# Makefile for the mbsetup.
# Copyright (c) 1997-2001 by M. Broek.
# $Id$

include ../Makefile.global

SRCS		= grlist.c m_domain.c m_fgroup.c m_lang.c m_marea.c m_new.c \
		  m_protocol.c m_ticarea.c mbsetup.c ledit.c m_farea.c m_fido.c \
		  m_limits.c m_menu.c m_ngroup.c m_service.c m_tty.c mutil.c m_archive.c \
		  m_fdb.c m_global.c m_magic.c m_mgroup.c m_node.c m_task.c m_users.c \
		  screen.c m_bbs.c m_ff.c m_hatch.c m_mail.c m_modem.c m_ol.c m_tic.c \
		  m_virus.c stlist.c
HDRS		= grlist.h m_domain.h m_fgroup.h m_lang.h m_marea.h m_new.h m_protocol.h \
		  m_ticarea.h mutil.h ledit.h m_farea.h m_fido.h m_limits.h m_menu.h \
		  m_ngroup.h m_service.h m_tty.h screen.h m_archive.h m_fdb.h m_global.h \
		  m_magic.h m_mgroup.h m_node.h m_task.h m_users.h stlist.h m_bbs.h m_ff.h \
		  m_hatch.h m_mail.h m_modem.h m_ol.h m_tic.h m_virus.h
OBJS		= grlist.o m_domain.o m_fgroup.o m_lang.o m_marea.o m_new.o m_protocol.o \
		  m_ticarea.o mbsetup.o ledit.o m_farea.o m_fido.o m_limits.o m_menu.o \
		  m_ngroup.o m_service.o m_tty.o mutil.o m_archive.o m_fdb.o m_global.o \
		  m_magic.o m_mgroup.o m_node.o m_task.o m_users.o screen.o m_bbs.o m_ff.o \
		  m_hatch.o m_mail.o m_modem.o m_ol.o m_tic.o m_virus.o stlist.o
LIBS		+= ../lib/libmemwatch.a ../lib/libclcomm.a ../lib/libcommon.a ../lib/libmsgbase.a ../lib/libdbase.a
OTHER		= Makefile


		${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${INCLUDES} ${DEFINES} -c $<

all:		mbsetup

mbsetup:	${OBJS} ${LIBS}
		${CC} -o mbsetup ${OBJS} ${LIBS}
		strip mbsetup

		rm -f mbsetup *.o *.h~ *.c~ core filelist Makefile.bak

install:	all
		${INSTALL} -c -s -g ${GROUP} -o ${OWNER} -m ${MODE} mbsetup ${BINDIR}

filelist:	Makefile
		BASE=`pwd`; \
		BASE=`basename $${BASE}`; \
		(for f in ${SRCS} ${HDRS} ${OTHER} ;do echo ${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}/$${BASE}/$$f; done) >filelist

	@rm -f Makefile.bak; \
	mv Makefile Makefile.bak; \
	sed -e '/^# DO NOT DELETE/,$$d' Makefile.bak >Makefile; \
		>>Makefile; \
	${ECHO} '# Dependencies generated by make depend' >>Makefile; \
	for f in ${SRCS}; \
	do \
		${ECHO} "Dependencies for $$f:\c"; \
		${ECHO} "`basename $$f .c`.o:\c" >>Makefile; \
		for h in `sed -n -e \
			's/^#[ 	]*include[ 	]*"\([^"]*\)".*/\1/p' $$f`; \
		do \
			${ECHO} " $$h\c"; \
			${ECHO} " $$h\c" >>Makefile; \
		done; \
		${ECHO} " done."; \
		${ECHO} "" >>Makefile; \
	done; \
	${ECHO} '# End of generated dependencies' >>Makefile

