<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <HTML> <!-- $Id$ --> <HEAD> <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <META http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"> <META NAME="Language" content='en'> <META name="author" lang="en" content="Michiel Broek"> <META name="copyright" lang="en" content="Copyright Michiel Broek"> <META name="description" lang="en" content="MBSE BBS Manual"> <META name="keywords" lang="en" content="MBSE BBS, MBSE, BBS, manual, fido, fidonet, gateway, tosser, mail, tic, mailer"> <TITLE>MBSE BBS Setup - Fidonet nodes.</TITLE> <LINK rel=stylesheet HREF="../manual.css"> </HEAD> <BODY> <BLOCKQUOTE> <div align=right><h5>Last update 24-Aug-2003</h5></div> <div align=center><H1>MBSE BBS Setup - Fidonet nodes.</H1></div> <P> <h3>Introduction</H3> <P> Unlike many other bbs packages, for each node you need only one record. If you have a relation with a node for one network with costsharing, and other networks without costsharing you need two records for that node. For each node you can setup the aka's, mail, files and session handshake. There are ten screens for each node. <p> <p> <H3>1. Edit general setup</H3> <p> This screen has the general information for the node. The contact info fields are just for private use, these fields are only used in this screen. The Outbox dir is for files to sent to the node, all file you put in there will be sent to the remote if user mbse has read/write access to the file. Only real files are allowed, not symlinks etc. <p><table> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Sysop name</th><td>The name of the system operator. The name entered here is used in Areamgr and Filemgr messages etc.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Outbox dir</th><td>Private extra outbound directory for this node. Any file dropped into this directory will be sent to the node and removed after it is sent.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Pvt. phone</th><td>Contact info, node private phone.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Pvt. fax</th><td>Contact info, node private fax.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Pvt. cellphone</th><td>Contact info, node cellphone (GSM).</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Pvt. e-mail</th><td>Contact info, node e-mail address.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Pvt. remark</th><td>Contact info, node remark.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Route via</th><td>A route via Fido address. All mail for this node will be send via this Aka, even mail and files for other networks. This can be usefull if this node has internet access so you can send everything to this node over the internet. Note that to force calling this node via internetr, ISDN or pots can also be done by using nodelist flags override. See section 3. This setting is more usefull to force routing via another node or aka.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Netmail direct</th><td>Set "direct" flag in netmail to this node.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Netmail crash</th><td>Send netmail always "crash" to this node.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Netmail hold</th><td>Put mail on "hold" for this node.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Pack mail</th><td>Should net- and echomail be packed in arcmail archives.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Send notify</th><td>Send automatic generated notify messages.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Language</th><td>The language to use for areamgr msgs.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Deleted</th><td>If this node must be deleted.</td></tr> </table> <P> <IMG SRC="../images/nodes1.png" alt='Nodes setup'> <P> <p> <H3>2. Edit nodes aka's</H3> <p> In this screen you can setup 20 aka's for the node. <p> <IMG SRC="../images/nodes2.png" alt="Nodes aka's setup"> <P> <p> <H3>3. Edit node session</H3> <p> In this screen you can setup the session defaults. <p><table> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Session passwd</th><td>This is the mailer session password.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Dial command</th><td>You can put an override here for the normal dial command. If you leave this empty the command from the modem setup is used.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Phone number 1</th><td>An alternative phone number to dial.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Phone number 2</th><td>An alternative phone number to dial. Use these above commands if the node has another phone number as mentioned in the nodelist.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Nodelist flags</th><td>Override for the nodelist flags, the nodelist flags are completly ignored if you enter something here so make sure all flags you need are here. All aka's of this node will use the same flags. This can be usefull to force calling this node via the internet and to force a certain protocol.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Inet hostname</th><td>The FQDN hostname or IP address of this node. This replaces the original system name from the nodelist and this is then used to make the internet TCP/IP connection. This can be usefull if the FQDN is not present in the nodelist.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Outbound sess.</th><td>Outbound session method, choices are <b>Direct</b> and <b>Directory</b>. Direct means normal classic mailer connections. Directory means that everything is put in a directory from which the other node can fetch the mail and files using ftp protocol.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Inbound sess.</th><td>Inbound session method, choices are <b>Direct</b> and <b>Directory</b>. Direct means normal classic mailer connections. Directory means that inbound mail and files are expected in a directory were it is stored by the node using ftp protocol.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>No EMSI</th><td>Disable EMSI handshake.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>No YooHoo/2U2</th><td>Disable FTSC-0006 handshake.