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<TITLE>MBSE BBS - Internet Gateway - Postfix setup.</TITLE>
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<div align='right'><h5>Last update 25-Aug-2001</h5></div>
<div align='center'><H1>MBSE BBS - Internet Gateway - Postfix setup.</H1></div>

Of course you need to make all these changes as root.
Add the <strong>mbmail</strong> program as service to the postfix system by
adding two lines to <strong>master.cf</strong>.
# Postfix master process configuration file.  Each line describes how
# a mailer component program should be run. The fields that make up
# each line are described below. A "-" field value requests that a
# default value be used for that field.
# Service: any name that is valid for the specified transport type
# (the next field).  With INET transports, a service is specified as
# host:port.  The host part (and colon) may be omitted. Either host
# or port may be given in symbolic form or in numeric form. Examples
# for the SMTP server:  localhost:smtp receives mail via the loopback
# interface only; 10025 receives mail on port 10025.
# Transport type: "inet" for Internet sockets, "unix" for UNIX-domain
# sockets, "fifo" for named pipes.
# Private: whether or not access is restricted to the mail system.
# Default is private service.  Internet (inet) sockets can't be private.
# Unprivileged: whether the service runs with root privileges or as
# the owner of the Postfix system (the owner name is controlled by the
# mail_owner configuration variable in the main.cf file).
# Chroot: whether or not the service runs chrooted to the mail queue
# directory (pathname is controlled by the queue_directory configuration
# variable in the main.cf file). Presently, all Postfix daemons can run
# chrooted, except for the pipe and local daemons. The files in the
# examples/chroot-setup subdirectory describe how to set up a Postfix
# chroot environment for your type of machine.
# Wakeup time: automatically wake up the named service after the
# specified number of seconds.  Specify 0 for no wakeup. Presently,
# only the local pickup and queue manager daemons need a wakeup timer.
# Max procs: the maximum number of processes that may execute this
# service simultaneously. Default is to use a globally configurable
# limit (the default_process_limit configuration parameter in main.cf).
# Command + args: the command to be executed. The command name is
# relative to the Postfix program directory (pathname is controlled by
# the program_directory configuration variable). Adding one or more
# -v options turns on verbose logging for that service; adding a -D
# option enables symbolic debugging (see the debugger_command variable
# in the main.cf configuration file).
# In order to use the "uucp" message tranport below, set up entries
# in the transport table.
# In order to use the "cyrus" message transport below, configure it
# in main.cf as the mailbox_transport.
# ==========================================================================
# service type	private	unpriv	chroot	wakeup	maxproc	command + args
# 		(yes)	(yes)	(yes)	(never)	(50)
# ==========================================================================
smtp	  inet	n	-	n	-	-	smtpd
pickup	  fifo	n	n	n	60	1	pickup
cleanup	  unix	-	-	n	-	0	cleanup
qmgr	  fifo	n	-	n	300	1	qmgr
rewrite	  unix	-	-	n	-	-	trivial-rewrite
bounce	  unix	-	-	n	-	0	bounce
defer	  unix	-	-	n	-	0	bounce
smtp	  unix	-	-	n	-	-	smtp
showq     unix	n	-	n	-	-	showq
error     unix	-	-	n	-	-	error
local	  unix	-	n	n	-	-	local
cyrus	  unix	-	n	n	-	-	pipe
    flags=R user=cyrus argv=/cyrus/bin/deliver -e -m ${extension} ${user}
uucp	  unix	-	n	n	-	-	pipe
    flags=F user=uucp argv=uux -r -n -z -a$sender - $nexthop!rmail ($recipient)
ifmail    unix  -       n       n       -       1       pipe
    flags=F user=fido argv=/usr/local/bin/ifmail -r $nexthop ($recipient)
mbmail    unix  -       n       n       -       1       pipe
    flags=F user=mbse argv=/opt/mbse/bin/mbmail ($recipient)
bsmtp     unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
    flags=F. user=foo argv=/usr/local/sbin/bsmtp -f $sender $nexthop $recipient
In <strong>main.cf</strong> change or add the line:<br>
relay_domains = $mydestination, f2802.n280.z2.fidonet.org
The fidonet address will be your fidonet address of course. If you have more
fidonet aka's, add them as well seperated with commas. 

Next you need to add <strong>mbmail</strong> to the 
<strong>transport</strong> file.
# /etc/postfix/transport
# execute "postmap /etc/postfix/transport" after changing this file
# Local destinations
seaport.mbse.nl		local:
www.mbse.nl		local:
news.mbse.nl		local:
# Fidonet mailers at this machine. Test on several strings to make sure
# it will catches everything.
z1                      mbmail:f2802.n280.z2.fidonet
.z1                     mbmail:f2802.n280.z2.fidonet
z2                      mbmail:f2802.n280.z2.fidonet
.z2                     mbmail:f2802.n280.z2.fidonet
z3                      mbmail:f2802.n280.z2.fidonet
.z3                     mbmail:f2802.n280.z2.fidonet
z4                      mbmail:f2802.n280.z2.fidonet
.z4                     mbmail:f2802.n280.z2.fidonet
z5                      mbmail:f2802.n280.z2.fidonet
.z5                     mbmail:f2802.n280.z2.fidonet
z6			mbmail:f2802.n280.z2.fidonet
.z6			mbmail:f2802.n280.z2.fidonet
fidonet			mbmail:f2802.n280.z2.fidonet
.fidonet		mbmail:f2802.n280.z2.fidonet
fidonet.org		mbmail:f2802.n280.z2.fidonet
.fidonet.org		mbmail:f2802.n280.z2.fidonet
Don't forget to run <strong>postmap /etc/postfix/transport</strong>. Now all
files are changed, run <strong>postfix reload</strong> to activate the


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