# Dependencies generated by make depend
grlist.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/common.h ../lib/clcomm.h screen.h grlist.h ledit.h
m_domain.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/users.h ../lib/records.h ../lib/common.h ../lib/clcomm.h screen.h mutil.h ledit.h m_global.h m_menu.h m_domain.h
m_fgroup.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/users.h ../lib/records.h ../lib/common.h ../lib/clcomm.h screen.h mutil.h ledit.h stlist.h m_global.h m_node.h m_ticarea.h m_fgroup.h
m_lang.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/users.h ../lib/records.h ../lib/common.h ../lib/clcomm.h screen.h mutil.h ledit.h stlist.h m_global.h m_lang.h
m_marea.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/users.h ../lib/records.h ../lib/common.h ../lib/clcomm.h ../lib/msg.h screen.h mutil.h ledit.h grlist.h m_global.h m_node.h m_mgroup.h m_marea.h
m_new.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/users.h ../lib/records.h ../lib/common.h ../lib/clcomm.h screen.h mutil.h ledit.h stlist.h m_global.h grlist.h m_new.h m_lang.h m_marea.h m_ngroup.h
m_protocol.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/users.h ../lib/records.h ../lib/clcomm.h ../lib/common.h screen.h mutil.h ledit.h stlist.h m_global.h m_protocol.h
m_ticarea.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/users.h ../lib/records.h ../lib/common.h ../lib/clcomm.h screen.h mutil.h ledit.h stlist.h grlist.h m_global.h m_node.h m_fgroup.h m_farea.h m_archive.h m_ticarea.h
mbsetup.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/users.h ../lib/records.h ../lib/common.h ../lib/clcomm.h screen.h mutil.h ledit.h m_global.h m_bbs.h m_farea.h m_fgroup.h m_mail.h m_mgroup.h m_hatch.h m_tic.h m_ticarea.h m_magic.h m_fido.h m_lang.h m_archive.h m_virus.h m_tty.h m_limits.h m_users.h m_node.h m_fdb.h m_new.h m_ol.h m_protocol.h m_ff.h m_modem.h m_marea.h m_ngroup.h m_service.h m_domain.h m_task.h
ledit.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/users.h ../lib/records.h ../lib/common.h ../lib/clcomm.h ../lib/msg.h screen.h mutil.h ledit.h
m_farea.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/users.h ../lib/records.h ../lib/common.h ../lib/clcomm.h screen.h mutil.h ledit.h m_global.h m_fgroup.h m_archive.h m_farea.h m_fgroup.h m_ngroup.h
m_fido.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/users.h ../lib/records.h ../lib/common.h ../lib/clcomm.h screen.h mutil.h ledit.h stlist.h m_global.h m_fido.h
m_limits.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/users.h ../lib/records.h ../lib/common.h ../lib/clcomm.h screen.h mutil.h ledit.h stlist.h m_global.h m_limits.h
m_menu.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/users.h ../lib/records.h ../lib/common.h ../lib/clcomm.h mutil.h screen.h ledit.h m_lang.h m_menu.h
m_ngroup.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/users.h ../lib/records.h ../lib/common.h ../lib/clcomm.h screen.h mutil.h ledit.h stlist.h m_global.h m_ngroup.h
m_service.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/users.h ../lib/records.h ../lib/common.h ../lib/clcomm.h screen.h mutil.h ledit.h stlist.h m_global.h m_service.h
m_tty.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/users.h ../lib/records.h ../lib/common.h ../lib/clcomm.h screen.h mutil.h ledit.h stlist.h m_modem.h m_global.h m_tty.h
mutil.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/common.h ../lib/clcomm.h screen.h mutil.h
m_archive.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/users.h ../lib/records.h ../lib/common.h ../lib/clcomm.h screen.h mutil.h ledit.h stlist.h m_global.h m_archive.h
m_fdb.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/users.h ../lib/records.h ../lib/common.h ../lib/clcomm.h screen.h mutil.h ledit.h m_global.h m_farea.h m_fdb.h
m_global.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/users.h ../lib/records.h ../lib/common.h ../lib/clcomm.h screen.h mutil.h ledit.h m_node.h m_marea.h m_ticarea.h m_new.h m_global.h
m_magic.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/users.h ../lib/records.h ../lib/common.h ../lib/clcomm.h screen.h mutil.h ledit.h stlist.h m_ticarea.h m_global.h m_magic.h
m_mgroup.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/users.h ../lib/records.h ../lib/common.h ../lib/clcomm.h screen.h mutil.h ledit.h stlist.h m_global.h m_node.h m_marea.h m_mgroup.h
m_node.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/users.h ../lib/records.h ../lib/common.h ../lib/clcomm.h screen.h mutil.h ledit.h grlist.h stlist.h m_global.h m_lang.h m_ticarea.h m_marea.h m_node.h
m_task.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/users.h ../lib/records.h ../lib/common.h ../lib/clcomm.h screen.h mutil.h ledit.h m_task.h
m_users.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/users.h ../lib/records.h ../lib/common.h ../lib/clcomm.h screen.h mutil.h ledit.h m_lang.h m_global.h m_archive.h m_protocol.h m_users.h
screen.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/ansi.h ../lib/common.h screen.h
m_bbs.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/common.h screen.h mutil.h ledit.h m_lang.h m_protocol.h m_ol.h m_fgroup.h m_farea.h m_menu.h m_bbs.h m_limits.h
m_ff.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/users.h ../lib/records.h ../lib/clcomm.h ../lib/common.h screen.h mutil.h ledit.h stlist.h m_global.h m_ff.h m_lang.h m_marea.h
m_hatch.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/users.h ../lib/records.h ../lib/common.h ../lib/clcomm.h screen.h mutil.h ledit.h stlist.h m_global.h m_fgroup.h m_ticarea.h m_hatch.h
m_mail.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/users.h ../lib/records.h ../lib/common.h screen.h mutil.h ledit.h m_global.h m_marea.h m_mgroup.h m_mail.h
m_modem.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/users.h ../lib/records.h ../lib/common.h ../lib/clcomm.h screen.h mutil.h ledit.h stlist.h m_global.h m_modem.h
m_ol.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/users.h ../lib/records.h ../lib/common.h ../lib/clcomm.h screen.h mutil.h ledit.h m_global.h m_ol.h
m_tic.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/common.h screen.h mutil.h ledit.h m_fgroup.h m_ticarea.h m_magic.h m_hatch.h m_tic.h
m_virus.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/users.h ../lib/records.h ../lib/clcomm.h ../lib/common.h screen.h mutil.h ledit.h stlist.h m_global.h m_virus.h
stlist.o: ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/common.h ../lib/clcomm.h stlist.h
# End of generated dependencies