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2000-02-25 10:15:17 +00:00

191 lines
7.1 KiB

// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Goldware Library
// Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Library General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
// License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
// Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
// MA 02111-1307, USA
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// $Id$
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// JAM msgbase implementation, utilities.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <gmemdbg.h>
#include <gdbgtrk.h>
#include <gutlmisc.h>
#include <gmojamm.h>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
char* JamArea::user_lookup(char* lookfor) {
return NULL;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
int JamArea::renumber() {
return false;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
Line* JamArea::make_dump_msg(Line*& lin, gmsg* __msg, char* lng_head) {
// Read base header
JamHdrInfo* _base = (JamHdrInfo*)throw_calloc(1, sizeof(JamHdrInfo));
lseekset(data->fhjhr, 0);
read(data->fhjhr, _base, sizeof(JamHdrInfo));
// Read index record for msg
JamIndex _idx;
lseekset(data->fhjdx, __msg->msgno-data->hdrinfo.basemsgnum, sizeof(JamIndex));
read(data->fhjdx, &_idx, sizeof(JamIndex));
// Allocate space for the header
JamHdr* _hdr = (JamHdr*)throw_calloc(1, (uint)(sizeof(JamHdr)+17));
// Read message header
lseekset(data->fhjhr, _idx.hdroffset);
read(data->fhjhr, _hdr, sizeof(JamHdr));
// Allocate space for the subfields
byte* _subfield = (byte*)throw_calloc(1, (uint)(_hdr->subfieldlen+17));
// Read the subfields
read(data->fhjhr, _subfield, (uint)_hdr->subfieldlen);
// Allocate memory for the raw message text
__msg->txt = (char*)throw_calloc(1, (uint)_hdr->txtlen+16);
// Read the message text
lseekset(data->fhjdt, _hdr->offset);
read(data->fhjdt, __msg->txt, (uint)_hdr->txtlen);
char buf[100];
Line* line = lin =
AddLine (NULL, "Hexdump of JAM message header, subfields and text");
AddLineF(line, "------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
line = AddLine(line, "");
AddLineF(line, "Msgbase : %s", path());
AddLineF(line, "Signature : %s", _hdr->signature);
AddLineF(line, "Revision : %u", _hdr->revision);
AddLineF(line, "ReservedWord : %u", _hdr->reservedword);
AddLineF(line, "SubfieldLen : %lu", _hdr->subfieldlen);
AddLineF(line, "TimesRead : %lu", _hdr->timesread);
AddLineF(line, "MSGIDcrc : %08lXh", _hdr->msgidcrc);
AddLineF(line, "REPLYcrc : %08lXh", _hdr->replycrc);
AddLineF(line, "ReplyTo : %lu", _hdr->replyto);
AddLineF(line, "Reply1st : %lu", _hdr->reply1st);
AddLineF(line, "ReplyNext : %lu", _hdr->replynext);
AddLineF(line, "DateWritten : %s (%08lXh)", TimeToStr(buf, _hdr->datewritten), _hdr->datewritten);
AddLineF(line, "DateReceived : %s (%08lXh)", TimeToStr(buf, _hdr->datereceived), _hdr->datereceived);
AddLineF(line, "DateProcessed : %s (%08lXh)", TimeToStr(buf, _hdr->dateprocessed), _hdr->dateprocessed);
AddLineF(line, "MessageNumber : %lu", _hdr->messagenumber);
AddLineF(line, "Attribute : %08lXh (%sb)", _hdr->attribute, ltob(buf, _hdr->attribute, 0));
AddLineF(line, "Attribute2 : %08lXh (%sb)", _hdr->attribute2, ltob(buf, _hdr->attribute2, 0));
AddLineF(line, "Offset : %lu", _hdr->offset);
AddLineF(line, "TxtLen : %lu", _hdr->txtlen);
AddLineF(line, "PasswordCRC : %08lXh", _hdr->passwordcrc);
AddLineF(line, "Cost : %lu", _hdr->cost);
line = AddLine(line, "");
AddLineF(line, "Index Record:");
line = AddLine(line, "");
AddLineF(line, "UserCrc : %08lXh", _idx.usercrc);
AddLineF(line, "HeaderOffset : %08lXh (%lu)", _idx.hdroffset, _idx.hdroffset);
line = AddLine(line, "");
AddLineF(line, "Lastread Record:");
line = AddLine(line, "");
AddLineF(line, "Index : %lu", data->lastpos);
AddLineF(line, "UserCrc : %08lXh", data->lastrec.usercrc);
AddLineF(line, "UserId : %08lXh", data->lastrec.userid);
AddLineF(line, "Lastread : %lu", data->lastrec.lastread);
AddLineF(line, "Highread : %lu", data->lastrec.highread);
line = AddLine(line, "");
AddLineF(line, "Base Header:");
line = AddLine(line, "");
AddLineF(line, "DateCreated : %s (%08lXh)", TimeToStr(buf, _base->datecreated), _base->datecreated);
AddLineF(line, "ModCounter : %lu", _base->modcounter);
AddLineF(line, "ActiveMsgs : %lu", _base->activemsgs);
AddLineF(line, "PasswordCRC : %08lXh", _base->passwordcrc);
AddLineF(line, "BaseMsgNum : %lu", _base->basemsgnum);
AddLineF(line, "HighWaterMark : %lu", _base->highwatermark);
line = AddLine(line, "");
AddLineF(line, "Subfields:");
line = AddLine(line, "");
AddHexdump(line, _subfield, (uint)_hdr->subfieldlen);
line = AddLine(line, "");
// Process the subfields
JamSubField* _subfieldptr = (JamSubField*)_subfield;
uint _subfieldpos = 0;
while(_subfieldpos < _hdr->subfieldlen) {
_subfieldpos += sizeof(JamSubFieldHdr);
uint _datlen = (uint)_subfieldptr->datlen;
if(_subfieldpos > _hdr->subfieldlen) {
AddLineF(line, "Error: SubfieldHdr at pos %u exceeds SubfieldLen (%lu)!", _subfieldpos-sizeof(JamSubFieldHdr), _hdr->subfieldlen);
if((_subfieldpos + _datlen) > _hdr->subfieldlen) {
_datlen = (uint)(_hdr->subfieldlen - _subfieldpos);
AddLineF(line, "Error: SubfieldData at pos %u is too long (%u)! Cut to %u.", _subfieldpos, (uint)_subfieldptr->datlen, _datlen);
AddLineF(line, "%05u [%3u]: \"%-*.*s\"",
_subfieldptr->loid, _datlen,
MinV(60, (int)_datlen),
MinV(60, (int)_datlen),
_subfieldpos += _datlen;
_subfieldptr = (JamSubField*)(_subfield + _subfieldpos);
// Free subfield buffer
line = AddLine(line, "");
AddLineF(line, lng_head);
line = AddLine(line, "");
AddHexdump(line, _hdr, sizeof(JamHdr));
// Free header and base
return line;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------