diff --git a/html/Makefile b/html/Makefile index 34913766..21eadf4a 100644 --- a/html/Makefile +++ b/html/Makefile @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ include ../Makefile.global H_BASE = basic.html date.html dist.html manual.css \ - flow.html postfix.html gwnews.html index.htm ups.html \ + flow.html postfix.html index.htm ups.html \ intergate.html intro.html invoking.html faq.html \ known_bugs.html mgetty.html routing.html nodelist.html @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ H_MISC = misc/dropfile.html misc/fileid.html misc/index.htm \ misc/ftpserver.html misc/ipmailer.html misc/outbound.html \ misc/usleep.html misc/webserver.html -H_PROGS = programs/import.html programs/mbchat.html \ +H_PROGS = programs/mbchat.html \ programs/mbfido.html programs/mbmon.html \ programs/mbtoberep.html programs/mblogin.html \ programs/index.htm programs/mbcico.html \ diff --git a/html/gwnews.html b/html/gwnews.html deleted file mode 100755 index ec51bc8c..00000000 --- a/html/gwnews.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,382 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - -MBSE BBS - Internet gateway - INN. - - - -
Last update 10-Apr-2001


- -

MBSE BBS - Internet Gateway - INN.


- -



-Below are the files that you need to setup for INN news. I used inn-2.2.2 on -my system. It is configured to install in /opt/news with the command -./configure --prefix=/opt/news during the installation of -inn. -


