// ------------------------------------------------------------------ // GoldED+ // Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen // Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Alexander S. Aganichev // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, // MA 02111-1307 USA // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // $Id$ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // The main GoldED configuration structure. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef __GECFGG__H #define __GECFGG__H #include <list> #include <gmo_msg.h> #include <geall.h> #include "gekeys.h" #define AREALISTSORTSIZE 20 // Size of the "arealistsort" variable // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // en_gswitches{} enumeration elements shoulds be complemented with // globalbool[] array elements (see gccfgg0.cpp). enum en_gswitches { internetlookup, kludgechrs, mouse, displocalhigh, arealistgroupid, askdelorig, lookuplocal, dispstatusline, screenusebios, highlightunread, akamatchlocal, fidonullfix, dispautonext, lookupuserbase, areakeeplast, filelistpagebar, printformfeed, arealistnos, disppagebar, internetreply, arealistpagebar, usemsgid, lookupnet, jamsmapihw, squishdirect, fidohwmarks, msglistpagebar, beepnoises, screenshadows, emptytearline, menudropmsg, beeplocalmsg, statuslineclock, twitto, keybdefaults, displistwrap, quotespacing, lookupecho, keybext, beepcomment, rcvdisablescfm, quoteblank, keybclear, dosprompt, areacatchupread, formfeedseparator, useflags, jamharddelete, disprealmsgno, frqwazoo, msglistviewsubj, akamatchecho, areafilegroups, areaautonext, timeoutsavemsg, nodelistwarn, akamatchnet, gswitches_last }; class gswitches { public: inline bool get(en_gswitches what) { return cfg[what]; } inline void set(en_gswitches what, bool value) { cfg[what] = value; } bool handle(word crc, const char* value); gswitches() { for(uint i=0; i<gswitches_last; i++) {cfg[i] = false; } }; private: bool cfg[gswitches_last]; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ struct Win { int btype; // Border type vattr c[16]; // Colors int w; // Window handle }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Combined name/address structure struct Node { Name name; Addr addr; Node &operator=(const Node &a) { strxcpy(name, a.name, ARRAYSIZE(name)); addr=a.addr; return *this; } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Filename aliases struct FileAlias { char alias[9]; Path file; FileAlias& operator=(const FileAlias& a) { strxcpy(alias, a.alias, sizeof(alias)); strxcpy(file, a.file, sizeof(Path)); return *this; } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Template typedefs struct Tpl { Path file; Desc name; Addr match; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Address macro record struct AddrMacro { char macro[20]; IAdr name; Addr addr; Subj subj; Attr attr; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ struct AkaMatchG { Addr mask; Addr aka; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ struct MailList { Echo echoid; IAdr sender; IAdr contribution; bool sender_is_pattern; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ struct FrqNodeMap { Addr from; Addr to; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ class CfgGed { public: CfgGed(); ~CfgGed(); Path goldcfg; Stamp helpcfg; Path helpged; Path keyscfg; Path langcfg; Path xlatged; Path goldlast; Path golduser; Grp grp; int cfgeditquotemargin; std::list<CmdKey> cmdkey; std::vector<Macro> macro; int addressbookadd; int addresslookupfirst; std::vector<AddrMacro> addressmacro; Path adeptxbbspath; int adeptxbbsuserno; std::vector<gaka> aka; std::vector<AkaMatchG> akamatch; int akamatchfromto; bool akamatchmanually; int areaautoid; Echo areacfmreplyto; bool areacopydirect; Echo areacopyto; bool areacopyaddid; gstrarray areaexcl; bool areaforwarddirect; int areafilegroups; // areausegroups; bool areafreqdirect; Echo areafreqto; gstrarray areaincl; gstrarray areaisemail; gstrarray areaisnews; int arealistechomax; char arealistformat[80]; char arealistgrouporder[256]; char arealistsort[AREALISTSORTSIZE]; int arealisttype; Path areapath; gstrarray areapmscan; gstrarray areapmscanexcl; gstrarray areapmscanincl; int areareadonly; Echo arearecyclebin; bool arearecyclebinask; std::vector<EchoRen> arearename; bool areareplydirect; Echo areareplyto; gstrarray areascan; gstrarray areascanexcl; gstrarray areascanincl; char areascansort[20]; Echo areastart; // startecho; int areatypeorder[17]; Echo areayouwroteto; Path