moved file index functions from mball to mbfile
This commit is contained in:
@ -4218,9 +4218,10 @@ v0.33.19 26-Oct-2001
Change the file /opt/mbse/etc/issue like the example in the
Change the file /opt/mbse/etc/issue like the example in the
subdirectory mbtask.
subdirectory mbtask.
Change the shell for user mbse to /opt/mbse/bin/mbnewusr
Change the shell for user mbse to /opt/mbse/bin/mbnewusr
The make install fixes several permissions that are wrong for
The make install fixes several permissions that are wrong for
the new style (not setuid) of mbsebbs.
the new style (not setuid) of mbsebbs.
Remove /opt/mbse/etc/maint to let it replace with a new
version, or change it by hand.
Made the Makefile system more simple.
Made the Makefile system more simple.
@ -4328,11 +4329,13 @@ v0.33.19 26-Oct-2001
Added "mbfile toberep" function, this gives an overview of the
Added "mbfile toberep" function, this gives an overview of the
toberep database. The program mbtoberep does this as well, but
toberep database. The program mbtoberep does this as well, but
that one gives a complete dump and is for developer use.
that one gives a complete dump and is for developer use.
The "mbfile index" function now also writes files.bbs files,
the index.html files for http download and 00index files in
all available areas.
The index function now creates the web pages with the use of
The index function is now obsolete, this is added to mbfile.
the long filenames instead of the uppercase dos 8.3 filenames.
You may need to adjust your scripts that call "mball index".
Fixed html output for Konqueror browser.
Obsolete and removed from the distribution. The function is
Obsolete and removed from the distribution. The function is
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
extern int do_quiet; /* Supress screen output */
extern int do_quiet; /* Supress screen output */
int lastfile; /* Last file number */
typedef struct _Index {
typedef struct _Index {
@ -48,6 +49,14 @@ typedef struct _Index {
} Findex;
} Findex;
static char *wdays[]= {(char *)"Sun",(char *)"Mon",(char *)"Tue",
(char *)"Wed",(char *)"Thu",(char *)"Fri",
(char *)"Sat"};
static char *months[]= {(char *)"Jan",(char *)"Feb",(char *)"Mar",
(char *)"Apr",(char *)"May",(char *)"Jun",
(char *)"Jul",(char *)"Aug",(char *)"Sep",
(char *)"Oct",(char *)"Nov",(char *)"Dec"};
void tidy_index(Findex **);
void tidy_index(Findex **);
void tidy_index(Findex **fap)
void tidy_index(Findex **fap)
@ -121,15 +130,261 @@ int comp_index(Findex **fap1, Findex **fap2)
* Translate ISO 8859-1 characters to named character entities
void html_massage(char *, char *);
void html_massage(char *inbuf, char *outbuf)
char *inptr = inbuf;
char *outptr = outbuf;
memset(outbuf, 0, sizeof(outbuf));
while (*inptr) {
switch ((unsigned char)*inptr) {
case '"': sprintf(outptr, """); break;
case '&': sprintf(outptr, "&"); break;
case '<': sprintf(outptr, "<"); break;
case '>': sprintf(outptr, ">"); break;
case 160: sprintf(outptr, " "); break;
case 161: sprintf(outptr, "¡"); break;
case 162: sprintf(outptr, "¢"); break;
case 163: sprintf(outptr, "£"); break;
case 164: sprintf(outptr, "¤"); break;
case 165: sprintf(outptr, "¥"); break;
case 166: sprintf(outptr, "¦"); break;
case 167: sprintf(outptr, "§"); break;
case 168: sprintf(outptr, "¨"); break;
case 169: sprintf(outptr, "©"); break;
case 170: sprintf(outptr, "ª"); break;
case 171: sprintf(outptr, "«"); break;
case 172: sprintf(outptr, "¬"); break;
case 173: sprintf(outptr, "­"); break;
case 174: sprintf(outptr, "®"); break;
case 175: sprintf(outptr, "¯"); break;
case 176: sprintf(outptr, "°"); break;
case 177: sprintf(outptr, "&plumn;"); break;
case 178: sprintf(outptr, "²"); break;
case 179: sprintf(outptr, "³"); break;
case 180: sprintf(outptr, "´"); break;
case 181: sprintf(outptr, "µ"); break;
case 182: sprintf(outptr, "¶"); break;
case 183: sprintf(outptr, "·"); break;
case 184: sprintf(outptr, "¸"); break;
case 185: sprintf(outptr, "&supl;"); break;
case 186: sprintf(outptr, "º"); break;
case 187: sprintf(outptr, "»"); break;
case 188: sprintf(outptr, "¼"); break;
case 189: sprintf(outptr, "½"); break;
case 190: sprintf(outptr, "¾"); break;
case 191: sprintf(outptr, "¿"); break;
case 192: sprintf(outptr, "À"); break;
case 193: sprintf(outptr, "Á"); break;
case 194: sprintf(outptr, "Â"); break;
case 195: sprintf(outptr, "Ã"); break;
case 196: sprintf(outptr, "Ä"); break;
case 197: sprintf(outptr, "Å"); break;
case 198: sprintf(outptr, "Æ"); break;
case 199: sprintf(outptr, "Ç"); break;
case 200: sprintf(outptr, "È"); break;
case 201: sprintf(outptr, "É"); break;
case 202: sprintf(outptr, "Ê"); break;
case 203: sprintf(outptr, "Ë"); break;
case 204: sprintf(outptr, "Ì"); break;
case 205: sprintf(outptr, "Í"); break;
case 206: sprintf(outptr, "Î"); break;
case 207: sprintf(outptr, "Ï"); break;
case 208: sprintf(outptr, "Ð"); break;
case 209: sprintf(outptr, "Ñ"); break;
case 210: sprintf(outptr, "Ò"); break;
case 211: sprintf(outptr, "Ó"); break;
case 212: sprintf(outptr, "Ô"); break;
case 213: sprintf(outptr, "Õ"); break;
case 214: sprintf(outptr, "Ö"); break;
case 215: sprintf(outptr, "×"); break;
case 216: sprintf(outptr, "Ø"); break;
case 217: sprintf(outptr, "Ù"); break;
