 * This file is part of uudeview, the simple and friendly multi-part multi-
 * file uudecoder  program  (c) 1994-2001 by Frank Pilhofer. The author may
 * be contacted at fp@fpx.de
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.

#include "config.h"

#include <windows.h>
#ifdef SYSTEM_OS2
#include <os2.h>

 * uucheck.c
 * Various checking and processing of one input part

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <memory.h>

#include <gdefs.h>
#include <gctype.h>
#include <uudeview.h>
#include <uuint.h>
#include <fptools.h>
#include <uustring.h>

char * uucheck_id = "$Id$";

 * Arbitrary number. This is the maximum number of part numbers we
 * store for our have-parts and missing-parts lists

#define MAXPLIST    256

 * forward declarations of local functions

static char *   UUGetFileName(char *, char *, char *);
static int  UUGetPartNo(char *, char **, char **);

 * State of Scanner function and PreProcessPart

int lastvalid, lastenc, nofnum;
char *uucheck_lastname;
char *uucheck_tempname;
static int  lastpart = 0;
static char *nofname = "UNKNOWN";

 * special characters we allow an unquoted filename to have

char *uufnchars = "._-~!$@";

 * Policy for extracting a part number from the subject line.
 * usually, look for part numbers in () brackets first, then in []

static char *brackchr[] = {
  "()[]", "[]()"

 * Extract a filename from the subject line. We need anything to identify
 * the name of the program for sorting. If a nice filename cannot be found, 
 * the subject line itself is used
 * ptonum is, if not NULL, a pointer to the part number in the subject line,
 * so that it won't be used as filename.

static char *
UUGetFileName (char *subject, char *ptonum, char *ptonend)
  char *ptr = subject, *iter, *result, *part;
  int count, length=0, alflag=0;

 * If this file has no subject line, assume it is the next part of the
 * previous file (this is done in UUPreProcessPart)

  if (subject == NULL)
    return NULL;

 * If the subject starts with 'Re', it is ignored
 * REPosts or RETries are not ignored!

  if (uu_ignreply &&
      (subject[0] == 'R' || subject[0] == 'r') &&
      (subject[1] == 'E' || subject[1] == 'e') &&
      (subject[2] == ':' || subject[2] == ' ')) {
    return NULL;

 * Ignore a "Repost" prefix of the subject line. We don't want to get
 * a file named "Repost" :-)

  if (_FP_strnicmp (subject, "repost", 6) == 0)
    subject += 6;
  if (_FP_strnicmp (subject, "re:", 3) == 0)
    subject += 3;

  while (*subject == ' ' || *subject == ':') subject++;

  part = _FP_stristr (subject, "part");
  if (part == subject) {
    subject += 4;
    while (*subject == ' ') subject++;

   * If the file was encoded by uuenview, then the filename is enclosed
   * in [brackets]. But check what's inside these bracket's, try not to
   * fall for something other than a filename

  ptr = subject;
  while ((iter = strchr (ptr, '[')) != NULL) {
    if (strchr (iter, ']') == NULL) {
      ptr = iter + 1;
    while (isspace (*iter))
    count = length = alflag = 0;
    while (iter[count] && 
       (isalnum (iter[count]) || strchr (uufnchars, iter[count])!=NULL)) {
      if (g_isalpha(iter[count]))
    if (count<4 || alflag==0) {
      ptr = iter + 1;
    length = count;
    while (isspace (iter[count]))
    if (iter[count] == ']') {
      ptr = iter;
    length = 0;
    ptr = iter + 1;

   * new filename detection routine, fists mostly for files by ftp-by-email
   * servers that create subject lines with ftp.host.address:/full/path/file
   * on them. We look for slashes and take the filename from after the last
   * one ... or at least we try to.

  if (length == 0) {
    ptr = subject;
    while ((iter = strchr (ptr, '/')) != NULL) {
      if (iter >= ptonum && iter <= ptonend) {
    ptr = iter + 1;
      count = length = 0;
      while (iter[count] &&
         (isalnum(iter[count])||strchr(uufnchars, iter[count])!=NULL))
      if (iter[count] == ' ' && length > 4) {
    length = count;
      ptr = iter + ((count)?count:1);

