$Id: ChangeLog_2001,v 1.1 2002/06/01 13:55:40 mbroek Exp $

	MBSEBBS History in 2001.

v0.33.16	07-Jan-2001

		Edit the crontab to comment out the lines with run_inout,
		mailer and mbstat check.
		Compile the sources.
		Stop the bbs, kill mbsed.
		Install the new binaries.
		Start the bbs as root with the new init script. It will be
		in some init.d subdirectory depending on your distribution.
		If you can't find it, reboot.
		If you want to start using the newsgate, run mbfido news -learn
		the first time to learn which articles there are.
		Edit menu item 1.14.3 and check that it's empty if you don't
		use it.

		Removed the lines that ware replaced by the mbtask program.

		Changed binkd into binkp because binkp is the official protocol
		Corrected a problem installing on a system without shadow
		Removed the part where the init scripts are installed. They
		are now in a new script in the script directory.

		New function Syslogp, to log unformatted strings, the normal
		formatted string logfunction did hang sometimes when logging
		strings containing the % character.
		Improved some error messages in the NNTP and SMTP connections.

		Protected uniq_list and sort_list against NULL pointers.
                Handles the error strings now if there is a $ at the start
                of an logstring. This was only in the daemon but that didn't
                give the right errorstrings. Nobody noticed this error has
                been here from the beginning.
                Protected the chkftnmsgid function from NULL input.

		Dupe checking databases are now loaded in memory when needed
		and written to disk only once when ready.

		Two new global switches, don't regate and allow control
		Changed the maptab cp437__iso-8859-1 to translate 8bits dos 
		graphics to 7bits characters to make all fancy dos like 
		textboxes more readable on Unix systems.
		New setup parameters for UUCP newsfeeds.
		Added support for the PPC cpu.

		New daemon. Takes over the functions of the run_inout and
		mailer scripts. This program launches every program needed
		to run the bbs. It will also check Zone Mail Hour.

		Corrected a spelling error in the program header.
		Made the userlog full transparant.
		Fixed a memory leak in the userlog function.
		Changed file locking of mbsed status files to use fcntl()
		instead of placing lockfiles. 

		Protected the rfcmsgid function against NULL input. 
		Build some protection against too long lines in ftn messages
		that were gated from rfc and regated to news.
		Removed a lot of #ifdef statements for gating behaviour and
		made a lot of code permamenent.
		Original code for #ifdef ALLOW_CONTROL and DONT_REGATE is now
		under control of configuration settings.
		Forwarded files had an old copyright message in the tic files.
		When sending messages to the SNMP or NNTP servers a line with
		only a dot in it will be sent as a space and a dot to prevent
		that the server thinks it's the end of the message.
		When sending or forwarding messages to a destination with a
		routevia address, the arcmail will be packed with the flavor
		of the new destination node.
		Magic execute uses the exec call now instead of the system
		call, the programs to execute must now be in MBSE_ROOT/bin or
		it will fail.
		If a MSGID is missing the dupecheck includes the message text 
		in the dupecheck. (Redy).
		Local posted echomail gated to news has now the right From: 
		address format and the right UTC time.
		Imported news messages had an AREA: line in the message text.
		Gating news to echomail doesn't crash anymore. Fixed several
		bugs to make this finally work.
		During gating news to echomail the mbmon program now displays
		what is going on.
		Added usleep code during news scanning.
		The program is now installed setuid mbse and setgid bbs. This
		allows it to be called by other users as mbse.
		New commandline, uucp. This allows mbfido to process incoming
		uucp newsbatches. Call it from uucp by:
		cat newsbatch | /opt/mbse/bin/mbfido uucp -quiet    or
		cat newsbatch | /opt/mbse/bin/mbnews
		It will handle compressed and uncompressed newsbatches.
		If a scanned netmail should be send via your own UUCP gate, the
		message will be handled further by the ExportEmail function.
		All other UUCP destinations will be send via the remote UUCP
		News articles that need to be send via NNTP are now first stored
		in a temporary file. At the end of the mbfido run it will try
		to post these articles. If it fails (newsserver down), the temp
		file stays for a later try.
		Added newsserver options for submitting articles via rnews and
		to an UUCP remote host.
		Added alias database again that was in the original ifmail.
		Made a universal email post function.
		Removed sourcefiles addos.*, they were not used.
		If in configuration the root for the html pages is blank, then
		no html pages will be created.
		Netmail send to "ping" are bounced back to the sender if your
		system is the final destination. If such a netmail is passing
		thrue, the receiver is notified (trace). All ^aVia lines are
		added to the replies. Systems running MBSE 0.33.16 and up may
		now add the PING flag to the nodelist.