case 218: sprintf(outptr, "Ú"); break;
case 219: sprintf(outptr, "Û"); break;
case 220: sprintf(outptr, "Ü"); break;
case 221: sprintf(outptr, "Ý"); break;
case 222: sprintf(outptr, "Þ"); break;
case 223: sprintf(outptr, "ß"); break;
case 224: sprintf(outptr, "à"); break;
case 225: sprintf(outptr, "á"); break;
case 226: sprintf(outptr, "â"); break;
case 227: sprintf(outptr, "ã"); break;
case 228: sprintf(outptr, "ä"); break;
case 229: sprintf(outptr, "å"); break;
case 230: sprintf(outptr, "æ"); break;
case 231: sprintf(outptr, "ç"); break;
case 232: sprintf(outptr, "è"); break;
case 233: sprintf(outptr, "é"); break;
case 234: sprintf(outptr, "ê"); break;
case 235: sprintf(outptr, "ë"); break;
case 236: sprintf(outptr, "ì"); break;
case 237: sprintf(outptr, "í"); break;
case 238: sprintf(outptr, "î"); break;
case 239: sprintf(outptr, "ï"); break;
case 240: sprintf(outptr, "ð"); break;
case 241: sprintf(outptr, "ñ"); break;
case 242: sprintf(outptr, "ò"); break;
case 243: sprintf(outptr, "ó"); break;
case 244: sprintf(outptr, "ô"); break;
case 245: sprintf(outptr, "õ"); break;
case 246: sprintf(outptr, "ö"); break;
case 247: sprintf(outptr, "÷"); break;
case 248: sprintf(outptr, "ø"); break;
case 249: sprintf(outptr, "ù"); break;
case 250: sprintf(outptr, "ú"); break;
case 251: sprintf(outptr, "û"); break;
case 252: sprintf(outptr, "ü"); break;
case 253: sprintf(outptr, "ý"); break;
case 254: sprintf(outptr, "þ"); break;
case 255: sprintf(outptr, "ÿ"); break;
default: *outptr++ = *inptr; *outptr = '\0'; break;
while (*outptr)
*outptr = '\0';
char *rfcdate(time_t);
char *rfcdate(time_t now)
static char buf[40];
struct tm ptm;
ptm = *gmtime(&now);
sprintf(buf,"%s, %02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT",
wdays[ptm.tm_wday], ptm.tm_mday, months[ptm.tm_mon],
ptm.tm_year + 1900, ptm.tm_hour, ptm.tm_min, ptm.tm_sec);
void pagelink(FILE *, char *, int, int);
void pagelink(FILE *fa, char *Path, int inArea, int Current)
char nr[20];
fprintf(fa, "<DIV align=center>\n");
if ((Current >= CFG.www_files_page) && (inArea >= CFG.www_files_page)) {
if (((Current / CFG.www_files_page) - 1) > 0)
sprintf(nr, "%d", (Current / CFG.www_files_page) -1);
nr[0] = '\0';
fprintf(fa, "<A HREF=\"%s/%s%s/index%s.html\"><IMG SRC=\"/icons/%s\" ALT=\"%s\" BORDER=0>%s</A> \n",
CFG.www_url, CFG.www_link2ftp, Path+strlen(CFG.ftp_base), nr,
CFG.www_icon_prev, CFG.www_name_prev, CFG.www_name_prev);
fprintf(fa, "<A HREF=\"%s/index.html\"><IMG SRC=\"/icons/%s\" ALT=\"%s\" BORDER=0>%s</A> \n",
CFG.www_url, CFG.www_icon_home, CFG.www_name_home, CFG.www_name_home);
fprintf(fa, "<A HREF=\"%s/%s/index.html\"><IMG SRC=\"/icons/%s\" ALT=\"%s\" BORDER=0>%s</A>\n",
CFG.www_url, CFG.www_link2ftp, CFG.www_icon_back, CFG.www_name_back, CFG.www_name_back);
if ((Current < (inArea - CFG.www_files_page)) && (inArea >= CFG.www_files_page)) {
fprintf(fa, " <A HREF=\"%s/%s%s/index%d.html\"><IMG SRC=\"/icons/%s\" ALT=\"%s\" BORDER=0>%s</A>\n",
CFG.www_url, CFG.www_link2ftp, Path+strlen(CFG.ftp_base), (Current / CFG.www_files_page) + 1,
CFG.www_icon_next, CFG.www_name_next, CFG.www_name_next);
fprintf(fa, "</DIV><P>\n");
FILE *newpage(char *, char *, time_t, int, int);
FILE *newpage(char *Path, char *Name, time_t later, int inArea, int Current)
char linebuf[1024], outbuf[1024];
static FILE* fa;
lastfile = Current;
if (Current)
sprintf(linebuf, "%s/index%d.temp", Path, Current / CFG.www_files_page);
sprintf(linebuf, "%s/index.temp", Path);
if ((fa = fopen(linebuf, "w")) == NULL) {
WriteError("$Can't create %s", linebuf);
} else {
sprintf(linebuf, "%s", Name);
html_massage(linebuf, outbuf);
fprintf(fa, "<HTML>\n");
fprintf(fa, "<META http-equiv=\"Expires\" content=\"%s\">\n", rfcdate(later));
fprintf(fa, "<META http-equiv=\"Cache-Control\" content=\"no-cache, must-revalidate\">\n");
fprintf(fa, "<META http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=%s\">\n", CFG.www_charset);
fprintf(fa, "<META name=\"%s\" lang=\"en\" content=\"%s\">\n", CFG.www_author, outbuf);
fprintf(fa, "<HEAD><TITLE>%s</TITLE>\n", outbuf);
fprintf(fa, "<LINK rel=stylesheet HREF=\"%s/css/files.css\">\n", CFG.www_url);
fprintf(fa, "<STYLE TYPE=\"text/css\">\n");
fprintf(fa, "</STYLE>\n</HEAD>\n<BODY>\n");
pagelink(fa, Path, inArea, Current);
fprintf(fa, "<H1 align=center>File index of %s</H1><P>\n", outbuf);
fprintf(fa, "<TABLE align=center width=750>\n");
fprintf(fa, "<TR><TH>Nr.</TH><TH>Filename</TH><TH>Date</TH><TH>Size</TH><TH>Downloads</TH><TH>Description</TH></TR>\n");
return fa;
return NULL;
void closepage(FILE *, char *, int, int);
void closepage(FILE *fa, char *Path, int inArea, int Current)
char *temp1, *temp2;
if (fa == NULL)
temp1 = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char));
temp2 = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char));
fprintf(fa, "</TABLE><P>\n");
pagelink(fa, Path, inArea, lastfile);
fprintf(fa, "</BODY></HTML>\n");
if (lastfile) {
sprintf(temp1, "%s/index%d.html", Path, lastfile / CFG.www_files_page);
sprintf(temp2, "%s/index%d.temp", Path, lastfile / CFG.www_files_page);
} else {
sprintf(temp1, "%s/index.html", Path);
sprintf(temp2, "%s/index.temp", Path);
rename(temp2, temp1);
chmod(temp1, 0644);
fa = NULL;
* Build a sorted index for the file request processor.
