** Nonintrusive ANSI C memory leak / overwrite detection
** Copyright (C) 1992-99 Johan Lindh
** All rights reserved.
** Version 2.62
** 920810 JLI   [1.00]
** 920830 JLI   [1.10 double-free detection]
** 920912 JLI   [1.15 mwPuts, mwGrab/Drop, mwLimit]
** 921022 JLI   [1.20 ASSERT and VERIFY]
** 921105 JLI   [1.30 C++ support and TRACE]
** 921116 JLI   [1.40 mwSetOutFunc]
** 930215 JLI   [1.50 modified ASSERT/VERIFY]
** 930327 JLI   [1.51 better auto-init & PC-lint support]
** 930506 JLI   [1.55 MemWatch class, improved C++ support]
** 930507 JLI   [1.60 mwTest & CHECK()]
** 930809 JLI   [1.65 Abort/Retry/Ignore]
** 930820 JLI   [1.70 data dump when unfreed]
** 931016 JLI   [1.72 modified C++ new/delete handling]
** 931108 JLI   [1.77 mwSetAssertAction() & some small changes]
** 940110 JLI   [1.80 no-mans-land alloc/checking]
** 940328 JLI   [2.00 version 2.0 rewrite]
**              Improved NML (no-mans-land) support.
**              Improved performance (especially for free()ing!).
**              Support for 'read-only' buffers (checksums)
**              ^^ NOTE: I never did this... maybe I should?
**              FBI (free'd block info) tagged before freed blocks
**              Exporting of the mwCounter variable
**              mwBreakOut() localizes debugger support
**              Allocation statistics (global, per-module, per-line)
**              Self-repair ability with relinking
** 950913 JLI   [2.10 improved garbage handling]
** 951201 JLI   [2.11 improved auto-free in emergencies]
** 960125 JLI   [X.01 implemented auto-checking using mwAutoCheck()]
** 960514 JLI   [2.12 undefining of existing macros]
** 960515 JLI   [2.13 possibility to use default new() & delete()]
** 960516 JLI   [2.20 suppression of file flushing on unfreed msgs]
** 960516 JLI   [2.21 better support for using MEMWATCH with DLL's]
** 960710 JLI   [X.02 multiple logs and mwFlushNow()]
** 960801 JLI   [2.22 merged X.01 version with current]
** 960805 JLI   [2.30 mwIsXXXXAddr() to avoid unneeded GP's]
** 960805 JLI   [2.31 merged X.02 version with current]
** 961002 JLI   [2.32 support for realloc() + fixed STDERR bug]
** 961222 JLI   [2.40 added mwMark() & mwUnmark()]
** 970101 JLI   [2.41 added over/underflow checking after failed ASSERT/VERIFY]
** 970113 JLI   [2.42 added support for PC-Lint 7.00g]
** 970207 JLI   [2.43 added support for strdup()]
** 970209 JLI   [2.44 changed default filename to lowercase]
** 970405 JLI   [2.45 fixed bug related with atexit() and some C++ compilers]
** 970723 JLI   [2.46 added MW_ARI_NULLREAD flag]
** 970813 JLI   [2.47 stabilized marker handling]
** 980317 JLI   [2.48 ripped out C++ support; wasn't working good anyway]
** 980318 JLI   [2.50 improved self-repair facilities & SIGSEGV support]
** 980417 JLI	[2.51 more checks for invalid addresses]
** 980512 JLI	[2.52 moved MW_ARI_NULLREAD to occur before aborting]
** 990112 JLI	[2.53 added check for empty heap to mwIsOwned]
** 990217 JLI	[2.55 improved the emergency repairs diagnostics and NML]
** 990224 JLI	[2.56 changed ordering of members in structures]
** 990303 JLI	[2.57 first maybe-fixit-for-hpux test]
** 990516 JLI	[2.58 added 'static' to the definition of mwAutoInit]
** 990517 JLI	[2.59 fixed some high-sensitivity warnings]
** 990610 JLI	[2.60 fixed some more high-sensitivity warnings]
** 990715 JLI	[2.61 changed TRACE/ASSERT/VERIFY macro names]
** 991001 JLI	[2.62 added CHECK_BUFFER() and mwTestBuffer()]

#define __MEMWATCH_C 1

#ifdef MW_NOCPP
#ifdef MW_STDIO

** Include files

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "memwatch.h"

#ifndef toupper
#include <ctype.h>

** Defines & other weird stuff

/*lint -save -e767 */
#define VERSION     "2.62"         /* the current version number */
#define CHKVAL(mw)  (0xFE0180L^(long)mw->count^(long)mw->size^(long)mw->line)
#define FLUSH()     mwFlush()
#define TESTS(f,l)  if(mwTestAlways) (void)mwTestNow(f,l,1)
#define PRECHK      0x01234567L
#define POSTCHK     0x76543210L
/*lint -restore */

#define MW_NML      0x0001

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define COMMIT "c"  /* Microsoft C requires the 'c' to perform as desired */
#define COMMIT ""   /* Normal ANSI */
#endif /* _MSC_VER */

#ifdef __cplusplus
#define CPPTEXT "++"
#define CPPTEXT ""
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#define mwSTDERR stderr
#define mwSTDERR mwLog

** Defines to read/write 32 bit words in a portable way
** Note: Assumes that a 'long int' is 32 bits, and a 'char' is 8 bits.

typedef unsigned char mwBYTE;
typedef unsigned long mwDWORD;

#define GETDWORD(l, cp) { \
	register mwBYTE *t_cp = (mwBYTE *)(cp); \
	(l) = ((mwDWORD)t_cp[0] << 24) \
	    | ((mwDWORD)t_cp[1] << 16) \
	    | ((mwDWORD)t_cp[2] << 8) \
	    | ((mwDWORD)t_cp[3]) \
	    ; \

#define PUTDWORD(l, cp) { \
	register mwDWORD t_l = (mwDWORD)(l); \
	register mwBYTE *t_cp = (mwBYTE *)(cp); \
	*t_cp++ = (mwBYTE)(t_l >> 24); \
	*t_cp++ = (mwBYTE)(t_l >> 16); \
	*t_cp++ = (mwBYTE)(t_l >> 8); \
	*t_cp   = (mwBYTE)t_l; \

** Typedefs & structures

/* main data holding area, precedes actual allocation */
typedef struct mwData_ mwData;
struct mwData_ {
    mwData*     prev;   /* previous allocation in chain */
    mwData*     next;   /* next allocation in chain */
    const char* file;   /* file name where allocated */
    long        count;  /* action count */
    long        check;  /* integrity check value */
#if 0
    long        crc;    /* data crc value */
    size_t      size;   /* size of allocation */
    int         line;   /* line number where allocated */
    unsigned    flag;   /* flag word */

/* statistics structure */
typedef struct mwStat_ mwStat;
struct mwStat_ {
    mwStat*     next;   /* next statistic buffer */
    const char* file;
    long        total;  /* total bytes allocated */
    long        num;    /* total number of allocations */
    long        max;    /* max allocated at one time */
    long        curr;   /* current allocations */
    int         line;

/* grabbing structure, 1K in size */
typedef struct mwGrabData_ mwGrabData;
struct mwGrabData_ {
    mwGrabData* next;
    int         type;
    char        blob[ 1024 - sizeof(mwGrabData*) - sizeof(int) ];

typedef struct mwMarker_ mwMarker;
struct mwMarker_ {
    void *host;
    char *text;
    mwMarker *next;
    int level;

** Static variables

static int      mwInited =      0;
static int      mwInfoWritten = 0;
static int      mwUseAtexit =   0;
static FILE*    mwLog =         NULL;
static int      mwFlushing =    0;
static int      mwStatLevel =   MW_STAT_DEFAULT;
static int      mwNML =         MW_NML_DEFAULT;
static int      mwFBI =         0;
static long     mwAllocLimit =  0L;
static int      mwUseLimit =    0;

static long     mwNumCurAlloc = 0L;
static mwData*  mwHead = NULL;
static mwData*  mwTail = NULL;

static void     (*mwOutFunction)(int) = NULL;
static int      (*mwAriFunction)(const char*) = NULL;
static int      mwAriAction = MW_ARI_ABORT;

static char     mwPrintBuf[MW_TRACE_BUFFER+8];

static unsigned long mwCounter = 0L;
static long     mwErrors =      0L;

static int      mwTestFlags =   0;
static int      mwTestAlways =  0;

static FILE*    mwLogB1 =       NULL;
static int      mwFlushingB1 =  0;

static mwStat*  mwStatList = NULL;
static long     mwStatTotAlloc = 0L;
static long     mwStatMaxAlloc = 0L;
static long     mwStatNumAlloc = 0L;
static long     mwStatCurAlloc = 0L;
static long     mwNmlNumAlloc = 0L;
static long     mwNmlCurAlloc = 0L;

static mwGrabData* mwGrabList = NULL;
static long     mwGrabSize = 0L;

static void *   mwLastFree[MW_FREE_LIST];
static const char *mwLFfile[MW_FREE_LIST];
static int      mwLFline[MW_FREE_LIST];
static int      mwLFcur = 0;

static mwMarker* mwFirstMark = NULL;

static FILE*    mwLogB2 =       NULL;
static int      mwFlushingB2 =  0;

