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2000-11-06 14:26:34 +00:00

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// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Goldware Library
// Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen
// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Alexander S. Aganichev
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Library General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
// License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
// Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
// MA 02111-1307, USA
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// $Id$
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Based on CXL by Mike Smedley.
// Screen/video functions.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef __gvidall_h
#define __gvidall_h
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <gdefs.h>
#if defined(__USE_NCURSES__)
#include <gcurses.h>
#define ACS_BOARD '°'
#define ACS_BLOCK 'Û'
#if defined(__WIN32__)
#include <windows.h>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Display adapter types returned from vidtype()
// If bit 0 is set, the adapter was detected in monochrome mode
#define GV_NONE 0x0000
#define V_MONO 0x0001
#define V_MDA 0x0011
#define V_HGC 0x0021
#define V_HGCPLUS 0x0041
#define V_INCOLOR 0x0080
#define V_CGA 0x0100
#define V_EGA 0x0200
#define V_EGAMONO 0x0201
#define V_MCGA 0x0400
#define V_MCGAMONO 0x0401
#define V_VGA 0x0800
#define V_VGAMONO 0x0801
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Video parameter settings
#define VP_DMA 0 // direct screen writes
#define VP_CGA 1 // direct screen writes, eliminate CGA snow
#define VP_BIOS 2 // BIOS screen writes
#define VP_MONO 3 // monochrome attribute translation on
#define VP_COLOR 4 // monochrome attribute translation off
#define VP_OS2VIO 6 // OS/2 vio screen writes
#define VP_W32CON 7 // WIN32 console screen writes
#define VP_CURSES 8 // Curses screen writes
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Video devices
#define GVID_DMA 0
#define GVID_CGA 1
#define GVID_BIO 2
#define GVID_OS2 4
#define GVID_W32 5
#define GVID_CUR 6
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Useful defines for video (0x10) interrupt function numbers
#if defined(__MSDOS__)
#define V_SET_MODE 0x00
#define V_SET_CURSOR_POS 0x02
#define V_GET_CURSOR_POS 0x03
#define V_SCROLL_UP 0x06
#define V_SCROLL_DOWN 0x07
#define V_RD_CHAR_ATTR 0x08
#define V_WR_CHAR_ATTR 0x09
#define V_WR_CHAR 0x0A
#define V_WR_TTY 0x0E
#define V_GET_MODE 0x0F
#define V_GET_FONT_INFO 0x1130
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
#if defined(__MSDOS__)
struct __int10_ah1b_statebuf {
// Offset Size Description
dword statfunctable; // 00h DWORD address of static funtionality table (see below)
byte videomode; // 04h BYTE video mode in effect
word columns; // 05h WORD number of columns
word regenbuflen; // 07h WORD length of regen buffer in bytes
word regenbufstart; // 09h WORD starting address of regen buffer
word cursorpos0; // 0Bh WORD cursor position for page 0
word cursorpos1; // 0Dh WORD cursor position for page 1
word cursorpos2; // 0Fh WORD cursor position for page 2
word cursorpos3; // 11h WORD cursor position for page 3
word cursorpos4; // 13h WORD cursor position for page 4
word cursorpos5; // 15h WORD cursor position for page 5
word cursorpos6; // 17h WORD cursor position for page 6
word cursorpos7; // 19h WORD cursor position for page 7
word cursortype; // 1Bh WORD cursor type
byte activepage; // 1Dh BYTE active display page
word crctportaddr; // 1Eh WORD CRTC port address
byte curr_reg_3x8; // 20h BYTE current setting of register (3?8)
byte curr_reg_3x9; // 21h BYTE current setting of register (3?9)
byte rows; // 22h BYTE number of rows
word bytesperchar; // 23h WORD bytes/character
byte dispcombcode; // 25h BYTE display combination code of active display
byte dcc; // 26h BYTE DCC of alternate display
word numcolors; // 27h WORD number of colors supported in current mode
byte numpages; // 29h BYTE number of pages supported in current mode
byte numscanlines; // 2Ah BYTE number of scan lines active (0,1,2,3) = (200,350,400,480) Tseng ET3000: (4,5,6 = 512,600,768)
