// ------------------------------------------------------------------ // GoldED+ // Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen // Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Alexander S. Aganichev // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, // MA 02111-1307 USA // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // $Id$ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // System initializing. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #include <clocale> #include <golded.h> #include <gutlos.h> #include <gmoprot.h> #include <gdirposx.h> #ifdef __WIN32__ #include <windows.h> #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Handle commandline parameters #if defined(GFTRK_ENABLE) static int gftrk_set_max = -1; extern int __gftrk_statusline; #endif #ifdef __OS2__ extern bool gmem_check_overrun; #endif static std::string keybuf; static Path cmdlinecfg = ""; bool cmdlinedebughg = false; static int cmdlineforce = 0; static bool cmdlinehelp = false; bool cmdlinenoscan = false; bool cmdlineexportsoup = false; bool cmdlineimportsoup = false; static bool cmdlineinstall = false; static Path cmdlineinstpath = ""; bool cmdlineoldkeyw = true; bool cmdlinepriority = false; int cmdlinesharemode = SH_DENYNO; int cmdlinetimeout = -1; static bool cmdlinewriteareas = false; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static void InitCmdline(char* val) { char* key; char* trueval; if(strchr("-/", *val)) { val++; getkeyvaleql(&key, &val, true); trueval = val; if(*val == NUL) val = key+1; switch(toupper(*key)) { case 'C': // Use another Configfile if(*val) strcpy(cmdlinecfg, val); else std::cout << "Warning: configuration filename missed for -C option, ignored.\n"; break; case 'D': cmdlineoldkeyw = (*val == '-') ? true : false; break; case 'E': if(strieql(key, "EXPORTSOUP")) cmdlineexportsoup = true; else strxcpy(stecho, val, sizeof(stecho)); break; case 'F': cmdlineforce = (*val == '-') ? false : true; if(toupper(key[1]) == 'F') cmdlineforce++; break; case '?': case 'H': cmdlinehelp = true; break; case 'I': if(strieql(key, "INSTALL")) { cmdlineinstall = true; cmdlineforce = 1; if(*trueval) PathCopy(cmdlineinstpath, trueval); } else if(strieql(key, "IMPORTSOUP")) cmdlineimportsoup = true; break; case 'M': disablesound = (*val == '-') ? false : true; break; case 'N': if(strieql(key, "NOSCAN")) cmdlinenoscan = true; else cmdlinesharemode = SH_COMPAT; break; case 'P': cmdlinepriority = (*val == '-') ? false : true; break; case 'Q': quiet = true; break; case 'S': strcpy(AL.sortspec, val); break; case 'T': cmdlinetimeout = atoi(val); break; case 'V': quiet = false; veryverbose = (toupper(key[1]) == 'V') ? true : false; break; case 'W': cmdlinewriteareas = (*val == '-') ? false : true; break; case 'Y': cmdlinedebughg = (*val == '-') ? false : true; break; #if defined(GFTRK_ENABLE) case 'X': __gftrk_statusline = (*val == '-') ? false : true; break; case 'Z': gftrk_set_max = atoi(val); if(gftrk_set_max == 0) { std::cout << "Warning: Invalid parameter for -Z option, fixed.