Document: FTS-0001
Version:  016
Date:     30-Sep-95

                     A Basic FidoNet(r) Technical Standard
|                                Revision 16
                      Formerly known as FSC001,  FSC-0001
|                      Randy Bush, Pacific Systems Group
|                             September 30, 1995

Status of this document:

    This FTS  (FidoNet(r)  Technical  Standard)  specifies  a  standard  for
    the FidoNet community. FidoNet nodes are expected to adopt and implement
    this standard. Distribution is subject to the restrictions stated in the
    copyright paragraph below.

    Fido and FidoNet are registered marks of Tom Jennings and Fido Software.

    Copyright  1986-95,  Randy  Bush.  All  rights  reserved.   A  right  to
    distribute only  without modification  and only at no charge is granted.
    Under no  circumstances is this document to be reproduced or distributed
    as  part of  or packaged with any product or other sales transaction for
    which any fee is charged.  Any and all other reproduction  or excerpting
    requires the explicit written consent of the author.

 A. Introduction

    FidoNet  has  grown  beyond  most  peoples' fantasies, and  new  FidoNet
    implementations  are appearing regularly.  Unfortunately, the  scattered
    nature of the documentation and absence of clear testing procedures have
    made  implementation  difficult.   FidoNet, in its desire to promote and
    encourage  FidoNet  implementations,  suggested  a  project  to create a
    technical  standard for  FidoNet.  The author did not  design or specify
    the data formats or protocols, only attempted to document them.

    This  document defines the  data structures and communication  protocols
    which a FidoNet implementation must provide.  The implementor of FidoNet
    compatible systems is the intended audience of this document.

    The  layered metaphor of the ISO Open Systems Interface reference  model
    has been used to view FidoNet from a standard perspective.  As with most
    prospective  ISO/OSI  descriptions, FidoNet  does not always  make  this

    The  content of this document  was gleaned from the references given  at
    the  end.

    Please direct technical comments and errata to
|     Randy Bush             
|     Pacific Systems Group
      9501 S.W. Westhaven Drive
      Portland, Oregon  US-97225

   1. Basic Requirements for a FidoNet Implementation

      Compatibility is a set of abilities which, when taken as a whole, make
      it safe to list a net or node in the FidoNet nodelist. In other words,
      if  another  node should attempt  contact, does it have  a  reasonable
      chance  of successful communication?  This is a social obligation,  as
      the  calling  system  pays  money  for the  attempt.   Conversely,  an
      implementation  should be able to successfully contact other  systems,
      as life is not a one-way street.

      A FidoNet implementation must be able to call other nodes and transfer
      messages and files in both directions.  This includes pickup and poll.
      A FidoNet implementation must be able to accept calls from other nodes
      and  transfer  messages and  files in both directions.  This  includes

      FidoNet implementations must be able to receive and process the FidoNet
      format  nodelist, and transfer nodelists to other nodes.  A  companion
      document,  FTS-0005, defines the FidoNet format nodelist  and  how  to
      interpret and process it.

      A  FidoNet implementation must route messages which do not have  files
      attached through net hosts as shown in a FidoNet format nodelist.

   2. Levels of Compliance

      This  documents represents the  most basic FidoNet implementation.   A
      future  document will define well tested extensions which are optional
      but  provide sufficient  additional function that implementors  should
      seriously   consider   them.   SEAdog(tm),  from  System   Enhancement
      Associates,  is  an  excellent  example  of such an  extended  FidoNet

   3. The ISO/OSI Reference Model (cribbed from "Protocol Verification via
      Executable Logic Specifications", D. P. Sidhu, in Rudin & West)

      In  the ISO/OSI model, a distributed system consists of entities  that
      communicate  with  each other  according  to a set of rules  called  a
      protocol.   The  model is  layered, and there are entities  associated
      with  each layer of the model which provide services to higher  layers
      by  exchanging information with their peer entities using the services
      of  lower layers.  The only actual physical communication between  two
      systems is at the lowest level.

      Several  techniques  have  been  used  in the  specification  of  such
      protocols.  A common ingredient in all techniques is the notion of the
      extended  finite  state automata  or machine.  Extensions include  the
      addition of state variables for the storing of state information about
      the  protocol.  The state of an  automation can change as a result  of
      one of the following events:

      o Request from an upper network layer for service

      o Response to the upper layer

      o Request to the lower network layer to perform a service

      o Response from the lower layer

      o Interaction with the system and environment in which the protocol is
        implemented (e.g. timeouts, host operating system aborts, ...)

      A  protocol  specification, in  a large part, consists  of  specifying
      state  changes  in  automata  which  model protocol  entities  and  in
      describing the data which they exchange.

      For  historical  reasons,  the  term  packet  is used  in  FidoNet  to
      represent a bundle of messages, as opposed to the more common use as a
      unit of communication, which is known as a block in FidoNet.

   4. Data Description

      A  language  specific  notation  was avoided.  Please help  stamp  out
      environmental  dependencies.   Only  you  can  prevent  PClone  market
      dominance.  Don't panic, there are rectangular record layouts too.

      (* non-terminals *)
      UpperCaseName - to be defined further on

      (* literals *)
      "ABC"         - ASCII character string, no termination implied
      nnH           - byte in hexadecimal

      (* terminals *)
      someName      - 16-bit integer, low order byte first (8080 style)
      someName[n]   - field of n bytes
      someName[.n]  - field of n bits
      someName(n)   - Null terminated string allocated n chars (incl Null)
      someName{max} - Null terminated string of up to max chars (incl Null)

      (* punctuation *)
      a b           - one 'a' followed by one 'b'
      ( a | b )     - either 'a' or 'b', but not both
      { a }         - zero or more 'a's
      [ b ]         - zero or one 'b'
      (* comment *) - ignored

      (* predeclared constant *)
      Null          = 00H

 5. Finite State Machine Notation

    |State| State    | Predicate(s)            | Action(s)               | Next|
    |  #  | Name     |                         |                         |  St |
    | fnn*|          |                         |                         |     |

    State #      - Number of this state (e.g. R13).
                   f  - FSM initial (Window, Sender, Receiver, ...)
                   nn - state number
                   *  - state which represents a lower level protocol  which
                        is represented by yet another automation.

