//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  The Goldware Library. Copyright (C) Odinn Sorensen.
//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
//  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
//  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
//  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//  Library General Public License for more details.
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
//  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
//  Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  $Id$
//  ------------------------------------------------------------------

/* 'C' Structures of FastEcho 1.41, File: FASTECHO.CFG  */
/* (c)1994 by Tobias Burchhardt, Updated: 11 Apr 1994   */

/* FASTECHO.CFG = <CONFIG>                              */
/*                + <optional extensions>               */
/*                + <CONFIG.NodeCnt * Node>             */
/*                + <CONFIG.AreaCnt * Area>             */

#if defined(GOLD_CANPACK)
#pragma pack(1)

#define REVISION        5       /* current revision     */

#define MAX_AREAS       2048    /* max # of areas       */
#define MAX_NODES       1024    /* max # of nodes       */
#define MAX_GROUPS      26      /* max # of groups      */
#define MAX_AKAS        16      /* max # of akas        */
#define MAX_ROUTE	15	/* max # of 'vias' 	*/

  Note: The MAX_AREAS and MAX_NODES are only the absolute maximums
	as the handling is flexible. To get the maximums which are
	used for the config file you read, you have to examine the
	CONFIG.MaxAreas and CONFIG.MaxNodes variables !

/* CONFIG.flags                                         */
#define RETEAR                  0x00000001l
#define AUTOCREATE		0x00000002l
#define KILLEMPTY		0x00000004l
#define KILLDUPES		0x00000008l
#define FRONTDOOR		0x00000010l
#define DBRIDGE         	0x00000020l
#define BINKLEY         	0x00000040l
#define INTERMAIL		0x00000080l
//#define SWAP_XMS                0x00000100l
//#define SWAP_EMS                0x00000200l
//#define SWAP_DISK               0x00000400l
#define PURGE_PROCESSDATE       0x00008000l
#define MAILER_RESCAN           0x00010000l
#define EXCLUDE_USERS		0x00020000l
#define EXCLUDE_SYSOPS		0x00040000l
#define CHECK_DESTINATION	0x00080000l
#define UPDATE_BBS_CONFIG       0x00100000l
#define KILL_GRUNGED_DATE       0x00200000l
#define NOT_BUFFER_EMS          0x00400000l
#define KEEP_NETMAILS		0x00800000l
#define NOT_UPDATE_MAILER       0x01000000l
#define NOT_CHECK_SEMAPHORES    0x02000000l
#define CREATE_SEMAPHORES       0x04000000l
#define CHECK_COMPLETE          0x08000000l

/* CONFIG.BBSSoftware                                   */
enum BBSSoft { NoBBSSoft = 0, RemoteAccess111, QuickBBS,
               SuperBBS, ProBoard122, TagBBS, RemoteAccess200,

/* CONFIG.CC.what                                       */
#define FROM            1
#define TO		2
#define SUBJECT		3

/* CONFIG.QuietLevel                                    */
#define QUIET_PACK      0x0001
#define QUIET_UNPACK	0x0002
#define QUIET_EXTERN    0x0004

/* CONFIG.Buffers                                       */
#define BUF_LARGE       0x0000
#define BUF_MEDIUM      0x0001
#define BUF_SMALL       0x0002

/* CONFIG.arcext.inb/outb                               */
enum ARCmailExt { ARCDigits = 0, ARCHex, ARCAlpha };

/* CONFIG.AreaFixFlags                                  */
#define ALLOWRESCAN	0x0001
#define KEEPREQUEST	0x0002
#define KEEPRECEIPT	0x0004
#define ALLOWREMOTE	0x0008
#define DETAILEDLIST	0x0010
#define ALLOWPASSWORD	0x0020
#define ALLOWPKTPWD  	0x0040

/* Area.board (1-200 = QBBS)                            */
#define NO_BOARD        0x4000u /* everything but QBBS  */
#define AREA_DELETED    0x8000u /* never written        */

/* Area.flags.type                                      */
#define QBBS            0
#define FIDO		1
#define SQUISH		2
#define JAM             3
#define PT_BOARD	7

/* Area.type                                            */
#define AREA_ECHOMAIL        0
#define AREA_NETMAIL         1
#define AREA_LOCAL           2
#define AREA_DUPEBOARD	     4

