//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  GoldED+
//  Copyright (C) 2003 Alexander S. Aganichev
//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
//  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
//  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
//  License, or (at your option) any later version.
//  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//  General Public License for more details.
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
//  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
//  MA 02111-1307 USA
//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  $Id$
//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  HTML tag remover.
//  ------------------------------------------------------------------

#include <golded.h>

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------

const static struct html_entities {
  const char *tag;
  char replacement;
entities[] = {
  {"nbsp", ' '},
  {"brvbar", '|'},
  {"laquo", '<'},
  {"shy", '-'},
  {"raquo", '>'},
  {"divide", '/'},
  {"quot", '\"'},
  {"amp", '&'},
  {"lt", '<'},
  {"gt", '>'}

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------

void RemoveHTML (char *&txt) {

  long i, j, len = strlen(txt) + 1;
  char *new_txt = (char *)throw_malloc(len);
  bool strip = false;
  bool quoted = false;
  bool inside_html = false;
  bool last_char_was_space = true;

  for(i = j = 0; txt[i] != NUL; i++) {
    if(not quoted and not strip and (txt[i] == '<')) {
      if(strnieql(txt + i, "<html", 5) or strnieql(txt + i, "<!DOCTYPE", 9)
         or strnieql(txt + i, "<!--", 4)) {
        inside_html = true;
        strip = true;
      else if(strnieql(txt + i, "</html>", 7)) {
        inside_html = false;
        strip = true;
      else if(not inside_html and (txt[i + 1] == '/')) {
        inside_html = true; // closing html tag, force html mode
        strip = true;
      else if(inside_html) {
        strip = true;
        if(strnieql(txt + i, "<b>", 3) or strnieql(txt + i, "</b>", 4))
          new_txt[j++] = '*';
        if(strnieql(txt + i, "<i>", 3) or strnieql(txt + i, "</i>", 4))
          new_txt[j++] = '/';
        if(strnieql(txt + i, "<u>", 3) or strnieql(txt + i, "</u>", 4))
          new_txt[j++] = '_';
        if((strnieql(txt + i, "</h", 3) and isdigit(txt[i + 3]))
           or strnieql(txt + i, "</p>", 4) or strnieql(txt + i, "</tr>", 5)
           or strnieql(txt + i, "</div>", 6) or strnieql(txt + i, "<br>", 4)) {
          new_txt[j++] = CR;
      else {
        new_txt[j++] = txt[i];
    else if(not strip and not inside_html) {
      new_txt[j++] = txt[i];
    else if(strip and not quoted and (txt[i] == '>')) {
      strip = false;
    else if(inside_html) {
      if(strip and (txt[1] == '\"')) {
        quoted = not quoted;
      else if(not strip and (iscntrl(txt[i]) or (txt[i] == ' '))) {
        if((i > 0) && (txt[i - 1] == '=')) // compensate for quoted-printable
          new_txt[j++] = txt[i];
        else if(not last_char_was_space)
          new_txt[j++] = ' ';
        last_char_was_space = true;
      else if(not strip and (txt[i] == '&')) {
        bool found = false;
        for (int k = 0; k < (sizeof(entities) / sizeof(html_entities)); k++) {
          long taglen = strlen (entities[k].tag);
          if(strnieql (txt + i + 1, entities[k].tag, taglen)) {
            new_txt[j++] = entities[k].replacement;
            i += taglen + ((txt[i + taglen + 1] == ';') ? 1 : 0);
            found = true;
        if(not found) {
          new_txt[j++] = txt[i];
        last_char_was_space = false;
      else if(not strip) {
        new_txt[j++] = txt[i];
        last_char_was_space = false;
  new_txt[j] = NUL;
  if (i != j) {
    txt = (char *)throw_realloc(txt, j + 17);
    memcpy(txt, new_txt, j + 1);

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------