   * Look for two alphanumeric strings separated by a '.'
   * (That's most likely a filename)

  if (length == 0) {
    ptr = subject;
    while (*ptr && *ptr != 0x0a && *ptr != 0x0d && ptr != part) {
      iter  = ptr;
      count = length = alflag = 0;
      if (_FP_strnicmp (ptr, "ftp", 3) == 0) {
    /* hey, that's an ftp address */
    while (g_isalpha(*ptr) || isdigit (*ptr) || *ptr == '.')
      while ((isalnum(*iter)||strchr(uufnchars, *iter)!=NULL||
          *iter=='/') && *iter && iter != ptonum && *iter != '.') {
    if (g_isalpha(*iter))
      alflag = 1;
    count++; iter++;
      if (*iter == '\0' || iter == ptonum) {
    if (iter == ptonum)
      ptr  = ptonend;
      ptr  = iter;

    length = 0;
      if (*iter++ != '.' || count > 32 || alflag == 0) {
    ptr    = iter;
    length = 0;
      if (_FP_strnicmp (iter, "edu", 3) == 0 || 
      _FP_strnicmp (iter, "gov", 3) == 0) {
    /* hey, that's an ftp address */
    while (g_isalpha(*iter) || isdigit (*iter) || *iter == '.')
    ptr    = iter;
    length = 0;
      length += count + 1;
      count   = 0;
      while ((isalnum(iter[count])||strchr(uufnchars, iter[count])!=NULL||
          iter[count]=='/') && iter[count] && iter[count] != '.')
      if (iter[count]==':' && iter[count+1]=='/') {
    /* looks like stuff from a mail server */
    ptr = iter + 1;
    length = 0;
      if (count > 8 || iter == ptonum) {
    ptr    = iter;
    length = 0;

      if (iter[count] != '.') {
    length += count;
      while (iter[count] &&
         (isalnum(iter[count])||strchr(uufnchars, iter[count])!=NULL||
      if (iter[count]==':' && iter[count+1]=='/') {
    /* looks like stuff from a mail server */
    ptr = iter + 1;
    length = 0;
      if (count < 12 && iter != ptonum) {
    length += count;

      ptr    = iter;
      length = 0;

  if (length == 0) { /* No filename found, use subject line for ident */
    ptr = subject;

    while (*ptr && !g_isalpha(*ptr))

    while ((isalnum(ptr[length])||strchr(uufnchars,ptr[length])!=NULL||
        ptr[length] == '/') && 
       ptr[length] && ptr+length!=part && ptr+length!=ptonum)

    if (length) {
      if (ptr[length] == '\0' || ptr[length] == 0x0a || ptr[length] == 0x0d) {

     * I used to cut off digits from the end of the string, but
     * let's try to live without. We want to distinguish
     * DUTCH951 from DUTCH952
         * while ((ptr[length] == ' ' || isdigit (ptr[length])) && length > 0)
         *   length--;
      else {

        while (ptr[length] == ' ' && length > 0)

  if (length == 0) { /* Still found nothing? We need *something*! */
    ptr    = nofname;
    length = strlen (nofname);

  if ((result = (char *) malloc (length + 1)) == NULL) {
    UUMessage (uucheck_id, __LINE__, UUMSG_ERROR,
           uustring (S_OUT_OF_MEMORY), length+1);
    return NULL;
  memcpy (result, ptr, length);
  result[length] = '\0';
  return result;

 * Extract the Part Number from the subject line.
 * We look first for numbers in (#/#)'s, then for numbers in [#/#]'s
 * and then for digits that are not part of a string.
 * If we cannot find anything, assume it is the next part of the
 * previous file.
 * If we find a part number, we put a pointer to it in *where. This is
 * done so that the UUGetFileName function doesn't accidentally use the
 * part number as the file name. *whend points to the end of this part
 * number.

static int
UUGetPartNo (char *subject, char **where, char **whend)
  char *ptr = subject, *iter, *delim, bdel[2]=" ";
  int count, length=0, bpc;

  *where = NULL; bdel[0] = ' ';
  *whend = NULL; bdel[1] = '\0';

  iter  = NULL;
  delim = "";

  if (subject == NULL)
    return -1;

  if (uu_ignreply &&
      (subject[0] == 'R' || subject[0] == 'r') && /* Ignore replies, but not */
      (subject[1] == 'E' || subject[1] == 'e') && /* reposts                 */
      (subject[2] == ':' || subject[2] == ' '))
    return -2;

