diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 264bb4ff..09f656ab 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -173,11 +173,12 @@ install:
${CHOWN} -R ${OWNER}:${GROUP} ${PREFIX}/var ; \
chmod -R 0750 ${PREFIX}/var ; \
+ @chmod 0770 ${PREFIX}/var/msgs
@if [ ! -d ${PREFIX}/var/boxes ]; then \
mkdir ${PREFIX}/var/boxes ; \
${CHOWN} ${OWNER}:${GROUP} ${PREFIX}/var/boxes ; \
- chmod 0750 ${PREFIX}/var/boxes ; \
+ @chmod 0770 ${PREFIX}/var/boxes
@if [ ! -d ${PREFIX}/var/rules ]; then \
mkdir ${PREFIX}/var/rules ; \
${CHOWN} ${OWNER}:${GROUP} ${PREFIX}/var/rules ; \
@@ -228,7 +229,6 @@ install:
echo; echo "If there is nothing important in ${PREFIX}/doc" ; \
echo "you may remove that obsolete directory." ; \
dist tar: ${TARFILE}
diff --git a/html/basic.html.in b/html/basic.html.in
index 6104ac09..a66001da 100644
--- a/html/basic.html.in
+++ b/html/basic.html.in
@@ -76,14 +76,14 @@ layout looks like this:
/opt/mbse/var 0770 Var root
/opt/mbse/var/arealists 0750 Areamgr arealist files
/opt/mbse/var/badtic 0750 Bad TIC files
-/opt/mbse/var/boxes 0750 Base for nodes fileboxes
+/opt/mbse/var/boxes 0770 Base for nodes fileboxes
/opt/mbse/var/bso 0750 Binkley Style Outbound directory
/opt/mbse/var/bso/outbound 0750 Default outbound for main aka
/opt/mbse/var/dosemu 0770 Base for DOS drives
/opt/mbse/var/dosemu/c 0770 DOS drive C:
/opt/mbse/var/inbound 0750 Protected inbound directory
/opt/mbse/var/mail 0770 JAM messagebase root
-/opt/mbse/var/msgs 0750 *.msgs netmail directory (not yet in use).
+/opt/mbse/var/msgs 0770 *.msgs netmail directory (not yet in use).
/opt/mbse/var/nodelist 0750 Nodelists
/opt/mbse/var/queue 0750 Queue for before outbound
/opt/mbse/var/rules 0770 Echomail area rules files
diff --git a/html/doors.html b/html/doors.html
index c954733d..b787ae3a 100644
--- a/html/doors.html
+++ b/html/doors.html
@@ -26,7 +26,11 @@ is logged in the bbs. Since that is possible, a new location for the virtual C:
drive is now being used withing the $MBSE_ROOT file structure. This virtual C:
drive is owned by the group bbs. The basic ideas how doors should be run written
by Redy Rodriguez are still valid, but some scripts are changed and some dosemu
-files must be copied into the mbse directory tree.
+files must be copied into the mbse directory tree.
+One very important note: the virtual dos drive is now $MBSE_ROOT/var/dosemu/c +Don't use another location or change the access rights, there will be several +references from mbse to that and only that location for dos support. +Choose another one and you are on your own!
-That's it. +
+ +
+In the virtual c: drive you need some directories that point to several other +mbse subdirectories. You may need at least three of them, one to put netmail in, +one to put files in to send and one semafore directory to tell mbse there is +something to send. For example like this: +
+ln -s /opt/mbse/var/msgs /opt/mbse/var/dosemu/c/msgs +ln -s /opt/mbse/var/boxes/node92_100_60 /opt/mbse/var/dosemu/c/outbox +ln -s /opt/mbse/sema /opt/mbse/var/dosemu/c/sema ++In dos you now have: +
doors may put *.msg netmails.
+File attaches won't work from these netmails because the netmails
+point to files with dosnames. (May be solved later). The script that calls the
+door, for example c:\doors\bre.bat
must copy the file to send to
+the node outbound box. In the above example that would be copy to
+To create the semafore to tell mbse to scan add to the batfile (for example
the following two lines:
++CD C:\SEMA +ECHO "">MAILOUT ++See also the F.A.Q. for some very usefull tips and +tricks. +Using the same method with symlinks, you can make all paths you need from the +rest of mbse visible in dos. Use with care.