    State Name   - Descriptive name of this state.

    Predicate(s) - Conditions which terminate the state.  If predicates are
                   non-exclusive, consider them ordered.

    Action(s)    - Action(s) corresponding to predicate(s)

    Next State   - Subsequent state corresponding to predicate(s)

    Ideally,  there  should be  a  supporting section for each  state  which
    should  give a prose description of the state, its predicates,  actions,
    etc.  So much for ideals.

 B. Application Layer : the System from the User's View

    The application layer is outside the domain of a FidoNet standard, as it
    is the layer that the user's application sees as opposed to what FidoNet
    sees.   In  recent  months,  there  has been  sufficient  confusion  and
    discussion  about  the  format  of  data at this level  to  warrant  the
    description  of the data structure, the message as it is stored by Fido,
    SEAdog, and Rover.

    Perfectly valid FidoNet systems may be implemented whose stored messages
    differ greatly from this format.

   1. Application Layer Data Definition : a Stored Message

                               Stored Message

      dec hex
        0   0 |                                               |
              ~                 fromUserName                  ~
              |                   36 bytes                    |
       36  24 |                                               |
              ~                  toUserName                   ~
              |                   36 bytes                    |
       72  48 |                                               |
              ~                    subject                    ~
              |                   72  bytes                   |
      144  90 |                                               |
              ~                    DateTime                   ~
              |                    20 bytes                   |
      164  A4 | timesRead (low order) | timesRead (high order)|
      166  A6 | destNode (low order)  | destNode (high order) |
      168  A8 | origNode (low order)  | origNode (high order) |
      170  AA |   cost (low order)    |   cost (high order)   |
      172  AC | origNet (low order)   | origNet (high order)  |
      174  AE | destNet (low order)   | destNet (high order)  |
      176  B0 | destZone (optional)   | destZone (optional)   |
      178  B2 | origZone (optional)   | origZone (optional)   |
      180  B4 | destPoint(optional)   | destPoint(optional)   |
      182  B6 | origPoint(optional)   | origPoint(optional)   |
      184  B8 |  replyTo (low order)  |  replyTo (high order) |
      186  BA | Attribute (low order) | Attribute (high order)|
      188  BC | nextReply (low order) | nextReply (high order)|
      190  BE |                      text                     |
              ~                    unbounded                  ~
              |                 null terminated               |

      Message    = fromUserName(36)  (* Null terminated *)
                   toUserName(36)    (* Null terminated *)
                   subject(72)       (* see FileList below *)
                   DateTime          (* message body was last edited *)
                   timesRead         (* number of times msg has been read *)
                   destNode          (* of message *)
                   origNode          (* of message *)
                   cost              (* in lowest unit of originator's
                                        currency *)
                   origNet           (* of message *)
                   destNet           (* of message *)
                   destZone          (* of message *)
                   origZone          (* of message *)
                   destPoint         (* of message *)
                   origPoint         (* of message *)
                   replyTo           (* msg to which this replies *)
                   nextReply         (* msg which replies to this *)
                   text(unbounded)   (* Null terminated *)

      DateTime   = (* a character string 20 characters long *)
                                     (* 01 Jan 86  02:34:56 *)
                   DayOfMonth " " Month " " Year " "
                   " " HH ":" MM ":" SS

      DayOfMonth = "01" | "02" | "03" | ... | "31"   (* Fido 0 fills *)
      Month      = "Jan" | "Feb" | "Mar" | "Apr" | "May" | "Jun" |
                   "Jul" | "Aug" | "Sep" | "Oct" | "Nov" | "Dec"
      Year       = "01" | "02" | .. | "85" | "86" | ... | "99" | "00"
      HH         = "00" | .. | "23"
      MM         = "00" | .. | "59"
      SS         = "00" | .. | "59"

      AttributeWord   bit       meaning
                      ---       --------------------
                        0  +    Private
                        1  + s  Crash
                        2       Recd
                        3       Sent
                        4  +    FileAttached
                        5       InTransit
                        6       Orphan
                        7       KillSent
                        8       Local
                        9    s  HoldForPickup
                       10  +    unused
                       11    s  FileRequest
                       12  + s  ReturnReceiptRequest
                       13  + s  IsReturnReceipt
                       14  + s  AuditRequest
                       15    s  FileUpdateReq

                             s - need not be recognized, but it's ok
                             + - not zeroed before packeting

      Bits numbers ascend with arithmetic significance of bit position.

      Message Text

      Message text is unbounded and null terminated (note exception below).

      A 'hard' carriage return, 0DH,  marks the end of a paragraph, and must
      be preserved.

      So   called  'soft'  carriage  returns,  8DH,  may  mark  a   previous
      processor's  automatic line wrap, and should be ignored.  Beware  that
      they may be followed by linefeeds, or may not.

      All  linefeeds, 0AH, should be ignored.  Systems which display message
      text should wrap long lines to suit their application.

      If the first character of a physical line (e.g. the first character of
      the  message text, or the character immediately after a hard  carriage
      return (ignoring any linefeeds)) is a ^A (, 01H), then that
      line  is  not  displayed  as  it  contains  control  information.  The
      convention for such control lines is:
        o They begin with ^A
        o They end at the end of the physical line (i.e. ignore soft s).
        o They begin with a keyword followed by a colon.
        o The keywords are uniquely assigned to applications.
        o They keyword/colon pair is followed by application specific data.