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>No Filerequest</th><td>Disable filerequest from this node.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Don't call</th><td>Do not call this node.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>8.3 names</th><td>Set this if the node only accepts 8.3 filenames.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>No Zmodem</th><td>Disable Zmodem protocol.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>No Zedzap</th><td>Disable Zedzap protocol.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>No Hydra</th><td>Disable Hydra protocol.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Binkp CRC32</th><td>Enable CRC32 file transfer checks.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Binkp old esc</th><td>Some systems followed the wrong character escape method as published in FSP-1011 revision 3. For these systems turn this flag on or you won't be able to send long filenames with spaces in the name or other special characters. Such known systems are Argus and Irex upto 2.29. Others may exist, even some older mbse versions. </table> <p> <IMG SRC="../images/nodes3.png" alt="Nodes session setup"> <P> <p> <H3>4. Edit node - mail processing</H3> <P> <p><table> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>PKT password</th><td>The password to insert in .pkt files. <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Check PKT pwd</th><td>Check password in received .pkt files. If not, errors or missing passwords are only logged. If set, errors or missing password are refused and the .pkt files are renamed to .bad <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>UplMgr program</th><td>The name of the Areamgr program of this node. This could be AreaFix, AreaMgr etc. <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>UplMgr passwd</th><td>The password for the Areamgr of this node. <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Mail forward</th><td>Not in use yet. <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>ARCmail comp.</th><td>Use ARCmail 0.60 file naming convention for out of zone mail. <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>ARCmail a..z</th><td>Allow a..z last character for ARCmail filenames. </table> <P> <IMG SRC="../images/nodes4.png" alt='Nodes mail setup'> <P> <p> <H3>5. Edit mail groups</H3> <P> Here you can tag which mail groups are available for this node. Note that all groups are visible here, even for networks this node has no aka's in. Be carefull not to allow a node to connect areas from networks he has no aka in. <P> <IMG SRC="../images/nodes5.png" alt='Nodes mail groups'> <P> <p> <H3>6. File setup</H3> <P> <p><table> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Files password</th><td>The password for .tic files.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Mgr password</th><td>The password for the Areamgr and Filemgr.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>UplMgr program</th><td>The name of the Filemgr progrom of this node. This could be FileMgr, Allfix, Raid etc.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>UplMgr passwd</th><td>The password of the Filemgr if this node.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>UplMgr Add +</th><td>Add a "+" in the command to connect areas.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Incl. message</th><td>Send a netmail message for each file to send.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Send TIC file</th><td>Send .tic file to this node.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Advanced TIC</th><td>Send advanced or standard .tic files.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Advanced SB</th><td>Send advanced Seen-By lines, some systems can't handle this!</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>To line in TIC</th><td>Send the To line in the ticfile. Some braindead systems will forward this line instead of processing it and then the next system in the line will fail.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>File forward</th><td>Forward TIC files for this node (not yet).</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Billing</th><td>Is Costsharing active for this node.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Bill direct</th><td>Send the bill direct or on command (billing is not yet available).</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Credit</th><td>The credit this node has in units.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Debet</th><td>The debet we have with this node (informational).</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Add</th><td>Add (or substract) factor to the bill.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Warn level</th><td>The debet level when to write a warning mesage.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Stop level</th><td>The debet level when to stop sending files.</td></tr> </table> <P> <IMG SRC="../images/nodes6.png" alt='Nodes files setup'> <P> <p> <H3>7. File groups</H3> <P> The same story as for mail groups is true for the file groups. <P> <IMG SRC="../images/nodes7.png" alt='Nodes files groups'> <P> <p> <H3>8. Directory session</H3> <P> Setup in this screen is needed if you selected Inbound and or Outbound session as Directory session. The node is then getting and bringing mail using the ftp protocol and no normal mailer connects are being used anymore. This may be a good solution for points, they only need a simple mailreader and a tosser. The mail is transferred by the <b>mbfido</b> program, during the toss or tic command after the normal inbound is processed <b>mbfido</b> will look for nodes inbound directories to process. When mail is added to the outbound, mail for nodes with directory sessions is not stored in the normal Binley Style Outbound but in the session outbound directory.