// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*- // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // The Goldware Library // Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Alexander S. Aganichev // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this program; if not, write to the Free // Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, // MA 02111-1307, USA // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // $Id$ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Read areas from Crashmail II/CrashEcho // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #include <cstdlib> #include <gcrcall.h> #include <gstrall.h> #if defined(__GOLD_GUI__) #include <gvidall.h> #include <gvidgui.h> #endif #undef GCFG_NOCMAIL #include <gedacfg.h> // ------------------------------------------------------------------ bool gareafile::jbstrcpy(char *dest, char *src, size_t maxlen, size_t *jbc) { size_t d=0; size_t stopchar1,stopchar2; size_t jbcpos; jbcpos= *jbc; while(isspace(src[jbcpos])) jbcpos++; if(src[jbcpos]=='\"') { jbcpos++; stopchar1='\"'; stopchar2=0; } else { stopchar1=' '; stopchar2=9; } while(src[jbcpos]!=stopchar1 and src[jbcpos]!=stopchar2 and src[jbcpos]!='\n' and src[jbcpos]!=NUL and d<maxlen-1) { if(src[jbcpos]=='\\' and src[jbcpos+1]!=NUL and src[jbcpos+1]!='\n') { jbcpos++; dest[d++]=src[jbcpos++]; } else dest[d++]=src[jbcpos++]; } dest[d]=0; if(isspace(src[jbcpos]) or src[jbcpos]=='\"') jbcpos++; *jbc=jbcpos; if(d!=0 or stopchar1=='\"') return true; return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Read areas from Crashmail II/CrashEcho (echomail processor) void gareafile::ReadCrashmailCfg(const char* file) { FILE* fp = fsopen(file, "rt", sharemode); if (fp) { setvbuf(fp, NULL, _IOFBF, 8192); if (not quiet) STD_PRINTNL("* Reading " << file); char buf[4000]; char key[30]; char tmp[100], address[50], domain[50]; Path path; bool unconfirmed = true; size_t jbcpos; AreaCfg aa; aa.reset(); aa.type = GMB_NONE; address[0] = NUL; domain[0] = NUL; const word CRC_AKA = 0x13A4; const word CRC_AREA = 0x010B; #ifndef GCFG_NOCECHO const word CRC_AREAFILE = 0xB487; #endif const word CRC_LOCALAREA = 0xAEC1; const word CRC_DESCRIPTION = 0x2DF1; const word CRC_DOMAIN = 0xFFCA; const word CRC_GROUP = 0x1C9B; const word CRC_NETMAIL = 0xE42E; #ifndef GCFG_NOCECHO const word CRC_NETMAILDIR = 0x180A; #endif const word CRC_SYSOP = 0x967F; const word CRC_UNCONFIRMED = 0x195E; const word CRC_MSG = 0xCA2E; const word CRC_JAM = 0xA8C3; const word CRC_SQUISH = 0xFCF6; word crc16; while(fgets(buf, 4000, fp) != NULL) { jbcpos=0; jbstrcpy(key, buf, 30, &jbcpos); switch(crc16 = strCrc16(key)) { case CRC_SYSOP: jbstrcpy(tmp, buf, 100, &jbcpos); CfgUsername(tmp); break; case CRC_AKA: if(address[0]) { strxmerge(tmp, 100, address, "@", domain, NULL); CfgAddress(tmp); } jbstrcpy(address, buf, 50, &jbcpos); break; case CRC_DOMAIN: jbstrcpy(domain, buf, 50, &jbcpos); break; #ifndef GCFG_NOCECHO case CRC_AREAFILE: jbstrcpy(path, buf, sizeof(Path), &jbcpos); ReadCrashmail(path); break; case CRC_NETMAILDIR: if(aa.type != GMB_NONE) { if(not unconfirmed) AddNewArea(aa); aa.reset(); } aa.aka = primary_aka; aa.type = GMB_NET; aa.attr = attribsnet; aa.basetype = fidomsgtype; jbstrcpy(path, buf, sizeof(Path), &jbcpos); aa.setpath(path); aa.setdesc("CrashEcho Netmail"); aa.setautoid("NETMAIL"); unconfirmed = false; break; #endif case CRC_AREA: case CRC_NETMAIL: case CRC_LOCALAREA: if(aa.type != GMB_NONE) { if(not unconfirmed) AddNewArea(aa); } aa.reset(); aa.type = GMB_NONE; unconfirmed = false; jbstrcpy(tmp, buf, 100, &jbcpos); if(strieql(tmp, "DEFAULT") or strnieql(tmp, "DEFAULT_", 8)) { break; } switch(crc16) { case CRC_NETMAIL: aa.type = GMB_NET; aa.attr = attribsnet; break; case CRC_AREA: aa.type = GMB_ECHO; aa.attr = attribsecho; break; case CRC_LOCALAREA: aa.type = GMB_LOCAL; aa.attr = attribslocal; break; } aa.setechoid(tmp); jbstrcpy(tmp, buf, 50, &jbcpos); aa.aka = primary_aka; aa.aka.set(tmp); jbstrcpy(tmp, buf, 10, &jbcpos); switch(strCrc16(tmp)) { case CRC_MSG: aa.basetype = fidomsgtype; break; case CRC_JAM: aa.basetype = "JAM"; break; case CRC_SQUISH: aa.basetype = "SQUISH"; break; default: aa.reset(); aa.type = GMB_NONE; break; } if(aa.type == GMB_NONE) break; jbstrcpy(path, buf, sizeof(Path), &jbcpos); aa.setpath(path); break; case CRC_DESCRIPTION: jbstrcpy(tmp, buf, 100, &jbcpos); aa.setdesc(tmp); break; case CRC_UNCONFIRMED: unconfirmed = true; break; case CRC_GROUP: if(jbstrcpy(tmp, buf, 100, &jbcpos)) { if(isdigit(tmp[0])) aa.groupid = 0x8000+atoi(tmp); else if(g_isalpha(tmp[0])) aa.groupid = g_toupper(tmp[0]); } break; } } if(aa.type != GMB_NONE) { if(not unconfirmed) { AddNewArea(aa); } } if(address[0]) { strxmerge(tmp, 100, address, "@", domain, NULL); CfgAddress(tmp); } fclose(fp); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Initialize parser void gareafile::ReadCrashmail(char* tag) { Path file, path; char options[80]; strcpy(options, tag); char* ptr = strtok(tag, " \t"); while(ptr) { if(*ptr != '-') { strcpy(file, ptr); strschg_environ(file); } ptr = strtok(NULL, " \t"); } extractdirname(path, file); CfgSquishuserpath(path); ReadCrashmailCfg(file); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------