** Static function declarations

static void     mwAutoInit( void );
static FILE*    mwLogR( void );
static void     mwLogW( FILE* );
static int      mwFlushR( void );
static void     mwFlushW( int );
static void     mwFlush( void );
static void     mwIncErr( void );
static void     mwUnlink( mwData*, const char* file, int line );
static int      mwRelink( mwData*, const char* file, int line );
static int      mwIsHeapOK( mwData *mw );
static int      mwIsOwned( mwData* mw, const char* file, int line );
static int      mwTestBuf( mwData* mw, const char* file, int line );
static void     mwDefaultOutFunc( int );
static void     mwWrite( const char* format, ... );
static void     mwLogFile( const char* name );
static size_t   mwFreeUp( size_t, int );
static const void *mwTestMem( const void *, unsigned, int );
static int      mwStrCmpI( const char *s1, const char *s2 );
static int      mwTestNow( const char *file, int line, int always_invoked );
static void     mwDropAll( void );
static const char *mwGrabType( int type );
static unsigned mwGrab_( unsigned kb, int type, int silent );
static unsigned mwDrop_( unsigned kb, int type, int silent );
static int      mwARI( const char* text );
static void     mwStatReport( void );
static mwStat*  mwStatGet( const char*, int, int );
static void     mwStatAlloc( size_t, const char*, int );
static void     mwStatFree( size_t, const char*, int );

** System functions

void mwInit( void ) {
    time_t tid;

    if( mwInited++ > 0 ) return;

    /* start a log if none is running */
    if( mwLogR() == NULL ) mwLogFile( "memwatch.log" );
    if( mwLogR() == NULL ) {
        int i;
        char buf[32];
        /* oops, could not open it! */
        /* probably because it's already open */
        /* so we try some other names */
        for( i=1; i<100; i++ ) {
            sprintf( buf, "memwat%02d.log", i );
            mwLogFile( buf );
            if( mwLogR() != NULL ) break;

    /* initialize the statistics */
    mwStatList = NULL;
    mwStatTotAlloc = 0L;
    mwStatCurAlloc = 0L;
    mwStatMaxAlloc = 0L;
    mwStatNumAlloc = 0L;
	mwNmlCurAlloc = 0L;
	mwNmlNumAlloc = 0L;

    /* write informational header if needed */
    if( !mwInfoWritten ) {
        mwInfoWritten = 1;
        (void) time( &tid );
            " MEMWATCH " VERSION " Copyright (C) 1992-1999 Johan Lindh "
        mwWrite( "\nStarted at %s\n", ctime( &tid ) );

/**************************************************************** Generic */
#ifdef mwNew
        mwWrite( "C++ new/delete tracking enabled\n" );
#endif /* mwNew */
#ifdef __STDC__
        mwWrite( "Compiled as standard ANSI C\n" );
#endif /* __STDC__ */
/**************************************************************** Generic */

/************************************************************ Microsoft C */
#ifdef _MSC_VER
        mwWrite( "Compiled using Microsoft C" CPPTEXT
            " %d.%02d\n", _MSC_VER / 100, _MSC_VER % 100 );
#endif /* _MSC_VER */
/************************************************************ Microsoft C */

/************************************************************** Borland C */
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
        mwWrite( "Compiled using Borland C"
#ifdef __cplusplus
            "++ %d.%01d\n", __BCPLUSPLUS__/0x100, (__BCPLUSPLUS__%0x100)/0x10 );
            " %d.%01d\n", __BORLANDC__/0x100, (__BORLANDC__%0x100)/0x10 );
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* __BORLANDC__ */
/************************************************************** Borland C */

/************************************************************** Watcom C */
#ifdef __WATCOMC__
        mwWrite( "Compiled using Watcom C %d.%02d ",
            __WATCOMC__/100, __WATCOMC__%100 );
#ifdef __FLAT__
        mwWrite( "(32-bit flat model)" );
#endif /* __FLAT__ */
        mwWrite( "\n" );
#endif /* __WATCOMC__ */
/************************************************************** Watcom C */

        mwWrite( "\n" );

    if( mwUseAtexit ) (void) atexit( mwAbort );

void mwAbort( void ) {
    mwData *mw;
    mwMarker *mrk;
    char *data;
    time_t tid;
    int c, i, j;
	int errors;
	long chk;

    tid = time( NULL );
    mwWrite( "\nStopped at %s\n", ctime( &tid) );

    if( !mwInited )
        mwWrite( "internal: mwAbort(): MEMWATCH not initialized!\n" );

    /* release the grab list */

    /* report mwMarked items */
    while( mwFirstMark ) {
        mrk = mwFirstMark->next;
        mwWrite( "mark: %p: %s\n", mwFirstMark->host, mwFirstMark->text );
        free( mwFirstMark->text );
        free( mwFirstMark );
        mwFirstMark = mrk;
        mwErrors ++;

    /* release all still allocated memory */
	errors = 0;
    while( mwHead != NULL && errors < 3 ) {
		if( !mwIsOwned(mwHead, __FILE__, __LINE__ ) ) {
			if( errors < 3 )
				errors ++;
				mwWrite( "internal: NML/unfreed scan restarting\n" );
				mwHead = mwHead;
			mwWrite( "internal: NML/unfreed scan aborted, heap too damaged\n" );
        if( !(mwHead->flag & MW_NML) ) {
            data = ((char*)(mwHead+1));
            mwWrite( "unfreed: <%ld> %s(%d), %ld bytes at %p ",
                mwHead->count, mwHead->file, mwHead->line, (long)mwHead->size, data+sizeof(long) );
			GETDWORD( chk, data );
            if( chk != PRECHK ) {
                mwWrite( "[underflowed] ");
			GETDWORD( chk, (data+sizeof(long)+mwHead->size) );
            if( chk != POSTCHK ) {
                mwWrite( "[overflowed] ");
            mwWrite( " \t{" );
            j = 16; if( mwHead->size < 16 ) j = (int) mwHead->size;
            for( i=0;i<16;i++ ) {
                if( i<j ) mwWrite( "%02X ",
                    (unsigned char) *(data+sizeof(long)+i) );
                else mwWrite( ".. " );
            for( i=0;i<j;i++ ) {
                c = *(data+sizeof(long)+i);
                if( c < 32 || c > 126 ) c = '.';
                mwWrite( "%c", c );
            mwWrite( "}\n" );
			mw = mwHead;
			mwUnlink( mw, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
            free( mw );
        else {
            data = ((char*)(mwHead+1)) + sizeof(long);
            if( mwTestMem( data, mwHead->size, MW_VAL_NML ) ) {
                mwWrite( "wild pointer: <%ld> NoMansLand %p alloc'd at %s(%d)\n",
                    mwHead->count, data + sizeof(long), mwHead->file, mwHead->line );
			mwNmlNumAlloc --;
			mwNmlCurAlloc -= mwHead->size;
			mw = mwHead;
			mwUnlink( mw, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
            free( mw );

	if( mwNmlNumAlloc ) mwWrite("internal: NoMansLand block counter %ld, not zero\n", mwNmlNumAlloc );
	if( mwNmlCurAlloc ) mwWrite("internal: NoMansLand byte counter %ld, not zero\n", mwNmlCurAlloc );

    /* report statistics */

    mwInited = 0;
    mwHead = mwTail = NULL;
    if( mwErrors )
        fprintf(mwSTDERR,"MEMWATCH detected %ld anomalies\n",mwErrors);
    mwLogFile( NULL );
    mwErrors = 0;

void mwTerm( void ) {
    if( mwInited == 1 )
    if( !mwInited )
        mwWrite("internal: mwTerm(): MEMWATCH has not been started!\n");
        mwInited --;

void mwStatistics( int level )
    if( level<0 ) level=0;
    if( mwStatLevel != level )
		mwWrite( "statistics: now collecting on a %s basis\n",
			level<1?"global":(level<2?"module":"line") );
	    mwStatLevel = level;

void mwAutoCheck( int onoff ) {
    mwTestAlways = onoff;
    if( onoff ) mwTestFlags = MW_TEST_ALL;

void mwSetOutFunc( void (*func)(int) ) {
    mwOutFunction = func;

int mwTest( const char *file, int line, int items ) {
    mwTestFlags = items;
    return mwTestNow( file, line, 0 );

** Returns zero if there are no errors.
** Returns nonzero if there are errors.
int mwTestBuffer( const char *file, int line, void *p ) {
    mwData* mw;


