 * $Id$
 * Purpose ...............: MBSE BBS Daemon
 * Copyright (C) 1997-2003
 * Michiel Broek		FIDO:		2:280/2802
 * Beekmansbos 10
 * 1971 BV IJmuiden
 * the Netherlands
 * This file is part of MBSE BBS.
 * This BBS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
 * later version.
 * MB BBS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with MB BBS; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
 * Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include "../config.h"
#include "libs.h"
#include "../lib/structs.h"
#include "taskstat.h"
#include "taskregs.h"
#include "taskdisk.h"
#include "taskinfo.h"
#include "taskutil.h"
#include "taskchat.h"
#include "taskcomm.h"

extern int			oserr;		/* Copy of Unix error	*/
extern int			sock;		/* Server socket	*/
extern struct sockaddr_un	from;		/* From socket address	*/
extern int			fromlen;	/* From address length	*/
extern int			logtrans;	/* Log transactions	*/

 *  Logging procedures.

int userlog(char *);
int userlog(char *param)
	char		*prname, *prpid, *grade, *msg;
	static char	lfn[64], token[14];

	lfn[0] = '\0';
	strcpy(token, strtok(param, ","));
	strcpy(token, strtok(NULL, ","));
	sprintf(lfn, "%s/log/%s", getenv("MBSE_ROOT"), token);
	prname = strtok(NULL, ",");
	prpid  = strtok(NULL, ",");
	grade  = strtok(NULL, ",");
	msg    = strtok(NULL, "\0");
	msg[strlen(msg) -1] = '\0';
	return ulog(lfn, grade, prname, prpid, msg);

 * Process command received from the client.
char *exe_cmd(char *);
char *exe_cmd(char *in)
    static char	obuf[SS_BUFSIZE];
    static char	ibuf[SS_BUFSIZE];
    static char	cmd[4];
    static char	token[SS_BUFSIZE];
    static char	ebuf[19];
    static char	*cnt, var1[16];
    int		result;

    strcpy(ibuf, in);
    strncpy(cmd, ibuf, 4);
    token[0] = '\0';
    strcpy(ebuf, "200:1,Syntax error;");

     * Split the commandline after the colon so we can give the
     * options directly to the actual functions. Also set a default
     * and most used answer.
    strcpy(token, &ibuf[5]);
    strcpy(obuf, "100:0;");

     * The A(counting) commands.
     *  AINI:5,pid,tty,user,program,city;
     *  100:0;
     *  200:1,Syntax Error;
    if (strncmp(cmd, "AINI", 4) == 0) {
	if (reg_newcon(token) != -1)
	    return obuf;
	else {
	    return ebuf;

     *  ACLO:1,pid;
     *  107:0;
     *  200:1,Syntax Error;
    if (strncmp(cmd ,"ACLO", 4) == 0) {
	if (reg_closecon(token) == 0) {
	    strcpy(obuf, "107:0;");
	    return obuf;
	} else {
	    return ebuf;

     *  ADOI:2,pid,doing;
     *  100:0;
     *  200:1,Syntax Error;
    if (strncmp(cmd, "ADOI", 4) == 0) {
	if (reg_doing(token) == 0)
	    return obuf;
	else {
	    return ebuf;

     *  ATCP:1,pid;
     *  100:0;
     *  200:1,Syntax Error;
    if (strncmp(cmd, "ATCP", 4) == 0) {
	if (reg_ip(token) == 0)
	    return obuf;
	else {
	    return ebuf;

     *  ATTY:2,pid,tty;
     *  100:0;
     *  200:1,Syntax Error;
    if (strncmp(cmd, "ATTY", 4) == 0) {
	if (reg_tty(token) == 0)
	    return obuf;
	else {
	    return ebuf;

     *  ALOG:5,file,program,pid,grade,text;
     *  100:0;
     *  201:1,errno;
    if (strncmp(cmd, "ALOG", 4) == 0) {
	if (userlog(token) != 0) 
	    sprintf(obuf, "201:1,%d;", oserr);
	return obuf;

     *  AUSR:3,pid,user,city;
     *  100:0;
     *  200:1,Syntax Error;
    if (strncmp(cmd, "AUSR", 4) == 0) {
	if (reg_user(token) == 0) 
	    return obuf;
	else {
	    return ebuf;