		If there is no Organization header, the BBS default origin
		line will be used.
		Removed a lot of #ifdef statements for gating behaviour and
		made a lot of code permamenent.
		Original code for #ifdef ALLOW_CONTROL and DONT_REGATE is
		now under control of configuration settings.
		The packet routing is now determined using the mail tracker.
		The point of splitting large messages is now set at the point
		from the setup instead of hardcoded at 12 Kbytes.
		The program is now installed setuid mbse and setgid bbs so that
		braindead MTA's can still deliver mail to the Fidonet.
		Mail for users at your own bbs is now imported into the netmail
		Added REPLYTO: REPLYADDR: and MSGID: kludges if these where
		not yet present in the message.
		Added alias database again that was in the original ifmail.

		In menu 1.13 added allow control and don't regate setup.
		In all menus the default prompt selection is now "-" instead 
		of "0", so just pressing enter will leave from a menu.
		When editing a new message area the area is automatic made 
		active when you assign a group to the area.
		Most databases now create default records the first time.
		The sitedoc pages for the tty lines were to big for each
		printed page.
		Splitted menu 1.13 in a Fidonet and Internet part, added setup
		parameters for UUCP newsfeeds.
		In the services setup the UUCP/Email entry is now added for
		first time installations.

		In all menus the default prompt selection is now "-" instead 
		of "0", so just pressing enter will leave from a menu.

		Fixed the helpscreen.

		Removed the check command, this is now done by the mbtask 

		Doesn't use tmpnam anymore during execute magic request.
		The openfile function doesn't use tempnam anymore if a filename
		is created after 62 name bumps.
		When searching for a matching aka and your first aka is
		disabled the first active aka is used as default.
		The closefile function doesn't use the tempnam function anymore.

		When posting news articles when not permament connected to the
		internet, the From address will be Fido style.
		Messages for offline packets are now packed using the 
		following tests:
		- If area is netmail then only personal messages are 
		  included (unchanged).
		- If area is not netmail, and msg-kinds are private then 
		  only personal messages are included.
		- If area is not netmail, and msg-kinds are both (pvt/pub) 
		  then personal messages and messages without pvt flag are 
		- Otherwhise all messages are included in the packet. 
		Removed debug messages for the POP3 protocol.

		Fixed a compile problem on systems without shadow passwords.
		Thanks to Mario Mure.
		Corrected a missing library in salt.c
		Corrected a missing conditional header file in encrypt.c

		Wrote wrong CHRS kludge in the post function.

		Warns about empty file areas during kill files.

v0.33.17        21-May-2001

		Compile the sources. 
		Stop the bbs using the init script mbsed as root:
		  Slackware 7.0 and older: /opt/mbse/etc/rc.shutdown
		  Slackware 7.1 and newer: /etc/rc.d/init.d/mbsed stop
		  RedHat and Mandrake:     /etc/rc.d/init.d/mbsed stop
		  SuSE:                    /sbin/init.d/mbsed stop
		  Debian:                  /etc/init.d/mbsebbs stop
		Install the new programs. 
		Start the bbs using the examples above and use the word start.
		Use mbsetup menu 1.18 to change the Zone Mail Hour if you are 
		not in Fidonet zone 2.

		The daemon mbsed is now obsolete, all these functions are now
		in the mbtask daemon. For client/server communications Unix 
		Datagram sockets are used instead of TCP stream sockets.
		Italian language added, translated by nervous@nervous.it
		Spanish language added, translated by Redy Rodriguez.
		JAM messagebase locking is now according to the JAM specs.