   * First try numbers in () or [] (or vice versa, according to bracket
   * policy)

  for (bpc=0, length=0; brackchr[uu_bracket_policy][bpc]; bpc+=2) {
    ptr = subject;
    while ((iter = strchr (ptr, brackchr[uu_bracket_policy][bpc])) != NULL) {
      count = length = 0; iter++;

      while (*iter == ' ' || *iter == '#')

      if (!isdigit (*iter)) {
    ptr = iter;
      while (isdigit (iter[count]))
      length = count;
      if (iter[count] == '\0' || iter[count+1] == '\0') {
    iter  += count;
    length = 0;
      if (iter[count] == brackchr[uu_bracket_policy][bpc+1]) {
    *where  = iter;
    bdel[0] = brackchr[uu_bracket_policy][bpc+1];
    delim   = bdel;
      while (iter[count] == ' ' || iter[count] == '#' ||
         iter[count] == '/' || iter[count] == '\\')  count++;
      if (_FP_strnicmp (iter + count, "of", 2) == 0)
    count += 2;
      while (iter[count] == ' ')    count++;
      while (isdigit (iter[count])) count++;
      while (iter[count] == ' ')    count++;
      if (iter[count] == brackchr[uu_bracket_policy][bpc+1]) {
    *where  = iter;
    bdel[0] = brackchr[uu_bracket_policy][bpc+1];
    delim   = bdel;
      length = 0;
      ptr    = iter;
    if (length)

#if 0 /* asa */
   * look for the string "part " followed by a number

  if (length == 0) {
    if ((iter = _FP_stristr (subject, "part ")) != NULL) {
      iter += 5;

      while (isspace (*iter) || *iter == '.' || *iter == '-')

      while (isdigit (iter[length]))

      if (length == 0) {
    if (_FP_strnicmp (iter, "one", 3) == 0)        length = 1;
    else if (_FP_strnicmp (iter, "two", 3) == 0)   length = 2;
    else if (_FP_strnicmp (iter, "three", 5) == 0) length = 3;
    else if (_FP_strnicmp (iter, "four",  4) == 0) length = 4;
    else if (_FP_strnicmp (iter, "five",  4) == 0) length = 5;
    else if (_FP_strnicmp (iter, "six",   3) == 0) length = 6;
    else if (_FP_strnicmp (iter, "seven", 5) == 0) length = 7;
    else if (_FP_strnicmp (iter, "eight", 5) == 0) length = 8;
    else if (_FP_strnicmp (iter, "nine",  4) == 0) length = 9;
    else if (_FP_strnicmp (iter, "ten",   3) == 0) length = 10;

    if (length && (*whend = strchr (iter, ' '))) {
      *where = iter;
      return length;
      length = 0;
      else {
    *where = iter;
    delim  = "of";
#endif /* asa */

   * look for the string "part" followed by a number

  if (length == 0) {
    if ((iter = _FP_stristr (subject, "part")) != NULL) {
      iter += 4;

      while (isspace (*iter) || *iter == '.' || *iter == '-')

      while (isdigit (iter[length]))

      if (length == 0) {
    if (_FP_strnicmp (iter, "one", 3) == 0)        length = 1;
    else if (_FP_strnicmp (iter, "two", 3) == 0)   length = 2;
    else if (_FP_strnicmp (iter, "three", 5) == 0) length = 3;
    else if (_FP_strnicmp (iter, "four",  4) == 0) length = 4;
    else if (_FP_strnicmp (iter, "five",  4) == 0) length = 5;
    else if (_FP_strnicmp (iter, "six",   3) == 0) length = 6;
    else if (_FP_strnicmp (iter, "seven", 5) == 0) length = 7;
    else if (_FP_strnicmp (iter, "eight", 5) == 0) length = 8;
    else if (_FP_strnicmp (iter, "nine",  4) == 0) length = 9;
    else if (_FP_strnicmp (iter, "ten",   3) == 0) length = 10;

    if (length && (*whend = strchr (iter, ' '))) {
      *where = iter;
      return length;
      length = 0;
      else {
    *where = iter;
    delim  = "of";

   * look for [0-9]* "of" [0-9]*

  if (length == 0) {
    if ((iter = _FP_strirstr (subject, "of")) != NULL) {
      while (iter>subject && isspace (*(iter-1)))
      if (isdigit(*(iter-1))) {
    while (iter>subject && isdigit (*(iter-1)))
    if (!isdigit (*iter) && !g_isalpha(*iter) && *iter != '.')
    ptr = iter;

    while (isdigit (*ptr)) {
      ptr++; length++;
    *where = iter;
    delim  = "of";

   * look for whitespace-separated (or '/'-separated) digits

  if (length == 0) {
    ptr = subject;

    while (*ptr && length==0) {
      while (*ptr && !isdigit (*ptr))
      if (isdigit (*ptr) && (ptr==subject || *ptr==' ' || *ptr=='/')) {
    while (isdigit (ptr[length]))
    if (ptr[length]!='\0' && ptr[length]!=' ' && ptr[length]!='/') {
      ptr   += length;
      length = 0;
    else {
      iter    = ptr;
      bdel[0] = ptr[length];
      delim   = bdel;
      else {
    while (isdigit (*ptr))

   * look for _any_ digits -- currently disabled, because it also fell
   * for "part numbers" in file names

