//  This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  The Goldware Library
//  Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen
//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
//  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
//  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
//  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//  Library General Public License for more details.
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
//  License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
//  Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
//  MA 02111-1307, USA
//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  $Id$
//  ------------------------------------------------------------------

#ifndef __gs_db_h
#define __gs_db_h

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------

#include <gdefs.h>

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------

#if defined(GOLD_CANPACK)
#pragma pack(1)

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  D'Bridge 1.30 structs

typedef struct {
  byte  allocated;
  char  tag[17];
  char  echoid[57];
} DB130_AA1;

typedef struct {
  char    desc[41];
  short   group;
  char    msgbase;
  char    path[49];
  char    kind;
  short   board;
  byte    ispvt;
  byte    tinyseenbys;
  char    origin[57];
  char    defaultpriority;
  ftn_addr addr;
  short   purge;
  short   preserve;
  short   security;
  char    archive[57];
  char    forwardto[5][57];
} DB130_AA2;

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  D'Bridge 1.30+ QBBS lastread records

typedef struct {
  char  name[37];
  struct {
    word  msgno;
    word  index;
  } lastread[200];
} DB130_LRQ;

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  D'Bridge B1046 DBRIDGE.ADF struct

typedef struct {
  byte    allocated;        // 000
  char    tag[17];          // 001
  char    echoid[57];       // 018
  char    desc[41];         // 075
  short   group;            // 116
  char    msgbase;          // 118
  char    path[49];         // 119
  char    kind;             // 168
  short   board;            // 169
  byte    ispvt;            // 171
  byte    tinyseenbys;      // 172
  char    origin[57];       // 173
  char    defaultpriority;  // 230
  ftn_addr addr;            // 231
  short   purge;
  short   preserve;
  short   security;
  char    archive[57];
  char    forwardto[5][57];
} DB1046_ADF;               // 587 bytes

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  D'Bridge B1047.A22 DBRIDGE.ADF struct

typedef struct  {
  byte    allocated;        // 000
  char    alertflag;        // 001
  char    tag[17];          // 002
  char    echoid[57];       // 019
  char    desc[41];         // 076
  short   group;            // 117
  char    msgbase;          // 119
  char    path[49];         // 120
  char    kind;             // 169
  short   board;            // 170
  byte    ispvt;            // 172
  char    tinyseenbys;      // 173
  char    origin[57];       // 174
  char    defaultpriority;  // 231
  ftn_addr addr;            // 232
  byte    fill[18];
  short   purge;
  short   preserve;
  short   security;
  char    archive[57];
  char    forwardto[5][57];
} DB1047A22_ADF;            // 606 bytes

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  D'Bridge B1047.A27+ DBRIDGE.ADF struct

typedef struct  {
  byte    allocated;        // 000
  char    alertflag;        // 001
  char    tag[17];          // 002
  char    echoid[57];       // 019
  char    desc[41];         // 076
  short   group;            // 117
  char    msgbase;          // 119
  char    path[49];         // 120
  char    kind;             // 169
  short   board;            // 170
  byte    ispvt;            // 172
  char    tinyseenbys;      // 173
  char    origin[57];       // 174
  char    defaultpriority;  // 231
  ftn_addr addr;            // 232
  byte    fill[13];         // 240
  short   purge;            // 253
  short   preserve;         // 255
  short   security;         // 257
  char    archive[57];      // 259
  char    forwardto[5][57]; // 316
} DB1047A27_ADF;            // 601 bytes

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  D'Bridge B2011+ DBRIDGE.ADF struct

typedef struct  {
  byte  allocated;          // 000
  char  alertflag;          // 001
  char  tag[17];            // 002
  char  echoid[57];         // 019
  char  desc[41];           // 076
  short group;              // 117
  char  msgbase;            // 119
  char  path[49];           // 120
  char  kind;               // 169
  short board;              // 170
  byte  ispvt;              // 172
  char  tinyseenbys;        // 173
  char  origin[57];         // 174
  char  defaultpriority;    // 231
  ftn_addr addr;            // 232
  byte  fill[13];           // 240
  short purge;              // 253
  short preserve;           // 255
  short security;           // 257
  char  archive[57];        // 259
  char  forwardto[19][77];  // 316
} DB2011_ADF;               // 1779 bytes

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------

#if defined(GOLD_CANPACK)
#pragma pack()

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------


//  ------------------------------------------------------------------