		Added fsc-0088, fts-4001 and a page to describe the use of a
		UPS with MBSE BBS.
		Updated documentation to show all changes.
		Added in file area setup and message area setup the description
		of the global commands.

		Removed installing mbse as port in /etc/services

		The diskfree check now ignores a mounted filesystem at /boot
		because that filesystem is usually small and not needed by 
		The diskfree check should support reiserfs now (not tested).
		Code and logging cleanup in packet.c

		Removed debug logging from the dupes databases.

		When an NNRP server asked for authentication after the first
		command instead of after connect, the user authentication 
		wasn't started.

		Obsolete and removed.

		Does all things mbsed used to do, it uses Unix Datagram sockets
		to communicate with the clients.
		If IP addresses to test are entered in the setup it will check
		if the internet connection is available with ICMP ping.
                Added Internet connection status, system running status and
                system load average to the GSTA command for mbmon.
		Create's the file ~/etc/config.data if it doesn't exist and
		fills it with default parameters.
		Note: the internet connection status is for future use.

		The pktdate logresult is now only displayed if there was 
		something wrong.
		The Checkdupe fallback logmessage is removed.
		Corrected a small bug in the news to echomail gate to get the 
		correct replyto and replyaddr kludges in the messages.
		Changed the tosspkt messages read functions back to the way it
		was so the namefield may be exactly 36 characters long excluding
		the null terminator.
		The PING function didn't work if the message came from a node
		not in the setup.
		The PING reply now has a Re: prepended.
		The scannews function now acts better on nntp error conditions.
		Local posted echomail dropped the subject when it was gated to
		If imported netmail doesn't have a FMPT kludge and there is
		pointinfo in the MSGID line, the pointinfo is taken from the
		MSGID line.
		Improved the TRACE message of the PING function to make it
		more clear that it is a TRACE message.
		The PING reply now uses the aka from address that was original
		the destination address instead of the matched aka in the
		reply message.
		Added a hack to try to process .tic files that are not lowercase
		Added support for a system alias file to convert fidonet
		addresses to RFC addresses.
		In the mbnews function the tests for the headers Newsgroups: 
		and Message-ID: are now case insensitive.
		File attaches with the leave case option set did not get the
		TFS or KFS flags set in the attachement.

		Removed some debugging logmessages.

		Removed some unnecessary logmessages.

		When viewing the bbs lastcaller list the clock wasn't updated.
		The <host> commandline option doesn't work anymore because we
		now use Unix Datagram sockets to communicate with the server,
		so we must be on the same system.
		Added Internet status, running status and system load average
		to the Server Statistics screen.
		Minor adjustments to the screen layout of the Filesystem Usage

		Sends the correct IsDoing information to mbtask during sort and

		Added setup screen for the task manager.
		Some menus didn't have the default "-" character in the prompt.
		The language setup now adds Italian and Spanish on new 
		In main system aka's shortened the domain names from 12 to 11
		characters length to prevent SIGSEGV in mbsetup.
		Improved help messages when editing aka's.
		Corrected chapter numbering in sitedoc.
		Changed page layout sitedoc 8.1
		Removed initialisation of ~/etc/config.data, this is now in
		In golded.inc AKAMATCHECHO is no YES.
		In golded.inc writing the AKAMATCH aka's other then fidonet
		didn't really match the aka's, the main aka was written instead.

		Removed two redundant log messages.

		The program wrote mbfido instead of mbmail in the logfile.

		During login with two names the second name now also checks
		for empty responses from the user.
		Removed some IEMSI debugging messages.
		Removed the timeleft debug message.
		Removed logmessage if no newfiles were found.
		Removed rendunant log message abount start newfiles scan.
		Removed logmessage if no newmail was found.
		Removed debug email setarea message.
		The list of languages to select is now divided in two columns.
		The message to sysop function now doesn't quote and doesn't 
		write "Sysop wrote to ..." anymore. Thanks to Harald Wuensch.
		The program now uses umask(007) instead of umask(000)
		In the displayfile function the ^B syntax (show text above
		sec. level) is now: ^B<level>^B<text to display>^B without
		the < and > characters. Thanks to Harald Wuensch.
		Removed (press enter to Quit) from language prompt 379 since
		there is no default choice.
		Adjusted a lot of strings for filenames and paths to PATH_MAX
		in stead of 80 characters length.
		Moved the Nopper call in the fullscreen editor to a place were
		it always should work.