      Current ^A keyword assignments are:
|     o TOPT  - destination point address
      o FMPT  - origin point address
      o INTL   - used for inter-zone address

      File Specifications

      If  one  or more  of FileAttached, FileRequest, or  FileUpdateReq  are
      asserted  in an AttributeWord, the subject{72} field is interpreted as
      a  list of file specifications  which may include wildcards and  other
      system-dependent data.  This list is of the form

      FileList = [ FileSpec { Sep FileSpec } ] Null

      FileSpec = (* implementation dependent file specification.  may
                    not contain Null or any of the characters in Sep. *)

      Sep      = ( " " | "," )  { " " }

      There are deviations from and additions to these specifications

      1  - Fido does not necessarily terminate the message text with a Null,
           but  uses  an empty line (0DH 0AH 0DH 0AH).  Some  Fido utilities
           use an EOF (1AH).

      2 - SEAdog zeros the message cost field when building a message.

      4 - SEAdog uses a different format for dates, e.g.

      DateTime   = (* a character string 20 characters long *)
                   (* SEAdog format Mon  1 Jan 86 02:34 *)
                   DayOfWk " " DayOfMo " " Month " " Year " " HH ":" MM Null

      DayOfWk    = "Mon" | "Tue" | "Wed" | "Thu" | "Fri" | "Sat" | "Sun"
      DayOfMo    = " 1" | " 2" | " 3" | ... | "31"  (* blank fill *)

   2. Application Layer Protocol : Schedules and Events

      At  the application level, FidoNet imposes few protocol  requirements.
      An   implementation   must   automatically   originate   and   receive
      node-to-node  FidoNet  connections.   Some implementations do this  in
      'windows'  or  time  slots.   Routing  of  messages  will  usually  be
      different and customizable for each scheduled window.

      The ability to send to and receive from any FidoNet listed node during
      the Zone Mail Hour (eg. 9:00-10:00 UCT in Z1) is considered mandatory.

      Current  implementations assemble all data for outbound connections at
      the  start of a window, and  disassemble inbound data at the end of  a
      window.   Due to performance considerations on small machines, this is
      considered  a valid optimization.   Observe that it somewhat  inhibits
      dynamic routing.

 C. Presentation Layer : the User from the System's View

   1. Presentation Layer Data Definition : the Packed Message

      To  conserve space and eliminate fields which would be meaningless  if
      sent  (e.g. timesRead), messages are packed for transmission.  As this
      is  a data structure which is actually transferred, its definition  is
      critical  to FidoNet.  A packed  message has a number of fixed  length
      fields followed by four null terminated strings.

      While  most of the string fields in a stored message are fixed length,
      to  conserve space strings are variable length when in a packet.   All
      variable  length strings are all Null terminated, including especially
      the message text.

                                Packed Message

      dec hex
        0   0 |    0     |     2      |    0      |    0      |
        2   2 | origNode (low order)  | origNode (high order) |
        4   4 | destNode (low order)  | destNode (high order) |
        6   6 | origNet (low order)   | origNet (high order)  |
        8   8 | destNet (low order)   | destNet (high order)  |
       10   A | Attribute (low order) | Attribute (high order)|
       12   C |   cost (low order)    |   cost (high order)   |
       14   E |                                               |
              ~                    DateTime                   ~
              |                    20 bytes                   |
       34  22 |                  toUserName                   |
              ~                  max 36 bytes                 ~
              |                null terminated                |
              |                 fromUserName                  |
              ~                  max 36 bytes                 ~
              |                null terminated                |
              |                    subject                    |
              ~                  max 72 bytes                 ~
              |                null terminated                |
              |                      text                     |
              ~                    unbounded                  ~
              |                 null terminated               |

      Due  to routing, the origin and  destination net and node of a  packet
      are  often quite different from  those of the messages within it,  nor
      need  the origin and destination nets and nodes of the messages within
      a packet be homogenous.

      PakdMessage  = 02H 00H           (* message type, old type-1 obsolete *)
                     origNode          (* of message *)
                     destNode          (* of message *)
                     origNet           (* of message *)
                     destNet           (* of message *)
                     cost              (* in lowest unit of originator's
                                          currency *)
                     DateTime          (* message body was last edited *)
                     toUserName{36}    (* Null terminated *)
                     fromUserName{36}  (* Null terminated *)
                     subject{72}       (* Null terminated *)
                     text{unbounded}   (* Null terminated *)

 2. Presentation Layer Protocol : a Mail Window

   |State| State    | Predicate(s)            | Action(s)               | Next|
   |  #  | Name     |                         |                         | St  |
   | W0  | WindTop  | 1 end of window reached | reset modem to not answr| exit|
   |     |          | 2 time remains in window| ensure modem can answer | W1  |
   | W1  | WindIdle | 1 incoming call         |                         | W2  |
   |     |          | 2 receive-only mode     |                         | W0  |
   |     |          | 3 send-only mode        |                         | W3  |
   |     |          | 4 60-180 secs & no call |                         | W3  |
   | W2* | WindRecv |                         | (receive call R0)       | W3  |
   | W3  | WindCall | 1 select outgoing call  | increment try count     | W4  |
   |     |          | 2 no outgoing calls     |                         | W0  |
   | W4* | WindSend |                         | (make call S0)          | W5  |
   | W5  | WindMark | 1 call successful       | remove node fr call list| W0  |
   |     |          | 2 no connect            | remove if try cnt > lim | W0  |
   |     |          | 3 call failed           | incr conn cnt, remove   | W0  |
   |     |          |                         |   if con cnt > lim      |     |

    The  length of the inter-call delay time at W1.4 is not critical.  It is
    important that this not be a constant, so two systems calling each other
    do  not incur infinite busy signals.  Sophisticated implementations  may
    vary  the  inter-call delay  depending  on number of calls to  be  made,
    window width, user specification, etc.