-##  $Revision$
-##  inn.conf -- inn configuration data
-##  Format:
-##	:
-##  See the inn.conf(5) man page for a full description of each
-##  of these options
-##  Blank values are allowed for certain parameters
-## ---------------------------------
-# All parameters must exist
-organization:		MBSE BBS Development Site
-server:			localhost
-pathhost:		news.mbse.nl
-domain:			mbse.nl
-fromhost:		news.mbse.nl
-complaints:		abuse@f2802.n280.z2.fidonet.org
-mta:			/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi %s
-mailcmd:		/opt/news/bin/innmail
-checkincludedtext:	false
-maxforks:		10
-maxartsize:		1000000
-nicekids:		4
-nicenewnews:		0
-verifycancels:		false
-logcancelcomm:		false
-wanttrash:		false
-remembertrash:		true
-linecountfuzz:		0
-peertimeout:		3600
-clienttimeout:		600
-allownewnews:		true
-localmaxartsize:	1000000
-logartsize:		true
-logipaddr:		true
-logsitename:		true
-maxconnections:		50
-artcutoff:		14
-icdsynccount:		10
-hiscachesize:		0
-readertrack:		false
-strippostcc:		false
-status:			0
-timer:			0
-readerswhenstopped:	false
-noreader:		false
-extendeddbz:		false
-nnrpdoverstats:		false
-storeonxref:		true
-nnrpdcheckart:		true
-storemsgid:		true
-usecontrolchan:		false
-mergetogroups:		false
-backoffauth:		false
-backoffdb:		/opt/news/db/backoff
-backoffpostfast:	0L
-backoffpostslow:	1L
-backofftrigger:		10000L
-refusecybercancels:	false
-activedenable:		false
-activedupdate:		30
-activedport:		1119
-nnrpperlauth:		false
-# These options are unlikely to need changing in most situations
-chaninacttime:		600
-chanretrytime:		300
-pauseretrytime:		300
-nntplinklog:		false
-nntpactsync:		200
-badiocount:		5
-blockbackoff:		120
-# ---------------------------------
-# Changing these options can have an effect on the way articles are
-# stored and may require recreating the spool and/or database files
-wireformat:		false
-xrefslave:		false
-nnrpdpostport:		119
-spoolfirst:		false
-writelinks:		true
-storageapi:		false
-articlemmap:		false
-overviewmmap:		true
-bindaddress:		all
-sourceaddress:		any
-port:			119
-## Keywords-in-overview options
-## Enabling this without stopping innd and deleting the existing overview
-## database and adding  will probably confuse a lot of things. You must 
-## have compiled this support in too.
-keywords:		false
-keylimit:		512
-keyartlimit:		100000
-keymaxwords:		250
-# Other options
-doinnwatch:		true
-innwatchsleeptime:	600
-pgpverify:		false
-controlfailnotice:	false
-logcycles:		3
-innwatchpauseload:	1500
-innwatchhiload:		2000
-innwatchloload:		1000
-innwatchspoolspace:	8000
-innwatchbatchspace:	800
-innwatchlibspace:	25000
-innwatchspoolnodes:	200
-docnfsstat:		false
-# ---------------------------------
-# Paths to various aspects of the news system
-pathnews:		/opt/news
-pathbin:		/opt/news/bin
-pathfilter:		/opt/news/bin/filter
-pathcontrol:		/opt/news/bin/control
-pathdb:			/opt/news/db
-pathetc:		/opt/news/etc
-pathrun:		/opt/news/run
-pathlog:		/opt/news/log
-pathhttp:		/opt/news/log
-pathtmp:		/opt/news/tmp
-pathspool:		/opt/news/spool
-patharticles:		/opt/news/spool/articles
-pathoverview:		/opt/news/spool/overview
-pathoutgoing:		/opt/news/spool/outgoing
-pathincoming:		/opt/news/spool/incoming
-patharchive:		/opt/news/spool/archive
-pathuniover:		/opt/news/spool/uniover
-overviewname:		.overview
-# ---------------------------------
- -
-##  $Revision$
-##  expire.ctl - expire control file
-##  Format:
-##	/remember/:<keep>
-##	<patterns>:<modflag>:<keep>:<default>:<purge>
-##  First line gives history retention; other lines specify expiration
-##  for newsgroups.  Must have a "*:A:..." line which is the default.
-##	<patterns>	wildmat-style patterns for the newsgroups
-##	<modflag>	Pick one of M U A -- modifies pattern to be only
-##			moderated, unmoderated, or all groups
-##	<keep>		Mininum number of days to keep article
-##	<default>	Default number of days to keep the article
-##	<purge>		Flush article after this many days
-##  <keep>, <default>, and <purge> can be floating-point numbers or the
-##  word "never."  Times are based on when received unless -p is used;
-##  see expire.8
-##  If article expires before 14 days, we still remember it for 14 days in
-##  case we get offered it again.  Depending on what you use for the innd
-##  -c flag and how paranoid you are about old news, you might want to
-##  make this 28, 30, etc.
-##  Keep for 1-10 days, allow Expires headers to work.
-##  Some particular groups stay forever.
-# Keep FAQ's for a month, so they're always available
-# Some other recommendations.  Uncomment if you want
-# .announce groups tend to be low-traffic, high signal.
-# *.announce:M:1:30:90
-# Weather forecasts
-# *.weather:A:1:2:7
-# test posts
-# *.test:A:1:1:1
-##  Some particular groups stay forever.
-# dc.dining*:A:never:never:never
-# uunet*:A:never:never:never
-##  $Revision$
-##  Mailing addresses for moderators.
-##  Format:
-##	<newsgroup>:<pathname>
-##  First match found is used.
-##	<newsgroup>	Shell-style newsgroup pattern or specific newsgroup
