// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*- // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // The Goldware Library // Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen // Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Alexander S. Aganichev // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this program; if not, write to the Free // Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, // MA 02111-1307, USA // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // $Id$ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // GCUI: Golded+ Character-oriented User Interface. // Help functions. // Based on CXL by Mike Smedley. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // esc_esc() emulate two Esc key pressed // esc_pgdn() emulate key sequence Esc & PgDn // esc_pgup() emulate key sequence Esc & PgUp // not_found() display alert window "Help category not found" // find_cat_name() search index for help category entry by name // find_cat_number() search index for help category entry by numbe. // find_page() search a page in the help file // disp_cat() display a help category // help_handler() display a window with help // // whelpdef() defines the help key, file, and window colors // whelpwin() defines the help window boundaries // whelpcat() sets the help category // whelppcat() sets the help category, but pushes current one first // whelpopc() pops the last saved help category into the void // whelpclr() clears the help buffer // whelpush() pushes the current help category onto the stack // whelpushc() pushes the given help category onto the stack // whelpop() pops last saved help category, sets current // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <gfile.h> #include <gmemdbg.h> #include <gkbdcode.h> #include <gkbdbase.h> #include <gmoubase.h> #include <gutlmisc.h> #include <gstrall.h> #include <gvidall.h> #include <gwinall.h> #include <gwinhelp.h> // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Constants #define MAXXREF 50 #define BUFSIZE 80 #define BASETAGID 200 // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Global variables extern int gmnudropthrough; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Local variables static bool whelpclosefile = false; static char* catarray[MAXXREF]; static int arraycnt = 0; static char buf[BUFSIZE+1]; _help_t whelp; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Help index file record definition static Hlpr recd; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static void esc_esc() { setonkey(Key_Esc,NULL,0); kbput(Key_Esc); kbput(Key_Esc); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static void esc_pgdn() { setonkey(Key_Esc,NULL,0); setonkey(Key_PgDn,NULL,0); kbput(Key_Esc); kbput(Key_PgDn); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static void esc_pgup() { setonkey(Key_Esc,NULL,0); setonkey(Key_PgUp,NULL,0); kbput(Key_Esc); kbput(Key_PgUp); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static void not_found(const char* cat) { wtextattr(whelp.textattr); wputs("\nHelp category not found: "); wputs(cat); wputs("\nPress a key to continue."); waitkey(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static int find_cat_name(const char* cat) { int found=NO; // Reset file pointer. whelp.fp->FseekSet(whelp.offset); // Check for "*I" marker. whelp.fp->Fgets(buf, BUFSIZE); if (strnieql(buf,"*I",2)) { // Search index for help category entry. If found, // then advance file pointer to specified position. for(;;) { whelp.fp->Fread(&recd,sizeof(Hlpr)); if(recd.offset==-1L) break; if (strieql(recd.category,cat)) { whelp.fp->FseekSet(whelp.offset + recd.offset); found=YES; break; } } } // If help category was not found, display an error message. if(not found) not_found(cat); return found; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static int find_cat_number(int cat) { int found=NO; // Reset file pointer. whelp.fp->FseekSet(whelp.offset); // Check for "*I" marker. whelp.fp->Fgets(buf, BUFSIZE); if (strnieql(buf,"*I",2)) { // Search index for help category entry. If found, // then advance file pointer to specified position. for (;;) { whelp.fp->Fread(&recd,sizeof(Hlpr)); if (recd.offset==-1L) break; if (recd.help==cat) { whelp.fp->FseekSet(whelp.offset + recd.offset); found=YES; break; } } } // If help category was not found, display an error message. if(!found) { sprintf(buf, "%u", cat); not_found(buf); } return found; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static int find_page(long startpos, int pageofs) { long lastpagepos, currpos; int currpage = 0; int lines = whelp.srow; lastpagepos = currpos = startpos; whelp.fp->FseekSet(startpos); while (currpage < pageofs) { whelp.fp->Fgets(buf, BUFSIZE); if (not whelp.fp->okay()) { whelp.fp->FseekSet(lastpagepos); break; } lines++; currpos=whelp.fp->Ftell(); if (strnieql(buf, "*E", 2)) { whelp.fp->FseekSet(lastpagepos); break; } if(strnieql(buf, "*P", 