* Build a sorted index for the file request processor.
* Build html index pages for download.
void Index(void)
void Index(void)
FILE *pAreas, *pFile, *pIndex;
FILE *pAreas, *pFile, *pIndex, *fa, *fm, *fp;
long i, iAreas, iAreasNew = 0, record;
long i, iAreas, iAreasNew = 0, record, iSize = 0L, aSize = 0;
int iTotal = 0;
int iTotal = 0, AreaNr = 0, j, z, x = 0, Areas = 0;
char *sAreas, *fAreas, *newdir = NULL, *sIndex;
int Total = 0, aTotal = 0, inArea = 0, filenr;
int fbAreas = 0, fbFiles = 0;
char *sAreas, *fAreas, *newdir = NULL, *sIndex, *fn, *temp;
char linebuf[1024], outbuf[1024];
time_t last = 0L, later;
Findex *fdx = NULL;
Findex *fdx = NULL;
Findex *tmp;
Findex *tmp;
struct FILEIndex idx;
struct FILEIndex idx;
@ -137,15 +392,18 @@ void Index(void)
sAreas = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char));
sAreas = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char));
fAreas = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char));
fAreas = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char));
sIndex = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char));
sIndex = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char));
fn = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char));
temp = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char));
later = time(NULL) + 86400;
IsDoing("Index files");
IsDoing("Index files");
if (!do_quiet) {
if (!do_quiet) {
colour(3, 0);
colour(3, 0);
printf("Create filerequest index...\n");
printf("Create index files...\n");
sprintf(sAreas, "%s/etc/", getenv("MBSE_ROOT"));
sprintf(sAreas, "%s/etc/", getenv("MBSE_ROOT"));
if ((pAreas = fopen (sAreas, "r")) == NULL) {
if ((pAreas = fopen (sAreas, "r")) == NULL) {
WriteError("$Can't open %s", sAreas);
WriteError("$Can't open %s", sAreas);
@ -161,12 +419,51 @@ void Index(void)
fseek(pAreas, 0, SEEK_END);
fseek(pAreas, 0, SEEK_END);
iAreas = (ftell(pAreas) - areahdr.hdrsize) / areahdr.recsize;
iAreas = (ftell(pAreas) - areahdr.hdrsize) / areahdr.recsize;
* Check if we are able to create the index.html pages in the
* download directories.
if (strlen(CFG.ftp_base) && strlen(CFG.www_url) && strlen(CFG.www_author) && strlen(CFG.www_charset)) {
sprintf(fn, "%s/index.temp", CFG.ftp_base);
if ((fm = fopen(fn, "w")) == NULL) {
Syslog('+', "Can't open %s, skipping html pages creation", fn);
} else {
fm = NULL;
Syslog('+', "FTP/HTML not defined, skipping html pages creation");
if (fm) {
* Because these web pages are dynamic, ie. they change everytime you
* receive new files and recreates these pages, extra HTTP headers are
* send to the client about these pages. It forbids proxy servers to
* cache these pages. The pages will expire within 24 hours. The pages
* also have an author name, this is the bbs name, and a content
* description for search engines. Automatic advertising.
sprintf(linebuf, "File areas at %s", CFG.bbs_name);
html_massage(linebuf, outbuf);
fprintf(fm, "<HTML>\n");
fprintf(fm, "<META http-equiv=\"Expires\" content=\"%s\">\n", rfcdate(later));
fprintf(fm, "<META http-equiv=\"Cache-Control\" content=\"no-cache, must-revalidate\">\n");
fprintf(fm, "<META http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=%s\">\n", CFG.www_charset);
fprintf(fm, "<META name=\"%s\" lang=\"en\" content=\"%s\">\n", CFG.www_author, outbuf);
fprintf(fm, "<HEAD><TITLE>%s</TITLE>\n", outbuf);
fprintf(fm, "<LINK rel=stylesheet HREF=\"%s/css/files.css\">\n", CFG.www_url);
fprintf(fm, "<STYLE TYPE=\"text/css\">\n");
fprintf(fm, "</STYLE>\n</HEAD>\n<BODY>\n");
fprintf(fm, "<H2 align=center>%s</H2><P>\n", outbuf);
fprintf(fm, "<TABLE align=center width=750>\n");
fprintf(fm, "<TR><TH>Area</TH><TH>Description</TH><TH>Files</TH><TH>Total size</TH><TH>Last added</TH></TR>\n");
for (i = 1; i <= iAreas; i++) {
for (i = 1; i <= iAreas; i++) {
fseek(pAreas, ((i-1) * areahdr.recsize) + areahdr.hdrsize, SEEK_SET);
fseek(pAreas, ((i-1) * areahdr.recsize) + areahdr.hdrsize, SEEK_SET);
fread(&area, areahdr.recsize, 1, pAreas);
fread(&area, areahdr.recsize, 1, pAreas);
if ((area.Available) && (area.FileReq)) {
if (area.Available) {
if (!diskfree(CFG.freespace))
if (!diskfree(CFG.freespace))
@ -180,7 +477,7 @@ void Index(void)
* Check if download directory exists,
* Check if download directory exists,
* if not, create the directory.
* if not, create the directory.
if (access(area.Path, R_OK) == -1) {
if (access(area.Path, W_OK) == -1) {
Syslog('!', "Create dir: %s", area.Path);
Syslog('!', "Create dir: %s", area.Path);
newdir = xstrcpy(area.Path);
newdir = xstrcpy(area.Path);
newdir = xstrcat(newdir, (char *)"/");
newdir = xstrcat(newdir, (char *)"/");
@ -203,6 +500,10 @@ void Index(void)
* Create file request index if requests are allowed in this area.
if (area.FileReq) {
* Now start creating the unsorted index.
