//  This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  The Goldware Library
//  Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen
//  Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Alexander S. Aganichev
//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
//  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
//  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
//  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//  Library General Public License for more details.
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
//  License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
//  Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
//  MA 02111-1307, USA
//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  $Id$
//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Area structures and classes.
//  ------------------------------------------------------------------

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------

#ifndef __GMBAREA_H
#define __GMBAREA_H

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------

#include <string>
#include <gstrbags.h>
#include <gutltag.h>
#include <glog.h>
#include <gedacfg.h>
#include <gmo_msg.h>

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Area base class

class gmo_area {


  //  ----------------------------------------------------------------
  //  Config data

  AreaCfgBase cfg;
  GStrSet3    cfg2;

  //  ----------------------------------------------------------------
  //  Constructor and destructor

  virtual ~gmo_area();

  //  ----------------------------------------------------------------
  //  Data members

  GTag*   Msgn;               // Message numbers
  GTag*   PMrk;               // Personal mail marks

  uint    lastread;           // Number of last message read
  uint32_t   lastreadentry;      // Lastread message number at entry to area

  int     isopen;             // NONZERO if open

  //  ----------------------------------------------------------------
  //  Access config data

        int   areaid() const      { return cfg.areaid; }
        int   groupid() const     { return cfg.groupid; }
        uint  type() const        { return cfg.type; }
  const char *basetype() const    { return cfg.basetype; }
        uint  board() const       { return cfg.board; }
  const ftn_addr& aka() const     { return cfg.aka; }
        int   originno() const    { return cfg.originno; }
        Attr& attr()              { return cfg.attr; }
        bool  ispacked() const    { return cfg.attr.pkd(); }
        void  packed(bool a)      { cfg.attr.pkd(a); }

  bool ascan()          { return (bool)cfg.scan; }
  bool ascanexcl()      { return (bool)cfg.scanexcl; }
  bool ascanincl()      { return (bool)cfg.scanincl; }
  bool pmscan()         { return (bool)cfg.pmscan; }
  bool pmscanexcl()     { return (bool)cfg.pmscanexcl; }
  bool pmscanincl()     { return (bool)cfg.pmscanincl; }

  const char* echoid() const      { return cfg2.Get1(); }
  const char* desc() const        { return cfg2.Get2(); }
  const char* path() const        { return cfg2.Get3(); }

  void set_areaid(int a)        { cfg.areaid = a; }
  void set_groupid(int g)       { cfg.groupid = g; }
  void set_type(uint t)         { cfg.type = t; }
  void set_basetype(const char *m) { cfg.basetype = m; }
  void set_board(uint b)        { cfg.board = b; }
  void set_aka(ftn_addr& a)     { cfg.aka = a; }
  void set_originno(int o)      { cfg.originno = o; }
  void set_attr(Attr& a)        { cfg.attr = a; }
  void set_origin(char* o)      { std::string tmp = o; cfg.setorigin(tmp); }

  void set_scan(bool s)           { cfg.scan = (byte)s; }
  void set_scanexcl(bool s)       { cfg.scanexcl = (byte)s; }
  void set_scanincl(bool s)       { cfg.scanincl = (byte)s; }
  void set_pmscan(bool s)         { cfg.pmscan = (byte)s; }
  void set_pmscanexcl(bool s)     { cfg.pmscanexcl = (byte)s; }
  void set_pmscanincl(bool s)     { cfg.pmscanincl = (byte)s; }

  void set_echoid(const char* s)   { cfg2.Change1(s); }
  void set_desc(const char* s)     { cfg2.Change2(s); }
  void set_path(const char* s)     { cfg2.Change3(s); }

  //  ----------------------------------------------------------------
  //  Determine msgbase format

  bool isseparator() const;

  //  ----------------------------------------------------------------
  //  Determine area features

  virtual bool issoftdelete() const { return false; }
  virtual bool havearrivedstamp() const { return true; }
  virtual bool havereceivedstamp() const { return true; }
  virtual bool requirehardterm() const { return false; }
  virtual bool requiresoftterm() const { return false; }

