<HTML> <!-- $Id$ --> <HEAD> <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO 8859-1"> <META http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"> <META name="author" lang="en" content="Michiel Broek"> <META name="copyright" lang="en" content="Copyright Michiel Broek"> <META name="description" lang="en" content="MBSE BBS Manual"> <META name="keywords" lang="en" content="MBSE BBS, MBSE, BBS, manual, fido, fidonet, gateway, tosser, mail, tic, mailer"> <TITLE>MBSE BBS Menus - Message Area Menus.</TITLE> <LINK rel=stylesheet HREF="../manual.css"> </HEAD> <BODY> <BLOCKQUOTE> <DIV align=right><h5>Last update 20-Feb-2003</h5></DIV> <DIV align=center><h1>MBSE BBS Message Area Menus</h1></DIV> <hr> <OL> <LI value="201"><strong>Select another area:</strong> This option will show a list of all available areas and let the user select a new area. If there is optional data the area will be selected without user intervention.<br> <strong>Optional data:</strong> If there is an option the area is direct selected. Current options are <strong>M+</strong> goto the next available area. <strong>M-</strong> goto the previous available area. If you use the <strong>U+</strong> and <strong>U-</strong> instead, the area is changed to the previous or next area with unread messages, areas without unread messages are skipped.<br> Another option is the <strong>N</strong>, if this is used for area select the areas with new unread mail are marked with a yellow star. <P> <LI value="202"><strong>Post a Message:</strong> This option lets the user post a new message.<br> <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br> <P> <LI value="203"><strong>Read Messages:</strong> This option lets the user read messages. If he has done that before in that area he will be suggested to start after the message he has last read. During reading of messages the user can reply to other messages.<br> <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br> <P> <LI value="204"><strong>Check for Mail:</strong> Check for new arrived mail.<br> <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br> <P> <LI value="205"><strong>Quickscan Messages:</strong> Make a quick overview list of all messages in that area.<br> <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br> <P> <LI value="206"><strong>Delete a Message:</strong> This option will let the user delete a specific message. He must the the owner of that message or have sysop rights in that area to be able to delete a message.<br> <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br> <P> <LI value="207"><strong>Mail Status:</strong> This gives a complete overview of all available mail at the bbs.<br> <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br> <P> <LI value="208"><strong>OLR: Tag Area:</strong> This option lets the user tag one or more areas to be included in his offline mail packet.<br> <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br> <P> <LI value="209"><strong>OLR: Untag Area:</strong> This option lets the user untag one or more areas not to be included in his offline mail packet.<br> <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br> <P> <LI value="210"><strong>OLR: View Tags:</strong> This option lets the user view which areas will be included in his offline mail packet.<br> <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br> <P> <LI value="211"><strong>OLR: Restrict Date:</strong> Not yet implemented.<br> <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br> <P> <LI value="212"><strong>OLR: Upload Mail:</strong> Let the user upload mail or a new offline reader setup. The packet format is automatic detected. Currently BlueWave is supported. QWK support will be added later.<br> <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br> <P> <LI value="213"><strong>OLR: Download BlueWave:</strong> Download mail in BlueWave version 2 format.<br> <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br> <P> <LI value="214"><strong>OLR: Download QWK:</strong> Download mail in QWK format.<br> <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br> <P> <LI value="215"><strong>OLR: Download ASCII:</strong> Download mail in flat ASCII format. Not yet implemented.<br> <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br> <P> <LI value="216"><strong>Read Email</strong> Read users private email.<br> <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br> <P> <LI value="217"><strong>Write Email</strong> Post an email message.<br> <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br> <P> <LI value="218"><strong>Trash Email</strong> Put email in the trashcan. Not Yet implemented.<br> <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br> <P> <LI value="219"><strong>Choose Mailbox</strong> Choose another private mailbox. Valid boxes are: mailbox (normal in/out), archive and trash.<br> <strong>Optional data:</strong> If there is an option the area is direct selected. Current options are <strong>M+</strong> goto the next mailbox. <strong>M-</strong> goto the previous mailbox.<br> <P> <LI value="220"><strong>Quickscan Email</strong> Make a quick overview list of all messages in the selected e-mail area.<br> <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br> <P> <LI value="221"><strong>Show area rules</strong> Show the rules of a echomail area if such rulefile is present in the rules directory. The file seached for needs to have a name that is the same as the area tag, or the area tag plus .rul, or the first eight characters of the area tag plus .rul like the rulefiles in the elist package.<br> <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br> <P> </OL> <HR> <A HREF="../"><IMG SRC="../images/b_arrow.gif" ALT="Index" BORDER=0></A> <A HREF="../">Main Index</A> <A HREF="./"><IMG SRC="../images/larrow.gif" ALT="Back" BORDER=0></A> <A HREF="./">Menus Index</A> </BLOCKQUOTE> </BODY> </HTML>