    /* do the quick ownership test */
    mw = (mwData*) ( ((char*)p)-sizeof(long)-sizeof(mwData) );

    if( mwIsOwned( mw, file, line ) ) {
        return mwTestBuf( mw, file, line );
	return 1;

void mwBreakOut( const char* cause ) {
    fprintf(mwSTDERR, "breakout: %s\n", cause);
    mwWrite("breakout: %s\n", cause );

** 981217 JLI: is it possible that ->next is not always set?
void * mwMark( void *p, const char *desc, const char *file, unsigned line ) {
    mwMarker *mrk;
    unsigned n, isnew;
    char *buf;
    int tot, oflow = 0;
    char wherebuf[128];


    if( desc == NULL ) desc = "unknown";
    if( file == NULL ) file = "unknown";

    tot = sprintf( wherebuf, "%.48s called from %s(%d)", desc, file, line );
    if( tot >= (int)sizeof(wherebuf) ) { wherebuf[sizeof(wherebuf)-1] = 0; oflow = 1; }

    if( p == NULL ) {
        mwWrite("mark: %s(%d), no mark for NULL:'%s' may be set\n", file, line, desc );
        return p;

	if( mwFirstMark != NULL && !mwIsReadAddr( mwFirstMark, sizeof( mwMarker ) ) )
		mwWrite("mark: %s(%d), mwFirstMark (%p) is trashed, can't mark for %s\n",
			file, line, mwFirstMark, desc );
		return p;

    for( mrk=mwFirstMark; mrk; mrk=mrk->next )
		if( mrk->next != NULL && !mwIsReadAddr( mrk->next, sizeof( mwMarker ) ) )
			mwWrite("mark: %s(%d), mark(%p)->next(%p) is trashed, can't mark for %s\n",
				file, line, mrk, mrk->next, desc );
			return p;
		if( mrk->host == p ) break;

    if( mrk == NULL ) {
        isnew = 1;
        mrk = (mwMarker*) malloc( sizeof( mwMarker ) );
        if( mrk == NULL ) {
            mwWrite("mark: %s(%d), no mark for %p:'%s', out of memory\n", file, line, p, desc );
            return p;
		mrk->next = NULL;
        n = 0;
    else {
        isnew = 0;
        n = strlen( mrk->text );

    n += strlen( wherebuf );
    buf = (char*) malloc( n+3 );
    if( buf == NULL ) {
        if( isnew ) free( mrk );
        mwWrite("mark: %s(%d), no mark for %p:'%s', out of memory\n", file, line, p, desc );
        return p;

    if( isnew ) {
        memcpy( buf, wherebuf, n+1 );
        mrk->next = mwFirstMark;
        mrk->host = p;
        mrk->text = buf;
        mrk->level = 1;
        mwFirstMark = mrk;
    else {
        strcpy( buf, mrk->text );
        strcat( buf, ", " );
        strcat( buf, wherebuf );
        free( mrk->text );
        mrk->text = buf;
        mrk->level ++;

    if( oflow ) {
    return p;

void* mwUnmark( void *p, const char *file, unsigned line ) {
    mwMarker *mrk, *prv;
    mrk = mwFirstMark;
    prv = NULL;
    while( mrk ) {
        if( mrk->host == p ) {
            if( mrk->level < 2 ) {
                if( prv ) prv->next = mrk->next;
                else mwFirstMark = mrk->next;
                free( mrk->text );
                free( mrk );
                return p;
            mrk->level --;
            return p;
        prv = mrk;
        mrk = mrk->next;
    mwWrite("mark: %s(%d), no mark found for %p\n", file, line, p );
    return p;

** Safe memory checkers
** Using ifdefs, implement the operating-system specific mechanism
** of identifying a piece of memory as legal to access with read
** and write priviliges. Default: return nonzero for non-NULL pointers.

static char mwDummy( char c )
	return c;

#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
int mwIsReadAddr( const void *p, unsigned len )
    if( p == NULL ) return 0;
    if( IsBadReadPtr(p,len) ) return 0;
    return 1;
int mwIsSafeAddr( void *p, unsigned len )
    /* NOTE: For some reason, under Win95 the IsBad... */
    /* can return false for invalid pointers. */
    if( p == NULL ) return 0;
    if( IsBadReadPtr(p,len) || IsBadWritePtr(p,len) ) return 0;
    return 1;
#endif /* WIN32 */
#endif /* MW_SAFEADDR */

#ifdef SIGSEGV

typedef void (*mwSignalHandlerPtr)( int );
mwSignalHandlerPtr mwOldSIGSEGV = (mwSignalHandlerPtr) 0;
jmp_buf mwSIGSEGVjump;
static void mwSIGSEGV( int n );

static void mwSIGSEGV( int n )
	longjmp( mwSIGSEGVjump, 1 );

int mwIsReadAddr( const void *p, unsigned len )
	const char *ptr;

    if( p == NULL ) return 0;
	if( !len ) return 1;

	/* set up to catch the SIGSEGV signal */
	mwOldSIGSEGV = signal( SIGSEGV, mwSIGSEGV );

	if( setjmp( mwSIGSEGVjump ) )
		signal( SIGSEGV, mwOldSIGSEGV );
		return 0;

	/* read all the bytes in the range */
	ptr = (const char *)p;
	ptr += len;

	/* the reason for this rather strange construct is that */
	/* we want to keep the number of used parameters and locals */
	/* to a minimum. if we use len for a counter gcc will complain */
	/* it may get clobbered by longjmp() at high warning levels. */
	/* it's a harmless warning, but this way we don't have to see it. */
		ptr --;
		if( *ptr == 0x7C ) (void) mwDummy( (char)0 );
	} while( ptr != p );

	/* remove the handler */
	signal( SIGSEGV, mwOldSIGSEGV );

    return 1;
int mwIsSafeAddr( void *p, unsigned len )
	char *ptr;

	if( p == NULL ) return 0;
	if( !len ) return 1;

	/* set up to catch the SIGSEGV signal */
	mwOldSIGSEGV = signal( SIGSEGV, mwSIGSEGV );

	if( setjmp( mwSIGSEGVjump ) )
		signal( SIGSEGV, mwOldSIGSEGV );
		return 0;

	/* read and write-back all the bytes in the range */
	ptr = (char *)p;
	ptr += len;

	/* the reason for this rather strange construct is that */
	/* we want to keep the number of used parameters and locals */
	/* to a minimum. if we use len for a counter gcc will complain */
	/* it may get clobbered by longjmp() at high warning levels. */
	/* it's a harmless warning, but this way we don't have to see it. */
		ptr --;
		*ptr = mwDummy( *ptr );
	} while( ptr != p );

	/* remove the handler */
	signal( SIGSEGV, mwOldSIGSEGV );

    return 1;
#endif /* SIGSEGV */
#endif /* MW_SAFEADDR */

int mwIsReadAddr( const void *p, unsigned len )
    if( p == NULL ) return 0;
    if( len == 0 ) return 1;
    return 1;
int mwIsSafeAddr( void *p, unsigned len )
    if( p == NULL ) return 0;
    if( len == 0 ) return 1;
    return 1;

** Abort/Retry/Ignore handlers

static int mwARI( const char *estr ) {
    char inbuf[81];
    int c;
    fprintf(mwSTDERR, "\n%s\nMEMWATCH: Abort, Retry or Ignore? ", estr);
    (void) fgets(inbuf,sizeof(inbuf),stdin);
	for( c=0; inbuf[c] && inbuf[c] <= ' '; c++ ) ;
    c = inbuf[c];
    if( c == 'R' || c == 'r' ) {
        mwBreakOut( estr );
        return MW_ARI_RETRY;
    if( c == 'I' || c == 'i' ) return MW_ARI_IGNORE;
    return MW_ARI_ABORT;

/* standard ARI handler (exported) */
int mwAriHandler( const char *estr ) {
    return mwARI( estr );

/* used to set the ARI function */
void mwSetAriFunc( int (*func)(const char *) ) {
    mwAriFunction = func;

** Allocation handlers

void* mwMalloc( size_t size, const char* file, int line) {
    size_t needed;
    mwData *mw;
    char *ptr;
    void *p;



    mwCounter ++;
    needed = sizeof(mwData) + sizeof(long) + sizeof(long) + size;

