pagebar (scrollbar) in the message list.
MSGLISTVIEWSUBJ &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will display the full subject in the bottom
border of the list window. Note that this feature slows down
scrolling a bit.
MSGLISTWIDESUBJ &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, the Subject column is made wider by removing the To
column. This is especially useful in gated Internet newsgroups,
where the To name is always "All".
You can toggle between wide and short subject with Ctrl-B
(keycommand LISTtogglewidesubj).
This keyword can be used globally and in Random System groups.
NAMESFILE &lt;file&gt;
<name>GoldED+</name> supports the "address macro" file supported by FrontDoor
and Maximus. If no path is specified, the file is first searched
for in the path from the "FD" environment variable and then the
GOLDPATH, if the FD variable failed.
The address macros are added *after* those defined with the
ADDRESSMACRO keyword (if any) (see this for details on the
NICKNAME &lt;your pseudo&gt;
Defines the nick name (pseudo) for the current USERNAME. Can be
used globally and in random system groups.
NODELIST &lt;file&gt; &lsqb;zone/addr&rsqb;
Here you define the nodelists that are used by <name>GoldED+</name> and the
companion nodelist compiler GoldNODE. The nodelists must generally
be in the standard "St.Louis" nodelist format, but they can also
contain FrontDoor/Version7 style Boss/Point extensions. The
default zone is defined by the first ADDRESS or AKA, but can be
overridden by adding the zone number or a full address after the
filename. <name>GoldED+</name> currently needs it's own special index files to
use the nodelists. These index files are created by GoldNODE.
&lt;file&gt; Nodelist file. If the extension is .999 or a
wildcard (".*"), the newest file with a numeric
extension is used.
&lsqb;zone/addr&rsqb; Default zone or address for the nodelist (if no
zone info is present in the list itself).
See also the USERLIST keyword, and the Nodelist Browsing chapter.
NOTE: If you have nodelists with duplicate some of each others
nodes, the nodelist with the newest or most correct entries should
be placed LAST, and you should use the -D (remove duplicates)
option with GoldNODE.
NODELISTWARN &lt;yes/no&gt;
If set to YES, <name>GoldED+</name> will warn you during startup if one or more
nodelists are missing. Use NO to disable the warning if it bothers
you or you delete/pack your nodelists when the nodelists are
NOTE: <name>GoldED+</name> can work fine with lookups etc. without nodelists as
long as it can access its own indexes (GOLDNODE.GX?). Only the
extra details will be missing.
NODEPATH &lt;path&gt;
This is where <name>GoldED+</name> and GoldNODE finds the nodelist files and
NODEPATHFD &lt;path&gt;
Path where <name>GoldED+</name> can find the FrontDoor nodelist index files.
NODEPATHIM &lt;path&gt;
Path to the InterMail nodelist index files. This is actually just
an alias name of the NODEPATHFD keyword, since InterMail and
FrontDoor uses the same nodelist index files.
NODEPATHV7 &lt;path&gt;
Path where <name>GoldED+</name> can find the Version 7 nodelist index files.
NOTE: For the Version 7 nodelist index support, <name>GoldED+</name> *requires*
that the files SYSOP.NDX, NODEX.NDX and NODEX.DAT are present.
None of these files may be missing and no other filenames are
supported. Multiple sets of index files are not supported.
NODEV7FLAGS &lt;flag&gt; &lt;value&gt;
The Version 7 nodelist index does not by default define any
nodelist flags except the CM flag. Unfortunately the V7 index does
not point to the actual nodelist, it only has some bits which are
marked "reserved" in the specifications. The NODEV7FLAGS keyword
allows you to define the meaning of each of these bits.
The &lt;value&gt; field can be a number or a bit number. Allowed numbers
are: 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 8192 and 16384. Allowed
bit numbers are: b5, b6, b7, b8, b9, b10, b11, b13 and b14.
See also the NODEV7MODEM keyword for other nodelist flags.
The nodelist flag bits in the index files are put in by your
Version 7 nodelist compiler. You must make sure that the nodelist
flag definitions in your nodelist compiler setup match those in
your <name>GoldED+</name> setup.
NODEV7MODEM &lt;type&gt; &lt;value&gt;
The Version 7 nodelist index does not by default define any
nodelist modem type flags. Unfortunately the V7 index does not
point to the actual nodelist, it only has some bits which are
marked "reserved" in the specifications. The NODEV7MODEM keyword
allows you to define the meaning of each of these bits.
The &lt;value&gt; field can be a number or a bit number. Allowed numbers
are: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128. Allowed bit numbers are: b0,
b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6 and b7.
See also the NODEV7FLAGS keyword for other nodelist flags.
The modem type bits in the index files are put in by your Version
7 nodelist compiler. You must make sure that the modem type
definitions in your nodelist compiler setup match those in your
<name>GoldED+</name> setup.
ORGANIZATION &lt;text&gt;
Specifies the content of the RFC Organization header for Internet
ORIGIN &lt;"string"&gt;
You can define many different origins for use in <name>GoldED+</name>. You can
select one of the defined origins from the Origin selection menu
(the READchangeorigin keyword), which is also available from the
Leading and/or trailing spaces can be added by enclosing the
origin string in quotes.
This keyword can be used globally and in a Random System group.
NOTE: Origins defined in the Random System will always override
the global origins defined with this keyword, except when they are
selected from the EDITSAVEMENU.
OUTBOUNDPATH &lt;path&gt;
Defines a Binkley-style outbound path. Currently only used for
WaZOO .REQ file requests (see FRQWAZOO). This should be the name
of your primary outbound without extension.
OUTPUTFILE &lt;file&gt;
This is the default name of the file written using the
READwritemsg command.
This keyword can be used globally and in a Random System group.
PCBOARDPATH &lt;path&gt;
Defines the default path where <name>GoldED+</name> should look for the PCBoard
setup files if it can't find the PCBOARD environment variable.
PCBOARDUSERNO &lt;userno&gt;
Specifies the lastread set used in the PCBoard message base.
PERSONALMAIL &lt;startup,allnames&gt;
Specifies options regarding the personal mail scan feature. None
of them are enabled by default.
If the "startup" option is used, <name>GoldED+</name> scans for personal mail
while doing the startup mail scan.
If the "allnames" option is used, <name>GoldED+</name> scans for mail to all the
USERNAME's instead of only the first. The default is not to scan
for personal mail at startup and to scan only for the first name.
This is faster.
PERSONALMAIL Startup, AllNames
The example makes <name>GoldED+</name> scan for personal mail to all your
USERNAME's at startup.
PLAY &lt;filename.ext/beepnoise&gt;
See the EVENT keyword for a definition of the PLAY parameters.
This keyword can be used globally and in a Random System group.
PRINTDEVICE &lt;devicename&gt;
Defines the name of the device used for printing. PRN is the
default, but LPTx can also be used. Printers on COMx ports may
also work, but this has not been tested.
Devices are opened in Write-Only text mode. The function has been
successfully tested to work with two popular peer-to-peer network
You should NOT use a filename as devicename. Use the filename
option in the Write menu instead.
PRINTFORMFEED &lt;yes/no&gt;
Used when printing messages. If enabled, it prints a Form Feed
(12d) character after each message.
PRINTINIT &lt;printstring&gt;
This keyword defines the command string sent to your printer to
initialize it before the actual printing.
The &lt;printstring&gt; can contain items like these:
&dollar;Hex A hexadecimal string.
&num;Decimal A decimal (integer) number.
"String" Text string, enclosed in double quotes.
'String' Text string, enclosed in single quotes.
Other chars Ignored.
PRINTLENGTH &lt;lines&gt;
Defines the number of lines per page for printing. A formfeed is
printed when every time PRINTLENGTH lines have been printed.
PRINTMARGIN &lt;characters&gt;
The right margin to use in printed messages.
PRINTRESET &lt;printstring&gt;
This keyword defines the command string sent to your printer to
reset it after printing.
&lt;printstring&gt; See the PRINTINIT keyword.
QUOTEBLANK &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will put the QUOTESTRING on blank lines in the
quote. Otherwise blank lines are left blank in quotes.
QUOTEBUFFILE &lt;filename&gt;
If used, it sets the default filename for the quotebuffer. If no
path is specified, the GOLDPATH is used.
This keyword can be used globally and in Random System groups.
NOTE: If this keyword is used in globally (in GOLDED.CFG), it
effectively disables the automatically named quotebuffers, as
described in the chapter about the QUOTEBUFMODE keyword.
QUOTEBUFMODE &lt;ask/append/overwrite&gt;
Specifies what <name>GoldED+</name> should do, if the quotebuffer file exists
Ask A menu asks you to select append/overwrite/skip.
Append Always append, no asking.
Overwrite Always overwrite, no asking.
The "always overwrite" mode is not very useful I guess, but it's
there if you need it.
The quotebuffer feature automatically creates special filenames
for the buffer file, using these guidelines:
Fido GOLDED.QBF In the directory with the *.MSG's.
Squish filename.QBF Where the Squish area is.
JAM filename.QBF Where the JAM area is.
PCBoard filename.QBF Where the PCBoard area is.
Note that they all have extension .QBF so that you can easily find
QUOTECHARS &lsqb;"&rsqb;&lt;chars&gt;&lsqb;"&rsqb;
Defines up to 10 chars to recognize in addition to '&gt;' as quote
string chars. This is most useful in gated Internet newsgroups,
where chars such as '&verbar;', ':' and ';' are sometimes used instead of
the '&gt;'.
This keyword can be used globally and in Random System groups.
Group Internet:
Member alt.*, comp.*,
Quotechars "&verbar;:;"
The example is similar to the one I use myself ( is a
local netmail area where I import my gated e-mail from The username is my actual Internet address.
Note that using additional quotechars such as '&verbar;' and ':' may
cause odd results when quoting in the cases when they are actually
NOT used in a message as quotechars. Consider for example quoting
a smiley :-)
QUOTECTRL &lt;Tearline,Origin,yes/no&gt;
Specifies if you want quote tearline and/or origin in your
This keyword can be used in random system groups.
QUOTEMARGIN &lt;chars&gt;
The margin to which quotes are wrapped. A negative value means
that the negative value is added to the DISPMARGIN (not
QUOTESPACING &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will automatically add blank lines before and
after a block of quoted text, if none are present already. This
improves the readability of some messages.
QUOTESTRING &lt;quotespec&gt;
(" FL&gt; ")
With this keyword you define how you want the quotestring to look
in your quoted replies.
The &lt;quotespec&gt; can contain these characters:
F Replaced with the first letter of the first name.
M Replaced with the letters of the middle names.
L Replaced with the first letter of the last name.
&gt; Required quote-char.
Spaces Cosmetics.
Other characters are allowed but *not* recommended.
This keyword can be used globally and in Random System Groups.
QUOTEWRAPHARD &lt;yes/no&gt;
This keyword controls behaviour of quoted text (wrap or reflow).
QWKBADMSGS &lt;echoid&gt;
Specifies the area where messages in unknown conferences are put.
If you get messages tossed here by accident, you must move them
manually to the correct area. If the badmsgs area is not defined,
the messages will silently disappear. Messages tossed to the
badmsgs area will have the control line "AREA:&lt;bbsid&gt;_&lt;confno&gt;" at
the top of the message.
QWKCONFMAP &lt;bbsid&gt; &lsqb;"&rsqb;&lt;confname&gt;&lsqb;"&rsqb; &lt;echoid&gt;
Defines the mapping between the BBSID and conference names in the
QWK packets and the echoid name of the conference as required by
<name>GoldED+</name>. You MUST define a mapping for every conference that you
subscribe to. If you don't, the messages will be tossed to the
area defined by QWKBADMSGS or disappear. The &lt;bbsid&gt; is the name
listed on line 5 in CONTROL.DAT after the comma. The &lt;confname&gt; is
the conference names listed on line 13 and on alternate lines
onwards in CONTROL.DAT. If a conference name contains embedded
spaces, the &lt;confname&gt; must be enclosed in double quotes, like
this: "Main Board". The area &lt;echoid&gt; must be already defined
either in an AREAFILE or using the AREADEF or AREA keywords.
QWKEXPORTPATH &lt;path&gt;
Path where outgoing QWK reply files (BBSID.MSG) can be placed.
QWKIMPORTPATH &lt;path&gt;
Path where incoming QWK packet files (CONTROL.DAT and
MESSAGES.DAT) can be found.
QWKOPTIONS &lt;bbsid&gt; &lt;options&gt;
The &lt;bbsid&gt; is the BBSID (same as the name of the QWK packet) for
which the options will be active. The &lt;options&gt; can be any or a
combination of the following, separated by commas or spaces:
KLUDGES/NOKLUDGES: Defaults to NOKLUDGES. Specifies whether or not
to include the FidoNet-style kludges at the top of messages when
exporting to QWK. NOTE: Unless you enable this option, <name>GoldED+</name> will
*not* include kludges in your QWK packets. You should check if the
BBS supports kludges in QWK packets. If it does, please enable
this option.