 D. Session Layer Protocol : Connecting to Another FidoNet Machine

    A session is a connection between two FidoNet machines.  It is currently
    assumed  to be over the  DDD telephone network via modems.  The  calling
    machine starts out as the sender and the called machine as the receiver.
    The  pickup  feature is described  by the sender and  receiver  changing
    roles  midway through the session, after the sender has transferred  the
    message  packet and any attached files.  Due to the lack of security  in
    the  pickup protocol (danger of pickup by a fake node), a change in  the
    protocol may be expected in the near future.

    Once  a connection has been established, each system should ensure  that
    the  physical connection remains  throughout the session.  For  physical
    layers  implemented  through modems,  this means monitoring the  carrier
    detect signal, and terminating the session if it is lost.

    Error  detection at the physical layer should be monitored for both sent
    and  received  characters.  Parity,  framing, and other physical  errors
    should be detected.


   |State| State    | Predicate(s)            | Action(s)               | Next|
   |  #  | Name     |                         |                         | St  |
   | S0  | SendInit |                         | dial modem              | S1  |
   | S1  | WaitCxD  | 1 carrier detected      | delay 1-5 seconds       | S2  |
   |     |          | 2 busy, etc.            | report no connection    | exit|
   |     |          | 3 voice                 | report no carrier       | exit|
   |     |          | 4 carrier not detected  | report no connection    | exit|
   |     |          |   within 60 seconds     |                         |     |
   | S2  | WhackCRs | 1 over 30 seconds       | report no response  | exit|
   |     |          | 2 ?? s received     | delay 1 sec             | S3  |
   |     |          | 3 s not received    | send    | S2  |
   |     |          |                         |   delay ??? secs        |     |
   | S3  | WaitClear| 1 no input for 0.5 secs | send TSYNCH = AEH       | S4  |
   |     |          | 2 over 60 seconds       | hang up, report garbage | exit|
   |     |          |   and line not clear    |                         |     |
   | S4* | TSyncChk | 1 'C' or NAK (peeked at)| (XMODEM send packet XS1)| S5  |
   |     |          | 2 over 2 seconds        | eat noise, resend TSYNCH| S4  |
   |     |          | 3 over 30 seconds       | hang up report not Fido | exit|
   | S5  | CheckMail| 1 XMODEM successful     | (Fido registers success)| S6  |
   |     |          | 2 XMODEM fail or timeout| hang up, report mail bad| exit|
   | S6* | SendFiles|                         | (BATCH send files BS0)  | S7  |
   | S7  | CheckFile| 1 BATCH send successful |                         | S8  |
   |     |          | 2 BATCH send failed     | hang up, rept files fail| exit|
   | S8  | TryPickup| 1 wish to pickup        | note send ok            | R2* |
   |     |          | 2 no desire to pickup   | delay 5 secs            | exit|
   |     |          |                         |   hang up, rept send ok |     |

    Although  the  above  shows  the  sender  emitting only one  TSYNCH,  it is
    recommended  that a timeout of 5-20 seconds should initiate another TSYNCH.
    The receiver should tolerate multiple TSYNCHs.

    In state S4, the phrase "peeked at" means that the character is not removed
    from the buffer.  Therefore when XS1 is started the proper character for
    beginning the Xmodem transfer will be detected.


    The  receiving FSM is given  an external timer, the expiration of  which
    will cause termination with a result of 'no calls' (R0.2).

   |State| State    | Predicate(s)            | Action(s)               | Next|
   |  #  | Name     |                         |                         | St  |
   | R0  | WaitCxD  | 1 carrier detected      |                         | R1  |
   |     |          | 2 external timer expires| report no calls         | exit|
   | R1  | WaitBaud | 1 baud rate detected    | send signon with s  | R2  |
   |     |          | 2 no detect in ?? secs  | hang up, report no baud | exit|
   | R2  | WaitTsync| 1 TSYNCH received       | ignore input not TSYNCH | R3  |
   |     |          | 2 60 seconds timeout    | hang up, report not Fido| exit|
   | R3* | RecMail  |                         | (XMODEM rec packet XR0) | R4  |
   | R4  | XRecEnd  | 1 XMODEM successful     | delay 1 second          | R5  |
   |     |          |                         |   flush input           |     |
   |     |          | 2 XMODEM failed         | hang up, rept mail fail | exit|
   | R5* | RecFiles |                         | (BATCH rec files BR0)   | R6  |
   | R6  | ChkFiles | 1 BATCH recv successful | delay 2 secs            | R7  |
   |     |          | 2 BATCH recv failed     | hang up, report bad file| exit|
   | R7  | AllowPkup| 1 have pickup for sender| receiver becomes sender | S3* |
   |     |          | 2 nothing to pickup     | hang up, rept recv ok   | exit|

 E. Transport Layer : ?????

   1. Data Definitions

   2. Transport Layer Protocol : Routing

      FidoNet   does  not  necessarily  send  a  message  directly  to   its
      destination.   To reduce the number of network connections, mail to  a
      subset  of  the  nodelist  may  be  routed  to one  node  for  further
      distribution  within  that  subset.   In addition, custom  routing  is
      possible.  Routing of a message is determined in one of three ways.

      o If there are files attached, then a message must be sent directly to
        its destination.

      o Messages without attached files should be routed through the inbound
        host  of the destination  node's  subnet  as specified  by a FidoNet
        format nodelist.

      o To prevent overloading of inbound hosts, a system should provide for
        host routing to be disabled for a target node, or nodes.