-##	<pathname>	Mail address, "%s" becomes newgroup name with dots
-##			changed to dashes.
-## Russian hierarchies
-## Direct all public hierarchies to the master moderator database.
-##  $Revision$
-##  newsfeeds - determine where Usenet articles get sent
-##  Format:
-##	site[/exclude,exclude...]\
-##		:pattern,pattern...[/distrib,distrib...]\
-##		:flag,flag...\
-##		:param
-##  Summary of flags:
-##	<size		Article must be less then size bytes.
-##	>size		Article must be more then size bytes.
-##	Aitems		Article checks -- d (must have Distribution header)
-##			p (don't check for site in Path header)
-##			c (no control messages) C (only control messages)
-##			e (all groups must exist).
-##	Bhigh/low	Internal buffer size before writing to output.
-##	Fname		Name of the spool file.
-##	Gcount		Crossposts limited to count groups.
-##	H[count]	Article must have less then count hops; default is 1.
-##	Isize		Internal buffer size (if a file feed)
-##	Nm		Only moderated groups that match the patterns.
-##	Nu		Only unmoderated groups that match the patterns.
-##	Ppriority	Nice priority of channel or program feed.
-##	Ooriginator	First field of X-Trace must match originator (wildmat).
-##	Ssize		Start spooling if more than size bytes get queued.
-##	Ttype		Feed types -- f (file) m (funnel; param names the
-##			real entry) p (pipe to program) c (send to stdin
-##			channel of param's sub-process) x (like c, but
-##			handles commands on stdin) x (log entry only).
-##	Witems		What to write -- b (article bytesize) f (full path)
-##			g (first newsgroup) h (Message-ID hash) 
-##			m (Message-ID) n (relative path) p (posted time)
-##			s (site that fed article) t (time received)
-##			* (names of funnel feed-in's or all sites that get
-##			the article) N (Newsgroups header) D (Distribution
-##			header) H (all headers) O (overview data)
-##			P (path header) R (replication information)
-##  Param field depends on T flag.  For Tf, relative paths are from the
-##  out.going directory.  For Tp and Tc, it is a shell command to execute.
-##  If a Tm refers to this entry (which will have its own T param) then "*"
-##  is expanded to all the funnel sites that triggered this one.  Useful
-##  for spawning one mail process, e.g.
-##  This file is complicated -- see newsfeeds.5!
-##  This is the local site.
-##  The "pattern" field gives the initial subscription list for
-##  all other sites.  You might want to put "!control,!junk,!.*"
-##  there.  The "distrib" subfield limits incoming articles.
-##  You can also have ME/bad.site: to refuse articles from a particular
-##  site (by matching the Path: entry).  Other pseudo-sites may be put
-##  in here, to REFUSE certain types of 3rd-party cancel messages
-##  (See the "Cancel FAQ" news.admin.net-abuse.misc):
-##	cyberspam	Spam cancels, munged articles, binary postings
-##	spewcancel	just munged articles from runaway gateways
-##	bincancel	just binary postings to non-binaries groups
-##  Note that refusing articles means you won't offer them to sites you feed
-## Default of  everything to everybody except for junk, control, anything
-## with "local" as the newsgroup prefix (i.e. matches "localhost.stuff") or
-## groups under foo. Articles posted to any group under alt.binaries.warez
-## will not get propagated, even if they're cross posted to something that
-## is.
-	:*,!junk,!control*,!foo.*/fido,local\
-	::
-## news.wxs.nl via rpost (suck)
-##  News overview
-# use this flag if storage api is used
-# else
-##  $Revision$
-##  distrib.pats -- specify default Distribution header for newsgroups
-##  Format:
-##	<weight>:<pattern>:<value>
-##  All articles are matched against all patterns, value to be used is the
-##  one with the highest weight.
-##	<weight>	The weight assigned to this match, integer
-##	<pattern>	Newsgroup name or single wildmat(3) pattern
-##	<value>		Value of Distribution header.
-## Uncomment to default all local.* groups to a distribution of local.
-##  $Revision$
-##  nnrp.access - access file for on-campus NNTP sites
-##  Format:
-##	<host>:<perm>:<user>:<pass>:<groups>
-##	<host>:</path/file>
-##  Connecting host must be found in this file; the last match found is
-##  used, so put defaults first.
-##	<host>		Wildcard name or IP address
-##	<perm>		R to read; P to post
-##	<user>		Username for authentication before posting
-##	<pass>		Password, for same reason
-##	<groups>	Newsgroup patterns that can be read or not read
-##	</path/file>	A second file to scan in the same format as this
-##  To disable posting put a space in the <user> and <pass> fields, since
-##  there is no way for client to enter one.
-## Default is no access, no way to authentication, and no groups.
-stdin:Read Post:::*
-localhost:Read Post:::*
- Post:::*
-*.mbse.nl:Read Post:::*
- -BackGo back -HomeGo to main - -
- - - diff --git a/html/index.htm b/html/index.htm index a3e45bf1..40729668 100755 --- a/html/index.htm +++ b/html/index.htm @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@