\n"; gftrk_set_max = 1; } break; #endif } } else { keybuf += val; keybuf += ' '; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static void ReadEcholists() { Echo* echoin = (Echo*)throw_calloc(1, sizeof(Echo)); // Read the import taglist FILE* fp = fsopen(AddPath(CFG->areapath, CFG->semaphore.importlist), "rt", CFG->sharemode); if(fp) { char buf[256]; int echonums = 0; update_statusline(LNG->ReadingEcholist); while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) { if(not strblank(buf)) { echonums++; echoin = (Echo*)throw_realloc(echoin, (echonums+2)*sizeof(Echo)); strcpy(echoin[echonums-1], strtrim(strsetsz(buf, sizeof(Echo)-1))); } } *echoin[echonums] = 0; // Mark end fclose(fp); } // Mark the areas from the import taglist for(uint n=0; n<AL.size(); n++) { char buf[256]; strcpy(buf, AL[n]->echoid()); int x = SearchTaglist(echoin, buf); if(*echoin[x]) AL[n]->set_marked(true); } throw_free(echoin); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static void ReadEscsets() { FILE* fp; std::vector<Map>::iterator x; int n; for(n = 0, x = CFG->xlatescset.begin(); x != CFG->xlatescset.end(); x++, n++) { if(strieql(x->imp, "Composed")) { fp = fsopen(AddPath(CFG->goldpath, CFG->xlatged), "rb", CFG->sharemode); if(fp) { CompTable = (Esc*)throw_realloc(CompTable, sizeof(Esc)); fseek(fp, ((long)CFG->xlatcharset.size()*(long)sizeof(Chs)) + ((long)n*(long)sizeof(Esc)), SEEK_SET); fread(CompTable, sizeof(Esc), 1, fp); CompTP = CompTable->t; fclose(fp); } } else if(strieql(x->imp, "I51")) { fp = fsopen(AddPath(CFG->goldpath, CFG->xlatged), "rb", CFG->sharemode); if(fp) { I51Table = (Esc*)throw_realloc(I51Table, sizeof(Esc)); fseek(fp, ((long)CFG->xlatcharset.size()*(long)sizeof(Chs)) + ((long)n*(long)sizeof(Esc)), SEEK_SET); fread(I51Table, sizeof(Esc), 1, fp); I51TP = I51Table->t; fclose(fp); } } else if(strieql(x->imp, "MNEMONIC")) { fp = fsopen(AddPath(CFG->goldpath, CFG->xlatged), "rb", CFG->sharemode); if(fp) { MNETable = (Esc*)throw_realloc(MNETable, sizeof(Esc)); fseek(fp, ((long)CFG->xlatcharset.size()*(long)sizeof(Chs)) + ((long)n*(long)sizeof(Esc)), SEEK_SET); fread(MNETable, sizeof(Esc), 1, fp); MNETP = MNETable->t; fclose(fp); } } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static void ReadAddrMacros() { FILE* fp; char* ptr; char buf[256], path[GMAXPATH]; ptr = getenv("FD"); if(ptr) AddBackslash(strcpy(path, ptr)); else strcpy(path, CFG->goldpath); MakePathname(CFG->namesfile, path, CFG->namesfile); if(fexist(CFG->namesfile)) { fp = fsopen(CFG->namesfile, "rt", CFG->sharemode); if(fp) { update_statusline(LNG->ReadingAddrMacros); while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) { strbtrim(buf); if(*buf != ';' and *buf) CfgAddressmacro(buf); } fclose(fp); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static void kbputc_(char c) { kbput((gkey)((scancode(c) << 8) | c)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static void kbputstr(const char* buf) { gkey xkey; int n, x; x = strlen(buf); for(n=0; n<x; n++) { switch(buf[n]) { case '\t': case ' ': break; case '!': clearkeys(); kbclear(); break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': kbput((gkey)atoi(&buf[n])); for(; n<x; n++) { if(not isdigit(buf[n])) break; } break; case '~': case '^': xkey = (gkey)(toupper(buf[++n]) - '@'); if(xkey) kbput(xkey); break; case '@': xkey = (gkey)atoi(&buf[++n]); if(xkey == 0) xkey = scancode(buf[n]); kbput((gkey)((xkey << 8) & 0xFF00)); for(; n<x; n++) { if(buf[n] == ' ') break; } break; case '\"': for(n+=1; n<x; n++) { if(buf[n] == '\"') break; kbputc_(buf[n]); } break; case '\'': for(n+=1; n<x; n++) { if(buf[n] == '\'') break; kbputc_(buf[n]); } break; default: kbputc_(buf[n]); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static void w_back() { vchar fillch = _box_table(W_BBRAG,14); W_STAT = wopen(MAXROW-1,0,MAXROW-1,MAXCOL-1,5,C_STATW,C_STATW); update_statusline(""); wfillch(fillch); W_BACK = wopen(0,0,MAXROW-2,MAXCOL-1,5,C_BACKB,C_BACKW|ACSET); wfillch((vchar)' '); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static void w_brag() { char buf[200]; W_READ = wopen_(1, 2, MAXROW-4, MAXCOL-5, W_BBRAG, C_BRAGB, C_BRAGW); w_shadow(); if(W_BBRAG == 7) { wprints(0, 0, C_BRAGB, " 88 88 88 "); wprints(1, 0, C_BRAGB, " oooooo oooooo 88 oooo88 oooooo oooo88 o "); wprints(2, 0, C_BRAGB, " 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88oo88 88 88 o8o "); wprints(3, 0, C_BRAGB, " 88oo88 88oo88 88 88oo88 88oooo 88oo88 8 "); wprints(4, 0, C_BRAGB, " oo 88 "); wprints(5, 0, C_BRAGB, " 88oooooo88 "); } else { wprints_box(0, 0, C_BRAGT|ACSET, " ɻ ɻ ɻ "); wprints_box(1, 0, C_BRAGT|ACSET, " ����˻ ����˻ �� ���� ����˻ ���� � "); wprints_box(2, 0, C_BRAGT|ACSET, " �� �� �� �� �� �� �� ����ʼ �� �� ��� "); wprints_box(3, 0, C_BRAGT|ACSET, " ���� ����ʼ ȼ ����ʼ ����ʼ ����ʼ � "); wprints_box(4, 0, C_BRAGT|ACSET, " ɻ �� "); wprints_box(5, 0, C_BRAGT|ACSET, " ��������ʼ "); } wprints(4, 46-strlen(__gver_longpid__)-1-strlen(__gver_ver__), C_BRAGW, __gver_longpid__); wprints(4, 46-strlen(__gver_ver__), C_BRAGW, __gver_ver__); wprints(5, 12, C_BRAGW, "http://golded-plus.sourceforge.net"); wprints(0, 48, C_BRAGW, " GoldED+ Message Editor "); sprintf(buf, " Copyright (C) 1990-%s ",__gver_date__+7); wprints(1, 48, C_BRAGW, buf); wprints(2, 48, C_BRAGW, " by Odinn Sorensen, "); wprints(3, 48, C_BRAGW, " Alexander Aganichev, "); wprints(4, 48, C_BRAGW, " Jacobo Tarrio "); wprints(5, 48, C_BRAGW, " and others "); whline(6, 0, MAXCOL-5, W_BBRAG, C_BRAGB); wvline(0, 47, 7, W_BBRAG, C_BRAGB); sprintf(buf, "---*-*-*** %s ***-*-*---", __gver_releasename__); wcenters(8, C_BRAGW, buf); wcenters(10, C_BRAGW, "This program is free software; it is licensed under the"); wcenters(11, C_BRAGW, "GNU General Public License version 2. You're welcome to"); wcenters(12, C_BRAGW, "redistribute the program or any parts hereof under cer-"); wcenters(13, C_BRAGW, "tain conditions. See the LICENSE.TXT for more details."); wcenters(MAXROW-10, C_BRAGW, "This executable is distributed by"); if (*__gver_vendor_fido__) sprintf(buf, "%s (Fido: %s) - <%s>", __gver_vendor_name__, __gver_vendor_fido__, __gver_vendor_email__); else sprintf(buf, "%s <%s>", __gver_vendor_name__, __gver_vendor_email__); wcenters(MAXROW-9, C_BRAGW, buf); sprintf(buf, "Compiled on %s %s", __gver_date__, __gver_time__); wcenters(MAXROW-8, C_BRAGW, buf); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static bool ExistCfg(char* path, char* file) { bool found = fexist(AddPath(path, file)); if(found) strcat(path, file); return found; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static bool FindCfg(char* path) { bool found = false; if(!is_dir(path)) { if(fexist(path)) return true; else return false; } AddBackslash(path); #if defined(__OS2__) found = ExistCfg(path, "ged2.cfg"); #elif defined(__WIN32__) found = ExistCfg(path, "gedw32.cfg"); #endif