MIXCASE/NOMIXCASE: Defaults to NOMIXCASE. Specifies whether or not
the BBS allows mixed upper/lower case in the QWK message headers.
The default is to uppercase the TO and FROM header fields when
exporting to QWK packets.
RECEIPT/NORECEIPT: Defaults to NORECEIPT. Specifies whether or not
the BBS supports return receipt requests (RRQ). If the RECEIPT
option is enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will insert "RRR" at the front of the
subject field if the RRQ attribute is set on your messages, when
exporting to QWK packets.
Commandline for a replylinker program to call after QWK import.
QWKTOSSLOG &lt;file&gt;
Name of a file where <name>GoldED+</name> puts the echoids of each area where
articles have been imported. The tosslog file is intended to be
used with a replylinker. If no path is given, it defaults to the
RA2USERSBBS &lt;yes/no&gt;
<name>GoldED+</name> supports the two different formats of the Hudson USERS.BBS
file. With this keyword you can tell <name>GoldED+</name> which format to use.
If set to YES, the RA2 format is used. Otherwise if the it is set
to NO, the Hudson format is used.
If this keyword is NOT used, <name>GoldED+</name> tries to detect the format by
looking at the size of the USERS.BBS file and comparing this to
the record sizes of the RA2 and Hudson formats.
If the size matches one and not the other, the format is detected
to be of the matching type.
If the size matches both (which is quite normal), <name>GoldED+</name> looks for
the RA environment variable and if found, in the RA config files
for the RA version.
If the size does not match either of them (indicating a possibly
damaged userfile), <name>GoldED+</name> exits with an error message and writes
in the log with details of the problem and an advise to run a
userbase packing utility.
If used, this keyword should be placed in the configuration file
_after_ any AREAFILE keyword.
RCVDISABLESCFM &lt;yes/no&gt;
If this keyword defined to "no" then GoldEd will recognize RRq
(receipt request) and/or CFM (confirmation) flag on messages with
RCV (received) flag set. After that RRq and CFM flags will be
resetted. It is useful if your netmail tracker sets RCV flag
before you actually read messages.
These keywords do nothing and won't do anything in the future.
They were used when <name>GoldED+</name> was a Shareware product.
This keyword ignores everything behind it. This is useful to
comment a single line out.
REPLYLINK &lt;chain/direct&gt;
Defaults to "direct" for JAM and "chain" for everything else.
If set to "direct", <name>GoldED+</name> will link your reply directly to the
original message. If set to "chain", it will link to the last
message in the reply chain. The default ("chain") is how <name>GoldED+</name>
has done it in all previous versions.
The advantage of the "direct" linking method is that you can
easily find the the original message the reply was for. Unless of
course you have later re-linked using a chain-linking replylinker
utility. I can recommend the utility SQLINK by Serge Terekhov.
SQLINK links Squish areas using the MSGID/REPLY kludges and makes
direct links instead of chain-linking on the subject line like
most other replylinkers do. There are probably also similar
replylinkers for other msgbase formats, I just don't know them.
REPLYLINKLIST &lt;fast/full&gt;
When there is more than one reply to a msg in a JAM or Squish
area, <name>GoldED+</name> pops up a list of the replies. This keyword affects
the contents of the list.
In the "fast" mode, the list data is based solely on what can be
found by reading the message header, which is quite fast.
Unfortunately some software does not (or cannot) fill the header
with the correct origination address. In that case, set this
keyword to "full", which makes <name>GoldED+</name> read and scan each message
for control data to get the origination address. That can be very
ROBOTNAME &lt;name&gt;
A "robot" is a program on the Boss or Uplink system which responds
automatically to netmail messages. Usually the robot links or
unlinks echomail areas or distributed files.
The following ROBOTNAME's are defined by default:
AreaFix, AreaMgr, FileFix, AreaLink, AllFix, Raid, GEcho.
If you write a netmail message where the TO: name is one of the
robot names, <name>GoldED+</name> will ignore any template definition, and give
you a blank msg (possibly with a tearline) to edit.
SCREENBLANKER &lt;seconds&gt; &lsqb;BLACK&rsqb;
If non-zero, <name>GoldED+</name> will blank the screen after the defined number
of seconds, and put a small moving window up instead. Hitting any
key (including shiftkeys) will return the screen to normal. If
zero, no blanking is done.
If the additional parameter "BLACK" is given, <name>GoldED+</name> will switch
the screen completely black instead of showing its own animated
screenblanker. This is useful if you have a monitor with
NOTE: This feature only works if KEYBMODE is set to "poll".
SCREENMAXCOL &lt;columns&gt;
On some systems, <name>GoldED+</name> may no detect the correct display size.
With this keyword you can force a specific size. If zero,
autodetect is used.
SCREENMAXROW &lt;rows&gt;
On some systems, <name>GoldED+</name> may not detect the correct display size.
With this keyword you can force a specific size. If zero,
autodetect is used.
SCREENPALETTE &lt;reg&gt; &lt;value&gt; OR &lt;reg&gt; (red green blue)
You can change the color palette used in <name>GoldED+</name>. The palette has
16 color registers, corresponding to the 16 colors from black (0)
to intense white (15). By changing the values in the palette
registers, it is possible to make any of the 16 colors a
completely different color. You can even make the background
colors intense, without using the intense color feature. There are
64 different colors to chose from.
To configure the palette colors in <name>GoldED+</name>, the SCREENPALETTE
keyword is used. There are two different syntaxes:
SCREENPALETTE &lt;reg&gt; &lt;value&gt;
SCREENPALETTE &lt;reg&gt; (red green blue)
So you can either compose the color value using separate red,
green, blue components, or directly use a precalculated value. The
red/green/blue values can only be in the range 0-3.
These are the original palette values:
Copy these lines into your GOLDED.CFG and start experimenting&excl; :-)
If you have written a program to edit the palette and write a
<name>GoldED+</name> palette setup file, please don't keep it a secret&excl; :-)
SCREENSHADOWS &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, all relevant windows and menus in <name>GoldED+</name> will have
SCREENSIZE &lt;mode&gt;
Use this to force <name>GoldED+</name> to use either 25 lines, 43/50 lines on
EGA/VGA, or even special videomodes supported by your SuperVGA
adapter (modes like 132x44, 100x40 or 80x60).
The &lt;mode&gt; can be one of the following:
Auto Use detected size.
25 Switch to 25 lines.
28 Switch to 28 lines.
4350 Switch to 43/50 lines.
Mode &lt;NN&gt; Switch to videomode NN (a hexadecimal value).
Please check your video adapter manual carefully before trying out
the Mode option. SELECTING A WRONG MODE CAN DAMAGE YOUR MONITOR&excl;&excl;&excl;
The Mode option is ignored in the W32 and OS/2 version.
SCREENUSEBIOS &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will use standard BIOS calls for screen
updates. This is VERY slow, and should only be used if really
needed. Normally <name>GoldED+</name> uses direct screen writes.
This feature is only interpreted in the DOS version.
SEARCHFOR &lsqb;"&rsqb;&lt;string&verbar;string&verbar;..&gt;&lsqb;"&rsqb;
Defines a set of search strings, separated by the '&verbar;' character.
The search set defined here is the default when using the Alt-F/Z
search functions or the marking system.
The '&verbar;' character works like an OR operator. That is, the search
is successful if one OR more of the strings are matched. The '&amp;'
character is used as the logical AND operator.
Please refer to appropriate section in user's guide for more
Older versions used the ';' semicolon character as a separator,
but that conflicts with the config reader which treats the
semicolon in a special way. The semicolon is still accepted as
separator char like '&verbar;', but if semicolons are used, you MUST
enclose the search strings with quotes or the config reader will
treat the first semicolon as the start of a comment.
SEARCHFOR string1&verbar;string2&verbar;stringx
SEARCHFOR "string1;string2;stringx"
SEARCHFOR "string 1"&verbar;string2&amp;stringx
This keyword can be used globally and in Random System groups.
SEMAPHORE &lt;type&gt; &lt;file&gt;
This keyword defines "semaphore" files, for use with other mailer
and/or mail processing software.
The &lt;type&gt; can be one of the following:
NETSCAN Empty netmail scan file (for D'Bridge/FD).
ECHOSCAN Empty echomail scan file (for D'Bridge).
EXPORTLIST Echoid-list of your new messages.
IMPORTLIST Echoid-list of new imported messages.
The semaphore files are placed in the AREAPATH, if no path is
See the example .CFG files for typical semaphore filenames.
NOTE: You should not set SEMAPHORE EXPORTLIST to
%JAMPATH%&bsol;ECHOMAIL.JAM. This is incorrect and probably may cause
your mail processor to malfunction. Use the JAMPATH keyword
<name>GoldED+</name> can handle enviroment variables correctly in paths
specified in connection with this keyword. For example, if a path
is defined as %MAIL%&bsol;path&bsol;name, and SET MAIL=C:&bsol;POINT is in
AUTOEXEC.BAT (or whatever), then <name>GoldED+</name> translates the path to
NOTE: The translation is done at config compile time, so if you
change the environment variable and haven't changed anything else
that would cause <name>GoldED+</name> to recompile it's config, you must force
it with the -F or -FF command parameter.
In addition, <name>GoldED+</name> itself can watch for some semaphore files and
execute the appropiate function if it is in the arealist screen.
This can be useful if you have a multitasking system and you want
to "tell" <name>GoldED+</name> that there is new mail in some areas and <name>GoldED+</name>
should update its display correctly.
In detail, there are
EXITNOW &lt;file&gt; Quit immediately.
SCANALL &lt;file&gt; Scan all areas
SCANNETMAIL &lt;file&gt; Scan all netmail areas
SCANTHIS &lt;file&gt; Scan the areas listed in the file
PMSCANALL &lt;file&gt; PM-scan all areas
PMSCANNETMAIL &lt;file&gt; PM-scan all netmail areas
PMSCANTHIS &lt;file&gt; PM-scan the areas listed in the file
QWKIMPORT &lt;file&gt; Import QWK packets
QWKEXPORT &lt;file&gt; Export to QWK
SOUPIMPORT &lt;file&gt; Import SOUP packets
SOUPEXPORT &lt;file&gt; Export to SOUP
IDLETIME &lt;seconds&gt; Number of seconds between checks
If SEMAPHORE IDLETIME is defined and non-zero, then <name>GoldED+</name> will
check this list of semaphore files when the user has not pressed a
key in the specified number of seconds. The semaphores are only
checked when the arealist screen is active. If a semaphore file is
found, the file is deleted and then the action is performed. If no
path is given for the files, the GOLDPATH is assumed.
This causes <name>GoldED+</name> to check every 30 seconds for the SCANALL.NOW
file in the GOLDPATH, and scan all areas if it's found.
Everything mentioned above about REGISTERKEY and REGISTERNAME
applied to this keyword.
<div2 id=SHAREMODE><head>SHAREMODE &lt;yes/no/mode&num;&gt;</head>
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> opens all files in a SHARE.EXE compatible mode.
The default share-mode is "Share Deny None", but another may be
specified directly if you give the mode number as the keyword
parameter (decimal).
It is normally not necessary to change the default.
SOUNDPATH &lt;path&gt;
(defaults to the GOLDPATH)
Tells <name>GoldED+</name> where to find the sound files for the PLAY and EVENT
SOUPBADMSGS &lt;echoid&gt;
Specifies the area where "bad messages" from SOUP packets can be
tossed. It should be an echomail or newsgroup area.
SOUPEMAIL &lt;echoid&gt;
Specifies the area where Internet e-mails can be tossed. It must
be a netmail or e-mail area.
This is the margin that <name>GoldED+</name> will hard-wrap to when exporting to
SOUP packets. If you're getting complaints that your lines are too
long, you may want to set this to 70 or 60.
NOTE: You should NOT enable EDITHARDTERM in email and newsgroups
that are exported to SOUP. If you do, your messages will probably
be exported with short line "droppings" after the wrapping margin.
Path where outgoing SOUP reply packet files (REPLIES and
GOLD*.MSG) can be placed.
Path where the incoming SOUP packet files (AREAS and *.MSG) can be
Name with full path of the NEWSRC file which lists the newsgroups
you are connected to. <name>GoldED+</name> uses the list to mark the matching
areas as newsgroups. These will then be scanned for outgoing mail
when starting a SOUP export.
Commandline for a replylinker program to call after SOUP import.
SOUPREPLYTO &lt;internet-address&gt;
Internet-Address other users should use when they respond to your
mails (Reply-To Headerline).
SOUPTOSSLOG &lt;file&gt;
Name of a file where <name>GoldED+</name> puts the echoids (newsgroup names) of
each area where articles have been imported. The tosslog file is
intended to be used with a replylinker. If no path is given, it
defaults to the GOLDPATH.
SQUISHDIRECT &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, then in Squish areas, if the DIR (direct) attribute is
set on a message, <name>GoldED+</name> will automatically set both the CRA
(crash) and HLD (hold) attributes when saving the message.