    /* if this allocation would violate the limit, fail it */
    if( mwUseLimit && ((long)size + mwStatCurAlloc > mwAllocLimit) ) {
        mwWrite( "limit fail: <%ld> %s(%d), %ld wanted %ld available\n",
            mwCounter, file, line, (long)size, mwAllocLimit - mwStatCurAlloc );
        return NULL;

    mw = (mwData*) malloc( needed );
    if( mw == NULL ) {
        if( mwFreeUp(needed,0) >= needed ) {
            mw = (mwData*) malloc(needed);
            if( mw == NULL ) {
                mwWrite( "internal: mwFreeUp(%u) reported success, but malloc() fails\n", needed );
        if( mw == NULL ) {
            mwWrite( "fail: <%ld> %s(%d), %ld wanted %ld allocated\n",
                mwCounter, file, line, (long)size, mwStatCurAlloc );
            return NULL;

    mw->count = mwCounter;
    mw->prev = NULL;
    mw->next = mwHead;
    mw->file = file;
    mw->size = size;
    mw->line = line;
    mw->flag = 0;
    mw->check = CHKVAL(mw);

    if( mwHead ) mwHead->prev = mw;
    mwHead = mw;
    if( mwTail == NULL ) mwTail = mw;

    ptr = (char*)(void*)(mw+1);
	PUTDWORD( PRECHK, ptr ); /* '*(long*)ptr = PRECHK;' */
    ptr += sizeof(long);
    p = ptr;
    memset( ptr, MW_VAL_NEW, size );
    ptr += size;
    PUTDWORD( POSTCHK, ptr ); /* '*(long*)ptr = POSTCHK;' */

    mwNumCurAlloc ++;
    mwStatCurAlloc += (long) size;
    mwStatTotAlloc += (long) size;
    if( mwStatCurAlloc > mwStatMaxAlloc )
        mwStatMaxAlloc = mwStatCurAlloc;
    mwStatNumAlloc ++;

    if( mwStatLevel ) mwStatAlloc( size, file, line );

    return p;

void* mwRealloc( void *p, size_t size, const char* file, int line) {
    int oldUseLimit, i;
    mwData *mw;
    char *ptr;


    if( p == NULL ) return mwMalloc( size, file, line );
    if( size == 0 ) { mwFree( p, file, line ); return NULL; }

    /* do the quick ownership test */
    mw = (mwData*) ( ((char*)p)-sizeof(long)-sizeof(mwData) );
    if( mwIsOwned( mw, file, line ) ) {

		/* if the buffer is an NML, treat this as a double-free */
		if( mw->flag & MW_NML )
			if( *((unsigned char*)(mw+1)+sizeof(long)) != MW_VAL_NML )
				mwWrite( "internal: <%ld> %s(%d), no-mans-land MW-%p is corrupted\n",
					mwCounter, file, line, mw );
			goto check_dbl_free;

        /* if this allocation would violate the limit, fail it */
        if( mwUseLimit && ((long)size + mwStatCurAlloc - (long)mw->size > mwAllocLimit) ) {
            mwCounter ++;
            mwWrite( "limit fail: <%ld> %s(%d), %ld wanted %ld available\n",
                mwCounter, file, line, (unsigned long)size - mw->size, mwAllocLimit - mwStatCurAlloc );
            return NULL;

        /* fake realloc operation */
        oldUseLimit = mwUseLimit;
        mwUseLimit = 0;
        ptr = (char*) mwMalloc( size, file, line );
        if( ptr != NULL ) {
            if( size < mw->size )
                memcpy( ptr, p, size );
                memcpy( ptr, p, mw->size );
            mwFree( p, file, line );
        mwUseLimit = oldUseLimit;
        return (void*) ptr;

    /* Unknown pointer! */

    /* using free'd pointer? */
    for(i=0;i<MW_FREE_LIST;i++) {
        if( mwLastFree[i] == p ) {
            mwWrite( "realloc: <%ld> %s(%d), %p was"
                " freed from %s(%d)\n",
                mwCounter, file, line, p,
                mwLFfile[i], mwLFline[i] );
            return NULL;

    /* some weird pointer */
    mwWrite( "realloc: <%ld> %s(%d), unknown pointer %p\n",
        mwCounter, file, line, p );
    return NULL;

char *mwStrdup( char* str, const char* file, int line ) {
    size_t len;
    char *newstring;
    if( str == NULL ) {
        mwWrite( "strdup: <%ld> %s(%d), strdup(NULL) called\n",
            mwCounter, file, line );
        return NULL;
    len = strlen( str ) + 1;
    newstring = (char*) mwMalloc( len, file, line );
    if( newstring != NULL ) memcpy( newstring, str, len );
    return newstring;

void mwFree( void* p, const char* file, int line ) {
    int i;
    mwData* mw;
    char buffer[ sizeof(mwData) + sizeof(long) + 64 ];


    /* this code is in support of C++ delete */
    if( file == NULL ) {
        mwFree_( p );

    mwCounter ++;

    /* on NULL free, write a warning and return */
    if( p == NULL ) {
        mwWrite( "NULL free: <%ld> %s(%d), NULL pointer free'd\n",
            mwCounter, file, line );

    /* do the quick ownership test */
    mw = (mwData*) ( ((char*)p)-sizeof(long)-sizeof(mwData) );

    if( mwIsOwned( mw, file, line ) ) {
        (void) mwTestBuf( mw, file, line );

		/* if the buffer is an NML, treat this as a double-free */
		if( mw->flag & MW_NML )
			if( *((unsigned char*)(mw+1)+sizeof(long)) != MW_VAL_NML )
				mwWrite( "internal: <%ld> %s(%d), no-mans-land MW-%p is corrupted\n",
					mwCounter, file, line, mw );
			goto check_dbl_free;

        /* update the statistics */
        mwNumCurAlloc --;
        mwStatCurAlloc -= (long) mw->size;
        if( mwStatLevel ) mwStatFree( mw->size, mw->file, mw->line );

        /* we should either free the allocation or keep it as NML */
        if( mwNML ) {
            mw->flag |= MW_NML;
			mwNmlNumAlloc ++;
			mwNmlCurAlloc += (long) mw->size;
            memset( (char*)(mw+1)+sizeof(long), MW_VAL_NML, mw->size );
        else {
            /* unlink the allocation, and enter the post-free data */
            mwUnlink( mw, file, line );
            memset( mw, MW_VAL_DEL,
                mw->size + sizeof(mwData)+sizeof(long)+sizeof(long) );
            if( mwFBI ) {
                memset( mw, '.', sizeof(mwData) + sizeof(long) );
                sprintf( buffer, "FBI<%ld>%s(%d)", mwCounter, file, line );
                strncpy( (char*)(void*)mw, buffer, sizeof(mwData) + sizeof(long) );
            free( mw );

        /* add the pointer to the last-free track */
        mwLFfile[ mwLFcur ] = file;
        mwLFline[ mwLFcur ] = line;
        mwLastFree[ mwLFcur++ ] = p;
        if( mwLFcur == MW_FREE_LIST ) mwLFcur = 0;


    /* check for double-freeing */
    for(i=0;i<MW_FREE_LIST;i++) {
        if( mwLastFree[i] == p ) {
            mwWrite( "double-free: <%ld> %s(%d), %p was"
                " freed from %s(%d)\n",
                mwCounter, file, line, p,
                mwLFfile[i], mwLFline[i] );

    /* some weird pointer... block the free */
    mwWrite( "WILD free: <%ld> %s(%d), unknown pointer %p\n",
        mwCounter, file, line, p );

void* mwCalloc( size_t a, size_t b, const char *file, int line ) {
    void *p;
    size_t size = a * b;
    p = mwMalloc( size, file, line );
    if( p == NULL ) return NULL;
    memset( p, 0, size );
    return p;

void mwFree_( void *p ) {

void* mwMalloc_( size_t size ) {
    return malloc( size );

void* mwRealloc_( void *p, size_t size ) {
    return realloc( p, size );

void* mwCalloc_( size_t a, size_t b ) {
    return calloc( a, b );

void mwFlushNow( void ) {
    if( mwLogR() ) fflush( mwLogR() );

void mwDoFlush( int onoff ) {
    mwFlushW( onoff<1?0:onoff );
    if( onoff ) if( mwLogR() ) fflush( mwLogR() );

void mwLimit( long lim ) {
    mwWrite("limit: old limit = ");
    if( !mwAllocLimit ) mwWrite( "none" );
    else mwWrite( "%ld bytes", mwAllocLimit );
    mwWrite( ", new limit = ");
    if( !lim ) {
        mwWrite( "none\n" );
        mwUseLimit = 0;
    else {
        mwWrite( "%ld bytes\n", lim );
        mwUseLimit = 1;
    mwAllocLimit = lim;

void mwSetAriAction( int action ) {
    mwAriAction = action;

int mwAssert( int exp, const char *exps, const char *fn, int ln ) {
    int i;
    char buffer[MW_TRACE_BUFFER+8];
    if( exp ) return 0;
    mwWrite( "assert trap: <%ld> %s(%d), %s\n", mwCounter, fn, ln, exps );
    if( mwAriFunction != NULL ) {
        sprintf( buffer, "MEMWATCH: assert trap: %s(%d), %s", fn, ln, exps );
        i = (*mwAriFunction)(buffer);
		switch( i ) {
			case MW_ARI_IGNORE:
	           	mwWrite( "assert trap: <%ld> IGNORED - execution continues\n", mwCounter );
    	        return 0;
			case MW_ARI_RETRY:
            	mwWrite( "assert trap: <%ld> RETRY - executing again\n", mwCounter );
            	return 1;
    else {
        if( mwAriAction & MW_ARI_IGNORE ) {
            mwWrite( "assert trap: <%ld> AUTO IGNORED - execution continues\n", mwCounter );
            return 0;
        fprintf(mwSTDERR,"\nMEMWATCH: assert trap: %s(%d), %s\n", fn, ln, exps );

