Structure fixes
This commit is contained in:
@ -1308,7 +1308,7 @@ struct _mgroup {
unsigned xRes6 : 1;
unsigned xRes7 : 1;
unsigned xRes8 : 1;
unsigned StartArea : 1; /* Start at area number */
unsigned StartArea; /* Start at area number */
@ -230,26 +230,27 @@ void MgScreen(void)
set_color(WHITE, BLACK);
mvprintw( 5, 1, "9.1 EDIT MESSAGE GROUP");
mvprintw( 5, 2, "9.1 EDIT MESSAGE GROUP");
set_color(CYAN, BLACK);
mvprintw( 7, 1, "1. Name");
mvprintw( 8, 1, "2. Comment");
mvprintw( 9, 1, "3. Base path");
mvprintw(10, 1, "4. Read sec");
mvprintw(11, 1, "5. Write sec");
mvprintw(12, 1, "6. Sysop sec");
mvprintw(13, 1, "7. Net reply");
mvprintw(14, 1, "8. Users del");
mvprintw(15, 1, "9. Aliases");
mvprintw(16, 1, "10. Quotes");
mvprintw( 7, 2, "1. Name");
mvprintw( 8, 2, "2. Comment");
mvprintw( 9, 2, "3. Base path");
mvprintw(10, 2, "4. Read sec");
mvprintw(11, 2, "5. Write sec");
mvprintw(12, 2, "6. Sysop sec");
mvprintw(13, 2, "7. Start at");
mvprintw(14, 2, "8. Net reply");
mvprintw(15, 2, "9. Users del");
mvprintw(16, 2, "10. Aliases");
mvprintw(17, 2, "11. Quotes");
mvprintw(18, 2, "12. Active");
mvprintw(10,41, "11. Auto change");
mvprintw(11,41, "12. User change");
mvprintw(12,41, "13. Active");
mvprintw(13,41, "14. Use Aka");
mvprintw(14,41, "15. Uplink");
mvprintw(15,41, "16. Areas");
mvprintw(16,41, "17. Deleted");
mvprintw(13,41, "13. Deleted");
mvprintw(14,41, "14. Auto change");
mvprintw(15,41, "15. User change");
mvprintw(16,41, "16. Use Aka");
mvprintw(17,41, "17. Uplink");
mvprintw(18,41, "18. Areas");
@ -311,26 +312,27 @@ int EditMGrpRec(int Area)
for (;;) {
set_color(WHITE, BLACK);
show_str( 7,15,12, mgroup.Name);
show_str( 8,15,55, mgroup.Comment);
show_str( 9,15,64, mgroup.BasePath);
show_int( 10,15, mgroup.RDSec.level);
show_int( 11,15, mgroup.WRSec.level);
show_int( 12,15, mgroup.SYSec.level);
show_int( 13,15, mgroup.NetReply);
show_bool(14,15, mgroup.UsrDelete);
show_bool(15,15, mgroup.Aliases);
show_bool(16,15, mgroup.Quotes);
show_str( 7,16,12, mgroup.Name);
show_str( 8,16,55, mgroup.Comment);
show_str( 9,16,64, mgroup.BasePath);
show_int( 10,16, mgroup.RDSec.level);
show_int( 11,16, mgroup.WRSec.level);
show_int( 12,16, mgroup.SYSec.level);
show_int( 13,16, mgroup.StartArea);
show_int( 14,16, mgroup.NetReply);
show_bool(15,16, mgroup.UsrDelete);
show_bool(16,16, mgroup.Aliases);
show_bool(17,16, mgroup.Quotes);
show_bool(18,16, mgroup.Active);
show_bool(10,57, mgroup.AutoChange);
show_bool(11,57, mgroup.UserChange);
show_bool(12,57, mgroup.Active);
show_aka( 13,57, mgroup.UseAka);
show_aka( 14,57, mgroup.UpLink);
show_str( 15,57,12, mgroup.AreaFile);
show_bool(16,57, mgroup.Deleted);
show_bool(13,57, mgroup.Deleted);
show_bool(14,57, mgroup.AutoChange);
show_bool(15,57, mgroup.UserChange);
show_aka( 16,57, mgroup.UseAka);
show_aka( 17,57, mgroup.UpLink);
show_str( 18,57,12, mgroup.AreaFile);
j = select_menu(17);
j = select_menu(18);
switch(j) {
case 0:
crc1 = 0xffffffff;
@ -355,39 +357,40 @@ int EditMGrpRec(int Area)
return 0;
case 1: if (CheckMgroup())
strcpy(mgroup.Name, edit_str(7,15,12, mgroup.Name, (char *)"The ^name^ for this message group"));
strcpy(mgroup.Name, edit_str(7,16,12, mgroup.Name, (char *)"The ^name^ for this message group"));
if (strlen(mgroup.BasePath) == 0) {
memset(&temp, 0, sizeof(temp));
strcpy(temp, mgroup.Name);
sprintf(mgroup.BasePath, "%s/var/mail/%s", getenv("MBSE_ROOT"), tl(temp));
case 2: E_STR( 8,15,55, mgroup.Comment,"The ^desription^ for this message group")
case 3: E_PTH( 9,15,64, mgroup.BasePath, "The ^Base path^ where new JAM areas are created")
case 4: E_SEC(10,15, mgroup.RDSec, "9.1.4 MESSAGE GROUP READ SECURITY", MgScreen)
case 5: E_SEC(11,15, mgroup.WRSec, "9.1.5 MESSAGE GROUP WRITE SECURITY", MgScreen)
case 6: E_SEC(12,15, mgroup.SYSec, "9.1.6 MESSAGE GROUP SYSOP SECURITY", MgScreen)
case 7: E_INT(13,15, mgroup.NetReply, "The ^Area Number^ for netmail replies")
