//  This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  The Goldware Library
//  Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen
//  Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Alexander S. Aganichev
//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
//  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
//  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
//  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//  Library General Public License for more details.
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
//  License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
//  Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
//  MA 02111-1307, USA
//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  $Id$
//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Squish msgbase.
//  ------------------------------------------------------------------

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Only include once!

#ifndef __GMSQSH_H
#define __GMSQSH_H

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------

#include <gmoarea.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <gusrmax.h>

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------

#if defined(GOLD_CANPACK)
#pragma pack(1)

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------

#ifdef GOLD_16BIT
const long MAX_IDXBUFSIZE = 65300L;

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------

#define MSGAREA_NORMAL  0x00
#define MSGAREA_CREATE  0x01
#define MSGAREA_CRIFNEC 0x02

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------

#define MSGTYPE_SDM     0x01
#define MSGTYPE_SQUISH  0x02
#define MSGTYPE_ECHO    0x80

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------

#define MSGNUM_CUR      ((dword)-1L)
#define MSGNUM_PREV     ((dword)-2L)
#define MSGNUM_NEXT     ((dword)-3L)

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------

#define MOPEN_CREATE    0
#define MOPEN_READ      1
#define MOPEN_WRITE     2
#define MOPEN_RW        3

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------

#define SQEXTRA_BUF 16

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Constants for 'type' argument of SquishUidToMsgn()

const int UID_EXACT = 0;
const int UID_NEXT  = 1;
const int UID_PREV  = 2;

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Values for msgapierr

#define MERR_NONE   0     // No error
#define MERR_BADH   1     // Invalid handle passed to function
#define MERR_BADF   2     // Invalid or corrupted file
#define MERR_NOMEM  3     // Not enough memory for specified operation
#define MERR_NODS   4     // Maybe not enough disk space for operation
#define MERR_NOENT  5     // File/message does not exist
#define MERR_BADA   6     // Bad argument passed to msgapi function
#define MERR_EOPEN  7     // Couldn't close - messages still open
#define MERR_ACCESS 10    // Access denied - msgbase locked?

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Bitmasks for 'attr'

#define MSGPRIVATE 0x0001
#define MSGCRASH   0x0002
#define MSGREAD    0x0004
#define MSGSENT    0x0008
#define MSGFILE    0x0010
#define MSGFWD     0x0020
#define MSGORPHAN  0x0040
#define MSGKILL    0x0080
#define MSGLOCAL   0x0100
#define MSGHOLD    0x0200
#define MSGXX2     0x0400
#define MSGFRQ     0x0800
#define MSGRRQ     0x1000
#define MSGCPT     0x2000
#define MSGARQ     0x4000
#define MSGURQ     0x8000
#define MSGSCANNED 0x00010000L
#define MSGUID     0x00020000L
#define MSGPRINTED 0x00040000L
#define MSGSEEN    0x00080000L
#define MSGLOK     0x40000000L

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Max number of stored replies to one msg

#define MAX_REPLY 9

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Structure of message headers in .SQD

struct SqshHdr {
  dword    attr;
  char    from[36];
  char    to[36];
  char    subj[72];
  Addr    orig;
  Addr    dest;
  FTime   date_written;   // When user wrote the msg (UTC)
  FTime   date_arrived;   // When msg arrived on-line (UTC)
  short    utc_offset;     // Offset from UTC of message writer, in minutes.
  dword    replyto;
  dword    replies[MAX_REPLY];
  dword    umsgid;
  char    ftsc_date[20];

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Squish frames

const dword SQFRAMEID      = 0xAFAE4453L;
const dword SQFRAME_NULL   = 0;
const word SQFRAME_NORMAL = 0;
const word SQFRAME_FREE   = 1;

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Structure of message frames in .SQD

struct SqshFrm {
  dword  id;               // Must always equal SQFRAMEID
  long  next;             // Offset of next frame
  long  prev;             // Offset of previous frame
  dword  length;           // Length of this frame
  dword  totsize;          // Length of data in frame (hdr+ctl+txt)
  dword  ctlsize;          // Length of control info
  word  type;             // Frm type (normal or free)
  word  reserved;         // Reserved