byte primcharblock; // 2Bh BYTE primary character block
byte seccharblock; // 2Ch BYTE secondary character block
byte miscflags; // 2Dh BYTE miscellaneous flags (see below)
byte reserved1[3]; // 2Eh 3 BYTEs reserved (00h)
byte videomem; // 31h BYTE video memory available 00h = 64K, 01h = 128K, 02h = 192K, 03h = 256K
byte stateflags; // 32h BYTE save pointer state flags (see below)
byte reserved2[13]; // 33h 13 BYTEs reserved (00h)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attribute codes for functions that use them
#define BLACK 0
#define BLUE 1
#define GREEN 2
#define CYAN 3
#define RED 4
#define MAGENTA 5
#define BROWN 6
#define LGREY 7
#define DGREY 8
#define LBLUE 9
#define LGREEN 10
#define LCYAN 11
#define LRED 12
#define LMAGENTA 13
#define YELLOW 14
#define WHITE 15
#define _BLACK (BLACK << 4)
#define _BLUE (BLUE << 4)
#define _GREEN (GREEN << 4)
#define _CYAN (CYAN << 4)
#define _RED (RED << 4)
#define _MAGENTA (MAGENTA << 4)
#define _BROWN (BROWN << 4)
#define _LGREY (LGREY << 4)
#define _DGREY (DGREY << 4)
#define _LBLUE (LBLUE << 4)
#define _LGREEN (LGREEN << 4)
#define _LCYAN (LCYAN << 4)
#define _LRED (LRED << 4)
#define _LMAGENTA (LMAGENTA << 4)
#define _YELLOW (YELLOW << 4)
#define _WHITE (WHITE << 4)
#undef BLINK
#define BLINK 128
#if defined(__UNIX__) and not defined(__USE_NCURSES__)
#define ACSET 0
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Additional monochrome color values
#define UNDERLINE 1
#define NORMAL 7
#define HIGHLIGHT 15
#define REVERSE 112
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Border types
#define BT_SINGLE 0
#define BT_DOUBLE 1
#define BT_SINGLETOP 2
#define BT_DOUBLETOP 3
#define BT_BLANKS 4
#define BT_NONE 5
#define BT_BLOCKS 6
#define BT_ASCII 7
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Video information structure
struct GVidInfo {
// Screen info
struct {
int mode; // Video mode
int rows; // Number of rows
int columns; // Number of columns
int cheight; // Character height
int cwidth; // Character width
} screen;
// Cursor info
struct {
int column; // Cursor column
int row; // Cursor row
int start; // Cursor start line
int end; // Cursor end line
word attr; // Cursor attribute. Hidden if attr == 0xFFFF
} cursor;
// Colors
struct {
int textattr; // Text attribute
int overscan; // Overscan color
int intensity; // Background color state (intense or blinking)
int palette[16]; // Palette state
} color;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef __DJGPP__
typedef unsigned long gdma; // Video DMA linear address
typedef word* gdma; // Video DMA pointer
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
#if defined(__USE_NCURSES__)
typedef chtype vchar; // Type of characters on-screen
typedef chtype vatch; // Type of character-attribute groups
#elif defined(__WIN32__)
typedef char vchar; // Type of characters on-screen
typedef CHAR_INFO vatch; // Type of character-attribute groups
typedef char vchar; // Type of characters on-screen
typedef word vatch; // Type of character-attribute groups
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Video information record
class GVid {
int adapter; // Video adapter type
GVidInfo orig; // Original video info
GVidInfo curr; // Current video info
int device; // Video device type
gdma dmadir; // Video DMA pointer (direct)
gdma dmaptr; // Video DMA pointer (direct or buffered)
vchar* bufchr; // Video line char buffer (char only)
vatch* bufwrd; // Video line word buffer (char+attr)
vchar* bufansi; // Video line ANSI buffer (11*numcols)
int currow; // Current cursor row
int curcol; // Current cursor column
int numrows; // number of displayed rows
int numcols; // number of displayed columns
word videoseg; // video buffer segment address
void init();
int detectadapter ();
void detectinfo (GVidInfo* _info);
void resetcurr ();
void setdevice (int _device);
void setmode (int _mode);
void setrows (int _rows);
void setoverscan (int _overscan);
void setintensity (int _intensity);
void getpalette (int* _palette);
void setpalette (int* _palette);
bool isdma() { return device == GVID_DMA; }
bool iscga() { return device == GVID_CGA; }
bool isbios() { return device == GVID_BIO; }
