MBSE BBS System Guide v0.33.20
Last update 10-May-2002
Release Notes
MBSE BBS Reference Manual
- Running a BBS under Linux
- Which distribution to use
- Basic installation MBSE BBS
- Configuring the bbs with mbsetup
- Edit Global configuration
- Edit Fido networks
- Edit Archiver programs
- Edit Virus scanners
- Edit Modem types
- Edit TTY lines info
- Edit Fidonet nodes
- Edit BBS setup
- Edit Mail setup
- Edit File echo's setup
- Edit Newfiles groups
- Edit Newfiles reports
- Edit Filefind setup
- Edit Files database
- Edit BBS users
- Edit Services
- Edit Domains
- Edit task manager
- Show software information
- Create site documents
- Starting and Stopping the BBS
- Setup mgetty for the BBS
- Programs and utilities
- mbaff, Announce newfiles and filefind
- mball, Allfiles and newfiles list creator
- mbchat, Sysop to user chat utility
- mbcico, The Fidonet mailer ala ifcico
- mbdiff, Nodelist difference processor
- mbfido, Fidonet mail and files procesor
- mbfile, Files database maintenance program
- mbindex, Nodelist index compiler
- mblang, Language datafile compiler
- mblogin, Unix login replacement
- mbmon, The monitor program
- mbmsg, The messagebase utility program
- mbout, The mailer outbound program
- mbpasswd, The passwd wrapper
- mbsebbs, The bbs program
- mbseq, Sequence number creator
- mbsetup, The setup program
- mbstat, The bbs status change program
- mbtask, The taskmanager for the bbs system
- mbtoberep, The toberep.data lister
- mbuser, The userbase maintenance program
- mbuseradd, The useradd wrapper
- Netmail routing behaviour
- Fido to Internet Gateway
- Nodediff and Nodelist processing
- Using UPS semafore's
Other Notes