According to the Squish Developers Kit, this is the way to tell
SquishMail that a message should be routed direct, because
SquishMail does not recognize the FLAGS kludge where the DIR
attribute is normally found. This keyword should probably only be
used with SquishMail (the mail processor) and then only when used
with Binkley or other so-called "static" mailers. DON'T use it
with FrontDoor&excl;
SQUISHSCAN &lt;api/quick&gt;
Specfies whether to use a quick scanning method which only looks
in the .SQI files. This will normally work fine, but may fail
slightly in obscure cases, especially when used with Squish 1.0x
or programs using the old version of the MSGAPI. If you suspect
problems, try to set this keyword to "api", which tells <name>GoldED+</name> to
look in the .SQD file for an exact count of active msgs in the
.SQI file.
NOTE: <name>GoldED+</name> does NOT use the original MSGAPI by Scott Dudley.
Since version 2.50, a completely rewritten implementation is used.
SQUISHUSERNO &lt;index&gt;
This sets the lastread index number for the Squish *.SQL lastread
files. Lowest number is 0 (zero), highest is (in theory) 65534.
If used, this disables the use of USER.BBS to find the index
number, and will in effect also stop <name>GoldED+</name> from creating USER.BBS
or any new entries in it (useful in a single-user point system).
If a Squish msgbase is shared between several users, and you don't
want to have a USER.BBS (recommended in such a case), each user
must have a unique SQUISHUSERNO in their GOLDED/GOLDAREA.CFG.
SQUISHUSERPATH &lt;path&gt;&lsqb;file&rsqb;
This keyword defines the path where <name>GoldED+</name> can find and use/create
your USER.BBS file, which is used in connection with the Squish
area lastreads. You can also specify the exact filename if not
If this path or filename is not defined, <name>GoldED+</name> will instead take
the one specified with AREAFILE Squish or AREAFILE Maximus
(whichever comes first), or failing that, use the MAXIMUS or
SQUISH environment variables. If even that fails, the AREAPATH or
GOLDPATH is used. If AREAFILE Maximus is used, <name>GoldED+</name> gets the
filename from MAX.PRM.
STATUSLINECLOCK &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will display a clock in HH:MM:SS format in the
right side of the statusline.
You can redefine the clock format with the language keyword
chapter to details about the date/time codes you can use.
NOTE: The clock will only run continuously if KEYBMODE is set to
STATUSLINEHELP &lt;yes/no/nologo&gt;
If set to YES, <name>GoldED+</name> will replace the "logo" in the left side of
the statusline with a text saying "F1 Help". This is for use in
"point package" setups where the user may be a complete novice,
maybe even to computers, and who needs to be guided to the help
screens. The "F1 Help" text is configurable with the
ST_STATUSLINEHELP language keyword (put it in GOLDLANG.CFG).
If set to NO, <name>GoldED+</name> will display it's logo (name and version) in
the left side of the statusline.
If set to NOLOGO, <name>GoldED+</name> will not display anything in the left
side. The middle part is extended to fill the space on the left
STYLECODES &lt;yes/hide/no&gt;
If enabled (yes or hide), <name>GoldED+</name> will highlight text surrounded by
one of the following characters in a different color: '*' for bold
text, '/' for italic text, '_' for underlined text and '&num;' for
reversed text. These are commonly used "stylecodes" which add
emphasis to the text, without making it harder to read. Examples:
*This* will be shown in bold color, /this/ in italic color and
_this_ in underlined color. It is also possible to combine styles,
such as */this/*, in bolditalic color.
The differ in yes and hide is that hide strips surrounding
Described values are specific to -asa. Official vesions starting
at 3.00beta3 has bug in implementation which causes GoldEd to
ignore this keyword. Realization of this keyword in -asa versions
compatible with official versions prior to 3.00beta3.
To define the highlight colors, use COLOR STYLECODE. See the color
chapter for details.
STYLECODEPUNCT &lt;"charlist"&gt;
(" &excl;&bsol;&quot;&dollar;%&amp;()+,.:;&lt;=&gt;@&lsqb;&bsol;&rsqb;^`&lcub;&verbar;&rcub;~")
STYLECODESTOPS &lt;"charlist"&gt;
The STYLECODEPUNCT keyword specifies all the characters that
punctuates words. The stylecode line parser scans forward until it
meets one of these characters and then looks back to see if it
found a word with stylecodes around it.
The STYLECODESTOPS keyword specifies characters which, if found
within the word to be highlighted, causes the highlight to be
These keywords were added to allow users to experiment with the
characters for punctuation and stop for stylecode sequences. This
is mostly to illustrate the point that it is almost impossible to
make stylecodes work in every case you want without getting a lot
of false highlights too. Please keep in mind that stylecodes are,
and always will be, a primitive and very error-prone method for
adding highlights to message text. The defaults are:
STYLECODEPUNCT " &excl;&bsol;"&dollar;%&amp;()+,.:;&lt;=&gt;@&lsqb;&bsol;&rsqb;^`&lcub;&verbar;&rcub;~"
Note that the double-quote (") must have the backslash (&bsol;) in
front of it - the sequence (&bsol;") is translated to a single (").
TAGLINE &lt;string or filename&gt;
Defines one or more taglines. A tagline collection filename can be
specified if prepended with an '@' character, like this: TAGLINE
@TAGLINE.LST. If a tagline collection file is used, <name>GoldED+</name> will
create an index file for it the first time it is used or any time
the file is edited. The index file has the same name, but
extension ".SDX". The index file is an array of 32-bit long
integers, containing the offset of each line in the tagline
collection file.
This keyword can be used globally and in a Random System group.
Taglines defined in the Random System *always* overrides the
default global taglines defined with this keyword.
TAGLINECHAR &lt;char&gt;
Defines the character <name>GoldED+</name> uses when putting a tagline in your
message. The default is '.'. You should not change this default.
<name>GoldED+</name> itself only recognizes taglines with '.' or '_'
TAGLINESUPPORT &lt;yes/no&gt;
Allows you to turn off the internal tagline support, in case it
turns out to be too buggy or if you want to use one of the many
good external tagline utilties out there instead.
TASKTITLE &lt;string&gt;
Sets window title in Win32 and OS/2 versions, ignored in other.
TEARLINE &lt;string&gt;
(@longpid @version)
Here you can define your default tearline. The tearline can be up
to 76 chars long (excluding the leading "--- "), but beware that
policies (such as FidoNet ECHOPOL1) may set a significantly lower
limit (around 30).
This keyword can be used globally and in a Random System group.
Tearlines defined in the Random System *always* overrides the
default tearline defined with this keyword.
If your tearline does not contain at least the string "GoldED" or
"GED", <name>GoldED+</name> will automatically insert it's PID kludge. See also
description of USEPID keyword.
TEMPLATE &lt;file&gt; &lsqb;"desc"&rsqb; &lsqb;match-address&rsqb;
You can define many different template files. The templates can be
switched using the READchangetemplate (Ctrl-T) popup menu or the
The optional "desc" can be used to give the templates more
meaningful names like "International template" instead of
non-obvious names like "GOLDED.TPL". If a description is used, it
must appear before the match-address. It must always be enclosed
in quotes, even if it is only one word.
The match-address is an address mask (wildcards allowed) which can
be used to tell <name>GoldED+</name> to select that template if the destination
address on a message you write matches the match-address. The
matching will only take place if the TEMPLATEMATCH keyword has
been enabled.
This keyword can be used globally and in a Random System group. In
Random System groups, only the &lt;file&gt; parameter can be used.
Templates defined in Random System groups always override the
globally defined templates, except when selected from the EDITMENU
or when automatic template matching is in effect.
To override the automatic template matching, start by selecting a
template manually using the READchangetemplate (Ctrl-T) command or
Currently only one match-address per template can be specified,
but you can specify several TEMPLATE keywords for the same file.
// Use DANSK.TPL for messages to Danish nodes/points.
TEMPLATE DANSK.TPL "Danish" 2:23/*
TEMPLATE DANSK.TPL "Danish" 2:234/*
TEMPLATE DANSK.TPL "Danish" 2:235/*
TEMPLATE DANSK.TPL "Danish" 2:236/*
TEMPLATE DANSK.TPL "Danish" 2:237/*
TEMPLATE DANSK.TPL "Danish" 2:238/*
// Use INTERNET.TPL for messages to the WinBoss gateway
TEMPLATE INTERNET.TPL "Internet" 2:230/9316
// Use ENGLISH.TPL for messages to everywhere else
TEMPLATEMATCH &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will select a template which matches the
destination address on messages that you write. This keyword can
be used globally or in random system groups.
TEMPLATEPATH &lt;path&gt;
(defaults to the GOLDPATH)
Defines the default path for msg templates. Use this if you want
to place templates in a path separate from the GOLDPATH.
TEMPPATH &lt;path&gt;
Defines the directory where temporary files are placed by <name>GoldED+</name>
and GoldNODE.
This path should *NOT* point to a RAM disk or other volatile
GoldNODE uses this path to store a temporary file which can become
as large as the largest index file (GOLDNODE.GXN), so again, don't
point it to a small RAM disk. If GoldNODE cannot find a TEMPPATH,
it will use the NODEPATH instead.
<div2 id=TIMEOUT><head>TIMEOUT &lt;seconds&gt;</head>
Similar to the screen blanking (SCREENBLANKER) feature, <name>GoldED+</name> can
auto-exit after a specified period of time. Useful if you are in a
hurry (or didn't get enough sleep last night ;-), and run <name>GoldED+</name>
from your mailer shell. The timeout value can be overridden with
the -T commandline option.
NOTE: This feature only works if KEYBMODE is set to "poll".
TIMEOUTSAVEMSG &lt;yes/no&gt;
If set to YES, <name>GoldED+</name> behaves as usual: It saves the (perhaps
partially written) msg text in the internal editor to the msgbase
and exits. If set to NO, <name>GoldED+</name> will save the msg text in
GOLDED.MSG just as if EDITAUTOSAVE function was in use and the
power went out. Next time you started <name>GoldED+</name> and entered a msg, it
would detect the "lost" msg and ask you if it should be continued.
TITLESTATUS &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled then brief status will be added to title. (Win32 and
OS/2 versions only)
TWITMODE &lt;mode&gt;
In <name>GoldED+</name> you can define several "Twit" names, addresses or
subjects. With this keyword you can specify the action taken when
a Twit message is encountered.
The &lt;mode&gt; can be one of the following:
Show Show twit messages.
Blank Blank twit messages.
Skip Skip twit messages, unless to your USERNAME's.
Ignore Skip twit messages, always.
Kill Deletes twit messages, *without* confirmation&excl;
This keyword can be used globally and in a Random System group.
TWITNAME &lt;name/address&gt;
With this keyword, you can specify "Twit" names and/or addresses.
When a Twit name/address is detected, the TWITMODE setting will
determine the action taken.
TWITSUBJ &lt;"string"&gt;
With this keyword, you can specify "Twit" subjects. When a Twit
subject is detected, the TWITMODE setting will determine the
action taken. The subject string is searched in the entire subject
text, so you can specify a partial twit subject. Twit subjects are
limited to maximum 35 characters.
TWITTO &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> will check both from- and to-names when
checking for twitnames. By default only the from-names are
This is a global keyword and won't work as intended if used in a
random system group.
USECHARSET &lt;yes/no&gt;
If set to no then GoldEd will not generate @CHRS and @CHARSET
USEFLAGS &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> inserts the FLAGS kludge for certain extended
attributes, as defined in FSC-0053 by Joaquim H. Homrighausen, and
supported by FrontDoor, D'Bridge, IMail and other modern software.
<name>GoldED+</name> uses FLAGS to emulate the Hold and Freq attributes which
are not defined in the Hudson message format.
USEFWD &lt;yes/no/ask&gt;
If enabled, <name>GoldED+</name> inserts the FSC-0092 kludges introduced by the
author of FleetStreet, Michael Hohner. These are
FWDFROM The original From-Name
FWDORIG The original From-Aka
FWDTO The original TO-Field
FWDDEST The original TO-aka (only in netmails)
FWDSUBJ The original subject
FWDAREA The original areatag
FWDMSGID The original MSGID (useful for reply-linking)
When forwarding, <name>GoldED+</name> now adds these kludges, unless the
original message already contains them, in which case they are
preserved. When doing a normal reply (Alt-Q or Alt-R) to a message
with the FWD kludges, <name>GoldED+</name> replies to the forwarder. To reply to
the from-name in the forwarded message, use the comment-reply
function (Alt-G). If the message contains the FWDAREA kludge, you
can reply to the forwarder in the original area (Alt-N) or reply
to the from-name in the original area (Alt-B). Note that it is not
possible to reply to the to-name of a message with the FWD
kludges, and it is also not possible to reply to the to-name of
the forwarded message (the FWDTO name).