if(not found) found = ExistCfg(path, "golded.cfg"); return found; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef __WIN32__ BOOL WINAPI GoldedCtrlHandler(DWORD dwCtrlType) { switch(dwCtrlType) { case CTRL_BREAK_EVENT: return true; case CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT: case CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT: case CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT: break; default: return false; } Cleanup(); ExitProcess(errorlevel); return true; } #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Initialize defaults and generally get the system up and running void Initialize(int argc, char* argv[]) { char* ptr; char* ptr2; bool dbedit = false; bool found = false, compiled; std::string truepathtmp; throw_init(); #if defined(GTHROW_LOG) throw_log = &LOG; #endif // First inits tzset(); // set locale setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ""); // and get it's name const char* lc = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ""); if(lc and not (strstr(lc, "German_") or strstr(lc, "Polish_"))) right_alt_same_as_left = true; #if defined(GUTLOS_FUNCS) g_init_os(1); #endif srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); // Display startup banner std::cout << __gver_longpid__ << " " << __gver_ver__ << "\n"; // Check environment commandline ptr = getenv("GEDCMD"); if(ptr) { ptr = strskip_wht(ptr); if(*ptr) { char *v = throw_strdup(ptr); ptr2 = v; for(;;) { getkeyval(&ptr, &ptr2); if(*ptr) InitCmdline(ptr); else break; } throw_free(v); } } // Check if we have been renamed to replace the D'Bridge Editor if(striinc("DBEDIT.EXE", argv[0])) { for(int a=1; a<argc; a++) { if(striinc("INTERNAL", argv[a])) { dbedit = true; // Do not accept any commandline arguments break; } } } // Check the commandline arguments if(argc > 1 and not dbedit) { for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { char *v = throw_strdup(argv[i]); InitCmdline(v); throw_free(v); } } // Print commandline help and exit if requested if(cmdlinehelp) { std::cout << "Copyright (C) 1990-2005 Odinn Sorensen, Alexander Aganichev, Jacobo Tarrio,\n" " Stas Degteff and others\n" "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "\n" "Invocation: " << argv[0] << " [-options] [keystacking]\n" "\n" "-C<configfile> Use a different configuration file.\n" "-D Disable old obsolete configuration keywords.\n" "-E<echoid> Start directly in the specified mail area.\n" "-EXPORTSOUP Export SOUP packets during startup.\n" "-F or -FF Force recompile of most (or all with -FF) configuration files.\n" "-INSTALL[=path] Start the quick install procedure. Look in path, if given.\n" "-IMPORTSOUP Import SOUP packets during startup.\n" "-M Mute sounds. Disables all noises in GoldED+.\n" "-N Disable share-compatible file opens during startup.\n" "-NOSCAN Temporarily disable area scan during startup.\n" #if defined(GUTLOS_FUNCS) && !defined(__MSDOS__) "-P Increase program priority to run faster.\n" #endif "-S<sortspec> Sorts all mail areas according to the sort specs.\n" "-T<seconds> Set a timeout value. GoldED+ will auto-exit after timeout.\n" "-V or -VV Verbose or Very verbose (-VV) config compile. Use -VV to debug.\n" "-W Write a GOLDAREA.INC file with AREADEF's of all mail areas.