    (void) mwTestNow( fn, ln, 1 );

	if( mwAriAction & MW_ARI_NULLREAD ) {
		/* This is made in an attempt to kick in */
		/* any debuggers or OS stack traces */
		/*lint -save -e413 */
		i = *((int*)NULL);
		mwDummy( (char)i );
		/*lint -restore */

    /* NOT REACHED - the return statement is in to keep */
    /* stupid compilers from squeaking about differing return modes. */
    /* Smart compilers instead say 'code unreachable...' */
    /*lint -save -e527 */
    return 0;
    /*lint -restore */

int mwVerify( int exp, const char *exps, const char *fn, int ln ) {
    int i;
    char buffer[MW_TRACE_BUFFER+8];
    if( exp ) return 0;
    mwWrite( "verify trap: <%ld> %s(%d), %s\n", mwCounter, fn, ln, exps );
    if( mwAriFunction != NULL ) {
        sprintf( buffer, "MEMWATCH: verify trap: %s(%d), %s", fn, ln, exps );
        i = (*mwAriFunction)(buffer);
        if( i == 0 ) {
            mwWrite( "verify trap: <%ld> IGNORED - execution continues\n", mwCounter );
            return 0;
        if( i == 1 ) {
            mwWrite( "verify trap: <%ld> RETRY - executing again\n", mwCounter );
            return 1;
    else {
        if( mwAriAction & MW_ARI_NULLREAD ) {
            /* This is made in an attempt to kick in */
            /* any debuggers or OS stack traces */
            /*lint -save -e413 */
            i = *((int*)NULL);
			mwDummy( (char)i );
            /*lint -restore */
        if( mwAriAction & MW_ARI_IGNORE ) {
            mwWrite( "verify trap: <%ld> AUTO IGNORED - execution continues\n", mwCounter );
            return 0;
        fprintf(mwSTDERR,"\nMEMWATCH: verify trap: %s(%d), %s\n", fn, ln, exps );
    (void) mwTestNow( fn, ln, 1 );
    /* NOT REACHED - the return statement is in to keep */
    /* stupid compilers from squeaking about differing return modes. */
    /* Smart compilers instead say 'code unreachable...' */
    /*lint -save -e527 */
    return 0;
    /*lint -restore */

void mwTrace( const char *format, ... ) {
    int tot, oflow = 0;
    va_list mark;

    if( mwOutFunction == NULL ) mwOutFunction = mwDefaultOutFunc;

    va_start( mark, format );
    tot = vsprintf( mwPrintBuf, format, mark );
    va_end( mark );
    if( tot >= MW_TRACE_BUFFER ) { mwPrintBuf[MW_TRACE_BUFFER] = 0; oflow = 1; }
        (*mwOutFunction)( mwPrintBuf[tot] );
    if( oflow ) {


** Grab & Drop

unsigned mwGrab( unsigned kb ) {
    return mwGrab_( kb, MW_VAL_GRB, 0 );

unsigned mwDrop( unsigned kb ) {
    return mwDrop_( kb, MW_VAL_GRB, 0 );

static void mwDropAll() {
    (void) mwDrop_( 0, MW_VAL_GRB, 0 );
    (void) mwDrop_( 0, MW_VAL_NML, 0 );
    if( mwGrabList != NULL )
        mwWrite( "internal: the grab list is not empty after mwDropAll()\n");

static const char *mwGrabType( int type ) {
    switch( type ) {
        case MW_VAL_GRB:
            return "grabbed";
        case MW_VAL_NML:
            return "no-mans-land";
            /* do nothing */
    return "<unknown type>";

static unsigned mwGrab_( unsigned kb, int type, int silent ) {
    unsigned i = kb;
    mwGrabData *gd;
    if( !kb ) i = kb = 65000U;

    for(;kb;kb--) {
        if( mwUseLimit &&
            (mwStatCurAlloc + mwGrabSize + (long)sizeof(mwGrabData) > mwAllocLimit) ) {
            if( !silent ) {
                mwWrite("grabbed: all allowed memory to %s (%u kb)\n",
                    mwGrabType(type), i-kb);
            return i-kb;
        gd = (mwGrabData*) malloc( sizeof(mwGrabData) );
        if( gd == NULL ) {
            if( !silent ) {
                mwWrite("grabbed: all available memory to %s (%u kb)\n",
                    mwGrabType(type), i-kb);
            return i-kb;
        mwGrabSize += (long) sizeof(mwGrabData);
        gd->next = mwGrabList;
        memset( gd->blob, type, sizeof(gd->blob) );
        gd->type = type;
        mwGrabList = gd;
    if( !silent ) {
        mwWrite("grabbed: %u kilobytes of %s memory\n", i, mwGrabType(type) );
    return i;

static unsigned mwDrop_( unsigned kb, int type, int silent ) {
    unsigned i = kb;
    mwGrabData *gd,*tmp,*pr;
    const void *p;

    if( mwGrabList == NULL && kb == 0 ) return 0;
    if( !kb ) i = kb = 60000U;

    pr = NULL;
    gd = mwGrabList;
    for(;kb;) {
        if( gd == NULL ) {
            if( i-kb > 0 && !silent ) {
                mwWrite("dropped: all %s memory (%u kb)\n", mwGrabType(type), i-kb);
            return i-kb;
        if( gd->type == type ) {
            if( pr ) pr->next = gd->next;
            kb --;
            tmp = gd;
            if( mwGrabList == gd ) mwGrabList = gd->next;
            gd = gd->next;
            p = mwTestMem( tmp->blob, sizeof( tmp->blob ), type );
            if( p != NULL ) {
                mwWrite( "wild pointer: <%ld> %s memory hit at %p\n",
                    mwCounter, mwGrabType(type), p );
            mwGrabSize -= (long) sizeof(mwGrabData);
            free( tmp );
        else {
            pr = gd;
            gd = gd->next;
    if( !silent ) {
        mwWrite("dropped: %u kilobytes of %s memory\n", i, mwGrabType(type) );
    return i;

** No-Mans-Land

void mwNoMansLand( int level ) {
    switch( level ) {
        case MW_NML_NONE:
            (void) mwDrop_( 0, MW_VAL_NML, 0 );
        case MW_NML_FREE:
        case MW_NML_ALL:
            (void) mwGrab_( 0, MW_VAL_NML, 0 );
    mwNML = level;

** Static functions

static void mwAutoInit( void )
    if( mwInited ) return;
    mwUseAtexit = 1;

static FILE *mwLogR() {
    if( (mwLog == mwLogB1) && (mwLog == mwLogB2) ) return mwLog;
    if( mwLog == mwLogB1 ) mwLogB2 = mwLog;
    if( mwLog == mwLogB2 ) mwLogB1 = mwLog;
    if( mwLogB1 == mwLogB2 ) mwLog = mwLogB1;
    if( (mwLog == mwLogB1) && (mwLog == mwLogB2) ) {
        mwWrite("internal: log file handle damaged and recovered\n");
        return mwLog;
    fprintf(mwSTDERR,"\nMEMWATCH: log file handle destroyed, using mwSTDERR\n" );
    mwLog = mwLogB1 = mwLogB2 = mwSTDERR;
    return mwSTDERR;

static void mwLogW( FILE *p ) {
    mwLog = mwLogB1 = mwLogB2 = p;

static int mwFlushR() {
    if( (mwFlushing == mwFlushingB1) && (mwFlushing == mwFlushingB2) ) return mwFlushing;
    if( mwFlushing == mwFlushingB1 ) mwFlushingB2 = mwFlushing;
    if( mwFlushing == mwFlushingB2 ) mwFlushingB1 = mwFlushing;
    if( mwFlushingB1 == mwFlushingB2 ) mwFlushing = mwFlushingB1;
    if( (mwFlushing == mwFlushingB1) && (mwFlushing == mwFlushingB2) ) {
        mwWrite("internal: flushing flag damaged and recovered\n");
        return mwFlushing;
    mwWrite("internal: flushing flag destroyed, so set to true\n");
    mwFlushing = mwFlushingB1 = mwFlushingB2 = 1;
    return 1;

static void mwFlushW( int n ) {
    mwFlushing = mwFlushingB1 = mwFlushingB2 = n;

static void mwIncErr() {
    mwFlushW( mwFlushR()+1 );

static void mwFlush() {
    if( mwLogR() == NULL ) return;
#ifdef MW_FLUSH
    fflush( mwLogR() );
    if( mwFlushR() ) fflush( mwLogR() );

static void mwUnlink( mwData* mw, const char* file, int line ) {
    if( mw->prev == NULL ) {
        if( mwHead != mw )
            mwWrite( "internal: <%ld> %s(%d), MW-%p: link1 NULL, but not head\n",
                mwCounter, file, line, mw );
        mwHead = mw->next;
    else {
        if( mw->prev->next != mw )
            mwWrite( "internal: <%ld> %s(%d), MW-%p: link1 failure\n",
                mwCounter, file, line, mw );
        else mw->prev->next = mw->next;
    if( mw->next == NULL ) {
        if( mwTail != mw )
            mwWrite( "internal: <%ld> %s(%d), MW-%p: link2 NULL, but not tail\n",
                mwCounter, file, line, mw );
        mwTail = mw->prev;
    else {
        if( mw->next->prev != mw )
            mwWrite( "internal: <%ld> %s(%d), MW-%p: link2 failure\n",
                mwCounter, file, line, mw );
        else mw->next->prev = mw->prev;