USEINTL &lt;type&gt;
The INTL kludge is normally only inserted in netmail messages, if
the origination zone is different from the destination zone (the
"Auto" setting), but on systems with many AKA's in the mailer, it
might be useful/necessary to add it ALWAYS (the "Yes" setting).
The "No" option should never be used.
The &lt;type&gt; can be one of the following:
Auto Only insert in inter-zone netmail.
Yes Always insert. Recommended and default.
No Never insert.
USEMSGID &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, the MSGID kludge is inserted in netmail and echomail,
and the REPLY kludge is inserted when replying to a msg with a
The MSGID kludge is defined in FidoNet document FTS-9.
USEPID &lt;yes/no&gt;
(no if GoldEd mentioned in tearline, yes otherwise)
If disabled then @PID kludge will not be used in your messages
regardless of tearline contents.
USERLIST &lt;file&gt; &lsqb;zone/addr&rsqb;
In addition to normal nodelist support, <name>GoldED+</name> also supports the
"FIDOUSER.LST" style userlist format. The default zone is defined
by the first ADDRESS or AKA, but can be overridden by adding the
zone number or a full address after the filename.
&lt;file&gt; Userlist file in FIDOUSER.LST format.
&lsqb;zone/addr&rsqb; Default address for the userlist (if no zone info
is present).
USERLISTFILE &lt;file&gt;
<name>GoldED+</name> can generate a list of all users in the current area. This
keyword defines the default name of the FIDOUSER.LST style
userlist output file generated with the READmakeuserlist command.
USERNAME &lt;name&gt;&lsqb;&lsqb;,&rsqb;&lt; &gt;address&rsqb;
You can define many different names/aliases. When <name>GoldED+</name> finds an
un-received message to one of your USERNAME's, it is marked as
received. Useful if you use alias names in some conferences. It is
possible to change the current name using the READchangeusername
popup menu.
For msgbase formats with an associated user database, <name>GoldED+</name> uses
the *first* defined USERNAME to look in the user database for
which lastread record to use. If your name is not found, it is
added and a new lastread record created.
USERNAME Odinn Sorensen, 2:236/77.999
This keyword can be used globally and in a Random System group.
USETZUTC &lt;yes/no&gt;
Activates usage of TZUTC kludge in your messages. You should
properly setup timezone information in your OS. For example,
in DOS you should set environment variable TZ to something
like this:
This line valid for Moscow, Russia.
This option could be used in random system groups.
UUDECODEPATH &lt;path&gt;
Specifies the path where files are placed when using the uudecode
feature. Files are placed in current directory if a path is not
The specified path *must* exist &excl;
VIEWHIDDEN &lt;yes/no&gt;
Hidden lines are "unknown" kludge lines. If enabled, hidden lines
will be displayed (in a different color) when reading msgs.
A hidden line is defined as a line which has the FidoNet kludge
char (^a, ASCII 1) as the first char and is not on the list of
internally or user defined known kludges.
This keyword can be used globally and in a Random System group.
In some conferences the hidden lines are used to give witty
comment "between the lines" in the plain text, but generally it is
considered a bad practice and should be avoided because it may
cause severe technical problems if a witty comment in a hidden
line happens to match a (perhaps experimentally) defined kludge
somewhere. It should also be noted that hidden lines are not kept
in their original places when used in the JAM msgbase. This is due
to the way the JAM specification stores FidoNet kludges.
VIEWKLUDGE &lt;yes/no&gt;
If enabled, known kludge lines will be displayed (in a different
color) when reading msgs.
Known kludges are those defined internally in <name>GoldED+</name> plus those
defined with the KLUDGE keyword.
This keyword can be used globally and in a Random System group.
VIEWQUOTE &lt;yes/no&gt;
This is an experimental feature. It is similar to the VIEWHIDDEN
and VIEWKLUDGE keywords, but for quoted text. I implemented it
because I was annoyed with the excessive quoting often seen in
Internet newsgroups. When this keyword is set to NO, <name>GoldED+</name>
attempts to trim down the quotes so that only the first line of
each quote block is shown. It is not always successful, sometimes
the result is not so useful.
A key command has been added to supplement this feature:
READtogglequote. Suggested key assignment: Ctrl-V. Example:
^V READtogglequote
Try it out if you are annoyed with excessive quotes.
This keyword can be used globally and in a Random System group.
WHOTO &lt;name&gt;
This name is inserted in the TO: name field, when entering new
messages (not replies) in echomail or local areas.
This keyword can be used globally and in a Random System group.
WILDCATUSERNO &lt;userno&gt;
Defines the lastread set used in the WildCat&excl; 4.x message base.
XLATCHARSET &lt;importid&gt; &lt;exportid&gt; &lt;file&gt;
This keyword defines character set translation table files.
&lt;importid&gt; Charset import identifier.
&lt;exportid&gt; Charset export identifier.
&lt;file&gt; Charset translation table file.
See the Character Translation chapter for details.
XLATESCSET &lt;import&gt; &lt;export&gt; &lt;escfile&gt;
This keyword defines escape sequence translation table files.
&lt;importid&gt; Escset import identifier.
&lt;exportid&gt; Escset export identifier.
&lt;file&gt; Escape sequence translation table file.
See the Character Translation chapter for details.
XLATEXPORT &lt;charsetid&gt;
Defines the export charset for your messages. See the Character
Translation chapter for details.
This keyword can be used globally and in a Random System group.
It can also be used in templates (the @xlatexport token).
XLATIMPORT &lt;charsetid&gt;
Defines the local charset for your machine. See the Character
Translation chapter for details.
This keyword can be used globally and in a Random System group.
XLATLOCALSET &lt;charsetid&gt;
Use this keyword to specify the actual physical charset in effect
for text screen display. This was previously the hardcoded value
IBMPC, corresponding to the IBM codepage 437 (or the nordic
edition 865).
NOTE: All charset translation files must translate from and to the
charset identified with the XLATLOCALSET keyword&excl;
XLATPATH &lt;path&gt;
This is the path where <name>GoldED+</name> tries to find the XLATCHARSET and
ZONEGATING &lt;yes/no/ask&gt;
When writing a netmail message to a destination in another zone,
you can either send the message directly (No) or via the local
ZoneGate (Yes). You can also be consulted each time (Ask). <name>GoldED+</name>
won't ask if Cra or Hld attribute is set.
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Obsolete Keywords
This is a list of keywords which were used in various older versions.
These keywords are now obsolete, either because they have been renamed
or replaced, or if they no longer have any function. Most of the
keywords are still active and remapped to the new names.
To check if you have obsolete keywords in your setup, run <name>GoldED+</name> with
the -F -D commandline parameters. Then if you get a number of "Unknown
keyword" warnings, you should replace the old keywords with the new
ones or remove them.
Old keyword: New keyword:
BEEPFACTOR (removed)
BOARDNOS (removed)
CLEARKEYS (removed)
COOKIEFILE (removed)
2001-02-21 21:26:28 +00:00
DOSSWAP (removed)
2000-02-25 10:15:17 +00:00
EDITMARGIN (removed)
ELIMSNOW (removed)
EXTKEYS (removed)
FILECHECK (removed)
FREEAREA (removed)
FREETEAR (removed)
GOLDHELP (no longer documented)
GOLDKEYS (no longer documented)
GOLDLANG (no longer documented)
GOLDRAND (no longer documented)
GOLDXLAT (no longer documented)
HWMARKS (removed)
LISTWRAP (removed)
LOCALNOISE (removed)
MULTIQBBS (removed)
NETTEAR CTRLINFONET performs similar function
NEXTMSGS (removed)
2001-02-21 21:26:28 +00:00
OVERLAY (removed)
OVERLAYEMS (removed)
OVERLAYEXT (removed)
2000-02-25 10:15:17 +00:00
PAGEBAR (removed)
QBBSSCAN (removed)
REALMSGNO (removed)
REBUILD (removed)
SAYBIBI (removed)
SHADOWS (removed)
2001-02-21 21:26:28 +00:00
SWAPALL (removed)
2000-02-25 10:15:17 +00:00
TIMESLICE (removed)
TIMEZONEOFFSET USETZUTC performs similar function
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Location Dependent Configuration Keywords
The following configuration keywords are location dependent and should
be placed in a particular order in the configuration file(s). Keywords
that are *not* listed can be placed anywhere you want.
The keywords are listed in groups of those that depend on each other.
They are listed in the recommended order within each group. The order
between the groups is not important, with one noted exception.
ATTRIBSNET Specifies default attributes for AREAFILE etc.
PCBOARDPATH Recommended if you use PCBoard.
AREARENAME Rename occurs before AREAEXCL/INCL.
AREAPATH Default path for the AREAFILE's.
RA2USERSBBS Overrides AREAFILE RemoteAccess.
AREADESC Add description and more to some AREAFILE's.
AREA Overrides areas in AREAFILE's.
AREADEF As above.
TEMPPATH MUST be in GOLDED.CFG. Used only by GoldNODE.
Nodelists: MUST be below ADDRESS/AKA and ONLY in GOLDED.CFG&excl;
EXCLUDENODES Remember to replace "ALL" with '*'.
INTENSECOLORS Selects a default intense colorset if enabled.
COLORSET Selects a default colorset.
External utils:
Character translation:
Random System:
GROUP Starts a group.
MEMBER Defines areas that are members of the group.
&lt;Group Items&gt; See the Random System chapter for a list.
ENDGROUP Ends a group.
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<div1 id=MESSAGEATTRS><head>Message Attributes Reference</head>
This is a list and description of all message attributes that are
supported by <name>GoldED+</name> in the keywords that accept attribute settings or
can be displayed in the header.
A/S Archive/sent.
ARQ Audit request.
ATT File attached.
CFM Confirmation receipt requested.
COV Fax cover letter.
CRA Crash - high priority mail.
DEL Deleted.
DIR Direct. Don't route this message.
FAX Fax image attached.
FRQ File request.
GRP Group message.
HIR Fax hi-resolution image.
HLD Hold for pickup.
HUB Host- or Hub-route message.
IMM Immediate - Send message NOW&excl;
K/S Kill/sent. Delete message automatically after it is sent.
KFS Kill/file/sent. Delete attached files after they are sent.
LET Fax letterhead.
LOC Local. Message was written on your system.
LOK Lock. Prevents send/delete/purge/editing.
ORP Orphan. Could not be sent because destination node is unknown.
PRN Msg has been printed. Specific for Squish (bitvalue 00040000h).
PVT Private. Message may only be read by the addressee and author.
R/O Read only. Used in area definitions to prevent writing.
RCV Received. Read by the addressee.
RRC Return receipt.
RRQ Return receipt requested.
RSV FTS-1 reserved (unused) attribute.
SIG Fax signature.
SNT Sent. Message has been sent or exported from the msgbase.
TFS Truncate/file/sent. Truncate files to zero length when sent.
TRS Transit. Message passing through, not for you.
UNS Unsent message.
URQ Update file request.
XMA Xmail. Attach does not conform to the ARCmail 0.60 standard.
ZON Zonegate. Route through zonegate if possible.
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<div1 id=AREACONFIGURATION><head>Area Configuration</head>
GoldED offers a wide variety of methods for defining message areas.
You can define each area manually in the GOLDED.CFG file (or an
INCLUDE'ed GOLDAREA.CFG file), or you can tell <name>GoldED+</name> to read the area
setup files of many popular BBS/mailer/mail processor packages.
For manual definition of areas, use the AREA or AREADEF (recommened)
For external area configuration, the general syntax for the AREAFILE
keyword is:
AREAFILE &lt;programname&gt; &lsqb;path or filename(s)&rsqb; &lsqb;-options&rsqb;
Available options:
Normally <name>GoldED+</name> will check the areafile timestamps when starting
up, and recompile the configuration if a file was changed. If this
option is given for any AREAFILE, those areafiles will not be
checked. This can be useful in cases like TosScan, GEcho, IMail
and several others which "touch" their files every time they run.
If you are *not* using the global AREALISTSORT keyword for sorting
all the areas, you can sort the areas of each AREAFILE separately.
See the AREALISTSORT keyword for the definition of &lt;sortspec&gt;.
If no path is specified, the appropriate environment variable or the
AREAPATH is used to find the files.
The &lt;programname&gt; can be one of the following:
Reads the AdeptXBBS configuration files.
Looks for the ADEPTXBBS environment variable.
<name>GoldED+</name> is can handle a wide variety of AREAS.BBS type files. It
can read and distinguish between the old CONFMAIL style with paths
for *.MSG areas, the Hudson/Goldbase style with board numbers, the
Squish style with "&dollar;basename" and the JAM style with "&excl;basename".
The disadvantage of using an AREAS.BBS is that there are no area
descriptions. The echoid is used as description instead. However,
<name>GoldED+</name> will use any text behind a semicolon on definition lines as
description. This may or may not be compatible with mail
processors, so be careful. A better solution may be to use the
AREAFILE Echolist to add descriptions from a separate file.
One or more AREAS.BBS files may be specified on the same line.
Support is planned but not yet implemented.
2000-09-19 14:41:32 +00:00
Reads the CrashMail II configuration file.