\n" "-X, -Y, -Z Reserved for debugging purposes.\n" "\n" "Any non-option parameter is stuffed into the keyboard buffer.\n" ; exit(0); } gvid = new GVid; throw_new(gvid); CfgInit(); GFTrkInit(gftrk_set_max); // Register exit cleanup functions atexit(Cleanup); signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); #ifdef __WIN32__ SetConsoleCtrlHandler(GoldedCtrlHandler, true); #endif if(*cmdlinecfg) found = true; if(not found) { // Look for configfilename in the environment #if defined(__OS2__) ptr = getenv("GED2"); #elif defined(__WIN32__) ptr = getenv("GEDW32"); #else ptr = NULL; #endif if(not(ptr and *ptr)) ptr = getenv("GOLDED"); if(not(ptr and *ptr)) ptr = getenv("GED"); if(ptr and *ptr) { strxcpy(cmdlinecfg, ptr, sizeof(cmdlinecfg)); found = FindCfg(cmdlinecfg); } // Get it in current directory if(not found) { getcwd(cmdlinecfg, sizeof(cmdlinecfg)); found = FindCfg(cmdlinecfg); } // Get it where the the .EXE file is if(not found) { extractdirname(cmdlinecfg, argv[0]); found = FindCfg(cmdlinecfg); // If we still could not find config name... if(not found) strcat(cmdlinecfg, "golded.cfg"); } } extractdirname(CFG->goldpath, cmdlinecfg); truepathtmp = CFG->goldpath; maketruepath(truepathtmp); strxcpy(CFG->goldpath, truepathtmp.c_str(), sizeof(CFG->goldpath)-1); strxmerge(CFG->goldpath, sizeof(Path), truepathtmp.c_str(), GOLD_SLASH_STR, NULL); strxmerge(CFG->goldcfg, sizeof(Path), CFG->goldpath, CleanFilename(cmdlinecfg), NULL); // Call install detect procedure if(cmdlineinstall) InstallDetect(cmdlineinstpath); if(not fexist(CFG->goldcfg)) { std::cout << "*** Cannot start: " << CFG->goldcfg << " not found! ***\n"; errorlevel = EXIT_NONAME; exit(0); } // Read/compile the config files compiled = ReadGoldedCfg(cmdlineforce); // Call install finish procedure if(cmdlineinstall) { if(InstallFinish()) { std::cout << "*** INSTALL NOT COMPLETED ***\n"; remove(CFG->goldcfg); errorlevel = EXIT_NONAME; exit(0); } } HeaderView = new GMsgHeaderView; throw_new(HeaderView); BodyView = new GMsgBodyView; throw_new(BodyView); if((CFG->screensize == 50) and (gvid->adapter & V_EGA)) CFG->screensize = 43; #if defined(GUTLOS_FUNCS) g_init_title(CFG->tasktitle, CFG->titlestatus); g_set_ostitle_name(CFG->tasktitle, 1); g_set_osicon(); if(cmdlinepriority) g_increase_priority(); #endif // Mouse support #ifdef GOLD_MOUSE if(CFG->mouse) { gmou.Init(); gmou.SetLevel(GMOU_LEVEL_CURS); } #endif // Start the log static char buf[200]; sprintf(buf, "%s %s (%s %s)", __gver_longpid__, __gver_ver__, __gver_date__, __gver_time__); LOG.open(CFG->logfile, buf, __gver_shortlogname__, CFG->logformat); // Read/compile various configs compiled |= ReadLangCfg(cmdlineforce); compiled |= bool(ReadKeysCfg(cmdlineforce)); compiled |= bool(ReadHelpCfg(cmdlineforce)); // Initialize sound system InitSound(); // Handle extended keyboard if(not CFG->switches.get(keybext)) gkbd.extkbd = CFG->switches.get(keybext); // Report detected multitasker if(not quiet) { if(gmtsk.detected) std::cout << "* Running under " << gmtsk.name << ".\n"; } if(cfgerrors) { std::cout << "* Total CFG errors found: " << cfgerrors << ". Press almost any key to continue.