#if 0
  if (length == 0) {
    count = strlen(subject) - 1;
    ptr   = subject;
    while (count > 0) {
      if (!isdigit(ptr[count])||g_isalpha(ptr[count+1])||ptr[count+1] == '.') {
      length = 0;

      while (count >= 0 && isdigit (ptr[count])) {
    count--; length++;
      if (count>=0 && ((g_isalpha(ptr[count]) && 
            (ptr[count] != 's' || ptr[count+1] != 't') &&
            (ptr[count] != 'n' || ptr[count+1] != 'd')) || 
               ptr[count] == '/' || ptr[count] == '.' || 
               ptr[count] == '-' || ptr[count] == '_')) {
        length = 0;
      iter = ptr + count;

      if (length > 4) {
    length = 0;
      *where = iter;
      delim  = "of";

   * look for part numbering as string

  if (length == 0) {
     * some people use the strangest things, including spelling mistakes :-)
    if ((iter = _FP_stristr (subject, "first")) != NULL)        length = 1;
    else if ((iter = _FP_stristr (subject, "second")) != NULL)  length = 2;
    else if ((iter = _FP_stristr (subject, "third")) != NULL)   length = 3;
    else if ((iter = _FP_stristr (subject, "forth")) != NULL)   length = 4;
    else if ((iter = _FP_stristr (subject, "fourth")) != NULL)  length = 4;
    else if ((iter = _FP_stristr (subject, "fifth")) != NULL)   length = 5;
    else if ((iter = _FP_stristr (subject, "sixth")) != NULL)   length = 6;
    else if ((iter = _FP_stristr (subject, "seventh")) != NULL) length = 7;
    else if ((iter = _FP_stristr (subject, "eigth")) != NULL)   length = 8;
    else if ((iter = _FP_stristr (subject, "nineth")) != NULL)  length = 9;
    else if ((iter = _FP_stristr (subject, "ninth")) != NULL)   length = 9;
    else if ((iter = _FP_stristr (subject, "tenth")) != NULL)   length = 10;
    else iter = NULL;

    if (length && iter && (*whend = strchr (iter, ' '))) {
      *where = iter;
      return length;
      length = 0;

  if (iter == NULL || length == 0)  /* should be equivalent */
    return -1;

  *where = iter;

  if (delim && delim[0]) {
    if ((*whend=_FP_stristr (iter, delim)) != NULL && (*whend - *where) < 12) {
      ptr = (*whend += strlen (delim));

      while (*ptr == ' ')

      if (isdigit (*ptr)) {
    *whend = ptr;
    while (isdigit (**whend))
      *whend += 1;
    else {
      *whend = iter + length;
  else {
    *whend = iter + length;

  return atoi (iter);

 * Obtain and process some information about the data.

uufile *
UUPreProcessPart (fileread *data, int *ret)
  char *where, *whend, temp[80], *ptr, *p2;
  uufile *result;

  if ((result = (uufile *) malloc (sizeof (uufile))) == NULL) {
    UUMessage (uucheck_id, __LINE__, UUMSG_ERROR,
           uustring (S_OUT_OF_MEMORY), sizeof (uufile));
    *ret = UURET_NOMEM;
    return NULL;
  memset (result, 0, sizeof (uufile));

  if (data->partno) {
    where = whend  = NULL;
    result->partno = data->partno;
  else if (uu_dumbness) {
    result->partno = -1;
    where = whend  = NULL;
  else if ((result->partno=UUGetPartNo(data->subject,&where,&whend)) == -2) {
    *ret = UURET_NODATA;
    UUkillfile (result);
    return NULL;

  if (data->filename != NULL) {
    if ((result->filename = _FP_strdup (data->filename)) == NULL) {
      UUMessage (uucheck_id, __LINE__, UUMSG_ERROR,
         uustring (S_OUT_OF_MEMORY),
         strlen (data->filename)+1);
      *ret = UURET_NOMEM;
      UUkillfile (result);
      return NULL;
    result->filename = NULL;

  if (uu_dumbness <= 1)
    result->subfname = UUGetFileName (data->subject, where, whend);
    result->subfname = NULL;

  result->mimeid   = _FP_strdup (data->mimeid);
  result->mimetype = _FP_strdup (data->mimetype);

  if (result->partno == -1 && 
      (data->uudet == PT_ENCODED || data->uudet == QP_ENCODED))
    result->partno = 1;

  if (data->flags & FL_SINGLE) {
     * Don't touch this part. But it should really have a filename
    if (result->filename == NULL) {
      sprintf (temp, "%s.%03d", nofname, ++nofnum);
      result->filename = _FP_strdup (temp);
    if (result->subfname == NULL)
      result->subfname = _FP_strdup (result->filename);