2000-02-25 10:15:17 +00:00
Reads the DBRIDGE.AA1/.AA2 files (for version 1.30) or the
DBRIDGE.ADF of the later versions.
Looks for the "DBRIDGE" and "DB" environment variables.
Reads the DUTCHIE.ARE file.
Looks for the "DUTCHIE" environment variable.
Reads a simple ascii-text file containing an echolist in this
&lt;echoid&gt; &lt;description&gt;
or DZ-format (requires -DZ switch):
&lsqb;Status&rsqb;, Tag, Comment, Moderator's Name, Address,&lsqb;Flags&rsqb;
This feature adds descriptions to already existing areas in
<name>GoldED+</name>. Example:
AREAFILE EchoList echo5020.lst -dz
Descriptions for unknown echoids are ignored. Blank lines and
lines beginning with characters which are illegal in echoids (such
as ';') are also ignored.
Additional switch -SqaFix could be used to read echolist and groups
from SqaFix configuration file:
AREAFILE Squish C:&bsol;SQUISH&bsol;
AREAFILE EchoList C:&bsol;SQUISH&bsol;SQAFIX.CFG -SqaFix
Reads CONFIG.EZY and MESSAGES.EZY. Supports Ezycom 1.02 and 1.10g,
but not 1.01.
Looks for the "EZY" and "TASK" environment variables.
Reads the FASTECHO.CFG file. Supports version 1.10 up to 1.46.
Looks for the "FASTECHO" environment variable.
Reads fidoconfig (used in Husky Project software). Supports
version 0.15. Used parser is more powerful than original from
fidoconfig, due to it strictly follows specification from proposal
and implements all features from there. Additionaly it implements
groups not described in proposal but used in in library.
Looks for the "FIDOCONFIG" environment variable.
Reads FIDOPCB.CFG. Supports version 1.x.
Looks for the "FIDOPCB" environment variable.
Reads FMAIL.CFG and FMAIL.AR. Supports versions 0.92, 0.98, 1.0g,
and 1.20.
Looks for the "FMAIL" environment variable.
Reads the SETUP.FD/FD.SYS and FOLDER.FD/FOLDER.SYS files. If you
want the real echoid's attached to the areas, you will also need
to supply the filename of the relevant AREAS.BBS file(s). Supports
versions 1.99c and 2.xx.
Looks for the "FD" environment variable.
Reads SETUP.GE and AREAFILE.GE. Supports versions 1.00, 1.02,
1.10, 1.11 and 1.20.
Looks for the "GE" environment variable.
Reads the IMAIL.CF and IMAIL.AR files. Supports version 1.60,
1.7x and 1.8x.
Looks for the "IMAIL" environment variable.
Supports version 2.26 and newer.
Looks for the "IM" environment variable.
Reads the CONFIG.DAT and SYSMSG.DAT files. Supports version 2.33,
2.40 and possibly others.
Looks for the "LORA" and "LORABBS" environment variables.
Reads the MAX.PRM and AREA.DAT or MAREA.DAT files. Compatible (or
should be) with both the old (1.xx) and (2.xx) and new (3.xx)
formats. If your AREA.DAT is named differently, you must supply
the correct filename.
Looks for the "MAXIMUS" environment variable.
Reads the old ME2 editor AREADESC.ME2 file and AREAS.BBS file(s).
You must supply the names of both files.
Reads the Opus 1.1x SYSTEM??.DAT files or the Opus 1.7x SYSMSG.DAT
Looks for the "OPUS" environment variable.
Reads the ParToss configuration file.
Reads the PCBOARD.DAT, CNAMES.@@@ and CNAMES.ADD files. Supports
version 14.x and 15.x, up to and including 15.22. Note that,
depending on the version, echoid's may not be read from this
format. If the echoid is not available, the description is used as
echoid, after conversion to uppercase and spaces to underscores.
Looks for the "PCBOARD" environment variable.
Reads the PORTAL*.CFG and PORTAL.ARE files.
Looks for the "POPCMDLINE" environment variable.
Reads MSGAREAS.PB. Supports version 2.0.
Looks for the "PB" environment variable.
Reads /etc/qecho/AreaList. Supports version patched by Eugene
Sorochinsky for JAM messae base support.
Reads QORIGIN.DAT and QECHOS.DAT. Supports version 1.13b.
Looks for the "QFRONT" environment variable.
Reads the CONFIG.BBS or QUICKCFG.DAT and MSGCFG.DAT files. To get
the real echoid's, you must also supply the filename of the
relevant AREAS.BBS.
Looks for the "QUICKBBS" and "QBBS" environment variables.
Reads AREAS.RAE. Supports version 1.00 and 1.01.
Looks for the "RAECHO" environment variable.
Reads the MESSAGES.RA file. To get the real echoid's, you must
also supply the filename of the relevant AREAS.BBS. Supports
versions 0.xx, 1.xx, 2.0x and 2.5x.
Looks for the "RA" environment variable.
Reads SQUISH.CFG and AREAS.BBS (if used). Supports version 1.0x
and 1.1x. The "Include &lt;filename&gt;" feature of Squish 1.10 is also
The optional /G switch specifies the default group of the imported
areas, i.e. /g=G or /g=&num;103.
Looks for the "SQUISH" and "MAXIMUS" environment variables.
Reads CONFIG.BBS, SCONFIG.BBS and BOARDS.BBS. Supports version
1.16 and 1.17.
Looks for the "SUPERBBS" and "SBBS" environment variables.
Reads TIMED.CFG and any included file. Also reads the
configuration from other mail software defined in TIMED.CFG.
Looks for the "TIMED" environment variable.
This is for the Terminate Mail system (Termail). <name>GoldED+</name> does
currently only support Termail 4.00 und 5.xx style .CFG-files.
Reads TM.CFG and any AREAFILE (an AREAS.BBS type file) defined
NOTE: If you use this, you must start <name>GoldED+</name> in the Termail
directory, because the standard TM configuration files use
relative paths.
Looks for the "TM" environment variable.
Reads the FD.SYS/SETUP.FD and AREAFILE.FD files. Supports version
1.00 and FrontDoor 1.99c and 2.xx.
Looks for the "FD" environment variable.
Reads the WTRCFG.TDB and AREABASE.TDB files. Supports version
Reads the WMAIL.PRM and AREAS.PRM files. Supports version 2.2.
Looks for the "WMAIL" environment variable.
Reads the AREAS.XM file. Supports version 1.00.
Looks for the "XM" environment variable.
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<div1 id=RANDOMSYSTEM><head>The Random System</head>
With the Random System, you can define area-specific sets of origins,
tearlines, templates, usernames and many other items. If
more than one item of each type is specified, a random one is picked -
a Random System. This is a very useful feature when (for example)
participating in conferences with different languages.
The Random System is built on the idea of "groups". A group is a
collection of "items", belonging to the group. You can assign one or
more echomail areas, designated by their echoid's to a group. Groups
can also be specified for just a single echo, and DOS/4DOS-style
wildcards can be used to simplify the assignment of echoes with common
strings in their name, such as *.DK, SIG.* and so on. In this way, you
could for example setup one group for all national echoes, another for
special local echoes, a third for international echoes etc.
Defining Groups
The general syntax of a group definition is:
GROUP &lt;id&gt;&lsqb;:&rsqb;
; items go here
&lsqb;Member &lt;id list&gt;&rsqb;
The Group &lt;id&gt; can be one of three things:
1. A group letter or &num;number, matching the group letters or numbers
used in the AREAFILE's of D'Bridge, GEcho, IMAIL, TosScan and many
others. To use this feature, you need to enable the AREAFILEGROUPS
2. An individual echoid or echoid mask (wildcards can be used). The
items are then simply defined below the Group line.
3. A group label, terminated by a colon (:). The group items are
defined below the Group line. Echoes are assigned to the group by
adding one or more Member statements.
You can't assign a group to another group. It will not harm, but it
also won't work :-)
The order of groups is very important. <name>GoldED+</name> scans the groups from
the top down. This means that the most general groups must be placed
at the bottom and exceptions (individual areas for example) must be
placed at the top.
Defining Random Items
The random items are defined much like in the main <name>GoldED+</name>
configuration file.
If more than one of each item is defined within a group, those items
will be picked randomly (hence the name "Random System"), while <name>GoldED+</name>
collects items when entering an area.
Random Item Keywords:
See the Configuration Keyword Reference chapter for details about each
Random System Example
Below is an example of how a Random System could be setup. Note how
the letter group 'D' goes first, followed by the explicit group
definitions for the NERDS and FOO echoes. Then comes the more general
groups (those with Label:'s), where the echoes are assigned with one
or more Member statements. At last there is the catch-all "Group *",
which works as the default group.
=== Cut, GOLDRAND.CFG ===
Group NERDS ; For the NERDS echo.
Origin "I am a Nerd. Take me to your Loser&excl;"
Group FOO ; This group is *only* for the FOO echo.
Tearline FooED @rev
Origin "Foo-ing my day away"
Group FooEchoes:
Member *FOO* ; Use wildcards to catch any other foo echo.
Tearline FooED @rev
Origin "This is a Foo-lish origin"
Group FidoNet:
Origin "Fight-O-Net? Good name..."
Whoto Everyone
Group SigNet:
Member SIG.* ; The wildcard is VERY handy here ;-)
Origin "To SIG or not to SIG..."
Group D ; Letter D for Danish echoes.
Template DANSK.TPL
Group * ; This is default group
Origin "Yet another forgotten echo"
=== Uncut ===
See the example GOLDRAND.CFG in the ADVANCED archive for a real-life
setup similar to the one I use myself.
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<!-- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
Color Configuration
Color configuration in <name>GoldED+</name> is a bit complicated, and you probably
have to experiment quite a bit, if you want make your own setup. For
your convenience, I have added a number of example color setups,
provided by some of my many good users. I suggest you try them all and
use the one that suits you best, perhaps tuning it a bit to your
The COLOR keyword uses the following syntax:
COLOR &lt;window&gt; &lt;part&gt; &lt;colors&gt;
The &lt;colors&gt; are composed of &lsqb;blinking&rsqb; &lt;ink&gt; &lsqb;on &lt;paper&gt;&rsqb;.
&lt;ink&gt; Black, Blue, Green, Cyan, Red, Magenta, Brown, LGrey,
DGrey, LBlue, LGreen, LCyan, LRed, LMagenta, Yellow,
&lt;paper&gt; Black, Blue, Green, Cyan, Red, Magenta, Brown, LGrey.
For monochrome setups we instead have:
&lt;ink&gt; Normal, Highlight, Reverse, Underline.
The SHADOW color does not need a &lt;part&gt;, because it is global.
The paper color always defaults to Black if not specified.
If &lt;part&gt; is "BTYPE", the &lt;color&gt; is a value in the range 0-3, which
defines the type of lines used when drawing menus and windows:
BTYPE 0 is single horizontal and single vertical lines.
BTYPE 1 is double horizontal and double vertical lines.
BTYPE 2 is single horizontal and double vertical lines.
BTYPE 3 is double horizontal and single vertical lines.
The default border type is always BTYPE 0.
The following is a description of the different window parts:
Various general color items
SHADOW Shadow below windows and menus.
STATUS WINDOW Status line at the bottom.
BACKGROUND WINDOW Background for the startup window.
BACKGROUND BORDER Overscan color (currently DOS only).
&lt;anything&gt; PAGEBAR Pagebar (scrollbar).
The PAGEBAR color specifially sets the color of the pagebars
(scrollbars) in <name>GoldED+</name>. A pagebar color can currently be set for
AREA, READER and MENU. Note that BORDER will set both the BORDER and
PAGEBAR colors, so remember to place the PAGEBAR color below the
BORDER color.
Startup screen / logo window
BRAG WINDOW The Copyright window.
BRAG BORDER Lines around the Copyright window.
BRAG TITLE The logo text.
BRAG HIGHLIGHT The inner logo lines.
BRAG BLOCK The outer logo lines.
BRAG BTYPE Copyright window border type.
Area Selection Menu
AREA WINDOW Descriptions, the top line (inc. search).
AREA TITLE Titles on the border.
AREA SELECTOR Selection bar.
AREA HIGHLIGHT The color for the area marks.
AREA BTYPE Window border type.
Message Header
HEADER WINDOW Header text.
HEADER TITLE Titles on the border.
HEADER INPUT Message number input field.
HEADER EDIT Header input fields.
HEADER BTYPE Window border type.
HEADER FROM Header From field.
HEADER TO Header To field.
HEADER SUBJECT Header Subject field.
The FROM/TO/SUBJECT colors supplement the HEADER WINDOW color. Note
that WINDOW will also set the FROM/TO/SUBJECT colors, so remember to
place the new colors below it.
Message Text
READER WINDOW Normal message text.
READER QUOTE (Odd) Quoted lines.
READER QUOTE2 (Even) Quoted lines.
READER CURSOR Character at cursor pos. (int. editor).