* Now start creating the unsorted index.
@ -219,13 +520,180 @@ void Index(void)
fill_index(idx, &fdx);
fill_index(idx, &fdx);
} /* if area.Filereq */
* Create files.bbs
if (strlen(area.FilesBbs))
strcpy(temp, area.FilesBbs);
sprintf(temp, "%s/files.bbs", area.Path);
if ((fp = fopen(temp, "w")) == NULL) {
WriteError("$Can't create %s", temp);
} else {
fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_SET);
while (fread(&file, sizeof(file), 1, pFile) == 1) {
if ((!file.Deleted) && (!file.Missing)) {
fprintf(fp, "%-12s %s\r\n", file.Name, file.Desc[0]);
for (j = 1; j < 25; j++)
if (strlen(file.Desc[j]))
fprintf(fp, " +%s\r\n", file.Desc[j]);
* Create 00index file and index.html pages in each available download area.
if (!area.CDrom && fm && (strncmp(CFG.ftp_base, area.Path, strlen(CFG.ftp_base)) == 0)) {
sprintf(temp, "%s/00index", area.Path);
if ((fp = fopen(temp, "w")) == NULL) {
WriteError("$Can't create %s", temp);
} else {
fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_SET);
inArea = 0;
while (fread(&file, sizeof(file), 1, pFile) == 1) {
if ((!file.Deleted) && (!file.Missing))
fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_SET);
aSize = 0L;
aTotal = 0;
last = 0L;
fa = newpage(area.Path, area.Name, later, inArea, aTotal);
while (fread(&file, sizeof(file), 1, pFile) == 1) {
if ((!file.Deleted) && (!file.Missing)) {
* The next is to reduce system load
if (CFG.slow_util && do_quiet && ((x % 3) == 0))
for (z = 0; z <= 25; z++) {
if (strlen(file.Desc[z])) {
if (z == 0)
fprintf(fp, "%-12s %7luK %s ", file.Name, (long)(file.Size / 1024),
fprintf(fp, " ");
if ((file.Desc[z][0] == '@') && (file.Desc[z][1] == 'X'))
fprintf(fp, "%s\n", file.Desc[z]+4);
fprintf(fp, "%s\n", file.Desc[z]);
fprintf(fa, "<TR><TD align=right valign=top>%d</TD>", aTotal);
* Check if this is a .gif or .jpg file, if so then
* check if a thumbnail file exists. If not try to
* create a thumbnail file to add to the html listing.
if (strstr(file.LName, ".gif") || strstr(file.LName, ".jpg")) {
sprintf(linebuf, "%s/%s", area.Path, file.LName);
sprintf(outbuf, "%s/.%s", area.Path, file.LName);
if (file_exist(outbuf, R_OK)) {
if ((j = execute(CFG.www_convert, linebuf, outbuf,
(char *)"/dev/null", (char *)"/dev/null", (char *)"/dev/null"))) {
Syslog('+', "Failed to create thumbnail for %s, rc=% d", file.LName, j);
fprintf(fa, "<TD align=center valign=top><A HREF=\"%s/%s%s/%s\">",
CFG.www_url, CFG.www_link2ftp,
area.Path+strlen(CFG.ftp_base), file.LName);
fprintf(fa, "<IMG SRC=\"%s/%s%s/.%s\" ALT=\"%s\" BORDER=0>",
CFG.www_url, CFG.www_link2ftp,
area.Path+strlen(CFG.ftp_base), file.LName, file.LName);
fprintf(fa, "</A></TD>");
} else {
fprintf(fa, "<TD valign=top><A HREF=\"%s/%s%s/%s\">%s</A></TD>",
CFG.www_url, CFG.www_link2ftp,
area.Path+strlen(CFG.ftp_base), file.LName, file.LName);
fprintf(fa, "<TD valign=top>%s</TD>", StrDateDMY(file.FileDate));
fprintf(fa, "<TD align=right valign=top>%lu Kb.</TD>",
(long)(file.Size / 1024));
fprintf(fa, "<TD valign=top>%8ld</TD>",
file.TimesDL + file.TimesFTP + file.TimesReq);
fprintf(fa, "<TD><PRE>");
for (j = 0; j < 25; j++)
if (strlen(file.Desc[j])) {
if (j)
fprintf(fa, "\n");
sprintf(linebuf, "%s", strkconv(file.Desc[j], CHRS_DEFAULT_FTN, CHRS_DEFAULT_RFC));
html_massage(linebuf, outbuf);
fprintf(fa, "%s", outbuf);
fprintf(fa, "</PRE></TD></TR>\n");
aSize += file.Size;
iSize += file.Size;
if (file.FileDate > last)
last = file.FileDate;
if ((aTotal % CFG.www_files_page) == 0) {
closepage(fa, area.Path, inArea, aTotal);
fa = newpage(area.Path, area.Name, later, inArea, aTotal);
} /* if (!file.deleted) */
closepage(fa, area.Path, inArea, aTotal);
* If the time before there were more files in this area then now,
* the number of html pages may de decreased. We try to delete these
* files if they should exist.
