Added endian byteorder code for menu editor
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
WARNING, users of Sparc and HP-PA systems should not edit bbs menus now!
All other users on Intel machines (99,9% I think) can use this version.
v0.37.01 14-Jan-2003.
@ -36,6 +39,8 @@ v0.37.01 14-Jan-2003.
Removed charset conversion/translation.
Added integer endian byteorder swapper, usefull for non-Intel
Arcmail for non-CM nodes and Txx nodes is now sent during the
@ -70,6 +75,7 @@ v0.37.01 14-Jan-2003.
Added new menu item 319, removed menu items 22 and 23.
Added setup for rules directory.
Added setup for menu 221. Changed description of menu 103.
The menu editor is machine endian independant.
It will now refuse to up/download OLR packets when the system
@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ COMMON_SRCS = attach.c falists.c hdr.c parsedate.c rfcmsg.c unpacker.c \
batchrd.c charset.c ftn.c pktname.c mangle.c sectest.c \
dostran.c ftnmsg.c mbfile.c nodelock.c rawio.c strcasestr.c \
execute.c expipe.c getheader.c noderecord.c rfcaddr.c strutil.c \
faddr.c gmtoffset.c packet.c rfcdate.c term.c
faddr.c gmtoffset.c packet.c rfcdate.c term.c endian.c
COMMON_OBJS = ftscprod.o attach.o falists.o hdr.o parsedate.o rfcmsg.o unpacker.o \
batchrd.o ftn.o pktname.o mangle.o sectest.o \
dostran.o ftnmsg.o mbfile.o nodelock.o rawio.o strcasestr.o \
execute.o expipe.o getheader.o noderecord.o rfcaddr.o strutil.o \
faddr.o gmtoffset.o packet.o rfcdate.o term.o
faddr.o gmtoffset.o packet.o rfcdate.o term.o endian.o
COMMON_HDRS = common.h
NODELIST_SRCS = nodelist.c
NODELIST_OBJS = nodelist.o
@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ gmtoffset.o: ../config.h libs.h memwatch.h structs.h common.h
packet.o: ../config.h libs.h memwatch.h structs.h users.h records.h clcomm.h common.h dbnode.h
rfcdate.o: ../config.h libs.h memwatch.h structs.h common.h clcomm.h
term.o: ../config.h libs.h memwatch.h structs.h users.h ansi.h records.h common.h
endian.o: ../config.h libs.h memwatch.h structs.h common.h
dbcfg.o: ../config.h libs.h memwatch.h mbse.h structs.h users.h records.h mberrors.h dbcfg.h
dbdupe.o: ../config.h libs.h memwatch.h structs.h clcomm.h mberrors.h dbdupe.h
dbftn.o: ../config.h libs.h memwatch.h structs.h users.h records.h dbcfg.h dbftn.h
@ -176,6 +176,13 @@ struct termios tbufs, tbufsavs; /* Structure for raw mode */
* From endian.c
int le_int(int);
* From attach.c
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
* $Id$
* Purpose ...............: Change integer value CPU endian independant
* Copyright (C) 1997-2003
* Michiel Broek FIDO: 2:280/2802
* Beekmansbos 10
* 1971 BV IJmuiden
* the Netherlands
* This file is part of MBSE BBS.
* This BBS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* MBSE BBS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MBSE BBS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include "../config.h"
#include "libs.h"
#include "memwatch.h"
#include "structs.h"
#include "common.h"
* Return an integer in endian independent format. This is used to make menu
* files portable on little and big-endian systems. Normal datafiles are
* not portable, only the menus.