READER KLUDHIDD Kludges and hidden lines.
READER TEARORIG Tearline and Origin.
READER BLOCK Block color (internal editor).
READER BTYPE Window border type.
READER HIGHLIGHT Search highlight in the message text.
READER KLUDGE Known kludges.
READER HIDDEN Hidden lines. (Unknown kludges).
READER SIGNATURE Internet-Style signatures ("-- ").
READER TAGLINE Taglines. (Only the one just above tearline).
The KLUDGE/HIDDEN colors replaces the old KLUDHIDD color. Note that
KLUDHIDD will set both the KLUDGE and HIDDEN colors, so remember to
place the new colors below it if you keep the old definition.
The TAGLINE color is the color of taglines. <name>GoldED+</name> detects a tagline
if it starts with "..." or "___" and is just above the tearline or
The TEARLINE/ORIGIN colors replaces the old TEARORIG color. Note
that TEARORIG will set both the TEARLINE and ORIGIN colors, so
remember to place the new colors below it if you keep the old
Miscellaneous Smaller Menus
ASK WINDOW Menu items.
ASK TITLE Menu title.
ASK SELECTOR Selection bar.
ASK NOSELECT Non-selectable menu items.
ASK BTYPE Window border type.
Miscellaneous Larger Menus (Browser Windows)
MENU WINDOW Menu items.
MENU TITLE Menu title.
MENU SELECTOR Selection bar.
MENU NOSELECT Non-selectable menu items.
MENU HIGHLIGHT Hotkeys/marks.
MENU UNREAD When a msg is unread.
MENU UNREADHIGH Additional highlight of to/from.
MENU UNSENT When a msg is unsent.
MENU UNSENTHIGH Additional highlight of to/from.
Help Screens
HELP WINDOW Help text.
HELP SELECTOR Current keyword.
HELP HIGHLIGHT Other keywords.
HELP BTYPE Window border type.
Pop Up Information Windows
INFO WINDOW Window text.
INFO TITLE Info title.
INFO BTYPE Window border type.
STYLECODE ALL All stylecodes at once.
STYLECODE BI /*BoldItalic*/
STYLECODE U _Underline_
STYLECODE BU _*BoldUnderline*_
STYLECODE IU /_ItalicUnderline_/
STYLECODE BIU _/*BoldItalicUnderline*/_
STYLECODE R &num;Reverse&num;
STYLECODE RB *&num;ReverseBold&num;*
STYLECODE RI /&num;ReverseItalic&num;/
STYLECODE RBI /*&num;ReverseBoldItalic&num;*/
STYLECODE RU _&num;ReverseUnderline_&num;
STYLECODE RBU _*&num;ReverseBoldUnderline&num;*_
STYLECODE RIU _/&num;ReverseItalicUnderline&num;/_
STYLECODE RBIU _/*&num;ReverseItalicUnderline&num;*/_
Note that stylecode color definitions must be placed below COLOR
READER WINDOW, because it overrides the COLOR STYLECODE definitions.
See the GEDCOL*.CFG and GEDMON*.CFG files for examples of color
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The Message Template
The message template gives you a ready-made skeleton for writing your
messages in the editor. The template is one of <name>GoldED+</name>'s many strong
features. With this, you can eliminate the tedious typing of greetings
etc etc. <name>GoldED+</name> also provides a number of replacement strings,
"tokens", to dynamically add message specific information to the
As in the configuration file, a semicolon (;) first on the line makes
the line a comment. Any other line is put into the editor file, after
token expansion. Tokens are not case sensitive.
The following is a list of the tokens available:
Conditional tokens
(these are replaced with a null string)
@changed Line is only inserted in Changed msgs (from others).
@comment Line is only inserted in Reply-Comments.
@echo Line is only inserted in Echomail.
@forward Line is only inserted in Forwarded messages.
@local Line is only inserted in Local messages.
@moderator Line is only inserted if substring "moderator" appeared in
from line.
@moved Line is only inserted in Reply-Moved messages.
@net Line is only inserted in Netmail.
@new Line is only inserted in New messages (not replies).
@position Specifies the starting line for the editor cursor.
@quotebuf Line is only inserted in Quotebuffered msgs.
@quoted Line is only inserted in Quoted replies.
@reply Line is only inserted in Non-Quoted Replies.
Insert tokens
(anything else on the line is ignored)
@attrib &lt;attributes&gt; - Adds specific message attributes.
@include &lt;filename&gt; - Inserts the file.
@forcefrom &lt;"from"&gt; - sets message FROM: field, even if non-empty
(see @setfrom)
@forcesubj &lt;"subject"&gt; - sets message SUBJ: field, even if non-empty
(see @setsubj)
@forceto &lt;"to"&gt; - sets message TO: field, even if non-empty
(see @setto)
@loadlanguage Loads a partial language config file.
@message Inserts the original message (in Forward &amp; Change).
@quote Inserts a quote of the original message.
@random &lsqb;random.txt&rsqb; - Inserts random text.
@setfrom &lt;"from"&gt; - Sets the message FROM: field.
@setsubj &lt;"subject"&gt; - Sets the message SUBJ: field.
@setto &lt;"to"&gt; - Sets the message TO: field.
@xlatexport &lt;charset&gt; - Sets the export charset.
Replacement tokens
(replaced with message specific data):
@c3daddr Current user 3D (boss) address.
@caddr Current user address.
@cdate Current date.
@cdesc Current area description.
@cecho Current echoid.
@cfname Current user first name.
@clname Current user last name.
@cname Current user name.
@cpseudo Current pseudonym given by NICKNAME keyword, or @cfname.
@ctime Current time.
@ctzoffset Current timezone offset (if available and enabled).
@d3daddr Destination 3D (boss) address.
@daddr Destination address.
@dfname Destination first name.
@dlname Destination last name.
@dname Destination name.
@dpseudo Destination pseudonym (see addressbook), or @dfname.
@f3daddr Current from 3D (boss) address.
@faddr Current from address.
@ffname Current from first name.
@flname Current from last name.
@fname Current from name.
@fpseudo Current from pseudonym (see addressbook), or @ffname.
@longpid Long program id. "GoldED", "GoldED/2" or "GoldED/386".
@o3daddr Original 3D (boss) address.
@oaddr Original address.
@odate Original date.
@odesc Original area description if moved, else current.
@oecho Original echoid if moved, otherwise current.
@ofname Original first name.
@ofrom Original RFC "From" headerline.
@olname Original last name.
@omessageid Original RFC "Message-ID" headerline.
@omsgid Original MSGID kludge content.
@oname Original name.
@opseudo Original pseudonym (see addressbook), or @ofname.
@origin The current global or Random System origin.
@os2slash "/2" if running <name>GoldED+</name>/2. Empty otherwise.
@osslash same as above.
@otime Original time.
@otzoffset Original timezone offset (if available and enabled).
@oto Original RFC "To" headerline.
@pid Short program id. "GED", "GED/2" or "GED386".
@pseudo pseudonym (see addressbook), or @tfname.
@rev The revision number (in the form mmdd).
@serialno Emptiness.
@subject The message subject line.
@t3daddr Destination to 3D (boss) address.
@taddr Destination to address.
@tagline The current global or Random System tagline.
@tearline The current global or Random System tearline.
@tfname Destination to first name.
@tlname Destination to last name.
@tname Destination to name.
@tpseudo Destination to pseudonym (see addressbook), or @tfname.
@ver The simple version number (in the form x.yy)
@version The complete release version number of <name>GoldED+</name>.
@_caddr Current user address (fixed width: 19 chars).
@_cname Current user name (fixed width: 34 chars).
@_daddr Destination address (fixed width: 19 chars).
@_dname Destination name (fixed width: 34 chars).
@_oaddr Original address (fixed width: 19 chars).
@_oname Original name (fixed width: 34 chars).
@_taddr Destination to address (fixed width: 19 chars).
@_tname Destination to name (fixed width: 34 chars).
Tokens dealing with names may optionally have two parameters (each
parameter enclosed in curve brackets): your name and opponent name,
destination name additionally accepts third parameter - WhoTo name.
Here is example on how this feature could be used:
@oname&lcub;I&rcub;&lcub;You&rcub; wrote to @dname&lcub;me&rcub;&lcub;you&rcub;&lcub;everyone&rcub;:
The template text begins at the first non-comment line.
See the included GOLDED.TPL for example usage.
If you need to put some text which contains one of these tokens into a
template file, use an extra '@' in front of the token.
would produce
Internet: (because @ver is a token)
so write it like this instead:
The double '@' will then be translated to a single, and token
translation skips past the @token.
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The Online Help System
GoldED has a built-in context sensitive help system, tied to the &lt;F1&gt;
key (one of the very few keys that cannot be reconfigured). It
contains a complete keyboard reference and help for most situations.
It is current not as complete or sophisticated as I'd like it myself,
but this may be improved in future versions.
You can completely redefine the help screens if you wish - the
GOLDHELP.CFG file is a plain ASCII text file which contains all help
definitions. The help file is split into several help categories. Here
is an example of a couple of defined help categories:
*B 1,Help Category 1
help text help text help text
help text help text help text
help text help text help text
help text help text help text
*B 2,Help Category 2
help text help text help text
help text help text help text
help text help text help text
help text help text help text
See also: ^Help Category 1^
The "*B" indicator specifies the beginning of a help category. The
format is "*B helpcatnumber&lsqb;,helpcatname&rsqb;". In <name>GoldED+</name> the help
categories are numbered 1000-9999, split into more or less logical
groups. See the help file for assignments. There should be only one
space between the "*B" and the help category number. The help category
name is only required for cross-references. If there are no
cross-references to that help category, then you can leave the
helpcatname parameter out.
The "*P" indicator specifies a page break and is optional. You may
have as many page breaks as you'd like. The "*E" indicator specifies
the end of the help category. The "*B", "*P", and "*E" indicators must
all begin in the first column. These indicators and the help category
name are case insensitive (can be in lowercase, uppercase, or mixed).
In the definition of Help Category 2, you will notice the
crossreference to Help Category 1. All cross-referencing is done by
embedding the cross- reference category name (not number) inside
carats (^). If you need to display a carat inside the help file, use a
double carat (^^).
Any text contained outside of the "*B" and "*E" is treated as
comments. If an "*E" is not found, then the end-of-file will be
treated as an "*E".
Not all of the help categories in this help file are actually used in
the current version of <name>GoldED+</name>. The ones not used are empty, except for
a two-line "header".
The usable dimensions of the help window are 60 columns by 16 lines.
In the help file there is a model of the actual window.
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Character Translation
GoldED implements several different proposals for character
translation in imported and exported messages:
FSC-0050 "Charset Identifier"
by Thomas Sundblom.
FSC-0051 "I51"
by Thomas Gradin.
FSC-0054 "CHARSET proposal"
by Duncan McNutt.
No FSC "Composed Characters"
by Andre van de Wijdeven.
FSC-0050 is currently known to be implemented in the OPMED 3.xx
message editor, and in Opus 1.7x. It uses the same identifier as
FSC-0054 (a ^aCHARSET kludge), but is a lot simpler (but not
necessarily better).
The "I51" and "CHARSET" proposals are in the process of being merged
to one proposal, which should combine the advantages of both. They are
both based on using the LATIN-1 (also known as ISO 8859-1) character
set for extended ASCII. The LATIN-1 set is the same set used by
Windows 3.xx, Amiga and many other non-PC computers. In addition to
LATIN-1, I51 defines a set of so-called escape sequences for
characters not found in the LATIN-1 set.
"Composed Characters" became quite popular in Holland, but the author
decided to drop his proposal because it relied on escape sequences
using the so called "soft-cr" (141d, 8Dh) character. <name>GoldED+</name> will
continue to support Composed as long as it seems necessary.
If you want to know more about the details, I suggest you read the
proposals or contact the authors.
GoldED currently supports two types of translation tables, the *.ESC
files and the *.CHS files.
The ESC translation tables
The *.ESC files are used for import translation of the escape
sequences defined in I51 and Composed Characters.
In the ESC files, the semicolon is used for comments. The *first*
non-comment line defines the charset the escape code are mapped TO.
This is normally IBMPC, and should not be changed. Any other
non-comment line is treated as an escape sequence definition with this
&lt;esc1&gt;&lt;esc2&gt;&lt;space&gt;&lt;map chars&gt;&lsqb;; comment/description&rsqb;
Leading spaces are *not* allowed in ESC files. &lt;esc1&gt; and &lt;esc2&gt; are
the two characters that define the escape sequence. &lt;space&gt; is ignored
and can be used to make the table look better. &lt;map chars&gt; defines the
local representation of the escape sequence, up to three characters.
Normally you would only map to one extended ascii character. The map
chars can be either the characters themselves, or decimal or
hexadecimal numbers of the form "&bsol;d&lt;dec&gt;" or "&bsol;x&lt;hex&gt;" (like in the C
programming language).