 F. Network Layer : the Network's View of the System, Routing and Packets

   1. Network Layer Data Definition : the Packet Header

      The  packet contains messages in packed format to be transferred  over
      the  net during a connection.  As this data structure is  transferred,
      its definition is critical to FidoNet.

      A  packet may contain zero or more packed messages.  A packet  without
      messages is often generated as a poll packet.

      Every  packet begins with a  packet header.  The fields of the  packet
      header are of fixed length.

                                Packet Header
      dec hex
        0   0 | origNode (low order)  | origNode (high order) |
        2   2 | destNode (low order)  | destNode (high order) |
        4   4 |   year (low order)    |   year (high order)   |
        6   6 |  month (low order)    |  month (high order)   |
        8   8 |   day (low order)     |   day (high order)    |
       10   A |   hour (low order)    |   hour (high order)   |
       12   C |  minute (low order)   |  minute (high order)  |
       14   E |  second (low order)   |  second (high order)  |
       16  10 |   baud (low order)    |   baud (high order)   |
       18  12 |    0     |     2      |    0      |    0      |
       20  14 | origNet (low order)   | origNet (high order)  |
       22  16 | destNet (low order)   | destNet (high order)  |
       24  18 |       prodCode        |       serialNo        |
       26  1A |                                               |
              |             password   (some impls)           |
              |                  eight bytes                  |
              |                  null padded                  |
              |                                               |
       34  22 | origZone (low) (opt)  | origZone (high) (opt) |
       36  24 | destZone (low) (opt)  | destZone (high) (opt) |
       38  26 |                     fill                      |
              ~                   20 bytes                    ~
              |                                               |
       58  3A |                 zero or more                  |
              ~                    packed                     ~
              |                   messages                    |
              |    0     |     0      |    0     |     0      |

      Packet       = PacketHeader  { PakdMessage }  00H 00H

      PacketHeader = origNode   (* of packet, not of messages in packet *)
                     destNode   (* of packet, not of messages in packet *)
                     year       (* of packet creation, e.g. 1986 *)
                     month      (* of packet creation, 0-11 for Jan-Dec *)
                     day        (* of packet creation, 1-31 *)
                     hour       (* of packet creation, 0-23 *)
                     minute     (* of packet creation, 0-59 *)
                     second     (* of packet creation, 0-59 *)
                     baud       (* max baud rate of orig and dest, 0=SEA *)
                     PacketType (* old type-1 packets now obsolete *)
                     origNet    (* of packet, not of messages in packet *)
                     destNet    (* of packet, not of messages in packet *)
                     prodCode   (* 0 for Fido, write to FTSC for others *)
                     serialNo   (* binary serial number (otherwise null)*)
                     password   (* session password  (otherwise null)   *)
                     origZone   (* zone of pkt sender (otherwise null)  *)
                     destZone   (* zone of pkt receiver (otherwise null)*)

      PacketType   = 02H 00H  (* 01H 00H was used by Fido versions before 10
                                 which did not support local nets.  The packed
                                 message header was also different for those
                                 versions *)

      prodCode     = (  00H      (* Fido *)
                     |  ...
                     |  ??H      (* Please apply for new codes *)

      The  remainder of the packet consists of packed messages.  Each packed
      message  begins  with  a  message type word 0200H.   A  pseudo-message
      beginning with the word 0000H signifies the end of the packet.

   2. Network Layer Data Description : a File with Attributes

      The  BATCH  protocol uses  the MODEM7 filename and TeLink/XMODEM  file
      transfer protocols to transfer the file with attributes.

      When  a  file is transferred via  FidoNet, an attempt is made to  also
      pass  the operating system's attributes  for the file such as  length,
      modification  date, etc.  FidoNet does this via a special prefix block
      to  the XMODEM file transfer using a protocol known as TeLink.  As the
      TeLink  protocol relies on a modification to the XMODEM file  transfer
      protocol, it is documented at the data link layer level.

      The  MODEM7 file name is redundant if there is also a TeLink block, in
      which case the name may be taken from either or both.

                              FileName as Sent
      dec hex
        0   0 |                   fileName                    |
              ~                   8  bytes                    ~
              |           left adjusted blank filled          |
        8   8 |                    fileExt                    |
              ~                    3  bytes                   ~
              |           left adjusted blank filled          |

 3. Network Layer Protocol : BATCH File Finite State Machines

    BATCH File Sender

   |State| State    | Predicate(s)            | Action(s)               | Next|
   |  #  | Name     |                         |                         | St  |
   | BS0*| MoreFiles| 1 more files to send    | (MODEM7 FName send MS0) | BS1 |
   |     |          | 2 no more files to send |                         | BS3 |
   | BS1 | CheckFNm | 1 MODEM7 Filename ok    | (TeLink send file XS0)  | BS2 |
   |     |          | 2 MODEM7 Filename bad   | report name send bad    | exit|
   | BS2 | CheckFile| 1 TeLink send ok        |                         | BS0 |
   |     |          | 2 TeLink send bad       | report file send bad    | exit|
   | BS3 | EndSend  | 1 rec NAK for next file | send EOT, report send ok| exit|
   |     |          | 2 10 seconds no NAK     | send EOT, report no NAK | exit|

    When  no files remain, the sender responds to the receiver's NAK with an
    EOT.  The EOT is not ACK/NAKed by the receiver.

    Filenames  must be upper case ASCII.  The data link layer uses "u" as  a
    control character.