2)) { if(lines != whelp.srow+1) { lastpagepos=currpos; currpage++; } lines = whelp.srow; } else if(lines == whelp.erow-1) { lastpagepos=currpos; currpage++; lines = whelp.srow; } } return currpage; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static void disp_cat() { int page, wrow, wcol, end, menuopen, itemopen; long startpos; _menu_t *curr; char* p; char* q; gkey i, kbch; // initialize variables page = wrow = wcol = end = menuopen = itemopen = 0; // save current info startpos = whelp.fp->Ftell(); curr = gwin.cmenu; // set text attribute wtextattr(whelp.textattr); for(;;) { // read next line from help file into buffer whelp.fp->Fgets(buf,BUFSIZE); strtrim(buf); // if end-of-file or "*E" was found, assume end-of-category end = strnieql(buf,"*E",2) ? YES : NO; bool pagebreak = false; if(strnieql(buf,"*P",2)) { if(wrow != whelp.srow) pagebreak = true; else continue; } // if end-of-category or new-page specified if((wrow > whelp.erow-1) or pagebreak or end) { const char* _help = " Help "; char _title[80]; sprintf(_title, " %s ", recd.category); wtitle(NULL, TTOP, whelp.winattr); wtitle(_title, TLEFT, whelp.winattr); wtitle(NULL, TCENTER|TBOTTOM, whelp.winattr); wmessage(_help, TP_BORD, whelp.ecol-whelp.scol-strlen(_help), whelp.winattr); // update bottom border of window with PgUp/PgDn info if(page and not end) p = " PgUp/PgDn "; else if(not page and end) p = ""; else if(page and end) p = " PgUp "; else p = " PgDn "; wmessage(p,BT_BORD,whelp.ecol-whelp.scol-strlen(p),whelp.winattr); wmessage(" ESC ",BT_BORD,1,whelp.winattr); // if one or more cross reference menu items were specified if (arraycnt) { // define the PgUp/PgDn/Esc keys setonkey(Key_PgUp,esc_pgup,0); setonkey(Key_PgDn,esc_pgdn,0); setonkey(Key_Esc,esc_esc,0); // end the menu and process it wmenuend(BASETAGID,M_OMNI|M_NOQS,0,0,whelp.selattr,whelp.selattr,BLACK_|_BLACK,whelp.barattr); gmnudropthrough = YES; kbch = i = (gkey)wmenuget(); gmnudropthrough = NO; // free the keys that were defined setonkey(Key_PgUp,NULL,0); setonkey(Key_PgDn,NULL,0); setonkey(Key_Esc,NULL,0); // turn off the menuopen flag and restore menu info menuopen=NO; gwin.cmenu=curr; // if Esc, PgDn, or PgUp was not pressed if(i != 0xFFFF) { // convert tagid to array subscript i -= (gkey)BASETAGID; // try to find selected category, if found set // file pointer to it, otherwise reset file // pointer back to previous help category if (find_cat_name(catarray[i])) startpos = whelp.fp->Ftell(); else whelp.fp->FseekSet(startpos); // clear help window and set // position to upper left corner wclear(); wrow=page=0; // free menu item strings for(i=0;i<arraycnt;i++) throw_release(catarray[i]); arraycnt=0; continue; } // free menu item strings for(i=0;i<arraycnt;i++) throw_release(catarray[i]); arraycnt=0; if(kbmhit()) { gkbd.inmenu = true; kbch = getxch(); gkbd.inmenu = false; } } else { gkbd.inmenu = true; kbch = getxch(); gkbd.inmenu = false; } if ((kbch == word(-1)) || (kbch == Key_Esc)) { // clear any PgUp or PgDn keystrokes that // may be lurking in CXL's keystroke // buffer, and return to caller. kbclear(); return; } else { if (kbch == Key_PgUp) page -= (page ? 1 : 0); // find previous page else if (kbch == Key_PgDn) page += (end ? 0 : 1); // find next page // clear help window, and set position to upper left corner page = find_page(startpos, page); wrow=0; wclear(); kbclear(); continue; } } // search for cross reference categories on current line. // if any are found, then define them as a menu item q = buf; do { // search for 1st carat. if found, test for double carat. // if double carat was found display literal carat. next, // search for 2nd carat. if not found, then display the // line as text. otherwise, if found, define everything // in between the 2 carats as a menu item. p = strchr(q,'^'); if(p) { if(*(p+1)=='^') { *(p+1) = NUL; wprints(wrow, wcol, gwin.active->attr, q); wcol += strlen(q); q = p + 2; } else { *p = NUL; itemopen ^= 1; wprints(wrow, wcol, gwin.active->attr, q); if((not itemopen) and (arraycnt<MAXXREF)) { if((catarray[arraycnt]=(char*)throw_malloc(strlen(q)+1))!=NULL) { strcpy(catarray[arraycnt],q); if(not menuopen) { wmenubegc(); menuopen=YES; } wmenuitem( wrow, wcol, catarray[arraycnt], *catarray[arraycnt], BASETAGID+arraycnt, 0, NULL, 0, 0 ); arraycnt++; } } wcol += strlen(q); q = p + 1; } } } while(p); // display text line and increment current window row wprints(wrow, wcol, gwin.active->attr, q); wrow++; wcol=0; } } /* disp_cat() */ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static void help_handler() { register int i; int help,cat; int found; KBnd* savekb; // save help category help=gwin.help; // temporarily un-define the onkey list to avoid collision savekb=chgonkey(NULL); // hide cursor int cursorwashidden = vcurhidden(); vcurhide(); // hide mouse cursor #ifdef GOLD_MOUSE gmou.HideCursor(); #endif // open help window if(not wopen(whelp.srow, whelp.scol, whelp.erow, whelp.ecol, whelp.btype, whelp.winattr, whelp.winattr)) return; // display window title if specified if(whelp.title) wtitle("[ Help ]",TCENTER,whelp.winattr); // see if an open function was given. If so, then call it if(whelp.open) (*whelp.open)(); // determine help category to use. If the current help category // is empty, check the stack for a help category there cat=help; if(not cat) { if(whelp.helpptr>-1) { for(i=whelp.helpptr;i>=0;i--) { if(whelp.help[i]) { cat=whelp.help[i]; break; } } } } // check for no defined help category if(not cat) { wtextattr(whelp.textattr); wputs("\nNo help category defined.