    if (result->filename == NULL || 
    result->subfname == NULL) {
      UUMessage (uucheck_id, __LINE__, UUMSG_ERROR,
         uustring (S_OUT_OF_MEMORY),
      *ret = UURET_NOMEM;
      return NULL;
    if (result->partno == -1)
      result->partno = 1;
  else if (result->subfname == NULL && data->uudet &&
      (data->begin || result->partno == 1 || 
       (!uu_dumbness && result->partno == -1 && 
    (data->subject != NULL || result->filename != NULL)))) {
     * If it's the first part of something and has some valid data, but
     * no subject or anything, initialize lastvalid
     * in this case, it really _should_ have a filename somewhere
    if (result->filename != NULL)
      result->subfname = _FP_strdup (result->filename);
    else { /* if not, escape to UNKNOWN. We need to fill subfname */
      sprintf (temp, "%s.%03d", nofname, ++nofnum);
      result->subfname = _FP_strdup (temp);
     * in case the strdup failed
    if (result->subfname == NULL) {
      UUMessage (uucheck_id, __LINE__, UUMSG_ERROR,
         uustring (S_OUT_OF_MEMORY),
      *ret = UURET_NOMEM;
      UUkillfile (result);
      return NULL;
     * if it's also got an 'end', or is the last part in a MIME-Mail,
     * then don't set lastvalid
    if (!data->end && (!data->partno || data->partno != data->maxpno)) {
       * initialize lastvalid
      lastvalid = 1;
      lastenc   = data->uudet;
      lastpart  = result->partno = 1;
      _FP_strncpy (uucheck_lastname, result->subfname, 256);
      result->partno = 1;
  else if (result->subfname == NULL && data->uudet && data->mimeid) {
     * if it's got a file name, use it. Else use the mime-id for identifying
     * this part, and hope there's no other files encoded in the same message
     * under the same id.
    if (result->filename)
      result->subfname = _FP_strdup (result->filename);
      result->subfname = _FP_strdup (result->mimeid);
  else if (result->subfname == NULL && data->uudet) {
     * ff we have lastvalid, use it. Make an exception for
     * Base64-encoded files.
    if (data->uudet == B64ENCODED) {
       * Assume it's the first part. I wonder why it's got no part number?
      if (result->filename != NULL)
        result->subfname = _FP_strdup (result->filename);
      else { /* if not, escape to UNKNOWN. We need to fill subfname */
        sprintf (temp, "%s.%03d", nofname, ++nofnum);
        result->subfname = _FP_strdup (temp);
      if (result->subfname == NULL) {
    UUMessage (uucheck_id, __LINE__, UUMSG_ERROR,
           uustring (S_OUT_OF_MEMORY),
    *ret = UURET_NOMEM;
    UUkillfile (result);
        return NULL;
      lastvalid = 0;
    else if (lastvalid && data->uudet == lastenc && result->partno == -1) {
      result->subfname = _FP_strdup (uucheck_lastname);
      result->partno   = ++lastpart;

       * if it's the last part, invalidate lastvalid
      if (data->end || (data->partno && data->partno == data->maxpno))
    lastvalid = 0;
    else if (data->partno != -1 && result->filename) {
      result->subfname = _FP_strdup (result->filename);
    else { 
       * it's got no info, it's got no begin, and we don't know anything
       * about this part. Let's forget all about it.
      *ret = UURET_NODATA;
      UUkillfile (result);
      return NULL;
  else if (result->subfname == NULL && result->partno == -1) {
     * This, too, is a part without any useful information that we
     * should forget about.
    *ret = UURET_NODATA;
    UUkillfile (result);
    return NULL;
  else if (result->subfname == NULL) {
     * This is a part without useful subject name, a valid part number
     * but no encoded data. It *could* be the zeroeth part of something,
     * but we don't care here. Just forget it.
    *ret = UURET_NODATA;
    UUkillfile (result);
    return NULL;

   * now, handle some cases where we have a useful subject but no
   * useful part number

  if (result->partno == -1 && data->begin) {
     * hmm, this is reason enough to initialize lastvalid, at least 
     * if we have no end
    if (!data->end) {
      _FP_strncpy (uucheck_lastname, result->subfname, 256);
      result->partno = lastpart = 1;
      lastenc = data->uudet;
      lastvalid = 1;
      result->partno = 1;
  else if (result->partno == -1 && data->uudet) {
    if (lastvalid && _FP_stricmp (uucheck_lastname, result->subfname) == 0) {
       * if the subject filename is the same as last time, use part no
       * of lastvalid. If at end, invalidate lastvalid
      result->partno = ++lastpart;

      if (data->end)
    lastvalid = 0;
    else {
       * data but no part no. It's something UUInsertPartToList() should
       * handle
      goto skipcheck;
  else if (result->partno == -1) {
     * it's got no data, so why should we need this one anyway?
    *ret = UURET_NODATA;
    UUkillfile (result);
    return NULL;

