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<TITLE>MBSE BBS Menus - Control Codes in ANSI and ASCII files.</TITLE>
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<DIV align=right><h5>Last update 02-Mar-2003</h5></div>
<DIV align=center><h1>MBSE BBS Control Codes in ANSI and ASCII files</h1></DIV>

<H3>Single Control characters</H3>
 Code      Description
 ----      ---------------------------------------
  A        Wait for a key
  B        Print text above sec. level
  F        Control-code F
  K        Control-code K
  P        Wait one second
  U        Control-code U

The control-B syntax is: ^B&lt;seclevel&gt;^B&lt;The text to show&gt;^B<br>
For example: ^B32000^BThis is the text^B<br>

<H3>Control-F followed by:</H3>
 Code      Description
 ----      ---------------------------------------
  !        Display transfer protocol
  A        Number of uploads
  B        Number of downloads
  C        Downloads in Kilobytes
  D        Uploads in Kilobytes
  E        Download plus upload Kilobytes
  F        Download Kilobyte limit
  G        Last transfer time
  H        Current file area number
  I        Current file area description
  J        Download files limit
  K        Description of user limit


<H3>Control-K followed by:</H3>
 Code      Description
 ----      ---------------------------------------
  A        Print date in format DD-MM-YYYY
  B        Print time in HH:MM:SS
  C        Print date in DD-Mmm
  D        Print date in DD-Mmm-YYYY
  E        Print locked port baudrate
  F        Print the name of the Last caller
  G        Total users in userlist
  H        Number of system calls
  I        Current message area number
  J        Current message area description
  K        Print random oneliner
  L        Print number of messages in current area.
  M        Print users LastRead pointer of current message area.
  N        Print users current e-mail mailbox name.
  O        Print number of messages in current e-mail box.
  P        Print users LastRead pointer of current e-mail box.
  Q        Print the date and time of the last caller.


<H3>Control-U followed by:</H3>
 Code      Description
 ----      ---------------------------------------
  A        User's full name
  B        User's location
  C        User's voice phone
  D        User's data phone
  E        User's last login date
  F        User's first login date
  G        User's last login time
  H        User's security level
  I        User's total calls
  J        User's time used today
  K        User's connect time this session
  L        User's time left today
  M        User's screen length
  N        User's first name
  O        User's last name
  P        User's graphics mode (On/Off)
  Q        User's news bulletins (On/Off)
  R        User's hot-keys (On/Off)
  S        User's daily time limit
  T        User's date of birth
  U        User's messages posted
  X        User's language
  Y        User's handle
  Z        User's do not disturb flag (On/Off)
  1        User's check for new mail (On/Off)
  2        User's check for new files (On/Off)
  3        User's fullscreen editor (On/Off)
  4        User's FS editor Emacs shortcuts (On/Off)
  5        User's first address line.
  6        User's Second address line.
  7        User's Third address line.
  8        User's OLR Extended Onfo (On/Off).


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