The CHS translation tables
The *.CHS files are used for import and export translation of the
CHARSET type character sets, and export of I51 and Composed escape
The CHS files uses the format of the raw text files provided in the
CHARSET3.ZIP example implementation of FSC-0054. Study some of the
files provided if you want to know how to define them.
The two keywords XLATESCSET and XLATCHARSET are used to define which
files belong to what import and export set. You can define more than
one import and export set for each file.
The keyword XLATIMPORT defines which charset you have on your own
machine - this would normally be "IBMPC". It can be useful to change
this (using the Random System) in areas where another character set
than IBMPC is the dominant (like Amiga or MacIntosh, whatever).
The keyword XLATEXPORT defines the charset your messages should be
exported to, if any.
Confused? Yeah, I know - this is a confusing subject, and my
implementation and documentation is not perfect. Normally you will not
have to worry about it. Turn it off completely if you don't understand
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Keyboard Command Reference
Most of the <name>GoldED+</name> keyboard commands can be reached with just one
keystroke. To ease operation for experienced users of other message
editors, <name>GoldED+</name> comes with several sets of keys for each of the
keyboard commands - direct non-shifted keys, Alt/Ctrl-keys and
function keys. Many of these key assignments will be familiar for
users of Msged, Msged/Q, ME2 and FM.
The following is a list of all keyboard commands, sorted by type and
alphabetically, using the format
&lt;command&gt; &lt;short description&gt;
This list is also available in the context-sensitive help system on
the &lt;F1&gt; key.
It is possible to almost completely redefine the keyboard - this in
done in the GOLDKEYS.CFG file, which also handles macro definition
(see later).
Arealist commands
AREAabort Abort the arealist.
AREAaskexit Exit <name>GoldED+</name>, prompt for final decision.
AREAboardnos Toggle sequential areas vs. board numbers.
AREAcatchup Point the lastread pointer to the last message
in the current area.
AREAdosshell Shell to DOS.
AREAdropmsgmarks Unmark all msgs in selected areas.
AREAgotofirst Move selection bar to first area.
AREAgotolast Move selection bar to last area.
AREAgotonext Move selection bar to next area.
AREAgotoprev Move selection bar to previous area.
AREAheat Heat highwatermarks.
AREAjump Move selection bar to next marked area.
AREAjumpnextmatch Move selection bar to next matching area.
AREAquitnow Exit immediately, no questions asked.
AREAscan Scan areas.
AREAscanpm Scan areas for personal mail.
AREAselect Enter the reader for the selected area.
AREAselectmarks Select which set of area marks should be used.
AREAsoundkill Stops currently played sound file.
AREAtoggle Toggle mark on the selected area.
AREAtouchnetscan Touches the SEMAPHORE NETSCAN file.
AREAwritegoldlast Write a fresh copy of GOLDLAST.LST
AREAzap Zap highwatermarks.
Internal editor commands
EDITabort Abort editing this message - ask first.
EDITanchor Set a block "anchor" on the current line.
EDITaskexit Exit from <name>GoldED+</name> - ask first.
EDITblockdown Extend block area one line down.
EDITblockend Extend block area to the end of line.
EDITblockhome Extend block area to the beginning of line.
EDITblockleft Extend block area one character left.
EDITblockpgup Extend block area one screen up.
EDITblockpgdn Extend block area one screen down.
EDITblockright Extend block area one character right.
EDITblockup Extend block area one line up.
EDITcleardeletebuf Clears the undelete buffer.
EDITclearpastebuf Clears the cut'n'paste buffer.
EDITcopy Copies the block to the cut'n'paste buffer.
EDITcopyabovechar Inserts character same as in the same position
in previous line.
EDITcut Cut the block to the cut'n'paste buffer.
EDITdelchar Delete the char at the cursor position.
EDITdelete Delete the block.
EDITdeleteeol Delete from cursor position to end of line.
EDITdelleft Delete the char to the left of the cursor.
EDITdelline Delete the current line. (Copied to the
EDITdelltword Delete the word to the left of the cursor.
EDITdelrtword Delete the word to the right of the cursor.
EDITdosshell Shell to DOS.
EDITdupline Duplicates the current line.
EDITexitmsg Drop this message - NO ASKING&excl; DANGEROUS&excl;
EDITexporttext Exports the current block to a file.
EDITgobegline Move cursor to beginning of line.
EDITgobotline Move cursor to the bottom line in the display.
EDITgobotmsg Move cursor to the last line in the message.
EDITgodown Move cursor down to next line.
EDITgoeol Move cursor to the end of the line.
EDITgoleft Move cursor one position left.
EDITgopgdn Move cursor one page of lines down.
EDITgopgup Move cursor one page of lines up.
EDITgoright Move cursor one position right.
EDITgotopline Move cursor to the top line in the display.
EDITgotopmsg Move cursor to the first line in the message.
EDITgoup Move cursor up to the previous line.
EDITgowordleft Move cursor to the previous word.
EDITgowordright Move cursor to the next word.
EDITheader Edit the message header, attributes etc.
EDITimportquotebuf Imports the current quote buffer.
EDITimporttext Import text file into this message.
EDITkillquotes (ignored)
EDITloadfile Load the message file saved with EDITsavefile.
EDITlookupcursor Lookup name/node at cursor position.
EDITlookupdest Lookup TO: node.
EDITlookuporig Lookup FROM: node.
EDITnewline Terminate paragraph and/or add a new line.
EDITpaste Paste a previously cut block at the cursor.
EDITquitnow Quit <name>GoldED+</name> immediately - no asking.
EDITreflow Reflows the current text or quote paragraph.
EDITsavefile Saves the current message as a file.
EDITsavemsg Save this message.
EDITsoundkill Stops currently played sound flie.
EDITspellcheck Calls an external spell checker for the msg.
EDITtab Add spaces to the next tab-stop.
EDITtabreverse Remove spaces to the prev tab-stop.
EDITtogglecase Toggle the case of the cursor character.
EDITtoggleinsert Toggle insert mode.
EDITtolower Change the cursor character to lowercase.
EDITtoupper Change the cursor character to uppercase.
EDITundelete Undelete previously deleted lines.
EDITzapquotebelow Deletes quotes below.
File selection commands
FILEabort Abort file selection.
FILEaskexit Exit <name>GoldED+</name> - ask first.
FILEdosshell Shell to DOS.
FILEgotofirst Go to first file.
FILEgotolast Go to last file.
FILEgotonext Go to next file.
FILEgotoprev Go to previous file.
FILEmark Mark file.
FILEmarkall Mark all files.
FILEquitnow Quit <name>GoldED+</name> immediately.
FILEselect Select the marked file(s).
FILEtogglemark Toggle file mark.
FILEunmark Unmark file.
FILEunmarkall Unmark all files.
Message lister commands
LISTabort Abort message lister.
LISTaskexit Exit <name>GoldED+</name> - ask first.
LISTdosshell Shell to DOS.
LISTgotobookmark Go to BookMark message.
LISTgotofirst Go to first message.
LISTgotolast Go to last message.
LISTgotonext Go to next message.
LISTgotoprev Go to previous message.
LISTmarkingoptions Marking menu.
LISTquitnow Quit <name>GoldED+</name> immediately.
LISTselect Go to reader at the selected message.
LISTtogglebookmark Toggle BookMark on the selected message.
LISTtoggledate Toggle date column content.
LISTtogglemark Toggle Mark on the selected message.
LISTtogglewidesubj Toggle between wide and short subject.
Nodelist browser commands
NODEabort Abort nodelist browsing.
NODEaskexit Exit <name>GoldED+</name> - ask first.
NODEdosshell Shell to DOS.
NODEgotofirst Go to first node.
NODEgotolast Go to last node.
NODEgotonext Go to next node.
NODEgotoprev Go to previous node.
NODEquitnow Quit <name>GoldED+</name> immediately.
NODEselect Select node.
Message reader commands
READaddressbookadd Add current/marked mail writer(s) to
addressbook. Ask first.
READaskexit Exit <name>GoldED+</name>, prompt for final decision.
READchangeaka Change default AKA address for current area.
READchangeattrs Change the attributes of the current message.
READchangemsg Change current message.
READchangeorigin Change default origin for the current area.
READchangetagline Change default tagline.
READchangetemplate Change default template.
READchangeusername Change default username.
READchangexlatimport Change default import charset.
READcommentmsg Comment-Reply to message. (Reply to TO name).
READcopymoveforward Enter the Copy/Move/Forward function menu.
READdecreasemargin Decrease message margin. For test purposes.
READdeletemsg Delete current/marked message(s). Ask first.
READdosshell Shell to DOS.
READfidorenumber Renumber Fido/Opus *.MSG files.
READfilerequest Generate a filerequest from the current msg.
READfindall Find string(s) in message header and text.
READfindheader Find string(s) in message header.
READgotobookmark Go to the "BookMark" message.
READgotofirstmsg Go to the first message in the area.
READgotolastmsg Go to the last message in the area.
READgotomsgno Go to a specific message number.
READgotonextarea Go directly to the next area.
READgotonextmsg Go to the next message.
READgotonextunread Go to the next unread message.
READgotoprevarea Go directly to the previous area.
READgotoprevmsg Go to the previous message.
READgotoprevunread Go to the previous unread message.
READgotoreplies Choose from the next messages in the replylink.
READgotoreply1st Go to the first reply to this message.
READgotoreplynext Go to the next reply to this message.
READgotoreplyprev Go to the parent message in the replylink.
READincreasemargin Increase message margin. For test purposes.
READlookupdest Lookup TO: node.
READlookuporig Lookup FROM: node.
READmakeuserlist Generate FIDOUSER.LST of users in the area.
READmakepathreport Added "path report" feature. The output file
can be processed by a RDDT (Route Diagram
Drawing Tool) utility.
READmarkingoptions Enter the marking menu.
READmessagelist Enter the message lister.
READmovecommentmsg Comment-Reply in another area.
READmovequotemsg Quote-Reply in another area.
READmsgcontinue Page down or go to next message.
READmsgend Display last part of current message.
READmsghome Display first part of current message.
READmsglinedown Scroll message display.
READmsglineup Scroll message display.
READmsgpgdn Page message display.
READmsgpgup Page message display.
READnewarea Enter the area selection screen.
READnewmsg Start a new message.
READquitnow Exit <name>GoldED+</name> immediately, no questions asked.
READquotebuf Append quote of the msg to the quotebuffer.
READquotemsg Quote-Reply to message. (Reply to FROM name).
READreplymsg Reply to the current message, without quoting.
READsearch Launches the search engine.
READsoundkill Stops currently played sound file.
READthreadtree Enter the Message Threading lister.
READtogglebookmark Toggle a "BookMark" on the current message.
READtogglehexdump Toggle hexdump mode. For debugging purposes.
READtogglehiddklud Toggle display of Hidden and Kludge lines.
READtogglehidden Toggle display of Hidden lines.
READtogglekludge Toggle display of Kludge lines.
READtogglemark Toggle a message mark on the current message.
READtogglemarkread Toggle "Read Marked" mode.
READtogglepagebar Toggle the "PageBar" feature.
READtogglequote Toggle display of quoted lines. Experimental.
READtogglerot13 Toggle ROT13 encryption for the current msg.
READtogglerealmsgno Toggle between seq. or real message numbers.
READtogglestyles Toggle Disable/Show/Show+Strip of STYLECODES.
READtoggletwits Toggle Twit display - Show/Blank/Skip/Ignore.
READtouchnetscan Touches the SEMAPHORE NETSCAN file.
READtouchsemaphore Popup touch a manually entered semaphore file.
READuserbase Launches the addressbook.
READuudecode UUdecodes the current message.
READwritemsg Write message(s) to file or printer.
Key undefine commands
The undefine commands can used to undefine any of the built-in default
keyboard definitions.
See the Key Reference below for a list of the key symbols you can use
in keyboard redefinition.
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<!-- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
<div1 id=MACROSANDKEYSTACKING><head>Macros and Keystacking</head>
GoldED has a simple keyboard macro facility, which you can use to
automate certain common operations. In addition, a "keystacking"
facility allows you to create simple automatic macros on the fly.
The macro definition syntax is modelled after the syntax used in the
QEdit text editor:
&lt;assignment-key&gt; Macro &lt;commands or keys&gt;
&lt;assignment-key&gt; AreaMacro &lt;commands or keys&gt;
&lt;assignment-key&gt; EditMacro &lt;commands or keys&gt;
&lt;assignment-key&gt; FileMacro &lt;commands or keys&gt;
&lt;assignment-key&gt; ListMacro &lt;commands or keys&gt;
&lt;assignment-key&gt; NodeMacro &lt;commands or keys&gt;
&lt;assignment-key&gt; ReadMacro &lt;commands or keys&gt;
Macros are defined in the GOLDKEYS.CFG file, where you can also find
several examples.
By using the word "Auto" as &lt;assignment-key&gt;, you can even define a
special macro which will be automatically executed when you start
Keystacking is a special form of auto-macros. You simply specify a
bunch of keys to be "stacked" in the (special internal) keyboard
buffer for sequential execution.