<br> You need to setup a ftp account for this node and the best thing is to set this up so that the other node is forced in a chroot environment, ie. make it so that the node only sees his own directories and cannot leave that. The ftp account needs to be a member of group bbs because mbfido needs access to the files as well as the node. The nodes account needs also to be a member of group bbsftp for the chroot environment. The node needs umask 002 so that files that he puts there will have group read/write access. During toss mbfido also stores the files with group read/write access so that the node can remove the files when he has fetched all files. Directory locking is supported and is compatible with other mailers that support ftp. Here is a small sample of protftp.conf for use with directory sessions: <pre> # This is /etc/proftpd.conf for use with mbsebbs ftp mail # sessions and anonymous ftp access. # It assumes that you have a user/group "nobody" and "ftp" # for normal/anonymous operation. # It also assumes you have a group bbsftp were ftp mail users # must be a member of. # ServerName "Seaport ProFTPD server" ServerType inetd DefaultServer on # # Port 21 is the standard FTP port. Port 21 # Umask 002 is to force new dirs and files to be group writable. Umask 002 # # To prevent DoS attacks, set the maximum number of child processes # to 30. MaxInstances 30 # # Set the user and group that the server normally runs at. User nobody Group nogroup # SystemLog /var/log/proftpd TransferLog /var/log/xferlog # # Anonymous ftp and members of group bbsftp have a chroot environment. DefaultRoot ~ bbsftp # # Normally, we want files to be overwriteable. <Directory /*> AllowOverwrite on </Directory> # # A basic anonymous FTP server configuration. # To enable this, remove the user ftp from /etc/ftpusers. <Anonymous ~ftp> RequireValidShell off User ftp Group ftp # We want clients to be able to login with "anonymous" as well as "ftp" UserAlias anonymous ftp # # Limit the maximum number of anonymous logins MaxClients 50 # # We want 'welcome.msg' displayed at login, and '.message' displayed # in each newly chdired directory. DisplayLogin welcome.msg DisplayFirstChDir .welcome DisplayReadme README # # Display .dotfiles and .dirs LsDefaultOptions "-a" # # Limit WRITE everywhere in the anonymous chroot <Limit WRITE> DenyAll </Limit> # # An upload directory that allows storing files but not retrieving # or creating directories. <Directory incoming/*> <Limit READ> DenyAll </Limit> <Limit STOR> AllowAll </Limit> </Directory> # </Anonymous> </pre> Here are some examples to create an account, first create the extra group bbsftp: <pre> groupadd bbsftp </pre> Then create accounts like this: <pre> useradd -g bbs -G bbsftp -d /opt/mbse/var/bbsftp/irex -s /bin/bash -c "FTP Mail account" irex </pre> Then give the node a password for the ftp login. Note that this account has a shell, proftpd needs a valid shell to allow access. If the node tries to telnet to your bbs he can't login with this account if you use <b>mblogin</b>, this is because the node is not in the bbs userfile. If you system allows it, the node can access the shell using rlogin or ssh.<br> Now the items to setup for the directory sessions: <p><table> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top colspan=2>Outbound settings</th></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Files path</th><td>The path were to store the outbound mail and files.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Check for lock</th><td>If we need to check for a lockfile before adding files.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Wait clear lock</th><td>Wait for the lock to clear if present or not. If set to yes and there is a lock created by the node then mbfido will wait for maximum 10 minutes for the lock to disappear. If set to no, mbfido skips this node and will add mail and files at a later time. <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Check lockfile</th><td>The full filename and path of the lockfile to check for.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Create lock</th><td>If mbfido should create a lock during the time it will add mail and files.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Create lockfile</th><td>The full filename and path of the lockfile to create.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top colspan=2>Inbound settings</th></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Files path</th><td>The path from were to get the inbound mail and files.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Check for lock</th><td>If we need to check for a lockfile before getting files.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Wait clear lock</th><td>Wait for the lock to clear if present or not. If set to yes and there is a lock created by the node then mbfido will wait for maximum 10 minutes for the lock to disappear. If set to no, mbfido skips this node and will scan this directory at a later time. <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Check lockfile</th><td>The full filename and path of the lockfile to check for.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Create lock</th><td>If mbfido should create a lock during the time it will get mail and files.</td></tr> <tr><th nowrap align=left valign=top>Create lockfile</th><td>The full filename and path of the lockfile to create.</td></tr> </table> <P> <IMG SRC="../images/nodes8.png" alt='Nodes directory setup'> <P> <P> <H3>9. Security</H3> <P> This will set the security bits for the node. These bits can be used to give access or deny access to certain echomail areas or tic file areas. Default bit 1 is set for each node. <P> <IMG SRC="../images/nodes9.png" alt='Nodes security setup'> <P> <H3>10. Statistics</H3> <P> In this statistics screen you can see the mail and files flow with this node. Values are stored for the current week, the previous week, the current month and previous month and the overall total since you defined this node. There are actual 12 months of statistics stored in the nodes record, only 2 are visible. <P> <IMG SRC="../images/nodes10.png" alt='Nodes statistics'> <P> <A HREF="./"><IMG SRC="../images/larrow.png" ALT="Back" Border="0">Back to index</A> <A HREF="../"><IMG SRC="../images/b_arrow.png" ALT="Home" Border="0">Back to main index</A> </BLOCKQUOTE> </BODY> </HTML>