// ------------------------------------------------------------------ // GoldED+ // Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen // Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Alexander S. Aganichev // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, // MA 02111-1307 USA // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // $Id$ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Copy, Move, Forward and Delete. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Global data from GEREAD & GECTRL extern GMsg* reader_msg; extern int _use_fwd; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void Area::DeleteMsg(GMsg* msg, int direction) { uint32_t replyto=0, reply1st=0, lread; GMsg* uplink = (GMsg*)throw_calloc(1, sizeof(GMsg)); GMsg* downlink = (GMsg*)throw_calloc(1, sizeof(GMsg)); if(msg->msgno) { // Fix the lastread pointer lread = Msgn.CvtReln(lastread()); if(msg->msgno == lread) { uint l = lastread(); if(direction == DIR_PREV) { if(l-1) { l--; } else if((l+1) <= Msgn.Count()) l++; else l = 0; } else { if((l+1) <= Msgn.Count()) l++; else if(l-1) l--; else l = 0; } set_lastread(l); lread = Msgn.CvtReln(lastread()); } // Get reply links if(Msgn.ToReln(msg->link.to())) { replyto = msg->link.to(); } if(Msgn.ToReln(msg->link.first())) { reply1st = msg->link.first(); } if(replyto) { if(not LoadHdr(downlink, replyto, false)) downlink->link.first_set(0); } if(reply1st) { if(not LoadHdr(uplink, reply1st, false)) uplink->link.to_set(0); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // Diagram of splicing the links of a deleted msg // -------------------------------------------------------------- // Reply1st Replyto // ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ // Downlink --> Deleted --> Uplink // ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ // Reply1st Replyto Confused ? :-) // -------------------------------------------------------------- // Only update the up/downlinks if they are pointing to this msg if(replyto) { if(downlink->link.first() == msg->msgno) { downlink->link.first_set(reply1st); SaveHdr(GMSG_UPDATE, downlink); } else { replyto = 0; } } if(reply1st) { if(uplink->link.to() == msg->msgno) { uplink->link.to_set(replyto); SaveHdr(GMSG_UPDATE, uplink); } } // Delete the message msg->attr.del1(); DelMsg(msg); // Update scanning files if(isnet()) TouchNetscan(false); if(not issoftdelete()) { // Remove message from internal table Msgn.Del(msg->msgno); } // Update lastreads if(Msgn.Count()) set_lastread(Msgn.ToReln(lread)); else set_lastread(0); msg->msgno = lread; UpdateAreadata(); } ResetMsg(downlink); throw_free(downlink); ResetMsg(uplink); throw_free(uplink); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void Area::DelMsgs(GMsg* msg) { GFTRK("DelMsgs"); GMenuDelete MenuDelete; if (CFG->arearecyclebin[0]) { int areano = AL.AreaEchoToNo(CFG->arearecyclebin); int currno = AL.AreaIdToNo(CurrArea); if ((areano != currno) && (areano >= 0)) { bool del = true; if(CFG->arearecyclebinask && (NO == MenuDelete.Run(NO, msg))) del = false; if (del) CopyMoveForward(true); GFTRK(0); return; } } uint n, x; int topline=0; bool delask=true, dellocked=false; n = 0; if(Mark.Count()) { GMenuDomarks MenuDomarks; n = MenuDomarks.Run(LNG->Delete); if(n == 1) { HandleGEvent(EVTT_MSGDELETING); w_progress(MODE_NEW, C_INFOW, 0, Mark.Count(), LNG->Deleting); Lock(); int escaped = false; for(n=0; nDeletingMsg, "ST_DELETINGMSG", x+1, Mark.Count()); w_progress(MODE_UPDATE, C_INFOW, x+1, Mark.Count(), LNG->Deleting); uint msgno = Mark[x]; if(Msgn.ToReln(msgno)) { if(LoadHdr(msg, msgno, false)) { bool deletethis = false; if(delask) { if(msg->attr.uns() and not (msg->attr.rcv() or msg->attr.del())) { AA->LoadMsg(msg, msgno, CFG->dispmargin-(int)CFG->switches.get(disppagebar)); w_progress(MODE_QUIT, BLACK_|_BLACK, 0, 0, NULL); HeaderView->Use(AA, msg); HeaderView->Paint(); BodyView->Use(AA, msg, topline); BodyView->Paint(); switch(MenuDelete.Run(YES, msg)) { case YES: // Yes, delete deletethis = true; break; case NO: // No, dont delete continue; default: // Delete without asking delask = false; if(msg->attr.lok()) dellocked = true; } } } if(msg->attr.lok() and not dellocked and not deletethis) { AA->LoadMsg(msg, msgno, CFG->dispmargin-(int)CFG->switches.get(disppagebar)); w_progress(MODE_QUIT, BLACK_|_BLACK, 0, 0, NULL); HeaderView->Use(AA, msg); HeaderView->Paint(); BodyView->Use(AA, msg, topline); BodyView->Paint(); switch (MenuDelete.Run(YES, msg)) { case YES: // Yes, delete break; case NO: // No, dont delete continue; default: // Delete without asking dellocked = true; } } DeleteMsg(msg, reader_direction); PMrk.Del(msg->msgno); } } } Unlock(); if(not escaped) { isreadmark = false; Mark.ResetAll(); } w_progress(MODE_QUIT, BLACK_|_BLACK, 0, 0, NULL); } } if (n == 0) { Mark.Del(msg->msgno); PMrk.Del(msg->msgno); if (Mark.Count() or MenuDelete.Run(NO, msg)) { HandleGEvent(EVTT_MSGDELETING); DeleteMsg(msg, reader_direction); } } HandleGEvent(EVTT_BREAKLOOP); GFTRK(0); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void TwitDeleteMsg(GMsg* msg) { GFTRK("TwitDeleteMsg"); HandleGEvent(EVTT_MSGDELETING); AA->Mark.Del(msg->msgno); AA->PMrk.Del(msg->msgno); AA->DeleteMsg(msg, reader_direction); HandleGEvent(EVTT_BREAKLOOP); GFTRK(0); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void Area::DelMsg() { if(Msgn.Count()) DelMsgs(reader_msg); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CmfMsgs(GMsg* msg, bool torecycle) { // Select action int cmf; if (torecycle) cmf = MODE_MOVE; else { GMenuCMF MenuCMF; cmf = MenuCMF.Run(); if(cmf == -1) return; } // Set language strings char* pickstr = NULL; char* markstr = NULL; char* progstr = NULL; char* statstr = NULL; char* tokenstr = ""; int loadmode = GMSG_UNS_NOT_RCV; switch(cmf) { case MODE_COPY: GFTRK("CopyMsgs"); pickstr = LNG->CopyArea; markstr = LNG->Copy; progstr = LNG->Copying; statstr = LNG->CopyingMsg; tokenstr = "ST_COPYINGMSG"; loadmode |= GMSG_COPY; break; case MODE_MOVE: if(AA->attr().r_o()) { GMenuReadonly MenuReadonly; if(not MenuReadonly.Run()) return; } if (torecycle) { GFTRK("DeleteMsgs"); pickstr = ">>Delete To Area: "; markstr = " Delete "; progstr = " Deleting "; statstr = "Deleting Msg %u of %u to %s"; } else { GFTRK("MoveMsgs"); pickstr = LNG->MoveArea; markstr = LNG->Move; progstr = LNG->Moving; statstr = LNG->MovingMsg; tokenstr = "ST_MOVINGMSG"; } loadmode |= GMSG_MOVE; break; case MODE_FORWARD: GFTRK("ForwardMsgs"); pickstr = LNG->ForwardArea; markstr = " Forward "; progstr = " Forwarding "; statstr = "Forwarding Msg %u of %u to %s"; break; case MODE_UPDATE: GFTRK("ToggleSent"); loadmode |= GMSG_UPDATE; break; } // Do with current or marked msgs? int do_mode = MODE_CURRENT; if (AA->Mark.Count()) { GMenuDomarks MenuDomarks; do_mode = MenuDomarks.Run(markstr); if (do_mode == MODE_DONT) { GFTRK(0); return; } } if (cmf == MODE_UPDATE) { w_info(LNG->Wait); uint32_t loadmsgno = msg->msgno; uint32_t mrks = AA->Mark.Count(); uint32_t *mrkp = AA->Mark.tag; uint32_t mrk = 0; do { if (do_mode == MODE_MARKED) loadmsgno = mrkp[mrk]; mrk++; if (AA->LoadHdr(msg, loadmsgno, false)) { msg->attr.sntX(); if (msg->attr.snt()) { msg->attr.uns0(); msg->attr.scn1(); } else { msg->attr.uns1(); msg->attr.scn0(); msg->attr.loc1(); } AA->SaveHdr(GMSG_UPDATE, msg); } } while (mrk < mrks); AA->Mark.ResetAll(); w_info(NULL); GFTRK(0); return; } // Pick the destination area int destarea = CurrArea; const char* cmfptr; if (torecycle) cmfptr = CFG->arearecyclebin; else cmfptr = cmf == MODE_FORWARD ? AA->Areareplyto() : AA->Areacopyto(); if(*cmfptr) { int a = AL.AreaEchoToNo(cmfptr); if(a != -1) destarea = AL.AreaNoToId(a); } if (!torecycle && (cmf == MODE_FORWARD ? not AA->Areaforwarddirect() : not AA->Areacopydirect())) destarea = AreaPick(pickstr, 6, &destarea); if(destarea == -1) { GFTRK(0); return; } int xlat_table = LoadCharset(NULL, NULL, 1); AL.SetActiveAreaId(OrigArea); AreaData* orig_adat = AA->adat; AA->adat = (AreaData*)throw_calloc(1, sizeof(AreaData)); memcpy(AA->adat, orig_adat, sizeof(AreaData)); AL.SetActiveAreaId(destarea); Area* AAdest = AA; AA->RandomizeData(); if (torecycle) AA->adat->areacopyaddid = true; // Is it readonly? if(AA->attr().r_o()) { GMenuReadonly MenuReadonly; if(not MenuReadonly.Run()) { AL.SetActiveAreaId(OrigArea); throw_free(AA->adat); AA->adat = orig_adat; GFTRK(0); return; } } // Handle a forward if (cmf == MODE_FORWARD) { _use_fwd = orig_adat->usefwd; if (_use_fwd == ASK) { GMenuForward MenuForward; _use_fwd = MenuForward.Run(); } } // Popup wait window w_info(progstr); // Open destination area AA->Open(); AA->RandomizeData(); // Re-activeate original area and lock that too AL.SetActiveAreaId(OrigArea); AA->Lock(); // Setup some variables for the loop Area* AAorig = AA; const char* echoid = AAdest->echoid(); uint loadmsgno = msg->msgno; uint32_t* mrkp = AA->Mark.tag; int mrks = AA->Mark.Count(); int mrk = 0; // Copy/move loop do { // Check for escape key if(kbxhit()) { if(kbxget() == Key_Esc) { HandleGEvent(EVTT_JOBFAILED); break; } } // Show progress and load the marked msg if(do_mode == MODE_MARKED) { update_statuslinef(statstr, tokenstr, mrk+1, mrks, echoid); loadmsgno = *mrkp++; } int mode = 0; uint msgno = 0; if(AA->LoadMsg(msg, loadmsgno, CFG->dispmargin-(int)CFG->switches.get(disppagebar), loadmode)) { // Handle unsent msgs mode = cmf; if((cmf == MODE_MOVE) and (loadmode & GMSG_UNS_NOT_RCV) and (msg->attr.uns() and not msg->attr.rcv())) { // Axe the popup wait window w_info(NULL); // Display header and message int top = 0; HeaderView->Use(AA, msg); HeaderView->Paint(); BodyView->Use(AA, msg, top); BodyView->Paint(); // Ask if it should be deleted GMenuDelete MenuDelete; switch(MenuDelete.Run(YES, msg)) { case YES: break; case NO: mode = MODE_COPY; break; default: loadmode &= ~GMSG_UNS_NOT_RCV; } // Put up the wait window again w_info(progstr); } // Switch to destination area AA = AAdest; if (cmf == MODE_FORWARD) MakeMsg(MODE_FORWARD, msg); else { // Change things in the header to match the destination area msg->attr.del0(); // Allows deleted msgs to be undeleted msg->board = AA->board(); msg->link.reset(); // Fake Scn-Attribute if copied to squisharea if(msg->attr.loc() and