/* Node.flags                                           */
#define DDDD            0x0001
#define TOSSCAN		0x0002
#define DIRECT		0x0004
#define	CRASH		0x0008
#define UMLAUT_NET	0x0010
#define ALLOW_AF_REMOTE 0x0020
#define RESCANDISABLED  0x0040
#define	HOLD 		0x0080
#define ARCMAIL060	0x0200
#define PASSIVE		0x0400
#define ALLOWAREACREATE 0x0800
#define PACKER          0xF000

#define PACKS(x) (int)(((x)&PACKER)>>12)        /* Index of used Packer   */
						/* 0xf = .PKT, don't pack */

/* Node.advflags                                        */
#define EXPORTBYNAME    0x0001
#define NOT_NOTIFY      0x0002
#define NOT_HELP        0x0004
#define NOATTACH        0x0008
#define NET_HOLD	0x0010
#define NET_CRASH       0x0020
#define NET_DIRECT      0x0040

/* Types                                                */
#if 1
typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef unsigned short word;     /* normal int = 16 bit */
typedef unsigned long dword;

enum ARCers { ARC_Unknown = -1, ARC_SeaArc, ARC_PkArc, ARC_Pak,
              ARC_ArcPlus, ARC_Zoo, ARC_PkZip, ARC_Lha, ARC_Arj,
              ARC_Sqz };        /* CONFIG.Unpackers[]   */

/* Structures                                           */

typedef struct
 word zone,net,node,point;
} Address;

#define _MAXPATH 56

typedef struct CONFIGURATION5
 word revision;
 dword flags;
 word NodeCnt,AreaCnt,unused1;
 char NetMPath[_MAXPATH],
  char tag[4];
  char name[_MAXPATH-2];
  char list[2];				/* List prefix character */
 } Packer[8];
  byte what;
  char object[31];
  word conference;
 } CC[10];
 byte security,loglevel;
 short def_days,def_messages;
 struct                                 /* now obsolete         */
  Address main;
  char domain[28];
  word pointnet;
  dword flags;
 } oldakas[11];                         /* but still maintained */
 word autorenum;
 short def_recvdays;
 word openQQQs;
 word compressafter;
 word msglen;
 word compressfree;
 char TempPath[_MAXPATH];
 byte graphics,BBSSoftware;
 char AreaFixHelp[_MAXPATH];
 char Unpackers[9][_MAXPATH];
 word AreaFixFlags;
 byte QuietLevel,Buffers;
 byte FWACnt,GDCnt;     /* # of ForwardAreaFix records,
                           # of Group Default records   */
  word flags;
  word days[2];
  word msgs[2];
 } rescan_def;
 dword duperecords;
  byte inb;
  byte outb;
 } arcext;
 word AFixRcptLen;
 word AkaCnt;
 word maxPKT;
 byte sharing,sorting;
  char name[36];
  dword resv;
 } sysops[11];
 char AreaFixLog[_MAXPATH];
 char TempInBound[_MAXPATH];
 word maxPKTmsgs;
 word RouteCnt;        	/* # of PackRoute records */
 char resv2[822];
 word MaxAreas,MaxNodes;              /* Current max values for this config */
 word NodeRecSize;                    /* For internal use only, the 'Node'
                                         record will always be written
                                         completely while only the currently
                                         used size will be held in memory
                                         while FE & FESetup is running */
 dword offset;                        /* This is the offset from the current
					 file-pointer to the 1st Node        */

/* To directly access the 'Nodes' and/or 'Areas' while bypassing the */
/* Extensions, perform an absolute (from beginning of file) seek to  */
/*                   sizeof(CONFIG) + CONFIG.offset                  */

typedef struct
 Address addr;
 Address arcdest;		/* destination for ARCmail file attaches */
 byte aka;                      /* 0 ... MAX_AKAS-1                      */
 byte autopassive;              /* # of days                             */
 byte newgroup;                 /* Default group for new areas           */
 byte advflags;
 word flags;
 word sec_level;
 char password[9];              /* .PKT password                         */
 char areafixpw[9];		/* AreaFix password			 */
 dword groups;                  /* Bit-field, Byte 0/Bit 7 = 'A' etc.    */
				/* false means group is active           */
 dword resv;
 byte areas[MAX_AREAS/8];       /* Bit-field with MAX_AREAS bits, Byte 0/Bit 7 */
				/* is conference 0, etc.                       */
} FeNode5;

