Updated ChangeLog pending official release

This commit is contained in:
Michiel Broek 2002-12-22 16:30:33 +00:00
parent 0b3e629118
commit ce9357ad64


@ -1,10 +1,65 @@
NOTE: for previous 0.35.06 users, the hard links are now replaced with
symbolic links. Run mbfile check to update if you were running
a pre 09-12-2002 version. Backup everything!! If all went well the
backups should be in size back to normal.
If you use web pages of the download areas, run mbfile index.
v0.36.00 Pending release.
These are the total update instructions for the upgrade from
v0.33.21 until v0.36.00 (not yet released). Read and perform
this upgrade with great care, this one is quite complicated.
Make sure you don't have download files with case differences
in download directories like FileName.zip and FILENAME.ZIP.
With this upgrade files with such names will be deleted!
Rename them before you upgrade!
Make sure your outbound is empty, "mbout stat" should not show
anything in the outbounds. You may delete ~/bin/mbfido before
you do this so when you deliver all pending mail no new mail
will be tossed. New mail will stay in your inbound now.
Now backup your whole bbs and download areas!
Compile the new bbs programs, do not yet install them.
Shutdown the bbs with "mbstat close". Kill the mbtask daemon.
Depending on your distribution as root you can do
"/etc/rc.d/init.d/mbsed stop", the location may vary.
Delete ~/etc/lastcall.data
Delete ~/etc/archiver.data
Delete ~/etc/virscan.data
Because the macro template files are changed and you may have
personalized them, these files are not automatic upgraded. If
you want them to be upgraded delete all files in
~/english/macro .
Now install all new binaries (su to root, make install).
Delete ~/bin/mbfido again (to prevent tossing mail).
Back as user mbse again, start mbtask by typing mbtask at the
commandline. Now you are ready to check and update the changes.
Start mbsetup, enter global configuration and exit and save.
This will set defaults for area-/filemgr logging and security.
The noderecords are updated with new security flags.
This will setup the new outbound queue path, default is
The filegroups, ticgroups, tic areas and message areas are
updated with default security flags.
In mbsetup enter Edit Fidonet Nodes. You might want to check
if all the session passwords are still ok. Also check all
nodes if the Pack mail flag is ok, this setting now also
affects echomail!
Check new settings in nodes setup, screen 6, items 9 and 10.
Check TIC magic records (menu 10.4), all filenames tested are
now uppercase 8.3 names, adjust your filemasks.
In mbsetup enter the Edit Archiver Programs. The new values
should now be set. Do the same for Virus scanners.
This is all for mbsetup.
Run "mbfile check". This will create an error in the logfile
for each file! It will update the filenames on disk to have
both short and long filenames. Just ignore the errors but check
for real deleted files.
Now you are ready, install the binaries again so that mbfido
is present again and you can toss mail. Do this with
"mbstat set mailin", after a while all mail and files will be
tossed and you are back in bussines again.
Have fun.
See all changes from development version 0.35.01 upto 0.33.07.
MBSEBBS History.
@ -45,25 +100,6 @@ v0.35.07 11-Dec-2002
v0.35.06 13-Nov-2002 - 11-Dec-2002
Make sure you don't have download files with case differences
in download directories like FileName.zip and FILENAME.ZIP.
With this upgrade files with such names will be deleted!
Rename them before you upgrade!
Backup your whole bbs, including download files.
Before upgrade, close the bbs (mbstat close wait) and make
sure the inbound is empty, toss everything.
Install the new binaries.
Run "mbfile check". This will create an error in the logfile
for each file! It will update the filenames on disk to have
both short and long filenames. Just ignore the errors but check
for real deleted files.
Now stop mbtask and restart it.
Start the bbs again (mbstat open).
Check new settings in nodes setup, screen 6, items 9 and 10.
Check TIC magic records (menu 10.4), all filenames tested are
now uppercase 8.3 names, adjust your filemasks.
The html templates are changed by Joachim Kuwan and now they
are valid html files validated at http://validator.w3.org/
@ -162,12 +198,6 @@ v0.35.06 13-Nov-2002 - 11-Dec-2002
v0.35.05 19-Oct-2002 - 13-Nov-2002.
Start mbsetup, go into global configuration, leave it and
Start mbsetup, check all nodes if the Pack mail flag is ok,
this setting now also affects echomail!
There is now a mberrors.h file that defines all errorcodes
returned by all programs.
@ -264,13 +294,6 @@ v0.35.04 29-Sep-2002 - 19-Oct-2002.
Added mail and files security flags for nodes.
Start mbsetup, enter global configuration and exit and save.
This will set defaults for area-/filemgr logging and security.
The noderecords are updated with new security flags.
The filegroups, ticgroups, tic areas and message areas are
updated with default security flags.
Added Mgrlog function, logs default to manager.log. Does also
log to Syslog with level '+'.
@ -313,12 +336,6 @@ v0.35.03 06-Jul-2002 - 29-Sep-2002
Now compiles and installs on HP-PARISC hardware, tested with
Debian 3.0 on a HP 712/80.
After installation restart mbtask.
Start mbsetup, enter global configuration and exit and save.
This will setup the new outbound queue path, default is
Added nodelist override to the nodelist lookup function.
Added protection against emty rfc headers with only a space.
@ -434,13 +451,6 @@ v0.35.03 06-Jul-2002 - 29-Sep-2002
v0.35.02 22-Jun-2002 - 06-Jul-2002
Delete ~/etc/lastcall.data
Delete ~/etc/archiver.data
Delete ~/etc/virscan.data
Start mbsetup and enter the Edit Archiver Programs. The new
values should now be set. Do the same for Virus scanners.
Added checks for GoldED in external program checks.
Added new empty path /opt/mbse/var/boxes.
@ -523,11 +533,6 @@ v0.35.02 22-Jun-2002 - 06-Jul-2002
v0.35.01 05-Jun-2002 - 22-Jun-2002
Start mbsetup and enter Edit Fidonet Nodes. This will upgrade
the nodes.data file. You might as well check if all the session
passwords are still ok.
Added structures for netmail routing file.
Expanded nodes structures for FTP and Directory transfers.