     *  ADIS:2,pid,flag; (set Do Not Disturb).
     *  100:0;
     *  200:1,Syntax Error;
    if (strncmp(cmd, "ADIS", 4) == 0) {
	if (reg_silent(token) == 0)
	    return obuf;
	else {
	    return ebuf;

     *  ATIM:2,pid,seconds;
     *  100:0;
     *  200:1,Syntax Error;
    if (strncmp(cmd, "ATIM", 4) == 0) {
	if (reg_timer(TRUE, token) == 0)
	    return obuf;
	else {
	    return ebuf;

     *  ADEF:1,pid;
     *  100:0;
    if (strncmp(cmd, "ADEF", 4) == 0) {
	if (reg_timer(FALSE, token) == 0)
	    return obuf;
	else {
	    return ebuf;

     *  Check for personal message
     *  CIPM:1,pid;  (Is personal message present)
     *  100:2,fromname,message;
     *  100:0;
    if (strncmp(cmd, "CIPM", 4) == 0) {
	return reg_ipm(token);

     * CSPM:3,fromuser,touser,text; (Send personal message).
     * 100:1,n;  n: 1=donotdisturb 2=buffer full 3=error
     * 100:0;
    if (strncmp(cmd, "CSPM", 4) == 0) {
	if ((result = reg_spm(token)))
	    sprintf(obuf, "100:1,%d;", result);
	return obuf;

     * CSYS:2,pid,1;    Sysop available for chat (from mbmon)
     * CSYS:2,pid,0;    Sysop goes away (from mbmon)
     * 100:0;		Allways Ok.
    if (strncmp(cmd, "CSYS", 4) == 0) {
	return obuf;

     * CPAG:2,pid,reason;   Page sysop for a chat
     * 100:1,n;		    1=busy, 2=sysop not available, 3=error
     * 100:0;		    Ok
    if (strncmp(cmd, "CPAG", 4) == 0) {
	if ((result = reg_page(token))) {
	    sprintf(obuf, "100:1,%d;", result);
	    Syslog('+', "%s", obuf);
	return obuf;

     * CCAN:1,pid;	    Cancel sysop page
     * 100:0;		    Always Ok
    if (strncmp(cmd, "CCAN", 4) == 0) {
	return obuf;

     * Check for sysop page (from mbmon)
     * CCKP:0;
     * 100:3,pid,1,reason;  Page is active
     * 100:3,pid,0,reason;  Page is canceled, but user still online
     * 100:0;		    No page active
    if (strncmp(cmd, "CCKP", 4) == 0) {
	return reg_checkpage(token);

     * Check for sysop in chatmode for forced sysop chat
     * CISC:1,pid;
     * 100:1,1;		    Yes (and drop into chatmode)
     * 100:1,0;		    No
    if (strncmp(cmd, "CISC", 4) == 0) {
	return chat_checksysop(token);

     * Connect to chatserver
     * CCON:3,pid,username,n;	Connect to chatserver with username, n=1 user is the sysop
     * 100:1,error;		If error
     * 100:0;			Ok
    if (strncmp(cmd, "CCON", 4) == 0) {
	return chat_connect(token);
     * Close chat session
     * CCLO:1,pid;	    Leave chatserver
     * 100:1,error;	    Error
     * 100:0;		    Ok
    if (strncmp(cmd, "CCLO", 4) == 0) {
	return chat_close(token);

     * Put message on server
     * CPUT:2,pid,message;  Put message on server
     * 100:2,0,error;	    Error, not fatal and continue chat
     * 100:2,1,error;	    Error, fatal and disconnect
     * 100:0;		    Ok
    if (strncmp(cmd, "CPUT", 4) == 0) {
	return chat_put(token);

     * Get message from server
     * CGET:1,pid;	    Get message from server
     * 100:2,0,message;	    If message present
     * 100:2,1,error;	    Error and disconnect
     * 100:0;		    No message
    if (strncmp(cmd, "CGET", 4) == 0) {
	return chat_get(token);

     * The G(lobal) commands.
     *  GNOP:1,pid;
     *  100:0;
    if (strncmp(cmd ,"GNOP", 4) == 0) {
	return obuf;

     *  GPNG:n,data;
     *  100:n,data;
    if (strncmp(cmd, "GPNG", 4) == 0) {
	sprintf(obuf, "100:%s", token);
	return obuf;

     *  GVER:0;
     *  100:1,Version ...;
    if (strncmp(cmd, "GVER", 4) == 0) {
	sprintf(obuf, "100:1,Version %s;", VERSION);
	return obuf;