\nPress a key to continue."); waitkey(); } else { if (not whelp.fp) { whelpclosefile = true; whelp.fp = new gfile; throw_new(whelp.fp); whelp.fp->Fopen(whelp.file,"rb"); if (!whelp.fp->isopen()) { wtextattr(whelp.textattr); wputs("\nHelp file not found: "); wputs(whelp.file); wputs("\nPress a key to continue."); waitkey(); } } if (whelp.fp->isopen()) { whelp.fp->FseekSet(whelp.offset); // find help category in help file found=find_cat_number(cat); // read and display help category text if(found) disp_cat(); } if (whelpclosefile) { whelp.fp->Fclose(); delete whelp.fp; whelp.fp = NULL; } } // close help window wclose(); // reset mouse info #ifdef GOLD_MOUSE if(gmou.FreeCursor()) gmou.ShowCursor(); #endif // reset cursor if(not cursorwashidden) vcurshow(); // clear any onkeys defined in "open" function and relink the onkey list freonkey(); chgonkey(savekb); // restore help category gwin.help=help; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int whelpdef(const char* file, gkey key, vattr winattr, vattr textattr, vattr selattr, vattr barattr, VfvCP open) { // is help disengagement requested? If so, un-define the help key. if(file==NULL) { if(gwin.helptr==NULL) return gwin.werrno=W_NOHLPDEF; else { gwin.helptr=NULL; whelpclr(); setonkey(whelp.key,NULL,0); } } else { // attach help key to help handler if(setonkey(key,help_handler,0)) return gwin.werrno=W_ALLOCERR; // point global help info pointer to internal struct gwin.helptr=&whelp; } // add information to window help information record whelp.file = file; whelp.key = key; whelp.winattr = winattr; whelp.textattr = textattr; whelp.selattr = selattr; whelp.barattr = barattr; whelp.open = open; // return with no error return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int whelpwin(int srow, int scol, int erow, int ecol, int btype, int title) { // make sure help has been defined if(gwin.helptr==NULL) return gwin.werrno=W_NOHLPDEF; // load given coordinates into local static structure whelp.srow =srow; whelp.scol =scol; whelp.erow =erow; whelp.ecol =ecol; whelp.btype=btype; whelp.title=title; // return normally return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int whelpcat(int cat) { // make sure help record has been defined if(gwin.helptr==NULL) return gwin.werrno=W_NOHLPDEF; // determine if help is to be global or window if(gwin.active) gwin.active->help=cat; gwin.help=cat; // return normally return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int whelppcat(int cat) { // check for existance of help, and push // current help category onto help stack if(whelpush()) return gwin.werrno; // set help category return whelpcat(cat); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int whelpopc() { // make sure help has been defined if(gwin.helptr==NULL) return gwin.werrno=W_NOHLPDEF; // check for stack underflow if(whelp.helpptr==-1) return gwin.werrno=W_HLPSTKUN; // decrement stack pointer whelp.helpptr--; // return normally return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int whelpclr() { // make sure help has been defined if(gwin.helptr==NULL) return gwin.werrno=W_NOHLPDEF; // clear help category and reset help stack pointer gwin.help=0; whelp.helpptr=-1; // return normally return(gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int whelpush() { // make sure help has been defined if(gwin.helptr==NULL) return(gwin.werrno=W_NOHLPDEF); // push the current help category onto the help stack return(whelpushc(gwin.help)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int whelpushc(int cat) { // make sure help has been defined if(gwin.helptr==NULL) return(gwin.werrno=W_NOHLPDEF); // check for stack overflow if(gwin.helptr->helpptr==19) return(gwin.werrno=W_HLPSTKOV); // add help category to stack and increment stack pointer gwin.helptr->help[++gwin.helptr->helpptr]=cat; // return normally return(gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int whelpop() { // make sure help has been defined if(gwin.helptr==NULL) return(gwin.werrno=W_NOHLPDEF); // check for stack underflow if(gwin.helptr->helpptr==-1) return(gwin.werrno=W_HLPSTKUN); // restore help category and decrement stack pointer gwin.help=gwin.helptr->help[gwin.helptr->helpptr--]; if(gwin.active) gwin.active->help=gwin.help; // return normally return(gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------