   * at this point, the part should have a valid subfname and a valid
   * part number. If it doesn't, then fail.
  if (result->subfname == NULL || result->partno == -1) {
    *ret = UURET_NODATA;
    UUkillfile (result);
    return NULL;


  if (result->filename) {
    if (*(ptr = _FP_cutdir (result->filename))) {
      p2 = _FP_strdup (ptr);
      _FP_free (result->filename);
      result->filename = p2;

  result->data = data;
  result->NEXT = NULL;

  *ret = UURET_OK;

  return result;

 * Insert one part of a file into the global list

UUInsertPartToList (uufile *data)
  uulist *iter = UUGlobalFileList, *unew;
  uufile *fiter, *last;

   * Part belongs together, if
   * (a) The file name received from the subject lines match _or_
   *     the MIME-IDs match,
   * (b) Not both parts have a begin line
   * (c) Not both parts have an end line
   * (d) Both parts don't have different MIME-IDs
   * (e) Both parts don't encode different files
   * (f) The other part wants to stay alone (FL_SINGLE)

   * check if this part wants to be left alone. If so, don't bother
   * to do all the checks

  while (iter) {
    if (data->data->flags & FL_SINGLE) {
      /* this space intentionally left blank */
    else if ((_FP_stricmp (data->subfname, iter->subfname) == 0 ||
         (data->mimeid && iter->mimeid &&
          strcmp (data->mimeid, iter->mimeid) == 0)) &&
    !(iter->begin && data->data->begin) &&
    !(iter->end   && data->data->end) &&
    !(data->mimeid && iter->mimeid &&
      strcmp (data->mimeid, iter->mimeid) != 0) &&
    !(data->filename && iter->filename &&
      strcmp (data->filename, iter->filename) != 0) &&
    !(iter->flags & FL_SINGLE)) {

       * if we already have this part, don't try to insert it

      for (fiter=iter->thisfile;
       fiter && (data->partno>fiter->partno) && !fiter->data->end;
    /* empty loop */ ;
      if (fiter && 
      (data->partno==fiter->partno || 
       (data->partno > fiter->partno && fiter->data->end)))
    goto goahead;

      if (iter->filename == NULL && data->filename != NULL) {
        if ((iter->filename = _FP_strdup (data->filename)) == NULL)
      return UURET_NOMEM;

       * special case when we might have tagged a part as Base64 when the
       * file was really XX

      if (data->data->uudet == B64ENCODED && 
      iter->uudet == XX_ENCODED && iter->begin) {
    data->data->uudet = XX_ENCODED;
      else if (data->data->uudet == XX_ENCODED && data->data->begin &&
           iter->uudet == B64ENCODED) {
    iter->uudet = XX_ENCODED;

    fiter = iter->thisfile;
    while (fiter) {
      fiter->data->uudet = XX_ENCODED;
      fiter = fiter->NEXT;

       * If this is from a Message/Partial, we believe only the
       * iter->uudet from the first part
      if (data->data->flags & FL_PARTIAL) {
    if (data->partno == 1) {
      iter->uudet = data->data->uudet;
      iter->flags = data->data->flags;
      else {
    if (data->data->uudet) iter->uudet = data->data->uudet;
    if (data->data->flags) iter->flags = data->data->flags;

      if (iter->mode == 0 && data->data->mode != 0)
        iter->mode = data->data->mode;
      if (data->data->begin) iter->begin = (data->partno)?data->partno:1;
      if (data->data->end)   iter->end   = (data->partno)?data->partno:1;

      if (data->mimetype) {
    _FP_free (iter->mimetype);
    iter->mimetype = _FP_strdup (data->mimetype);

       * insert part at the beginning

      if (data->partno != -1 && data->partno < iter->thisfile->partno) {
    iter->state    = UUFILE_READ;
    data->NEXT     = iter->thisfile;
    iter->thisfile = data;
    return UURET_OK;

       * insert part somewhere else

      iter->state = UUFILE_READ;    /* prepare for re-checking */
      fiter       = iter->thisfile;
      last        = NULL;

      while (fiter) {
     * if we find the same part no again, check which one looks better
    if (data->partno == fiter->partno) {
          if (fiter->data->subject == NULL)
            return UURET_NODATA;
      else if (_FP_stristr (fiter->data->subject, "repost") != NULL &&
           _FP_stristr (data->data->subject,  "repost") == NULL)
        return UURET_NODATA;
          else if (fiter->data->uudet && !data->data->uudet)
            return UURET_NODATA;
          else {
         * replace
            data->NEXT  = fiter->NEXT;
            fiter->NEXT = NULL;
            UUkillfile (fiter);

            if (last == NULL)
              iter->thisfile = data;
              last->NEXT     = data;

            return UURET_OK;