     *  GSTA:0;
     *  100:19,start,laststart,daily,startups,clients,tot_clients,tot_peak,tot_syntax,tot_comerr,
     *         today_clients,today_peak,today_syntax,today_comerr,!BBSopen,ZMH,internet,Processing,Load,sequence;
     *  201:1,16;
    if (strncmp(cmd, "GSTA", 4) == 0) {
	return stat_status();

     *  GMON:1,n;  n=1 First time
     *  100:7,pid,tty,user,program,city,isdoing,starttime;
     *  100:0;
    if (strncmp(cmd, "GMON", 4) == 0) {
	cnt = strtok(token, ",");
	strcpy(var1, strtok(NULL, ";"));
	return get_reginfo(atoi(var1));

     *  GDST:0;
     *  100:n,data1,..,data10;
    if (strncmp(cmd, "GDST", 4) == 0) {
	return get_diskstat();

     *  GSYS:0;
     *  100:7,calls,pots_calls,isdn_calls,network_calls,local_calls,startdate,last_caller;
     *  201:1,16;
    if (strncmp(cmd, "GSYS", 4) == 0) {
	return get_sysinfo();

     *  GLCC:0;
     *  100:1,n;
    if (strncmp(cmd, "GLCC", 4) == 0) {
	return get_lastcallercount();

     *  GLCR:1,recno;
     *  100:9,user,location,level,device,time,mins,calls,speed,actions;
     *  201:1,16;
    if (strncmp(cmd, "GLCR", 4) == 0) {
        cnt = strtok(token, ",");
        strcpy(var1, strtok(NULL, ";"));
	return get_lastcallerrec(atoi(var1));

     * The (S)tatus commands.
     *  SBBS:0;
     *  100:2,n,status message;
    if (strncmp(cmd, "SBBS", 4) == 0) {
	switch(stat_bbs_stat()) {
	    case 0: sprintf(obuf, "100:2,0,The system is open for use;");
	    case 1: sprintf(obuf, "100:2,1,The system is closed right now!;");
	    case 2: sprintf(obuf, "100:2,2,The system is closed for Zone Mail Hour!;");
	return obuf;

     *  SOPE:0;
     *  100:0;
    if (strncmp(cmd, "SOPE", 4) == 0) {
	return obuf;

     *  SCLO:1,message;
     *  100:0;
    if (strncmp(cmd, "SCLO", 4) == 0) {
	return obuf;

     *  SFRE:0;
     *  100:1,Running utilities: n  Active users: n;
     *  100:0;
     *  201:1,16;
    if (strncmp(cmd, "SFRE", 4) == 0) {
	return reg_fre();

     *  SSEQ:0;
     *  100:1,number;
     *  200:1,16;
    if (strncmp(cmd, "SSEQ", 4) == 0) {
	return getseq();

     *  SEST:1,semafore;   Get status of semafore
     *  100:1,n;           1 = set, 0 = not set
     *  200:1,16;
    if (strncmp(cmd, "SEST", 4) == 0) {
	return sem_status(token);

     *  SECR:1,semafore;   Set semafore
     *  100:0;
     *  200:1,16;
    if (strncmp(cmd, "SECR", 4) == 0) {
	return sem_create(token);

     *  SERM:1,semafore;   Remove semafore
     *  100:0;
     *  200:1,16;
    if (strncmp(cmd, "SERM", 4) == 0) {
	return sem_remove(token);

     * If we got this far, there must be an error.
    Syslog('!', "Comm systax error: \"%s:%s\"", cmd, printable(token, 0));
    return ebuf;

void do_cmd(char *cmd)
    char    buf[SS_BUFSIZE];
    int	    slen, tries = 0;

    if (logtrans)
	Syslog('-', "< %s", cmd);
    sprintf(buf, "%s", exe_cmd(cmd));
    if (logtrans)
	Syslog('-', "> %s", buf);

    for (;;) {
	slen = sendto(sock, buf, strlen(buf), 0, &from, fromlen);
	if (slen == -1)
	    Syslog('?', "$do_cmd(): sendto error %d %s", tries, from.sun_path);
	else if (slen != strlen(buf))
	    Syslog('?', "do_cmd(): send %d of %d bytes, try=%d", slen, strlen(buf), tries);
	if (tries == 3)