//  GoldED+ 1.1.5 * Example Language Definition File
//  Before you start redefining the language, I suggest you print this
//  file and keep it close for reference. Redefining can be a slow and
//  difficult process.
//  The format of lines in this language file is:
//      <stringid> <"string">
//  Each stringid is prefixed with a category, to allow easier
//  identification for your own redefinitions. Not case sensitive.
//  ID Categories:
//  --------------
//  ST_     Status Line     Variable length.
//  WT_     Window Title    Variable length.
//  MI_     Menu Item       Fixed length, first character QuickChar.
//  IL_     Info Line       Variable length.
//  WL_     Window Line     Usually fixed length.
//  HD_     Header Line     Usually fixed length.
//  MS_     Message         Variable length.
//  ER_     Error Message   Variable length.
//  "Fixed length" means that all the strings must the same length.
//  The actual length is normally only limited by the screen size. In
//  case of menus, the window width is always based on the length of
//  the *first* item string.
//  A "QuickChar" is the highlighted direct-select character in the
//  menu items. The QuickChar is case sensitive, and must match a
//  character in the string.
//  Strings should always be enclosed in quotes ("" or ''). The
//  exception is if the string does not need leading/trailing spaces.
//  Some strings contains escape sequences or format specifiers as
//  used in the "C" language. Certain tokens from the templates can
//  also be used in some special strings.
//  Escape sequences: (Case sensitive!)
//  -----------------------------------
//  \n  - Line Feed (LF) (translates to CR+LF in files under DOS,
//        Windows and OS/2).
//  \r  - Carriage Return (CR).
//  The escape sequences are normally used in lines for files or
//  standard (OS) output messages.
//  Format specifiers: (Case sensitive!)
//  ------------------------------------
//  %c  - Character.
//  %s  - String.
//  %i  - Integer.
//  %u  - Unsigned Integer.
//  %%  - A literal percent (%) character.
//  If you change a line with format specifiers, please be careful to
//  have them in the same quantity and order as in the original
//  example. Failure to do this can cause unpredictable results..

MS_SWSUN              "Sun"
MS_SWMON              "Mon"
MS_SWTUE              "Tue"
MS_SWWED              "Wed"
MS_SWTHU              "Thu"
MS_SWFRI              "Fri"
MS_SWSAT              "Sat"

MS_LWSUNDAY           "Sunday"
MS_LWMONDAY           "Monday"
MS_LWTUESDAY          "Tuesday"
MS_LWWEDNESDAY        "Wednesday"
MS_LWTHURSDAY         "Thursday"
MS_LWFRIDAY           "Friday"
MS_LWSATURDAY         "Saturday"

MS_SMJAN              "Jan"
MS_SMFEB              "Feb"
MS_SMMAR              "Mar"
MS_SMAPR              "Apr"
MS_SMMAY              "May"
MS_SMJUN              "Jun"
MS_SMJUL              "Jul"
MS_SMAUG              "Aug"
MS_SMSEP              "Sep"
MS_SMOCT              "Oct"
MS_SMNOV              "Nov"
MS_SMDEC              "Dec"

MS_LMJANUARY          "January"
MS_LMFEBRUARY         "February"
MS_LMMARCH            "March"
MS_LMAPRIL            "April"
MS_LMMAY              "May"
MS_LMJUNE             "June"
MS_LMJULY             "July"
MS_LMAUGUST           "August"
MS_LMSEPTEMBER        "September"