typedef struct
 char name[41];
 byte type;
 word board;
 short messages;
  word origin : 3;
  word group  : 5;              /* 0 ... MAX_GROUPS-1   */
  word type   : 3;
  word umlaut : 1;
  word aka    : 4;              /* 0 ... MAX_AKAS-1     */
 } flags;
 short days;
 word conference;               /* 0 ... MAX_AREAS-1    */
 word read_sec,write_sec;
  word autoadded  : 1;
  word tinyseen   : 1;
  word cpd        : 1;
  word passive    : 1;
  word keepseen   : 1;
  word mandatory  : 1;
  word keepsysop  : 1;
  word killread   : 1;
  word disablepsv : 1;
  word resv	  : 7;
 } advflags;
 word seenbys;                  /* LSB = Aka0, MSB = Aka15      */
 short recvdays;
 dword resv1;
 char path[_MAXPATH];
 char desc[42];
} FeArea5;

/* Optional Extensions                                  */
/* These are the variable length extensions between     */
/* CONFIG and the first Node record. Each extension has */
/* a header which contains the info about the type and  */
/* the length of the extension. You can read the fields */
/* using the following algorithm:                       */
/*                                                      */
/* offset := 0;                                         */
/* while (offset<CONFIG.offset) do                      */
/*  read_header;                                        */
/*  if(header.type==EH_abc) then                        */
/*   read_and_process_data;                             */
/*    else                                              */
/*  if(header.type==EH_xyz) then                        */
/*   read_and_process_data;                             */
/*    else                                              */
/*   [...]                                              */
/*    else  // unknown or unwanted extension found      */
/*  seek_forward(header.offset); // Seek to next header */
/*  offset = offset + header.offset;                    */
/* end;                                                 */

typedef struct
 word type;             /* EH_...                           */
 dword offset;          /* length of field excluding header */
} ExtensionHeader;

#define EH_AREAFIX      0x0001 /* CONFIG.FWACnt * <ForwardAreaFix> */

enum AreaFixSendTo { AreaFix = 0, AreaMgr, AreaLink, EchoMgr };
enum AreaFixAreaListFormat { Areas_BBS = 0, Area_List };

typedef struct
 word nodenr;
  word sendto  : 3;
  word newgroup: 5;
  word valid   : 1;
  word uncond  : 1;
  word addplus : 1;
  word addtear : 1;
  word format  : 3;
  word active  : 1;
 } flags;
 char file[_MAXPATH];
 dword groups;
 word sec_level;
 char resv[6];
} ForwardAreaFix;

#define EH_GROUPS       0x0002  /* 1 record of <GroupNames>     */

typedef struct
 char name[MAX_GROUPS][35];
} GroupNames;

#define EH_SYSOPNAMES   0x0003  /* CONFIG.NodeCnt * <SysopNames> */

typedef struct
 char name[36];
} SysopNames;

#define EH_GRPDEFAULTS  0x0006  /* CONFIG.GDCnt * <GroupDefaults> */

typedef struct
 byte group;
 FeArea5 area;
 byte nodes[MAX_NODES/8];        /* MAX_NODES bits */
} GroupDefaults;

#define EH_AKAS         0x0007  /* CONFIG.AkaCnt * <SysAddress> */

typedef struct
 Address main;
 char domain[28];
 word pointnet;
 dword flags;           /* unused       */
} SysAddress;

#define EH_PACKROUTE 0x0009

typedef struct
 Address dest;
 Address routes[MAX_ROUTE];
} PackRoute;

#define EH_RA111_MSG    0x0100  /* Original records of BBS systems */
#define EH_QBBS_MSG     0x0101
#define EH_SBBS_MSG     0x0102
#define EH_PB122_MSG    0x0103  /* obsolete			   */
#define EH_TAG_MSG     	0x0104
#define EH_RA200_MSG    0x0105  /* See BBS package's documentation */
#define EH_PB200_MSG    0x0106  /* for details                     */

/* Routines to access Node.areas, Node.groups           */

#if 0

word AddBam(byte *bam,word nr)
byte c=(1<<(7-(nr&7))),d;


void FreeBam(byte *bam,word nr)

word GetBam(byte *bam,word nr)
 if(bam[nr/8]&(1<<(7-(nr&7)))) return(true);

#define IsActive(nr,area)      GetBam(Node[nr].areas,area)
#define SetActive(nr,area)     AddBam(Node[nr].areas,area)
#define SetDeActive(nr,area)   FreeBam(Node[nr].areas,area)


#if defined(GOLD_CANPACK)
#pragma pack()