    BATCH File Receiver

   |State| State    | Predicate(s)            | Action(s)               | Next|
   |  #  | Name     |                         |                         | St  |
   | BR0*| RecvName |                         | (MODEM7 FName recv MR0) | BR1 |
   | BR1 | CheckFNm | 1 MODEM7 no more files  | report files recd ok    | exit|
   |     |          | 2 MODEM7 Filename ok    | (TeLink recv file XR0)  | BR2 |
   |     |          | 2 MODEM7 Filename bad   | report name recv bad    | exit|
   | BR2 | CheckFile| 1 TeLink recv ok        |                         | BR0 |
   |     |          | 2 TeLink recv bad       | report file recv bad    | exit|

 G. Data Link Layer : Error-Free Data Transfer

   1. Data Link Layer Data Definition : XMODEM/TeLink Blocks

      XMODEM  transfers  are  in  blocks  of 128  uninterpreted  data  bytes
      preceded  by  a three  byte header  and followed by either a one  byte
      checksum  or a two byte crc remainder.  XMODEM makes no provision  for
      data  streams  which  are  not  an  integral number  of  blocks  long.
      Therefore,  the sender pads streams whose length is not a multiple  of
      128 bytes with the end-of-file character (^Z for MS-DOS), and use some
      other  means  to convey  the  true data length to the  receiver  (e.g.
      TeLink file info block).

      Data blocks contain sequence numbers so the receiver can ensure it has
      the  correct block.  Block  numbers are sequential unsigned eight  bit
      integers  beginning with 01H and wrapping to 00H, except that a TeLink
      block is given sequence number 00H.

      For  files which are attached to the mail packet, not the mail  packet
      itself,  if the sending system is aware of the file attributes as they
      are  known to the operating system, then the first block of the XMODEM
      transfer  may be a special TeLink block to transfer that  information.
      This  block  differs  in that  the  first byte is a SYN  character  as
      opposed  to an SOH, and it is always sent checksum as opposed to CRC.
      Should the receiver be unwilling to handle such information, after two
      NAKs (or "C"s), the sender skips this special block and goes on to the
      data itself.

                        XMODEM Data Block (CRC mode)
      dec hex
        0   0 |        SOH  -  Start Of Header -  01H         |
        1   1 |                 BlockNumber                   |
        2   2 |               BlockComplement                 |
        3   3 |                128 bytes  of                  |
              ~                uninterpreted                  ~
              |                    data                       |
      131  83 |             CRC high order byte               |
      132  84 |             CRC  low order byte               |

                      XMODEM Data Block (Checksum mode)
      dec hex
        0   0 |        SOH  -  Start Of Header -  01H         |
        1   1 |                 BlockNumber                   |
        2   2 |               BlockComplement                 |
        3   3 |                128 bytes  of                  |
              ~                uninterpreted                  ~
              |                    data                       |
      131  83 |                Checksum byte                  |

                       TeLink File Descriptor Block
      dec hex
        0   0 |       SYN  -  File Info Header -  16H         |
        1   1 |                     00H                       |
              +-----------------------------------------------+ data offset
        2   2 |                     FFH                       |  dec  hex
        3   3 |     File Length, least significant byte       |  0    0
        4   4 | File Length, second to least significant byte |  1    1
        5   5 |  File Length, second to most significant byte |  2    2
        6   6 |      File Length, most significant byte       |  3    3
        7   7 |            Creation Time of File              |  4    4
              |                "DOS Format"                   |
        9   9 |            Creation Date of File              |  6    6
              |                "DOS Format"                   |
       11   B |                 File  Name                    |  8    8
              ~                  16 chars                     ~
              |        left justified  blank filled           |
       27  1B |                    00H                        | 24   18
       28  1C |            Sending Program Name               | 25   19
              ~                  16 chars                     ~
              |         left justified  Null filled           |
       44  2C |            01H (for CRC) or 00H               | 41   29
       45  2D |                    fill                       | 42   2A
              ~                  86 bytes                     ~
              |                  all zero                     |
      132  84 |                Checksum byte                  |

      XMODEMData   = XMODEMBlock      (* block of data with header and
                                         trailer *)
                     | TeLinkBlock    (* TeLink File Descriptor Block *)
                     | ACK            (* acknowledge data received ok *)
                     | NAK            (* negative ACK & poll 1st block *)
                     | EOT            (* end of xfer, after last block *)
                     | "C"            (* 43H *)

      XMODEMBlock  = SOH              (* Start of Header, XMODEM Block *)
                     blockNumber[1]   (* sequence, i'=mod( i+1, 256 ) *)
                     blockCompl[1]    (* one's compl of BlockNumber *)
                     data[128]        (* uninterpreted user data block *)
                     (CRC | Checksum) (* error detect/correction code *)

      TeLinkBlock  = SYN              (* File Info Header *)
                     00H              (* block no, must be first block *)
                     FFH              (* one's complement of block no *)
                     fileLength[4]    (* length of data in bytes *)
                     CreationTime[2]  (* time file last modified or zero *)
                     CreationDate[2]  (* date file last modified or zero *)
                     fileName(16)     (* name of file, not vol or dir *)
                     00H              (* header version number *)
                     sendingProg(16)  (* name of program on send side *)
                     crcMode[1]       (* 01H for CRC 00H for Checksum *)
                     fill[87]         (* zeroed *)
                     Checksum         (* error detect/correction code *)

      ACK          = 06H              (* acknowledge data received ok *)
      NAK          = 15H              (* negative ACK & poll 1st block *)
      SOH          = 01H              (* start of header, begins block *)
      SYN          = 16H              (* start of TeLink file info blk *)
      EOT          = 04H              (* end of xfer, after last block *)

      CRC          = crc[2]           (* CCITT Cyclic Redundancy Check *)

      Checksum     = checksum[1]      (* low 8 bits of sum of data bytes
                                         using unsigned 8 bit arithmetic *)

      CreationDate = year[.7]         (* 7 bits, years since 1980, 0-127  *)
                     month[.4]        (* 4 bits, month of year, 1-12 *)
                     day[.5]          (* 5 bits, day of month, 1-31 *)

      CreationTime = hour[.5]         (* 5 bits, hour of day, 0-23 *)
                     minute[.6]       (* 6 bits, minute of hour, 0-60 *)
                     biSeconds[.2]    (* 6 bits, seconds/2, 0-29 *)

      Note  that the crcMode is always set to 01H in current implementations
      as  all TeLink/XMODEM implementations use the CRC method.   Therefore,
      it is always set to 01H by the sender, and is ignored by the receiver.

