// ------------------------------------------------------------------ // GoldED+ // Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen // Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Alexander S. Aganichev // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, // MA 02111-1307 USA // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // $Id$ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Global utility functions (not overlayed in 16-bit DOS). // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------ extern bool in_arealist; extern GPickArealist* PickArealist; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void update_statuslines() { char buf[200]; static char old_status_line[200] = ""; static int called = NO; HandleGEvent(EVTT_REMOVEVOCBUF); if(CFG->switches.get(dispstatusline) or not called) { called = YES; vchar sep = _box_table(W_BSTAT, 3); char help[200], clkinfo[200]; *clkinfo = NUL; *help = NUL; if(CFG->switches.get(statuslineclock)) { time_t t = time(NULL); sprintf(clkinfo, " %s", strftimei(help, 40, LNG->StatusLineTimeFmt, localtime(&t))); } if(CFG->statuslinehelp == -1) *help = NUL; else if(CFG->statuslinehelp) sprintf(help, "%s ", LNG->StatusLineHelp); else sprintf(help, "%s%s%s%s%c%s%i.%i.%i%s ", __gver_prename__, __gver_name__, __gver_postname__, __gver_platform__, goldmark, __gver_preversion__, __gver_major__, __gver_minor__, __gver_release__, __gver_postversion__ ); int help_len = strlen(help); int clk_len = strlen(clkinfo); int len = MAXCOL-help_len-clk_len-2; sprintf(buf, " %s%-*.*s%s ", help, len, len, information, clkinfo); char *begin = buf; char *obegin = old_status_line; char *end = buf + MAXCOL; char *oend = old_status_line + MAXCOL; while((*begin != NUL) and (*begin == *obegin)) { ++begin; ++obegin; } if(begin == end) return; // we have at least one mismatch if(*obegin) { while(*end == *oend) { --end; --oend; } } memcpy(obegin, begin, end-begin+1); #ifdef GOLD_MOUSE gmou.GetStatus(); if(gmou.Row() == MAXROW-1) gmou.HideCursor(); #endif int row, col; vposget(&row, &col); *(++end) = NUL; wwprintstr(W_STAT, 0,begin-buf, C_STATW, begin); if(*help and ((begin - buf) < (help_len-1)) and ((end - buf) > (help_len-1))) wwprintc(W_STAT, 0,help_len-1, C_STATW, sep); if(((begin - buf) < (MAXCOL-clk_len)) and ((end - buf) > (MAXCOL-clk_len))) wwprintc(W_STAT, 0,MAXCOL-clk_len, C_STATW, sep); vposset(row, col); #ifdef GOLD_MOUSE if(gmou.Row() == MAXROW-1) gmou.ShowCursor(); #endif } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void update_statusline(const char* info) { strxcpy(information, info, sizeof(Subj)); update_statuslines(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void update_statuslinef(const char* format, ...) { char winfobuf[350]; va_list argptr; va_start(argptr, format); vsprintf(winfobuf, format, argptr); va_end(argptr); update_statusline(winfobuf); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void w_shadow() { if(CFG->switches.get(screenshadows)) wshadow(C_SHADOW); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void w_info(const char* info) { static int wh=-1; static int srow; static int scol; static int erow; static int ecol; static int len; static char buf[150] = { "" }; char* buf2 = NULL; int prev_wh = whandle(); if(wh != -1) wactiv_(wh); if(info) { int tmp = strlen(info); if(tmp > MAXCOL-5) { buf2 = (char *)throw_malloc(MAXCOL-5); strxcpy(buf2, info, MAXCOL-5); info = buf2; tmp = MAXCOL-6; } if(wh == -1) { len = tmp; srow = inforow; erow = srow+3-1; scol = ((MAXCOL-len)/2)-1; ecol = scol+len+1; wh = wopen(srow, scol, erow, ecol, W_BINFO, C_INFOB, C_INFOW); w_shadow(); } else { if(len != tmp) { len = tmp; scol = ((MAXCOL-len)/2)-1; ecol = scol+len+1; wclose(); wh = wopen(srow, scol, erow, ecol, W_BINFO, C_INFOB, C_INFOW); w_shadow(); } } if(not streql(buf, info)) { strcpy(buf, info); wprints(0, 0, C_INFOW, buf); } } else { if(wh != -1) { *buf = NUL; wclose(); wh = -1; } } wactiv_(prev_wh); if(buf2) throw_free(buf2); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void w_infof(const char* format, ...) { char winfobuf[350]; va_list argptr; va_start(argptr, format); vsprintf(winfobuf, format, argptr); va_end(argptr); w_info(winfobuf); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void w_progress(int mode, int attr, long pos, long size, const char* title) { static int wh = -1; static long prev_pos = 0; int prev_wh = whandle(); if(wh != -1) wactiv_(wh); switch(mode) { case MODE_NEW: oops: if(wh == -1) { wh = wopen_(inforow, ((MAXCOL-63)/2)-1, 3, 63, W_BINFO, C_INFOB, C_INFOW); set_title(title, TCENTER, C_INFOT); title_shadow(); goto force_update; } case MODE_UPDATE: if(wh == -1) goto oops; // Oops, someone forgot to open the window.. if((pos*58/size) != (prev_pos*58/size)) { force_update: wpropbar(1, 0, 59, attr, pos, size); } prev_pos = pos; break; case MODE_QUIT: if(wh != -1) { wclose(); wunlink(wh); wh = -1; prev_pos = 0; } break; } wactiv_(prev_wh); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void maketitle() { wtitle(m_title, m_titlepos, m_titleattr); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void set_title(const char* t, int p, int a) { strcpy(m_title, t); m_titlepos = p; m_titleattr = a; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void title_shadow() { maketitle(); w_shadow(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int IsQuoteChar(const char* s) { if(*s) { if(*s == '>') return true; if(*AA->Quotechars()) if(strchr(AA->Quotechars(), *s)) return true; } return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int is_quote(const char* ptr) { const char* endptr = ptr + 11; // Skip leading whitespace while((*ptr == ' ') or (*ptr == LF) or issoftcr(*ptr)) ptr++; // Check for empty string if((*ptr == NUL) or (ptr >= endptr)) return false; // Check for userdefined quotechars after first whitespace if(IsQuoteChar(ptr)) return true; endptr = ptr + 11; // match 10 chars after whitespaces int spaces = 0; while((ptr < endptr) and *ptr) { if(*ptr == LF or issoftcr(*ptr)) { // Ignore LF's and SOFTCR's and extend check zone if found endptr++; } else if(*ptr == '>') { // Found true quote char return true; } else if(*ptr == ' ') { spaces++; if(spaces > 1) return false; } else if(iscntrl(*ptr) or strchr(AA->Quotestops(), *ptr)) { // Found a char that cannot occur in a quotestring return false; } ptr++; } return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int quotecolor(const char* line) { char buf[MAXQUOTELEN]; uint len; GetQuotestr(line, buf, &len); uint qc = 0; for(uint i=0; ixxxx>" and ">xxxx:" lp++; while(isspace(*lp) or issoftcr(*lp)) lp++; if(is_quote(lp)) continue; if(not (IsQuoteChar(lp-1) or (*(lp-1) == ':'))) { while(not IsQuoteChar(lp)) lp--; lp++; } } else { // Type 2: "xxxx>" while(not (IsQuoteChar(lp) and not IsQuoteChar(lp+1)) and (*lp != CR) and (*lp != NUL)) ++lp; if(is_quote(lp)) continue; if(*lp) lp++; } break; } // lp now points to the character after the quotestring x = lp - ptr; if((*lp != NUL) and (isspace(*lp) or issoftcr(*lp))) x++; for(*qlen = n = 0; (n < x) and ((*qlen) < MAXQUOTELEN-1); n++, ptr++) { if((*ptr != LF) and not issoftcr(*ptr)) { *qbuf++ = *ptr; (*qlen)++; } } *qbuf = NUL; } else { *qbuf = NUL; *qlen = 0; } return *qlen; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static int KeyCmp(const gkey* a, const gkey* b) { return CmpV(*a, *b); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ gkey SearchKey(gkey key, list::iterator keys, int totkeys) { list::iterator kmin; int again = 0; do { kmin = keys; int tkeys=totkeys; while(tkeys > 0) { int j = KeyCmp(&key, &(kmin->key)); if(j == 0) return(kmin->cmd); else if(j < 0) break; else { kmin++; tkeys--; } } // Key not found. Try again, this time without the scancode. key &= 0x00FF; } while(not again++ and key); return 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static void call_func_geutil(VfvCP func) { struct _menu_t* menu; int row, col; bool hidden = vcurhidden(); vposget(&row, &col); menu = gwin.cmenu; (*func)(); gwin.cmenu = menu; vposset(row, col); if(hidden) vcurhide(); else vcurshow(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void call_help() { // search through onkey linked list for a // matching defined onkey. if one is found, // then save the current environment, call the // onkey's function, and restore the environment. KBnd* onkey = gkbd.onkey; while(onkey != NULL) { if(onkey->keycode == Key_F1) { call_func_geutil(onkey->func); break; } onkey = onkey->prev; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CheckTick(gkey quitkey) { Clock idle_secs = (gkbd.tickvalue - gkbd.tickpress) / 10L; if(CFG->timeout) { if(idle_secs >= CFG->timeout) { kbput(quitkey); return; } } IdleCheckSemaphores(); if(CFG->screenblanker) { if(idle_secs >= CFG->screenblanker) { blanked = true; ScreenBlankIdle(); kbdsettickfunc(ScreenBlankIdle); getxch(); blanked = false; ScreenBlankIdle(); kbdsettickfunc(update_statuslines); //maybe we've scanned areas while in screenblanker, so //update screen if(in_arealist) { PickArealist->update(); PickArealist->do_delayed(); } } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IdleCheckSemaphores() { // I don't like this solution either... :( static Clock last_secs = 0; Clock idle_secs = (gkbd.tickvalue - gkbd.tickpress) / 10L; // Make sure the stuff below is only run once in a second if(not idle_secs or (idle_secs - last_secs == 0)) return ; if(in_arealist) { if(CFG->semaphore.idletime) { if((idle_secs % CFG->semaphore.idletime) == 0) CheckSemaphores(); } } last_secs = idle_secs; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ char* strtmp(const char* str) { static INam tmp; return strxcpy(tmp, str, sizeof(tmp)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------