attachpath; Attr attribsattach; Attr attribscc; // ccattrib; Attr attribscfm; // cfmattrib; Attr attribsecho; // echoattrib; Attr attribsemail; Attr attribsfrq; Attr attribslocal; // localattrib; Attr attribsnet; // netattrib; Attr attribsnews; int beepfactor; int beepyourmail; int carboncopylist; // cclist; Win color[16]; std::vector< std::pair<Node, vattr> > colorname; Path confirmfile; // goldedcfm; int confirmresponse; Path cookiepath; int crosspost; int crosspostlist; // xplist; int ctrlinfoecho; int ctrlinfoemail; int ctrlinfolocal; int ctrlinfonet; int ctrlinfonews; int dispareano; int dispattachsize; int disphdrlocation; PosLen disphdrdateset; PosLen disphdrnameset; PosLen disphdrnodeset; int displistcursor; int dispmargin; // rightmargin; bool disppmfirst; int dispmsgsize; bool dispsoftcr; uint disptabsize; // tabsize; bool encodeemailheaders; std::vector<GEvent> event; uint32_t externoptions; std::vector<ExtUtil> externutil; Ezycom ezycom; int ezycomuserno; Path fidolastread; // lastread; const char *fidomsgtype; Path fidouserlist; int fidouserno; // lastreaduser; std::vector<FileAlias> filealias; bool forcetemplate; gstrarray frqext; std::vector<FrqNodeMap> frqnodemap; int frqoptions; bool gedhandshake; Path goldbasepath; Path goldbasesyspath; int goldbaseuserno; Path goldpath; bool hidestylies; bool highlighturls; Path hudsonpath; long hudsonsizewarn; Path hudsonsyspath; int hudsonuserno; bool ignorecharset; char importbegin[80]; char importend[80]; Path inboundpath; Path inputfile; bool intensecolors; bool transparentcolors; IAdr internetaddress; char internetdomain[96]; Node internetgate; int internetgateexp; bool internetmsgid; int internetrfcbody; bool internetviagate; Invalidate invalidate; Path jampath; int keybmode; char keybstack[80]; // keybuf[80]; gstrarray kludge; bool latin2local; char latintolocal[256]; Path loadlanguage; GStrBag2 locationalias; std::string locationdelimiter; Path logfile; // goldedlog; int logformat; std::vector<MailList> mailinglist; std::vector< std::pair<std::string, std::string> > mappath; int menumarked; int menunextarea; int msglistdate; bool msglistfast; bool msglistfirst; bool msglistheader; bool msglistwidesubj; Path namesfile; Name nickname; Name netname; Path nodepath; Path nodepathfd; Path nodepathv7; INam organization; gstrarray origin; int originno; Path outboundpath; Path outputfile; Path pathreportfile; Path pcboardpath; int pcboarduserno; int peekurloptions; int personalmail; GPlay play; Path printdevice; // p_device; char printinit[80]; // p_init[80]; int printlength; // p_length; int printmargin; // p_margin; char printreset[80]; // p_reset[80]; Path quotebuffile; int quotebufmode; char quotechars[11]; uint quotectrl; int quotemargin; char quotestring[10]; char quotestops[41]; bool quotewraphard; bool quoteusenewai; int ra2usersbbs; // RA2; int replylink; bool replylinkfloat; int replylinklist; bool replylinkshowalways; gstrarray robotname; #if defined(GCFG_SPELL_INCLUDED) int scheckerenabled; char scheckerdeflang[100]; Path scheckeruserdic; Path scheckerdicpath; #endif int screenblanker; // blanktime; int screenblankertype; int screenmaxcol; // maxcols; int screenmaxrow; // maxrows; int screenpalette[17]; int screensize; INam searchfor; Semaphore semaphore; Path seqdir; int seqmsgid; uint32_t seqoutrun; int sharemode; // share; bool showdeleted; Path soundpath; Echo soupbadmsgs; Echo soupemail; int soupexportmargin; Path soupexportpath; Path soupimportpath; Path soupnewsrcfile; Path soupreplylinker; char soupreplyto[60]; Path souptosslog; int squishscan; int squishuserno; Path squishuserpath; int statuslinehelp; bool striphtml; char stylecodepunct[41]; char stylecodestops[41]; gstrarray tagline; int taglineno; char taglinechar; bool taglinesupport; char tasktitle[60]; Tear tearline; bool titlestatus; GStrBag2 translate; std::vector<Tpl> tpl; int tplno; bool templatematch; Path templatepath; Path temppath; int timeout; int twitmode; // showtwits; std::vector<Node> twitname; gstrarray twitsubj; std::vector< std::pair<std::string, std::string> > unpacker; std::vector<UrlHandler> urlhandler; bool usearea; bool usecharset; int usefwd; bool useintl; bool usepid; Path userlistfile; // goldedlst; std::vector<Node> username; int usernameno; bool usesoftcrxlat; bool usestylies; bool usetzutc; Path uudecodepath; bool viewhidden; bool viewkludge; bool viewquote; Name whoto; int wildcatuserno; int writeheader; std::string