MS_LMOCTOBER          "October"
MS_LMNOVEMBER         "November"
MS_LMDECEMBER         "December"

ST_IMPORTFILE         "Import File"
WT_IMPORTWHICHFILE    " Import which file? "
WT_IMPORTPICK         " Import "
WT_IMPORTTXT          " Import "
MI_IMPORTTXTTEXT      "T File as Text   "
MI_IMPORTTXTQUOTE     "Q File as Quote  "
MI_IMPORTTXTUUE       "U Binary as UUE  "
MI_IMPORTTXTCLIP      "C From Clipboard "
MI_IMPORTTXTXLAT      "s Use Charset..  "
MI_IMPORTTXTQUIT      "N Nothing / Quit "
ST_IMPORTSTATUS       "Importing from %s"
ST_EXPORTFILE         "Export File"
WT_EXPORTWHATFILE     " Export to what file? "
ST_EXPORTSTATUS       "Exporting to %s"
ST_EDITSTATUS         "Edit %i,%i. %s"
ST_SELECTFILES        "Select Files"
WL_SELECTEDFILES      "Selected Files      "
WL_SELECTEDBYTES      "         Bytes      "
WL_TOTALFILES         "Total    Files      "
WL_TOTALBYTES         "         Bytes      "
WL_SCANNINGDIRECTORY  "             Scanning Directory             "
WL_NOFILESFOUND       "             * NO FILES FOUND *             "
ST_FILESPRESSKEY      "Press any key to continue"
WT_AREA               "Area"
WT_DESCRIPTION        "Description"
WT_MSGS               "Msgs"
WT_LAST               "Last"
WT_ECHOID             "EchoID"
ST_UNREAD             "unread"
WT_SCANAREAS          " Scan Areas "
MI_SCANALL            "A Scan All       "
MI_SCANMARKED         "M Scan Marked    "
MI_SCANCURRENT        "C Scan Current   "
MI_SCANMATCHING       "t Scan Matching  "
MI_SCANUNSCANNED      "U Scan Unscanned "
MI_NOSCAN             "N No Scan  / ESC "
WT_HEATAREAS          " Heat Areas "
MI_HEATALL            "A Heat All      "
MI_HEATMARKED         "M Heat Marked   "
MI_HEATCURRENT        "C Heat Current  "
MI_NOHEAT             "N No Heat / ESC "
WT_ZAPAREAS           " Zap Areas "
MI_ZAPALL             "A Zap All      "
MI_ZAPMARKED          "M Zap Marked   "
MI_ZAPCURRENT         "C Zap Current  "
MI_NOZAP              "N No Zap / ESC "
MS_DOS_SHELL          "GoldED Shell. Type EXIT To Return."
IL_SCANNINGAREA       " Scanning Area:"
IL_SEARCHINGFOR       " Searching for"
ST_READINGMSG         "Reading Msg %u of %u"
ER_OUTOFMEM           "Out of memory!"
MS_HEXDUMPHEAD        "Hexdump of message header:"
MS_HEXDUMPTEXT        "Hexdump of message text:"
ST_RENUMBERING        "Renumbering"
ST_LOCKED             " (locked)"
ST_RENUMBERED         "Messages Renumbered - Press Key"
WL_BLANKMSG           ""
WL_WAIT               " Wait "
IL_GENHEXDUMP         " Generating Hexdump - Please Wait "
ST_PROCESSCC          "Processing Carbon Copies"
ST_STATUSCC           "CC: %s of %s"
ST_DESTINATIONCC      "Select Carbon Copy Destination"
MS_LISTCC             "%s  %s"
WT_DELORIG            " Delete Original? "
MI_DELORIGYES         "Y       Yes Please.      "
MI_DELORIGNO          "N           No!          "
WT_DROPMSG            " Drop This Msg? "
MI_DROPMSGYES         "Y       Yes Please.      "
MI_DROPMSGNO          "N           No!          "
WT_ZONEGATE           " Send via ZoneGate? "
MI_ZONEGATEYES        "Y       Yes Please.      "
MI_ZONEGATENO         "N           No!          "
ST_QUOTEPCT           "Your Msg Contains %i%% Quotes%s"
WT_SAVEMSG            " Save these %i lines? "
MI_YESGREAT           "Y Yes, it's great stuff "