		The session debug logmessages are set to the special loglevel.
		Implemented EMSI-II, FSC-0088.
		When calling a TCP/IP node with hostname in nodelist system
		name and a valid phonenumber, and if the hostname could not
		be resolved, mbcico would dialout and try to establish a
		TCP/IP session over the modem connection. Now the TCP/IP
		flags are cleared and mbcico will fallback to valid old style
		phone sessions.
		In binkp added the M_NUL PHN and M_NUL OPM to log if they are 
		received from the remote. We also send these flags.
		In binkp we now always send and empty dataframe after a file
		is sent, most binkp implementations need this to detect EOF.
		We don't log received empty frames anymore, we just drop them.

		Added check that username and password may not be longer then
		16 characters.
		Fixed the error message on some systems about USERGROUPS_ENAB.

		Error messages now go to stderr.
		Increased stringslength of some internal variables to PATH_MAX.
		Check all arguments that they are no longer then 80 characters.
		The user is now the owner of his homedir. In this homedir a
		directory Maildir with subdirs cur, new and tmp are created, 
		also owned by the user. Some MTA's need this (Qmail).
		Doesn't create the .hushlogin file anymore, not needed.

		Now runs umask(007)

		If users at the end of the userbase are deleted and the database
		should be truncated, these users were not removed from the Unix
		system and their homedirectories weren't removed also.
		Added a check to see if the sysop defined in the main config
		also exists in the user database because these two must match.

		Added the semafore command to set internal mbtask semafore's.

		Corrected a bug for Slackware 7.0.0 were the wrong initscripts
		were installed.

		Replaced the internet menu and txtfiles with versions that work
		with the current menu structure.

v0.33.18        27-Jul-2001

		The development team now has five members and the sources are
		on sourceforge's cvs server.
		Changed the name to MBSE BBS for Unix instead of Linux.
		This version is ported but not well tested to FreeBSD.

		In your Mail Transport Agent (if you use it) replace the line
		"mbmail -r <nexthop> (recipients)" to mbmail "(recipients)".
		In postfix this is in the master.cf file.
		With mbsetup menu 1.3.8 fill in the path to the *.msg path.

		New, maintained by P.E. Kimble aka King Kimerud

		Added Galego language by Redy Rodriguez.
		Corrected Spanish language.

		Doesn't create .huslogin anymore for user bbs.
		Script does now work on FreeBSD but needs bash.

		Corrected some defines in parsedate.c to include/exclude the
		right code.
		Changed the rawio to termios style instead of termio.
		Added ufs filesystem as normal filesystem to the diskfree 

		When locking the JAM messagebase failed due to a lock error
		nothing was logged and the error was not flagged.

		Removed the subdirectory for this not finished program. It may
		or may not return later.

		Filefind replies had a wrong ^aREPLY kludge.
		Rewrote a lot of code so that similar functions are only once
		present. This will make bughunting and maintaining much easier.
		Scanned netmail from point addresses created with GoldED are 
		now always checked for missing FMPT, TOPT and INTL kludges and
		they are inserted when missing.
		The checkdupe switch also work in uucp mode (mbnews).
		The code for mbmail is now merged into mbfido. A symlink from
		mbmail to mbfido is created to let mbfido run in mail mode.
		The syntax to call mbmail is changed.
		Implemented processing ^aFLAGS for received netmail (FSC-0053).

		Obsolete, the functions are now in mbfido.

