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Revision: 1 Title: Integration of IP-Nodes in the nodelist (FTS-0005) Author: Lothar Behet, 2:2446/301 Revision Date: 25 October 1998 Expiry Date: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents: 1. Required fields according to FTS-0005, basic flags for ip-nodes 2. Optional extensions 3. Addendum ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Description of the nodelist format -------------------------------------- Every node entry contains the following 8 fields: keyword,node_number,node_name,location,sysop_name, phone_number,baud_rate,flags Certain fields have defined values according to FTS-0005. 1.1. Implementation for IP-connectivity Because of the limited characterset in the phone_field and to avoid any misinterpretion by conventional dialing, the ip-specific address-information is entered in another field and there are additional flags required. 1.1.1. Field #1 (keyword) is PVT for an ip-only node without conventional phone number related connectivity. In this case, the phone field contains "-Unpublished-" according to FTS-0005. 1.1.2. Field #2 (node_number) contains the node number within his net and zone. 1.1.3. Field #3 (node_name) is used for the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) or the ip-address. 1.1.4. Field #4 (location) contains the geographical location of the node. While some nets/regions cannot supply their ip-only nodes with a adequate link, these nodes may be collected in a seperate net or region, until their original net/region support additional ip-connectivity. This special net/region is definitely a temporary solution for routing within a region or zone! 1.1.5. Field #5 (sysop_name) represants the name of the system operator. 1.1.6. Field #6 (phone_number) contains the phone_number for conventional connectivity. In case of an ip-only node it must contain "-Unpublished-". 1.1.7. Field #7 (baud_rate) contains the maximum baud rate for conventional connectivity or 300 in case of an ip_only node. 1.1.8. Field #8 (flags) represents operational definitions for the node. Note that these are user flags. The ip-flags consist of two parts: A basic transport and an optional non-standard port, seperated by a colon. The default port may be omitted, but is listed as optional parameter in this document. In some cases, two flag names are mentioned: The second one is supported by some software nowadays, but these values may conflict with other programs, which not completely decode the length of each individual flag (i.e. TELN conflicts with the T-flag for online-time) Additional flags for ip-nodes are: IBN[:24554] (Argus: BND[:24554]) BinkP protocol IFC[:60179] Raw protocol as used by ifcico ITN[:23] (Argus: TEL[:23]) Telnet protocol. Some variants of ifcico support Telnet on port 60177, which should be added as additional flag ITN:60177. IVM[:3141] Vmodem protocol IP General flag for special protocol specifications, if the flags conforming to to are not relevant. 1.1.9. Comments on the proposed nodelist flags The additional flagnames in () are supported at this moment by Argus, based on the use in z2r50. But the TEL[NET]-flag stays in conflict with the generally in all zones and regions used T-flag (online time according to FSC-0062). 2. Optional extensions for future use -------------------------------------- While the above mentioned flags ( to define a minimum set of operational flags for ip-nodes, several additions are already foreseeable at this moment. 2.1. Additional sessions_handshake parameters There is at least one program, which supports several transport protocols according to chapter 1.1.8. on a single port. If other programs should imitate this habit, then the following extension to the flag suite 1.1.8. (transport[:port[:handshake]])is advised: 2.1.1. FTS-0001 session handshake: 1 2.1.2. Yoohoo session handshake : Y 2.1.3. EMSI sessions handshake : E 2.1.4. BinkP sessions handshake : B 2.2. Non-handshaking protocols While the definitions until this chapter describe direct handshaking sessions with optional password authentification, there are several other methods for the tunneling of fidonet data via the internet available. The setup of these connections does not rely on the nodelist (at this moment of writing), but we can think of standard setup procedures to use the nodelist for configuration of this additional transport methods. Therefore the following flags 2.2.1. to 2.2.4. are advised for at least informational purpose. 2.2.1. IFT FTP (File Transfer Protocol) 2.2.2. ITX TransX, an Email based variant 2.2.3. IUC Uuencoded packet (one packet per message) 2.2.4. IEM Email based (generally, without exact specification at this moment) 3. Addendum ------------ This proposal is based on a maximum compatibility to generally used definitions and standards within the Fidonet community. Future developments might make additions necessary, if they can not be expressed with the existing set of flags as defined by this FSP. </PRE> <A HREF="index.html"><IMG SRC="../images/b_arrow.png" ALT="Back" Border="0">Go Back</A> </BODY> </HTML>