filenr = lastfile / CFG.www_files_page;
while (TRUE) {
sprintf(linebuf, "%s/index%d.html", area.Path, filenr);
if (unlink(linebuf))
Syslog('+', "Removed obsolete %s", linebuf);
fprintf(fm, "<TR><TD align=right>%d</TD><TD><A HREF=\"%s/%s%s/index.html\">%s</A></TD>",
AreaNr, CFG.www_url, CFG.www_link2ftp, area.Path+strlen(CFG.ftp_base), area.Name);
fprintf(fm, "<TD align=right>%d</TD>", aTotal);
if (aSize > 1048576)
fprintf(fm, "<TD align=right>%ld Mb.</TD>", aSize / 1048576);
fprintf(fm, "<TD align=right>%ld Kb.</TD>", aSize / 1024);
if (last == 0L)
fprintf(fm, "<TD> </TD></TR>\n");
fprintf(fm, "<TD align=center>%s</TD></TR>\n", StrDateDMY(last));
} /* if area.Available */
} /* if area.Available */
if (fm) {
fprintf(fm, "<TR align=right><TH> </TH><TH>Total</TH><TD>%d</TD><TD>%ld Mb.</TD><TD> </TD></TR>\n",
Total, iSize / 1048576);
fprintf(fm, "</TABLE><P>\n");
fprintf(fm, "<A HREF=\"/index.html\"><IMG SRC=\"/icons/%s\" ALT=\"%s\" BORDER=0>%s</A>\n",
CFG.www_icon_home, CFG.www_name_home, CFG.www_name_home);
fprintf(fm, "</BODY></HTML>\n");
sprintf(linebuf, "%s/index.html", CFG.ftp_base);
rename(fn, linebuf);
chmod(linebuf, 0644);
@ -235,6 +703,8 @@ void Index(void)
Syslog('+', "Index Areas [%5d] Files [%5d]", iAreasNew, iTotal);
Syslog('+', "Index Areas [%5d] Files [%5d]", iAreasNew, iTotal);
Syslog('+', "Files Areas [%5d] Files [%5d]", fbAreas, fbFiles);
Syslog('+', "HTML Areas [%5d] Files [%5d]", Areas, Total);
if (!do_quiet) {
if (!do_quiet) {
printf("\r \r");
printf("\r \r");
@ -244,6 +714,8 @@ void Index(void)
RemoveSema((char *)"reqindex");
RemoveSema((char *)"reqindex");
@ -41,19 +41,11 @@
extern int do_quiet; /* Supress screen output */
extern int do_quiet; /* Supress screen output */
int do_zip = FALSE; /* Create ZIP archives */
int do_zip = FALSE; /* Create ZIP archives */
int do_list = FALSE; /* Create filelist */
int do_list = FALSE; /* Create filelist */
int do_index = FALSE; /* Create 00index files */
extern int e_pid; /* Pid of child */
extern int e_pid; /* Pid of child */
extern int show_log; /* Show logging */
extern int show_log; /* Show logging */
time_t t_start; /* Start time */
time_t t_start; /* Start time */
time_t t_end; /* End time */
time_t t_end; /* End time */
struct tm *l_date; /* Structure for Date */
struct tm *l_date; /* Structure for Date */
int lastfile; /* Last file number */
static char *wdays[]={(char *)"Sun",(char *)"Mon",(char *)"Tue",(char *)"Wed",(char *)"Thu",(char *)"Fri",(char *)"Sat"};
static char *months[]={(char *)"Jan",(char *)"Feb",(char *)"Mar",(char *)"Apr",(char *)"May",(char *)"Jun",
(char *)"Jul",(char *)"Aug",(char *)"Sep",(char *)"Oct",(char *)"Nov",(char *)"Dec"};
void ProgName()
void ProgName()
@ -122,7 +114,6 @@ void Help()
printf(" Commands are:\n\n");
printf(" Commands are:\n\n");
colour(3, 0);
colour(3, 0);
printf(" i index Create \"00index\" files and WWW pages in areas\n");
printf(" i index Create \"00index\" files and WWW pages in areas\n");
printf(" l list Create allfiles and newfiles lists\n");
colour(9, 0);
colour(9, 0);
printf("\n Options are:\n\n");
printf("\n Options are:\n\n");
colour(3, 0);
colour(3, 0);
@ -173,15 +164,13 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "l", 1))
if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "l", 1))
do_list = TRUE;
do_list = TRUE;
if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "i", 1))
do_index = TRUE;
if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "-q", 2))
if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "-q", 2))
do_quiet = TRUE;
do_quiet = TRUE;
if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "-z", 2))
if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "-z", 2))
do_zip = TRUE;
do_zip = TRUE;
if (!(do_list || do_index))
if (!do_list)
@ -202,13 +191,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (do_zip)
if (do_zip)
if (do_index)
if (do_list)
CreateSema((char *)"mailin");
CreateSema((char *)"mailin");
if (!do_quiet)
if (!do_quiet)
@ -219,454 +203,6 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
* Translate ISO 8859-1 characters to named character entities
void html_massage(char *, char *);
void html_massage(char *inbuf, char *outbuf)
char *inptr = inbuf;
char *outptr = outbuf;
memset(outbuf, 0, sizeof(outbuf));
while (*inptr) {
switch ((unsigned char)*inptr) {
case '"': sprintf(outptr, """); break;
case '&': sprintf(outptr, "&"); break;
case '<': sprintf(outptr, "<"); break;
case '>': sprintf(outptr, ">"); break;
case 160: sprintf(outptr, " "); break;
case 161: sprintf(outptr, "¡"); break;
case 162: sprintf(outptr, "¢"); break;
case 163: sprintf(outptr, "£"); break;
case 164: sprintf(outptr, "¤"); break;
case 165: sprintf(outptr, "¥"); break;
case 166: sprintf(outptr, "¦"); break;
case 167: sprintf(outptr, "§"); break;
case 168: sprintf(outptr, "¨"); break;
case 169: sprintf(outptr, "©"); break;
case 170: sprintf(outptr, "ª"); break;
case 171: sprintf(outptr, "«"); break;
case 172: sprintf(outptr, "¬"); break;