case 8: E_BOOL(14,15, mgroup.UsrDelete, "Allow users to ^Delete^ their messages")
case 9: E_BOOL(15,15, mgroup.Aliases, "Allow ^Aliases^ or real names only")
case 10:E_BOOL(16,15, mgroup.Quotes, "Allow random ^quotes^ to new messages")
case 11:E_BOOL(10,57, mgroup.AutoChange, "^Auto change^ areas from new areas lists")
case 12:E_BOOL(11,57, mgroup.UserChange, "^Auto add/delete^ areas from downlinks requests")
case 2: E_STR( 8,16,55, mgroup.Comment, "The ^desription^ for this message group")
case 3: E_PTH( 9,16,64, mgroup.BasePath, "The ^Base path^ where new JAM areas are created")
case 4: E_SEC( 10,16, mgroup.RDSec, "9.1.4 MESSAGE GROUP READ SECURITY", MgScreen)
case 5: E_SEC( 11,16, mgroup.WRSec, "9.1.5 MESSAGE GROUP WRITE SECURITY", MgScreen)
case 6: E_SEC( 12,16, mgroup.SYSec, "9.1.6 MESSAGE GROUP SYSOP SECURITY", MgScreen)
case 7: E_INT( 13,16, mgroup.StartArea, "The ^Start area number^ from where to add areas")
case 8: E_INT( 14,16, mgroup.NetReply, "The ^Area Number^ for netmail replies")
case 9: E_BOOL(15,16, mgroup.UsrDelete, "Allow users to ^Delete^ their messages")
case 10:E_BOOL(16,16, mgroup.Aliases, "Allow ^Aliases^ or real names only")
case 11:E_BOOL(17,16, mgroup.Quotes, "Allow random ^quotes^ to new messages")
case 12:if (CheckMgroup())
E_BOOL(18,16, mgroup.Active, "Is this message group ^active^")
case 13:if (CheckMgroup())
E_BOOL(9,15, mgroup.Active, "Is this message group ^active^")
case 14:tmp = PickAka((char *)"9.1.14", TRUE);
E_BOOL(13,57, mgroup.Deleted, "Is this group ^Deleted^")
case 14:E_BOOL(14,57, mgroup.AutoChange, "^Auto change^ areas from new areas lists")
case 15:E_BOOL(15,57, mgroup.UserChange, "^Auto add/delete^ areas from downlinks requests")
case 16:tmp = PickAka((char *)"9.1.16", TRUE);
if (tmp != -1)
memcpy(&mgroup.UseAka, &CFG.aka[tmp], sizeof(fidoaddr));
case 15:mgroup.UpLink = PullUplink((char *)"9.1.15");
case 17:mgroup.UpLink = PullUplink((char *)"9.1.17");
case 16:E_STR(15,57,12,mgroup.AreaFile,"The name of the ^Areas File^ from the uplink")
case 17:if (CheckMgroup())
E_BOOL(16,57, mgroup.Deleted, "Is this group ^Deleted^")
case 18:E_STR( 18,57,12, mgroup.AreaFile, "The name of the ^Areas File^ from the uplink")
@ -619,14 +622,24 @@ int mail_group_doc(FILE *fp, FILE *toc, int page)
j = 0;
fprintf(fp, " Name %s\n", mgroup.Name);
fprintf(fp, " Comment %s\n", mgroup.Comment);
fprintf(fp, " Active %s\n", getboolean(mgroup.Active));
fprintf(fp, " Use Aka %s\n", aka2str(mgroup.UseAka));
fprintf(fp, " Uplink %s\n", aka2str(mgroup.UpLink));
fprintf(fp, " Areas file %s\n", mgroup.AreaFile);
fprintf(fp, " Start date %s", ctime(&mgroup.StartDate));
fprintf(fp, " Last date %s\n", ctime(&mgroup.LastDate));
fprintf(fp, " Group name %s\n", mgroup.Name);
fprintf(fp, " Comment %s\n", mgroup.Comment);
fprintf(fp, " Active %s\n", getboolean(mgroup.Active));
fprintf(fp, " Use Aka %s\n", aka2str(mgroup.UseAka));
fprintf(fp, " Uplink %s\n", aka2str(mgroup.UpLink));
fprintf(fp, " Areas file %s\n", mgroup.AreaFile);
fprintf(fp, " Base path %s\n", mgroup.BasePath);
fprintf(fp, " Netmail reply area %d\n", mgroup.NetReply);
fprintf(fp, " Start new areas at %d\n", mgroup.StartArea);
fprintf(fp, " Read security %s\n", get_secstr(mgroup.RDSec));
fprintf(fp, " Write security %s\n", get_secstr(mgroup.WRSec));
fprintf(fp, " Sysop security %s\n", get_secstr(mgroup.SYSec));
fprintf(fp, " Use aliases %s\n", getboolean(mgroup.Aliases));
fprintf(fp, " Add quotes %s\n", getboolean(mgroup.Quotes));
fprintf(fp, " Auto add/del areas %s\n", getboolean(mgroup.AutoChange));
fprintf(fp, " user add/del areas %s\n", getboolean(mgroup.UserChange));
fprintf(fp, " Start area date %s", ctime(&mgroup.StartDate));
fprintf(fp, " Last active date %s\n", ctime(&mgroup.LastDate));
// fprintf(fp, " Total This month Last month\n");
// fprintf(fp, " ---------- ---------- ----------\n");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user