You can either specify a default set of keystacking in the .CFG
configuration file, or override any default keystacking by typing the
keystack definitions at the <name>GoldED+</name> commandline or the GEDCMD
environment variable.
See the Key Reference chapter for a list of the key symbols you can
use in macros and keystacking.
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Key Reference
Below is the list of key symbols recognized by <name>GoldED+</name> for
keyboard/macro definition and keystacking.
Unshifted function keys
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12
Shift-function keys
&num;F1 &num;F2 &num;F3 &num;F4 &num;F5 &num;F6 &num;F7 &num;F8 &num;F9 &num;F10 &num;F11 &num;F12
Alt-function keys
@F1 @F2 @F3 @F4 @F5 @F6 @F7 @F8 @F9 @F10 @F11 @F12
Ctrl-function keys
^F1 ^F2 ^F3 ^F4 ^F5 ^F6 ^F7 ^F8 ^F9 ^F10 ^F11 ^F12
@0 @1 @2 @3 @4 @5 @6 @7 @8 @9
@A @B @C @D @E @F @G @H @I @J @K @L @M
@N @O @P @Q @R @S @T @U @V @W @X @Y @Z
^A ^B ^C ^D ^E ^F ^G ^H ^I ^J ^K ^L ^M
^N ^O ^P ^Q ^R ^S ^T ^U ^V ^W ^X ^Y ^Z
Ins ^Ins @Ins
Del ^Del @Del
Home ^Home @Home
End ^End @End
Page up/down
PgUp ^PgUp @PgUp
PgDn ^PgDn @PgDn
Cursor left/right
Left ^Left @Left
Right ^Right @Right
Cursor up/down
Up ^Up @Up
Down ^Down @Down
Misc other keys
Esc ^Grey* Key5 Space Tab &num;Tab @Tab BackSpace ^BackSpace
@BackSpace Enter ^Enter @Enter
Note that some of the Alt-keys, especially the cursor-related keys and
the F11/F12 keys, are "extended" keys normally only available on
systems with an extended keyboard bios. However, <name>GoldED+</name> uses a few
tricks to make some the extended keys available on non-extended
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Language Definition
GoldED allows you to almost completely redefine the language dependent
text in the program.
The language dependent text in <name>GoldED+</name> is defined in the plain ASCII
text GOLDLANG.CFG file.
See the example language file for the actual method and format of
language redefinition.
If you are planning to translate the text in <name>GoldED+</name>, you should also
look into the definition of the help screens.
You do not need permission from the author before announcing or
distributing your own modified language files.
Date/Time Substitution Codes
A few of the language texts can contain special date/time substitution
codes. The keywords for those are: MS_DateTimeFmt, MS_DateFmt,
MS_TimeFmt and ST_StatuslineTimeFmt.
Here are the valid substitution codes:
%a Abbreviated weekday name (Mon, Tue, Wed, ...).
%A Full weekday name (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, ...).
%b Abbreviated month name (Jan, Feb, Mar, ...).
%B Full month name (January, February, March, ...).
%d Day of month (01-31).
%e Day of month, with leading space for single digits (1-31).
%E Day of month (1-31).
%H Hour (00-23) (24-hour clock).
%I Hour (01-12) (12-hour clock).
%j Day of the year (001-366).
%m Month (01-12).
%M Minute (00-59).
%p AM or PM according to 12-hour clock.
%S Second (00-59).
%U Week number (00-52) where sunday is first day of the week.
%w Weekday (0-6) where 0 is sunday.
%W Week number (01-53) where monday is first day of the week.
%y Year without century (00-99).
%Y Year with century.
%% Character '%'.
The %a, %A, %b and %B codes substitute to the current language setup
loaded using the LOADLANGUAGE keyword.
*** NOTE ***
In the continuing development of <name>GoldED+</name>, it is impossible to
completely maintain backward compatibility of the language format or
the text defined there. New features may add and/or obsolete some
definitions, or may change the format of others.
The existing language file may contain definitions which are already
obsolete, but which I haven't had time to search for and remove, as
well as there may be some texts in <name>GoldED+</name> which are not yet definable.
All this will of course be corrected in future versions. If you find
inconsistencies, please report them, because I may have overlooked
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Message Kludge Lines
Kludge lines are special control lines, that begin with a ^a (ASCII 1)
as the first character of the line, followed by a unique identifying
name and the relevant control information.
GoldED is aware of a lot of these kludges, and supports a number of
them, if you want to have them inserted in your messages.
Some kludges are useless junk and more or less commercials for this
and that software, but a few are useful for miscellaneous purposes. In
the following, I will list (some of) the known and supported kludges,
and a short description of what they are used for.
This kludge is a feature of Squish 1.10: Message Broadcast
Modify/Delete. Read the docs for Squish 1.10 for details.
This is not really a kludge, and it doesn't begin with a ^a, but I
included it on the kludge list because it sometimes turned up in
echomail areas where it should have been stripped off by the mail
CC: &lt;name&gt; &lt;address&gt;
When <name>GoldED+</name> produces carbon copies, it adds to each message a full
list of the persons who get a copy. One version of this list is
hidden behind the CC: kludge.
CHARSET:&lt;charset identifier&gt;
Proposed in FSC-0050 and FSC-0054, this kludge is an attempt to
find a solution to the problem of the high-bit characters (like
the IBM PC vs Amiga vs Mac etc. national chars) in messages.
<name>GoldED+</name> can recognize, use and generate this kludge.
CHRC:&lt;font change id&gt;
Proposed in FSC-0054, this is a kludge for changing fonts,
underlining and other stuff.
CHRS:&lt;charset identifier&gt;
Alternative FSC-0054 version of the CHARSET kludge.
This one is not proposed anywhere, but it looks like it gives the
address of the intended recipient. <name>GoldED+</name> takes the address for
the dest field.
DOMAIN &lt;destdomain&gt; &lt;destaddress&gt; &lt;origdomain&gt; &lt;origaddress&gt;
Proposed in FSC-0038, this tries to solve the problem of mail
crossing domain boundaries. <name>GoldED+</name> takes both addresses.
EID:&lt;crc16&gt; &lt;stamp&gt; &lsqb;replycrc16&rsqb; &lt;replystamp&gt;
Proposed in FSC-0031, this is used for dupe checking and reply
linking. The EID is today generally considered as garbage, but a
lot of older mail processors such as QMail still generate it.
Signifies that the message contains encrypted data. <name>GoldED+</name> will
add this kludge if it detects that the message has been encrypted
with PGP.
End Of Text. See SOT.
FLAGS &lt;special attributes&gt;
Proposed in FSC-0053, this is a special netmail kludge used by the
FrontDoor and D'Bridge mailers and the IMail mail processor. It
provides extra attributes not found among the standard attributes
in the normal message/packet headers. <name>GoldED+</name> uses and generates
this kludge, if you set the attributes.
FMPT &lt;from point&gt;
Defined in <name>FTS-0001</name>, this tells the point number of the
originator. Netmail only. <name>GoldED+</name> can generate this line.
FWDAREA &lt;original area&gt;
<name>FSC-0092</name>: The original area in forwards. See
<kw>USEFWD</kw> and <name>FSC-0092</name> for a more detailed
FWDDEST &lt;aka&gt;
<name>FSC-0092</name>: The original <gi>To:</gi> address in forwards.
See <kw>USEFWD</kw> and <name>FSC-0092</name> for a more detailed
FWDFROM &lt;name&gt;
<name>FSC-0092</name>: The original <gi>From:</gi> name in forwards.
See <kw>USEFWD</kw> and <name>FSC-0092</name> for a more detailed
FWDMSGID &lt;aka serial&num;&gt;
<name>FSC-0092</name>: The original <gi>MSGID</gi> in forwards.
See <kw>USEFWD</kw> and <name>FSC-0092</name> for a more detailed
FWDORIG &lt;aka&gt;
<name>FSC-0092</name>: The original from-aka in forwards. See
<kw>USEFWD</kw> and <name>FSC-0092</name> for a more detailed
FWDSUBJ &lt;original subject&gt;
<name>FSC-0092</name>: The original subject in forwards. See
<kw>USEFWD</kw> and <name>FSC-0092</name> for a more detailed
FWDTO &lt;name&gt;
<name>FSC-0092</name>: The original <q>To:</q> field in forwards. See
<kw>USEFWD</kw> and <name>FSC-0092</name> for a more detailed
Some sort of gating kludge? Don't know what it's for.
Invented by <name>Henk Wever</name> and used in his
<name>Dutchie</name> software. The filename (which does not have an
extension) indicates a <abbr>GIF</abbr> picture of the author of the
I think this one comes from stray Groupmail messages. Similar to the
<gi>AREA</gi> kludge.
I51 (no parameters)
Proposed in <name>FSC-0051</name>, this indicates that the message text
conforms to the <name>ISO-8859-1</name> (<name>LATIN-1</name>)
character set, and may contain certain escape codes. The
<name>ISO-8859-1</name> set is used in <name>Amiga</name> and
<name>Windows</name> 3.xx. <name>GoldED+</name> can recognize, use and
generate this kludge.
INTL &lt;destaddress&gt; &lt;origaddress&gt;
Defined in <name>FTS-0001</name>, this one solves the problem of
crossing zone boundaries. Netmail only. <name>GoldED+</name> can
generate this line.
MSGID: &lt;origaddress&gt; &lt;serialno&gt;
Defined in <name>FTS-0009</name>, this is a method for unique
identification of a message. It can be used for dupe checking and
replylinking. <name>GoldED+</name> can generate this line.
MSGTO: &lt;destaddress&gt;
This one is not proposed anywhere, but it looks like it gives the
address of the intended recipient. <name>GoldED+</name> takes the
address for the dest field.
Original: &lt;Carbon copy, original name&gt;
Generated by the <name>FrontDoor</name> <name>FM</name> editor when it
produces carbon copies.
PATH: &lt;list of nodes&gt;
Defined in <name>FTS-0004</name>, this is a valuable tool for finding
dupe links and other structural faults in the net structures.
Unfortunately the list of nodes is 2D (net/node), and this creates
problems when exporting echomail across zones.
PTH: &lt;list of nodes&gt;
Not yet a <name>FSC</name> (or is it?), this is a 5D-version of the
<gi>PATH</gi> kludge, which sticks to the top of the msg.
PID: &lt;identifier&gt; &lt;version&gt; &lsqb;serialno&rsqb;
Proposed in <name>FSC-0046</name>, this takes a stab at the tearline
abuse, and puts <q>safe</q> information about the first mail processing
software in the line. This could be message editors, mail scanners and
other stuff.
Realname: &lt;Name&gt;
This kludge was probably born in Russia because of some software was
not able to properly handle non-<abbr>ASCII</abbr> characters in
the header lines. Name should be written in national codepage.
Otherwise I don't see any reason for this kludge. I don't know any
software that generate this kludge.
RFD: &lt;id&gt;
Received For Distribution. A kludge inserted by one of the file
announcement programs.
REPLY: &lt;replyaddress&gt; &lt;replyserialno&gt;
Defined in <name>FTS-0009</name>, this is the <gi>MSGID</gi>
counterpart. When replying to a message with a <gi>MSGID</gi>, the
<gi>MSGID</gi> of the original is renamed to <gi>REPLY</gi>.
Unknown kludge which looks suspiciously like the <gi>EID</gi>.
ROUTE &lt;list of nodes and points&gt;
Specifies route path. Currently supported by <name>Unimail</name> and
SEEN-BY: &lt;list of nodes&gt;
Defined in <name>FTS-0004</name>, this is a tool for finding dupe links
and other structural faults in the net structures. Depending on the
mail tosser, the seen-by's may or may not have a preceding ^a
character. Unfortunately the list of nodes is 2D (net/node), and this
can create problems when exporting echomail across zones.
Serial number inserted by the <name>Dutchie</name> message editor.
Start Of Text. See <gi>EOT</gi>.
Defined in <name>FSC-0047</name>. A method for splitting large msgs so
that some mail processors don't choke on them.
TCL1:, TCL2: &lt;long hex string&gt;
Old obsolete swedish dupecheck/replylink kludge.
Tosser <abbr>ID</abbr>. Similar to the <gi>PID</gi>, but specifically
for mail processors.
TOPT &lt;to point&gt;
Defined in <name>FTS-0001</name>, this tells the point number of the
destination. Netmail only. <name>GoldED+</name> can generate this line.
TZ &lt;offset from UTC&gt;
Specifies the time to <hi>add</hi> to the header time to get the
<abbr>UTC</abbr> (Universal Time Coordinated) time. Generated by newer
versions of the <name>TrackMail</name> netmail processor.
See <gi>TZ</gi>. <name>GoldED+</name> can generate this line.
Via: &lt;netmail tossing info&gt;
Routed netmail messages usually gets a <gi>Via</gi> line for each node
it passes through. This can be used for tracing faults in the netmail
routing structure.
Unknown kludge which looks suspiciously like the EID.
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