case 173: sprintf(outptr, "­"); break;
case 174: sprintf(outptr, "®"); break;
case 175: sprintf(outptr, "¯"); break;
case 176: sprintf(outptr, "°"); break;
case 177: sprintf(outptr, "&plumn;"); break;
case 178: sprintf(outptr, "²"); break;
case 179: sprintf(outptr, "³"); break;
case 180: sprintf(outptr, "´"); break;
case 181: sprintf(outptr, "µ"); break;
case 182: sprintf(outptr, "¶"); break;
case 183: sprintf(outptr, "·"); break;
case 184: sprintf(outptr, "¸"); break;
case 185: sprintf(outptr, "&supl;"); break;
case 186: sprintf(outptr, "º"); break;
case 187: sprintf(outptr, "»"); break;
case 188: sprintf(outptr, "¼"); break;
case 189: sprintf(outptr, "½"); break;
case 190: sprintf(outptr, "¾"); break;
case 191: sprintf(outptr, "¿"); break;
case 192: sprintf(outptr, "À"); break;
case 193: sprintf(outptr, "Á"); break;
case 194: sprintf(outptr, "Â"); break;
case 195: sprintf(outptr, "Ã"); break;
case 196: sprintf(outptr, "Ä"); break;
case 197: sprintf(outptr, "Å"); break;
case 198: sprintf(outptr, "Æ"); break;
case 199: sprintf(outptr, "Ç"); break;
case 200: sprintf(outptr, "È"); break;
case 201: sprintf(outptr, "É"); break;
case 202: sprintf(outptr, "Ê"); break;
case 203: sprintf(outptr, "Ë"); break;
case 204: sprintf(outptr, "Ì"); break;
case 205: sprintf(outptr, "Í"); break;
case 206: sprintf(outptr, "Î"); break;
case 207: sprintf(outptr, "Ï"); break;
case 208: sprintf(outptr, "Ð"); break;
case 209: sprintf(outptr, "Ñ"); break;
case 210: sprintf(outptr, "Ò"); break;
case 211: sprintf(outptr, "Ó"); break;
case 212: sprintf(outptr, "Ô"); break;
case 213: sprintf(outptr, "Õ"); break;
case 214: sprintf(outptr, "Ö"); break;
case 215: sprintf(outptr, "×"); break;
case 216: sprintf(outptr, "Ø"); break;
case 217: sprintf(outptr, "Ù"); break;
case 218: sprintf(outptr, "Ú"); break;
case 219: sprintf(outptr, "Û"); break;
case 220: sprintf(outptr, "Ü"); break;
case 221: sprintf(outptr, "Ý"); break;
case 222: sprintf(outptr, "Þ"); break;
case 223: sprintf(outptr, "ß"); break;
case 224: sprintf(outptr, "à"); break;
case 225: sprintf(outptr, "á"); break;
case 226: sprintf(outptr, "â"); break;
case 227: sprintf(outptr, "ã"); break;
case 228: sprintf(outptr, "ä"); break;
case 229: sprintf(outptr, "å"); break;
case 230: sprintf(outptr, "æ"); break;
case 231: sprintf(outptr, "ç"); break;
case 232: sprintf(outptr, "è"); break;
case 233: sprintf(outptr, "é"); break;
case 234: sprintf(outptr, "ê"); break;
case 235: sprintf(outptr, "ë"); break;
case 236: sprintf(outptr, "ì"); break;
case 237: sprintf(outptr, "í"); break;
case 238: sprintf(outptr, "î"); break;
case 239: sprintf(outptr, "ï"); break;
case 240: sprintf(outptr, "ð"); break;
case 241: sprintf(outptr, "ñ"); break;
case 242: sprintf(outptr, "ò"); break;
case 243: sprintf(outptr, "ó"); break;
case 244: sprintf(outptr, "ô"); break;
case 245: sprintf(outptr, "õ"); break;
case 246: sprintf(outptr, "ö"); break;
case 247: sprintf(outptr, "÷"); break;
case 248: sprintf(outptr, "ø"); break;
case 249: sprintf(outptr, "ù"); break;
case 250: sprintf(outptr, "ú"); break;
case 251: sprintf(outptr, "û"); break;
case 252: sprintf(outptr, "ü"); break;
case 253: sprintf(outptr, "ý"); break;
case 254: sprintf(outptr, "þ"); break;
case 255: sprintf(outptr, "ÿ"); break;
default: *outptr++ = *inptr; *outptr = '\0'; break;
while (*outptr)
*outptr = '\0';
char *rfcdate(time_t);
char *rfcdate(time_t now)
static char buf[40];
struct tm ptm;
ptm = *gmtime(&now);
sprintf(buf,"%s, %02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT",
wdays[ptm.tm_wday], ptm.tm_mday, months[ptm.tm_mon],
ptm.tm_year + 1900, ptm.tm_hour, ptm.tm_min, ptm.tm_sec);
void pagelink(FILE *, char *, int, int);
void pagelink(FILE *fa, char *Path, int inArea, int Current)
char nr[20];
fprintf(fa, "<DIV align=center>\n");
if ((Current >= CFG.www_files_page) && (inArea >= CFG.www_files_page)) {
if (((Current / CFG.www_files_page) - 1) > 0)
sprintf(nr, "%d", (Current / CFG.www_files_page) -1);
nr[0] = '\0';
fprintf(fa, "<A HREF=\"%s/%s%s/index%s.html\"><IMG SRC=\"/icons/%s\" ALT=\"%s\" BORDER=0>%s</A> \n",
CFG.www_url, CFG.www_link2ftp, Path+strlen(CFG.ftp_base), nr,
CFG.www_icon_prev, CFG.www_name_prev, CFG.www_name_prev);
fprintf(fa, "<A HREF=\"%s/index.html\"><IMG SRC=\"/icons/%s\" ALT=\"%s\" BORDER=0>%s</A> \n",
CFG.www_url, CFG.www_icon_home, CFG.www_name_home, CFG.www_name_home);
fprintf(fa, "<A HREF=\"%s/%s/index.html\"><IMG SRC=\"/icons/%s\" ALT=\"%s\" BORDER=0>%s</A>\n",
CFG.www_url, CFG.www_link2ftp, CFG.www_icon_back, CFG.www_name_back, CFG.www_name_back);
if ((Current < (inArea - CFG.www_files_page)) && (inArea >= CFG.www_files_page)) {
fprintf(fa, " <A HREF=\"%s/%s%s/index%d.html\"><IMG SRC=\"/icons/%s\" ALT=\"%s\" BORDER=0>%s</A>\n",
CFG.www_url, CFG.www_link2ftp, Path+strlen(CFG.ftp_base), (Current / CFG.www_files_page) + 1,
CFG.www_icon_next, CFG.www_name_next, CFG.www_name_next);
fprintf(fa, "</DIV><P>\n");
FILE *newpage(char *, char *, time_t, int, int);
