//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  The Goldware Library. Copyright (C) Odinn Sorensen.
//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
//  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
//  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
//  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//  Library General Public License for more details.
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
//  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
//  Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  $Id$
//  ------------------------------------------------------------------

#if defined(GOLD_CANPACK)
#pragma pack(1)

/* 'C' Structures of FastEcho 1.30, File: FASTECHO.CFG  */
/* (c)1993 by Tobias Burchhardt, Updated: 13 Sep 1993   */

/* FASTECHO.CFG = <CONFIG>                              */
/*                + <optional extensions>               */
/*                + <CONFIG.NodeCnt * Node>             */
/*                + <CONFIG.AreaCnt * Area>             */

#define REVISION        4       /* current revision     */

#define MAX_AREAS       960     /* max # of areas       */
#define MAX_NODES       200     /* max # of nodes       */
#define MAX_GROUPS      26      /* max # of groups      */
#define MAX_AKAS        16      /* max # of akas        */

/* CONFIG.flags                                         */
#define RETEAR                  0x00000001l
#define AUTOCREATE      0x00000002l
#define KILLEMPTY       0x00000004l
#define KILLDUPES       0x00000008l
#define FRONTDOOR       0x00000010l
#define DBRIDGE             0x00000020l
#define BINKLEY             0x00000040l
#define INTERMAIL       0x00000080l
//#define SWAP_XMS                0x00000100l
//#define SWAP_EMS                0x00000200l
//#define SWAP_DISK               0x00000400l
#define PURGE_PROCESSDATE       0x00008000l
#define MAILER_RESCAN           0x00010000l
#define EXCLUDE_USERS       0x00020000l
#define EXCLUDE_SYSOPS      0x00040000l
#define CHECK_DESTINATION   0x00080000l
#define UPDATE_BBS_CONFIG       0x00100000l
#define KILL_GRUNGED_DATE       0x00200000l
#define NOT_BUFFER_EMS          0x00400000l
#define KEEP_NETMAILS       0x00800000l
#define NOT_UPDATE_MAILER       0x01000000l
#define NOT_CHECK_SEMAPHORES    0x02000000l
#define CREATE_SEMAPHORES       0x04000000l
#define CHECK_COMPLETE          0x08000000l

/* CONFIG.BBSSoftware                                   */
enum BBSSoft { NoBBSSoft = 0, RemoteAccess111, QuickBBS,
               SuperBBS, ProBoard122, TagBBS, RemoteAccess200,

/* CONFIG.CC.what                                       */
#define FROM            1
#define TO      2
#define SUBJECT     3

/* CONFIG.QuietLevel                                    */
#define QUIET_PACK      0x0001
#define QUIET_UNPACK    0x0002
#define QUIET_EXTERN    0x0004

/* CONFIG.Buffers                                       */
#define BUF_LARGE       0x0000
#define BUF_MEDIUM      0x0001
#define BUF_SMALL       0x0002

/* CONFIG.arcext.inb/outb                               */
enum ARCmailExt { ARCDigits = 0, ARCHex, ARCAlpha };

/* CONFIG.AreaFixFlags                                  */
#define ALLOWRESCAN 0x0001
#define KEEPREQUEST 0x0002
#define KEEPRECEIPT 0x0004
#define ALLOWREMOTE 0x0008
#define DETAILEDLIST    0x0010
#define ALLOWPASSWORD   0x0020
#define ALLOWPKTPWD     0x0040

/* Area.board (1-200 = QBBS)                            */
#define NO_BOARD        0x4000u /* everything but QBBS  */
#define AREA_DELETED    0x8000u /* never written        */

/* Area.flags.type                                      */
#define QBBS            0
#define FIDO        1
#define SQUISH      2
#define JAM             3
#define PT_BOARD    7

/* Area.type                                            */
#define AREA_ECHOMAIL        0
#define AREA_NETMAIL         1
#define AREA_LOCAL           2
#define AREA_DUPEBOARD       4