		Removed all references to the Memwatch debugger, mbtask is oke
		but the debugger fills up the harddisk (very fast).
		Does now respond again to external semafore's mailout, mailin
		and scanout in the semafore directory.
		Removes stale socket file if found.
		Runs mbsetup init if config.data is created on new systems.
		Fixed a SIGBUS fault for Sparc systems

		Added CLOSE_SESSIONS and ENV_ROOTPATH to getdef to prevent new
		user error messages on some distributions.
		Ported to work on FreeBSD.

		Patched by Ken Bowley to prevent a crash when the 300 baud 
		field is the last item on the nodelist line.

		Changed the rawio to termios style instead of termio.
		Shows the OS name in the info screen.

		Shows the OS name in the info screen.
		Creates default tty records with tty names for the right
		OS (I hope).
		Fixed a bug in the menu editor, deleted menus were not really
		Added setup items for the menu Display colors.
		Added a no suid switch to the menu for doors.
		Added setup for *.msg directory in menu 1.3.
		When changing the number of newfiles groups, the newfiles
		reports database is converted on the fly.
		All path variables now have a length of PATH_MAX.
		When mbsetup is started, all databases not present are created
		and when needed filled with default records.
		There is now one possible commandline parameter: init. This
		should be used only once (but doesn't hurt if run more then
		once) on a new installation.
		A check is build in that mbsetup is started by user mbse.
		Fixed segfault error during exit of mbsetup when writing the
		golded.inc file when the bbs is more or less unconfigured.
		The file golded.inc is now only rewritten if changes are made
		to the main configuration, fidonet data or message areas.
		Added default archiver record for the Russian ARJ archiver.

		Renamed sendfile function in zmsend.c to sendzfile to prevent a
		conflict with an existing library call on FreeBSD.
		Removed some debug logmessages.
		The filerquest response message doesn't use the tmpnam function
		anymore, this was the last one of the unsafe tmpnam calls.

		Removed some compiler warnings on some systems.

		Removed some compiler warnings on some systems.
		Added menu Display lines.
		Added menu item 21, display text only.
		When a user has no download files limit and no download Kbytes
		limit he may download unlimited.
		When a user has no timelimit set in the limits, he will get
		a 24 hours session limit.
		The written door.sys file now has EOF character at the end.
		The written door.sys file now has a : after the comport.
		Executing doors in nosuid mode (as real user) is now possible.
		This can be switched on using mbsetup. Info will be in FAQ.
		Fixed security problem in Unix username and password entry.
		Now stoped nicely if started without controling tty.
		Many bugs fixed in the full screen editor.
		Last line of message is no longer deleted when saving message.
		Segfault problem with deleting characters fixed.
		Improved word wrapping. (still needs work)
		Reduced amount of debug logging messages in editor.

		Ported to work on FreeBSD.

		Ported to work on FreeBSD.

		All path string variables are now of length PATH_MAX.
		Added list file areas.

		Removed list file areas.

		Upgraded the FTSC documents to the current state.

v0.33.19        26-Oct-2001

		Announce any new files you might have. If you run mbtoberep
		it should display no data anymore.
		Change the file /opt/mbse/etc/issue like the example in the
		subdirectory mbtask.
		Change the shell for user "bbs" to /opt/mbse/bin/mbnewusr
		The make install fixes several permissions that are wrong for
		the new style (not setuid) of mbsebbs.
		Remove /opt/mbse/etc/maint to let it replace with a new
		version, or change it by hand.
		On RedHat, Mandrake or e-smith systems remove the existing
		start and stop commands with the runlevel editor, they will
		be installed with other values when the system is installed.
		If you forget this then mbsebbs will start and stop twice.
		After compilation and installation run "mbfile check" to
		update all file entries in the files database. This give a lot
		of output in the logfile, don't worry about it.
		In mbsetup 18 (task manager) set the fields 18, 19 and 20 to
		the right values of your system. Also consider the setting
		of field 13, set it to Yes if you cannot have a internet
		connection at the same time when normal dial to fidonet is
		needed. All other users, (more modems, cable/ADSL etc) set
		this to No.
		Fill in the right IP addresses in fields 11 and 12 of your
		ISP's nameservers. If you don't have internet, fill these
		with and as dummy addresses.
		Change the startup program in /etc/inetd.conf for telnet if
		you previously used mbsebbs to mblogin.
		Change the default login program in mgetty's login.config to
		* - - /opt/mbse/bin/mblogin @