\n"; kbclear(); waitkey(); } if(CFG->switches.get(keybclear)) { clearkeys(); kbclear(); if(*CFG->keybstack) // The config keys kbputstr(CFG->keybstack); } else if(not keybuf.empty()) { // The commandline keys kbputstr(keybuf.c_str()); keybuf.erase(); } else if(*CFG->keybstack) // The config keys kbputstr(CFG->keybstack); fieldupd = EDIT->FieldClear() ? 2 : 1; vposget(&gvid->orig.cursor.row, &gvid->orig.cursor.column); #ifndef __UNIX__ oldscreen = vsave(); #endif if(CFG->screensize > 0xFF) { gvid->setmode(CFG->screensize >> 8); // Set video mode } else if(CFG->screensize) { gvid->setrows(CFG->screensize); // Just set rows } gvid->setintensity(CFG->intensecolors); if(C_BACKB != 0) gvid->setoverscan(C_BACKB); vcurhide(); if(CFG->screenmaxrow >= 10) MAXROW = CFG->screenmaxrow; if(CFG->screenmaxcol >= 80) MAXCOL = CFG->screenmaxcol; if(CFG->dispmargin <= 0) CFG->dispmargin += MAXCOL; if(CFG->dispmargin > MAXCOL) CFG->dispmargin = MAXCOL; if(CFG->quotemargin <= 0) CFG->quotemargin += MAXCOL; if(EDIT->QuoteMargin() <= 0) EDIT->QuoteMargin(EDIT->QuoteMargin()+MAXCOL); #ifdef __MSDOS__ if(CFG->switches.get(screenusebios)) gvid->setdevice(GVID_BIO); else gvid->setdevice(GVID_DMA); #endif // Set palette if changes were specified if(CFG->screenpalette[16]) gvid->setpalette(CFG->screenpalette); // Set window opening style wsetstyle(STYLE_NORMAL); // If keyboard polling is enabled if(CFG->keybmode == KEYB_POLL) { // Switch to keyboard polling instead of blocking gkbd.polling = true; gkbd.tickinterval = 5; // Tick twice per second kbdsettickfunc(update_statuslines); } inforow = ((MAXROW-1)/2)+6; if(CFG->aka.empty()) { LOG.ErrConfig(); LOG.printf("! There do not seem to be any ADDRESS's defined."); LOG.printf("+ Advice: Check your setup of ADDRESS's."); ConfigErrorExit(); } bool areasdefined = false; // Do checking for an area and unknown aka's in area // config at once. for(AL.item = AL.idx.begin(); AL.item != AL.idx.end(); AL.item++) { if(not (*AL.item)->isseparator()) areasdefined = true; if(not CFG->aka.empty() and (not (*AL.item)->aka().valid())) (*AL.item)->set_aka(CFG->aka[0].addr); } if(not areasdefined) { LOG.ErrConfig(); LOG.printf("! There do not seem to be any mail areas defined."); LOG.printf("+ Advice: Check your setup of mail areas."); ConfigErrorExit(); } if(CFG->username.empty()) { LOG.ErrConfig(); LOG.printf("! There do not seem to be any USERNAME's defined."); LOG.printf("+ Advice: Check your setup of USERNAME's."); ConfigErrorExit(); } if(CFG->cmdkey.empty()) { LOG.ErrConfig(); LOG.printf("! There do not seem to be any command keys defined."); LOG.printf("+ Advice: Check your key setup in goldkeys.cfg."); ConfigErrorExit(); } if(CFG->origin.empty()) { static char orig[] = ""; CfgOrigin(orig); } w_back(); // Open a nice background window w_brag(); // Display Brag Window update_statusline(LNG->Initializing); HandleGEvent(EVTT_STARTUP); // Write the binary config if any of the cfgs were compiled. if(compiled) WriteGoldGed(); // Override timeout from commandline if(cmdlinetimeout != -1) CFG->timeout = cmdlinetimeout; // Adjust header item sizes if negative if(CFG->disphdrnameset.pos < 0) CFG->disphdrnameset.pos += MAXCOL; if(CFG->disphdrnodeset.pos < 0) CFG->disphdrnodeset.pos += MAXCOL; if(CFG->disphdrdateset.pos < 0) CFG->disphdrdateset.pos += MAXCOL; if(CFG->disphdrnameset.len < 0) CFG->disphdrnameset.len += MAXCOL; if(CFG->disphdrnodeset.len < 0) CFG->disphdrnodeset.len += MAXCOL; if(CFG->disphdrdateset.len < 0) CFG->disphdrdateset.len += MAXCOL; if(EDIT->HdrNamePos() < 0) EDIT->HdrNamePos(EDIT->HdrNamePos()+MAXCOL); if(EDIT->HdrNameLen() < 0) EDIT->HdrNameLen(EDIT->HdrNameLen()+MAXCOL); if(EDIT->HdrNodePos() < 0) EDIT->HdrNodePos(EDIT->HdrNodePos()+MAXCOL); if(EDIT->HdrNodeLen() < 0) EDIT->HdrNodeLen(EDIT->HdrNodeLen()+MAXCOL); // Set default marks names AL.SetDefaultMarks(); // Read the lastreads from the last session if(CFG->switches.get(areakeeplast)) AL.ReadGoldLast(); // Setup start echo if(not *stecho) strcpy(stecho, CFG->areastart); // Sort the areas if(*AL.sortspec) strcpy(CFG->arealistsort, AL.sortspec); AL.Sort(); // Write GOLDAREA.INC if told if(cmdlinewriteareas) AL.WriteAreaDef(AddPath(CFG->goldpath, "goldarea.inc")); // Get the global max length of echoids (for the arealist) extern int arealistnumgrps; extern int areaswithgroupid; for(uint n=0; n<AL.size(); n++) { int _tmp = strlen(AL[n]->echoid()); if(echoid_width < _tmp) echoid_width = _tmp; if(AL[n]->groupid()) { areaswithgroupid++; if(AL[n]->groupid() & 0x8000u) arealistnumgrps = true; } } if(CFG->arealistechomax) { if(CFG->arealistechomax > (int)(sizeof(Echo)-1)) CFG->arealistechomax = sizeof(Echo)-1; if(CFG->arealistechomax < 0) echoid_width += CFG->arealistechomax; else echoid_width = CFG->arealistechomax; } if(areaswithgroupid and CFG->switches.get(arealistgroupid)) groupid_width = arealistnumgrps ? 3 : 1; int spaces = 0; bool area_found = false; bool marked_found = false; bool desc_found = false; bool count_found = false; bool pmark_found = false; bool unread_found = false; bool changed_found = false; bool echoid_found = false; bool groupid_found = false; for(int pass=1; pass<=2; pass++) { if(pass == 2) { if(not area_found) area_width = 0; if(not marked_found) marked_width = 0; if(not desc_found) desc_width = 0; if(not count_found) count_width = 0; if(not pmark_found) pmark_width = 0; if(not unread_found) unread_width = 0; if(not changed_found) changed_width = 0; if(not echoid_found) echoid_width = 0; if(not groupid_found) groupid_width = 0; if(desc_width == -1) { desc_width = MAXCOL - 2 - spaces - area_width - marked_width - count_width - pmark_width - unread_width - changed_width - echoid_width - groupid_width; } } int pos = 0; char* p = CFG->arealistformat; while(*p) { char c = (char)toupper(*p); char d = *(++p); int w = atoi(p); while(isdigit(*p)) p++; if(pass == 1) { if(isalpha(c)) { switch(c) { case 'A': area_found = true; if(isdigit(d)) area_width = w; break; case 'M': marked_found = true; if(isdigit(d)) marked_width = w; break; case 'D': desc_found = true; if(isdigit(d)) desc_width = w; break; case 'C': count_found = true; if(isdigit(d)) count_width = w; break; case 'P': pmark_found = true; if(isdigit(d)) pmark_width = w; break; case 'U': unread_found = true; if(isdigit(d)) unread_width = w; break; case 'N': changed_found = true; if(isdigit(d)) changed_width = w; break; case 'E': echoid_found = true; if(isdigit(d)) echoid_width = w; break; case 'G': groupid_found = true; if(isdigit(d)) groupid_width = w; break; } } else { spaces++; } } else { switch(c) { case 'A': area_pos = pos; pos += area_width; break; case 'M': marked_pos = pos; pos += marked_width; break; case 'D': desc_pos = pos; pos += desc_width; break; case 'C': count_pos = pos; pos += count_width; break; case 'P': pmark_pos = pos; pos += pmark_width; break; case 'U': unread_pos = pos; pos += unread_width; break; case 'N': changed_pos = pos; pos += changed_width; break; case 'E': echoid_pos = pos; pos += echoid_width; break; case 'G': groupid_pos = pos; pos += groupid_width; break; default: pos++; } } } } update_statuslines(); ReadEcholists(); // Read the Confmail compatible echotag lists update_statuslines(); ReadAddrMacros(); // Read the address macro file update_statuslines(); ReadEscsets(); // Read the escape tables update_statuslines(); // Initialize the messagebases update_statuslinef(LNG->LockShareCap, LNG->Checking); WideLog = &LOG; WideDebug = cmdlinedebughg; WideCanLock = CFG->sharemode ? TestLockPath(CFG->temppath) : false; WideSharemode = CFG->sharemode; WideUsernames = CFG->username.size(); WideUsername = new const char*[WideUsernames]; std::vector<Node>::iterator i; int w; for(w = 0, i = CFG->username.begin(); w < WideUsernames; w++, i++) WideUsername[w] = i->name; WidePersonalmail = CFG->personalmail; WideDispsoftcr = CFG->switches.get(dispsoftcr); if(CFG->loadlanguage[0]) LoadLanguage(CFG->loadlanguage); if(find(AL.basetypes, "OPUS") or find(AL.basetypes, "FTS1")) { update_statuslinef("%s Fido", LNG->Checking); FidoInit(CFG->fidolastread, CFG->switches.get(fidohwmarks), CFG->switches.get(fidonullfix), CFG->fidouserno, CFG->squishuserpath); } #ifndef GMB_NOEZY if(find(AL.basetypes, "EZYCOM")) { update_statuslinef("%s Ezycom", LNG->Checking); EzycomInit(CFG->ezycom.msgbasepath, CFG->ezycom.userbasepath, CFG->ezycomuserno); } #endif #ifndef GMB_NOGOLD if(find(AL.basetypes, "GOLDBASE")) { update_statuslinef("%s Goldbase", LNG->Checking); GoldInit(CFG->goldbasepath, CFG->goldbasesyspath, CFG->goldbaseuserno); } #endif #ifndef GMB_NOHUDS if(find(AL.basetypes, "HUDSON")) { update_statuslinef("%s Hudson", LNG->Checking); HudsInit(CFG->hudsonpath, CFG->hudsonsyspath, CFG->hudsonuserno, CFG->hudsonsizewarn, CFG->ra2usersbbs); } #endif #ifndef GMB_NOJAM if(find(AL.basetypes, "JAM")) { update_statuslinef("%s JAM", LNG->Checking); JamInit(CFG->jampath, CFG->switches.get(jamharddelete), CFG->switches.get(jamsmapihw)); } #endif #ifndef GMB_NOPCB if(find(AL.basetypes, "PCBOARD")) { update_statuslinef("%s PCBoard", LNG->Checking); PcbInit(CFG->pcboardpath, CFG->pcboarduserno); } #endif #ifndef GMB_NOSQSH if(find(AL.basetypes, "SQUISH")) { update_statuslinef("%s Squish", LNG->Checking); SquishInit(CFG->squishuserpath, CFG->squishuserno, CFG->switches.get(squishdirect), true, CFG->squishscan); } #endif #ifndef GMB_NOWCAT if(find(AL.basetypes, "WILDCAT")) { update_statuslinef("%s WildCat!", LNG->Checking); WCatInit(CFG->wildcatuserno); } #endif #ifndef GMB_NOXBBS if(find(AL.basetypes, "ADEPTXBBS")) { update_statuslinef("%s AdeptXBBS", LNG->Checking); XbbsInit(CFG->adeptxbbspath, CFG->adeptxbbsuserno); } #endif #ifndef GMB_NOSMB if(find(AL.basetypes, "SMB")) { update_statuslinef("%s Synchronet", LNG->Checking); SMBInit(); } #endif update_statuslinef("..."); // Delete the D'Bridge "mail waiting" semaphore files if(dbedit) { remove(AddPath(CFG->areapath, "DBRIDGE.NMW")); remove(AddPath(CFG->areapath, "DBRIDGE.EMW")); } // Unlink windows wunlink(W_READ); THROW_CHECK(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------