/* Node.flags                                           */
#define DDDD            0x0001
#define TOSSCAN     0x0002
#define DIRECT      0x0004
#define CRASH       0x0008
#define UMLAUT_NET  0x0010
#define ALLOW_AF_REMOTE 0x0020
#define RESCANDISABLED  0x0040
#define HOLD        0x0080
#define ARCMAIL060  0x0200
#define PASSIVE     0x0400
#define ALLOWAREACREATE 0x0800
#define PACKER          0xF000

#define PACKS(x) (int)(((x)&PACKER)>>12)        /* Index of used Packer   */
                        /* 0xf = .PKT, don't pack */

/* Node.advflags                                        */
#define EXPORTBYNAME    0x0001
#define NOT_NOTIFY      0x0002
#define NOT_HELP        0x0004
#define NOATTACH        0x0008
#define NET_HOLD    0x0010
#define NET_CRASH       0x0020
#define NET_DIRECT      0x0040

/* Types                                                */

enum ARCers { ARC_Unknown = -1, ARC_SeaArc, ARC_PkArc, ARC_Pak,
              ARC_ArcPlus, ARC_Zoo, ARC_PkZip, ARC_Lha, ARC_Arj,
              ARC_Sqz };        /* CONFIG.Unpackers[]   */

/* Structures                                           */

typedef struct
 word zone,net,node,point;
} Address;

#define _MAXPATH 56

typedef struct CONFIGURATION4
 word revision;
 dword flags;
 word NodeCnt,AreaCnt,unused1;
 char NetMPath[_MAXPATH],
  char tag[4];
  char name[_MAXPATH-2];
  char list[2];             /* List prefix character */
 } Packer[8];
  byte what;
  char object[31];
  word conference;
 } CC[10];
 byte security,loglevel;
 short def_days,def_messages;
 struct                                 /* now obsolete         */
  Address main;
  char domain[28];
  word pointnet;
  dword flags;
 } oldakas[11];                         /* but still maintained */
 word autorenum;
 short def_recvdays;
 word openQQQs;
 word oldduperecords;                   /* now obsolete         */
 word msglen;
 word unused3;
 char TempPath[_MAXPATH];
 byte graphics,BBSSoftware;
 char AreaFixHelp[_MAXPATH];
 char Unpackers[9][_MAXPATH];
 word AreaFixFlags;
 byte QuietLevel,Buffers;
 byte FWACnt,GDCnt;     /* # of ForwardAreaFix records,
                           # of Group Default records   */
  word flags;
  word days[2];
  word msgs[2];
 } rescan_def;
 dword duperecords;
  byte inb;
  byte outb;
 } arcext;
 word AFixRcptLen;
 word AkaCnt;
 word maxPKT;
 byte sharing,sorting;
  char name[36];
  dword resv;
 } sysops[11];
 char AreaFixLog[_MAXPATH];
 char TempInBound[_MAXPATH];
 char resv2[832];
 dword offset;                        /* This is the offset from the current
                     file-pointer to the 1st Node        */

/* To directly access the 'Nodes' and/or 'Areas' while bypassing the */
/* Extensions, perform an absolute (from beginning of file) seek to  */
/*                   sizeof(CONFIG) + CONFIG.offset                  */

typedef struct
 Address addr;
 byte aka;                      /* 0 ... MAX_AKAS-1                      */
 byte autopassive;              /* # of days                             */
 word flags;
 word sec_level;
 char password[9];              /* .PKT password                         */
 char newgroup;                 /* Default group for new areas           */
 Address routes[15];            /* netmail routing                       */
 byte areas[124];               /* Bit-field with 992 bits, Byte 0/Bit 7 */
                /* is conference 0, etc.                 */
 dword groups;                  /* Bit-field, Byte 0/Bit 7 = 'A' etc.    */
                /* false means group is active           */
 char areafixpw[9];
 byte advflags;
} FeNode4;