** Relinking tries to repair a damaged mw block.
** Returns nonzero if it thinks it successfully
** repaired the heap chain.
static int mwRelink( mwData* mw, const char* file, int line ) {
    int fails;
    mwData *mw1, *mw2;
    long count, size;
    mwStat *ms;

	if( file == NULL ) file = "unknown";

    if( mw == NULL ) {
        mwWrite("relink: cannot repair MW at NULL\n");
        goto emergency;

    if( !mwIsSafeAddr(mw, sizeof(mwData)) ) {
        mwWrite("relink: MW-%p is a garbage pointer\n");
        goto emergency;

    mwWrite("relink: <%ld> %s(%d) attempting to repair MW-%p...\n", mwCounter, file, line, mw );
    fails = 0;

    /* Repair from head */
    if( mwHead != mw ) {
        if( !mwIsSafeAddr( mwHead, sizeof(mwData) ) ) {
            mwWrite("relink: failed for MW-%p; head pointer destroyed\n", mw );
            goto emergency;
        for( mw1=mwHead; mw1; mw1=mw1->next ) {
            if( mw1->next == mw ) {
                mw->prev = mw1;
            if( mw1->next &&
                ( !mwIsSafeAddr(mw1->next, sizeof(mwData)) || mw1->next->prev != mw1) ) {
                mwWrite("relink: failed for MW-%p; forward chain fragmented at MW-%p: 'next' is %p\n", mw, mw1, mw1->next );
                goto emergency;
        if( mw1 == NULL ) {
            mwWrite("relink: MW-%p not found in forward chain search\n", mw );
            fails ++;
		mwWrite( "relink: MW-%p is the head (first) allocation\n", mw );
		if( mw->prev != NULL )
			mwWrite( "relink: MW-%p prev pointer is non-NULL, you have a wild pointer\n", mw );
			mw->prev = NULL;

    /* Repair from tail */
    if( mwTail != mw ) {
        if( !mwIsSafeAddr( mwTail, sizeof(mwData) ) ) {
            mwWrite("relink: failed for MW-%p; tail pointer destroyed\n", mw );
            goto emergency;
        for( mw1=mwTail; mw1; mw1=mw1->prev ) {
            if( mw1->prev == mw ) {
                mw->next = mw1;
            if( mw1->prev && (!mwIsSafeAddr(mw1->prev, sizeof(mwData)) || mw1->prev->next != mw1) ) {
                mwWrite("relink: failed for MW-%p; reverse chain fragmented at MW-%p, 'prev' is %p\n", mw, mw1, mw1->prev );
                goto emergency;
        if( mw1 == NULL ) {
            mwWrite("relink: MW-%p not found in reverse chain search\n", mw );
            fails ++;
		mwWrite( "relink: MW-%p is the tail (last) allocation\n", mw );
		if( mw->next != NULL )
			mwWrite( "relink: MW-%p next pointer is non-NULL, you have a wild pointer\n", mw );
			mw->next = NULL;

    if( fails > 1 ) {
        mwWrite("relink: heap appears intact, MW-%p probably garbage pointer\n", mw );
        goto verifyok;

    /* restore MW info where possible */
    if( mwIsReadAddr( mw->file, 1 ) ) {
        ms = mwStatGet( mw->file, -1, 0 );
        if( ms == NULL ) mw->file = "<relinked>";
    mw->check = CHKVAL(mw);
    goto verifyok;

    /* Emergency repair */

    if( mwHead == NULL && mwTail == NULL )
        if( mwStatCurAlloc == 0 )
            mwWrite("relink: <%ld> %s(%d) heap is empty, nothing to repair\n", mwCounter, file, line );
            mwWrite("relink: <%ld> %s(%d) heap damaged beyond repair\n", mwCounter, file, line );
        return 0;

    mwWrite("relink: <%ld> %s(%d) attempting emergency repairs...\n", mwCounter, file, line );

	if( mwHead == NULL || mwTail == NULL )
		if( mwHead == NULL ) mwWrite("relink: mwHead is NULL, but mwTail is %p\n", mwTail );
		else mwWrite("relink: mwTail is NULL, but mwHead is %p\n", mwHead );

    if( mwHead != NULL )
		if( !mwIsReadAddr(mwHead,sizeof(mwData)) || mwHead->check != CHKVAL(mwHead) )
			mwWrite("relink: mwHead (MW-%p) is damaged, skipping forward scan\n", mwHead );
			mwHead = NULL;
			goto scan_reverse;
		if( mwHead->prev != NULL )
			mwWrite("relink: the mwHead pointer's 'prev' member is %p, not NULL\n", mwHead->prev );
        for( mw1=mwHead; mw1; mw1=mw1->next )
			if( mw1->next )
				if( !mwIsReadAddr(mw1->next,sizeof(mwData)) ||
					!mw1->next->check != CHKVAL(mw1) ||
					mw1->next->prev != mw1 )
					mwWrite("relink: forward chain's last intact MW is MW-%p, %ld %sbytes at %s(%d)\n",
						mw1, mw1->size, (mw->flag & MW_NML)?"NoMansLand ":"", mw1->file, mw1->line );
					if( mwIsReadAddr(mw1->next,sizeof(mwData) ) )
						mwWrite("relink: forward chain's first damaged MW is MW-%p, %ld %sbytes at %s(%d)\n",
							mw1->next, mw1->size, (mw->flag & MW_NML)?"NoMansLand ":"",
							mwIsReadAddr(mw1->file,16)?mw1->file:"<garbage-pointer>", mw1->line );
						mwWrite("relink: the 'next' pointer of this MW points to %p, which is out-of-legal-access\n",
							mw1->next );

    if( mwTail != NULL )
		if( !mwIsReadAddr(mwTail,sizeof(mwData)) || mwTail->check != CHKVAL(mwTail) )
			mwWrite("relink: mwTail (%p) is damaged, skipping reverse scan\n", mwTail );
			mwTail = NULL;
			goto analyze;
		if( mwTail->next != NULL )
			mwWrite("relink: the mwTail pointer's 'next' member is %p, not NULL\n", mwTail->next );
        for( mw2=mwTail; mw2; mw2=mw2->prev )
            if( mw2->prev )
				if( !mwIsReadAddr(mw2->prev,sizeof(mwData)) ||
					!mw2->prev->check != CHKVAL(mw2) ||
					mw2->prev->next != mw2 )
					mwWrite("relink: reverse chain's last intact MW is MW-%p, %ld %sbytes at %s(%d)\n",
						mw2, mw2->size, (mw->flag & MW_NML)?"NoMansLand ":"", mw2->file, mw2->line );
					if( mwIsReadAddr(mw2->prev,sizeof(mwData) ) )
						mwWrite("relink: reverse chain's first damaged MW is MW-%p, %ld %sbytes at %s(%d)\n",
							mw2->prev, mw2->size, (mw->flag & MW_NML)?"NoMansLand ":"",
							mwIsReadAddr(mw2->file,16)?mw2->file:"<garbage-pointer>", mw2->line );
						mwWrite("relink: the 'prev' pointer of this MW points to %p, which is out-of-legal-access\n",
							mw2->prev );

	if( mwHead == NULL && mwTail == NULL )
        mwWrite("relink: both head and tail pointers damaged, aborting program\n");
	if( mwHead == NULL )
		mwHead = mw2;
		mwWrite("relink: heap truncated, MW-%p designated as new mwHead\n", mw2 );
		mw2->prev = NULL;
		mw1 = mw2 = NULL;
	if( mwTail == NULL )
		mwTail = mw1;
		mwWrite("relink: heap truncated, MW-%p designated as new mwTail\n", mw1 );
		mw1->next = NULL;
		mw1 = mw2 = NULL;
    if( mw1 == NULL && mw2 == NULL &&
        mwHead->prev == NULL && mwTail->next == NULL ) {
        mwWrite("relink: verifying heap integrity...\n" );
        goto verifyok;
    if( mw1 && mw2 && mw1 != mw2 ) {
        mw1->next = mw2;
        mw2->prev = mw1;
        mwWrite("relink: emergency repairs successful, assessing damage...\n");
    else {
        mwWrite("relink: heap totally destroyed, aborting program\n");