  //  ----------------------------------------------------------------
  //  Determine area type

  int isnet() const;
  int isecho() const;
  int islocal() const;
  int isemail() const;
  int isnewsgroup() const;
  int isinternet() const;
  int isqwk() const;
  int issoup() const;

  //  ----------------------------------------------------------------
  //  Low-level messagebase member functions
  virtual void open() = 0;
  virtual void close() = 0;

  virtual void suspend() = 0;
  virtual void resume() = 0;

  virtual void lock() = 0;
  virtual void unlock() = 0;

  virtual void scan() = 0;
  virtual void scan_area() = 0;
  virtual void scan_area_pm() = 0;

  virtual int load_hdr(gmsg* msg) = 0;
  virtual int load_msg(gmsg* msg) = 0;

  virtual void save_hdr(int mode, gmsg* msg) = 0;
  virtual void save_msg(int mode, gmsg* msg) = 0;

  virtual void del_msg(gmsg* msg) = 0;

  virtual void new_msgno(gmsg* msg) = 0;
  virtual char* user_lookup(char* lookfor) = 0;
  virtual int renumber() = 0;

  virtual void update_timesread(gmsg* msg) = 0;

  virtual Line* make_dump_msg(Line*& lin, gmsg* msg, char* lng_head) = 0;

  virtual void set_highwater_mark() { }
  virtual void reset_highwater_mark() { }

  Path realpath;
  const char* real_path() const        { return ispacked() ? realpath : path(); }
  void set_real_path(const char* newpath) { strxcpy(realpath, newpath, sizeof(Path)); }

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Inline implementations

inline bool gmo_area::isseparator() const { return cfg.isseparator(); }

inline int gmo_area::isnet() const       { return cfg.isnet(); }
inline int gmo_area::isecho() const      { return cfg.isecho(); }
inline int gmo_area::islocal() const     { return cfg.islocal(); }
inline int gmo_area::isemail() const     { return cfg.isemail(); }
inline int gmo_area::isnewsgroup() const { return cfg.isnewsgroup(); }
inline int gmo_area::isinternet() const  { return cfg.isinternet(); }
inline int gmo_area::isqwk() const       { return cfg.isqwk(); }
inline int gmo_area::issoup() const      { return cfg.issoup(); }

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------

class SepArea : public gmo_area {


  SepArea() { }
  virtual ~SepArea() { }

  //  ----------------------------------------------------------------
  //  Messagebase member functions
  void open() { }
  void close() { }

  void suspend() { }
  void resume() { }

  void lock() { }
  void unlock() { }

  void scan() { }
  void scan_area() { }
  void scan_area_pm() { }

  int load_hdr(gmsg*) { return 0; }
  int load_msg(gmsg*) { return 0; }

  void save_hdr(int, gmsg*) { }
  void save_msg(int, gmsg*) { }

  void del_msg(gmsg*) { }

  void new_msgno(gmsg*) { }
  char* user_lookup(char*) { return NULL; }
  int renumber() { return false; }

  void update_timesread(gmsg*) { }

  Line* make_dump_msg(Line*&, gmsg*, char*) { return NULL; }

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Personal mail

const int PM_STARTUP  = 0x0001;
const int PM_ALLNAMES = 0x0002;
const int PM_LISTONLY = 0x0004;

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------

extern glog*        WideLog;
extern int          WideDebug;
extern int          WideCanLock;
extern const char** WideUsername;
extern int          WideUsernames;
extern uint         WideSharemode;
extern int          WideDispsoftcr;
extern int          WidePersonalmail;

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------

bool PopupLocked(long __tries, int __isopen, const char* __file);
const char* Unpack(const char* archive);
void CleanUnpacked(const char* unpacked);

//  ------------------------------------------------------------------


//  ------------------------------------------------------------------