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Structure of index file .SQI

struct SqshIdx {
  long  offset;           // Offset of frame in .SQD
  dword  msgno;            // Message number
  dword  hash;             // Hash value of TO: name

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Structure of base record in .SQD

struct SqshBase {
  word  size;             // sizeof(SqshBaseT)
  word  reserved1;        // reserved
  dword totalmsgs;        // Number of messages in area
  dword highestmsg;       // Highest msg in area. Same as totalmsgs
  dword protmsgs;         // Skip killing first x msgs in area
  dword highwatermark;    // Relno (not Tagno) of HWM
  dword nextmsgno;        // Next message number to use
  char  name[80];         // Base name of SquishFile
  dword firstframe;       // Offset of first frame in file
  dword lastframe;        // Offset to last frame in file
  dword firstfreeframe;   // Offset of first FREE frame in file
  dword lastfreeframe;    // Offset of last free frame in file
  dword endframe;         // Pointer to end of file
  dword maxmsgs;          // Max # of msgs to keep in area
  word  daystokeep;       // Max age of msgs in area (for packing util)
  word  framesize;        // sizeof(SqshFrmT)
  byte  reserved2[124];   // Reserved by Squish for future use

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------

#if defined(GOLD_CANPACK)
#pragma pack()

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------

struct SqshData {
  int        fhsqd;
  int        fhsqi;
  SqshBase   base;
  SqshIdx*   idx;
  int        softlock;
  int        islocked;

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------

struct SqshWide {
  int          userno;
  MaximusUser* user;
  const char*  userpath;
  int          direct;
  int          recycle;
  int          squishscan;

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------

class SquishArea : public gmo_area {


  SqshWide* wide;
  SqshData* data;

  void data_open();
  void data_close();

  int test_open(const char* __file);
  void save_lastread();
  void raw_scan(int __keep_index, int __scanpm=false);
  void raw_open();
  void raw_close();
  void refresh();
  int load_message(int __mode, gmsg* __msg, SqshHdr& __hdr);

  void read_frm(dword __offset, SqshFrm* __frm);
  void write_frm(dword __offset, SqshFrm* __frm);
  void upd_frm_next(dword __offset, SqshFrm* __frm, dword __next);
  void upd_frm_prev(dword __offset, SqshFrm* __frm, dword __prev);
  void add_to_free_chain(dword __delframe, SqshFrm* __delfrm);
  void delete_msg(uint __reln);
  void init_frm(SqshFrm* __frm);
  void excess_frm(dword __lastframe, dword __newframe, SqshFrm* __newfrm, dword __totsize);
  uint find_msgn(ulong __tagn);
  void save_message(int __mode, gmsg* __msg);


  SquishArea() { wide = NULL; data = NULL; }
  virtual ~SquishArea() {}

  //  ----------------------------------------------------------------
  //  Messagebase member functions
  void open();
  void close();

  void suspend();
  void resume();

  void lock();
  void unlock();

  void scan();
  void scan_area();
  void scan_area_pm();

  int load_hdr(gmsg* msg);
  int load_msg(gmsg* msg);

  void save_hdr(int mode, gmsg* msg);
  void save_msg(int mode, gmsg* msg);

  void del_msg(gmsg* msg);

  void new_msgno(gmsg* msg);
  char* user_lookup(char* lookfor);
  int renumber();

  void update_timesread(gmsg* msg);

  Line* make_dump_msg(Line*& lin, gmsg* msg, char* lng_head);

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------

extern SqshData* squishdata;
extern SqshWide* squishwide;
extern int       squishdatano;

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Squish scanning types

const int SQS_API   = 1;
const int SQS_QUICK = 2;

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Squish recycling types

const int SQUISHRECYCLE_NO      = false;
const int SQUISHRECYCLE_YES     = true;

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------


//  ------------------------------------------------------------------