		Made the Makefile system more simple. The bbs program now
		doesn't run setuid anymore! This makes the system more secure.
		A new program, mblogin, is written to allow logins with
		Fidonet style names from mgetty and telnetd. This is a login
		replacement for bbs use only. Normal shell users can't login,
		not even root!
		On FreeBSD the installed files are not removed anymore from
		the source tree.
		Added German language file made by Harald Wuensch.
		The mbtask daemon now handles the calling of Fidonet nodes.
		The sourcetree has now a new subdirectory called unix. Here
		are all the system specific programs such as mbpasswd,
		mblogin and mbuseradd.
		Started NetBSD port, is in testing fase.
		Added support for xinetd.
		Fixed filemodes for some directories and data files.

		Better grep to check for existing usernames like bbs, mbse.
		Ported to NetBSD.
		Added support for xinetd configuration.
		Changed distribution test for Mandrake.
		Changed to recognize the e-smith server based on RedHat.
		If system runs xinetd instead of inetd, the configuration for
		xinetd is updated with info for mbsebbs.

		Changed to recognize the e-smith server based on RedHat.
		On RedHat, Mandrake and e-smith systems the symlinks to start
		and stop the bbs are now added.
		Reorganized the init scripts.

		When adding seenby entries, the zone number is copied from the
		previous adress just like with the net numbers. This is for
		old style tic files, they were not full 3d.
		Fixes for Sparc systems.
		The nodelist information now also holds the Txx flags.
		The mkdirs function now needs a mode parameter for directory
		The filesystem space check is now reliable on FreeBSD and 

		Changed language prompts 6, 71, 429.
		Added language prompts 472 and 473 for FS editor.
		Added language prompts 474, 475 and 476 for address entry.
		Added language prompts 477 and 478 for post with user alias.
		Deleted language prompts 387, 388, 389, 390

		Changed menu setup.mnu and textfiles setup.* to show the new
		setup entries for the users.

		Changed usereditor, new layout, added new settings and
		changed password reset function. The system password is
		now also updated.
		Added setup item for menus 317 and 318.
		Changed the order of menu 1, global settings. The screens are
		now in a more logical order for a first system setup.
		Most datafiles are now saved mode 0640 exept the files that
		need to be rewritten by users, they have mode 0660.
		The filemodes are always checked and corrected during startup.
		In the file database editor the default choice was 0 in stead
		of -.
		When a file area is made unavailable in menu 8.4, first the
		files in that area area checked. If there are none, the area
		is completly removed, including paths, indexes and database.
		When an new area is made available, the database is created.
		The AREADEF lines in golded.inc now contain the aka to use
		instead of a dot.
		Fixes for Sparc systems.
		Now logs in the normal system logfile.
		On new systems it will now also create one filearea, three
		default mail areas, a newfilereport and the groups belonging
		to these areas. Also 10 oneliners are installed.
		Changed help for nodes billing flag.
		Changed users password length to 14 characters instead of 12.
		When you make a tty line available, some settings are
		automatic set to reasonable defaults.
		The color editor now has a rangecheck.
		Rewrote calling of the color editor for Sparc systems.
		Added setup items in global and message areas to limit the
		fetching of newsgroups headers.
		The edit field now shows the contents correctly if the field
		contains the % character.
		In several menus after leaving a edit record records were
		displayed from start again, now shows last screen.
		When editing a node's connected file/mail groups it can now
		handle more then 40 groups without messing up the screen.
		Fixed area selection in filedatabase editor.
		Protected help string display for boolean edit against buffer
		Menu 5.1.14, helpstring was too long, causing a buffer
		overflow without the previous protection.