int le_int(int val)
if (BYTE_ORDER == 1234) {
return val;
} else if (BYTE_ORDER == 4321) {
return ((val & 0xff) << 24) | (((val >> 8) & 0xff) << 16) | (((val >> 16) & 0xff) << 8) | ((val >> 24) & 0xff);
} else {
#ifdef __i386__
return val;
return ((val & 0xff) << 24) | (((val >> 8) & 0xff) << 16) | (((val >> 16) & 0xff) << 8) | ((val >> 24) & 0xff);
return val;
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
char *select_menurec(int max)
static char *menu=(char *)"-";
@ -114,7 +115,7 @@ void Show_A_Menu(void)
mvprintw(17, 2, "10. Lo-colors");
mvprintw(18, 2, "11. Hi-colors");
mvprintw(19, 2, "12. Autoexec");
if (menus.MenuType == 7) {
if (le_int(menus.MenuType) == 7) {
mvprintw(15,42, "13. No door.sys");
mvprintw(16,42, "14. Y2K style");
mvprintw(17,42, "15. Use Comport");
@ -124,23 +125,23 @@ void Show_A_Menu(void)
set_color(WHITE, BLACK);
show_str( 7,16, 1, menus.MenuKey);
show_int( 8,16, menus.MenuType); show_str( 8, 26,29, menus.TypeDesc);
show_int( 8,16, le_int(menus.MenuType)); show_str( 8, 26,29, menus.TypeDesc);
show_str( 9,16,64, menus.OptionalData);
show_str(10,16,64,(char *)"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234");
show_str(11,16,64, menus.Display);
show_sec(12,16, menus.MenuSecurity);
show_int(13,16, menus.Age);
show_int(14,16, menus.MaxSecurity);
show_int(13,16, le_int(menus.Age));
show_int(14,16, le_int(menus.MaxSecurity));
if (strlen(menus.Password))
show_str(15,16,14, (char *)"**************");
show_str(15,16,14, (char *)"<null>");
show_int(16,16, menus.Credit);
S_COL(17,16, "Normal display color", menus.ForeGnd, menus.BackGnd)
S_COL(18,16, "Bright display color", menus.HiForeGnd, menus.HiBackGnd)
S_COL(17,16, "Normal display color", le_int(menus.ForeGnd), le_int(menus.BackGnd))
S_COL(18,16, "Bright display color", le_int(menus.HiForeGnd), le_int(menus.HiBackGnd))
set_color(WHITE, BLACK);
show_bool(19,16, menus.AutoExec);
if (menus.MenuType == 7) {
if (le_int(menus.MenuType) == 7) {
show_bool(15,58, menus.NoDoorsys);
show_bool(16,58, menus.Y2Kdoorsys);
show_bool(17,58, menus.Comport);
@ -213,7 +214,7 @@ int GetMenuType(void)
void Edit_A_Menu(void);
void Edit_A_Menu(void)
int fg, bg;
int temp, fg, bg;
@ -222,53 +223,67 @@ void Edit_A_Menu(void)
case 0: return;
case 1: E_UPS( 7,16, 1, menus.MenuKey, "The ^key^ to select this menu item")
case 2: menus.MenuType = GetMenuType();
case 2: temp = GetMenuType();
memset(&menus.TypeDesc, 0, sizeof(menus.TypeDesc));
if (menus.MenuType)
strcpy(menus.TypeDesc, getmenutype(menus.MenuType));
if (menus.MenuType == 21)
if (temp)
strcpy(menus.TypeDesc, getmenutype(temp));
if (temp == 21)
menus.AutoExec = TRUE;
menus.MenuType = le_int(temp);
case 3: E_STR( 9,16,64, menus.OptionalData, "The ^optional data^ for this menu item")
case 4: E_STR(11,16,64, menus.Display, "The text to ^display^ for this menu")
case 5: E_SEC(12,16, menus.MenuSecurity, "8.3.5 MENU ACCESS SECURITY", Show_A_Menu)
case 6: E_INT(13,16, menus.Age, "The minimum ^Age^ to select this menu, 0 is don't care")
case 7: E_INT(14,16, menus.MaxSecurity, "The maximum ^Security level^ to access this menu")
case 8: E_STR(15,16,14, menus.Password, "The ^password^ to access this menu item")
case 9: E_INT(16,16, menus.Credit, "The ^credit cost^ for this menu item")
case 10:fg = menus.ForeGnd;
bg = menus.BackGnd;
edit_color(&fg, &bg, (char *)"8.3.10 EDIT COLOR", (char *)"normal");
menus.ForeGnd = fg;
menus.BackGnd = bg;
case 5: menus.MenuSecurity.level = le_int(menus.MenuSecurity.level);
menus.MenuSecurity = edit_sec(12,16, menus.MenuSecurity, (char *)"8.3.5 MENU ACCESS SECURITY");
menus.MenuSecurity.level = le_int(menus.MenuSecurity.level);
case 11:fg = menus.HiForeGnd;
bg = menus.HiBackGnd;
case 6: temp = le_int(menus.Age);
temp = edit_int(13,16, temp, (char *)"The minimum ^Age^ to select this menu, 0 is don't care");
menus.Age = le_int(temp);
case 7: temp = le_int(menus.MaxSecurity);
temp = edit_int(14,16, temp, (char *)"The maximum ^Security level^ to access this menu");
menus.MaxSecurity = le_int(temp);
case 8: E_STR(15,16,14, menus.Password, "The ^password^ to access this menu item")
case 9: temp = le_int(menus.Credit);
temp = edit_int(16,16, temp, (char *)"The ^credit cost^ for this menu item");