FILE *newpage(char *Path, char *Name, time_t later, int inArea, int Current)
char linebuf[1024], outbuf[1024];
static FILE* fa;
lastfile = Current;
if (Current)
sprintf(linebuf, "%s/index%d.temp", Path, Current / CFG.www_files_page);
sprintf(linebuf, "%s/index.temp", Path);
if ((fa = fopen(linebuf, "w")) == NULL) {
WriteError("$Can't create %s", linebuf);
} else {
sprintf(linebuf, "%s", Name);
html_massage(linebuf, outbuf);
fprintf(fa, "<HTML>\n");
fprintf(fa, "<META http-equiv=\"Expires\" content=\"%s\">\n", rfcdate(later));
fprintf(fa, "<META http-equiv=\"Cache-Control\" content=\"no-cache, must-revalidate\">\n");
fprintf(fa, "<META http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=%s\">\n", CFG.www_charset);
fprintf(fa, "<META name=\"%s\" lang=\"en\" content=\"%s\">\n", CFG.www_author, outbuf);
fprintf(fa, "<HEAD><TITLE>%s</TITLE>\n", outbuf);
fprintf(fa, "<LINK rel=stylesheet HREF=\"%s/css/files.css\">\n", CFG.www_url);
fprintf(fa, "<STYLE TYPE=\"text/css\">\n");
fprintf(fa, "</STYLE>\n</HEAD>\n<BODY>\n");
pagelink(fa, Path, inArea, Current);
fprintf(fa, "<H1 align=center>File index of %s</H1><P>\n", outbuf);
fprintf(fa, "<TABLE align=center width=750>\n");
fprintf(fa, "<TR><TH>Nr.</TH><TH>Filename</TH><TH>Date</TH><TH>Size</TH><TH>Downloads</TH><TH>Description</TH></TR>\n");
return fa;
return NULL;
void closepage(FILE *, char *, int, int);
void closepage(FILE *fa, char *Path, int inArea, int Current)
char *temp1, *temp2;
if (fa == NULL)
temp1 = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char));
temp2 = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char));
fprintf(fa, "</TABLE><P>\n");
pagelink(fa, Path, inArea, lastfile);
fprintf(fa, "</BODY></HTML>\n");
if (lastfile) {
sprintf(temp1, "%s/index%d.html", Path, lastfile / CFG.www_files_page);
sprintf(temp2, "%s/index%d.temp", Path, lastfile / CFG.www_files_page);
} else {
sprintf(temp1, "%s/index.html", Path);
sprintf(temp2, "%s/index.temp", Path);
rename(temp2, temp1);
chmod(temp1, 0644);
fa = NULL;
void MakeIndex()
FILE *fp, *fm, *fa, *pAreas, *pFile;
int AreaNr = 0, j, z, x = 0, Areas = 0;
int iTotal = 0, aTotal = 0, inArea = 0;
long iSize = 0L, aSize = 0;
char *sAreas, *fAreas;
char temp[81], fn[PATH_MAX], linebuf[1024], outbuf[1024];
time_t last = 0L, later;
sAreas = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char));
fAreas = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char));
later = time(NULL) + 86400;
IsDoing("Create Indexes");
sprintf(sAreas, "%s/etc/", getenv("MBSE_ROOT"));
if ((pAreas = fopen (sAreas, "r")) == NULL) {
WriteError("$Can't open File Areas File: %s", sAreas);
fread(&areahdr, sizeof(areahdr), 1, pAreas);
if (!do_quiet)
printf("Processing index lists\n");
sprintf(fn, "%s/index.temp", CFG.ftp_base);
if ((fm = fopen(fn, "w")) == NULL) {
WriteError("$Can't create %s", fn);
* Because these web pages are dynamic, ie. they change everytime you
* receive new files and recreates these pages, extra HTTP headers are
* send to the client about these pages. It forbids proxy servers to
* cache these pages. The pages will expire within 24 hours. The pages
* also have an author name, this is the bbs name, and a content
* description for search engines. Automatic advertising.
sprintf(linebuf, "File areas at %s", CFG.bbs_name);
html_massage(linebuf, outbuf);
fprintf(fm, "<HTML>\n");
fprintf(fm, "<META http-equiv=\"Expires\" content=\"%s\">\n", rfcdate(later));
fprintf(fm, "<META http-equiv=\"Cache-Control\" content=\"no-cache, must-revalidate\">\n");
fprintf(fm, "<META http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=%s\">\n", CFG.www_charset);
fprintf(fm, "<META name=\"%s\" lang=\"en\" content=\"%s\">\n", CFG.www_author, outbuf);
fprintf(fm, "<HEAD><TITLE>%s</TITLE>\n", outbuf);
fprintf(fm, "<LINK rel=stylesheet HREF=\"%s/css/files.css\">\n", CFG.www_url);
fprintf(fm, "<STYLE TYPE=\"text/css\">\n");
fprintf(fm, "</STYLE>\n</HEAD>\n<BODY>\n");
fprintf(fm, "<H2 align=center>%s</H2><P>\n", outbuf);
fprintf(fm, "<TABLE align=center width=750>\n");
fprintf(fm, "<TR><TH>Area</TH><TH>Description</TH><TH>Files</TH><TH>Total size</TH><TH>Last added</TH></TR>\n");
while (fread(&area, areahdr.recsize, 1, pAreas) == 1) {
if (area.Available && !area.CDrom &&
(strncmp(CFG.ftp_base, area.Path, strlen(CFG.ftp_base)) == 0)) {
sprintf(temp, "%s/00index", area.Path);
if ((fp = fopen(temp, "w")) == NULL) {
WriteError("$Can't create %s", temp);
} else {
sprintf(fAreas, "%s/fdb/", getenv("MBSE_ROOT"), AreaNr);
if ((pFile = fopen (fAreas, "r")) == NULL) {
WriteError("$Can't open Area %d (%s)! Skipping ...", AreaNr, area.Name);
} else {
inArea = 0;
while (fread(&file, sizeof(file), 1, pFile) == 1) {
if ((!file.Deleted) && (!file.Missing))
fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_SET);
aSize = 0L;
aTotal = 0;
last = 0L;
fa = newpage(area.Path, area.Name, later, inArea, aTotal);
while (fread(&file, sizeof(file), 1, pFile) == 1) {
if ((!file.Deleted) && (!file.Missing)) {
* The next is to reduce system
* loading.