typedef struct
 char name[41];
 byte type;
 word board;
 short messages;
  bits  origin : 3;
  bits  group  : 5;             /* 0 ... MAX_GROUPS-1   */
  bits  type   : 3;
  bits  umlaut : 1;
  bits  aka    : 4;             /* 0 ... MAX_AKAS-1     */
 } flags;
 short days;
 word conference;               /* 0 ... 991            */
 word read_sec,write_sec;
  bits  autoadded  : 1;
  bits  tinyseen   : 1;
  bits  cpd        : 1;
  bits  passive    : 1;
  bits  keepseen   : 1;
  bits  mandatory  : 1;
  bits  keepsysop  : 1;
  bits  killread   : 1;
  bits  disablepsv : 1;
  bits  resv       : 7;
 } advflags;
 char path[_MAXPATH];
 char desc[42];
 word seenbys;                  /* LSB = Aka0, MSB = Aka15      */
 short recvdays;
} FeArea4;

/* Optional Extensions                                  */
/* These are the variable length extensions between     */
/* CONFIG and the first Node record. Each extension has */
/* a header which contains the info about the type and  */
/* the length of the extension. You can read the fields */
/* using the following algorithm:                       */
/*                                                      */
/* offset := 0;                                         */
/* while (offset<CONFIG.offset) do                      */
/*  read_header;                                        */
/*  if(header.type==EH_abc) then                        */
/*   read_and_process_data;                             */
/*    else                                              */
/*  if(header.type==EH_xyz) then                        */
/*   read_and_process_data;                             */
/*    else                                              */
/*   [...]                                              */
/*    else  // unknown or unwanted extension found      */
/*  seek_forward(header.offset); // Seek to next header */
/*  offset = offset + header.offset;                    */
/* end;                                                 */

typedef struct
 word type;             /* EH_...                           */
 dword offset;          /* length of field excluding header */
} ExtensionHeader;

#define EH_AREAFIX      0x0001 /* CONFIG.FWACnt * <ForwardAreaFix> */

enum AreaFixSendTo { AreaFix = 0, AreaMgr, AreaLink, EchoMgr };
enum AreaFixAreaListFormat { Areas_BBS = 0, Area_List };

typedef struct
 word nodenr;
  bits  sendto  : 3;
  bits  newgroup: 5;
  bits  valid   : 1;
  bits  uncond  : 1;
  bits  addplus : 1;
  bits  addtear : 1;
  bits  format  : 3;
  bits  active  : 1;
 } flags;
 char file[_MAXPATH];
 dword groups;
 word sec_level;
 char resv[6];
} ForwardAreaFix;

#define EH_GROUPS       0x0002  /* 1 record of <GroupNames>     */

typedef struct
 char name[26][35];
} GroupNames;

#define EH_SYSOPNAMES   0x0003  /* CONFIG.NodeCnt * <SysopNames> */

typedef struct
 char name[36];
} SysopNames;

#define EH_GRPDEFAULTS  0x0006  /* CONFIG.GDCnt * <GroupDefaults> */

typedef struct
 byte group;
 FeArea4 area;
 byte nodes[32];        /* 256 bits     */
} GroupDefaults;

#define EH_AKAS         0x0007  /* CONFIG.AkaCnt * <SysAddress> */

typedef struct
 Address main;
 char domain[28];
 word pointnet;
 dword flags;           /* unused       */
} SysAddress;

#define EH_RA111_MSG    0x0100  /* Original records of BBS systems */
#define EH_QBBS_MSG     0x0101
#define EH_SBBS_MSG     0x0102
#define EH_PB122_MSG    0x0103
#define EH_TAG_MSG      0x0104
#define EH_RA200_MSG    0x0105  /* See BBS package's documentation */
#define EH_PB130_MSG    0x0106  /* for details                     */

/* Routines to access Node.areas, Node.groups           */

#if 0

word AddBam(byte *bam,word nr)
byte c=(1<<(7-(nr&7))),d;


void FreeBam(byte *bam,word nr)

word GetBam(byte *bam,word nr)
 if(bam[nr/8]&(1<<(7-(nr&7)))) return(true);

#define IsActive(nr,area)      GetBam(Node[nr].areas,area)
#define SetActive(nr,area)     AddBam(Node[nr].areas,area)
#define SetDeActive(nr,area)   FreeBam(Node[nr].areas,area)


#if defined(GOLD_CANPACK)
#pragma pack()