    /* Verify by checking that the number of active allocations */
    /* match the number of entries in the chain */
    if( !mwIsHeapOK( NULL ) ) {
        mwWrite("relink: heap verification FAILS - aborting program\n");
    for( size=count=0, mw1=mwHead; mw1; mw1=mw1->next ) {
        count ++;
        size += (long) mw1->size;
    if( count == mwNumCurAlloc ) {
        mwWrite("relink: successful, ");
        if( size == mwStatCurAlloc ) {
            mwWrite("no allocations lost\n");
        else {
            if( mw != NULL ) {
                mwWrite("size information lost for MW-%p\n", mw);
                mw->size = 0;
    else {
        mwWrite("relink: partial, %ld MW-blocks of %ld bytes lost\n",
			mwNmlNumAlloc+mwNumCurAlloc-count, mwNmlCurAlloc+mwStatCurAlloc-size );
        return 0;

    return 1;

**  If mwData* is NULL:
**      Returns 0 if heap chain is broken.
**      Returns 1 if heap chain is intact.
**  If mwData* is not NULL:
**      Returns 0 if mwData* is missing or if chain is broken.
**      Returns 1 if chain is intact and mwData* is found.
static int mwIsHeapOK( mwData *includes_mw ) {
    int found = 0;
    mwData *mw;

    for( mw = mwHead; mw; mw=mw->next ) {
        if( includes_mw == mw ) found++;
        if( !mwIsSafeAddr( mw, sizeof(mwData) ) ) return 0;
        if( mw->prev ) {
            if( !mwIsSafeAddr( mw->prev, sizeof(mwData) ) ) return 0;
            if( mw==mwHead || mw->prev->next != mw ) return 0;
        if( mw->next ) {
            if( !mwIsSafeAddr( mw->next, sizeof(mwData) ) ) return 0;
            if( mw==mwTail || mw->next->prev != mw ) return 0;
        else if( mw!=mwTail ) return 0;

    if( includes_mw != NULL && !found ) return 0;

    return 1;

static int mwIsOwned( mwData* mw, const char *file, int line ) {
    int retv;
    mwStat *ms;

    /* see if the address is legal according to OS */
    if( !mwIsSafeAddr( mw, sizeof(mwData) ) ) return 0;

    /* make sure we have _anything_ allocated */
    if( mwHead == NULL && mwTail == NULL && mwStatCurAlloc == 0 )
        return 0;

    /* calculate checksum */
    if( mw->check != CHKVAL(mw) ) {
        /* may be damaged checksum, see if block is in heap */
        if( mwIsHeapOK( mw ) ) {
            /* damaged checksum, repair it */
            mwWrite( "internal: <%ld> %s(%d), checksum for MW-%p is incorrect\n",
                mwCounter, file, line, mw );
            if( mwIsReadAddr( mw->file, 1 ) ) {
                ms = mwStatGet( mw->file, -1, 0 );
                if( ms == NULL ) mw->file = "<relinked>";
            else mw->file = "<unknown>";
            mw->check = CHKVAL(mw);
            return 1;
        /* no, it's just some garbage data */
        return 0;

	/* check that the non-NULL pointers are safe */
	if( mw->prev && !mwIsSafeAddr( mw->prev, sizeof(mwData) ) ) mwRelink( mw, file, line );
	if( mw->next && !mwIsSafeAddr( mw->next, sizeof(mwData) ) ) mwRelink( mw, file, line );

    /* safe address, checksum OK, proceed with heap checks */

    /* see if the block is in the heap */
    retv = 0;
    if( mw->prev ) { if( mw->prev->next == mw ) retv ++; }
    else { if( mwHead == mw ) retv++; }
    if( mw->next ) { if( mw->next->prev == mw ) retv ++; }
    else { if( mwTail == mw ) retv++; }
    if( mw->check == CHKVAL(mw) ) retv ++;
    if( retv > 2 ) return 1;

    /* block not in heap, check heap for corruption */

    if( !mwIsHeapOK( mw ) ) {
        if( mwRelink( mw, file, line ) )
            return 1;

    /* unable to repair */
    mwWrite( "internal: <%ld> %s(%d), mwIsOwned fails for MW-%p\n",
       mwCounter, file, line, mw );

    return 0;

** mwTestBuf:
**  Checks a buffers links and pre/postfixes.
**  Writes errors found to the log.
**  Returns zero if no errors found.
static int mwTestBuf( mwData* mw, const char* file, int line ) {
    int retv = 0;
    char *p;
	long chk;

    if( file == NULL ) file = "unknown";

    if( !mwIsSafeAddr( mw, sizeof(mwData) ) ) {
        mwWrite( "internal: <%ld> %s(%d): pointer MW-%p is invalid\n",
            mwCounter, file, line, mw );
        return 2;

    if( mw->check != CHKVAL(mw) ) {
        mwWrite( "internal: <%ld> %s(%d), info trashed; relinking\n",
            mwCounter, file, line );
        if( !mwRelink( mw, file, line ) ) return 2;

    if( mw->prev && mw->prev->next != mw ) {
        mwWrite( "internal: <%ld> %s(%d), buffer <%ld> %s(%d) link1 broken\n",
            mwCounter,file,line, (long)mw->size, mw->count, mw->file, mw->line );
        if( !mwRelink( mw, file, line ) ) retv = 2;
    if( mw->next && mw->next->prev != mw ) {
        mwWrite( "internal: <%ld> %s(%d), buffer <%ld> %s(%d) link2 broken\n",
            mwCounter,file,line, (long)mw->size, mw->count, mw->file, mw->line );
        if( !mwRelink( mw, file, line ) ) retv = 2;

    p = (char*)(mw+1);
	GETDWORD( chk, p );
    if( chk != PRECHK ) {
        mwWrite( "underflow: <%ld> %s(%d), %ld bytes alloc'd at <%ld> %s(%d)\n",
            mwCounter,file,line, (long)mw->size, mw->count, mw->file, mw->line );
        retv = 1;
    p += mw->size + sizeof(long);
	GETDWORD( chk, p );
    if( chk != POSTCHK ) {
        mwWrite( "overflow: <%ld> %s(%d), %ld bytes alloc'd at <%ld> %s(%d)\n",
            mwCounter,file,line, (long)mw->size, mw->count, mw->file, mw->line );
        retv = 1;

    return retv;

static void mwDefaultOutFunc( int c ) {
    if( mwLogR() ) fputc( c, mwLogR() );

static void mwWrite( const char *format, ... ) {
    int tot, oflow = 0;
    va_list mark;
    if( mwOutFunction == NULL ) mwOutFunction = mwDefaultOutFunc;
    va_start( mark, format );
    tot = vsprintf( mwPrintBuf, format, mark );
    va_end( mark );
    if( tot >= MW_TRACE_BUFFER ) { mwPrintBuf[MW_TRACE_BUFFER] = 0; oflow = 1; }
        (*mwOutFunction)( mwPrintBuf[tot] );
    if( oflow ) {
        mwWrite( "\ninternal: mwWrite(): WARNING! OUTPUT EXCEEDED %u CHARS: SYSTEM UNSTABLE\n", MW_TRACE_BUFFER-1 );

static void mwLogFile( const char *name ) {
    time_t tid;
    (void) time( &tid );
    if( mwLogR() != NULL ) {
        fclose( mwLogR() );
        mwLogW( NULL );
    if( name == NULL ) return;
    mwLogW( fopen( name, "a" COMMIT ) );
    if( mwLogR() == NULL )
        mwWrite( "logfile: failed to open/create file '%s'\n", name );

** Try to free NML memory until a contiguous allocation of
** 'needed' bytes can be satisfied. If this is not enough
** and the 'urgent' parameter is nonzero, grabbed memory is
** also freed.
static size_t mwFreeUp( size_t needed, int urgent ) {
    void *p;
    mwData *mw, *mw2;
    char *data;

    /* free grabbed NML memory */
    for(;;) {
        if( mwDrop_( 1, MW_VAL_NML, 1 ) == 0 ) break;
        p = malloc( needed );
        if( p == NULL ) continue;
        free( p );
        return needed;

    /* free normal NML memory */
    mw = mwHead;
    while( mw != NULL ) {
        if( !(mw->flag & MW_NML) ) mw = mw->next;
        else {
            data = ((char*)(mw+1)) + sizeof(long);
            if( mwTestMem( data, mw->size, MW_VAL_NML ) ) {
                mwWrite( "wild pointer: <%ld> NoMansLand %p alloc'd at %s(%d)\n",
                    mw->count, data + sizeof(long), mw->file, mw->line );
            mw2 = mw->next;
            mwUnlink( mw, "mwFreeUp", 0 );
            free( mw );
            mw = mw2;
            p = malloc( needed );
            if( p == NULL ) continue;
            free( p );
            return needed;