MI_KICKIT             "N No, drop it..   / ESC "
MI_CONTINUE           "C Continue writing      "
MI_ROT13              "R ROT13 Crypting        "
MI_ATTRS              "A Change Attributes     "
MI_ORIGS              "O Change Origin         "
MI_VIEW               "V View the message      "
ST_SELECTDESTNODE     "Select Destination Node"
WT_ATTACHFILES        " Attach Files "
WT_UPDREQFILES        " Update Request Files "
ST_EDITHEADER         "Edit Header Data"
WT_EDITING            " Editing "
MI_INTERNALED         "I Internal Editor "
MI_EXTERNALED         "E External Editor "
MI_SAVEMESSAGE        "S Save Message    "
MI_ATTRO              "A Attributes      "
MI_TEMPLATE           "T Templates       "
MI_ORIGIN             "O Origins         "
MI_QUITMESSAGE        "Q Quit      / ESC "
ST_TEMPLATES          " Templates "
WT_CHANGETEMPLATES    "Change Default Template"
WT_CARBONCOPY         " Carbon Copy "
MI_CCPROCESS          "P Process CC's "
MI_CCIGNORE           "I Ignore  CC's "
MI_CCATTRIBS          "C Change Attrs "
MI_CCLISTFMT          "L List Format  "
WT_CCLIST             " CC List "
MI_CCLISTKEEP         "K Keep       "
MI_CCLISTNAMES        "N Names only "
MI_CCLISTVISIBLE      "V Visible    "
MI_CCLISTHIDDEN       "H Hidden     "
MI_CCLISTREMOVE       "R Remove     "
WT_ATTRTITLE          " Attributes "
MI_ATTR01             " Private             <Alt-P>   Archive/Sent         <Alt-B> "
MI_ATTR02             " Crash               <Alt-C>   Direct               <Alt-D> "
MI_ATTR03             " Received            <Alt-R>   Zonegate             <Alt-G> "
MI_ATTR04             " Sent                <Alt-S>   Hub/Host-Route       <Alt-V> "
MI_ATTR05             " File Attach         <Alt-A>   Immediate            <Alt-I> "
MI_ATTR06             " Transit             <Alt-J>   Xmail                <Alt-X> "
MI_ATTR07             " Orphan              <Alt-O>   Erase File/Sent      <Alt-E> "
MI_ATTR08             " Kill/Sent           <Alt-K>   Trunc File/Sent      <Alt-T> "
MI_ATTR09             " Local               <Alt-W>   Locked               <Alt-L> "
MI_ATTR10             " Hold                <Alt-H>   Confirm Rcpt Request <Alt-Y> "
MI_ATTR11             " File Request        <Alt-F>   FTS1 Reserved        <Alt-1> "
MI_ATTR12             " Return Rcpt Request <Alt-M>   QBBS Reserved, Net   <Alt-2> "
MI_ATTR13             " Return Rcpt         <Alt-N>   QBBS Reserved, Echo  <Alt-3> "
MI_ATTR14             " Audit Request       <Alt-Q>   Squish Scanned       <Alt-4> "
MI_ATTR15             " File Update Request <Alt-U>   Zap all attribs      <Alt-Z> "
HD_FROM               " From : "
HD_TO                 " To   : "
HD_SUBJ               " Subj : "
HD_FILE               " File : "
MS_EMPTYMSG           "\r"
WT_FILEATTACH         " File Attach "
WT_FILEREQUEST        " File Request "
WT_FILEUPDREQ         " Update Request "
ST_FILEATTACHING      "File Attaching [%i/%i] to %u:%u/%u.%u"
ST_FILEREQUESTING     "File Requesting [%i/%i] from %u:%u/%u.%u"
ST_FILEUPDREQING      "Update Requesting [%i/%i] from %u:%u/%u.%u"
ST_READMARKED         "Read Marked - Msg %u of %u (%u left)"
ST_READALL            "Read All - Msg %u of %u (%u left)"
ST_NOQRENUM           "This area cannot be renumbered"
MS_HIDINGTWIT         "This is a Twit Message - Press <Home> to read."
