 * $Id$
 * Purpose ...............: Raw I/O routines.
 * Copyright (C) 1997-2001
 * Michiel Broek		FIDO:	2:280/2802
 * Beekmansbos 10
 * 1971 BV IJmuiden
 * the Netherlands
 * This file is part of MBSE BBS.
 * This BBS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
 * later version.
 * MBSE BBS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with MBSE BBS; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
 * Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.

#include "../config.h"
#include "libs.h"
#include "structs.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "mberrors.h"

int rawset = FALSE;

 * Sets raw mode and saves the terminal setup
void Setraw()
    int	rc;

    if ((rc = tcgetattr(ttyfd, &tbufs))) {
	printf("$tcgetattr(0, save) return %d\n", rc);

    tbufsavs = tbufs;
    tbufs.c_iflag &= ~(INLCR | ICRNL | ISTRIP | IXON  ); /* IUCLC removed for FreeBSD */
     *  Map CRNL modes strip control characters and flow control
    tbufs.c_oflag &= ~OPOST;		/* Don't do ouput character translation	*/
    tbufs.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO);	/* No canonical input and no echo	*/
    tbufs.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;		/* Receive 1 character at a time	*/
    tbufs.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;		/* No time limit per character		*/

    if ((rc = tcsetattr(ttyfd, TCSADRAIN, &tbufs))) {
	printf("$tcsetattr(%d, TCSADRAIN, raw) return %d\n", ttyfd, rc);

    rawset = TRUE;

 * Unsets raw mode and returns state of terminal
void Unsetraw()
    int	rc;

     * Only unset the mode if it is set to raw mode
    if (rawset == TRUE) {
	if ((rc = tcsetattr(ttyfd, TCSAFLUSH, &tbufsavs))) {
	    printf("$tcsetattr(%d, TCSAFLUSH, save) return %d\n", ttyfd, rc);
    rawset = FALSE;

 * This function is used to get a single character from a user ie for a 
 * menu option
unsigned char Getone()
	unsigned char	c = 0;

	if ((ttyfd = open ("/dev/tty", O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK)) < 0) {
		perror("open 8");

	c = Readkey();


 * Read the (locked) speed from the tty
long Speed(void)
	speed_t		mspeed;

	mspeed = cfgetospeed(&tbufs);
#ifdef CBAUD
	switch (mspeed & CBAUD) {
	switch (mspeed) {
	    case B0:	    return 0;
#if defined(B50)
	    case B50:	    return 50;
#if defined(B75)
	    case B75:	    return 75;
#if defined(B110)
	    case B110:	    return 110;
#if defined(B134)
	    case B134:	    return 134;
#if defined(B150)
	    case B150:	    return 150;
#if defined(B200)
	    case B200:	    return 200;
#if defined(B300)
	    case B300:	    return 300;
#if defined(B600)
	    case B600:	    return 600;
#if defined(B1200)
	    case B1200:	    return 1200;
#if defined(B1800)
	    case B1800:	    return 1800;
#if defined(B2400)
	    case B2400:	    return 2400;
#if defined(B4800)
	    case B4800:	    return 4800;
#if defined(B9600)
	    case B9600:	    return 9600;
#if defined(B19200)
	    case B19200:    return 19200;
#if defined(B38400)
	    case B38400:    return 38400;
#if defined(B57600)
	    case B57600:    return 57600;
#if defined(B115200)
	    case B115200:   return 115200;
#if defined(B230400)
	    case B230400:   return 203400;
#if defined(B460800)
	    case B460800:   return 460800;
#if defined(B500000)
	    case B500000:   return 500000;
#if defined(B576000)
	    case B576000:   return 576000;
#if defined(B921600)
	    case B921600:   return 921600;
#if defined(B1000000)
	    case B1000000:  return 1000000;
#if defined(B1152000)
	    case B1152000:  return 1152000;
#if defined(B1500000)
	    case B1500000:  return 1500000;
#if defined(B2000000)
	    case B2000000:  return 2000000;
#if defined(B2500000)
	    case B2500000:  return 2500000;
#if defined(B3000000)
	    case B3000000:  return 3000000;
#if defined(B3500000)
	    case B3500000:  return 3500000;
#if defined(B4000000)
	    case B4000000:  return 4000000;
	    default:	    return 9600;

 *  Wait for a character for a maximum of wtime * 10 mSec.
int Waitchar(unsigned char *ch, int wtime)
	int	i, rc = -1;

	for (i = 0; i < wtime; i++) {
		rc = read(ttyfd, ch, 1);
		if (rc == 1)
			return rc;
	return rc;

int Escapechar(unsigned char *ch)
	int		rc;
	unsigned char	c;
	 * Escape character, if nothing follows within 
	 * 50 mSec, the user really pressed <esc>.
	if ((rc = Waitchar(ch, 5)) == -1)
		return rc;

	if (*ch == '[') {
		 *  Start of CSI sequence. If nothing follows,
		 *  return immediatly.
		if ((rc = Waitchar(ch, 5)) == -1)
			return rc;

		 *  Test for the most important keys. Note
		 *  that only the cursor movement keys are
		 *  guaranteed to work with PC-clients.
		c = *ch;
		if (c == 'A')
			c = KEY_UP;
		if (c == 'B')
			c = KEY_DOWN;
		if (c == 'C')
			c = KEY_RIGHT;
		if (c == 'D')
			c = KEY_LEFT;
		if ((c == '1') || (c == 'H') || (c == 0))
			c = KEY_HOME;
		if ((c == '4') || (c == 'K') || (c == 101) || (c == 144))
			c = KEY_END;
		if (c == '2')
			c = KEY_INS;
		if (c == '3')
			c = KEY_DEL;
		if (c == '5')
			c = KEY_PGUP;
		if (c == '6')
			c = KEY_PGDN;
		memcpy(ch, &c, sizeof(unsigned char));
		return rc;
	return -1;

 *  This next function will detect the grey keys on the keyboard for
 *  VT100, VT220, Xterm, PC-ANSI, and Linux console. Works with 
 *  several terminals on serial lines (tested 1200 bps).
 *  If for example cursur keys are detected, this function returns
 *  a translated value.
unsigned char Readkey(void)
	unsigned char	ch = 0;
	int		rc = -1;

	while (rc == -1) {
		rc = Waitchar(&ch, 5);

		 * If the character is not an Escape character,
		 * then this function is finished.
		if ((rc == 1) && (ch != KEY_ESCAPE))
			return ch;

		if ((rc == 1) && (ch == KEY_ESCAPE)) {
			rc = Escapechar(&ch);
			if (rc == 1)
				return ch;
				return KEY_ESCAPE;