 2. Data Link Layer Protocol : XMODEM/TeLink Finite State Machines

    The  protocol is receiver driven, the receiver polling the sender  for
    each  block.   If the receiver polls  for the first block using a  "C"
    (43H)  as  the poll character,  it would prefer to have the  CRC-CCITT
    polynomial  remainder error detection code at the end of each block as
    opposed  to a one byte unsigned checksum.  The sender will respond  to
    the  "C"  poll iff it can  comply.  If the sender chooses checksum  as
    opposed  to  CRC, it waits for  the receiver to poll with  NAK  (15H).
    Should  the  checksum method be  preferable to the receiver, it  polls
    with NAK rather than "C".

    The sender returns an EOT instead of a data block when no data remain.

    Neither  the  sender nor the  receiver should send the block or  ACK/NAK
    response  while there is data being received.  They should wait for  the
    line to settle, and possibly time out.

    It  is  suggested that one's  input buffer be cleared immediately  after
    sending  block or ACK/NAK response, before waiting for the response from
    the  other  end.  This  clears  any line garbage which  occurred  during

    XMODEM/TeLink Sender

   |State| State    | Predicate(s)            | Action(s)               | Next|
   |  #  | Name     |                         |                         | St  |
   | XS0 | WaitTeLnk| 1 over 40-60 seconds    | report sender timeout   | exit|
   |     |          | 2 over 2 tries          | note TeLink block failed| XS1 |
   |     |          | 3 NAK or "C" received   | send TeLink, incr tries | XS0 |
   |     |          | 4 ACK received          | TeLink ok, set crc/cksm | XS2 |
   | XS1 | WaitStart| 1 over 40-60 seconds    | report sender timeout   | exit|
   |     |          | 2 over 20 tries         | report send failed      | exit|
   |     |          | 3 NAK received          | set checksum mode       | XS2 |
   |     |          | 4 "C" recd, I can crc   | set crc mode            | XS2 |
   |     |          | 5 "C" recd, I can't crc |                         | XS1 |
   | XS2 | SendBlock| 1 more data available   | send next data block    | XS3 |
   |     |          |                         |   as checksum or crc    |     |
   |     |          | 2 last block has gone   | send EOT                | XS4 |
   | XS3 | WaitACK  | 1 10 retries or 1 minute| report send failed      | exit|
   |     |          | 2 ACK received          |                         | XS2 |
   |     |          | 3 NAK (or C if 1st blk) | resend last block       | XS3 |
   | XS4 | WaitEnd  | 1 10 retries or 1 minute| report send failed      | exit|
   |     |          | 2 ACK received          | report send successful  | exit|
   |     |          | 3 NAK received          | resend EOT              | XS4 |

    XMODEM/TeLink Receiver

   |State| State    | Predicate(s)            | Action(s)               | Next|
   |  #  | Name     |                         |                         | St  |
   | XR0 | RecStart | 1 prefer crc mode       | Send "C"                | XR1 |
   |     |          | 2 want checksum mode    | send NAK                | XR1 |
   | XR1 | WaitFirst| 1 10 retries or 1 minute| report receive failure  | exit|
   |     |          | 2 > 3 retries or 30 secs| set want checksum mode  | XR0 |
   |     |          | 3 EOT received          | delay < sec, purge input| exit|
   |     |          |                         | send ACK, report no file|     |
   |     |          | 4 TeLink block recd     | send ACK, set crc/cksm  | XR2 |
   |     |          | 5 data block recd       | send ACK, set crc/cksm  | XR2 |
   |     |          | 6 bad block or 2-10 secs| incr retry count        | XR0 |
   | XR2 | WaitBlock| 1 10 retries or 1 minute| report receive failure  | exit|
   |     |          | 2 EOT received          | send ACK, report recd ok| exit|
   |     |          |                         | send ACK, report recd ok|     |
   |     |          | 3 data block received   | send ACK                | XR2 |
   |     |          | 4 bad block or 2-10 secs| send NAK, incr retry cnt| XR2 |

    A  number of checks should be made to ensure a valid data block has been

    o  The  physical  layer  should  have encountered no errors,  e.g.  parity,
       framing, etc.

    o  The length of the block should not be less than expected.

    o  If  the blocks sequence  number does not match the  complement,  then
       respond with a NAK and attempt to read the block again.

    o  If the block's sequence number is one previous (remember wrap around)
       to that of the expected block, respond with an ACK and read again.

    o  If the sequence number fits neither of the above criteria, and is yet
       not the expected sequence number, abort the receive.

    o  The checksum or CRC should be correct.