HD_VIA                "via"
WT_CHANGEATTRS        "Change Message Attributes"
WT_HEADERTEXT         " Enter Searchstring (Header+Text) "
WT_HEADERONLY         " Enter Searchstring (Header Only) "
WT_NEWAREA            ">>Pick New Area: "
WT_REPLYAREA          ">>Answer In Area: "
WT_COPYAREA           ">>Copy To Area: "
WT_MOVEAREA           ">>Move To Area: "
WT_FORWARDAREA        ">>Forward To Area: "
WT_FREQAREA           ">>Filerequest In Area: "
WT_FREQMENUTITLE      "Requestable files"
ST_FREQSTAT           "Pick files to request"
IL_FREQINFONOFILES    " No requestable files were found in this msg! "
WT_COPY               " Copy "
WT_MOVE               " Move "
WT_COPYING            " Copying "
WT_MOVING             " Moving "
ST_COPYINGMSG         "Copying Msg %u of %u to %s"
ST_MOVINGMSG          "Moving Msg %u of %u to %s"
WT_DELETE             " Delete "
WT_DELETING           " Deleting "
ST_DELETINGMSG        "Deleting Msg %u of %u"
WT_WRITE              " Write "
WT_WRITEMSGS          " Write Msg(s) to File "
WT_WRITING            " Writing "
ST_WRITINGMSG         "Writing Msg %u of %u"
WT_WRITINGFILE        " Writing Msg(s) to File %s "
WT_WRITINGPRN         " Writing Msg(s) to Print Device "
IL_READONLYWARN       " This area is READ ONLY! "
WT_ISREADONLY         " Write msg anyway? "
MI_READONLYYES        "Y       Yes Please.      "
MI_READONLYNO         "N           No!          "
IL_CHANGEWARN         " This msg is NOT from you! "
WT_CHANGE             " Change this msg? "
MI_CHANGEYES          "Y       Yes Please.      "
MI_CHANGENO           "N           No!          "
WT_DELETETHIS         " Delete this msg? "
MI_DELETEYES          "Y       Yes Please.      "
MI_DELETENO           "N           No!          "
MI_DELETENOASK        "D       Don't ask..      "
WT_GOTONEXT           " Goto Next Area? "
MI_GOTONEXTYES        "Y       Yes Please.      "
MI_GOTONEXTNO         "N           No!          "
MI_GOTONEXTNEW        "U Yes, Next Unread Area. "
WT_FORWARD            " Use FWD kludges? "
MI_FORWARDYES         "Y       Yes Please.      "
MI_FORWARDNO          "N           No!          "
WT_MSG                "Msg"
WT_MSGREAL            "Msg#"
WT_FROML              "From"
WT_TOL                "To"
WT_SUBJL              "Subj"
ST_MSGLISTER          "Lister - Msg %u of %u (%u left)"
ST_COPYMOVEFORWARD    "Copy, Move or Forward this message"
WT_SELECTACTION       " Action "
MI_FORWARDMESSAGE     "F Forward Msg "
MI_MOVEMESSAGE        "M Move    Msg "
MI_COPYMESSAGE        "C Copy    Msg "
MI_QUITCMF            "Q Quit  / ESC "
ST_ARE                "messages are"
ST_IS                 "message is"
ST_MARKED             "marked"
MI_MARKEDMSG          "M Marked Msgs "
MI_CURRENTMSG         "C Current Msg "
MI_QUITMSGS           "Q Quit  / ESC "
ST_WRITEMSGSTO        "Write Msg(s) to File or Printer"
WT_WRITETO            " Write To: "
MI_DISKFILE           "D Disk File    "
MI_PRINTER            "P Print device "
MI_QUITWRITE          "Q Quit   / ESC "