MBSE BBS System Guide v0.33.20

Last update 10-Feb-2002


Last update 10-May-2002


@@ -90,7 +90,6 @@
  • Setup mgetty for the BBS
  • Programs and utilities
    1. -
    2. import, Import databases
    3. mbaff, Announce newfiles and filefind
    4. mball, Allfiles and newfiles list creator
    5. mbchat, Sysop to user chat utility
    6. diff --git a/html/intergate.html b/html/intergate.html index c663b40b..58900085 100644 --- a/html/intergate.html +++ b/html/intergate.html @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
      Last update 22-Jan-2002
      Last update 10-May-2002


      MBSE BBS - Internet Gateway.

      @@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ database for news with all the already existing news articles. If you skip that, you may get a lot of old articles that will be gated. Just run that command once after you have set this up. Later when you receive fresh articles the command mbfido news will only gate new arrived articles. -See the configuration of INN news configuration. In each mail area you can set the number of articles to get in one run. If you set this too high, mbfido will scan all headers on the newsserver for new articles. This can cost a lot of time. The best thing to do is to set this value diff --git a/html/programs/import.html b/html/programs/import.html deleted file mode 100755 index 95b8f2da..00000000 --- a/html/programs/import.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - -MBSE BBS Programs - Import Configuration. - - - -
      Last update 30-Jan-2001


      - -

      import - Import Configuration.


      - -



      -import [command] -


      - -



      -import can be used to import the configuration databases from -plain ascii textfiles. This program is not supported. For the format of the -input files look in the source. This program will also not function properly -after 31-Dec-1999. If someone writes real good working conversion programs -to convert BBS, Tosser, Mailer setups to MBSE BBS setup, then make them -public available. On my BBS there is a utility to export RA2.02 databases to -the format that this import program can read. -

      - -IndexBack to index  -MainBack to Main index -

      - - - diff --git a/html/programs/index.htm b/html/programs/index.htm index fb444706..d9896b9f 100644 --- a/html/programs/index.htm +++ b/html/programs/index.htm @@ -12,14 +12,13 @@
      Last update 21-Jan-2002
      Last update 10-May-2002


      MBSE BBS Programs.

      1. import, Import databases
      2. mbaff, Announce newfiles and filefind
      3. mball, Allfiles and newfiles list creator
      4. mbchat, Sysop to user chat utility diff --git a/html/setup/hatch.html b/html/setup/hatch.html index 228c4040..d6dac388 100644 --- a/html/setup/hatch.html +++ b/html/setup/hatch.html @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
        Last update 21-Jan-2002
        Last update 10-May-2002


        MBSE BBS Setup - File Echo's Setup - Hatch Manager.

        @@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ filenames are created in the same way as windows does.
         Mask    The path and filename mask to search for. 
                 "?" matches any character, "#" matches digits and "@" matches
        -        alpha characters. Don't use "*", this doesn't work!
        +        upper or lowercase letters. Except for the "@" the test is
        +	case sensitive.
         Area    The area to hatch this file in.
         Replace The filename to replace, ie. "nodelist.z*"
         Magic   The filerequest magic name, ie. "nodelist"
        diff --git a/html/setup/magic.html b/html/setup/magic.html
        index 1151fcc1..f604dd92 100644
        --- a/html/setup/magic.html
        +++ b/html/setup/magic.html
        @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
        Last update 30-Jan-2001
        Last update 10-May-2002


        MBSE BBS Setup - File Echo's Setup - Magics Files Setup.

        @@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ delete file (don't process it further) and execute a command. The edit screen is different for all kinds of actions you select. More than one magic record may exist for each area. With all these actions you can for example can setup processing of nodediff's and unpacking nodelists in the nodelist directory. +If you use the execute command, you can only execute commands that are in the +directory $MBSE_ROOT/bin, ie. /opt/mbse/bin.


        Magics Setup.

        @@ -35,7 +37,8 @@ processing of nodediff's and unpacking nodelists in the nodelist directory.
         Magic     The action to perform, select with the spacebar.
         Filemask  The filemask to scan for. "?" Matches all characters,
        -          "#" matches any digit and "@" any alpha character.
        +          "#" matches any digit and "@" any upper or lowercase letter.
        +	  Except for the "@" the test is case sensitive.
         Active    If this magic is active.
         Deleted   If this magic must be deleted.
         Area      The area in which this magic is found.
        @@ -63,7 +66,7 @@ parts of the commandline. The following macro's are defined:

        - +

        BackBack to File Echo's Setup