msg->attr.snt()) msg->attr.scn1(); if(AA->Areacopyaddid() and not AA->isnet()) { char* ptr = msg->txt + (*msg->txt == CTRL_A); if(not strnieql(ptr, "AREA:", 5)) { uint elen = 6 + strlen(AAorig->echoid()) + 1; uint mlen = strlen(msg->txt)+1; msg->txt = (char*)throw_realloc(msg->txt, elen+mlen); memmove(msg->txt+elen, msg->txt, mlen); sprintf(msg->txt, "\001AREA:%s", AAorig->echoid()); msg->txt[elen-1] = CR; } } bool need_netmail_kludges = not AAorig->isnet() and AAdest->isnet(); bool need_fmpt = true; bool need_topt = true; if(not need_netmail_kludges and streql(AAorig->basetype(), "SQUISH") and strcmp(AAdest->basetype(), "SQUISH") and AAdest->isnet() and AAorig->isnet()) { if(msg->orig.point and not strstr(msg->txt, "\001FMPT")) need_netmail_kludges = true; else need_fmpt = false; if(msg->dest.point and not strstr(msg->txt, "\001TOPT")) need_netmail_kludges = true; else need_topt = false; } if(need_netmail_kludges) { char buf[256] = ""; if (not strstr(msg->txt, "\001INTL")) // The INTL kludge for zone crossing if (CFG->useintl and (CFG->useintl == YES or (msg->dest.zone != msg->orig.zone))) { gsprintf(PRINTF_DECLARE_BUFFER(buf), "\001INTL %u:%u/%u %u:%u/%u%c", msg->dest.zone ? msg->dest.zone : AA->Aka().addr.zone, msg->dest.net, msg->dest.node, msg->orig.zone ? msg->orig.zone : AA->Aka().addr.zone, msg->orig.net, msg->orig.node, CR ); } if(not strstr(msg->txt, "\001TOPT") or not strstr(msg->txt, "\001FMPT")) { // The FMPT and TOPT kludges for point addressing if(msg->dest.point and need_topt) sprintf(buf+strlen(buf), "\001TOPT %u%c", msg->dest.point, CR); if(msg->orig.point and msg->orig.net == msg->oorig.net and msg->orig.node == msg->oorig.node and need_fmpt) sprintf(buf+strlen(buf), "\001FMPT %u%c", msg->orig.point, CR); } uint alen = strlen(buf); if(alen) { uint mlen = strlen(msg->txt)+1; msg->txt = (char*)throw_realloc(msg->txt, alen+mlen); memmove(msg->txt+alen, msg->txt, mlen); memmove(msg->txt, buf, alen); } } else if(AA->isecho() and not AAorig->isecho()) { char* kl = strstr(msg->txt, "\001INTL"); char* p; if(kl and (p = strchr(kl, CR)) != NULL) memmove(kl, p, strlen(p)+1); kl = strstr(msg->txt, "\001TOPT"); if(kl and (p = strchr(kl, CR)) != NULL) memmove(kl, p, strlen(p)+1); kl = strstr(msg->txt, "\001FMPT"); if(kl and (p = strchr(kl, CR)) != NULL) memmove(kl, p, strlen(p)+1); } // Save the new msg to the destination area msgno = msg->msgno; AA->SaveMsg(GMSG_NEW|GMSG_NOLSTUPD, msg); } //if (cmf == MODE_FORWARD) // Switch back to original area AA = AAorig; } // Delete original msg if moved if(mode == MODE_MOVE) { msg->msgno = msgno; AA->DeleteMsg(msg, torecycle ? reader_direction : DIR_PREV); AA->PMrk.Del(msg->msgno); } } while((do_mode == MODE_MARKED) and ((++mrk) < mrks)); kbput(Key_Tick); // close destination area AL.SetActiveAreaId(destarea); AA->UpdateAreadata(); AA->Close(); // Return to original area and unlock it AL.SetActiveAreaId(OrigArea); throw_free(AA->adat); AA->adat = orig_adat; AA->Unlock(); if(xlat_table != -1) LoadCharset(CFG->xlatcharset[xlat_table].imp, CFG->xlatcharset[xlat_table].exp); else LoadCharset("N/A", "N/A"); if(do_mode == MODE_MARKED) { if(cmf == MODE_MOVE) AA->Mark.ResetAll(); } w_info(NULL); GFTRK(0); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CopyMoveForward(bool torecycle) { AA->attr().hex0(); if(AA->Msgn.Count()) CmfMsgs(reader_msg, torecycle); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------