     * if at the end of the part list, add it

    if (fiter->NEXT == NULL || 
        (data->partno != -1 && data->partno < fiter->NEXT->partno)) {
      data->NEXT  = fiter->NEXT;
      fiter->NEXT = data;

      if (data->partno == -1)
        data->partno = fiter->partno + 1;

      return UURET_OK;
        last  = fiter;
    fiter = fiter->NEXT;
      return UURET_OK; /* Shouldn't get here */
     * we need iter below
    if (iter->NEXT == NULL) 

    iter = iter->NEXT;
   * handle new entry

  if (data->partno == -1) {
     * if it's got no part no, and it's MIME mail, then assume this is
     * part no. 1. If it's not MIME, then we can't handle it; if it
     * had a 'begin', it'd have got a part number assigned by
     * UUPreProcessPart().
    if (data->data->uudet == B64ENCODED || data->data->uudet == BH_ENCODED)
      data->partno = 1;
      return UURET_NODATA;

  if ((unew = (uulist *) malloc (sizeof (uulist))) == NULL) {
    return UURET_NOMEM;

  if ((unew->subfname = _FP_strdup (data->subfname)) == NULL) {
    _FP_free (unew);
    return UURET_NOMEM;

  if (data->filename != NULL) {
    if ((unew->filename = _FP_strdup (data->filename)) == NULL) {
      _FP_free (unew->subfname);
      _FP_free (unew);
      return UURET_NOMEM;
    unew->filename = NULL;

  if (data->mimeid != NULL) {
    if ((unew->mimeid = _FP_strdup (data->mimeid)) == NULL) {
      _FP_free (unew->subfname);
      _FP_free (unew->filename);
      _FP_free (unew);
      return UURET_NOMEM;
    unew->mimeid = NULL;

  if (data->mimetype != NULL) {
    if ((unew->mimetype = _FP_strdup (data->mimetype)) == NULL) {
      _FP_free (unew->mimeid);
      _FP_free (unew->subfname);
      _FP_free (unew->filename);
      _FP_free (unew);
      return UURET_NOMEM;
    unew->mimetype = NULL;

  unew->state     = UUFILE_READ;
  unew->binfile   = NULL;
  unew->thisfile  = data;
  unew->mode      = data->data->mode;
  unew->uudet     = data->data->uudet;
  unew->flags     = data->data->flags;
  unew->begin     = (data->data->begin) ? ((data->partno)?data->partno:1) : 0;
  unew->end       = (data->data->end)   ? ((data->partno)?data->partno:1) : 0;
  unew->misparts  = NULL;
  unew->haveparts = NULL;
  unew->NEXT      = NULL;

  if (iter == NULL)
    UUGlobalFileList = unew;
    iter->NEXT = unew;

  return UURET_OK;

 * At this point, all files are read in and stored in the
 * "UUGlobalFileList". Do some checking. All parts there?

uulist *
UUCheckGlobalList (void)
  int misparts[MAXPLIST], haveparts[MAXPLIST];
  int miscount, havecount, count, flag, part;
  uulist *liter=UUGlobalFileList, *prev;
  uufile *fiter;
  long thesize;

  while (liter) {
    miscount = 0;
    thesize  = 0;

    if (liter->state & UUFILE_OK) {
      liter = liter->NEXT;
    else if ((liter->uudet == QP_ENCODED ||
          liter->uudet == PT_ENCODED) && 
         (liter->flags & FL_SINGLE)) {
      if ((liter->flags&FL_PROPER)==0)
    liter->size = -1;
    liter->size = liter->thisfile->data->length;

      liter->state = UUFILE_OK;
    else if ((fiter = liter->thisfile) == NULL) {
      liter->state = UUFILE_NODATA;
      liter = liter->NEXT;

     * Re-Check this file

    flag      = 0;
    miscount  = 0;
    havecount = 0;
    thesize   = 0;
    liter->state = UUFILE_READ;

     * search encoded data

    while (fiter && !fiter->data->uudet) {
      if (havecount<MAXPLIST) {
    haveparts[havecount++] = fiter->partno;
      fiter = fiter->NEXT;

    if (fiter == NULL) {
      liter->state = UUFILE_NODATA;
      liter = liter->NEXT;

    if (havecount<MAXPLIST) {
      haveparts[havecount++] = fiter->partno;

    if ((part = fiter->partno) > 1) {
      if (!fiter->data->begin) {
    for (count=1; count < part && miscount < MAXPLIST; count++)
      misparts[miscount++] = count;