    /* if not urgent (for internal purposes), fail */
    if( !urgent ) return 0;

    /* free grabbed memory */
    for(;;) {
        if( mwDrop_( 1, MW_VAL_GRB, 1 ) == 0 ) break;
        p = malloc( needed );
        if( p == NULL ) continue;
        free( p );
        return needed;

    return 0;

static const void * mwTestMem( const void *p, unsigned len, int c ) {
    const unsigned char *ptr;
    ptr = (const unsigned char *) p;
    while( len-- ) {
        if( *ptr != (unsigned char)c ) return (const void*)ptr;
        ptr ++;
    return NULL;

static int mwStrCmpI( const char *s1, const char *s2 ) {
    if( s1 == NULL || s2 == NULL ) return 0;
    while( *s1 ) {
        if( toupper(*s2) == toupper(*s1) ) { s1++; s2++; continue; }
        return 1;
    return 0;

#define AIPH() if( always_invoked ) { mwWrite("autocheck: <%ld> %s(%d) ", mwCounter, file, line ); always_invoked = 0; }

static int mwTestNow( const char *file, int line, int always_invoked ) {
    int retv = 0;
    mwData *mw;
    char *data;

    if( file && !always_invoked )
        mwWrite("check: <%ld> %s(%d), checking %s%s%s\n",
            mwCounter, file, line,
			(mwTestFlags & MW_TEST_CHAIN) ? "chain ": "",
		    (mwTestFlags & MW_TEST_ALLOC) ? "alloc ": "",
		    (mwTestFlags & MW_TEST_NML) ? "nomansland ": ""

    if( mwTestFlags & MW_TEST_CHAIN ) {
        for( mw = mwHead; mw; mw=mw->next ) {
			if( !mwIsSafeAddr(mw, sizeof(mwData)) ) {
				mwWrite("check: heap corruption detected\n");
				return retv + 1;
			if( mw->prev ) {
				if( !mwIsSafeAddr(mw->prev, sizeof(mwData)) ) {
					mwWrite("check: heap corruption detected\n");
					return retv + 1;
				if( mw==mwHead || mw->prev->next != mw ) {
					mwWrite("check: heap chain broken, prev link incorrect\n");
					retv ++;
			if( mw->next ) {
				if( !mwIsSafeAddr(mw->next, sizeof(mwData)) ) {
					mwWrite("check: heap corruption detected\n");
					return retv + 1;
				if( mw==mwTail || mw->next->prev != mw ) {
					mwWrite("check: heap chain broken, next link incorrect\n");
					retv ++;
			else if( mw!=mwTail ) {
				mwWrite("check: heap chain broken, tail incorrect\n");
				retv ++;
    if( mwTestFlags & MW_TEST_ALLOC ) {
        for( mw = mwHead; mw; mw=mw->next ) {
            if( mwTestBuf( mw, file, line ) ) retv ++;
    if( mwTestFlags & MW_TEST_NML ) {
        for( mw = mwHead; mw; mw=mw->next ) {
            if( (mw->flag & MW_NML) ) {
                data = ((char*)(mw+1)) + sizeof(long);
                if( mwTestMem( data, mw->size, MW_VAL_NML ) ) {
                    mwWrite( "wild pointer: <%ld> NoMansLand %p alloc'd at %s(%d)\n",
                        mw->count, data + sizeof(long), mw->file, mw->line );

	if( file && !always_invoked && !retv )
        mwWrite("check: <%ld> %s(%d), complete; no errors\n",
            mwCounter, file, line );
    return retv;

** Statistics

static void mwStatReport()
    mwStat* ms, *ms2;
    const char *modname;
    int modnamelen;

    /* global statistics report */
    mwWrite( "\nMemory usage statistics (global):\n" );
    mwWrite( " N)umber of allocations made: %ld\n", mwStatNumAlloc );
    mwWrite( " L)argest memory usage      : %ld\n", mwStatMaxAlloc );
    mwWrite( " T)otal of all alloc() calls: %ld\n", mwStatTotAlloc );
    mwWrite( " U)nfreed bytes totals      : %ld\n", mwStatCurAlloc );

    if( mwStatLevel < 1 ) return;

    /* on a per-module basis */
    mwWrite( "\nMemory usage statistics (detailed):\n");
    mwWrite( " Module/Line                                Number   Largest  Total    Unfreed \n");
    for( ms=mwStatList; ms; ms=ms->next )
        if( ms->line == -1 )
			if( ms->file == NULL || !mwIsReadAddr(ms->file,22) ) modname = "<unknown>";
			else modname = ms->file;
			modnamelen = strlen(modname);
			if( modnamelen > 42 )
				modname = modname + modnamelen - 42;

            mwWrite(" %-42s %-8ld %-8ld %-8ld %-8ld\n",
            	modname, ms->num, ms->max, ms->total, ms->curr );
            if( ms->file && mwStatLevel > 1 )
                for( ms2=mwStatList; ms2; ms2=ms2->next )
                    if( ms2->line!=-1 && ms2->file!=NULL && !mwStrCmpI( ms2->file, ms->file ) )
					mwWrite( "  %-8d                                  %-8ld %-8ld %-8ld %-8ld\n",
						ms2->line, ms2->num, ms2->max, ms2->total, ms2->curr );

static mwStat* mwStatGet( const char *file, int line, int makenew ) {
    mwStat* ms;

    if( mwStatLevel < 2 ) line = -1;

    for( ms=mwStatList; ms!=NULL; ms=ms->next ) {
        if( line != ms->line ) continue;
        if( file==NULL ) {
            if( ms->file == NULL ) break;
        if( ms->file == NULL ) continue;
        if( !strcmp( ms->file, file ) ) break;

    if( ms != NULL ) return ms;

    if( !makenew ) return NULL;

    ms = (mwStat*) malloc( sizeof(mwStat) );
    if( ms == NULL ) {
        if( mwFreeUp( sizeof(mwStat), 0 ) < sizeof(mwStat) ||
            (ms=(mwStat*)malloc(sizeof(mwStat))) == NULL ) {
            mwWrite("internal: memory low, statistics incomplete for '%s'\n", file );
            return NULL;
    ms->file = file;
    ms->line = line;
    ms->total = 0L;
    ms->max = 0L;
    ms->num = 0L;
    ms->curr = 0L;
    ms->next = mwStatList;
    mwStatList = ms;
    return ms;

static void mwStatAlloc( size_t size, const char* file, int line ) {
    mwStat* ms;

    /* update the module statistics */
    ms = mwStatGet( file, -1, 1 );
    if( ms != NULL ) {
        ms->total += (long) size;
        ms->curr += (long) size;
        ms->num ++;
        if( ms->curr > ms->max ) ms->max = ms->curr;

    /* update the line statistics */
    if( mwStatLevel > 1 && line != -1 && file ) {
        ms = mwStatGet( file, line, 1 );
        if( ms != NULL ) {
            ms->total += (long) size;
            ms->curr += (long) size;
            ms->num ++;
            if( ms->curr > ms->max ) ms->max = ms->curr;


static void mwStatFree( size_t size, const char* file, int line ) {
    mwStat* ms;

    /* update the module statistics */
    ms = mwStatGet( file, -1, 1 );
    if( ms != NULL ) ms->curr -= (long) size;

    /* update the line statistics */
    if( mwStatLevel > 1 && line != -1 && file ) {
        ms = mwStatGet( file, line, 1 );
        if( ms != NULL ) ms->curr -= (long) size;

#if 0 /* 980317: disabled C++ */

** C++ new & delete

#ifdef __cplusplus

int mwNCur = 0;
const char *mwNFile = NULL;
int mwNLine = 0;

class MemWatch {

MemWatch::MemWatch() {
    if( mwInited ) return;
    mwUseAtexit = 0;

MemWatch::~MemWatch() {
    if( mwUseAtexit ) return;

** This global new will catch all 'new' calls where MEMWATCH is
** not active.
void* operator new( unsigned size ) {
    mwNCur = 0;
    return mwMalloc( size, "<unknown>", 0 );

** This is the new operator that's called when a module uses mwNew.
void* operator new( unsigned size, const char *file, int line ) {
    mwNCur = 0;
    return mwMalloc( size, file, line );

** Since this delete operator will recieve ALL delete's
** even those from within libraries, we must accept
** delete's before we've been initialized. Nor can we
** reliably check for wild free's if the mwNCur variable
** is not set.
void operator delete( void *p ) {
    if( p == NULL ) return;
    if( !mwInited ) {
        free( p );
    if( mwNCur ) {
        mwFree( p, mwNFile, mwNLine );
        mwNCur = 0;
    mwFree_( p );

#endif /* MEMWATCH_NOCPP */
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#endif /* 980317: disabled C++ */