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In order to run mbfile you must have started <strong>mbsed</strong>, this is the deamon which controls all bbs activities. <P> The main purpose of <strong>mbfile</strong> to do automatic maintenance on the downloadable files on the bbs, such as removing or moving old files, checking the database and packing the database. The best way to do the maintenance is to run <strong>mbfile</strong> from the crontab. example: <P><pre> 30 05 * * * export MBSE_ROOT=/opt/mbse; /opt/mbse/bin/mbfile kill pack check index -quiet </pre> Other functions in <b>mbfile</b> are meant to do manual maintenance such as adding, deleting or moving files. <P> <P> <H3>Environment.</H3> <P> In order to run the bbs you need to set one global environment variable <strong>$MBSE_ROOT</strong> This variable must point to the root of the bbs directoy structure. The main configuration file <strong>config.data</strong> must exist in the subdirectory ~/etc. <P> <P> <H3>Commands.</H3> <P> <code><strong>mbfile</strong> adopt <area> <file> [description]</code> Adopt a file to the filebase. The description is optional, but if present it should be enclosed in quotes. The optional description may be 255 characters. Default mbfile will try to use the FILE_ID.DIZ if this is present. The file to adopt needs to be in your current directory and will be copied to the new area. If you have virus scanners defined, the file will be checked for virusses. <P> <code><strong>mbfile</strong> check</code> Check the database integrity. All files in the filedatabase must exist on disk and all files on disk must exist in the filedatabase. There are some exceptions, files.bbs, files.bak, 00index, index*.html, header, readme and files that start with a dot. Of all files the date and time is checked, the size and the crc value of the file. If there is something wrong, the error is corrected or the file is removed. If the area is a CD-rom area, the check that files on disk must exist in the filedatabase is skipped. <P> <code><strong>mbfile</strong> delete <area> <file></code> Mark a file in an area for later deletion. The file is not removed until you run <strong>mbfile pack</strong>. <P> <code><strong>mbfile</strong> import <area></code> Import files to the given area using files.bbs descriptions. There are two possibilities, import from CD-rom or just from a temporary directory. <UL> <LI>Import from a temporary directory: Put the files to import there including the files.bbs file. <LI>Import from CD-rom: Go into the directory on the CD where the files are. If the files.bbs is not in the same directory, you must enter the full filename and path where the files.bbs is with <b>mbsetup</b> 8.4.area.6. </UL> To start the import, type <code>mbfile import area</code> where area is the number of the destination filearea. The files are not checked for FILE_ID.DIZ inside the archives. If you have virus scanners defined, the files are checked for virusses before they are added the the bbs. If you don't want these fresh files to be announced, add the <code>-announce</code> option on the commandline. This may be a good idea if you migrate from another bbs system. <P> <code><strong>mbfile</strong> index</code> Create fast filerequest index for the <strong>mbcico</strong> filerequest processor. In each directory with the downloadable files is also a <strong>files.bbs</strong> file written in msdos cr/lf format. This includes a download counter. Also, if defined, in each available download area for ftp/http, index files are created, starting at the ftp pub directory. If the area contains gif or jpg images, thumbnails are created using the <b>convert</b> program if you have that installed. The thumbnails have the same filenames as the original images, only they start with a dot. The convert command is defined with <b>mbsetup</b> menu 1.19.8, if you don't have it or don't want thumbnails, make that entry empty. <P> <code><strong>mbfile</strong> kill</code> Mark files to delete or move files in areas that have the <strong>download age</strong> set or the <strong>filedate age</strong> set. A setting of 0 is ignored. Areas on CD-rom are always skipped. If the Move to Area option is set the files are moved to the given area. The upload date and download date are reset to the current date and time. So if you set in the destination area aging of 14 days, files will stay there for 14 days after the move. This is good for automatic "last chance" areas. <P> <code><strong>mbfile</strong> list [area]</code> List all defined file areas, the number of files, the total size of the files and the primary group. If and area is given on the commandline, the files in that area are listed. <P> <code><strong>mbfile</strong> move <from> <to> <file></code> This command will move a file from one area to another. No actions on the file are performed. <P> <code><strong>mbfile</strong> pack</code> This command will actualy remove the records of files that are marked for deletion. If the file is still on disk, it will be removed also. So when you delete files with mbsetup or with mbfile, they are still in your database and on disk until you run <strong>mbfile pack</strong>. <P> <code><strong>mbfile</strong> sort <area></code> Sort the files in area on the long filenames. The sort is case insensitive. When the sort is completed, the command <strong>mbfile index</strong> will automatic run to rebuild all indexes. <P> <code><strong>mbfile</strong> undelete <area> <file></code> Mark a file that is marked for deletion to be available again, ie. undo the deletion mark. <P> <P> <H3>Options.</H3> <P> <code><strong>mbfile</strong> [command] -quiet</code> Quiet mode, no screen output. Use this switch if you run <strong>mbfile</strong> from the crontab. <P> <code><strong>mbfile</strong> [command] -announce</code> Announce mode, use this switch with the adopt and import commands to prevent that the added file(s) will be announced. This can be usefull if you add lots of files that you don't want to announce these as new files. <P> <A HREF="index.htm"><IMG SRC="../images/larrow.png" ALT="Index" Border="0">Back to index</A> <A HREF="../index.htm"><IMG SRC="../images/b_arrow.png" ALT="Main" Border="0">Back to Main index</A> </BLOCKQUOTE> </BODY> </HTML>