if (CFG.slow_util && do_quiet && ((x % 3) == 0))
for (z = 0; z <= 25; z++) {
if (strlen(file.Desc[z])) {
if (z == 0)
fprintf(fp, "%-12s %7luK %s ", file.Name,
(long)(file.Size / 1024),
fprintf(fp, " ");
if ((file.Desc[z][0] == '@') && (file.Desc[z][1] == 'X'))
fprintf(fp, "%s\n", file.Desc[z]+4);
fprintf(fp, "%s\n", file.Desc[z]);
fprintf(fa, "<TR><TD align=right valign=top>%d</TD>", aTotal);
* Check if this is a .gif or .jpg file, if so then
* check if a thumbnail file exists. If not try to
* create a thumbnail file to add to the html listing.
if (strstr(file.LName, ".gif") || strstr(file.LName, ".jpg")) {
sprintf(linebuf, "%s/%s", area.Path, file.LName);
sprintf(outbuf, "%s/.%s", area.Path, file.LName);
if (file_exist(outbuf, R_OK)) {
if ((j = execute(CFG.www_convert, linebuf, outbuf,
(char *)"/dev/null", (char *)"/dev/null",
(char *)"/dev/null"))) {
Syslog('+', "Failed to create thumbnail for %s, rc=%d", file.LName, j);
fprintf(fa, "<TD align=center valign=top><A HREF=\"%s/%s%s/%s\">",
CFG.www_url, CFG.www_link2ftp,
area.Path+strlen(CFG.ftp_base), file.LName);
fprintf(fa, "<IMG SRC=\"%s/%s%s/.%s\" ALT=\"%s\" BORDER=0>",
CFG.www_url, CFG.www_link2ftp,
area.Path+strlen(CFG.ftp_base), file.LName, file.LName);
fprintf(fa, "</A></TD>");
} else {
fprintf(fa, "<TD valign=top><A HREF=\"%s/%s%s/%s\">%s</A></TD>",
CFG.www_url, CFG.www_link2ftp,
area.Path+strlen(CFG.ftp_base), file.LName, file.LName);
fprintf(fa, "<TD valign=top>%s</TD>", StrDateDMY(file.FileDate));
fprintf(fa, "<TD align=right valign=top>%lu Kb.</TD>",
(long)(file.Size / 1024));
fprintf(fa, "<TD valign=top>%8ld</TD>",
file.TimesDL + file.TimesFTP + file.TimesReq);
fprintf(fa, "<TD><PRE>");
for (j = 0; j < 25; j++)
if (strlen(file.Desc[j])) {
if (j)
fprintf(fa, "\n");
sprintf(linebuf, "%s", strkconv(file.Desc[j], CHRS_DEFAULT_FTN, CHRS_DEFAULT_RFC));
html_massage(linebuf, outbuf);
fprintf(fa, "%s", outbuf);
fprintf(fa, "</PRE></TD></TR>\n");
aSize += file.Size;
iSize += file.Size;
if (file.FileDate > last)
last = file.FileDate;
if ((aTotal % CFG.www_files_page) == 0) {
closepage(fa, area.Path, inArea, aTotal);
fa = newpage(area.Path, area.Name, later, inArea, aTotal);
} /* if (!file.deletd) */
closepage(fa, area.Path, inArea, aTotal);
fprintf(fm, "<TR><TD align=right>%d</TD><TD><A HREF=\"%s/%s%s/index.html\">%s</A></TD>",
AreaNr, CFG.www_url, CFG.www_link2ftp, area.Path+strlen(CFG.ftp_base), area.Name);
fprintf(fm, "<TD align=right>%d</TD>", aTotal);
if (aSize > 1048576)
fprintf(fm, "<TD align=right>%ld Mb.</TD>", aSize / 1048576);
fprintf(fm, "<TD align=right>%ld Kb.</TD>", aSize / 1024);
if (last == 0L)
fprintf(fm, "<TD> </TD></TR>\n");
fprintf(fm, "<TD align=center>%s</TD></TR>\n", StrDateDMY(last));
} /* End of While Loop Checking for Areas Done */
fprintf(fm, "<TR align=right><TH> </TH><TH>Total</TH><TD>%d</TD><TD>%ld Mb.</TD><TD> </TD></TR>\n",
iTotal, iSize / 1048576);
fprintf(fm, "</TABLE><P>\n");
fprintf(fm, "<A HREF=\"/index.html\"><IMG SRC=\"/icons/%s\" ALT=\"%s\" BORDER=0>%s</A>\n",
CFG.www_icon_home, CFG.www_name_home, CFG.www_name_home);
fprintf(fm, "</BODY></HTML>\n");
sprintf(linebuf, "%s/index.html", CFG.ftp_base);
rename(fn, linebuf);
chmod(linebuf, 0644);
Syslog('+', "Created %d indexes with %d files", Areas, iTotal);
void MidLine(char *txt, FILE *fp, int doit)
void MidLine(char *txt, FILE *fp, int doit)
char temp[81];
char temp[81];
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# MBSE BBS Maintenance - Should be run from cron.
# $Id$
# 18-Mar-2000 MB.
# MBSE BBS Maintenance - Should be run from cron.
if [ -z "$MBSE_ROOT" ]; then
if [ -z "$MBSE_ROOT" ]; then
export MBSE_ROOT=`cat /etc/passwd | grep mbse: | awk -F ':' '{ print $6}'`
export MBSE_ROOT=`cat /etc/passwd | grep mbse: | awk -F ':' '{ print $6}'`
@ -17,10 +17,8 @@ fi
$MBSE_ROOT/bin/mbuser pack kill 180 50 -quiet
$MBSE_ROOT/bin/mbuser pack kill 180 50 -quiet
$MBSE_ROOT/bin/mbmsg kill pack link -quiet
$MBSE_ROOT/bin/mbmsg kill pack link -quiet
$MBSE_ROOT/bin/mbfile kill check pack index -quiet
$MBSE_ROOT/bin/mbfile kill check pack index -quiet
# $MBSE_ROOT/bin/mbfile kill check pack index web -quiet
$MBSE_ROOT/bin/mbtoberep >$MBSE_ROOT/doc/toberep.doc
$MBSE_ROOT/bin/mbaff announce filefind -quiet
$MBSE_ROOT/bin/mbaff announce filefind -quiet
cd $MBSE_ROOT/tmp
cd $MBSE_ROOT/tmp
$MBSE_ROOT/bin/mball list index -zip -quiet
$MBSE_ROOT/bin/mball list -zip -quiet
Reference in New Issue
Block a user