void restore_cursor();
void resize_screen(int columns, int rows);
extern GVid *gvid;
#if defined(__UNIX__) and not defined(__USE_NCURSES__)
extern bool gvid_xterm;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Box characters table
#if not defined(__USE_NCURSES__)
extern char* __box_table[];
#define _box_table(i,j) (__box_table[i][j])
chtype _box_table(int type, int c);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Prototypes
int setvparam (int setting);
int mapattr (int attr);
int revsattr (int attr);
inline int attrib(int f, int b, int i, int bl) { return (int)((b<<4)|(f)|(i<<3)|(bl<<7)); }
void vputw (int row, int col, vatch chat);
void vputws (int row, int col, vatch* buf, uint len);
void vputc (int row, int col, int atr, vchar chr);
void vputvs (int row, int col, int atr, const vchar* str);
void vputs (int row, int col, int atr, const char* str);
void vputns (int row, int col, int atr, const char* str, uint len);
void vputx (int row, int col, int atr, vchar chr, uint len);
void vputy (int row, int col, int atr, vchar chr, uint len);
vatch vgetw (int row, int col);
void vgetc (int row, int col, int* atr, vchar* chr);
void vscroll (int srow, int scol, int erow, int ecol, int atr, int lines);
void vposget (int* row, int* col);
void vposset (int row, int col);
void vclrscr ();
void vclrscr (int atr); // Overloaded
typedef struct _vsavebuf {
int top, left, right, bottom;
__extension__ vatch data[0];
} vsavebuf;
vsavebuf* vsave (int srow=-1, int scol=-1, int erow=-1, int ecol=-1);
void vrestore (vsavebuf* buf, int srow=-1, int scol=-1, int erow=-1, int ecol=-1);
void vcurget (int* sline, int* eline);
void vcurset (int sline, int eline);
void vcurhide ();
void vcurshow ();
bool vcurhidden ();
void vcurlarge ();
void vcursmall ();
void vbox (int srow, int scol, int erow, int ecol, int box, int hiattr, int loattr=-1);
void vfill (int srow, int scol, int erow, int ecol, vchar chr, int atr);
vchar vgetc (int row, int col); // Gets the character from position
vchar vgchar (vatch chat); // Gets the character part of a character-attribute group
int vgattr (vatch chat); // Gets the attribute part of a character-attribute group
vatch vschar (vatch chat, vchar chr); // Sets the given character in a character-attribute group
vatch vsattr (vatch chat, int atr); // Sets the given attribute in a character-attribute group
vatch vcatch (vchar chr, int atr); // Compose character-attribute group from character and attribute
// inline implementation of functions above
inline vchar vgetc (int row, int col) { return vgchar(vgetw(row, col)); }
#if defined(__USE_NCURSES__)
int gvid_dosattrcalc (int ourattr);
int gvid_attrcalc (int dosattr);
inline vchar vgchar (vatch chat) { return chat & (A_CHARTEXT | A_ALTCHARSET); }
inline int vgattr (vatch chat) { return gvid_dosattrcalc(chat & ~(A_CHARTEXT | A_ALTCHARSET)); }
inline vatch vschar (vatch chat, vchar chr) { return (chr & (A_CHARTEXT | A_ALTCHARSET)) | (chat & ~(A_CHARTEXT | A_ALTCHARSET)); }
inline vatch vsattr (vatch chat, int atr) { return (chat & (A_CHARTEXT | A_ALTCHARSET)) | gvid_attrcalc(atr); }
inline vatch vcatch (vchar chr, int atr) { return chr | gvid_attrcalc(atr); }
#elif defined(__WIN32__)
inline vchar vgchar (vatch chat) { return chat.Char.AsciiChar; }
inline int vgattr (vatch chat) { return chat.Attributes; }
inline vatch vschar (vatch chat, vchar chr) { chat.Char.UnicodeChar = 0; chat.Char.AsciiChar = chr; return chat; }
inline vatch vsattr (vatch chat, int atr) { chat.Attributes = atr; return chat; }
inline vatch vcatch (vchar chr, int atr) { vatch chat; chat.Char.UnicodeChar = 0; chat.Char.AsciiChar = chr; chat.Attributes = atr; return chat; }
inline vchar vgchar (vatch chat) { return chat & 0xff; }
inline int vgattr (vatch chat) { return (chat >> 8) & 0xff; }
inline vatch vschar (vatch chat, vchar chr) { return (chat & 0xff00) | chr; }
inline vatch vsattr (vatch chat, int atr) { return (chat & 0xff) | (atr << 8); }
inline vatch vcatch (vchar chr, int atr) { return (chr & 0xff) | ((atr << 8) & 0xff00); }
typedef void (*VidPutStrCP)(int,int,int,const char*);
void gvid_boxcvt(char* s);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------