 3. Data Link Layer Protocol : MODEM7 Filename Finite State Machines

    MODEM7 Filename Sender

   |State| State    | Predicate(s)            | Action(s)               | Next|
   |  #  | Name     |                         |                         |  St |
   | MS0 | WaitNak  | 1 20 retries or 1 minute| filename send failed    | exit|
   |     |          | 2 NAK received          | send ACK & 1st ch of fn | MS1 |
   |     | (note 1) | 3 C received            | return fn skipped       | exit|
   | MS1 | WaitChAck| 1 ACK rcd, fname done   | send SUB = 1AH          | MS2 |
   |     |          | 2 ACK rcd, fname ~done  | send next ch of fname   | MS1 |
   |     |          | 3 other char or 1 sec   | send "u", incr retry cnt| MS0 |
   | MS2 | WaitCksm | 1 cksum recd and ok     | send ACK, report fn ok  | exit|
   |     |          | 2 cksum recd but bad    | send "u", incr retry cnt| MS0 |
   |     |          | 3 no cksum in 1 sec     | send "u", incr retry cnt| MS0 |

    MODEM7 Filename Receiver

   |State| State    | Predicate(s)            | Action(s)               | Next|
   |  #  | Name     |                         |                         |  St |
   | MR0 | SendNak  | 1 20 tries or 1 minute  | report filename failure | exit|
   |     |          | 2                       | send NAK, incr try cnt  | MR1 |
   | MR1 | WaitAck  | 1 rcd ACK               |                         | MR2 |
   |     |          | 2 rcd EOT               | report no files remain  | exit|
   |     |          | 3 5 secs & no ACK/EOT   |                         | MR0 |
   | MR2 | WaitChar | 1 recd EOT (can happen?)| report no files remain  | exit|
   |     |          | 2 recd SUB              | send checksum byte      | MR3 |
   |     |          | 3 recd "u"              |                         | MR0 |
   |     |          | 4 recd char of name     | send ACK                | MR2 |
   |     |          | 5 no char in 1 second   |                         | MR0 |
   | MR3 | WaitOkCk | 1 recd ACK within 1 sec | report recd filename ok | exit|
   |     |          | 2 recd "u" or other char|                         | MR0 |

    SUB  is the ASCII character ^Z or 1AH.  The checksum is the unsigned low
    order eight bits of the sum of the characters in the transferred filename
    including the SUB.

    Although  one second timeouts are used successfully by Fido and  SEAdog,
    some fear that this is too small a timeout for some satellite and packet
    network links.

    Note 1 - MS0.3 is a common addition to accommodate a common noncompliance.
             Support of MS0.3 is optional for a compliant mailer.  This hack
             also requires modification of a number of state tables, see

 H. Physical Layer : the Actual Connection of Two FidoNet Systems

    Will  one of the more hardware-oriented comm types give me some idea  of
    what's needed here?  Can we leave it open enough to allow implementation
    over a non-dial net?  Thanks.

 I. Revisions since FTS-0001

    89 Oct 25 (rev 13)
      o packet header: optional serialNo, password, and orig/dest zone
      o stored message to/from zone/point info added as option per
        Fido-12 and Dutchie
      o XR1 and XR2 changes per FSC-0011
      o reference to FSC-0011 for the MODEM7-avoidance hack, MS0.3
      o dropped enumeration of product codes
      o S4 modification from FSC-0011
      o Nodelist and EID reference appropriate documents
      o various cosmetics
    90 July 1-5 (rev 14)
      o spelling errors caught by Ray Gardner
      o references to the now dead IFNA elided
      o offset at end of Packed Message was 10 as opposed to 20 bytes
      o Packed Message and Packet Header corrections by Roland Gautschi
      o Offsets in TeLink header caught by Rick Moore
    90 August 30 (rev 15)
      o corrected offsets in packet header
    95 September 30 (rev 16)
      o TOPT corrected
      o contact info changed

 J. Acknowledgements

    Ben  Baker,  Thom  Henderson,  Tom  Jennings,  Ken Kaplan, and  Gee Wong
    suggested, informed,  reviewed, and  encouraged.   Tom  and Thom gave me
    all the basics, and even allowed me to look at actual code.  Bob Hartman 
    was  foolish  enough  to implement  the  specification, and was generous
    with useful feedback.  Ray  Gardner caught  my  spelling errors ,
    and Roland Gautschi and Rick Moore found offset and length errors.

    My employer, Pacific Systems Group was kind enough to donate my time to
    research and to write this document.

    Fido and FidoNet are registered trademarks of Tom Jennings.

    SEAdog is a trademark of System Enhancement Associates.

 K. Bibliography

    Documentation  for the protocols  and data formats are scattered.   Some
    are  unattributed, some even untitled.

    Anonymous, changes to MODEM to implement CRC option  XMDM-CRC.TXT

    Baker, Ken and Moore, Rick, Nodelist Definition, currently FTS-0005

    Christensen, Ward, "MODEM Protocol Overview" of 1 January 82  XMODEM.TXT

    Hartman, Bob, "Some thoughts that I had on FSC001", FSC-0011

    Henderson, Thom, "SEAdog Electronic Mail System Version 3" of April 86

    International  Standards Organization,  "Data Processing - Open  Systems
    Interconnection - Basic Reference Model"  ISO/DIS 7498  April 82

    Jennings,   Tom,  "FidoNet  Electronic  Mail  Protocol"  8  February  85

    Jennings,   Tom,  "Fido's  Internal  Structures"  of  13  September  85

    Jennings, Tom, "Extending XMODEM/MODEM File Transfer Protocol to support
    DOS" 20 September 83   FILEXFER.DOC

    Jordan, Larry, "XMODEM File Transfer Protocol"  XMDM-LJ.TXT

    Rudin,   H   and   West,  C,  "Protocol  Specification,   Testing,   and
    Verification,  III" Proceedings of  the IFIP WG 6.1 Third  International
    Workshop   on   Protocol  Specification,  Testing,   and   Verification,
    Rueschlikon Switzerland 31 May - 2 June 1983.

    Tanenbaum, Andrew, "Computer Networks" Prentice Hall 1981

    Messages generated by Fido 11w, SEAdog 3.8, and QMail 1.01
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