		Added menu 317, change FS editor shortcut keys to (Emacs/
		Wordstar) style. This has no effect on the editor for now.
		Added menu 318, change users address.
		Added control-U 4, ON/OFF for FS edit Emacs shortcut keys.
		Now updates the lastcaller information when a call is finished
		and now also sets all the action bits what the user has been
		doing. Also time online is correct now.
		Added control-U 5, 6, 7, display users address lines 1, 2
		and 3.
		If a user doesn't have a .signature file in his homedir, a
		simple one will be created.
		If a user saves a new message at the bbs, the message will be
		signed using the .signature file.
		Patches from Bobby Cabral:
		- Fixed display file with more that stopped after every line.
		- Added display file "mainlogo" before the "welcome" file.
		- Added display files "welcome2..9" after "welcome1" file.
		Posting message with users alias is now possible.
		If in menu entries "Display prompt" the fore and background
		colors are set, the prompt is displayed with these colors.
		If not, the prompt defaults to white on black. 
		Does now run as the users uid, not suid anymore. You are not
		able to login with Fidonet style name anymore, the mblogin
		program does this. Removed IEMSI support, this has no use 
		anymore. New users need to register with the mbnewuser 
		program, mbsebbs is only for registered users. This should 
		fix all kinds of setuid and security problems with previous 
		In the door.sys files is now a nodenumber written. This is
		actually the tty record number.
		QuickScan messages in netmail areas now only shows personal
		The whoson list now uses mbtask to get the information.
		The users exitinfo file is now stored in his homedirectory
		with mode 0600.
		A lot of code rewrites to make it more modular.
		The bbs datafiles that users create now have mode 0660.
		The file taglists now work internally with long and short
		The file listings are displayed with the short filenames.
		Download files are sent with short filenames.
		File search is done on long and short filenames.
		Uploaded files are accepted with long filenames, the short
		name is created when the upload is processed.
		The virus scan after files upload tried also to use scanners
		that were not available.
		The upload virus file scan now also scans files that are not
		known archives. Should catch macro viri and worms.
		The file CRC is now set when importing an uploaded file.
		Fixed quote initials of the original user containing a space
		character if there was a dot followed by a space in the users
		If Ask Date of Birth is not set in the configuration the user
		can't change his date of birth and his age is 0 years. You
		should not disable this if you restrict access to some file
		areas if you want to test the users age. Also the age in the
		users record is invalid.
		Fixes for Sparc systems.
		System calls for archivers and virus scanners are replaced
		with execute.
		During startup the username is tried from the environment
		variables LOGNAME and USER.
		Added some automatic file permission corrections.

		New program, run by user bbs. This is only to register a new
		bbs user. Should be started by the bbs account.
		Ask Date of Birth now only is asked if set in configuration.
		Fixes for Sparc systems.

		Added more checks to see if it's legal invoked.
		Password change on FreeBSD finally works.
		Moved to new sourcetree.
		Ported to NetBSD.

		New program. Replaces standard login, allows Fidonet style
		usernames. Has it's own login.defs file.

		Undefined IEMSI support since mbsebbs doesn't support it 
		Filerequest responses are now created with long filenames.
		When sending files, if the remote has the FNC link flag, the
		filename is mangled to DOS 8.3 format when transmitted.
		File request response messages now display the long and
		short filename in the reply.
		Filerequest response messages now have a random quote added.
		The binkp driver now sends 8.3 mangled filenames if that 
		option is set for the remote node in the setup.
		The hydra driver now sends 8.3 mangled filenames and long
		filenames as specified in the specs.
		Corrected the location of the modem lockfile on FreeBSD.
		Fixes for Sparc systems.
		When a session fails, the node status retry time is current
		time + random dial delay time. Needed for mbtask.

		Fixes for Linux Sparc systems.
		The node query now displays the system open times (Txx) flags.
		The node query now also displays the CM,MO flags etc.