     * don't care if so many parts are missing

    if (miscount >= MAXPLIST) {
      liter->state = UUFILE_MISPART;
      liter        = liter->NEXT;

    if (liter->uudet == B64ENCODED ||
    liter->uudet == QP_ENCODED ||
    liter->uudet == PT_ENCODED)
      flag |= 3; /* Don't need begin or end with Base64 or plain text*/

    if (fiter->data->begin) flag |= 1;
    if (fiter->data->end)   flag |= 2;
    if (fiter->data->uudet) flag |= 4; 

     * guess size of part

    switch (fiter->data->uudet) {
    case UU_ENCODED:
    case XX_ENCODED:
      thesize += 3*fiter->data->length/4;
      thesize -= 3*fiter->data->length/124; /* substract 2 of 62 chars */
    case B64ENCODED:
      thesize += 3*fiter->data->length/4;
      thesize -=  fiter->data->length/52;   /* substract 2 of 78 chars */
    case QP_ENCODED:
    case PT_ENCODED:
      thesize += fiter->data->length;
    fiter = fiter->NEXT;

    while (fiter != NULL) {
      for (count=part+1; count<fiter->partno && miscount<MAXPLIST; count++)
    misparts[miscount++] = count;

      part = fiter->partno;
      if (havecount<MAXPLIST)

      if (fiter->data->begin) flag |= 1;
      if (fiter->data->end)   flag |= 2;
      if (fiter->data->uudet) flag |= 4;

      switch (fiter->data->uudet) {
      case UU_ENCODED:
      case XX_ENCODED:
    thesize += 3*fiter->data->length/4;
    thesize -= 3*fiter->data->length/124; /* substract 2 of 62 chars */
      case B64ENCODED:
    thesize += 3*fiter->data->length/4;
    thesize -=  fiter->data->length/52;   /* substract 2 of 78 chars */
      case QP_ENCODED:
      case PT_ENCODED:
    thesize += fiter->data->length;

      if (fiter->data->end)
      fiter = fiter->NEXT;

     * if in fast mode, we don't notice an 'end'. So if its uu or xx
     * encoded, there's a begin line and encoded data, assume it's
     * there.
    if (uu_fast_scanning && (flag & 0x01) && (flag & 0x04) &&
    (liter->uudet == UU_ENCODED || liter->uudet == XX_ENCODED))
      flag |= 2;

     * Set the parts we have and/or missing

    _FP_free (liter->haveparts);
    _FP_free (liter->misparts);

    liter->haveparts = NULL;
    liter->misparts  = NULL;
    if (havecount) {
      if ((liter->haveparts=(int*)malloc((havecount+1)*sizeof(int)))!=NULL) {
    memcpy (liter->haveparts, haveparts, havecount*sizeof(int));
    liter->haveparts[havecount] = 0;
    if (miscount) {
      if ((liter->misparts=(int*)malloc((miscount+1)*sizeof(int)))!=NULL) {
    memcpy (liter->misparts, misparts, miscount*sizeof(int));
    liter->misparts[miscount] = 0;
      liter->state |= UUFILE_MISPART;

     * Finalize checking

    if ((flag & 4) == 0) liter->state |= UUFILE_NODATA;
    if ((flag & 1) == 0) liter->state |= UUFILE_NOBEGIN;
    if ((flag & 2) == 0) liter->state |= UUFILE_NOEND;
    if ((flag & 7) == 7 && miscount==0) {
      liter->state = UUFILE_OK;

    if ((uu_fast_scanning && (liter->flags&FL_PROPER)==0) || thesize<=0)
      liter->size = -1;
      liter->size = thesize;

    if (liter->state==UUFILE_OK && 
        (liter->filename==NULL || liter->filename[0]=='\0')) {
       * Emergency backup if the file does not have a filename
      _FP_free (liter->filename);
      if (liter->subfname && liter->subfname[0] &&
          _FP_strpbrk (liter->subfname, "()[];: ") == NULL)
        liter->filename = _FP_strdup (liter->subfname);
      else {
        sprintf (uucheck_tempname, "%s.%03d", nofname, ++nofnum);
        liter->filename = _FP_strdup (uucheck_tempname);
    liter = liter->NEXT;

   * Sets back (PREV) links

  liter = UUGlobalFileList;
  prev  = NULL;

  while (liter) {
    liter->PREV = prev;
    prev        = liter;
    liter       = liter->NEXT;

  return UUGlobalFileList;