ST_MARKINGOPTIONS     "Message Marking"
WT_MARKWHAT           " Mark What? "
MI_YOURMAIL           "Y Your personal mail     "
MI_FROMTOSUBJ         "H Header (From/To/Subj)  "
MI_TEXTHDR            "T Text and header        "
MI_THREAD             "R Reply thread           "
MI_ASREAD             "s Mark thread as read    "
MI_NEWMSGS            "N New msgs      >current "
MI_OLDMSGS            "O Old msgs      <current "
MI_ALLMSGS            "A All msgs               "
MI_UNMARK             "U Unmark all msgs        "
MI_RANGE              "M Msg range (bookm-curr) "
MI_MARKSTOGGLE        "g Toggle all marks       "
MI_QUITMARKS          "Q Quit             / ESC "
WT_ENTERMARKSTRING    " Enter Marking String "
ST_SEARCHINGMSG       "Searching Msg %u of %u. Marked: %u"
WT_USERLISTNAME       " Userlist filename? "
IL_GENUSERLIST        " Generating Userlist "
WT_FILEEXISTS         " File Exists! "
MI_APPEND             "A Append to end of file   "
MI_OVERWRITE          "O Overwrite the file      "
MI_QUITEXIST          "R Re-enter filename / ESC "
IL_WARNUNSENT         " WARNING! This message is NOT sent! "
IL_WARNLOCKED         " WARNING! This message is LOcKed! "
ST_CHANGEORIGIN       "Change Default Origin"
WT_ORIGINS            " Origins "
ST_CHANGEUSERNAME     "Change Default Username"
WT_USERNAMES          " Usernames "
ST_CHANGEAKA          "Change Default Address AKA"
WT_AKAS               " AKA's "
WT_LOOKUP             " Lookup: %s "
WL_PHONE              "Phone"
WT_QUITGOLDED         " Quit GoldED? "
MI_QUITYES            "Y       Yes Please.      "
MI_QUITNO             "N           No!          "
MS_EDITCMD            "Editor: %s"
IL_NOORIGDEFINED      " No origins defined. Press key "
IL_NOUSERDEFINED      " No usernames defined. Press key "
IL_NOAKADEFINED       " No AKA's defined. Press key "
IL_NOTPLDEFINED       " No templates defined. Press key "
IL_NOTHREADLIST       " Sorry, no thread available. Press key "
MS_SKIPPINGTWIT       "Skipping Twit Message..."
MS_SKIPPINGDELETED    "Skipping Deleted Message..."
MS_KILLINGTWIT        "Killing Twit Message..."
IL_WRITINGCFG         " Writing Configuration "
IL_COULDNOTOPEN       " Couldn't open %s "
MS_PROMPT             "Enter the command \"EXIT\" to return to GoldED.\r\n"
IL_UNFINISHEDMSG      " Unfinished message found! "
ST_LOADUNFINISHED     "Press any key to load it or <ESC> to ignore"
IL_READINGECHOLIST    "Reading Echolist Files"
IL_READINGADDRMACROS  "Reading Address Macros"
IL_CHECKINGNODELISTS  "Checking Nodelists"
ST_CROSSPOSTING       "Crossposting in %s"
IL_TWITBLANKED        " Twit Msgs Blanked "
IL_TWITSKIPPED        " Twit Msgs Skipped "
IL_TWITIGNORESKIP     " Twit Msgs Ignored and Skipped "
IL_TWITDISPLAYED      " Twit Msgs Displayed "
IL_TWITKILLED         " Twit Msgs Killed "
IL_STYLECODESNO       " Stylecodes disabled "
IL_STYLECODESYES      " Stylecodes enabled "
IL_STYLECODESHIDE     " Stylecodes enabled and stripped "
ST_GENCFMRECEIPT      "Generating Confirmation Receipt"
WT_NEW                "New"