menus.Credit = le_int(temp);
case 10:fg = le_int(menus.ForeGnd);
bg = le_int(menus.BackGnd);
edit_color(&fg, &bg, (char *)"8.3.10 EDIT COLOR", (char *)"normal");
menus.ForeGnd = le_int(fg);
menus.BackGnd = le_int(bg);
case 11:fg = le_int(menus.HiForeGnd);
bg = le_int(menus.HiBackGnd);
edit_color(&fg, &bg, (char *)"8.3.11 EDIT COLOR", (char *)"bright");
menus.HiForeGnd = fg;
menus.HiBackGnd = bg;
menus.HiForeGnd = le_int(fg);
menus.HiBackGnd = le_int(bg);
case 12:E_BOOL(19,16, menus.AutoExec, "Is this an ^Autoexecute^ menu item")
case 13:if (menus.MenuType == 7) {
case 13:if (le_int(menus.MenuType) == 7) {
E_BOOL(15,58, menus.NoDoorsys, "Suppress writing ^door.sys^ dropfile")
} else
case 14:if (menus.MenuType == 7) {
case 14:if (le_int(menus.MenuType) == 7) {
E_BOOL(16,58, menus.Y2Kdoorsys, "Create ^door.sys^ with 4 digit yearnumbers")
} else
case 15:if (menus.MenuType == 7) {
case 15:if (le_int(menus.MenuType) == 7) {
E_BOOL(17,58, menus.Comport, "Write real ^COM port^ in door.sys for Vmodem patch")
} else
case 16:if (menus.MenuType == 7) {
case 16:if (le_int(menus.MenuType) == 7) {
E_BOOL(18,58, menus.NoSuid, "Run the door as ^real user (nosuid)^")
} else
case 17:if (menus.MenuType == 7) {
case 17:if (le_int(menus.MenuType) == 7) {
E_BOOL(19,58, menus.NoPrompt, "^Don't display prompt^ when door is finished")
} else
@ -281,13 +296,11 @@ void Edit_A_Menu(void)
void EditMenu(char *);
void EditMenu(char *Name)
char mtemp[PATH_MAX], temp[PATH_MAX];
char mtemp[PATH_MAX], temp[PATH_MAX], pick[12];
FILE *fil, *tmp;
int records = 0, i, o, y;
char pick[12];
int records = 0, i, o, y, MenuUpdated = FALSE, from, too;
long offset;
unsigned long crc, crc1;
int MenuUpdated = FALSE, from, too;
struct menufile tmenus;
@ -329,14 +342,14 @@ void EditMenu(char *Name)
set_color(LIGHTRED, BLACK);
mvprintw(y, 10, "a");
set_color(CYAN, BLACK);
} else
} else {
mvprintw(y, 10, "%1s", menus.MenuKey);
if (menus.MenuType == 999 ){
mvprintw(y, 12, "%-29s %5d %s", menus.TypeDesc,
menus.MenuSecurity.level, menus.Display);
} else
mvprintw(y, 12, "%-29s %5d %s", menus.TypeDesc,
menus.MenuSecurity.level, menus.OptionalData);
if (le_int(menus.MenuType) == 999 ) {
mvprintw(y, 12, "%-29s %5d %s", menus.TypeDesc, le_int(menus.MenuSecurity.level), menus.Display);
} else {
mvprintw(y, 12, "%-29s %5d %s", menus.TypeDesc, le_int(menus.MenuSecurity.level), menus.OptionalData);
} else {
set_color(LIGHTBLUE, BLACK);
mvprintw(y, 5, "%3d.", o + i);
@ -377,8 +390,8 @@ void EditMenu(char *Name)
if (strncmp(pick, "A", 1) == 0) {
working(1, 0, 0);
memset(&menus, 0, sizeof(menus));
menus.ForeGnd = LIGHTGRAY;
menus.HiForeGnd = WHITE;
menus.ForeGnd = le_int(LIGHTGRAY);
menus.HiForeGnd = le_int(WHITE);
fseek(tmp, 0, SEEK_END);
fwrite(&menus, sizeof(menus), 1, tmp);
@ -589,19 +602,19 @@ int bbs_menu_doc(FILE *fp, FILE *toc, int page)
fprintf(fp, " Menu select %s\n", menus.MenuKey);
if (menus.AutoExec)
fprintf(fp, " Menu select Autoexec\n");
fprintf(fp, " Type %d %s\n", menus.MenuType, menus.TypeDesc);
fprintf(fp, " Type %d %s\n", le_int(menus.MenuType), menus.TypeDesc);
fprintf(fp, " Opt. data %s\n", menus.OptionalData);
fprintf(fp, " Display %s\n", menus.Display);
fprintf(fp, " Security %s\n", get_secstr(menus.MenuSecurity));
fprintf(fp, " Minimum age %d\n", menus.Age);
fprintf(fp, " Maximum level %d\n", menus.MaxSecurity);
fprintf(fp, " Maximum level %d\n", le_int(menus.MaxSecurity));
fprintf(fp, " Password %s\n", menus.Password);
fprintf(fp, " Credits %ld\n", menus.Credit);
fprintf(fp, " Credits %d\n", le_int(menus.Credit));
fprintf(fp, " Lo-colors %s on %s\n",
get_color(menus.ForeGnd), get_color(menus.BackGnd));
get_color(le_int(menus.ForeGnd)), get_color(le_int(menus.BackGnd)));
fprintf(fp, " Hi-colors %s on %s\n",
get_color(menus.HiForeGnd), get_color(menus.HiBackGnd));
if (menus.MenuType == 7) {
get_color(le_int(menus.HiForeGnd)), get_color(le_int(menus.HiBackGnd)));
if (le_int(menus.MenuType) == 7) {
fprintf(fp, " No door.sys %s\n", getboolean(menus.NoDoorsys));
fprintf(fp, " Y2K door.sys %s\n", getboolean(menus.Y2Kdoorsys));
fprintf(fp, " Use COM port %s\n", getboolean(menus.Comport));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user