wtpl; std::vector<Map> xlatcharset; std::vector<Map> xlatescset; std::vector< std::pair<std::string, gstrarray> > xlatcharsetalias; char xlatexport[17]; // exportcharset[17]; char xlatimport[17]; // localcharset[17]; char xlatlocalset[17]; Path xlatpath; int zonegating; gswitches switches; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ class GSaveUtil : public GStrBag2 { public: void Add(int n, char* s) { GStrBag2::Add((void*)&n, sizeof(n), s); } int Number() { return *(int*)Current1(); } const char* Text() { return Current2(); } int Number(int i) { return *(int*)Index1(i); } const char* Text(int i) { return Index2(i); } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ class GEditTrigger : public GStrBag2 { public: const char* Trigger() { return Current1(); } const char* Text() { return Current2(); } const char* Trigger(int i) { return Index1(i); } const char* Text(int i) { return Index2(i); } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ class GoldedCfgEdit { protected: // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Configuration data struct { // Boolean values uint autoattach : 1; uint crlfterm : 1; uint fieldclear : 1; uint hardlines : 1; uint hardterm : 1; uint headerattrs : 1; uint internal : 1; uint menu : 1; uint mixcase : 1; uint savemenu : 1; // Multi values uint changedate; int autosave; char charpara; char charspace; int hdrnamepos; int hdrnamelen; int hdrnodepos; int hdrnodelen; int headerfirst; int quotemargin; int replyre; char softcrxlat; int undelete; // String handles int external; int file; int hardline; int spellchecker; } cfg; // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // String bag gstrarray str; public: // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Configuration data GEditTrigger Comment; GEditTrigger Completion; GSaveUtil SaveUtil; // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor/destructor GoldedCfgEdit(); // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Return values bool AutoAttach() { return cfg.autoattach; } int AutoSave() { return cfg.autosave; } int ChangeDate() { return cfg.changedate; } char CharPara() { return cfg.charpara; } char CharSpace() { return cfg.charspace; } bool CrLfTerm() { return cfg.crlfterm; } const char* External() { return str[cfg.external].c_str(); } bool FieldClear() { return cfg.fieldclear; } const char* File() { return str[cfg.file].c_str(); } const char* HardLine() { return str[cfg.hardline].c_str(); } bool HardLines() { return cfg.hardlines; } bool HardTerm() { return cfg.hardterm; } int HdrNamePos() { return cfg.hdrnamepos; } int HdrNameLen() { return cfg.hdrnamelen; } int HdrNodePos() { return cfg.hdrnodepos; } int HdrNodeLen() { return cfg.hdrnodelen; } bool HeaderAttrs() { return cfg.headerattrs; } int HeaderFirst() { return cfg.headerfirst; } bool Internal() { return cfg.internal; } bool Menu() { return cfg.menu; } bool MixCase() { return cfg.mixcase; } int QuoteMargin() { return cfg.quotemargin; } int ReplyRe() { return cfg.replyre; } bool SaveMenu() { return cfg.savemenu; } char SoftCrXlat() { return cfg.softcrxlat; } const char* SpellChecker() { return str[cfg.spellchecker].c_str(); } int UnDelete() { return cfg.undelete; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Set values void AutoAttach(bool s) { cfg.autoattach = s; } void AutoSave(int s) { cfg.autosave = s; } void ChangeDate(int s) { cfg.changedate = s; } void CharPara(char s) { cfg.charpara = s; } void CharSpace(char s) { cfg.charspace = s; } void CrLfTerm(bool s) { cfg.crlfterm = s; } void External(char* s) { str[cfg.external] = s; } void FieldClear(bool s) { cfg.fieldclear = s; } void File(char* s) { str[cfg.file] = s; } void HardLine(char* s) { str[cfg.hardline] = s; } void HardLines(bool s) { cfg.hardlines = s; } void HardTerm(bool s) { cfg.hardterm = s; } void HdrNamePos(int p) { cfg.hdrnamepos = p; } void HdrNameLen(int l) { cfg.hdrnamelen = l; } void HdrNodePos(int p) { cfg.hdrnodepos = p; } void HdrNodeLen(int l) { cfg.hdrnodelen = l; } void HeaderAttrs(bool s) { cfg.headerattrs = s; } void HeaderFirst(int s) { cfg.headerfirst = s; } void Internal(bool s) { cfg.internal = s; } void Menu(bool s) { cfg.menu = s; } void MixCase(bool s) { cfg.mixcase = s; } void QuoteMargin(int s) { cfg.quotemargin = s; } void ReplyRe(int s) { cfg.replyre = s; } void SaveMenu(bool s) { cfg.savemenu = s; } void SoftCrXlat(char s) { cfg.softcrxlat = s; } void SpellChecker(char* s) { str[cfg.spellchecker] = s; } void UnDelete(int s) { cfg.undelete = s; } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #endif