ST_LOOKUPINFO         "Nodelist Lookup Information"
MS_DATETIMEFMT        "%d %b %y  %H:%M:%S"
MS_DATEFMT            "%d %b %y"
MS_TIMEFMT            "%H:%M"
MS_ORIGINALLYIN       "* Originally in %s"
MS_CROSSPOSTEDIN      "* Crossposted in %s"
MS_CCTO               "* Carbon copied to %s"
HD_OF                 "of"
MS_ROBOTMSG           "\r--- @longpid @version\r"

WT_REPLIES            " Replies "
ST_SELECTREPLY        "Select the reply you want to see"
IL_WAITOREXIT         " At this point you must either wait or exit GoldED entirely - Sorry! "
WT_REALLYEXIT         " Really exit? "
MI_TAGLINES           "T Change Tagline"
MI_HEADEREDIT         "H Edit Header"
MI_SCANGROUP          "G Scan Group"
WT_QWKPACKET          " QWK Packet "
MI_SCANQWK            "Q QWK Packet"
WT_SOUPPACKET         " SOUP Packet "
MI_SCANSOUP           "S SOUP Packet"
MI_SCANIMPORT         "I Import"
MI_SCANEXPORT         "E Export"
WT_SCANPM             " Scan PM "
MI_TAGLINE            "g Taglines"
WT_CONFIRM            " Honor receipt request? "
MI_CONFIRMYES         "Y Yes, send a receipt msg "
MI_CONFIRMNO          "N No, ignore the request  "
IL_CONFIRMINFO        " The sender of this message requests confirmation of receipt (CFM) "
ST_MSG                "msg"
ST_MSGS               "msgs"
ST_PERSONAL           "personal"
WT_GRP                "Grp"
IL_FOUNDPERSONAL      " Found %u personal mail%s in %u area%s "
IL_NOPERSONAL         " No personal mail found "
ST_ESCORCONTINUE      "ESC exits. Other keys: Tries to continue"
MS_SPELLCHECKER       "SpellChecker: %s"
WT_INS                " Ins "
MI_FILELISTFROM       "Filelist from %s"
ST_INITIALIZING       "Initializing ..."
ST_CHECKING           "Checking"
ST_LOCKSHARECAP       "%s Lock/Share Capability"
WT_ATTRTURNOFF        " Press Alt-F1 to turn off this window "
WT_TAGLINES           " Taglines "
ST_CHANGETAGLINE      "Change Default Tagline"
IL_NOTAGLINE          " No taglines defined. Press key "
WT_CHARSETS           " Charsets "
ST_CHANGEXLATIMP      "Change Default Import Charset"
MI_CHARSETAUTO        " Auto "
IL_NOXLATIMPORT       " No XLATIMPORT's defined. Press key "
WT_N_A                "n/a"
WT_WRITTEN            "Written"
WT_ARRIVED            "Arrived"
WT_RECEIVED           "Received"
IL_NONODELIST         " Unable to access the nodelist or index files "
IL_NODELISTMISSING    "Nodelist missing:"
IL_NODELISTOUTDATED   "Nodelist out of date:"
MS_REPLYLINKER        "Replylinker: %s"
WT_ENTERMSGNO         " Enter msgno "
IL_WAITUUDECODING     " Wait - uudecoding "
IL_COMPLETEDUUDECODE  " Completed uudecode of %s "
IL_NOTUUENCODED       " Could not find anything to uudecode "
IL_UUEINVALIDPATH     " Invalid path for uudecoding - file not written "
IL_PATHREPORT         " Generating PATH report "
IL_ERRORINSOUP        " Error in SOUP file %s "
IL_WARNALREADYSENT    " WARNING: This message is already sent! "
IL_WAITLOCKED         " Wait: %s is locked "
ST_RETRYORESC         "%s retry (%lu). Press ESC to exit GoldED."