		Changed to handle the External Doors flag in the lastcaller
		On new systems, ~/etc/config.data and ~/etc/task.data are
		created with mode 0640.
		On new systems, the DOS path isn't set anymore by default,
		most people don't need it.
		Starting utilities is now more relaxed using a 3 seconds
		pause timer. Fixed some potential Sparc problems.
		On new systems, all paths for MBSE are now created in the
		/opt/mbse root.
		When scanning outbound, flags are set if flo or mail pkt files
		are present.
		When the internet connection status changes, the outbound is
		Implemented Txx nodelist flags, FSC-0062.
		Added code to see which nodes could be called depending on
		outbound status, nodelist flags etc. Experimental.
		Added code to do outbound calling, experimental. Calling
		systems in parallel is now possible.
		Creates the semafore do_inet if there is an internet node to
		call even if there's no internet connection. Removes this
		semafore if there are no internet nodes to call. This can be
		used by ppp scripts to see if there is work and when there is
		no more work to do. Not important for permament connected
		Made the FreeBSD and NetBSD disk status calls reliable now
		that I know how to really get the mounted filesystems.
		The system load value is implemented on FreeBSD and NetBSD.

		Changed the lastcaller screen to display the External Door
		When lastcaller info is scrolling, the lines are first proper
		Fixes for Sparc systems.
		Added support for display do_inet semafore in menu 2.

		Corrected header in logfile for pack function.
		Fixes for Sparc systems.

		Removed users import, could not work anymore.

		When running in mbmail mode, it will try to get the lock on
		the program for 10 minutes before aborting and waits until
		another mbfido program is ready.
		Fixed the problem that the KillSent flag was set on processed
		Reset the KillSent and Hold flags when storing netmail in the
		message base.
		The tic file import function now sorts and tests on long file-
		names, with the new mangle function an DOS 8.3 filename is
		also stored in the file database.
		For all files received in tic area, the crc of the tic area
		name is stored in the filerecord. This is for the future 
		rescan option.
		Implemented long filenames with hatch. Now uses ticfile key-
		word Fullname for the long filename.
		Fixes for Sparc systems.
		File forwarding now really depends on the downlink billing
		Now limits fetching of newsheaders according to area setting.
		Added the Size parameter to the tic files, this appeared to
		be missing since a while.
		Fixes for Fido->internet gate for dropped characters during
		linewrap. Experimental.
		Added netmail bounce function.
		Protected the postemail function from posting to local FTN
		addresses, this will cause a mailloop for undeliverable mail.
		These mails will be bounced back.

		During checks the file databases are reset to filemode 0660.
		Implemented "mbfile adopt" function.
		Started working on long filename support. The real name on
		disk is the long filename, the database records also holds
		an uppercase mangled 8.3 filename. In most cases this is just
		the same name in upper and lowercase. Name mangling like Win$
		is performed on the long filenames.
		Implemented "mbfile import" function, this imports complete
		areas from files.bbs information.
		Added "mbfile toberep" function, this gives an overview of the
		toberep database. The program mbtoberep does this as well, but
		that one gives a complete dump and is for developer use.
		The "mbfile index" function now also writes files.bbs files,
		the index.html files for http download and 00index files in
		all available areas. The files.bbs files have download
		counters included.
		The mbfile check function now converts the short filenames
		to DOS 8.3 filenames. (The first time this logs lots of
		The mbfile list function now gives a listing of the contents
		of a file area if the area number is given as argument.
		Implemented "mbfile move" command. You can only move one file
		at the same time.
		Implemented "mbfile delete" and "mbfile undelete" commands.
		The command mbfile check now removes obsolete file databases.
		Fixes for Sparc systems.
		Fixed index screens to prevent negative totals with large
		Added standard doctype header and commentline to the html 
		The mbfile check function deletes double filerecords in the

		The index function is now obsolete, this is added to mbfile.
		You may need to adjust your scripts that call "mball index".
		Fixes for Sparc systems.
		Fixed to prevent negative values with large filebases.

		Fixes for Sparc systems.
		Fix for large filebases, could not run longer then 10 minutes.

		Fixes for Sparc systems.

		Fixes for Sparc systems.

		Obsolete and removed from the distribution. The function is
		now in mbfile.

		Removed from the distribution. Thanks to Johannes Lundberg,
		2:206/149@fidonet to let us use his program until mbfile could
		take over.