ST_RETRYLOCK          "Lock"
ST_RETRYOPEN          "Open"
WT_TOUCHSEMAPHORE     " Enter name of semaphore file to touch "
MI_WRITETOHDRNO       "H Use Header: NO   "
MI_WRITETOHDRYES      "H Use Header: YES  "
MI_CLIPBOARD          "C Clipboard "
WT_SELECTMARKS        " Select Mark "
WT_SELECTMARKSEDIT    " Edit Mark Description "
IL_DROPMARKSINFO      " %s Messages Are Marked "
WT_DROPMARKS          " Drop Msg Marks "
MI_DROPALL            "A Drop All       "
MI_DROPMARKED         "M Drop Marked    "
MI_DROPCURRENT        "C Drop Current   "
MI_NODROP             "N No Drop / ESC  "
WT_CATCHAREAS         " Catch-Up Areas "
MI_CATCHALL           "A Catch All      "
MI_CATCHMARKED        "M Catch Marked   "
MI_CATCHCURRENT       "C Catch Current  "
MI_NOCATCH            "N No Catch / ESC "
WT_CROSSPOST          " Crosspost "
MI_XCPROCESS          "P Process XC's "
MI_XCIGNORE           "I Ignore  XC's "
MI_XCLISTFMT          "L List Format  "
WT_XCLIST             " XC List "
MI_XCLISTRAW          "K Keep       "
MI_XCLISTVERBOSE      "V Verbose    "
MI_XCLISTLINE         "L Line       "
MI_XCLISTREMOVE       "R Remove     "

WT_ADDRESSBOOK        " Addressbook "
WT_ADVANCEDSEARCH     " Advanced Search "
IL_NOMOREMATCHES      " No more matches found "
WT_HEADEREDITHELP_1   " Shift-F10: Nodelist "
WT_HEADEREDITHELP_2   " F10: Addressbook "
WT_THREADLISTTITLE    " Message Thread List "
WT_ADVANCEDMARKING    " Advanced Marking "
ST_USERSTATUSLINE     "GoldED's Address Book - %d of %d (%d left)"
WT_USERHEADERORG      "Organization"
IL_USERWAIT           " Wait - Browsing Address Book... "

MI_ALSELECTIONS1      "Mark Areas with New Mail"
MI_ALSELECTIONS2      "(unused)"
IL_DECODE             "Decode"
IL_PREPARING          "Preparing"

WT_EXTERNUTIL         "External utilities"
ST_EXTERNUTIL         "Select external utility to execute"
WT_EXECCMDLINE        "Enter command line to execute"
MI_ENTERCMDLINE       " Enter command line "

WT_PEEKURL            "Available URLs"
ST_PEEKURL            "Select URL"
IL_PEEKINFONOURLS     " No valid URLs were found in this msg! "

MI_MMMAIN             "M Main "
MI_MMSHELL            "S Shell to OS "
MI_MMQUIT             "Q Quit GoldED "
MI_MMEDIT             "E Edit "
MI_MMNEWMSG           "E Enter new msg                        "
MI_MMQUOTEREPLY       "Q Quote-reply                          "
MI_MMDIRQUOTEREPLY    "D Direct quote-reply (ignore Reply-To) "
MI_MMCMTREPLY         "C Comment-reply                        "
MI_MMOTHERAREA        "O Other area reply >                   "
WT_MMOTHERAREA        " Other Area "
MI_MMOQUOTEREPLY      "Q Quote-reply                          "
MI_MMODIRQUOTEREPLY   "D Direct quote-reply (ignore Reply-To) "
MI_MMOCMTREPLY        "C Comment-reply                        "
MI_MMCHANGE           "C Change "
MI_MMORIGIN           "O Origin    "
MI_MMUSERNAME         "U Username  "
MI_MMAKA              "A Aka       "
MI_MMATTRIBUTES       "M Msg attrs "
MI_MMTEMPLATE         "T Template  "
MI_MMUTIL             "U Util "
MI_MMCOPYMOVEFORWARD  "C Copy/Move/Forward     "
MI_MMLIST             "L List messages         "
MI_MMWRITE            "W Write to disk/printer "
MI_MMFREQ             "F File request          "